Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 16, 1889, Image 4

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Hlx iiifintlii by mall
Tlirte HirwitliH ly tiinll -
Per week, iplcrtl by aimer.. -
. 1 S'i
. 15
Oncjoirby mull ..-.....
HIX IMCIIlllll lljr lllllll - . ;
line ir.lf I i.i I it it wltiincc - l Ki
Hix iikuiIIik, If iill In nliincc.
-!1 m
I'or niUi rtlslng rnl n iip)lyntthliH)lllf.
who da not tcnr tholr iipcr nguliirly
will notify .llils olll(-,KMii!,'ililic",Mii
tbo inntlir will bomumbil lout one.
Ofllu', corner (,'oitit iiml Llbeily Hlicil.
iu:iiims;i:noi:s ok ihi.
- r . T .... i .
on the limt Iiois-im and marched to
thuiwday -MAY '" '
State W. C.T. IJ. u mutton.
TlmMJViMitli minimi convention of
tlioW. O.T. U. orOu-3011 convent
in thin city tliius iliiy next wol,
banning WfiltM .iy. 'i'lio Htiil
oxecm'vo wniiiiiiii nu'ir ill
thouniutil , H ..vi!l.t,U WO In
the ii'icrnooii mnl ":.", 1 lii ll'f even
In:;. '"Iiooiivi'iilloii wll win,-i ol
foiir geneicl (') ' ""lrict pit 1
ilunli who 11 o ; "lenn for
tho ci le; cji'iuy !'r'!' en", who
BrovIct-iu .h'oii- fin; lin- il'hli'cn;
0110 deleft ' iionif eh oriiiiicd
county; sl.to miieiiit Miilem ordi
Iiartmuiits; 0110 ihilc ,ul for even
twenty JiiomhuiMor cch loci union;
ono forftfrucllofi over 11, mid one
for tho or$Wiil'on.
It In uxiiecf! Hi it
WIIIlo llock, nn KIPicii.Yfiir-rtlil f.ilrin
Vmj, Aiiililcnlj JJlnpiirnr.
A most mysterious occurrence hn
Just come to light In l'ie city mid i
causing coiisIde'ftlkkMiiixIfty.
Monday mornjiigvryic Dock,
b iy eleven year old, n Hoiftfc(i'onrgo
liock (a German who Is uoikMigut
Strong'H citauriitit us nl.','htcook
anil lives in South BjIciiij went to
schoolitsusii.il. J3ut It seems that
,,' the left, up the creek, alining to
strike the Indians in tlieir reircu.
'They weicnn rti'-covered hy tli
.Iml'i! Slum CoiithiTen llln mrir
I of i:nrblfninn Wnrs.
if.. ..,.... .miI...... xr7iiii' I "t.UuI .Trmrnil.)
(V lill"'ll'IVIIl. I..1, .,.-..
1 Oureonmi.iil w.)4 tipat an early r"i hkiiis wno mane in 'irc-rir -v
hour tho nt-yr 111 r.iin;,', mid, alter lUiinln.;. !ni not until Ui -y h.id h.id
ookin-r a lmsty hio.ikl'a"t, wo iirloc.i'iol'lvJ.icplii'eil. Attcr
mounted our hordes and marched as J this (ilm-e our whole force wj cal'ed
fsta wo could to th? front, hoping 1 InandAVo wont lifto ejnin-for the
night, with onhone c.ibiuilty du
ring thcVJutlle .And that wi's the
iid!ii3,or.uliii theSpinUid, as
and o.ifcllngtoinoet the Inillans
at some cliotcn battle ground at
tkini.ini4 t it'niiifiii tr rrlintfl
unjr iiiuiiiuiii. ..v. ....-".. . b - : ' .
.. . .,...,.... . 1 ..cniiil kftii our nlckot "turd well to! he was c.tl led JIo w.i. vounueii on
uui.,,ynm.ocop:,M ... ,, bj ,t us nested , tho hip in one of our cha.gos. Ho
II IH w uil lie 11 1 ivnii'ii ui wiiuih " , ,' f c 1 ,.f
Monday morning lie lecher tent every few moments. We marched w,s a m.jjW of .on, '
,., .. u i. as fust as our 4iors.es could bo forcedolk couny. e hole Iilvouacl.eil
m '.,",. "I;", '..i !.,..., I aloiiv. mnl n-out noon to icachul I for tho nlht with almost nothing
by his iMieiits to woik. Noon c.imo! the lil.ico where our scouts had tho
with Hie iniliaiH on
Teas. 1 Teas.
ih conv -ii-
ilnii will mi ifViili moic lb in i 11
Intarcst, rstliVs.lum I dl me
nnklngo.-.iriislvoNriVii ii-uu'ii f'.r
ontcrlalmnent, and 11 ,f d-'legi'-llon
is i"cpec el. 'I'liii 11 iiniil 11 I
die-sof lheiieilileul w i' '.! p"i''e
tbo oveiilli , of Hid ' I. M . ' '"-cls-u
Ivi noy oi'A-irn vdl dfi U'i
an addn'-s thcoveuiii ol'llie . i.
On thoovonlnJ'oniid,.".tli w I bj
conducted tho uvular nn el'ii ? of
tho young women's 1 ssni'lulioii.
To.Moirnvi .N ,li.' riiii.iiii.
For the out TUluini'iit to be given
n( tho Coii'jii'ntloilil iliurcli bj
the Oolden ui'o 'mission rjicle:
instrumental duet. .Mls I'mll.t
'Knight nndj'iona lilor.
Infant eiss lecilatlon.
by Ills pj
and the boy failed to leiiiin to
scho l or come homo for his dinner.
Nlaht ciine and tho fc.ichor, having
notiivd that ho had failtd lo return
during the day, conclude 1 that Ills
parents had decided lo keep him at
home entirely. And as the boy bad
frequent'., befoie bU;cd out 1..1 1
tho p.iri'iiis illil nol "et'
oislni'ss owr bis ft' tine I j
the day befoie, but found the In
dians line! retreated on up tbo val
ley. "Wo moved on cautiously until
about night, and came to a large
spiing on tho bill, just eat of where
the Deschutes bildge, at tho mouth
of Tye valley now is, .nil struck
ny .n-ieamp, and immediately put our
.......1 ....I ..1 . .. . !..!.. I ..(in Mil ...lltnll
ellll'll . Bui"" iii "i"u " ;iut ijnimi "'""
'.hut ewn-
to eat buniuallvMdlled fat hoihC
and mudd our supper on it, and let
mesuy hero that itvas not a bad
meal and one that wo could well ,
relish after sueli a hard day's work
as wo had Just performed. ,
T. C. Shaw.
1 UHl
Jnitninu'iital solo, Mih
Dluliutie, Mltisct Miuy Vif
Lena liter, Clars Llteblleld,
histrjuneutal solo, Miss .Maln'l
Ada'r. I
lleaillllg, "I took nil) lo Sleep
MotberX' Mrs. Vm.,Mailln.
Adinlssloir Ten eontii; lee cream
and cake ex I in.
IiiiIkiiiciiI I'nr l'ln In 1 1 II.
Justice M. IC.tloodell (bis 11101 11
Iiigreudeied bis decision in tilt' ease
of John II. Maun s. I lie Southern
I'itclllo railway eiaripany, awarding
damages (o the amount of Jilfiu.fil) (o
plnhitlll'. Thlciise results fiom the
passenger twin dashing Into a boy
and Wtt'oiyiiu Aptil Uilh last, at a
orosMlngVSalein. Mr. Mann Is the
fal her yi W boy who was diivlug
mid Islso Vvner of the tenm. It
was cjoar bom the evidence thai the
trahi'was running at a higher rate of
sKt'd than six miles mi hour when
thu wagon wasstiuck. The inllwa
company will take an appeal In the
circuit com I, It is undeistood.
Crop. Vi in Nnir lli'llnr.
A nuinner of fanueis liom the
northwestern part 01 tbo county
have Un'ii seen b .iJm isnai, h
porter, and all iniiio In saying that
the condition of fi pn at this time
waHiiuverso thu ormg as this vear.
Wheal inmiUet ouo of the largest
yields ovoico'ifdod nom thlshiate.
Tlioru Uuiily ouo trouble featvd for
wheat'thls soa)n- If tbo wet w cith
er continues the w Inter w heat, hav
ing considerable straw, will have u
tundenoy to fall down. Tlio spring
wheat, however, l m n line condi
tion mid will imn out a l.uge yield.
All other grains mi) In a piiuporous
Tim lii'lrj (,.,.
"Over half of our exchange this
week," s.iys tho rorviillls 'rimes,
"speak ofour ' t MimuleliMleleello i,
ttUtl lliiuiab!y mlil that 'fiTvallls
Tvlll lenuui a u6v 1 urn ' W..11
sunnoi' thiie i did some recoiiiioiicing '.
Tuesday morning c.imo anil no lug and lear.icd U1..1 the enemy was , f()1.lnll,fy)n
bov. The narents then bo'ten to at no very groat (iisi:iiee 110111 u, tttln' mi
growuiieasyaiiillnstitui'-dadf jent , and expej ing us toallack them for
bem eh for tho inis.ing so.i. This they b d pieke.s well out towmds
search has been vigoioiisly pro) en-' our line and rt all the passes,
ted but up to the pie.-ent hour they j We slept buf I'.t'e this night for
have lieou unable to discover the , wc worn ex, iccliir, to bo attacked
bov or to II ml the least possible .nice 1 n.'fore moium 'j. Our ofllcors spent
of him by any of bis i-ohool mat s 01
any one.
The parents 1110 wild wi.li mid'
and any iiiroimatlou ns to .be
whereabouts of tho boy wll" gie. Ily
lellovo mid oblige them.
The father of the boy is a now
cniiicr to Salem and is an lionet
anil faltblul woikcr. lie is highly
respected by his employer and It is
sad lo have him meet Mich a dllli
cully at tills time.
The boy at tbo tiino of bis disap
peaiance was barefoolj'l and woio
common, cvciy-dny clotlies, lie is
lurue for bis age mid voiy fair
skinned. Any iufoiiualiou of the
boy will ie;'ci tbo parents by wild
ing 10 (hlsolllcc.
IjATIIU. The forms are opened to
It In a Ciii'iiinit Fact
That the body Is now inoreMisccptlblc to
bcnillt froiVi medicine tfiau nt any other
scavin. IIcnNe the lifiiiortnncc of taking
Hood's 3arcapa4U uo, 'hcn It will do
you the ino-it Kjfmlt Is really wonderful
bins; tho blood, cic-
llni; a healthy
tone to tho wholo systematise hiire to get
Hood's SaiMiparllla, which Is peculiar to
Itev. Post is ayisitor in Portland
to-day. ' s
E. K. CA)0)er of tjorvallis is in
the city toitlay.
Gen. yOdoll wont to Portland
this afternoon.
It. fWillianis dep.y'led
mm nil)'' for Portland.
..,.T. ...uu..... ....
noon trAin for Poitlani
SuiJt. Colvig of
tho niot of (he nijlit in picimrlng
for the oiijt jemout which they
espeedd to comment c at any time,
bi't wo weio pqimilicii 10 remain 111
ipiieti'll night-and at 1111 eaiiy hour
we were up and in our saddles
marcbliig to the (oni. Wo ha.il not
gone far until wo dKcoveiod (he In
dians. They weie aeios a deep
canon and uotmiore than two miles
away when first discovered. We
marched forwtud (low 11 a .sleep bill
to the liank ol 11 cieek licit puts info
the l)cchu(csjiver iusl lielow (he'
Tebridw. up.ir wbeie the imini- -Mifs 'IVcsa A ken off P01 (land
gianlsof lSlo who weie in w hat ' univeif In tho ciiyfrom Albany this
was know 11 iisilecKS cut oil, pissed
2 1
Thot. Hubbard took the
. 1
nt. Uolvig ol tlic rauroau
I commistlon parsed through the city
this mifrning on liN way to Port-
! land.
over the Deschulos river. Kvery
sovonih man vvas delatched to bold
hoisos and gdurd them, and the
aiiiioiiiico (bill (be missing boy has, balance weio Jnunedialely ordered
lii'cn found, lull lie lel'uscs to lie. siiel.l (o (lie (rout. The ground whore
t 'led irnyjoiiger under the paienlnl I tho Indians weio was so steep and
loof. 1I0 has Stalled out, he says, ' rocky that it .was thought by our
lo battle wllli this wo,kl alone, jiifti commander that wo could only
ihieiits insist on Ids i reac
oecause ins pi
attending scliityl. Ob,
school forsuch boys!
for a lefoiin
'uit .tiruuim.
Tbo ll'olU CiiiimIj
a 'i inn inn-
liiiinil .lnr.i riml n
Otlw r iiIim,
.iv ..
'"lviu ien
a laud How
ycimt lonst.
v tho 11
but WC Call bo. st of
(b milk mid honev
IJU - for another
Wo all boast ofioiui-
Albany or lid .imIu iiulb,
Aiul !n ilmul oflui, k iw,
KiVmoruor, vtc . n,,,.
icb them 01) foot. The Indians
weie posted on tho light and lelt of
die Moid; load, expecting that wo
would undcitukc to match up that
way and make, the attack, but we
were too smart (o bo caught in such
11 trap.
Our comminder camu along our
lineju'-t before,'he made the order to
maieh and made tile following little
speech. Hesijd: "Xov.1 boys, you
have been saying that you desired
to lio taken to' the hidiaiiss.) that
vou could take some scalp?. Some
of you were going to have one scalp,
some live, some ten and some twen
ty. Now we are near tho Indians
and you see tboin in fiont of you on
those hills. My command is that
you emu go nii; iiieni anil take as
many scalps as you can."
Alter this little speech ho turned
to theeaplains if our companies and
gave each one ifls station in tho at
tack (hut was about to 'lie made.
About hall wjiio to go to the
light and nttae'J a strong position
(hat (lie Indians bad taken on a
high bill among (bo locks and tho
other half weio to match to (he left
and attack another hill where you
could .see tho redskins almost as
thick as bees around a hive's mouth.
This m lack was Jo be made simulta
neously by the whole fore.
While these !Uiiingoment8 were
I eing made part of thetlme we weio
exposed to a galling lire from tboo
Indians posted on tho light, and I
must say that 5 could not help
dodging at every gllio, for although
(hey had only nUiskots, yet thoy
iota-hod ourcontinund mid throw up
the dust in our flues in such way
as to cause us to feel somewhat
chilly a sensation that almost
every soldier has fell hen ho vvas
under tiro for tho! H'"-' time. Tho
older caino at last to "forward
march," which was responded to in
double quick llmw 1th a thotit that
made the hl'N rin all around us In
Mich a manner asSo aw e and almost
inoapuo'lalonur enemies for a few
nionunts. Our way lav across n
afti'inij 111 and is visiting n( (1 eiosi-
donceofJ. VanDvne.
Mre and Airs. I. A. Manning are
(akingji few days reerealibn oer at
MeCoyi visit ing with Mis.fjiaunlng's
brother, lion. E. L. Ilalh.
llinvey I Tinkle has accepted a
posiiioij wllh Stuiger Bros.-, to fill
the-acancy caused by the lesignu
tion of 'oharles Pip.', who leayes
(ho ladern.irt oHJit! week to begin
Ills work iirthcgovorninent eniploy.
The Tin nor piobio will be held
on Saturda.vyithe Sith.
AiaiiioailVioni Tbo Dalles to
Priuevilie is beiiV agitated.
The liver c(ninues to rise at
about six itfchcb every twenty-four
Don't foTgcnltlie mayor's call
for a mass KoWb of July meeting
I lie ybrvnllis city council has
use of a $000 hook
and lander truck.
Ycsteidiiy alteriioon at Dallas tho
giand Jury hiough( in an indlct
inenl in lli6"'IIuidsloy-l,erryiimn
case, ebaigingp. P. ilcardsley with
minder in thtlhst degree, Hcaids
loy was iinufgned at onie and plead
not guilty, at the same time pi es
soining an alltilavlt asking for a
change of venue lo another county.
Judge llolse leviewed the case and
ordered that a chauo of venue be
giiinted (o Minion county, where
the ease will bo died at the next
term of cheult enuit, which con
venes (be second Monday in June.
Heaulsloy was Inuuedlalely placed
in (lie Jail at Dallas and will remain
there until June Kith, when he will
be biougbt to Salem. llumois,
however, have It that be will bo
biouglit lo Salem to-iiighl or to-
nionow and con lined in die Jail
The grand Jiuy brought in mil a
due bill against U'll'iiun P. Keir
forsh milng hNgriiudfathciMiiot her
also named Keir. Young Keir is a
cripple mid the man assaulted him,
whereiipou he shot him with a '!
eallbiv pistol.
J. P. mid Delia Mitchell, indicted
for assault with a li.n-se-wlilp on a
man named Thompson, wore found
guilty. Tho punishment will be a
heavy Hue, but at an eaily hour
this morning tlietin,o bad not boon
assessed, Sl
Young Davis, wlfo nrtirly killinl a
man named Tlndell by boating him
over (ho head with uiluu hist fall,
pleaded guilty and was tlned fliHl.
A lli.;.l!uin .NiiU.inrn.
l'ornsHiniliiHvoi iho Ci'piinl Jnuiiu l.
Tho dog poisoner Is ccitalulv neif-
lectlug his duty this year, and the
worthies canine is fast lKcouiinu
iiukuuv in Salem; And all (he
moiv so whim nuiiivly. it i, averv
common tliliijto mo ladles sten oil
the sidewalk5iuiIHio a.ouinl n .voi. ' 'l eomiueueed to climb the lilll nt I'omo and sec iN and in.t Int., ,.,,.w
gng!itlou uf (hesounluials. in fad, ,ni'" l,0hu. I'be Indians poured on s' wirly. Duncan ilt Uooth.
(hey arc every wheiv picsrfut, and I Usu llot ll,v ""iv'li was leturued 1 wrW"" MjrrhTootii Siwp wmw otr
Teas. I Teas.
Our Stocl iii this Line is
Few and Excelled liy None.
Use tae but the Best.
Equaled by
12 E ,
E E ,
We Carry None but tlie Best and
Purest Grades.
Tlieie willbo a social ilanco at die
hall, corner Chenioketojimil Com
mercial, to-nionow nrght.
Hov. Dunning of Boston arrived
in tlio city this mfirnTng from Al
bany and will driver an addicss
this evening at IhejCongiegational
Tho Hist home-grown green
peas of the season wore on sale at
Farnhy this morning. They were
giowyy- ('. II. Chapman, just
noithof (he city.
Tho new meat market in North
a ,i. 1 ,
i-"111" "jiunuu 141 yerawwiqv witii a
good supply of meai amlSiio now
leiuly to fuinlsh teir euytomeis
with all kinds of inoNuMf living
pi ices,
-Itev. William Cornell of Salem
and Mrs. C. L. Collier were married,
April 11th, at'Delawmv, Ohio. Mr.
LoriieHsiursboen twice a meniber of
the Orogonslslattiiv, mid Is a rep
ivsentatlvo man in his state. Ohio
If you want some Marlon county
dirt cheap, look at thN:
Two -JO-acio tracts live miles south
at t-Muud fr2o per acre.
1'iue f-i m of 21!1 acres on French
prairie at $;!() per aero.
Quarter blocks under now fence In
Capital park for MOO. and eitv nrmv.
deep emiy on which wo soon passed l'n '""H parts, improved or vacant.
mm hi te' Goods
They are known everywhere and their Superior Excellence
is the cause of it
Slrrlh.j Willi Si'ht,,.
It Is plrtis'ng ta, learn that (he
Chicago eMiiUHlycoiwny tiro meet,
ing Willi BlovytiivfhihUwnt Albany.
Tlu-y mu Xavliis .jrowdcl hoiisw
every nMit. .MmAior (ioldst,.!..
mui Bijjuuu-u u uuulloii of return, "wrydilug In vvorUi; onler by
instorvilouj.a-ulifataiiivily ditto lxu clock iKovonit mid lo inor
wltii un cull 0 clmiiio of iiniiniiii WW thrtM'.hahfcrfm b. m.i .v.....
by o miiio comjiuy, Fmi ,0HmS nuif w lurifSKni Salem to
IIIVUMlireil UllMII,
usually nuuoyiug everybody except "nu win by our whole Hue. We v"",i,"'",r evi-i unu ou luve u huU
(he owner. ' p, steadily inovwl on (hem mid drove! "' "' rr' u- M,ul l-U ilrnli.
"TurrriwT.7rT ,l,ul" ,r"lu M4 IUImi ancran- , !'" will Upon very fast if vto
for llwhtrvttttur llm. m (...i.. L, 1 uhv" ami IwiixiUwl in gnMtl,J; Mul HiIw Fiimir will bo
................ ..M",Vi,.!U.. '- ' wulJim f.H.t. The left rmv frlt to hi, customers, to.
win;; iv is Ji'srf a hWHVMiiil ... 11.,, gvther with as Hue and select stock
rl,ht and had Jo make a bold olmi-o ' nrneviie and provisions ns is to
ri'Jtht in frotfibo enemy, in order " "H'"a '" valley.
to mnl iluiuluii theirstrouirhold. " rvrrsj-
Someof the msii tei.i ti... n,.. 1... uir.i).
Lemon, Vanilla Orange, Chocolate, Ginger, Jelly Wafers,
Snowllake ami Cream Biscuits are the latest nov
elties manufactured in this line and sold
hy us. Ask for
Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos,
Pipes, Cigars and Cigarette Holders,
l'oeket Cutlery, Combs and Brushes,
Hasketsaml WoodemvaiF;
. Peoria Stoneware,
"'''". ' if" Toilet Soars.
mm uud
"Willi specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sets,
Frehcli China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
Of which wo constantly keep a full lin
und opou Hloclt, enabling us to make nn
Dinner nnd Tea sets of any size, or sell Yn
the single piece. Tho tlncst assortment?
Ever shown In Salem.
Ot thelatest and handsomest pattermla
oa-PliitRO call ana examine our slock.
201 Commercial Street.
Salem, Oregon, have received direct
Tbo Finest Line of
spuing wagons,,
stage coaches,
mountain wagons
skeleton wagons,
which will bo sold at
Prices and Terms to Suit ill!
These goods "aro first-class and as thelr.
stock Is very large a person can find whal
tncy may wsn. Their warehouse on avar
street Is comnletelv filled, and they have
another car load en route now. Lookout
lortuem; something lino
Only Genuine System of Memory Training
Jour Books Learned In one reading.
Mind wanderlnir cured.
Every child and adult creatlv benefiUd. B
Great Inducements to correspondence
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A.
Hammond, the world-famed Specialist In
Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenlcaf Tbomp
son, tho great Psychologist, J. M. Buculy
D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate
N. Y., Itlchnrd Proctor, thesclentlst, Hon.
V. V. Astor, Judah P. Benjaman, and
others, sent post free by
Pror. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifty Ave., NT
Je-im dw
yments n the State. Lower rates tnan
Portland. Largest stock Legal Blanks U
the State, n-d bleirest discount, neuaim
price list of Job printing, and catalocje
legal blanks. L M,"VAITE,
Steam Printer Salem Oregon.
rm o
soma rii
Ilavo moved to 47 and id State street,
where they are now ready for work, au
our old patrons and friends are invited v
call and see us in our new location.
are better prepared for work now tjn
ever having secured mure room. WMI
, n'n rmi. Mio WiviinMi ibrin I. .. .. it i. .! . z-rrrr
xtearsl :::;;ii:,,,?i,,"::,r::- -Ji "rzx sr3Ss&". "Cox
mll.v. .pKuhlw uim iAmviw . t'i 'lr licv's nim ran nway. ' x HK vfurllthU morning - V-"V.
iHiiKUUAoj'lms vvvj nf iii,.i,i ..i...., Hut wliolo ronv mot N.wiiii.fi.vrti,.., a"11 ,,H rntyiu!r n'lativi-, l.ii.-.H
& Bo
li1vf(!21iWhU,a0 lo" lK'11 uf A BultoU,y "Kr'S wIhhI for
, .y.mrmn , uevSKjjH-f Bl U.,lc,
. ,..,,.- sa -v-(fii tilt I'l I1IIN . .
mill niir iiiiiiikvsj Ti.ii.i u 1L.......n . iiiiu lU'tHtitmZi-.-v ix u ...
. i iv ; v" "v"' " "'"ih-ii, uiut " ""K i"r x ikuisw, 'ivxns.
.ucv. 41. .. it. lvoiuuim iiottluii of nioyaro Kit of Pulonmi! llllimlx
g ,
BKACKSMlTIMKfi and HflfflUM.
J Blacksmith, has removed his shop w
the corner of Commercial and Chem ,
eie streets, where he U ready to Bh"" i
ever to do all kinds of wagon andcarrix"
milking and repairing; ail kinds of blJ.
horsebhoolne business. Tie has nil "?I,
ofshoesteel.trottlng, hand made, etftjJW', ,
ma mem jn a Bcienuno muuqer. "rrrit
attention clven to the constructton of wmh
onsand carriages. ItememberUh,? p
uj'ixjsiiu tjiaie insurance uuuuiy.
llin Itl I LII iMkI Innnsst. lua
" ' "leslntheWesU
perlcnee not necessary. l"ernjnent Pp"
tlous. Good pay. Write at once. y
work NOW. uhlln It la tiu.T to sell ftBd tf
if, I
Stark Nurserlei,
610t LO01UM,
-.. "'ujjttrr)veUKToAirll!i3.