n THE CAPlTAIi.EvkLNJGS-Gr JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JOMAL THURSDAY MAY 10, 1880. Caught My a JIusic l!ox. "I never felt fco much ashamed iu my life ns I did yesterday after noon," said a member of Congress. "What is the matter?" "It wasn't anything serious; mere ly 0110 of tlifftc occurences which come iu the most inopportune man. ner to embi'rra-s a fellow. I called on a filen.i a Senator and was obliged to wait for some time. There was a decanter and a wiiio glass on the center table, and with out thinking anything of the matter I proceeded to help myself. Well, the confounded bottle was one of those April fool affairs that have a music box concealed inside. ' 'The machinery of the lox is so arranged that when it is tilted some thing or other slips its mooring and etart3 a popular melody to going. That's just Avhat happened to me. I replaced the bottle on the table while 'Pady Dufly's Cart' was trun dled through the atmosphere with diabolical distinctness. Of course, my host came in at that moment, and the smile that came over his countenance was scarcely preempti ble, yet cxccalingly cutting. Real ly there was nothing wrong in my taking a gla.3 of wine, considering jny familiar footing in the house; but it was very funny for my host." Caudal Appendage in Man. Naturalists have up to the jrc out time given little attention to " study of U.iled men. Such an r0. a has simply aroused thu curiosity of any one who In s seen a specimen, quite as a bearded woman arouses interest in a dime nniseuni. The works on this subject are very in complete, a few lines here and there scarcely throwing any light on the subject. There are few documents on thosubject, the monstrosity is seldom found, and few of the well known cases could bear a close scruuity. A number of travelers in South Africa have testified to the existence of men of the Nyams-Nyams tiibe who had tails. This may or may not be true. If such is the case, Mr. Quatrefages does not consider that the evidence to that end is very trustworthy and rather comes to the conclusion that it has not been ab solutely proved, although he believes the fact not Improbable. Mr Eck er, on the contrary, after examining the subject thinks that the testimony of explorers is credible. Although there may not bo a raco of human monkeys, it must be ad mitted that there are some cases of individuals having a caudal ap pendage. When I say "some" cases, it should be understood that Pliny and Ptolemy, and after them Marco Polo, Strup Maillet, and others, speak of this anomaly, and their citations would comprise in all not 15 or 20 cases, but from 150 to 200. The well authentic cases, how ever, arc very few iu number. A very repiarkablo case is a youug Moi, twelve years of age, who was taken to Saigon some time ago, where he was examined aud photo graphed. Although so young, his tail was already nearly a foot in length. From tho information, it appears that the organ is soft and smooth and has no bony frame. F LR0YALM5KM J 1 f ess Ipgl THE RELIABLE GR0C1R8 F I FR V $ I w x Corer State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and. Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. UIT FARMS, TK.VNHl'OItTATION. TH.E YA0UINA ROUTE. PHI to Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of piuity. strength nnel wholesommiesa. Mnrn economical tTinn the ordlnnry kinds, nnd cannot be sold In competition with the multltudo of low test, short weight nluni or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal Baking Powder Co.. 100 Wnll,N.Y. For the Public Good. H is nn Indisputable, fact thut tho hand somest vestibule trains that nre now run on tho American continent aie those on theBiulinjton route, leaving from Union depot In Denver, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches are magnificent, the reclining chair cars suburb, tho Pullman sleeners extroniolv luxuriant, and as for tho meals that are WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and. Call. I irih u if) served In those palace Uurllngton dining a lie nexi inno you go tv. Chicago or St. Ixinla. If you mention to the ticket ngent that vou ens-yumyum. The east to Kansas CIt; want vour ticket to lead from I)nvir nr St. Paul over the Burlington route, jou will get It, and you will always bo glad of If you go via tho Northern or Canadian Pacific, the elegant vestibulo trains of The Burlington iloute, betvcen St. Paul and Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along tho eastern shore of the Mississippi river for a distance of a0 miles, amidst scenery thatcanuot bo surpassed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacillc, and your ticket reads vjn The uuriiiigion iiuiuu iroin unevcnno or Den ver, you v111 pass through all the thriving cities and towns located in what ! popu laily known as the Hem toft ho Continent. For further information apply to A. C, Sheldon, General Agent, 8i First street, Portland, Oicgon. -MDd&wtl We wish to say a few woals ic the .readers of tho Journal in regard to foetwear: 1st. Our stock for tbis SP1UXG comprises all the latest and most desirable styles In both ladles' and gents' footwear 2d. 'Wo carry no shoddy goods, but guarantee to sell the best goods the market aflords at lower prices than any other house, quality con sidered. 3d. Your attention is Invited to our immense line of Ladies' Light Footwear! ilrtZ&Tho attention of the ladies is particularly invited to this department. Now Is the time to buy before the stock is broken. Our stock is large, well selected and varied. You can see all that is new and desirable, and we will guarantee to lit you and suit you. f ty Are, One Mile from Aimisvillc and Ten Miles from Salem. Several fruit growers from tho east have declared their intention to locate with us and there is room for several more. Sample No. 1, '20 acres more or less, high land gently rolling, deep rich red soil, all under plow, sulllcieiit fence. Trice 40. Sample No. 2, 1M acies, more or less, partly under plow, partly covered with willows, gently inclining and level land, both red and black soil. Price $221 to $30. Purchasers can pay 8 per cent, interest on half for five to seven years. From Salem take train to Turner and thence to Aumsville on Tlionias Urns', hack line, and call on tho owner, Mr. Win. Shaw, one mile north ot depot, or for fin ther particulars address J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon. KRAUS No. 211 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. SE &, KLEIN, $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood mares and young horses for sale. Forty or fllty colts expected in the spring Two line horses, Clyde and Percheon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred: have been with the band for the past three years. Original stock from the best quality of mares. For particulars addrcs3 or see W. H. BYAItS, w4t. Salem, Or. IMMIGRANTS LOOK HERE ! Having farmed In this country for over half a century, which gives us a thorough knowledge of the couatry, we now offer our services to you In Wm Brown k Co DEALERS IN A New Fuel. A St. Petersburg Journal states that a Russian civil engineer, M. de Nlcalofl, has succeeded In pro ducing a fuel from peat, greatly re sembling anthracite coal. The in ventor has obtained a patent for his process, which is said to be accom plished by the aid of certain chem icals, and lately an Imperial com mission lias been engaged in experi menting with the fuel, the result having been very favorable. The peat was found to give a little less heat than ordinary coal, but more than fir or blroh-wood which is largely uSed on railways, steamers and factories in Bussia. Iu other respects, however, the peat is super ior to coal, being cheaper, contain ing but u very small percentage of sulphur aud being much smaller in bulk. The artificial fuel throws oft no dirt and emits no smell, whilst burning with a clear whito ilame. It is believed that the new fuel has a great future before it, the Russian government being much interested in the invention. Til MR M'SINESS B0031IM1. Probably no one thing has causpd such a great revival of trade at Dan iel J. Fry' Drugstore as their giving away U their customers so many freotrlalottlwofJ. King's New DiscnveryNjpr Umsumptlon. Their trade issInijHfiHinnous in this very valuable aBiferWroni the fact that it always mvs uiuNuver disappoints. Coughrf; Colds, Astlmw, IJronclutis, Croup, and all throat and lung dis eases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bot tle free, large slzo $1. Jivcry bottle warrautcd. Ill HI and take pleasure In announcing that we have a very line list of property from which to select, embracing somo ot the best Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms in Marlon and Linn counties, at prices that cannot bo duplicated In the Willamette valley. Other valuable property of vari ous kinds otrercd nf'bed rock" prices. Come and See and Yon Will lie Convinced that we aie ofleilng nil that we here claim. Come by Narrow Gauge railway, or to Turner and take stage, (lour miles). Descriptive price list of farms and other property sent on application. Locating two or more families near each othcra spe cialty. H. C. & J. H. PORTER, Real Estate Agents. Aumsville, Marlon county Or. 4-5-30 OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - - Receiver. I fOnnndafter Feb. 18 ISSO.nud until further nonce trams win run u ny ouccpi nun day) as follews: . EAST SIDE, Coburg Jlalll iI'ortl'dMall From Portland STATIONS. Tow'rd Port I land Lv.ll.3unm Ar. J0.U1 Lv. 2.15 p m iU3 3.10 3;3l ll.U 3.53 4U1 4.10 1.35 4.89 4.47 MO 6.S0 5.50 ti.ll 0.21 CM 7.20 7.-.H fc0J van rOllTLANDl'AW viAr. 1.40.pm. rooiorjei son, ou Hay s Landing, Ar bt. Paul's, Woodburn, Townscnd, McKee, Mt. Angel, Dow n's, Hllvcrton. Johnston' Mill' Switzerland. RistKldoJunct.,1 iuicicjiy, Aumsville, West Htnyton O P Crossing, Wet Bcio, CrMUtroo, Splcci, Tiillman, Plain view. llruwiiivllle, IlouUiid, . Ar 10:13 Colmrg. p in) Alt I.V tVo hav I.h0 li!7 Lv 12.00 11. Ill 11.40 11.31 0.11 11.00 llCJU 1U.1U 10.07 tun IMS b.50 8.40 8.28 8.00 7-11 7.ii c-n (1.13 5.S0 4; u in BOOTS AND SHOES. CO ' --nn CO f W ffi o 8 o ffl V, Leather r I feSX0" g fe- . Weekly Capital Journa i .Mas Been Enlarged W Greatly Improved and Now Is The CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON! rn jSCSSK8" W and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS AND FURS. 231 Commercial Street, Salem, Or F 11 E BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY Li KEY TO TT ra ! FOUND!. Success in lusineij reTfulrcH iircinir.it ion ! Tiiereforc, tliorouglily, master Coinmercial Arilimietie, JJuhIuchh I'eiiinauslilp and Uusine-w L'orrcHpon ilencc, Book-lccupint; by borli Single anil Jioublo Kntry, tho nutiiru ami correct ue of Coinmercinl i'uiH.'rs, Coininorclui Law and JlusincrfH practice. Learn, also, Slmrtlinnd and Typo-writing, Mnuifold, and Dictation work. All thcHoitro needed in busineHS, and arc thoroughly tuuglit by oxner- H A i i KM i i u h 1 iN J' uu 1 i 1 U'Ai vi Oriswold's Jlloek, Salem, Oiegon. Icnccd teachers at the. j THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. aunt per Ins at'fnu. A w.,nian in uiii'.i1u.,iiua mm . , urtcui it of hera ill UtiCl K. V., byth tlrt-.im- nuleon -ileat tutloui ed ideutlcsd die.iii on tlio Mine ronneoilmi '' u-,"' nn1 F"l'iunrt night. ..Ui.ough hundrclHof mile- ' "-'wjtSJitSSiVe,. fliurt. Until drwillicl of flllli'lilli-, oural Ollli, N WOor.Klnnmicirin, npjrt p: course, l'iTtUnii,ttrvsna. (iai'laml Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES, Also a Complete Skak of Hardware aul Faiui ilaiMniry, Wagons antl Caniagc Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, JM. WKEKLY, six moutlis,. -t0.7C Now Head Our Discount for Cash . WEEKLY, one .year, $1.00. WEEKLY, six inontiiH,...-0.G0. WAS.TIIEHE EVEK ANYTIIINO EQUAITO IT? OW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OK.OUIt ONE-"IIIHD OVV KOIt (JAKIL! Out Old Subscribers Now in arrearH are urged to takojadvantage of our big discount, by bet tllugold accoiintH and Joining the grand thioiig of one dollar HiilneribeivT THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER ISulaiHoiid, pernmiii'iit reduction. W have come to-tay TO ONE AND ALL We wiy, M-iid uh your iianu-H. If you want to take ud vantage of our "one llilrd oil' forcaHli," and are not wheieyou can get pohtal noterf of other convenient method of remitting, wind uh your niiino and Htat tljit you will remit at llrst opporlunlty. Tills will uiimiro your being placed on the dollar IIhI. cszttiMSBvatn'M nrnnuaiRHKmssrcaiacu ttrwrm Tho n uvmx' ouide i iamijd M 'Oh and Uopt., oach ydar. It U nil onoy clopoclla of tuoful Infor mation for all who pur. chiuo tho luxuries or tho Tinnnasttioa at Ufa. Wo ' cm clotbe you nnd furniah you with nil tho necosttsry unci unnoceviary appllancoi to rido.vnlk, danco, sloop, OAt, Ush, hunt, work, zo to ohuioh, or ntfty nt homo, and in various dtoi, ntylos und auorUUen. Jiut xlguro out what Is requirod to do all thoae thini; COMfOHTAOLT. nd you can rnako a, laii o.Uiraato or the valuo of the IIUYEHH' CiaiDE, which will bo ont upon receipt of 10 qoiiU w pay poatage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ul-lU Michigan Avonue, Chloajto.lU. (jff-ovfii 6.000,000 p""!-1 lJl"J" "JiM ww'www , Ut to bur Boed of llMUwtuiamosnIUlwluiiiM,watbeyiiM Ferry's Seeds .rHVvwAv jKmtrT. ...(ilMr m'Stmvim Xf&3rgM m&Mttrt'm IiiiVsj. ck'S iirmm 'liiiiili M wnnv M, nn .m ' uVdowImUm! tot U orgeat Sttdtman In the worid D H.FtBBTAOO't Illiutnll.Drlp SEED ANNUAL For I BBS win u nui mcc UrllMt 0lUr U tiliUmM. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Anil Oregon Povolnpincnt compnny' Klo.inislilp line. lnlU-M shorter, iXJ hours loss tunc than by any otlict mule. I'lrst class IIhoukIi paxxeneOr unit Height lino from l'orl In lid and all points In HioWll Ininelto vallov to and llom Sun l'ranclsco TIME SCHEDULE, (Usi-cpt Hunanys): Leave Albany 1:(X)1'.V I.eaoCorvartls 1:10131 Arrlo Yaiiulua fi::KI 1 M lA'ao Yaqillua IIUAM Leave Corvallls IMAM Arrlo Albany 11:10AM (). A C. trains connect at Albany nml Corvallln. The abovo trains connect at YAQUINA with tho OioRon l)ueloiiniciit Co's Line jfHteaMshlps between aquluii and Sun KrancKco. SAIMNU IlATKS. STKAMKItM. KHOM YAQUINA Wlllametlo Vallov Sunday Apr. 2S Wlllainclto Valley Monday,. May II Willamette Valley, Tuesday " 11 STKAMKItM, FllOM HAN KIIANCISCO Wlllanietto Valley Thursday, May 2 Wlllainclto Valley Friday " IU Wlllanietto Valley Saturday,. " IS This company reserves tho right to clianco snllliiK dates without notice. X. It. PaRxenporH from Portland and nil Wlllanietto Valley points can mnko closo connection with tho trains of tho YAOUINA 110 DTK at Albany orCorvallls, nnd If destined to San '''ranclsco, Kliould niraiiKotoanlvoat YiKpiluu tho evening before dato of sailing. ' I'Assfngfr ami Kielglit liatcs Altt.nn the liowfst. For Information apply to Messrs HULMAN iV Co., Freight nnd Ticket Agents SX nnd 202 Front ht., rortlnnd, Or. or to 0.0. HOGUK, Ao't Gen'l Frt. A l'ass. Agt., Oregon Tactile It. It. Co., Oorvallls, Or, (1 H. HASWKLL.Jr.Clcn'l Frt; & l'ass. Agt Oiegon Uovelopment Co., r()l Montgomery St.; Sun Francisco, Gil' TIMK TAIJIjK K1VKK DIVISION. Tlieclegantly equipped steamboats, Win M. Hoag, Capt. (leo. ltaabe; tho N. S. llcntley. Capt. J.;i. Coulter; the Three Sisters, Capt. W. I'. Short; mo In service for passenger nnd freight tmlllu between Corvulllsand Tortlaud and interinedlato points, mailing three round tilps each week as follews: NOUTJI ltOUND-Lenves Corvallls Mon day, Wednesday and Fildny at 8 a. m. An Ives at Salem Monday, VVcdncsday nnd Friday Jitll p. m. Leaves Salem lucsdny, Thursday and Satin da vnt ()a. in. Arrives nt lVrtlaiidTuchday, Tliuisdiiy and Satin day st ::.u n. in. SOUTH 1IOUN1) Leaves l'oitland Mon day. Wednesday and Friday at 0 n. in. Ai rives nt Salem Monday, wedncMlnr and Fi lilnv at 7:15 p. m. Leaves Salem Tues day, Thuisday and Saturday at (I a. in. Arm cm at Corvallls Tuesday, Thuisday Saturday at ;i::i0 p. in. For fielglilaml passenger liites apply to the captains aud pursers of the rcspectlH boats, or to W. M. Darling, agent, 'M) and tWJFiont stteet. l'oitland; Gilbert llixis. agents. Salem; I, M. Adair, ngent, Albany C. A. Miller, ngent, CorMillls; or to tlio gen eial freight and passenger agent. Corvallls. O. 0. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls K. W. IIOWKX, Hiiperlntendent. Win. HOAG. Geneial Manager. Overland lo California -VIA Soutlrorii Pacific Company's Line, THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. lime IlctHPfii Salem ami San KiauelMu llilitj-tlx Hums, CAI.Il'OUNIA KXl'ltl-HS TIIAIN IlUN DAIIA IIKI'WKKN roillI.Al-J ANIIH. K. Poiilh. I "N"'H' 4.00 p. in. Lv. I'oi IImikI ArT 10: 15 a. in. 0:1 1 p. in. I l.v. Snleiu Lv. 7:5.1 n. in. 7M5 it. iii. Ar. San Krim. Lv. 7:00 p. in. I.OOAI.-I'AHSUNOKH '1IIAIN "( l)AH.VEx- CHIT HUN DAY). H1XI a. in. Lv I'oitlmul Ar. I ,'I:15 p.m. Il:l0 a. m Lv Siilom Lv. 1L'..VJ p. m. 2:10 p. in. Ar. Kugcnii Lv. IW) ii. in, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation ol second class passengers attached to express t ml lis, ThoH. 1'. company's teriy makes ism ncitlon with nil tho regular trams m th Kiist Kido Division from footot F strco t'ortland. tVcst Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallls: IIAIHY ( HXl'Kl-r HtlNHAV). 7:'fl ri. m. I Lv laniii, I Ar. I'ortlaud Ar. CorvnlllH Lv. TI:3I p. in". i::ili. in. At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains orOitgnu l'aclllo lUillroad. 'Ihiough tlckulHtoiill points soulii and vnt t via C'allforiila BXrKh.SsTltAIN(lAU.Y.XUI'f'THHNlfAY.) i.w) p. iii. i irvrTTinnTnii "TTFraoTirm; h:U) p. in. Ar.rduMInn vlllu Lv. 5: 15 a. m. To Ull KlL.tK SOUTH and EAST -VJA- CaliforniA. I or lull information regarding rates, tiuips, i'te.,np.ly lo tho Company's ngent, Halcm, On gun. K. 1'. UOIICItH. Assl.O, K.liliU l'liss. Ag't. K. KOK'ILKlt. MnnuKcr, Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY, "Columbia River Route.' li &J1 mm JlcAnla stn w to Ui itr cuUiow IthoQt nrdrinjr iL Immtu. okU to itftt If TwrriMtrtofi luloc Oirda, Vwl4 m- Ftuwvr Hd utoulil Mud fur 1L Addi44 O.M.FKHIIYaiGO.lQtrH,M4i, , I'nilim for tliu east lfavo l'ortlund at 7;iS i in and H p in dully. Tlo i ts to and Iroin piluclpal iMilntslii tin United States, Cm; nd.i and l.uiupe, ELEGANT NJLMANN PAL'.C CARS Knilsruiit Hleeplni; Cam run throuy'"(on express til Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL HLtFF nml ar. paui Frep of Charge and it ou Change. Coniicctlonsutl'ortUindforHunFraU' Cisco mid l'Uget Sound oluts. Forlurtber iMirtlculars Inquire of I. A. .Muiinlng, ugent of tho coiiipnuy, !M ComiiitTcltil street, Kalem uiegon, oi A. Ij. Maxwell, a, I', A. T. lrrtlnnd Oregon. A. L, MAXWELL, O. V, &T, A, H. HOlCOMQi Otterat M uager, Through Tickets ! fl4 i, ?i M V WW rtito i -') 41! .Ti iii na w 4 i $ e m IV ? m u . u J ?i ,3 IV I 1 1 V.L1 1CTI f i. s ii rx