5 J-l.V , i .1 . THE CAPITAL EVEyiyg JOURNAL. c THE GilPITxlL JOBMilL. i'UiiLi.siiKiMJAii,y,r-xci:i'r.suNAV, jiv thi: Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incoriornlfd.) I'nlurrd nl llio ixmfollkf nt Hnlctii, Or.,HH mi olid rliiM matter. CLARE B.IRVINE, Manager, hto fourth iibo for ternm of m'l)crl- AdvcrtlM'iiK'iitH 10 limiro Insertion (for tliu winie iluy) should be llllllllC'll In I O'clock. ... r OiirciiHi.li'cwe conliillillir IH'w; "' t lerit 1'inl liiiiNi.lnmc N iliHrfilfpjni' wntnt the "talc. No rtleailoii will bo paid loiuio.iymoi". coiiiiiiinililiii. ruinous iitiiriiiv ine i'" !",' ' ,ivmI nl tliflrlioiiMniiiii Hcciiri'lt b.v , HI cud riiint, or liy word left o")cc, . Hpcclmcn number" M'lil runimiijiiili'-n- Olili'i', wiriK i Vo'irlnjijl ,M"2iy.Hi!'Zl: THUr.SDAV MAY U, I 1) i- i .uinr siiiwi.v. Tho T Wurman Vts not ''" nliimit"' nt tho priHiifct of .n ily destruction of or." limber Hiippl.v. It nworlHlImtl'iiKC'tHoiiiiil Inn l,.'l -mllco ofHhoie line, ami nil alon , thl" line, kiIIuh ami miles fi.rthrr than tliu c.ve ran icaoh, It out' viit ami ii!nio"t unbroken forest of ciinimnim trc. The forests are so vrt tlinl, although avinlllshavcbcen ripping BOOK)")"! feet of lllin1 cr mil of them every year for the past ten year, the fcjiaeet made hy thee In ro'iilH.fein no more ll-iin garden patches. An olllel.il ettlmate pit cc? the amount of standinir ilmlier l.i that area at iOO.O Ml.OOO.l oi) feet, or . thoiitaml yeai' Hti:ply, even at t'( uiiorinousrato the limber If now he liiK now felleil ami Rawed. Tlie edi tor iiiIiIh tht'' the (Iniher hell til Washington eovi'r.tmi area et,ii 1 I that of Vermont, Missnehuse'ts, tjonnetleiit itml Now Hump lilre. cesIvc levels toward the top of the lofty mountains that formerly the southern arm of J'nget fc'otinrt ex tended at far as the lower valley of the Willamette. The climate of tlfe coast It tempered hy the warm cur rents of the I'aeile from Japan, ami the ah'intlaiiee of rain and the natural fertility of the soil have icn dercd thin district very rich in veg etation. The valleys of the many Hirer niH and riven which abound l.i this section tue most of them firtil . The Jt on river, which has cut 1U way to liiu t'oa'it through r f.ecp eniion, Ij very kviuifui end l.t v r heuvllv tlmbcied. A number of placer mines nave been e.ttablNhel iilong lis shores, mill much gold hns been taken from Ihe.tantlr.ml gravel of its betl. "J'ortii ml !s the pr'ii'V 1 Lj or Orc,i,'',ii. 'tt pojiuli ii m l''0 w. i 17,577, but it li.'t grown rupiil y. From Its "tre'i may he ml.mi the b'jau!!"iil conosh. p.... ; itx-'of Jit. Jlool, wh'ch it th" wimdc and w inl.vtion of ail tivvelert t ml wli'i '. rls-ea from the 'st pl.iiii ton he' , . j of 11, '"J. feel, ollti'-y In it.iTuiniuv SCKAI'.S.'- AHteiibenvilleirianthoutrhtPoine-.culf, bruises, sores, ulcers, thig ; wrong with hit no,e. It J wat nearly stop, ctl up. Aflei Mil- c tptIsiM, and positively curt fering from this unno.'vnc'J itlmonl a year or so lie went a doctor, who removed a hIioo butto.i from the biiM! pa it of the nt'.-nl cr.vity. Tlu mull How breathes more easily. Til. tliiiintoi'iitl inbrftl tlclro of I'.ie Humbert of the Iiuniui: family to pot -oiiiethl.ti- for nothing or .io. t to r.olliinj' must ncnoi'iit ft" In mad ivcc fo.' uurler tactions of lend iMOklaho a, of whii sonmch has hi en p'rintetl lately in our daily newtmajiere. In a few of the frnilnc stricken tt'st.-lcfd of China mothers aie i-ell-ng their children. A niis'-io.irry, wlio visited the niu kot town of Wiing Chi.t Ch'uan, n.et many wo men on the-xtreetay''iiig eut: "Wli will buy t; s boy? wn't teetl him any longer, .'lid I, tlon't want to hear him c.yii.fhout ft.r wat of food." ' ho h rictit .utual gits ell eve Htiuc': v.-i's 1) i-ght iii Apr' I 15, hy llucklpn's Arnica -Salve The licst wilve in the worltl for ulcers, fall lannetl all skin cures niles tV no Day rcmiired. It is guaranteed toftivc pei feet satisfaction, or money relundetl. I'rice ' cents per box. For Nile lv Daniel J. Try, drug HM. Th' great fire in the imperial pa' 'seat l'ekin it leporled to have cm' feed u Ios of ,000,000 to $4,500,- rci. . mm hi. .1 .igii:ease.ui.iei waicn- t!le i,i,-flt. ,,i,i t-onip...iy, nea' Vnoii. 0 miles from Pitts: u.'. ino"eriheil'Hli.i!etof thecMy. fin Mini: It extendi to the region of pui. eti'al niiow." i'ii .: .iii: osr ',vk.Vi it.v. Tlie-eof us not yet lift v years of age have pr'b.ihly I veil In the mo I Important ii'itl .iit'lk'utually pro gressive i rio. I of hum in hMory. Wllliln this iiah ct:iiinr, the follow ing Inventions and tlim'tivi'ilct have been among the mimbei: Oce.'.u Hteamshlp-i, Htieet railways, tele gnip!. lines, ocean cable, tuleph Hits, plii)iiorailiH, photography at tl a score of new methods of picture limiting, iiiillluue 1 rs, keriHuno oil, vice tilu lights, steam llro engines, chemical llro extinguishers, anies thetlo ami iffilnless surgery; gun cotton, nltro-glyceiine, tlynaniite, giant powder; iilumnlum, mag nesium, mid other new metals; electio-plullng, spectriini analysit imtl speol roscepe: audlplioiie, iineu- niatlo tubes, elect rlo motor, electric hells, electric railway, tvpewrlter, cheap postal system, steam heating, steam ami hytlraullo elevators, ves tibule em's, cantilever bridges. TIicm) are. only a part. All pmltive knowledge of physlea' eoiitUtulion of planetary and stellar woilds lir.s been attained within tills period. Tin: iiitAM) M)i:Ni:itY or nitiuin.v. ThuHelentllU' Aiueilcan lecently ent a man to Oivgou to lako views and piepaivan arllclo tle.scrlptlvo t- Uivfitin. The following Is from the current number of that publicatien: "Ily the completion of the North ern l'aelllo railway, Oregon was pro vided with the veins and arteries iiecusstiry jr full activity of life, and the statu Is now growing ami extending and expanding Its ic sourees to a reiuaikablo extent. Peculiar t'rilli'ultles wero ottered tt the construction ot a railroad tlirouifh this eoiintrv, oulug tithe extranrdlnary freaks of natuio In this volcanh' tllstrlet. Tho Hnakt' river, which has cut Its coui'ho through the vast plain of southeast em Washington, has oilered an al most InipaiwililoUirilor, Its cation hut a depth of I.IHM orfi.lKHl feet, ami the ellll's aiii mi pieelpltous as to halllo thr uIHiHk of the hum Imrepl I ntountaliu'cr, while I ho stream llself Is not navigable. Natuie heie was wanton ami her w oi k was on a gigan tic scale. NoMheiv on this c.iutl nonttliiwo llud tho marks of her linger more striking than here. Vast h a an plaliw, bro.ul navigable rivers, roaring torrents, nmliing through inicsvibU) ranous, loftv mouutidns ami fertile valleys on tho western coast, am some of tho olmr Mcteristles wlih-h, from tho'r slo, upiMl tho visitor. "Hast of tho CtiMUilo ui'aiu tilns, Oregon u a stoiilo plain with im vogetatlon mvo tl os,igo hriiih, (ho dwarf pine, ami the Juniper, Thoiv urvti numtK'r of lakes In thohouthorn iwrtlon, which, Iiuwcut, iiio utoMly ulkulliit) nml marshy Tho ouintiv miia'tiry anil monotoiiout. in tl... mr.i:.vic a:ii i.at.ds. The committee rppoi.ited by fi.1 senate at Us List scslt'ii, to Investi gate the tines ion of the irrigation ami reclamation of mid lauds will commence their work on the Hist of Aiigutt next, slarlingfrtiinKt. Paul, M'nnesoti'. Tliuy expect to spend three wejks in the (ield, and will visit Northern Dakota, IIoiitaiin, Idaho i'M far at the .'nake river basin i, L'lah, Nevada, 'allforniu, portion lull; Arioua, HiititliwitL'rn'Jexiit, along the valley of the IKo (Jruiitle from 101 Past) to S.ni Antonio dirnej !iv the Fo.t Woith, Ha nt a Ke A Cob rado rnilroa'i ucrtws tlie staked plaint, tliu pan liamlle region uml u part oi soutlii'.istern New Mexico through that tenltory losouthwesl ern KtuiHW, (.'olorado and Wyom in''. The conitnltlce will be aceom pauled liy the director of .ho geolog ical survey, lEIchard.l. Minion, v, bo prepare I lor the tlepiitmeul of ig rit'iilturu the repait on irrigation in tliu United Stales, published by the Untied States senate in 187. Ijo acjomiiauies thu special connnltt 'o at an expert, having been appoint ctl Irrigation e.igineer in tl.e U.iiletl States geological survey. Tho United States geological sur vey will have six engineering panics In the Held for some lime be fore tho committee starts. Thu public domain west of thu 100th meridian will bo divided dually Into about lll'teen hydraullcal dis tricts, as thu topography of thu re gion host 'mlieatoH proper storago basins. Tho six districts now form ctl embrace thu region between the 100th meridian west longitude and tho lloeky mountains, .Montana, Idaho, IMah, Nevada and all tho basin section of the Sierras and (V.l- I forma west thereof, and New .Mexico ami Ari'.oua. t .j .i '.ilngotr '0,000."00 f'.l tiny Jio iv sure 'iciiigSO'.l pounds to the i. ch. it it one of thu most signili cvnt wells e- cr struck, as it shows tlicieere nii'l'oHMif new fields a :1 th-tlhi ui'.dy is good for m.tiiy y ars ta conic. A drunken tinsmith at YVaisadin, Iltmgarv, iii-ccniletl the lofty stejple oftlie Fraiiclsciin church there by means of the light. ii 'g conductor, an 1 stood iiprigh1 o.i tho c s at tl.e top. IIo"c .. i ici! in llns uiiIouh Poitland,Or., January J-. Having a severe back acho last suinnier, I tried the Oregon Kidney Tea, I used ono can, whlcli ullected a radical cure. I would recommend it to all who are aflllctcd as an un failing remedy. Julius Acji. Sold by D. W. Mathews. . 'nltlearoDcll.ngnt $10 apiece in ITcvaa.. und all the .sa.itll tlealcrs a 'o go'iij to the wail. vVlicn all other remedies fail, Ore on I'I'dr.cv Tea comes I the front ai.e n true, faithful fi.cnd. For Kid .,,:;.: I a. iii.'i..' t.jij'. s nii"Ii rs l, n In ti'o b "!, n ucous c.ic! . tii'.i.y t)' o'i $ ', br ak du-t dec Iti i t.ie ui':i.e, i. i oi DDiKMiic, weii::.:eri), I'. ttl ' end. 1 tlebilitv. Orcioii Ki'Jnoy To lies io etiual. Jt never f.-ils ami being of puielv vegetable coin P'sition docs not iiijfi'e the system, Sold by I. W. Mathews. ST. PAUL'S SCII Boys and Girls. The school will open on the 21th of September. Thorough liiMrue- tlon In the pinry mid nclv.intcd English Branches. LATIN' iXD ELEMENTS OF MUSIC lu course. TKKMSnnd further Information ma. he .adouappl.catloutOKVKn Cor. Chcmeketa nnd State. Sts. 8-20-tf A Pliiladelpliia connoisseur. says that nniskrat meat tastes belter than any sirloin. i flee 1 1 m!uut s, and lieliveied a tjici 'h to the ei'owti ihi.i was watching him Iroin below. AfHTWiiid !" calmly de-cended to I the ground without being In any way hint. A goad .sto.y is told ab.iat'a man v, ho has twelve acres of land in Ahvaj.s Young. Wliv N my wife ho irci'ions In my slsht? Is It becmiM Imr ejes me nlway.s bright, And grace and moile-'tv mo In hcrnlr? Neither, bellovo me, tnmiKli'-be'svcry fair, Shi'wiy.iinil mijs It with mi earnest dictien: "ThH iriou iiiBold, I tlnd. Is all ii fiction, Sln.-e loiluiiu bent mo 'l''aorite 1'iesciliv tion." I).- ."ic.'cc's fatuous lemnly of till- inline Is, Iuulcii, u perfect speclile for "female mimUiii".",' and kindled ailments. Ily driiK,;las ' 'I ,1'P tho ler, stoiimeh, bowels nnd I who o s stem by ulajr lie. l'l icn's I'ellets. I One ic-ult of the coKan-e of the "boom" at Los Angeles is that tlieie, ale l'i() applications for position-, on i tlie police force , A. E. STRANG, No. :at Commeiclul Street, SALEM, - - OKEGON. UKAI.Blt IN STOVES and RANGES 1'lnmbiiiff, Gas and Sfcam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. iry .Accent f)i- the UICIIAHDSON A UOVNTliH COMPANY'S Furnaces. Ks-fxbltshprtlnisn New Butcher Shop AT No, 216 Commercial Street ANGEVIXB & IIAXSOMB. KloMerewAi'bi: jileaiud to serve tho people with tho cuoicrvr and isiisr meats ofallklndsthat tho market nffords (live them a call and bo comlnml of ttte Mipoilorltyof their meats. B-Ooods delivered free. DO YOU BAT? If you do, call at tho W. C. T, U. RESTAURANT In the opera homo block, whero y&ii can get a (food clean meal at any time ol day or CThl" iWaurant Is under new inaungC' meat and sallsfaitlon is guaranteed, fcv. erj thing is in llrst-cl.i'.s Hlmpe. Mr.and.Mr.H.i: IIOWAUD, The New .Managers. JOHN F.STRATTON& SON Importers and Wholcalo dealers in MUSICAL MEHOIIANm.SK. New York, 41 and 1 Walker St. .John V. Htratton's Celebrated Kus!an Gat Violin strings, the Klitcstln the World. A gcutleiiKiu who had Mifl'ered t ..,,,,,. ,,..,.., .,a ,,..;.. r ..,.,., it..,.. ,, .., i ,, If 1. 111-f,. I ILIH II l...vy . IKVIIIMI '111,1 UUill JJIU neaiuu to wn. nu h-mmi .aM.f. j(;nj Itc; liJ-; W-1() ,ui(, Ucaivl It Is leporled that Senator I'lunib of Kansas has ecurcd the )romiy fioni ihu luesldent to issue a proe laiiiiriou Ki'i'.u.luu; a ;?eneial anineh ty t idesert -r.s fiom tho rejiular arinv Mliii'o ihi.i. I'resiilenl (irant issued i Don't try to get buniethinjj for mii'li a proclumi'.tian in IST.'I. ami I notliln -the road leads to Aniiniosi acre, mid tinally found a puivhascr at that figure. His wife, however, refused to sign the deed, and thu 8!c was oil'. Then ho olered the lami ior?i,uiuan ireic, aim a;;aiu a pureha-er was found, ami again the good wife e.erci:-ed her royal prerog ative and lefused to sign the deed. Thepiopciiy is now for sale at v20, Of'O for the twelve rcres. Fortunate is tlie man who pro.'S'M.'H a wife who knows how to sign deeds judiciously. Heie is a chunk of vcrv good .'.("vice, o"'eiVd free giatls by thu Jkweupoit f'axette to tlie risi.ig genciatlen: "Stand up to tho i.ek, Oh young man, nnd you wl'l find fodder in 11. I'ttt on your work ing harness early every mornlnj, and oce that you keep at work, and you will make want tifet.vngei'. Jlon't wait forthujobyon want, but i,r sp the nearest chance. Tt you can't get Willi month get fctt take MO lako anythii'g until you can do belter even if It be only board. Hut work, for the world bi waehing you. Tliu farmer, the merchant, the busine-s ni'in r.llato watching for honest, willing workers. Don't shiik thu world will know it; don't take on bad habits they will pull you down and hold you down; don't get up an appetite for public o. Ye, It will lay you in tliu potter's Held by the ) . i)hyrieians, without re Pel, says ih.it two bottles of Jhitard's Specific, c:...e(l him add left his face peri'.'clly smooth, without a scar. It never fails in skin dNeie-es. Sold by D. V. Mi-thews. slueo then (hero has been -Ill.t'Oil di-iertersando.ily WUOaueds. Some men have become so expert in do xerllng that they have done it four or live times over, re-entering from time to time as they felt disposed and under assumed names. The motive ol tho amnesty is to remove the stain from tho pei'Minal records -i ."mug men wuo nav enlisted r.uuii ... .ilA. .... anddeseiUd wlli.outduu appivhe.i-.y s,hooli Vin.l'w scholar who was " vimiimn in uiu oueiisi", given to niaklmr bill iii.ti.i.. ii..i,,l.l ..... i.. i i . morning iluiin mi...rt.. i .. ... ...., .1 .... i iiunnsiigioujoo, n goon living, n good farm, good stoic, good shop, gooil ollleeor your own, with house and home attached for every healthy bright young man who has got grit enough to spoinl sixteen hours a day battling for It." Ho Was Cuoil at l.livuiii.2. mi iiu-ii',- wouiii s em to no Mime what sir lilted lu tlieea-eof the old oU'eiuli'is, Tiik Itcrnatlonal niaratiino- con feivnee, which will aseiulilo at ai.hlii),tonlu Oetobornext, aiming other Important ui.ittors pert.ilnlug totliu Mvlng ofllfu on fie mvaii, will Ki called ukmi to consider the wisdom of divi.'l g the Atlantic Ocean hu ilMilots nnd assigning them Mnviwlly to the great naval liwers( who will be i.i.vleil to tvmovo doivllols or wtwks wiihh may UuM:isl.loriHl liuiiiy wlu a.i. giToiN toiMinmmco, Owen's lake, California, sn natu ral soap mine, and tlu-a' is a com- rhynies. )no prayers sho found li.iu writing the following lines on Ids slate. A little iiioiim) ran an the k l.-a To lum,- Mi., il'odKoit kij' ur prat. s "Xow, William,'' sild the, wish lug to apply a honieopt.tliie cun, "I w ill give you five minute? to write two lines to add to tho-o you have Ju-t wilt ten, and If you do not I will giv.) you a severe whipping.1' At llieeud of two mlinites William uml wiitieu the follewing: Ui'iv I kUiiid befoio M Us r.lodsett, Slid'sgolinf tiisirlUoiiml I'm tudod-e It, n A WOMAN'S WAY. I SUTtlu. ll,,, lroiHiHlon, Levi .loli.ison of IJiHton, Oa., is 84 ye "8 oh' and has been blind for ten ye. i's. i'hu other day his sight sud denly returned to him and he called Mo.' a book a i id read with perfect ctr-e. EIThl'sY. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used ',lcctnc Jiitterssing the same song of prcl-e. A purer thedicino does no., exist and it Is gutSranteed to do all l hat is claimed. aliHcctric Uitters will euro till diseasqs'of the liver and kidneys, will rcmove pimples, boils, salt i Ileum am other af lections caused by liTljWMTflftftefc-sWllIrdrlve malaria tioni tlisystem and prevent as well as euie-.all malarial fevers. For emu of hradache, eonstliiation and indigestion try Electric .Hitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price flOcts. and jl.UO per bottle at Dan'l J. Fry's drug store. A Taeoina paper says that place is being blessed with a perfect cloud burst of babies. It reports th - birth of twenty baby boys and daintv girls in dillerom p; rts ofthe town. If you are nervous or irritable, feel languid, dispirited, or if you have sick headache, sallow complexion, or ollensive breath, then your liver is out of order and needs rousing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic restore.-, thu liver to healthy action and tones up the entire system. Sold bv u. w. niatliuws. In t I'lvaav case at Pittsburg, Pa., a woman Icstliled that soon after nianiagu !k' husband laid down a rulo that she was not to eat meat, butter, eggs or lard. Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a complaint, (which ho believes to'bo honest) from any musician to whom ho litis sold any of these stiings, ho Is authorized by us to give him another string without charge, and all such loss will be made good by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Beware ot Imitation.) Dealers will please, send tor descriptive catalogue. Trail . supplied at lowest price. TWENTY LOTS In North Salem House and lot corner Marlon and 13th stieets ; extra farm eight miles from Salem ; eighty acres rich hind, seven miles from Salem, $17 pel acre ; four hundred acres eleven miles east of Salem, one of the best improved in the county, $30 per acre. For sale by THOMAS & PAYNE 97 State St., - - Salem. Oregon House! and Summer Sts, Corner Tho building formerly occnntiwi . Hoys Hoarding Hall luiH bc-thnrM-W renovated and refitted and Is nowhl? to tho general public: now Pae4 Hoard per meal Hoard and lodging per day - 8 llontdand lodging per wceltlll i1 Krco transportation of nassTr'T M ZTl?JiLm B. baggage to nnd from depot. J- "'UU Proprietor. anil Tlie Salem Abstract -AN I LAND COMPANY, Have removed to building adjoining Thompson' jewelry store on Commercial street Titles Investigated. , Money to Loan,: Land for Sale, Houses for Rent..! CALL AND SEE US. H. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop No. 254 Commercial St. House and Carriage Painting, Sign writing, Paper hanging and decorating, Wall tinting anil kal sominlng executed in tho latest style. Experienced Workmen Employed, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and bee in before you let your worn. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES Ily repjpeiing and decorating your resi dence, bor material go to S.nge.int's Va llety Store, who carries the latest styles nnd patterns lu Wall l'upe r, Horders and Decorations. Paper trimmed tree of charge. Atlnolluuof 13A.BY CARRIAGES always on hand, besides alargoiissortment of new goods too numerous to mention WM. SAKGEANT, Variety Stoic, Commeicial St., Salem. SEE HERE! If there is anyone in the whole state of Oregon win wants to return to the east he should read this advertisement: i BoarderSI J inyono wishing to board ata aulet -J A , and cozy place, will And the object ot ' I MRS. "M. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemeketo and Liberty SU., Biiem, Where a Jew select boarders can secure board. Northern Pacific Railroad GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE TWO FAST TRAINS DAIJjY! NO CHANGE OF CABS A liargnin For y" Call and See T. I. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NKW QUAUTKRS IN THE State Insurance lluilding, Cor. Com mercial and CheincUeto streets '0-ltf SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And all points East via St. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. Tho Northern Pacific railroad la the only line running PassenRer trains, Second claa sleepers (free of charge) Luxurioai Day coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. Palace Dining Cars, (meals 75c) from Port land to the east. See that your ticket read via the Norther Pacific railroad and ovoid the change of cars. EASTERN IWERTi! JT Having been furnished for tho especial accommodation or the public, we lilt te tlio attention of tlirt tlin liirvniA- and blecpy ones to "Our Home" bodi, new and clean; good "Home" meals t.ered iog- a Minr of r.wTit sm.s iiti; life, Itwtisjust an ordinarv scran f yours-,r" lllitl...r .h 1.... t. . . '.... I """n iK'1'i-i, "in ii. siivi'u ner nie, uliuly throe times a ddv. No CIiIupsh in tho kitchen. Give us a call and seo for Hie was in the la.it stages of con stimption, told hy iM-j4iMW"that she was Incnralilo-TrtrtTcoiild live on IV a holt time; slio weighed less than seventy H)iifids. On a piece of nippint; paper sliu read of Dr. ivmt; s ,cw iiiMjovery, and L'ot n sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a hirso bottle, it helped her more, bought another nnd grew bet ter fat, continued it i use and is now trong heallhy.nwy, plump, weigh ng 1 10 pounds, l'or fuller particu lais Mnd stamp to V. it Cole, Drntrgixt, Fort smith. Trial bottle orthls woiulerful discovery freo nt n.in'lJ. l-'ry's drug store. A Brooklyn man dreamed ho was hi n ecrhnmae, mid drew his pistol from under bU nllimv umi i,,t i.:... self. ' ....- 13. Nf. LAW, Proprietor. Cor. Lout t mm Hl-gli St., Salem, Or. ttix,t Thrt ftiiir.i.t. i., . ... v h v- HIUUI LI 111 llt'IIHHIl IAf 'a '.-. tiiUn of tho t'oliimbiu trlbularli lMr,-v '''"K'miHl In inInliiK Its depths ,aU -i-iiu. would hmo la raws oj VhenMr.Kmicr,oi k; Kliu tnt, toiv I '''-'re Is moixicatiurh In this sec lHMiautBjoMdiiiKrltydranrl't'.toajkwiiot i V,,m of u, vountry than all other nt tint nnrili I,. ........... .i . i Air mint mm. I h IiiIi.,,i.i -...., ....in,,,, ..... IMllllll-V I I I ""III NM 1. . .J I. . --.- h numuittrtictlvi. an.) n... ...h unto bnvds Iherx. I.iimiii.-m iu i ,.i.' . ..". "cow- MwwaiM lumM ----, .,..-, t tl'tin " " ", tuni lllttlt.twt.1 M...l .1.. t ... IHl It lillil.l v.1Ia. .. .... o. "loin thm tho drussltt po hor n Kittle, nni .!. ..i.i ........ .. . . "'"i ArvuxiwrtHl w lth a growth rrrisi ,,u,lw' M H" the Mioiva fm.( " to tw jm (or Uni it onvvtiM , tnw. The wihkN alHuitid In gama, ,,l''l '''l1 a(er of the ,l. i,.,su T"- '"o tag u the teninciucunr: nml tho ttbuiidamv of Umi. ihvr il'lf'''K''l,hUion of bom ami mkIi n ac bco, Febnmtr S, euro. coarlmlou. lN. lllWllS Dill tilirollutr .iii.l n.,tll il... last aw years was supposed to lie i-! curable, l-or a great intinv years doctors piimoum;d it n Ioo1Uim mi iMw-iTKMU K-ai remedies, and bv iHiitanlly dling to cure with local i try;umei, prouoiuicwl It in curablo. Hi leuiv has liroven catarrli i. w (.MiMmittonni illMaM anil 10 IK 11 IMrWlltiill......! .11..... .. i Ionium, luouuiuiii MeiMi, and """ '''umii uics lurim.li t lourrti' i,, ",. . u"""""s my iuif,rts tlieivf. ,r. ' HL, WV. ... l.M,u! wolv, mKo ,U ni, U,;:; l ble.nl. with the Umix andlom, rATSS ' W? S fe? N r jmUvw. , heMiap. a largo fonv Is engaged '- .. . h..t Juot, lamS WWlhp k '" & "lhowiMtoriuxuHtUvory tUtlVr i l" llSllB "l mm that has Uvn w-JttM"u 'Jrl"fjUua.ick iuc4. ,V i ' ),,' ls ,,,"-,Nfj'y wmstitu- nit lu ihyUti ehamoterUtKvi. t ' formlns thnnigh tineouutt.l . "l;u!,,,hr '' ntm..( eiiher &T 1"I.,...U.' I!'!,!; U !s iv.Hlinim tho uiii .IcmtUkM lU IU fm hwii Uhmiiiw puMvip. ' wr ih.i wiu cumuAnu.S W l tht blootl ami iiiu. iiiHie, u IHck.4 I ii im. ..r uvro li not li hi.' rollout 'i.Il.,i,i ,i.i. , livwui lk iiiadaehoi .h.mi.t k. - .... " in itie teiii. T i.v ..tv.. it ,v . . " -'- --v itvuviwuy ...... i , i , -- - "' ..v .---- DR. JORDAN'S .MUSEUM OF AXATOMV 751 Market st. San FmucLco CAI.IPOItMA. Ooand learn how to avoid disease, ahd how uimderfnl ly yon nre made. CoiiHiilta lion and treatment ncrs on ally or by letter or weak ue!.es and nil tlUcnsse o men. Send for nrr Private ottlce 211 Ueary street. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY utuutM Students In ft i, Literary, Scientific, ormnl, Business, Law, -To Exchange for II N UND Leave Portland at 8 a. m.and &40 p. m. dally arrive at Minneapolis or St. Paul l (1:03 p. m. i'acifio division. Trains leave rTooj and G street dally at 11:55 a. m, and 8.1 p.m.; Arrive at Taeoina at 7:10 p mn4 :20 a m arrive Seattle 0:25a m andfcMpra. ai a m arrive Seattle 0:25a m anasuopm. Throilfrh Pullman Pnlnnft RIfiDlnff Cars, elegant, day coaencs, finest palace dining cars between Portland, TacomaandSeattH direct. Dally -service. A. D. CHARLTON Abst. Gcn'l Pass. Agent, 121 First St., Oor. Washington St,, Portland, Oregon. Depot Corner First andQ Street. A GOOD CHANCE SEE One hundred acres of extra clear land, flnt for dividing up Into small tracts, U odjt three-fourths of a mile from Salem P0"- otllce. Price 885 per aero. THOMAS A FAX. INSURAWCK Company. Fire and H" rlne. JOS. ALBERT. Agent, - Salem, Oregon For Bargains IN 49-For particulars call at this office. Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Ett, 1 hOUhHnrta rifn nuiAn.i ...m. .. tho KhinSvnn.i iT.J."I"AJ"" "'leases or fer l t ..r"r.M.''""V iwn . WHO Uf- their inriri.i n. .?n mnUo "no-vu nllnS?-I.ed ANI nSy ku,rdrUnVt1 nw, ntai n Ineo'f lie. V to"0 atlord lntnnt re Sold by I). v. Mathu & Co. QO TO VoKmiiIo iictiou fiiiiml in ii........ natural iiIumiui,,. ,.., i,t ., i. ., ... . uoru. is? w.-fcr.js.S!: """ "'" '" uf "" '"" tH- MEDICAL COURSES. .'JmiSW ?.'., l?-e;', ,aui t !??J..ilM SlfisLli in.,,,,..., .. .,, .... maker. JM expen- PDS T VPiorLe'-''iUi!saAKHOOD. KnlshfUi. .. i-.llv.Lil'.UIi.d athU' N " . ftllUtoum. ..! fnroi.irr '! "';- .ini: in ihe North- WtT Ww 7BatT,'.a1 P''T Vn " iwiy MMwU ,?-"; .,.&!. s.'Ka.H"' - - -rr IBMMM S:;.:?-jS r.uiiitn.t CHU1 by ilruiiclsts. Too. . Pi.t.. TwA7KVZ.V..lT?l' '. Kf'?","enl LJ.J .." "tKwt talcm, Orveon. vxtStjTuiuu&iLffltTftfi?? nownFf1.ru.lit yatidmo THOMAS BUBROWS, CommorciQl Street, Salem, Or , Country produce of all kinds 1JMJ baud. If you have not traded with mJBJ foro.I respectfully solicit a trial tel I can suit you both In prices and quauv. THE OLD RELIABLE s leeb of toe eral ref oM IllO ' iamvUfk imu ! sr ,-...,, ,jr, iviuiii ii. ufU Ufic I