THE CAPITAL EVENING JOUBNAL. THE CAl'ITAL JOURNAL, MONDAY-- -MAY 13, 13vS0. Tlio liabies of the World. It has been computed that be tween 30,000,000 and 37,000,000 of ba bies are born into the world each year. The rate of production is therefore about seventy a minute, or rather more than one for every beat of the clock. With the onc-n- mlnnto calculation every reader is fanialiar, but it h not everyone who stops to calculate what this means when it comes to a year's supply. And it will probably, tlierel'oie, startle a good many purs ns to ilnd, on the authority ol a writer in the hospital, that could the infants of a single year bo rallied in line in cra dles seven deep, they would go around the globe. We have the in genious conclusion also, sup posing the little ones to grow up and the sexes to be about equally divid ed, wo should have an "army 100 times as large as the forces of the Uritish empire, with a wife in addi tion o every soldier. The banic writer looks a the matter in a still more picturesque light. He imag ines the babies being carried past a given point in their mothers' charge one by one and the procession being kept up continuously ni.-rht and day until the last comer in the twelve month has passed by. A sufficient ly liberal rate of sp e.l h allowed but even with these babies-in-arms go ing past twenty a minute, the re viewing officer would only have seeti a sixth part cf the infantine host file onward by the time lie had been a year at his pat. In other words, the babe that hud to be car ried when the work began would bo able to toddle onward itself when a mere fraction of its comrades had reached the saluting postpaid when the years supply or babies was taper ing to a close, there would be a rear guard not of infanta, but of romp ing boys and girls. They would havo passed, in fact, out of the ma ternal nrms into the hand" of the school teacher. Every moment of nearly seven years would be requir ed to complete this grand parade of those little ones that in the course of u twelvemonth begin to play their part in the first age of man. Au Essay On Cows. A cow is an animal with four legs on the underside. The tail is longer than tho legs, but is not used to stand on. The cow kills Hies with her tail. The cow has big ears that wiggle on hinges; so does her tail. The cow is bigger than the calf, but not so big as the elephant. She is made so tall that she can go into the barn when nobody is look ing. '3ome cows aro black and some hoek: A dog was hooked once. She tossed tho dog that killed the cat that worried the rat. Black cows give white milk ; .so do other cows. Milkmen sell milk to buy their Hi tie girls dresses, which they put water in and chalk. Cows chow cuds, and each finds its own chew. That ii all there is about cows. It is not often that such a little matter as three minutes stand be tween a man and the penitentiary. Yet that was the case in Toledo the other dav when it was showu that a theft was committed just that period before sunset, and Jieuco was petti' larceny and not burglary. Great is tho Ingenuity of the Toledo lawyer. Emma Abbott, the singer, is now said to be the richest-woman on the American stage. She is 38 years old, and twenty years ago vrixs sing ing in a Brooklyn choir, endeavor ing to save money enough money to pay the expenso of study in Europe. Revivalist 'My son, when that great day comes, where will we find you, with tho sheep or tho goats?" Small boy "Jiggered if I know. Ma she calls mo her 'little lamb,' and pa calls me 'the kid,' so I guei-s I'll have to give it up." A man hasn't much of an opinion of himself after a night of folly and yet strange to say, that's the time when ho has a case of "big-head." All this anxiety about tho eleva tion of tho stagelsqulte unnecessary. Tho stage can elevate Uself very well because it has wlngaffiid tiles. A1 GOOD CUV oV COl'F- E. Is a -great attraction for a restaurant. Tho coffee drawn froni Hellenbrand's fat ent Coffeo rcccptaclo is ono of tho many Great Attractions of wis catlns parlors. Thousands bfeups of Ills excellent cofietf uresola every week. And as Tor oysters and meals he cannot bo equaled In tho state, tf F.rocH. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robiwt JicaltU marks an epoch in tho life ofthein dividual. riuch u remarkable event Is treasured in the memory nnd the agency whereby the good health hua been attained fs greatfully bichsed. Hence it is that mj much Is heard in probe of Electric Bitters. So ninny feel they owe their restoration to health, to theusoofthe Great Al terative and Tunic. If you aw troubled with any dlseaue of Kid neys. Liver orStomat'h, of long or BhortMandlhg you will surely find -n.,r i... ... ,,f T". wtrlu Hitters. Sold at 60e. and $1 per bottle at I)an lei J, Jury's wmgwimf, mm V ROYAL JS5W8 J POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary Mods, and cannot be sold in competition with tho multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powdcis. Sold only In cans. ItoYAi. Making Povdeh Co.. lOOWnll.N.Y. For the Public Good. It is an Indisputable fact that tho hand oomest vestibule trains that aro now run on tho American continent aio those on the. liurllngton route, leaving fiom Union depot In Denver, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival of iilllhrough trains from tho west. Tho first nnd second class coaches aro magnificent, the reclining chair cars suburb, tho Pullman sleepers extiemcly luxuriant', nnd as for tho meals that nre served In thoso palace liurllngton dining urn yum yum. Mile ncxi lime you go cast to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louis, If you mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to lead from Denver or St. IVint nvpr tlin TtniltniTtnn rntitn. vnn will get it, and you will always be glad of u. If vou iro via tho .Northern or Canadian Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of j. no iiurnngton ltoute, oetween St. I'nui and Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along tliCc.istcrn shore of tho Mississippi river for a distance of .IT) miles, amidst sceu cry that can not bo sui passed; or, If you go via the Oregon Short Line, or Southern 1'aclflc, nnd your ticket reads via The liurllngton Kou.o from Chcyciino or Den ver, you will pass through ail tho thriving cities and towns located In what Is popu lnily known as tho Heart of tho Continent. Kor further Information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 8j First street, Portland, Oregon. 4-lUdd.wtl $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood marcs and young horses for sate. forty or liity colts expected in the spring Two lino horses, Clyde and l'orcheon stock, weight sixteen nnd seventeen hundred; have been with the band for the past three years. Original stock from the best quality ot mares. Kor pai tlculars nddre.3 or seo W. U. BYAIIS. wtt. Salem, Or. IMMIGRANTS LOOK HERE! Having farmed In this country for over half a century, which gives us a thorough knowledge of tliocountiy, wo now otter our services to you In; and lake pleasure In announcing wo havo a very lino list of property from which to select, embracing some ot tho best Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms in Marlon and Linn counties, at prices that cannot bo dupllcted In tho Willamette valley. Other valuablo property of vari ous kinds ottered nf'bed lock" prices. Come and See and You Will He Convinced that wo are otrerlng nil that wo hero claim. Como by .Nanow Gauge railway, or to Turner nnd tnko stage, (four miles). Descriptive price list of farms and other property sent on application. Locating two or moro families near each othera rjmj cialty. II. C. & J. II. PORTER, Real Estate Agents. Aunidville, Marlon county Or. 4-5-SO (MUX RAILWAY CO. Limited Line.") C1IAS. X SCOTT, - - -Iteceiver. I On and after Feb. 18 l?s!i.and until further notico trains will run daily (except Hun day) as follews: ' EAST SIDE. Couurg Mall il'ortl'd Mail Prom Port laud STATIONS. Tow'rd Port land Lv. ll.Hu nui l-oitTi.ANii i y Ar. 4.W.p in. AT. JU.UH riMJlUlUITJ MH. UH l.v. 2.15 n in Ruv's Ijiudlng. Ar l.Sd 117 2.2! St. Paul's, 3.10 .1:31 11.11 sua 1.03 4.10 4.3.1 4.S9 J.17 5.b0 5.80 5.50 Woodburn, Townsend, MeKce, 12.00 1M(J 11.10 11.21 (Ml 11.00 10.1B, 10.07 I). Ill 11.18 8j0 I Jit. Angel, Down'., hllverton. Johnston' Mill Switzerland. KastSldeJunct.J Macleay, Aumsvllle, WestHtayton 0,11 0.2 1 CM 7.20 7.-J) &01 8:07 (W0 10:15 OP Crpslug, West Hclo, Crobtree, Sptcei, Tallman, Plalnvluw. Jlrownsvllle, llow land, 8,10 8.2 aoo 7J1 48 tus 5.T0 Couurg. AH Ar -p in LV Lv a in n .lxlTlAVcfd at turo i-nnty nor uummuijuit i. .v...- - -.--- . JUlJe OH K-'llO III iuuim .. lng uu'cnta. I Connection lit II"'?,,, nn, .F7i9??,rt ' Cenerul 0lcc, N W Cor. First una line, j ForUand, Orogoa. THE RELIABLE GROCERS, KELLER Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. -O- Speciaities in Ta.ble Luxuries, Fine Tea., and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call. A ff We wish to say a i'cw words to the renders of the Journal in regard to foetwear: 1st. Our stock for this SPRING comprises nil tho latest and most desirable-styles in botli ladies' and gents' footwear. 2d. "We carry no shoddv goods, but guarantee to sell tho best goods the market aflords at lower prices than any other house, quality con sidered. 3d. Your attention is invited to our immense lino of Ladies' Light Footwear! A$ The attention of tho ladies is particularly invited to this department. Now is the time to buy before the stock is broken. Our stock is large, well selected and varied. You can see all that is new and desirable, nnd wo will guarantee to fit you nnd suit you. KRAUSSE & KLEIN, No. 211 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Wm. Brown & Co., DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. (f) ,-Tsri h o ffl Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS AND FURS. 231 Commercial Street, Salern, Or m n m to wm ! 1, FOUND! Success in Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly nuiHler Commercial Arithmetic, Business PeniiuuiHhlp and Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, the nature and correct umj of Commercial Paper, Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthnnd and Type-writing, Manlfcild, and Dictation work. All these aro needed In business, and aro thoroughly taught by exper lenced eachers at the rJALEM BUSlSlSSS UOMAHnZ Grlswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. KTiW3W K AND MANY OTHER i .. .. . . ,., i .ii i AlstalwpleieaiWKWiiawfeiiarariwciiitry,i5i!oaniLM k TO YO U) X o CO Garland Stoves, Charter flak Stoves," Brighton Range LEADING STYLES, in if I? Ul I !.. rp T iTARMQ torn . Ten to One Mile from Aiimsvillc Several fruit growers from the locate with us anil there is room for several more. Sample No. 1, 1W acres more or less high land gently rolling, deep rich red soil, all under plow, sufficient fence. Price i 10. Sample No. 1', 20 acres, more or less p'Utlv under plow, partly covered with willows, gently Inclining and level land, both red and black soil. Price $!l to $:). Purchasers can pay 8 per cent. Interest on half for live to seven years. From Salem take train to Turner and thence to Aiimsvillc, on Thomas Bros', hack line, nnd call on the owner, Mr. Wm. Shaw, one mile north ot depot, or for fuither particulars address J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon. fee dy .Capita Heis IBeen v Gin CIIEAPBT NEWAPHlt IN ORPS"! THE BEST FAMILY 'NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY Read Our Reduced Terms! WKKKLY, one year, iM.SO. WEI3KLY, six months,. .$0.7o Now Head Our Discount for Cash'. WEEKLY, ono year, .l. 1.00. WEEKLY, six months,. ...$0.60 WAS.TJIKttE EVER ANYTHING! EQUAL TO ITV NOW ItOLL IN THE NAMICS, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE Ol-' OUH ONE-"'HIIU) OKF FOIt CASH. Our Old Subscribers Now in arrears are urged to take advantage of our big discount, by set tling old accounts and joining the grand thiongof one dollar Mibscilbers THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER Jtut .1 solid, periniiiiciit reductlou. Wo have enno to stay TO ONE AND ALL " Wo say, send us your names. If you want to take advantage of our "ono third'oft" for cash," and are not wheroyou can get postal notes of other convenient method of remitting, send us your name and slate II. at you will remit at (list opportunity. This will ensure your being placed on the dollar list. Tho TUJYm.3' GUIDE ! lsHUad M roll and Uopt., oacli yoar. it l au ency clopedia of uaoful tnfor mntioii for nil who pur. cbaao tho luxuries or tbo iinnnaaltlnx of HfO. Wo can clothe you nnd Jurnlth you with all tho nocoHcry nnd unnecomiary appltancos to rido.valk, ilanco, aloop, oat. flh, hunt, work, ro to chinch, or itay at homo, and in various bizos, stylos and quanlitloB. Just Uruio out what in requirod to do all thoso thinga C0MF0RTAM.T. and you oan mako a .lair etirattto ot tho vnluo of tho HUXtuUU (IUIDC, whloli will ho aont upon receipt of 10 centu w pay poataRO, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114. tAiohisnn Avunue. Cbic&KO.Ill. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY OnuUiHten KIikU'iiIk lu Classical, Literary, Scicnillic, Normal, BusIiipss, Law, A Nl MEDICAL COURSES. UiitlieoMt?t,liriftMl mid Ituut oxn nlveinnllutlmi f iuiirnliiK In lliu North Hci'iimiI dikjiu flrt Monday In Ki'itinlar i Bondfora-taloKlloti. , I President. t Hiri.i,ofrim. jUHfl k ly Acre, and Ten Miles from Salem. catt liavo declared their intention to I Enlarged Is m VX9WtanmiILMlMliJ,lMLnjD9tTteVX3Z-IZ4 "DR. JORDAN'S m of mum 7')t.Mnrk'tKt Sun KnuicUiti (JAl.Il'dK.NIA. (IiiiiikI leal II liuu- to uvnlil I'rlMitr iilllccUll (Jiiui-y hIii til. m Flic Salem Alistrac AND- LAND COMPANY, Have removed to building adjoining ThoiiijmonV Jewelry store on (,'nmiuui'vlal street. Titles Investigated, Money to Loan, Land for Sale, Houses for Rent oai and s u Journa h mm Mi V ffvaft J (llMiiK(,iiliilliou'uoiiilurriil- lf)TOfi ly jmiaiii iiiiulc. Coiihii In- Bill Fl K. 1IIIIU lll'llllJHMIl IH'ITt'OII tiill U (r nlly or ly lultcror wi-ulf X J' lll'XICM Mild llll lIlMIIIKMI II cs ' ineii.. honcl fur luxilc. TItANSI'OIlTATIO. TH.E YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And OrPKon Development company's iteiuiiKhlpliuc. --" mlk'i Hhorloi.'JU iinurs lev) timo than by any otlici unite, l-'lr.t eln-s tliroitRli pavicnser nnd fielplit II. o from I'ortlund nnd nil points In tlioWP lumi'ttu viillcv to nnd lioni inti Krniiclsco TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxi-opt SundnyBj: l.eavu Albany 1:00 I'M Leave CorvnlllH 1:10 I'M Anlvo Ynqulnn fit-'iOl'M l.eavo Ymiiilna (1:11AM Leave CotvallN lOAIAM Arrlo Albany 11:10 AM O. .V V. tnilns connect at Albany nnd Coi'MillU. The above trains connect at YAOU1XA ltb tlin Oii'Kou llcvelnninent CVs I.luo jIHteaMsblps tietMeen niiulim nnd San l-'ianelvi-o. SAII.IM1 HATES. STKAMi:i!S. FUOM Y.IQU1KA Williinietto Vallev Sunday Apr. IS Willamette Valley 1.Mnndny,.Miiv (1 Willamette Valley, Tuesday " 11 STKAMlinS, l'HOM HAN KltANCIbCO Willamette Valley Tlitirsday, May 1! Wlllamotto Valley l-'ildny " 10 Wlllametlo Valley-. . .Satunlay, " 18 This iiimiunv rcseivos tbo rnrlit to cbanire Kalllni; dates without notice. . ii. rnsseiiiicis noin I'ortlalid nnd nil Willamette Vallev nolnts can innko eloso eounectliiu with tin; trains of tlin YAOUINAltOUTK at Albany or Corvnllls, and If destined to Han 1'ianelsco, should nrninnetoarilvoat Ymiulna thu evening ueiiiiu tiaie oi hailing. I'.wsrn);rr ami Krelvlit Hates Alnnis thr l.uwest. 1'or Inlormallon apply to Mewsr m ujw, iv i o.; I'reiRiii aim neuet AirentsLlXianirjO-JKi-ont Ht.. I'ortlanil.Or. or to C.C. HonUK, Ae't Oeii'l Krt. t l'nss. Agt., Oregon Co., Corvnllls, Or. (1 11.,Jr. Oen'l Kit; A Hiss. AKt. Uieeon Development Co., ;i0l MontKomery st.; San Kraucisco, CalJ TIMK T.IU,r. ItlVEIt DIVISION. '1 beelerfantly eiiuippeil steamtoals,Wm M. lloai:, Capl. (leo. Ittmbp; Nio N. H. llentlev. Cant. .l.:i. Ceulttr: tlin Tbren Sisters, (.'apt. W. I'. Miorf, aio In service lor piiweiiKeriind lielubt liatllo betweeu Con allls and rurtland and Intcrmcdlati) points, maklni; tluee louml tilps each week as follews: NORTH IIOlTND-i.uive.sCoralllN Moil day, Wednesday and Krldny at S a. in. Airlvesat Salem .Monday, Wednesday and I'Vldav nt.l I), m. Leaves Salem Tuesday. Tliursday and Saturday at (I a.m. Arrives at ruiiinnuTuckciny, niiiiMtny anil satur d ly si :i:.'Kl p. in. -OUTll IIOl'ND LciiM'h l'ortland Moil day, Wednesday and Kililnv at (I a. in. An l es at Salem Monday, Wednesday and 1'rldny nt 7:lTi p. in. Leaves Salem Tues day, Tliuisday and Saturday at (I a. m. Anhes at I'omillls Tuesday, Tliuisday Satunlay nt :i::l0ii. in. l'"nr IioIkIiI ami passenuer rales apply to tlio captains and puiscrsol'tliu icsiccMh lionts, or to W. .M. I )in II iilt, iikciiI, 'M) and lUM''iout stieet, l'mtlnml; (illbcit llros. agents, Salem; I, M.Ailalr, HKcnt, Albany V. A. Mlller,iu?ent, Curvallls; or totho ucil end fiullit and passenser uncut. Corvnllls. O. .t t). trains connect at Albany and (.'nrwillm K. W. 1IO WKN, Superintendent. Win, 1IO.UI, (leueinl MnuiiKrr. Overland '(California -VIA So'iiflifii'ii I'iicil'ic Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA HOUTIi. fiine lli'ttvi'rn S.ilrm ami Snu r'nuiclsio 'I lilt't -six lluiirs. KlllNIA i:.l'lll.SS 1IIA1N It Hl.riVIIIlN I'Oltn.AKl) AND "TWtli. "J.oo i'inT ll:ll p. in. T.'tfa. in. NouIi. 10:11 u. fa. 7yMa. III. 7:110 p. in. Lv. I'urtTiiTid Ar. Lv. Salem Lv. Ar. San Kran. Lv. I.OCAI, ah.-i:n(ii:k tuain ( ii.mi.v mx chit sunkav). H:mi a. iii. I Lv. I'oiilnml Ar. I, :i:1.1 p. in. 11:10 a, m Lv Salem Lv. ( I'.lfi'J p. m. 11.10 p. in, I A r. laiKcno Lv. IM1 a. n I r PULLMAN BUFFET SIME1IS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Kor iicciiiiimodiilioii ot second claSH ptiHsiiiKi'iK attacbed lo orpic-s tnilns, ThoH. 1. company's feny nialses ion ncctloii with all tho rcKUIar nanus on th Ijii't Kiuu Division fiom loolot V stieu rortland. Ycsl Siilo Division. Between Portland and Cervallis: IIAII.V (liXCKIT HUNllAV). r7:.K)7i. in ."I L . I'oi llaiid Ar.T (l0l. in". U-X p. m. I A r.J 'orvallls Lv. 1 1:10 j. in. XF'A'inaiiv and CurvnTinriiiiuii'tit IIE lialnsof Oii'Kon 1'aclllii ltullroad. 'Iliioiiuli ItcKelKto nil points south and ciiht In l'ullforilla KM'lilVWl ItAl.V "(IIA1I.Y i:XCKlThUKlAV.) .Ml p. m. I LvrTiirllmiinr, roluin, in. W p. in. I Ar.Mii.MlnnvllluLv. 6:1,1a. in. Through Tickets To nil points SOUTH ami KAST California. lor lull liiloi ination rczardini; nites, uiitp, etc., apply to tho Coiiipuuy s nueut, Haluiii, Ori'L'on. 11. I'. I tO(i Kits, Awt. (J. K. nnd i'ass. A'j't, II. KOKHLKIt, Mumitfur. Oiegon llailway and Navigation COMPANY, Columbia River Route.' 1 rains for thu cast luivo I'ortlnud nt 7:i5 ii in mid 8 p in dally. Tin ( Is to and from principal point In tin United States, Ca uda ami l.iuope, ELEGANT NJLMANN PAL'.C CARS Kuiltfrniit Hk-eplni: Cars run ltnouK',,on ' expiess tit Inn to OMAHA t'OU.N'CII JILirK 11 1(1 BT. 1'AUI Free of Charge and Wit oil Cliauge. L'ouurctloiittut l'ortland forSan Kruu ciHoouud I'uu'tit Hound poluU. Kor lurtlivrpiirllculuru liuiulru of I. A. MuiiiiIiii:. iitfent of tho company, M6 (inunerclal mrt-et, Hjluui i. icuun, oi A. U .Maxwell, (I. 1', & T, rwititiud Ori-tfou, A. L. MAXWELL, O. 1'. AT A H. HOLCOHB' Otteml.U noger, 4 1 I -U M i . Jtl