'He 9 i 11 A i J THE GIHTIL JOURNAL rjHLWHEI)An.Y,BXCi:iT80.VI)AV, u r THE Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Inmriwrotcil.) I'fiUn-d Ht the txwKiIIlcc lit Miem,Or.,as KfCOIlllClllM lllUtl'T. CLARE B. IRVINE, Manager, Sj fourth page for K-rtim of Kubscrlp- 1AniifrtlfPiiiiiit to lnsurp Insertion (for the .mc day) Klioulrt be lininlcd In ly I "'ilmrcitKiniUncc conliilnln? new; of In; lw"t hihI l!nK,rti.t.w Ik lmlredrro.il ..II PHl!'ul"m'ill l-e lW to.mony.nouH "KSS.MfflnV .o CA...TAJ. .In.;KNA.; served .it iMrlinu""" " I a hi til 'jira,ri'iicst, or l) olJIcc. HiH-cIincn niiiiibcro m lion. nt fn-c on iipplli-n- ?";i,o,ror.K:r C..iirtjUi.IJi!l!iTiSr !HJ1CK' MONDAY ...MAY 13, 1 Tin: iiuir ij: l,,u """uri river, Dnkotn, iin- lit-coming civurul with the while prairie hcIiooihth mid lentH of hiii.ly fiirintTH from Iowa find other Htiiles who have, cu.sl tliclr Knits In niitlflputloM or tin Bpccdy opening f the .Sioux re. cr vatlon. HAl.i:M"eaiiiiot allhrd to Bleep! nilo.r nltloi and towni me wide ?: ,... ui, miiHi lii.ve the Ah- inrln iiillroml. the Mfhaiim and Hllveilon lir.inelies and other im provemenlH lo keep paw with IN otheradvanliiKeH. Now Is the time to work. Tin: MlniieHolu leultdatiiro lm jiiKMed a eiipllal pimlHliment law Hlinlliir In home rexp.'etH to I lie New York law. Under Hh iiiivNIoiw l primmer Im lo lie kept In solllarx eonllneinent, ami ms no one hut hi family, hln lawyer and hi Hplritual advisers. lie Is tone exeetuled he foriiHiiiirNe, anil may invito three jHTMiiit lo he pronent. 'I'lie Hlieilll InvileH nix nerwiiH IwhIiIi-h Ihu mir-Hi-oii. It In made a inldeinennor forany newespaper to publish any tiling more nhiiiil the execution tliau tlie mere fuels. Tin: IiihIiIIoiim character of the daiiKer lurking In electric light wires In the street was exemplllled tun other day In Baltimore. Two individual ennversluu; close by an Iron awning pott were observed to tall suddenly to the ground. A broken telephone wire had estab lished communication between the eleelilii light wire and the frame work of Mm awning. Thu utivngtli of the uuneiil was doubtless divided, ami the vlctlniseveutually recovered their senses. Oni: of the uuistjmpoi taut reforms that will have been accomplished by President Harrison, when ho com pletes his term of olllee, that Is to his successors particularly, is the abolishing forever of presidential handshaking. Its death blow was dealt at the centennial celebration In New York, and was one of the creates' benellts derived from the celebration. l'resliUMit Harrison at the reception held on the day of the great demonstration, It Is said, "re velled to Ihst principles" and re Horted to Washington's custom of merely receiving and returning thu bows of thu callers at receptions, In stead or shaking their hands. Foil a year and a hair l'rank Md (lowau, a young man employed by thu Inventor Kdlsnu and who has Just returned to New York, has been wandering through thu unbroken forestH and swamps of South Anierl c.i In search of a particular kind of bamlioo Jyhh-li Mr. Edison has found bftni Invaluable lit eleetile lights. The adventures of Mr. Mc. llowau would till a book. He has fought with wild bcaits, braved cooodlle.s and snake i, fouled rivers, w.ided swamps and scaled thu Cor dlllorau peik-.. lie has a-ceiuled the Amazon river 'J.UHI mllus, gom HOiluys without eating meat, and nearly as m tny days without chang ing his shirt. All this he did, ami 111 Health Is somewhat shattered, but hu eamo back with the precious bamboo, and to know Mr, r-Mlson Is to'fevl sure that the plucky ami able lieutenant will lie properly re warded, It would scorn as tr the human mind could not encounter a more dreadful suhjeet for contemplation Hum Is furnished In an approhou Mini of thu haw puvtlhlllty of bolus burled alive. Nor ran Uuto lu eon. wived a more nnrvelous tmulttoii than the dWuternient or a person after having bivu burled and laid lit the grave -weokx -and uven mont lis mid hU rapid rvMor.itlon to iKTfect health and thu full vigor of life. All thU and ,wt niorv marvelous thing haw Uvu done lu India, as liuimlctttuhlo records amply prove. lUrvtoforv, untiring t,f tho kind Imi Uvii iis:tMsl liorv, but Dr, S, II. Tuniior, who foruivrlv leMded iiwlillo In MliincaivolU. auiioutuv that ho will make tho attempt to ! accomplish tho feat at tin early time. HI Intention va ilrt given out ! to tho iuiH.'luUM prs.suye.ir , (ttiuliifow ilayu wiico ho tt,sl In Clilcujjo that tho exjierlitieut will be. Uil wrly lu th month of May. t I With the finest fruit country lu , the world and a foil unsurpassed for thu production of vegetables Orugon Imports tons of canned goods every yearand allows her own surplus to rot, EfTort ishelng made In various places lo utilize some of this waste and keep tho money at home, and as a result a number or canneries placed their product upon the market last year. Independence is going to add another to the num ber. With proper care to put out only a first class article, fruit can- ncrkfl In Oregon can be made to pay. Haker City Reveille. Tin: Raker City Democrat advan ces the following r-enslble proposi tion:, "One hundred country news papers selected in favored localities throughout the east at points from which coast Immigration is expected having an average circulation of 1000 copies and lead by all classes, would gladly furnish space for a well-written article calculated to attract attention to Eastern Oregon, for not more than live dollars an isue. This would reach 100,000 people or the class desired to be reached, and at a cost of $o00." Vkhuvii-h is III uMate of eruption, and is giving nightly pyrol 'clinical exhibitions to Kuropr-an visitors ho are attracted to Naples". I'ioiii III" HI" Hi-nil. (C'orn-conilenci of llio('u)ilal Jomnal.) Hi:shi:imm:, Wash., May (I. -The thing we round most or is bunch gnus, there not being stock enough In the country lo devour the one hundiedtli part or it The fact i, I have seen nothing like it since the days of 18-11), in tho Willamette valley. I find many old Oiegoniaiis here as well as many new comers from the east. The country is uist settling up, mostly by poor men. The new town of Wilbur, forty-eight miles west or Spraguc, has twenty two new buildings put up since last November. They have a paper, and everything is on the boom at pres ent. This country is at least two months later than thu Willamette valley. You could not 11 ml one tiling In the form of garden veg etables in the whole Rig Rend coun try, with the exception f the old potato crops, and numbers of the luhatiltaul.s have not planted a seed in their garden. It is rough on an old Webroot to belli a country with out vegetables on the Hist or May, but such is lite in tho Rig Rend among the bunch grass, and sage ami rattle snakes. There is some beautiful scenery on thu Columbia out here. I have taken a bird's eye view of the place where the first gold was discovered In the Lead vllle mines many years ago. I). 1). l'UiriTVMAN. A Clever Wouinii. I An ICnglish wonmn relatt-s that I while ttavellng In the Culled States she was obliged to take a crowded ' ear, while lier friend entered thu ' next. , Her neighbor in (lie seat was a disagreeable fellow, whose features , Hhowed an alarming amount of low ctinnlni;, proiiilsing actual knavery. In spite of the Knglish woman's distrust of him she fell asleep and was .iwakeiied by feeling her com panion withdrawing his hand from her pocket. Her llrst Impulse was to raise tin alarm, her second to tiseert-iin the extent of her loss. It proved that the thief hud only succeeded In taking her baggage checks, and as his ticket was marked "Chicago," the lady resolved lo wait until tjiey le.u-hed that place, also her des tination. The train ran Into the station at ' CbleiiL'o. Ilia iileltiiii.liil iiimlii his wav to the door and the' ladv walked beside him. A baggage! ex pivss messenger was passing by j tho ear, and I he lady slopped him. 'i'i I'lils gentleman has the cheeks I to my baggage," she said, pointing! to the thief. The messenger turned to the man ' who, astonished with the sudden-1 "'i' retl wagon in the hollow over nesswlth which the tables had been l01'" "' tlio enek." turned, hastily produced the cheeks Woman Hogging exlMs as a pun am! disappeared In the crowd. , Ishnient lu the Transvaal. All the I'hlnaN I'liiiital 1'll.v. A traveler who nvently returned from I'ekln asserts that there Is plenty to smell In that city, but little to see. Most of the show places, Midi as the Temple of Heaven and the Marble Bridge, have one by one been eliv-cd to out side lurbarlans. who eauiiot even 1...I1. . it. .. tin. . iiniK' ineir way. i ue itouse.s aiv all uw ?tiriiu. ould hno lu rf j i "lM .w vears was supposeti to lie in very low and mean, the streets are, J"ls,iviViullckheB,iafiie.hl,wjiiMur ' LJU ' ll,r " Kri'"t M,a,,y years wliolly uniuived, aiv alwavii verv ,1ll,lW",liNh siie.w iucrc.1-1 J1,"rl,nVMUl",lva.U a IlH,1J ,u,:-, uiud.l v or verviinsiv ,.,i ,w ti, .,. , u,rt", ,htt ,ho ''"sSkM feller k iititf, I um I'erUsl local a'lnwlies and uuniiij orer dust,,aud as there noi tai mm i.,,i.. .i - ' V by eon an v fal Hii. t. ,-nr. ui. tire no Mvi rs or ivtpoois. the tlltlnVThe foltoutns lihefomJm-iuKMniui,,n neviof the town I liuKerllstble. He adds that the publlo imlldlngs tm small and lu a decavul and UimbUMlowu .vnilUlon, and nearest one e-.vn get to Hie emperor's Isdaeo Is to ellmb to the- top of wane InilldlUKot.lslilotl.ostie.xMlneUssurv" and Mirivntllloiulv ihvii v..r il.. uuuMimpuiiouMv iHp over the wull through uu ojiero gla Kven then he dtvi not h much, .For your I'alutH, OlN.eto , go to OllU'it A I'ttUenmii', d-tf THE Wearing of the (Irecn. Oh, Jennie, dcar.dld you bear The new thnfs solng round? One color inunt. hy fanhlon's liw, Inourlalrlandabound. It fs not meant to i-nll to nrun, Save maiden's arm I ween Hut every living oilvc brunch. Iswearlnjf of the green. I met with cousin Kuty, and I took her by the hand, And said: I hardly knew you, Von look so line and grand, Oh, ll'nall the fashion now, my dear, SheaBsuciediiilte serene; And every girl and woman here i wearing of the green. Oil, thei e's ilnrd green-serpent green There's bottle giecn and sage; There's beetle green and apple green, The color' all the rage. It'n well'tlHiifroccountry here, 'T.vould make a drendful t-ccne If anybody should forbid The won Ingot the green. "SCIIAI'S." Eiffel Tower landings told 80,000 men. There are sixty women dentists in the United States. A spark of leve: The diamond in the engagement ring. Mexico has decided to give boun ties to sugar producers. Three Chinese children arc attend ing public school in Victoria. Rcautlful modern hotif-es near London rent for $200 per year. fji Ik weavers to go to New York are advertised for in Switzerland. A Chinaman has been lecturing in favor or prohibition In Minnesota. Plenty r "rocks" imparts a dispo sition to give people a stony stare. Strange as it may appear, a blunt man's remarks are f-eldom without point. The How or natural gas at Colum bus, Ohio, Is estimated at 1,000,000 feet per day. London is to have an underground electric railroad that will "do" two miles In ten inlutes. Tho-e who didn't get good claims in tiie Oklahoma rush declare thu wholu tiling a swindle. Thu women of Denmark to the number of 200,000 have petitioned fin- the right or suffrage. A man tiled from sunstroke at i gietit nnuoyniice and pain from Uar Oklahoma City last week while sit-, hers lteh, tind win. had been treated .. i i i 1 ...... . bv the best pliysieians, without re- tlne " his claim improteeted. j sli4tllll tw0 l)()ltll'.s ,- i)UluiiB TlieSlonx Indian.sin Dakota are LSpeeille t-iiretl him and left his faee showing n disposition to take land in severalty, and abandon tribal re latioiiH. i left side," says a , "Lie on the health journal. 11 it mid neen a law journal it would have said: "Lie on both sides." Marriage can't be much of a tire, after alf. Every married keeps ids own i-.irrlage if he fail man hap- pens to have a baby. Edgar: Miss l-'rcclelgh doesn't ' wear corsets. Arthur: llowdoyou know'.' Edgar: ltee.iu-eslie laughs instead of giggling. Scott I (alley, the negro who as saulted a young lady at Halifax 'court bouse, Va., recently, was caught and lynched. When the new slates are added, j the electoral college will consist of Ul members, Instead of 4(11, thus making ::os a majority. The City of Paris, the new steam . er which has Just completed its tli-st trip, cost SlVino.OOO and can accom modate L'tHK) passengers. Ada: I don't think that Nettie Halfbr.ino has common sense. Maude Oh, yes, she has, she's the juost sensual girl in school, The maiden's lover Is always a man after her own heart. It doesn't have the ellV-ct of refining a man to bring him up by the elevator. The Hist baby was born at Okln- ,,,mm on '"ly. April L5, 1SS9. " tttbi "xw llu &xt r 1,l-v fl0 W"K". ' " ehristened Okla- homa Lewis. Society note In Oklahoma Herald: "Theaceompll.shedMls,s Lulu Gaily, late of Wichita, U making a short I "tuy with fri-nds from St. Louis, in ! South A flicaii press is violently op wed to It, but only rveciitly a wonuin was sentenced to receive tlttivn lashes for iNing obsVvno Inn- guage. Zl. ' grows towanl I.er. A Stu-lllnj; lliiilncit I'rcpo.lllrp. I ,. , " " When Mr. FowK-r. t r rills ttcct, !. l lKr, ? eatarrh In this sec-tssjiiimK-iiingcitydriawUt'.toni.i.ut V.ou r the iMiiutry than all other i -iUhi -The iiifi.nii itenuMy," joy'i Vcw su Fucici vvurunry mnvs. . H-- Sm XotwlthuiHlliiB my mUjiv lus'' :T vs,M israitiii did u ihrn 'uXXTlX ouia rvtiexo my dyi.u mm,i ,i,k h...i ch" I c uoi ht n-tum ot vithvr ''" ' laaue,,,.,-cunM )wn',nn,lwVciliftj,uUI-. , 0, mfj, ,hll .,. ..,,',. ,lu, oU aud I jwveut iik hr4acho tiiouM l pe ui-raliv wr.il, Vuou. UeiHX-lfull. Li , h 1 a W mi tr--i at - ttat. HVMDfa JOTHOWVL. -tfv.Pr-Psii.lniii. Cleveland has sub scribed SCO to the fund in aid or the Confederate Home" In Austin, Texas. U is estimated that 30,000,000,000 feet of lumber are annually taken from American forests, an ninont equivalent to about half the annual growth. Ilucklen's Arnica Sahe. The best salve iu thu world for cuts, brui-es, sores, ulcers, will rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect Mitisfncl ion, or money refunded. Price 2-3 cents ner box. For sale by Daniel J. Fry, 1"'fer- gist. ; All enterprising citizen of Johns ton, N. J., is applying for a pension, ii'dlvorce and n postollice. Portland.Oi'., January 12. Having a severe back ache last summer, I tried the Oregon Kidney Tea, I used one cu.i, which ellected a radical cjiv. I would reeonimeiid it to all who are alllicted as an un failing remedy. Julius Ach. Sold by D. W. Mathews. It is estimated that American women pay 2,000,000 annually for cosmetics. When all other remedies fail, Ore gon Kidney Tea conies to the front Rue a true, faithful friend. For Kid ney tind urinary troubles, such as pain in the back, mucous and milky discharges, brick dttt deposit in the urine, loss of appetite, weakness, and general debility, Oregon Kidney Tea lins no equal. It never fails and being of purely vegetable com position does not injuro the system. Sold by D. W. Mathews. Whisky is recommended as n remedv fiir weak lungs. It certain ly has a tendency to make the breath stronger. Always Yumis. Why Is my wife so piei-luus In my sight? is It because her ejes uiu always bright, And grace and modesty are In liernir? Neither, believe me, t hough sIic'r err fair, Sh('ia.v,aiidsaslt .lui an earnest dictien: "Till Wowing old, 1 mid, I- all alletlon, slnee lorieno sent me 'luwiiltc I'li-i-rli tin.i.'" is, indeed, a perfect mh-cIIIi- lor "female Mi-nkm-v.,'1 and klndii-d aliments, lly druggl-lH- Dr Tierce's famoiH n-inedy ol till name clo.inse tho liver, stiiinaeh. bowels audi whole system by using Iir. I'i he's IVllels I It must lie tbc spnrof the moment ' that makes time un so fust A geiitleiiiun who hud siifleretl periVetly smooth, without a scar. It never fails in skin diseases. Sold by 1). V. Mathews. UrotherTalniagesay.s thatAdam's miw(1(, mn Wjw tho ft(t Abcl.i)01ieti man on rcci ml. hi rKI'sY. This remedy is becoming so well know n and so popular as to need no special mention. All who nave useil I'.lcetric Hitteissing the same song nf i.rnUf. A iinti-r miwlii-ltio ilniw i,t ..vut muni is iMi..r:ii.t..i.ii t .in all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure till diseases ot'the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and utlier utlections caused by impure blood. AVill drive malaria fioni t lie system n'lil pi event as well as cine all malarial fevers l-'or cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Kitten. Entile salisfaction guaranteed, or iiiniiev reluutletl. Price -'(lets, and tfl.OO per bottle at Dan'l J. Fry's drug store. Crows tne the most satirical of birds. They make eawstie leuiarlts. If you are nervous or irritable, feel languid, dispirited, or if you have siek headache, sallow complexion, I .i . . l 'flu or oU'eusIve breath, then your liver .a. ii..... is out of order and needs rousing. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic re stores the liver to health v action and Kncs up the entire system. Sold by I). W. Mathews. Anil now the frog takes hopsjustas the winter gets bier. to his on his . Hiur or i'M'ki: swts iiek life. Itwasjiist an ordinary seraj) of! writing paper, but It saved her life. She was iu the last stages of con sumption, told by nhvsicians that' she was Incurable and could live on ly a short time; she weiirhed less limn kiivniittt t hi ii.I.i fi.. .. ..I j Z, , Z X. ,.!i ' ,' m King's New Discovery, and got a wM' htittle; it helped her, she H,u" n '" i" uot.VLi lt 'juiped her nioiv, bought another and grew bel ter fast, continued it i Useand Is now strong, healthy, rosy. nliunn.welL'b- IngUO pounds. For tidier partieu- lais send stamp to W. II Cole, ' ..oRm,.-uu.siii ii, inai oottio oi mis woiuieriui discovery D.in'l J. Fry's drug store. ... A. . . free at Itlsone of the paradoxes of life that the more a wife keeivs her bus. band lu hot water the colder he ,.Uva.st's 1 together, and until the hval t.eatinent, -uiiouncetl it in- eurable. Sclent & pretdtirVh in oe a eoiistitnt oniii iii.,..u,. ,.,,,i thervfore nsiulres eonstltullonal tret'tnient. Hall's Catarrh Curv. ' nianufaetiirisltiy F. J. Cheuev& Co! i loledo, Ohio, Is tho onlv constitu tional cure on i market. It u K" , ' "!ftf W. j '. rlnX ii.vl,, !1 i lt,WLU M' lp upon the blood and mucus' siirfus, , ,1... .... n.i. ... r.V . ".,v. "B1"' niey oner one liundrvMdonaw for any ease it wiwwwiw. SmuI for elreulars and dmilAN and tNild liy ilriigglots, "5e, H. V. MATTHEWS. Matthew: Office Over Capital National Bank, SALEM, OREGON! , . . ., , ,(,.,i p.,i.ioii rifviiriilitioii to Salem," jusleiistof Hie city. mid suburban lots ami farms ol all descriptions. MATTHEWS & AINSWORTH, Real Estate Agents. cily ST. ).UTPfl U AUL0 0U1VJVI, Boys and Girls. The school will open on the 'Jlth of September. Thorough instruc tion in the prlin.uy and advanced English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In eouie.- TKKMS mid further Inrormiitioii mn, be had on applicat.on to ,.i.Vni..., ' Coi.UiiincM.1 K. If. I'OST, ta and State Sts. s-awf A K. STRANG, No. ilOJ Commercial Street, SALKM, - - OREGON. -Ur.AI.KH IN- STOVESand RANGES I'lHinVni", Gas anil Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. &B- Apent for the niCHAUDSON A ' HOYNTON COMPANY'S Eurnaccs. Es-1 J tabiished in 18 ' IOUM F QTRATTHM ?, QHM , ..'"H'"r.ll;rs..n.1.1.(!..;Il.,!?r;l,.9 ac'"er in .MUsajAi. .Mi-j.a tiA.M.Jr.. er 1 ori, It and !." Walker St. John F. .Str.itton's C'elebraled Kit slan Gut Violin strings, the Finest in tho World. i " r (iiiariiutpe If a dealer receives a complaint, (which lio believes to bo honest) from a.iy musician to whom he lias sold any or tlieso strings, ho Is authorized by us to give him another string without charge, and all such loss will bo made good by cs to our customers, without quibble or question, (llewurool Imitation.) Dealers will pleaso send tor descriptive catalogue. Trad) supplied nt lowest price. '1-1. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop No. 231 Commercial St. House and Carriage Painting, det-oratlng, Walltinting anfl kai- soimn iil' executed In Mm it.wt , . ..w .t. v.t tyie. Experienced Workmen Employed, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Call and see lis before yon let your work. Cull und See T. I. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, IT HIS NEW QUAltTKlW IV titk &8$3JS?$$& T XV State Insuninru nm I ' l!Mr,d ,fgS Jff t'tilieuitenUonof "lit lheii"bl? na.et-pyoqioUrirnm'.iiiiVu..li .in.i ..i.v.'. 3:.! :...."'". .""'" , uew 'beds, new r.i...r...v. fc:7 uuio ' menu sened ree. thSfM&5Xtx!?. Ai. cuineMj-i?, -oUN.ir. ,uu " ,a" uua w IS. M. LAW, rroprls.tor. eor.Cou.rlMtd.lIlisl.6t., gtw Or, II M iKlH; 5 II tj'mmh Ta flMtMAKli JO ' New Butcher Shop AT No, 216 Commercial Street AXGEVIXB & HANSOME. Have opened up -. first-class butcher shop ntthe above location, where they will bn pleased to sen e the people with tho CHOICEST AND 11EST MEATS of all kinds that the market allordi. (Jie them a call and be convinced of the superiority of their meats. 3lloods delivered fice. DO YOU EAT? It' you do, call at tho W. C, T. U, RESTAURANT in the opera house block, wheie you can BCi a good clean mealatany timeof day or evening. This esiaurant Is under new manage ment and satisfaction is guaranteed, tv erything is in ilrst-cl.iss shape. Mr.nnil Mrs. 8. E IIOWAHI), Tho New .Managers. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES lly rcimncrlng and decoratlnjj your rcsl denee. b'or material iro to Sarae.int'.s Va. rlcty Store, who carries tho latest styles and pattern-, in Wall Paper, Ilorders and Decorations, rapcr trimmeuireooi cnarge. A line lino ot BABY CARRIAGES . ....... J 7 v... ...... v., ..v ....v j.. ...., .. w......... nlirnvj .,, Iintnl liocliln .. Infi.o nciirl mull t oi new goods too numerous to mention WM. SAEGEANT, Variety Stoie, Commeiclal St., Salem. fcrAiii.isnr.n iiy nationai. autiiouitv itnl National Bank Ol''- SALEM -'OREGON. ., up, - $75,000 - 10,000 K. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. ilAHTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. AI.HKUT, .- - - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSi W.T. Giay, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, H. S.Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. H. Albeit, T. MeF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market. auie produce, consigned or in store, either in private granaries or 'public, warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Purls, Berlin, ""& """& uuu siuuiliut. TWENTY LOTS - In North Salem House and lot corner Marion nml 13th streets ; extra farm eight miles irom Daiem ; eignry acres ncli land, seven miles from Salem, 17 pei acre ; four hundred ncres eleven miles east of Salem, one of the best improved in the county, 530 per acre. For salo by THOMAS & PAYNE 07 Stale St., . - - Salem. lUqusnndsnro mulcted with diseases of ihu ivm iey aim urinary urgans, who suf fer In silence, rather than inako known their troubles. To all thoo mulcted wo can otter a safe and speedy remedy In Ore eon Kidney Tea, which Is coiniiosed ot herbs, selected with great caro In Oregon, and warrantwl not to contain minerals of any kind. .1 few doses ntlord Instant re Bold by t). AV. SIatliiws A Co. FOR MEN ONLY. 5isis?ii,Ir.enlrl A,WerAui Debility rjTTTO "p WMikneM of Bod, t Mind t Effecli J- - " of ErrororExcein01d-Younr, B.4wl.klXukMdtDllKMIra4. llnliliUniul Blnuik,a Will, I J.,.U4 Ortut 4 PrH IM,, 1U.I.W. arUl.f IU Trrilnral-Brattu U a IJ. (Tnlllirraai 41 bl.l.sTrrrll.rl.. rrtltmCutrif. Murlltlak IU.lnlliilumuiarMriaU4 OtM)lrr. liinu g MIBlUl C0.,BUFf AlO.M.t. Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD - Are. now provided with nno new dray und truck, and ore prepared to do all buil. nefc lu that line In Wuet of shape. ii Ji!."5,venelr lerwual supenUion to Jtrwu. ,1roer BWe and mmeifiaj TlicCiii) F. L, AINSWOItTH. insworth AGENTS, Oregon Housel Corner Mill and Summer Sts,, ' Tho building formerly occupied by thi Iloyb' Hoarding Hall has been thoronjlilj renovated and refitted and Is now opened to tho general public: Hoard nor meal j ' Hoard and lodging per day jm Hoard and lodging per week m Free transportation of passengers anl baggage to and from depot. li. J. SHAItP, Proprietor. 3 oarderS! Vnyono wishing to board ata quirt and cozy place, will find the object ol , their search tit IvlRS. M. -A.. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemclccte nnd Ijlberty Sts., BMem, Where a lew select boarders can 6ecnt board. Northern Pacific GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE TWO FAST TItAINB DAILY ! ,, NO CHANGE OK CARS SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And nil points East via St. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. Tho Northern Pacific railroad Is the enlx lino running Passenger trains, Second cm sleepers (Iree of charge) Luxtirloui W coaches. Pullman Pnlaco Bleeping Can. Palace Dining Cnrs, (meals 75c) from Porl land to tho east. siee that your ticket read via the prtbera Paclllc railroad arid avoid the change of cars. I nn.n ln.ln.. Q n m nnd R'iQ Xt. Jll. dally arrivo nt Minneapolis or St. l'aol i U.VAJ w. Ill, r-. and G btreet dally nt 11:55 n. m. ai p. in.; Arrivo nt Tncomn at 7:10 P 4:'J0 a m arrivo Seattle l):23n m andft x-uiiu uixmivn. liinua w- -i-0Jrt UUU o. i maun ft35pm. Throueh Pullman Palaco Slceping.ran, elegant, day coacnes, Jlnest pnuice amii cars between Portland, Tacoma and beaiu direct. Dally bervlco. A.D.IUHABLTON Asst. Gen'l l'nss. Agent, Ul First St., iw. Washington St., Portland, Oregon. Depot Corner First undG Streets. -SEE Ono hundred acres of extra clear land, ,fln for dividing up into small tracts, lj om threo-fourths of a mllo from Salem p oillce. Price SS5 per ncio. . .wp THOMAS & PAINE- iKKlTPUCE SB loompanj' Fire and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon For Bargains IN Family Groceries Provisions, FroitsEif., GO TO THOMAS BURK0WS, Commercial Street, Salent,0r Country produce of all kinds "WW? hand. I f you have not traded with n JJ, fore. I respectfully solicit a trial beuew I can suit you both in prices nnd qua"'' THE OLD RELIABLE Joba . uiaci.sniiin una wukuu wj-t.- . Knight U now fully established at W" Wngon a a lit 1 fi quartcm on Liberty Htreet. ? ", iu e new method,, in his art and in- rriy onvwi, -i --. sjioclalty of dlsonsea of horse's feet. raoa 'Frank Lynch lias charge of bJLf$i u pinmcnianuuoeii a K"""" rs. j builnia... Thej geutlemen are too w know n fur u lo iry aad reownfo fl Mr.KnlBhi haIH VW W7I,H 5?fj