SUBSC BE FOK ' ADVEKTISK IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL it vit.h in: A GOOD INVESTMENT. KS'Tlio Terms nro .Most Ilenotinhlo89 THE CAPITAL JOtlRNAL CAPITAL JOURNAL Tin: BEST PAPER IN SALEM. A3You will be well plcnFcd with it.-t$ VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON, MONBAY, 3HA.Y 13, 1889. 2fO. G2. FirstNa no iii miiK F. E. HOOVER. O. B. EDGETT. R, P. JJOISE, Jr. SALEM". OREGON. W'M. N. LADUE, -I)H. .1. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - -' President, Vic 1'iesldent. - - Cashier. GENERAL. BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Han Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought nnd sold. Htatc, County and City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Llbernl advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other properly nt rensonnoio rates. Insurance on such se curity can be'obtnlned nt the bank In most reliable companies. NEW LIYEIIY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry nnd Liberty streets, N. E. cor fom Chemeketo hotel, Salem, Or. FAIR MOUNT PARK IS LOCATED ON South Salem. Higlits Here Stretches Out Before You a Panorama, TRWIl! EMIT If Ml) MDII COMPOUND EXTRACTyl war 4mm Hiiiimiiiiiini mi "- Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hand Charges reasonable. Wagon Making and Repairing "P. J. LARS EN Is prepared to do all work In the lino ot making or repairing wagons, buggies or carriages In first-class stylo and nt reason able prices. Shop 45 State st., nearFiont. Of which enthralls the beholder with bewildering admiration and wonder. In the distance the rugged Cascade Range draws out its serpentine length, while along it at intervals rise up like grim sentinels all the white and weird, SNOW-CROWNED PEAKS of the great northwest, their heads extending high in the celestial vault. The river goes winding northward "like a silvery ribbon wide," and on every side are elements of beauty. Lovely drives are being laid out and graded through the shady elevation and altogether the site is a grand one for elegant homes. The Willamette Investment Company Have the exclusive sale of this beautiful addition. Lots will be sold on the installment plan. This Company also have a large list of choice city and farm property, 5, 10, 20 and 30 acre-tracts adjoining Salem. rj&y Money to loan on farm and city property, insurance in reliable companies. 245 up-stars, Moores' Block. D tan New York and Chicago THE FINEST GOODS IN THE CITY. 8 Z z 4 DRESS GOODS And trimmings of all kinds to match in Persian trim" mings, Plaid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes' etc., etc. RIBBONS, KID CLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. Full and Complete lines cf Embroideries and laces in All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties in Scarfs. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARPETS. Curtains, Poles, Portiers. EST" A full and complete stock of Men's Furnishing Goods. No. 239 Corner State and Commercial Streets. . LUNN & BROWN, Z z Always in the Lead!! Everybody knows that, without any exception, The Cap ital Adventure Company have the most complete general stock in Salem and we guarantee to undersell any ot our com petitors. We have the l'irgest and best assortment of Clothing, Hats' Boots and Shoes for gentlemen, and can please any one cither!!! quality or price. ' People who have to labor and want the most for their money will find it to their advantage to trade witii us. We always give full weight and good measure Wo make a spe cialty of country trade, and farmers will find our prices (qual ity and weight being taken into consideration) lower than the lowest. We handle country produce and pay the highest CASH price for wool. We have plenty of room for all, and can make everybody feel at home in our store. We oiler you no baits, expecting to make it up on something else, but mark our goods at a uniform low price. These-are facts in the case, and by calling at the Opera IIouso Corner we will show you goods for prices that will prove all we say to be true. - Capital Adventure Company, The Importance ot purifying Uio blood can not bo overestimated, for Without puro blood you cannot enjoy good health. ' At this season nearly every ono needs a good mcdlclno to purify, vitalize, and enrich too blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's P,,ja Sarsaparllla. It strengthens rcOUMctl ami builds up tho system, creates an appetite, and tones tho digestion, whllo It eradicates disease. Tho peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot tho vcgctablo remedies used glvo to Hood's Sarsaparllla necul- -i- leplf lar curatlvo powers. No ' I loci I other mediclnohas such arccord of wonderful cures. If you have mado up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not bo Induced to take any other Instead. It U a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your conDdenco. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is sold by all druggists. Trcparcd by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar LATEST BY TKliEGRAPIL KANTUIl. WANTED Slttmtlonxlmi family, by tun " girls, aged 1(1 and 12, who can do house work or raic for chldreu; also by u boy II years old, on inrin or stock nint'ho. A good worker, can plow or tend Mock, (.'nil at tho olllcoof tho capital JouKNAl. for "D." G-StfWl ioit max UOR HUNT.-In ii line locality, several 1 nicely furnished rooms, either with or without board. Kor parthmlais call upon Win. S. Arnold, !!U7 Winter stieet. run s.vli: VOU SALE 1 ii ensonnlilonrli'i ter htieet, ornt the lion-Ton lestaurant on A lialf-blooded Jersey eowat icasonanio price iniiuiiont ;kii win- PIA ji SEE HERE! i i --TJ ::- BEST W MARKET -::- For paloiucap fir cash or upon the instolftneiit plili.Also a good piano torrent. CalAupon WM.SAHNOLI), No.C7 Winter Siree Salem. Oregon. 5 i DAVID T. WILLIAMS, Proprletorof , Salem StelilLainnliy. SALkJCWfrCON. 'nnni.H tofnt'strtner'ii crocery (lore rtll receive prompt Attention George If. Hayes ba been appointed SK-ctufnsent jor the above .laundry and nny wanning left with hlra will be prompt ly attended to. VrTi4iJl"'rniililrt and vrork iuaraa " i If tliere is anyone in the whole state of Oregon who wants to return to the east lie should read tills advertisement: A Bargain For Salem, - Oregon. Values Coming Up Immigrants are Arriving and hit in wii ft1 IdMliy 111 My! EASTERN PROPERTY! -To Exchange for m LAND! II A G0OD CHANCE 0f?m particular call at Uilt omee. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lotH on proposed street railway line In North Salem. Verv cheap and choice. $600. 75 feet front on Front street running through iMO feet deep to tho river hank. For a week only. " $2600. Elegant hard finished house, with 2 lots and a good burn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood. Worth seeing. ACREAGE Twenty-eight acres very choice projierty, udjolnlng town. Ilunnlug fcpring. Elegant meadow on part of tr.ict. $200 per acre. For a short time onlv. Lots lu Capital Park; addition, one block from Slate street, $000 for quarter blocks, f 300 and $400 for single largo lots. Lots in Yew Pnrk,ituecH Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; $300, ISAAC A. MANNING, Real Estate Broker, T3anl: Bloclc. XJp-Stairs, Salem, Oregon, Commercial street. LXIK S LK. A new housu on good lot, KK) xICO feet, on high ground In Houlh .S.ilem.hoiiso rents lor i" per month only Jd."i0.N. 1). Jones, Salem, Oregon. 1.1011 SALE. A KAIi.M ()!' !Uf AClflOS P all under I'oiice and cultivation, In the bertt raiiKO country of Katern Oickoii. The best clinnen everoU'eied for a limn to iMittiiKU In stock raising. For purttuiiliiix cult on or address W.H. 11Y US, Kituini, Oregon. i'i(iri:ssii)NAi. c.vitus. I J. SHAW, attorney at law, Salem, ()u ' boh, Ullleo UHtali'.s In tho l'atton block. 1 J. JKNNINdS 1). I). "H.-1)I-:NT1HT t) Ullleo In tho New llanlc llloek, Com uierclal stieet, Salem. Hln ol tho big tooth, ilw nltYSiCIAN; MitH.irit. .M. K. Mct'OY 1 hyslclan and siiikc(iii, has located and taken rooms over Hquliu Karrar's grocery store. Chronlu dlseasen a spec fully. Consultation (ice. la-glilw Wl', WIl.IilAMH, hTKNOOKA I'll Kit , nnd Typewrllcr Copyist. Will make reports of tiials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly ilnno. Ollleo with I A. Manning, Commercial HI., Ud stalls, Now Hank lilock. HOCIHTV NdTIUI'.S. OlilVKLODOKNo. IH, 1. O. (). !', meets In Odd I'ellows' Hull upstairs. Cornei Commcielal and Kerry stnets, overy Kat urdayat7:"i0p. in. J.'i'.OHHGO. JAS. WAII'ON, Hceretary. N. 7 AT It. Sodttwlck l'ost, No. 10, Depart- incut of Oii'Kn, inects every Slonday evening ut the hall over theOieon Land inti iiiiii'i iillliin V'l jI 1 1 mr (mm i-nlfiu ma l.lllll'liiij n imn.1 iniki.i)) bwiiiiiiiivn iau cordially Invited to attend. A. w. iJiiAYiiiiu, iiisiuoiiiiiiauur. II. V. Boutiiwick. Adjula it. Wright's Jlyrrh TimiIIi Soip comes nil" conqueror every tmo you h.ivo n brush with It. Try It. Hohl by all (linguists, Wright's Compound Syrup of Siirsaiiar lllaa reliable medlclm Ifiir the renovation of tho blood. Tones,und builds imthu sys tem, cures skin discuses ele. Hold by 11. W.Cox. Wright's Ileil Cross Cuio uncqualcd for recent and chroulo coughs nnd eolds, and all Irritability of tho iili-passagcs. Hold by all druggists Wright's Hop Celery nnd Chamomile Hitters recommeiub'd by th most eminent physicians, Invigorating, Htlmiilatlug and not Intoxicating. Hold by II. W, Cox. t7K in tOKfl ' A"NTII canbeiiiadti 4)0 10 vPJu working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish a horso and give thelrwholutlmo totliobunlnosH Hparu moments may bo profitably employed nlo, A few vacancies In towns mid cities, II. K Jolinson tV. Co., KKJil Main kl., Klchiuoiid, Vii. N. II. riease state ago and biuluesH ex perlen Never mind iibnnt sending stump for reply, II, K. .1 , A Co. MHIiii-kiiI Post Falls, Idaho, ON THE N. P. R. R 1'weiity-two miles tip Uio river from Hjk- kane J'nlls, water siwer i-iial to .MIiincaH)lls. K R S 33 ! llcst situ In the iiorthuest font Iv I N S 1C IC ID Oil. Nt I I. U I Ooodmarki'l, CI.AItIC DUO 111 i:iih, 6-i:Ml l'i4t 1'iills, Mali , C. M. L0CKW00D, SAUKM, - - OWKGON. 1 Ili-adfiuarlers for tho Willuinctto Valley forth celehrnti'il Culiiinblii blevcles and i tricycles; The Columbia nm well known, I are the best made, und huvii valuable lin-1 I provements for tho ytar. Those wanting mucblnen will do well to cull on oroorrek- pond with me before imrrhuslnif. Olllte at Gilbert Jlro.,' bunk, VJ1 Commercial si., I I Salem, An Iiiliiimnii Unite. l'oilTi.ANDjMiiyl!!. FrankJarvN, a brute, of Itooster lloek, charged by his married daughter, llw, J). V. Uo-, with the crime of Inot, had a brief preliminary hearing be fore JusticeTuttle. Theproseeutlng witness, a frail little woman with an honest looking face, wtm accompan ied by her husband and her threo weeks old babe. Mrs. Ross i elated the history of the revolting details of the crime, and during tho recital sho was weeping the greater part of tho time. Tho story the poor lit tle woman told was n fearful one, and every one In the court room that had a view of her face was satisfied that she was telling Uio horrible truth. Thedefendantwas not placed on the stand, but lie was bound over to appear before the grand jury, with his bonds lixed at ?5,000, which la wns not able to furnish. I'oi'lhinil Paragraphs. PoiiTfiANi), May 13. During the past week tho Portland cable rail way company has had a force of fifty men engaged In tho work of excavating on their lino to the Heights, and it is understood (o be their intention to double' the force at once, and crowd the work as fast as possible. The funeral of Kuiil Weber, the dead gambler, was held yesterday afternoon. A crowd began to con gregate and half an htuir before the time set forthe funeral, and at the end of the services at least 500 people passed through the room to look nt the remains. The pioneers' reunion will beheld on Tuesday, .Inuo 18. Arrange ments are being perfected which proiiiibo the best reunion ever yet held. Tho board of directors last fall selected AVllltniii Kapus, John McCraeken, D. 1. Thompson, W. M. Ladd and Charles V. Knowles as a committeo of arrangements. While tho work has been going on quietly, It may be depended upon that no fear need bo entertained of unvthlng like a failure. A Torrililo Trugr-dy. KansasCity, May 12. A terrible tragedy occurred In Justice Lewis' court this afternoon at the trial of a man named Smith on the charge of burglary. Detective Ollley, who caused his arrest and was prosecut ing witness, was seated near when Smith suddenly jumped on him, plunged a knife Into his throat, al most severing his head from his body. Smith then attacked Olllcor Malonc, cutting htm In the leg. Ollley staggered back, drew a re volver and commenced llrlng, put ting three shots Into Smith. Ma lone Jlrcd alo, and Smith fell dead with live bullets in his body. Smith had been In jail three weeks, lie is supposed to have secured tho knife from his partner, named Luvln, who was lu the court room during the trial, but escaped in the general confusion. (IoTiI in llnkolii. Di:ai)Wooi), Dak., May 11, (Jivat excitement prevails, caused by the discovery of now iiuj rich plaier diggings about forty miles from here. Prospecting these diggings last year on a small scale showed gold lu quantities, which was kept quiet, but on renewing work this spring (he secret got out, and now men aio rushing to the gold Ileitis from all directions, on foot, horseback and In teams, taking up provisions and a complete miiihr; oiitllt. All lu a rush. Parties from I ho diggings re turning for provisions ami supples, show plenty of gold dust, and state that tiie diggings are extensive, and worth sixty or seventy cents to tho pan. Jelf Davis Makes Keply. Nahiivii.i.i:, Tenn., May li The Nashville American publishes a letter from Jelleison Davis, replying to mi article by Lord Wolcsley lu thoNorlh Amcrlewi Jt"viow. Davis denies strongly Wolesley's charges of Incompetency against himself and cites proof to show that he did all possible to seeiue arms and war material for tho confederacy. The letter was written In response to a request from the editor of the Aiiu'ih-an. V , "' I'isli a Free JIuii. AuilUHN, X. Y., May 11. James D. Fish, ol the defunct llriuof Ward &. Co. and cx-pi evident of the Marine hank of Now York, left his prison this morning, and -drove In great A llaco War. Xkw Okmians, Mny 12. As a result of the fight between some ne groes and whitej last Tuesday at tlretna, lu which two men seriously injured, trouble has since been brewing, which culniujtiredto day in a serious outbreak. This morning a lire- broke out In the engine house of the colored lire company, mid tho colored militia company's arsenal, adjoining, was burned uls. A largo crowd of whites and negroes gut heredund a delegation of .the Gretna militia (white) went to the scene. Several negroes refused to leave the burning building, until they were In danger, alleging that they were afraid to face the whites. When tltoy llni lly came out, a light ensued and some of tho yhltes fired, seriously wounding three nftsrocsj.l' All the tlmo the (Ire was spread-'Sy "" lug, and several houses were de stroyed, tho Humes finally dying out for want of fuel. During the eonllagration a num ber of white men, armed with shot-' guns and rilles, congregated around the scene, nnd prevented any negro from coining within 100 yards ofiUuidS" lire. After the lire was over armed squads of whites scattered around town and entered a number of negro cabins, ostensibly in search of urms. s A reign of terror prevails among the negroes, and colored women and children have been leaving Gretna all day for this city, taking with them such eHeots as they could carry. Calile Itond Accident. Siia'hi.i:, V. T., May 12. TIiIh afternoon -'u terrible accident occurred on the Front street cablo road, on the corner of Pine and Sec ond streets, Asdummv rsro. 2 came down the Second street hill the brake refused to work. The car ob tained great momentum and In mak ing the turn Into Pine street the passengers on the left side were thrown oil. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wagner of Chadro, Neb., with two children. Airs. Sophronlu Wagner had her 3-year-old child Pleny In her lap, and when thrown oil struck on her head and neck. She was picked up and carried to the Griffith house, but expired be fore reaching tho house. J lor old est child, Almo, aged live, received severe scalp wounds. The other child and tho husband escaped un injured. Another Hunk Kuliliery. FoitifcT City, Mo., May 12. A bold day-light bank robbery, after the style of tho recent Denver suc cessful robbery, was enacted in the Fruzcr & McDonald bank here yes terday afternoon. Two men lode up to the bank, (led their saddle horses and euteied the lunik. At tho point of cold steel they forced tho cashier, Cave Hunt, to hand over tho cash. They succeeded in taking $5,000 with them. They backed out of tho hank, mounted their steeds and sped away. An tinned posse was soon in pur suit. SheilU'Framo was telephoned to at Oregon, the county seat, and Joined in the chase wUli'un Tinned, squad. ' ('i)iiiih'i'IV!tci'i at Helena, IlliM'NA. Mont., May 12. This city Is Infested with a gang of hui glnrs, shopllfteis and passers of eoiinleifelt money. The shopllflers are bold, doing (heir work Pi day time. Three nro under urresj, and tho police are on the (lack of othchf; v' Most of tho counterfeit money Is ml 'f ten-dollar bills, mado In lfi"5, lieifn lug the signature of John Allison, register of the treasury, and John C. New, treasurer, and' numbered No. A, 28002.1. Flftvccnt pieces of spurious silver coin are also In circu lation. Clergymen In CoiifiTmiiT. Vohk, Pa., .May 11. At to-day's sesstMii of tho world's quadiennlal ,' conference of tho IJnlte'd Urethreu church, (he committee (o whom was leferied (he new constitution nnd confession of faith, reported af firmatively. Hev. Mr. Tilus of Michigan and others vlgoroiibly opposed the ac ceptance of tho report, and piesuntcd a great number of petitions, praying for no change lu the constitution. Tho new constitution was adopted, Nu War Tills Time. London, May 12. A Ilerllu correspondent says the Baiuoaii con ference has agreed that u neutral zone shall he created at Apia, and that equal lights, shall be granted ail powers with regard to the uus toiiis. The correspondent also says that Germany hits as yet made no & fliilm fin Imliitiitiltif fir Htit Iftllltw. Hpced to u station several miles (lib-1 f t ,o Germans by tho natives hi tft It to avoid the crowd, , Sunnm. 'V