Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 11, 1889, Image 4

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J'( 7
the iriTiL jomtiMi,. !::::.:;
vam-i:v TO tiii: SKA.
.TKlt.MK Or HI'll"" UIITIO.V.
Om-jearbj mall
lx tlllllllll !' mnll-
Hirer moiilli lij' tnnll
1'it iwi'k, ilillwnd bymrrlir ...
One juir l mnll - - - -
Mix iiioiilliH h) mnll -
One i-r. If milil 111 art mice
HIX lllfllllllM, If Hllfl lllllllMHKC.
I 2"
i m
. l tw
. no
Miim Mri ling til Alorl In till! In- ,.,... 1. II. Vl.
lrr.-ktrtl... New U.I-..I. Dolly's AllldHK fllC .Society holk-l lll
At Antorln to-night wIMlw la-Id a Attractions, Ktc (
.- -t I. I.. I. ..ll...1 MIIIV
Ilia"1 meeting WHICH WilB iiliivu nr.lllll.MI .lAiIWilPiiiin
llic purpose of raining fundi to Thursday night the maiiv ftiendt
iplete tlio Astoria & South Coast ' 0f .Mr. and Mra. Win. Jtoachgalher
o:td, and to confer with aconi-ic( af tlio new residence of Mr.
:co from Halem, Albany and Mc-1 Hoach, and reminded the occupants
l"ur nilcrllii mli njijily nl till ointr.
who ili not Miuru H"'lr P'ljxr regularly
will notify tliln "HI"'. rI Iiik nrtlrii, mill
I lm mutter will In' Mttinikil In lit oik .
Oltlte, cormr Court mid Mlnrty HtrotK,
...MAY II, 1)
that a delegation from tlieMS cities-
j would ho in AHtoriaSatttrday to con
fer with the Astoria people In te
gird to the building of the road.
"There 1h notaflouringinill within
ti... w....iiv .ii.iiriini. 1 100 mi lea of Astoria, 'there In not
Tlic weekly edition of the C.vi't- a niuntifnctining enterprise of any
TAi..Inrn.VAi. hniectinguith sucli kind, but will pay a handsome in-
iimtiir fiivnr mid sue h incut siici w- iciest on tne investment, tun, to
'". : . . .
Iiitr mas mcetinir which was railed
for t lie jiurposeof raining funds to
Minnvllle in regard to building n of the home in various ways dining
road fiom Astoria to the Willam- tlio evening of the dav two years be
etle valley. j fore, at which time they decided to
Tlio Pioneer says: "Dr. Alfi Kin- no mote travel and stiivcwlth the
ney has received letters from Salem, 'obstacles of this life in a single
(Mutiny aim ajo.uiihivihu hihihib
' S. Friedman was called to PorM,
l.mil to-day. '
Spot JJaker w ill spend Sunday In '
Ii. F. J Sflok took thcar(eriiooii(
train,for Portland?
II. J-V Ojltner is n-iylng Port-j
land a visit to-day. ,
t'. 10. Itohcrt? made a trip to
Portland this morning.
L. F. JJelkiinp and w lie leturned
from Junction this evening. l
handed manner. 'I lie double par-, c w (.n(.rrng(on rettirned
lors were thrown intooite largo room , , ,,, sio,irn in Portland
and the evening hours pleasantly I to.,!1Vi
spent in p.ay.ng Mcia, .. e . , Jo j Jnin.ey
cxcnaiigiug tuii i iiaj"" ,"."- "V . r ,
.. . .. . .... i ".i were nasM-'nirers for
wnen iiieeieycnin iiotn-nan """-....,,.,
liniiiolif I
11. !:. Ulesy of Atnom, wlio lias
uusmews me past,
the "bride and groom" we
h. The justice w as senflfor, who ' iL -E. Giesy of
u appeared in Ills long white I ,J('L'n '" tu cify 0I1
L- and in "miIwhii utfd binding three days, roiurnet
rtlaud this,
d homojtliisafter-
iMintllilr liivorunii siien liieiu HIKH.-P" h;ii;ti. .. mu ninaiMitm. j.h, i.. iumi
fiata few w'oidsroiiecrnl.ig it iiia, I acipiho all this we niu'-t oiler some lug niannei" proceeded to marry . "" f j
not lie Inappropiiati'. II now lias iiiiliicenient for people to como hero. the couple over again. 1 1 is ti'-cless ' .Mrs. J. a. Jlinkle took her de-
a lioiiiilldc elii'iiliitlotrof consider- When it is known that a niilioad is to icinark that tlio ceremony, to- parturo this! morning fdr eastern
ably oM-r ltHKi, w lilyii Is Increasing to lie liuilt to tlio Willamette valley gother with sonic ot the objections Oregon. Slifi has been visiting ut
from ilify to la.. i fact there Is by 'he cltlens of Astoila, Salem thatwereiai'-cdasto them tnairying, ' the home of her sister, Mrs. 0. Dar-
not a dflA' but tljfU K'veial nanus and McMlnnvlllo, other toads will caued a ripple "of laughter! ling.
are tiddt ilV Uh'Im. TIm-m-i.. low be built, as all will '.ho desirous of uli u general gooil feeling .pretul I Father Dally, ulio.nas been vis-
lirlou 1 pi'Ve- In advaiiiv-N ti sui tiling tlie Ijiisliicsoftliu country. 0VL.r tlio house. After tlio judge1 itingFatlier WlilUjJusoveral '"days
nig Item lirili'Hc who lb People will coinoheio fiom all patts lu,i jmmounojd tliihn man and started on his way home tli'is inorn-
(. i i.l;.. .1 1X1U iiiiit-i limn Ibi of the L'uitid Slahs. and biinir ! wir,. hv iniihnril v nl'ili?-I'lunil IoiIlti' i..,. !., u... n....,.i..,..t t,,i., u
state eapilfll. VI my .iinpli i
(null J mi. fi'lrc-lll (ill I'.ll' I WI'L'I
ircul Tl
and liiedeslii'd r suit lollnws in each
case, f-'pe.ik of I In. t'vi'M'Al. .lot tt
.NAi.toyoui itilglibiiis. 'I'be.v oirglil
to (alio It. It is as large n ati.N
weekly p.iK'rlu the stale -ind ils ex
cellence is equaled liv lew and e
celled by none. Call and gel a sam
ple copy for your Irleiuls in die ciiit
or west, and see lor yourself.
'i tin ni-inii Mm mil.
An accident happened in tin' saw
unit at Indepeniliiice I'rlday, b
wlili'h ilenty .Slonebeig eiuiie neat
l.jIm,, iiiuitr.. s;t,, in. !,..!,. .ii.i,iii h""" """
.. ... ............ . ...... '..... , .lli'flly li hand
l III' I'llUI IILT llllll'llllll'. . .Mil M lin I-IUIUII
iiouey and enteipil-o with them."
I be Astoria Irausetipt, in speak
ing of (lie iiiiimm meeting says; "Let
tlie good wink goon w itli unspaiiiig
vigor, 'i'ho plan of teaching out
and joining I'oices is a step towatd
les ilVing the i-innd scheme into si
laiigiluo shape and a working hasN.
Notlilitjk Is filter t tut it tliat those
people will take hold of the ploject
w It 1 1 .eagerui'snnd ilyleimluation.
II K ol Mtali'tetest no them. The
gruil gtaln LilVin ol the Willamette
iitiM liave a filiiud easy conduit
ut l 'nlilliiimiilnuu tliii.c lirc-iMlt II, ... ,,f ",... (.,.:.,
... . ..... ...... i , ..... - , IIH.T llf 1IUVH CV.Ul.lli
rushed forward and a pprop. lately l Mr AB,lonfeUl,r Hp his wife
saluted liotl. bride andfgroom. The ,, daugltter, Jiss Kdith, departed
ce.enionyover, a bountiful tepa-t via hlm evening's tram for an ex
wassprc.nl whiehcon-Ktcd of fi.tiN, ten(kd v,g,t to 'Califortihi. They
cakes, meats, tea, eoHie, etc. , e-ro nccoinpaiilc-d as furas, lortIniid
jolly luncheon it was, too. At a ,y MH. J.lCob Aslienfeltor.
249 Commercial Street,
t . I lie mm.
It can never
loiisIxt In luuiiiiig up snmi1
rionrtlie boon The logs wen
luovidJiA aope which took
Its power I'r.aghe water power,
i. 'i... f.wi , i...i i, 1....1
i i.r iimii- iin luinu nun, inn ii nun ,
, i,tm.,uL,?;i,i,i "' p distant day,
u.i.bifi nr.nv.w.vnp ...... ,.... ..
,.. , , y....... .. i. i. .... i o
iy loiiM'iien. fi'i.ving iini'K, ii siiiick
Stouebeig, .tlirouiiig him high in i
llienlr. I Fh alighted on his head
and shoulders, sustaining seeie In-
Junes. Tlio ligaments ol hissboul
ders weiu torn or seseted, but Ik
will n cover.
know thai bicM.ing until it is joined
ofleel with its
mutual outlet at th nniiitli ol
Mum Sliri't t'uiii
'The din ctors of tlie Salem strict
lallway cumpaiiy have limit i eou
sldi'talioii tlie piojiiHillon of pin
clllislng tliiee mole stieet cars to be
placed on the rapidl) extending
lilies of this city, i One of (be eais
ileslied Is to lie
now In use, wh
cats ol (I
latter carM a
summer ttavtfl
the Columbia. It Is getietallv tin
deistood that tile Noithwesteru
oveilalid tiuuk line will eouiiccl
with the mi. Idle Willamette valley
and when that
ems, It will witness the placing of
a new system in the Held that must
have an outlet of no insignificant
magnitude. S.ih til, Albany and
Mc.Miiinillc ale talking up tlie
matter. They show ns much In
teiiNl in that end of the route as we
do in this. Let us all get hi and
pull together and tliete is no fr.ir of
Hie i.'Milt."
Mr. and Mrs. Koaeh 'maiiv more
happy teturns of such occasions and
a h.ippj ll"l prospcom life.
Till. Ml ItltY MAJv'.IEs.
Tlitirstlay evening at their hall
on Stale stieet the ".Mom Makets"
or Winterclubgavo it tltim ing pally.
Although (he iverti liotie dtew a
stioilg clowd, jet quite it ti 11 II 1 1 el
weie piceiit and three n.ts weie
urn continually dutiiig tin- evening.
Tlio-e tiii'scut report liaing a
spli'iidid time and some ale almost
sighing ovei the lact that the coin
ing win m weather will probably
put a stop to (heir enjoyable even
ings until next fall.
i'Aiii:w t.i.i. I'Aim.
Hilar to the time
wo will he open
r pattern. These
;l desirable I'm
ommtsIoiis, baud
conceits, KuiHiay tiavel, and like
IH'eilslllllH. Ai IIIIU luilllir l.lllll III.. I
r : .?. t ov
line wnen completed will lie oci
it.., 1.1 1. .ii..., I., i, ii i ,1
..m. ...i i i ..... . . Sluielwil wi'tcappoTvtcd apptnisers
W 111 lint limuliif .until If. 1 1. ii itiiitttii.ilu x 1(
. ' ' I to meet at Meliama, ti !'
Hit. til.iiiu.iiil Mjt'i." ! ,',0,ll applications liir liipnu
To-night the Chicago coined com- j licenses me liefoie tlie eiititt, hut tlie
pany w ill appear in "The Diamond
Mastery." Tills is I ho grand plivu
Coillll) ('null I'liitct'illllKi.,
in Hie matter of load petitioned
I'm limn u w line M. I.. Jones ' land
to intersection South I'lahie load,
oideii'd istnhlishcd.
Conlraet for changing vaults in
leioiilei and cleik's olllce awauled
to Welio Wolf for f UI7.ri. Vaults
to be lllcproof.
In matter of mad petitioned forand
in school district f. "I, Kioia Mc-
elalins dfruiinrcs: and Alex.
iu '
Thiiiupsoii, W. (JtSjislon and W. I.
w lilt which their engagement was
opened in NaleinrOt is one ot (lielr
sltoiigest aiul funhlest, if not the
best, of tliylr tepeiiol)v. When It was
given Monday nlght'tho satisfaction
with which tlie big auilleuei) iccoiv
eil It was (Vupleu'. in It Mr. Dev
lin appeals icrtirtT lawyer, Mr. l,oo
as tho ivtitrued convict, and .Miss
intnan as me village lass. There J u.m' tloiitihir nnW
lloitr mlt
ii in in- ii rii.Miii'u iiuuM' m-nigiii, as (,f
theliovsheet isaltvady well laKen. ' i(0ur
qtiesllon lias boon raised whether or
not the l.ajman higli license law
went into elloct as poi enieigency
clause, and the eiiuimlsioucis have
lakeu (be matter under ml isemeiit.
Nl'Un of 1 lit. Illlt'l
Tlie tlvei Is falllujCJUiulu and now
Htuiidiiiit l'omvf?ot four Inches above
low w itllt.J 'J'Jto cainplon came
downlom Jliirilsburg last Viglil
wit ntWMotis of yut'i
m tin
hocAii sunivin.
Hev. Tower of tills, city preaches
in Kugone to-morrow morning.
Ice cre.iiiViujd stiawiiortics at
I Strong's (o-nieVrJw
Morning subec'tat tlie M. E.
chinch, "The Vitiatiug Power of an
Fa-U J.ife;" evUiilg. "Drinking
Among the Ancients."
Tlie Sound country is full of
louutcileit ii.ilf doll. us, and of
cotii-e, iiiany-t-tlnjii will llnd their
Wiij up the Valley. Look out for
Hev. A. K. iVtrfftiingof Dostoii
is visiting Orogonjin tjiointeiost of
Cnumcgntional Sunday schools, lie
will conduct mecttriL's in Salem
Have just received a new and complete line of Staple and
Fancy Groceries, and invite the attention of the Public
to the following Goods which we carry in none hut
the First and Best Grades, and will olir
them at the very lowest prices !
Powdcicd, Dry firantilated, Extra C, Golden 0. Xew Orleans and
Island. ... ,
rPiu...j1.ii i.fiilillur i.nll.i .. !l
vt v iiiiiii; iiun 41 "tn iai i
oont occuiiedal thc)ailois of the, 'a-v ""'''
Cluistian chinch. Tho affair was) The I angelical conlerence, re
given in honor of Elder P. H. ltur- cently in -i'-hJoii atvCorvallis, adopt
nett and family, tin) Misses Starr, 1 tesolutlons iiivor of a law tie
MissStraton and Miss Otr, who will I claiingit a inWilctuyiior cither to
leave tlie city in a shoit (line. (Juile. drink or fuirfisli intiircating liev-
a good number wer" 'jiiesont and a erages m others-.
pleasant tinie was had by all. The l-'io-di I'tVd ttuw betries at
young folks amused tliem-ilvos by Strong's. "
placing charade ami a number of TRl x.itl.orn IPacitic railway
,....,, kuiihs ,,,. lm. o...e,per.llmH nm.nM , Aausport flec of
tllll.'!.,! llltll 1,1 .1 iriilutl.il .. ..I. it ti .... Vhb w
vi.ii. lli llliw ill ll Vlll-fll. -1IV..1.1 .. It i
At tlio dose of the eVfiiinn's eniov
'I In. llililt. (Jiii'.Uiiii
The bildge nialler now htatid
aliotll as folluivs, nccoi-illiig to the f
Albany DetueenM: Maiioii isninly
wauls a bridge at .lelleton Kvatiso
It will U of the gnvitest lieuelit to
thai county, ami l.intuvuuty would
like to hu o ono at Sta, ton, Ivcause
it would btvof die gtcate.st benellt to
lltU n.iii. l-,1.11,1 ti... .... ,.i. . . ii....
.." . .e1 tut it.iii it mm
neither plvv wttL pmbably get a
Initio litis, i car, hiirYntoiloo docs,
and we e.xvt to hear of an lm
iiieiiso mass meeting ut (he latter
suit i in iiim,iK,.,
Dr. (Jlenu of Salem U in the city
for lite purpaso r iuinKing bHft
agnlnt someone, Tlio doctor will
Iki iviuomW'ivd u the gentleman
w ho broke liU U. during (hehote
sliiiw at Hie uAuer of Second and
WithhlllKlou tWl. The aivldent
liupvmiiriviuuiw.ut. iKkinl, it
I a nigslilfniieiit
ylstouf came
sclaliU(Hl,,.AihewalhtlUitlngvis(,l0 M.tlMUl Nu.lx, ,,bUttl m 0
lay haylg oi
if w henf. T
iip lasinjgltj, niiUAs c.irYving a
,rge slihititrnCof genetiir inerclian-
tli, a gotVt pnTI of wjfteh she left
at thwdiicks loofhe S.tlont mer
chants. A l.i'll.T I'l.iiu l.lulil,.,l
Plot'. I.ane is In tiwlpt of u ledor
II om lieotge P. I.ltehlleld of Salent,
wlio was tvivntlv ttpN)iitcil special
Indian agent for OtvJon and who
is now at Washington City w lietv
he was unlet ejl totvpott for tlie
purpose ol txiiHyhig liistriictluus,
Mr. l.ltcliiiild llmT impiKsililelo
gain audleni) w(h Secretary lllaliie
on iimuiiit oftfegtvat rush of of.
lice M'ekers. Mo will return to
Oregon in a few weeks (neuter up
on Hie poiTitiiuaueo of ins duties.
l-rt Oifcttii CUitiIio.
The !lit rlK t)tvgon ehertlis of
incut a bountiful icp.ist ofcollee and
dlHeient vaiiellcs of cake was
spread of which all present heattily
pat took. Tlie all'air was a pel feet
ICi: I'lllIAM M)l'IAI..
'I'ho ladies of tlio M. K. clluicli on
Wednesday evening gave a most
pleasing ice cream social at the
elnuch. Tlie icticshmcuts were
preceded by a btief musical and
literary piorani that was Intensely
Inlotosting. Tlio attyndance was
good and the evening ,was pleasant
ly passed.
.s i:vi:.vi.ir.s i:N'n:T.i.NMiaT.
l.at evening; at tlm1 lhsano asy
lum a pleasant all.dr occurred. Tlio
chapel was tilled with the inmates
of tlie asylum and the aUondants,
with a goodly number of visitors
from the city. Tlio ovonlnu's ex-
e tiufrsUisiiiii
Oleiroil. to the MMlfivnnIi Kimmn,.
" I ft I
ment of the (i. A.lJ., wliU'h meets
at .Milwatikio in August.
SeoStiongVbill of far.' f.n tu
ition nw, elsewhere.
For your Paints, Oils, etc., go to
Gilbeit p''M..m.tn.
Hock Candy, tiilt Edge, Golden Drips, Now Orleans Molass.cs and
.Extra finest Oolong, Japan, Uaskot Fired Japan, Gunpowder, Voting
Hyson, English J5re.ikfa.st and our own special importation of uneolored
basket-tlied tea.
Green Coffee.
Mocha, Java, O. G. Java, Costa Rica, Gitntaniala and Rio.
Roasted Coffee.
Mocha, Java, Pioneer, Columbia, At buckle's and Costa Rica.
Allspice, Cassia, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, Nutmegs, Pepper
Chocolates and Cocoa.
Chiradelli & Princess' in one pound and one-lialf pound packages.
Haker's in ten-pound cakes, Httilcr's Cocoa. b
Crockery- and Glasswa!
With HpecliiltleiTyln
Valerian China Tea Sets.
French China Dinner Sets, I
n..,.:-L. ..:.
DucKingnam Pattern
Of which wo constantly keep a fhti i,.
nmloDon Rtoc c. cnnhllnn- i,.1.,." la3 W M
Dinner and Tea sets of nnv rItp TrfS "1
tho single piece. The nnest imwrtmentj
Ever shown In Snlem.
Ot the latest and handsomest pattenuin
5-l'lease ciill nnd examine ourstock.
201 Commercial Street,
Here They Are
Salem, Oregon, have received direct
The Finest Line of
which will bo bold at
Prices and Terms to Suit 1
Lcinon, Vanilla, Peppermint, Orange, Strawberry, Raspberrv
inond, Pineapple, Rose, Ginger. J' "a-,ul,,J
en'lics ojicncd with a hnrt iniustrcl i "&,alel" ''"oultl and will cclebra
licrrornuuicc, inwhiclt llicattund.ui- ! ,lll lo,i,,lls I'omth of July tl
aut.s'or the asyhitn werp tho print;!- ycar' a'"' il lllll-v I'xpecteil th
..1 .... . .. ... .1 . . Slid Will ll.lV.i ll, ... .! ... !..!.
plo actors. Alter tho niinstwl per
lorniance came a couple of farces
which e.iu-ed all tojotp In a he.uty
lattglt. Tlie e.oreNe$ weie Inter
niluijlcd wltlt good inus, under tho
MtpervlMon of Prof. Diamond.
The who atteudi'd from tlio city
ri'port the entire, ntl'tilr In a compli
mentary nttinuor and niv that not
only the. attendants and vUltoi en
Joyed themselves hut It hud a pleas,
ing fascination for tlie initiated.
I UK I'liOStNU Nlum
To-uiglit tlie Chicago comedy
iMiiiMtiy cliwc here, after a miccis-
nil engagement of one wivk. Last
Worcestershire, Jttrkee, Tonmto Catsup, Popper.
Bottled Goods.
CkiteSS'saiPeii: oSSgSt? Ui0US' ChoVc1'' WcallHy, Oli'ves,
Canned Goods.
aw, Cur
-kcu jseans.
IlilAllj.( m..fHA fl I ft
.. . ,' r '. "l "i-'oisi oirnwoerries, Jtlackberries, Bartlett Pe
rants, Gooseberries, String Reans. ugar Peas. Sweet Corn '1'
Coiidenwc Milk, Corn Reef, Chip Reef-potted Mea lardi, k
Salmon. Shr inns, (nun fivimi ...wi i, .... ,.., .:.i ".,1,Itsi
' i ,;'-' u uinmii jjuKfu jseans.
uigltt's iiventniliiii was that of the very cheap
I'or j om meift go to .Lulore's
to-day, on State street. tf.
Win. iMicklcr jwid tlieietnain
dcr of liN limj und,wab released
ft om Jail to-day. He Was convicted
at the last term of circuit com t of
selling liquor without license at
lluubaid, and lias Wen confined in
jail lnce that time.
Salem should and will celebrate
she will have the irinnilit .-..lolir...
Hon ever witnessed in Oagon. Now
Squire Farrar Is never behlml in
SlOCK lit tl lsr.!l!i...i iii-iuii.!.... ..4 ... i ... I '
W..-.-1 ijiwix-in-., 1(L asioii-
Ishillgly low pi Ices.
Paliiles-s dental opcrntlotisat Dr.
T C. Smith's, )2 State, street.
Ni'tt ItiirKiiliM.
We have twoorties, five and six
miles, smith of, he city, one nearly
all in eulilvatioiOu Ji'i per acre.
The other ten or twelve acres in
cultivation, jialancelin timber, at
f-M pcraca-. Qloth well watered I
- ------..,.,,
Farinaceous Goods.
, Onimlm'a'Ritltn-0 SSr W& MS! i?" ,?nd wite
.MaJaroul and NWnlcllll. '' k' Ju,,,er. ' l"ui Renns,
' ' V " SS
thepnuK'tty U'lmiKiin: hi tlie .Mmi,
lellh tate, and It ts pn.Uitilo, if tu.
cull l huuiKla, that eMate wlllU'
inado theiU'feiulimi. AIUin ivm
iK'rat. InMrr liimuauiil)
Mow ulKiii! that Fourth of Jul.
wlcbnittoir.' Ntlyin liuiiKI not lot
tliU.itri(i h, .Cilthmtt a great big
Jolllllnitlon 'lite j.eoph am rM fur
n iMllloklUK giVHt time, and S.il,.in
nhmild not IbUhe tluriIUvt In
uhmil if hyf.Nli U ihu, hf oi
tt (Iuimo disjKindiWsypMu hor, and a
font Ih nJul. ivlcotalioii uuut W
had, h, nut niovi qtil.klv, m ihu
strcetK Iih
tlitMir an
variety. '
the SojlMlMlVf"
Mitishlue ha
'IjKey aiv delicious of
he May Dew
grown up in
, wlteiv warm
hurtled them Into
tl NAor t
' ottuiri
tllltlllllll. s.blll itli. Iiliirl.ilo . Ill I..
"4WB- - ' iiuunvin Hill lv
tliKKUsl with Oivgim'n delicious
elicit les.
stlttttlivrrlo I'lrimtiil.
The past two dav haw had a
wonderful pilevt oiih. wild Mmw.
UrrW. Kariuen Jcot&ing In thU
iuortilngh.i, thevilnv rlvulng n
Idlj. The cronof ihu (lelloioun
Urrj U much l.ifcer ihls ,ear than
for h long time, ud it U hiUI thev
trv coiiilenthlv largvr hi ln
"U tncashliv ha-sj' This Is serin
emnle tilll that took like wild-iliv.
Tlie audli'iice was lurge and thor
oughly appnvlatje. Hello Iniiian
tintk the patt of the Lancashire I,,
and sustained tin? Jmmuor In iter
usually eharuitiigst,V yr )0 liu
aiiKins always ati.ctlv th
rigiuitinoand u(isKimttiiusa jurty
y i no uiiiue ot jiiiimxii Ho nee
falls to furnish a fn ml nLu i.n.,.
i giKid one,
in a gntce-
Cranston Cream. Corneiliors, Jlurr's Cheese ' -
lSlXaimh& '" ,,0Ul K t and
W State street. , Rt smoking and chewing Climax. Star SI...W t ti h
- ' "Iw,Oy?u.r plug, PiiK'r Hei.lek Cab , i ,it i: lh ac
I'lllWillli Ur Innnhl m ''' S
or .4.v.ii K.MHIVHI uuuiii, '
v i ... I All s. -
-ii urooas JJelivered.
These croods "urn fli;l-!iLRs nnd as their
stock Is very liirco u person can And what
they niay wfsh. Their warehouse on State
Ktrpot. is pmnnlpfpltr tllloH nnd Ihpr hftVfi
nnother car load on routo now. Lookout
tor incin; something flne
Only Genuine Systtpi of Memory Training!
Four Boos Learned In one reading,
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great Inducements to correspondence
Prospectus, with opinions ofUr.Wm.A.
Hammond, the world-famed Spoclallit in
Mind Diseases, Daniel Oreenleaf Thomp
son, the creat Psychologist, J. M, Buckly
ti' ci'l -"iw wi iiiu uiinmiuii au,umi.v
N. Y., Itichnrd Proctor, thesclentlst, Hons.
V. V. Aslor, Judnh P. Bcnlaman, and
others, sent post free by
Tior. A. I.OISET.TK, 237 Fifty Ave., NT
Jc-1!M. dw
mnntia In tlu atntn twa r-atta than
Portland. Lurgefet btockLegal Blanks !
tne bUite, a-d biggest dlscfcint. SendWi
ptlco list of Jolprintlng, anTkcatalorue ol
legal tilanks. f Ti mTVAITE,
v 8tam Printer BalentOregon.
o---ou tcctftnt State .street for ftUH).
noi.KtiivtVm Matestreet for ?750.
Hig list of Virtus add citv prop,
ot ty tn.Uvt lAin.
Ii,A;.v.Njr& Room.
Vnii.lv En
V"J sr'-
rn lends ite
ivii lui vfKjrm
cjirea mute rooa.
Iliivo moved to 47
where they aro nowj
uuroiu patrons nnt
win and so us inbur new
uiu uuiiur prep
cvur Having BC
BUiU atreef,
WOrK. All
invuea '"
...In.. W
now 'than
or. al. K. Ijivu wnsth
lousxlUtilit HotiutikM
tllvav ciirrvlni-liU v..t.
ful nuttuer. Tho etitlti p.-rform- TO-MORROW FR0M11 TILL 2.
HIKVWUsUptll tlio M,iuil high
standard of this eompmw They
elase to-nlsht, when ti bljf audletuv
Uhtirj th. present.
Take your famllv to shmh,.v.i
morrow, ttndenjoy the dclliiu'lis of TUViKimY PIK.
Call and Test Our Prices.
Cox & Boggs,
l Blacksmith, hoVremovSQ his shop to
the comer of CommorcuT and Chemek-.
eto streets, where ho rJRdy to serve the
public, ilo Is now piUtared better than
ever to do all kinds oolttKon nnd carriage
llllilf Intvfin.l Mn..tt2. Jill 1.1.... .9 l.lailr
toothing nnd repafnmrVand a general
nts them in u aolentfrlo manner. BpeeUJ
al lent inn tli-on Iai. ..,. svn rvrftjf
. , IU tUO WUBli ULVU VI "
onsund carriages. Rememberfhe ptace,
"n""iunimoiuiiurance ouuaing.
oiueui, largen, "
hud knimn NlirT
t tl. rt. uri ET.
IXrlence not hmwdiini Ihirai.tmnl twul-
i "n..,Good iay. Wrl'le at oaw. Get to
w-prk M)V, w hlle it is eay to 3f aad tr-
,,W MttH,n aK ;'u,,,fir:ur fcroM' "nd
niory unwnrKed. V '
in 8(ark Nam,