K THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. m away, they vrero all four on a European steamer ''outward-bound." And Ernest Copeland, watching hts dying brother, wondered why no letters camo from Kerndalo, chafed under tho necessity for remaining so long from his betrothed, but was too much occupied until tho last sad hours to do more than pen anxious letters never answered. He had a heavy heart to carry to tho funeral, a sacred trust to fulfill, and he had no elalion In tho fact that half of his brother's fortune loft him a far richer man than ho had over been. Gerard's lifo had been shortened by drinking and by re morse. It was over at last, tho funeral, tho caro of the dead man's personal property, and then with an undefined fear of ovil Ernest Copeland went to Ferndale. "Gonel Gono to Europe, you say I" lie repeated this aftor tho servant, in a daio of bewildered pain, holding unopened tho letters given with tho message. Not for some minutes could ho collect his senses sufficiently to understand ho held perhaps tho clew to the mystery In his hand. But ho opened it at last. Grace had had to plead'hard for permission to writo those lines, harder still to keep b.icka furious epistle from her father. But only hor well-known writing greeted her lover's eyes as ho opened tho letter: "Your wife and children," he read,"aroln the little cottage opposite the church. May Ood torsive your cruelty to them." There was no address or signature. Only one low moan broko from Ernest's whito lips as ho folded tho noto again and turned from tho house. Whito as death, shivering in tho soft summer air, ha wont down tho road to tho cottage. Thero was an ecstatic scream of "Papal Papa.!' as four clinging arms encircled his legs, and Mrs. Copeland stood trembling and crying in tho doorway. He gently lifted tho youngest child, and, followed by the other, went into tho cottage. Mrs. Copeland, crying still, sebbed: "So you havo comeback!" Gravely, but not tenderly, Ernest an swered! "Your husband will never como back. You know best by what want of wifely love you drove hira to drinking, to despair, finally to deserting you. Ho was not guilt less; but ask yourself if you are." "Who are you?" sho gasped. "I am Gerard's twin brother." "1 havo hoard of you. Whcro is ho!" "In his grave!" Sho dropped at his feet as if ho had shot hor. Sho had been a slovenly housekeeper, a shrewish wife, grating every hour upon Gerard's sensitives fastidious tastes; but, in her way, sho had loved him, scarcely re alizing how sho drovo him desperate. It consoled her presently to know that half of her husband's wealth would bo hers ?nd her children's, aiyl Ernest mado no explanation of tho reasons why the search ho had promised bis brother to mako lor her bad been so suddenly terminated. He left her at last to find Porter, Mr. Wilt bank's confidential clerk. Having received no orders to the contrary, Porter readily gavo his employer's Paris address, and Ernest returned to tho city, to interview his brother's lawyer, and prepare for a sea voyage. Over tho broad Atlantic tho Wiltbank party accepted the usual tribulations of sea-sickness and discomfort. Only Grace was exempt. Sho waited on tho others, but mado no moan over old Neptune's caprices. White as a snowflake, listless, with her soft bluo eyes sunk In hollows, her llttlo whito hands wasting, her pretty bright ways all gone, sho said she was perfectly well, and seemed to bo dying before her father's eyes. Sho would not own to being sick after thoy arrived in Paris. Thoy had been a Imonth in Paris, and tho French doctor Mr. Wiltbank called in talked of a "want of tone," and "raising the spirits" cf his patient, but Sophio wept all tho long, lonely nights, believing hor fatal discovery had killed her cousin. But it was Sophie who, one day in Novem ber, received a visitor alone, a visitor who sent up a littlo noto that souther with flying feet to roceivo him. Ho was still in tho salon, when Sophio came into the sitting-room, their own pri vato salon, whero Grace was sitting at the window. Sho v.inted to tell her news calmly, to avoid exciting tho Inmates, but sho broke down, sebbing: "Grace! Grace 1 Will you ever forgive me! It was all a mistake. She was Ger ard's Wife, Ernest's twin brother's wife! He is hero!" "Here! Ernest here!" And Sophie flow out again. She sent him in alone, for she said: "I must watch, or undo will murder you before you have a chance to explain." Ernest entered the room, where a pale shadow of his bright Grace rose to receive him, to fall Into his arms weeping now as in all her despair she had not wept. But thore wore no more tears. Grace's roses camo back in their happiness, and thero was a wedding in Paris, whero Sophio was brides maid, and hosts of American friends offered congratulations. But as Sophio sagely observed, shaking her pretty head: "It was nearly a tragedy, for if uncle and Ernest had met too soon, thero is no saying wiat might havo happened." Anna Shields, In N. Y. Ledger. H Mm WM H WW H r LROYALMKM J. mm El No. 211 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. .ARE TI-I3 LEADERS IN Ladies' and Gents' Fine Dress Sloes to POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength andwholevomeness. More economical limn the nrdln.iry IMnds, nnd canuot he Mild In competition with tho multitude oflow test, shoit weight nlum or phosphate "powders. Sold only In cans. IIoyai. Baking l,ownKKCo.,10UVull.N.Y. IMMIGRANTS LOOK DIE! Having funned In this country for over half n century, which gives us a thorough knowledge ot l lie country, w o now offer our services to j ou lu SECURING HOMES Also a large line of Ladies', Mis-sea' anil Chihlrens' canvas shoos for summer. Jtemcmbcr they will make it an object for you to call on them nud they will show youMlie best lines of goods in the city. This Arm is well known to all the citizens of Salem, ami surrounding country, ns a Jinn that handles nothing but reliable goods. Take the people's word for it and call on these gentlemen when in want of foot-wear. Their Spring Slock is Unsurpassed in Quality and Prices. Wm rown & Co., DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. and take pleasure In nnnounctngth.it wo lune n very line list or properly from which to select, embracing some ol the best Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms In Mnrlon nud Linn counties, at pi Ices that cannot be duplicated In tho Willamette vnlley. Other valuable propcity of vail ous kinds oll'eied nt "bed lock" prices. Come and Sec and You Will Be Convinced that wo mo offering nil that wo here claim Come by Narrow Gauge mil way, or to Turner and take Mage, (lour miles). Docilptlve piico list of farms and other property sent on application. Locating two or more families near each othern specialty. H. C. & J. II. PORTER, Real Eslnto Agents. Aumsville, Marlon county Or. 5-30 o ffl I HIES- -MMr-iaii. 3 dy Capita (iiirna ! Has Been Enlarged ini Greatly Improved and Now Is The CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON ! B U) Leather and Findings $50. HORSES. $50. r ne bundled head of brood mares J young hoi ses for sale. colls and Forty or fllty nected in the tonne Two line horses. Clvdo and Per"heon 'stock, welch! Rlxteen nndheventccn bundled; bao been with the band for tlio past three ycnis. Original stock from the best quality ol mares. For particulars addict orsee W. !. IIVAHS. wit. Salem, Or. For the Public Good. It Is nn indisputable fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that nro now run on tho American continent nio those on the Burlington route, leaving fiom Union depotln Denver, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival of ull through trains from tho west. Tho first and second class coaches are magnificent, tho recJlnlng chair cars suburb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, nnd ns for the meals that are served in those palace Burlington dining errs yum yum. The next time you go east to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louis, If you mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to i end from Denver or St. Paul over tho Burlington route, you will get It, nnd you will always be glad of It, If you go via the Northern or Canadian Pacillc, tho elegant vctlbulo trains of The Burlington Houte, between St. Pnul nnd Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along tho eastern shore of tho Mississippi river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst scenery thntennnot bo surpassed; or, If you fo via the Oregon Short Lino or Southern 'aciflc, and your ticket reads via Tho Burlington Route from Cheyenne or Den ver, you will pass through all tho thriving cities and towns located In what Is popu lai ly known as the Heart of tho Continent. For further Information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 8o Tlrst street, Portland, Oiegon. -MiMAwtl NUTMEG CULTURE. .How tho Nuts Are Grown and Treated in New Guinea. Paddling into a llttlo cove, eays Captain John Btrahan in tho Glasgow Mail, on tho south side of the bay, wo landed besldo o clear, rippling stream, and, havlng-ordored tho wholo of tho men to inarch In Indian file in front, we started by a littlo rugged path into tho mountains, with my interpro ter immediately behind me, and tho llajah just In front. ' Every foot of tho journey, which was laborious in tho extreme, dis closed fresh scenes of verdure and tropical splendor, winding along tho sides of deep ravines, sometimes dragging ourselves up the creepers and undergrowth, wo ulti mately attained an altitude of About one thousand feet above tha sea, and then en tered the nutmeg country. Hero wo halted and rested. Tho Rajah pulled some of the nutmegs, and explained how far they were from being ripe. Having rested sufficiently, we again start ed forward, and after scrambling alonn for about an hour, we gained u fine piece of table-land, over which we traveled for about another half an hour, when wo reached three bouses erocted in the very heart of the forest. These were used by the natives for drying the nutmegs. The country was everywhere magnificent, and tho aroma of the spice laden air delicious. Nutmeg end other equally valuable trees were everywhere growing in great profu sion. The fruit of the nutmeg in appear ance resembles a pear, and when ripe opens ni iinniav the nutcoverod with a beauti ful red coating of mace. The nut are then . picked from tho trees, put into baskets and taken to the nouses, wnece mcy o uuw and placed on shelves. They are then par- OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. CASH PAID FOR WOOL, .HIDES, PELTS AND FURS. 231 Commercial Street, Salem, Or LOOK - OUT ! Something is Going to Drop at BODWELL'S NEW SHOE STORE, THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, $1.50. WEEKLY, h'Ix months,- --$0.75 "Now Head Our Discount for' Cash f. 95 State Street, Salem. Wo contcmplnten chnnga of business soon, and will thoreforo make Sweeping Re ductions In certain lino ol Hoots nnd Shoes I u order to reduce our stock to a minimum. We want Money! ou need Hoots nnd Shoos. Como and examine goods nnd nrlccs nnd seo iflt will not pay you to lay In one or two years supply at tho prices we oiler GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ! A child can buy as cheap ns n inanjit our store. Wo mean business,! and If "you wear shoes look us up. YOUItS FOIt "KQLI) JCOINj" BAILEY F. BODWELL, HE KEY TO S ! ', WEEKLY, one your, :J1.00. WEEKLY, 'hI iiioiiUih,-...!.0.50. WAS TJIEIIE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO JTV NOW UOLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUK ONE-'"lIIKl) OFF FOR CASH. v i FOUND! (Limited Line.) CIIAS. N SCOTT, Receiver. 1 On nndnfterFeb.18 lSS'J.nnd until further notice trains will run dally (except Hun day) ns follews: EAST SIDE, Coburg Mall From Portland 1jV.11.3u am Ar. X0.W Lv. 2.15 p m 28 !UC 3:31 U.l'l 3.1 J03 4.10 -1.85 J.SU 4.17 O.HU I'ortl'd Mull STATIONS. fi iTow'rd Port land Ar 5.S0 5.50 0.H 021 OKI 7.20 7.2) 8.01 &37 fc'JU 10(15 P nil Commutlon l'OUTI.ANI) 1'JLW V FootofJcfson. St llay's Landing, St. Paul's, Woodburn, TOWllhCIld, MeKee, ML Angel, Dow n's, rillverton. JohnstonV Mill' Switzerland, KastSldeJunct. Macleny, Atimsvllle, WetHluyton O lCrosIng, West 8clo, Crubtrcc, Hplcui, Tnllmnn, Plain view. UrouiiKVllIc, liouluud, Cobunr. All UV Ticket r.t ut elation t wol ha Ar. 4.10.p in. Ar I.v 1.80 12.17 12.00 iu 1M0 11.24 0.14 11.00 10.20 10.10 JO 07 8.40 P.l' 8.50 8.W 8.2 8 0J 7.31 CJS 0.13 &30 4:3) Mill Success iii Business requires preparation I Therefore, thoroughly muster Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping by borh Single and Double Entry, tho nature und correct uto of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing. Manifold, and Dictation work. All these are needed in bu-JiieKS, and are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at the HALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE Grlswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WADF & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM, cunts per lng agents. tUlly roasted over a slow Are until all tho , mile on" nalej moisture U extracted- Alter taiswiey uro t Colincct0n at Itiy'n nud Pulqunrt cooled and carried down to "J viluwra In imdinr w(ibMtauiertiiy nfKnU-ui" nA. .a,., in IlA IUrfJMBa 1.3 LQU UUIC1I. Ulv-- - 7vv . ..v.-.-.-... r"u.n?..rV.u.hn f ramiont ihe I General OtBau.. it W Cor. Hr-t nnd I'll Gulf la their aaallprowi or JUBkojat the I ,rtr,"n "" w I'ine, Garland Stoves, Oak Stoves, Brighton Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Cofiilrii' Stock ;l Hardware and Fars MacbmerytWagOAS and Carriage Our Old Subscriber (7 V Now iniirreairi ale urged to take advantage of our big, discount, by tllng old accounts and Joining the grand throng of one dolfar huIisciII THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER JHut a solid, iMiriiiaiK.'iilirediiclloi'. V have cyme to 'lay' TO ONK AND ALL We say, send us your names. If you want to take udviiutagu of our " third oil" for cash," and are not whero you can get poKtal notes of, o convenient method of remitting, bend us your namo and stato tl.nt will remit at llrst opportunity. This will ensure your belug placed on u. dollar list. atf-OTxii 8.000.00U i"1 "? 'i!,J! of UUrgMtuuliiwi4nlUtMUWM,uaUiTnM Ferry's Seeds luakiJ. eap. k mmW'rvttuJMmk Wsmk Kuxii'fnpa' HV l "AAK mMmmmWmMMmWmMWmwm I m FP.nnY a no. UWHIMIU IOMIH argest Setdimut m tn wona. D M.irnBTAOo'e IUatntd.DMOTlp. Uftkodhrlcwt SEED ANNUM. For 1880 WU1 U DuUwl fH Ol I i ia aJI mTtolLzintm. w to Ut ? twr autooOT Ithaat Ardsnnerlt inaaiu. afda,Keld or tlomt Hm ftbould Mad U It. Add O. . FEIIIIT CO.t OtfH, WHh. ItfUMtOMUlOWW u Tho DUyBBS'aUIDBie Uiu-jd M,roh and Sept., each year. It la an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all wno pur chaao tbo luxuries or the necessities of life, Wo oan olothe you and furnish you with all the neoesscry ana unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, danco, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or sy at home, and in various sires, styi ,s and quantities. Just figure out wha' is required to do all these thinga rnm.iRTlRIV. and you can make a fair estimate of tho value of tho UUYEIttt , OUIDE, which will be sent upon , reoelpt of 10 cent Vj pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. JU-U4 KleUifaa ATMtt. Oalco,Ul, TKAXSl'OllTATKiy. TH.E YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And OroKon Development company's Mr.imlilp lino. !i"i miles shorter, 'M hours lessttmo tliiui by any ottici unite. First class tliroiiRli p:is.ciiKcr nnd freight lino fmm Portland nud nil polntH lu the Wll lninctto vnllev to nnd ironi ynu Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Suiirtnys): l.ene Albany 1:00 I'M IrfiNcCnrvulllfi - -1:10 I'M Arrlvo Yiitiulnii C::!01'M I.eavo Yaqulmi - ...... .:15AM Loao CoialllH tttMAM Arrlo Albany 11:10 AM (). A C. trains connect at Albany and limillls. Tho nboo trains connect at YAQUINA lth the Oickoii Development Co's Line ltMteir.ishlpsbctMeon Ynqulnn nnd San t'lanclsoo. SVIMNO HATES. STUAMl'.ltS. rilOM YAQUINik. Wlll.uuelto Vnllev Sunday Apr. 2S W lll.uuetto Valley Monday, May Wlllametto Valley, Tuesday " 14 8TKAMKKS, FltOM SAN KKANC1SC0 Wlllametto Valley Thuii-day, JIny 2 Wlllametto Valley Friday " 10 Wlllametto Valley Saturday, " is This iiiinpnny ixeres tho right to cluuiL'O Milling dales Ithout notice. N. 11. l'lisveiiKviimnn l'oitland and all lllametto Valley points can mnko close ronnectlon wltli tho trains of tho YAOU1NA HOUTE at Albany orCorvnllls, and If destined to San Francisco, should in range to arrlvo at Yaqulim tho evening beforo date of Milling. rasbpngrr nml Ki eight Kates AIwmk the liowet. I'orlntormatlon apply to iiessra HULMAN & To., Fielght nnd Ticket Agents 200 and LVJ Front bt., rortlnnd, Or. or to C.C. HOOUK, Ao't Oen'l Frt. A i'ass. Agt., Oregon l'acillc It. II. Co. Corvnllls, Or. f! H.HASWEM.,Jr.Gen'l Frtj A Tabs, Agt. Oregon l)eelopment Co., .101 Montgomery Ft.; Sim Fmnclseo, CnlJ T1S1K TAHLK-KIVKll DIVISION.' Thnelcgantly equipped sleamboats, Wm M. Hong, Capt. Oeo. lUmbe; the N. S. Ilentley, dipt. .I.Jl'. Coultei; the Tlueo Sisters, t'apt. V. V. Miort; are In set vice for passenger find ficlglit tmtllc. botween Corvallls and rortland and Intermedium points, making tlueu lound tilps each week as follew'H: NOHT1I HOUND leaves Conallls Mon day, Wednesday and Filday at 8 a. in. Anlves atSalem .Monday, NVediiesdayand Filday ut:i p. in. Leaves Salem Tuesday, Tliiiidny and Satin da vat (In. m. Airles ut I'.u Hand TueMlay.Thiiisday and Satm day st :i:'K) p. m. I-OUTII ItOUND-Leaves Poitland Mon. day, Wednesday and Filday at (I a. m. An lcs at Salem Monday, NVednesdavand 1 t Ida v nt 7:10 p. in. Leaves Salem Tues day, Thursday and Satin day at (I ii. m. Auhes at Con-allls Tuesday, Thuisdiiy Satuiday ut:i.uoi. in. For nelghtand passenger uites apiily to the captains and imisemoftho lespectlMi boats, or to W. M. Daillng, agent, 'JIO and aM Finn! stiect. rertlnnd: (lllbcit llios. agents Salem; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany O. A. .Miller, agent, Corvallls; or totho gen eral fielght and passenger ngent. Corvallls. O. A. C. tinlns connect at Albany and Connllis ... .... .K: w- l"W'KN, Superintendent. Wm. IIOAO, Oeneial iManngrr. -V1A- SoutlifiHi Pacific Comjiaiiy's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA MOTE. Time liehuru Salem nml San Fraurlsiu ililit)-sl Moms. CAI.I1 OIIMA KXI'lllJiS 'IIIAIN ItU.VllAIlA iii.iwi:p..v l'onri.Arii ands. r. S7iIIIi7 H.oo p. in. I l.v. l'oitland An 0:11 p. in. I Lv. Salem Lv. Tttta. m. I Ar. San Finn. I,v. I.OCAI. 'NoTtli. TbilSnTiiT. ":.M a. in. 7.00 p. in. assi:n(ji:k tiiain ( dau.t .x ciut humiay). 8-(H) a. m, 11:10 a, m 2.10 p. m. I.v. 1'oitlaiTd Ar. I :i: p Lv Salum I,v. 1 12-M p. m. Ar. Kugeno I.v. li.OU a. in. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accoinmodittloii ol second class piiHKcngei attached toozpress trains. TheS. I'. coinpnuy'K fciry makes eon nectlnn with nil Wio regular tiauiR on th Kant Kino Division liom lootol F Ntieo Cortland. West Side Division, liclWcen Portland and Cervallls: l""!,Y (I'XfKIT HUN DAY). Oregon Railway and Navigation OOMI'ANY, Columbia River Route.' irnliiiifortlio east Have I'ortlund at 7:15 I in and n i in dully, Tlo its to und from principal points In tin United States, Can udn mid l,uroH ELEGANT TULMANN PALC CARS Kmlaniut Bleeping; Curs run IhroiiK'-'i.on express tri Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL IIIAFK It '111 BT. I'AUI Free of Cliurgo and It ou Change Connections ut Portland for Bun Fran lincoand l'ugct Hound oliits. For lurtlicr partlculai-s luqtilro of J. A. MuiiiiIiii;, ugeiit of tho lOlupany, iH6 Coiiimuiulul street, Hulcm Uiegon, ol A. U Maxwell, (1. 1, a, T, lrttlaud Oreuou, A. L. MAXWELL, U. 1". 4T, A H. HOLCOMB (itcoruljU nager, 2 Ui si! '4 1 1 . I 1 i -HI r, ; hi t i I m i. . r Li i :l. :i It) ' 4" ;?i . M VK proper