i si- 8UBSCRIDI3 nm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL -Tin:- , . BEST PAPER IN SALEM. A.DV13K.riS13 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WM. 11K A GOOD INVESTMENT. , aj-Tho Terms nro .Most IlcusonablcTiHl CAPITAL JOURNAL. m 3-You-wlll lie well pleased with It.-uS IWt 1 m to" VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, "MATT 1, 188J). iND. 52. CS-3BT?pSS55i rm mm Miwwn m i f.l 1 Hero an Mmm pojile, , . S.tlem, Oregon, have received dlrcor rani Basttrn ipm Tho Kintlt UnaC PHAETONS, SPUING AVAGC1NS,, -STAGJECOAKHES, MOUNTAIN WAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, , HOG CARTS Aid MiTT! f v OTHER VEHICLES -I j which will be bold t .Jl J n . .. i m. j re..?i mi rap i eras o su a These goods "nro flr&;-cljs3 nnil ns their stock Is very In i ecu person cunllnd what they may wah Thcb- warehouse on Stato street Is completely llllcd, and they have another car lo-ul en route now. Look out for tbem;,i.oinethlng tliif. ONJBXPPJCETOALL We liav received dlXct from tho Vlnnufucttirrn n ComiletfeStocK StaplA5oods, . rof Drv Goods. Mrn'sVBys'afl Ydtith's Clftbing, Hats Skd Caos, Hosiery and Ladie floves, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wo slilll offer them for cash At jower Prices Than any liouso In the state. All cash buyers 111 savo money by calling on us. FORSTNER, TIFFANY & CO., 207 commercial Stieet, Now Honk Block Salem, Oreson, DR J. (p. GILBERT, AT Hl ATSI 1 T A -fitTTJ IVl . In tho Hank Hock, feats all Chronic lscaseof MEN J NnAvOMEN On strictly sclen Incirlnclplcs. Ills now Medicated Vap r Baths, Electricity, and F.lcctro-Mngnetl n Pure and Compound Oxygen are not te bad at any other Insti tution on tho Ifelflo slope Dr. Gilbert Ases only BOTAtflb MEDICINES NATUrjfc's)WN REMEDIES. Ofllccs anroomlcspeclally fitted for the accommoiltion arid treatment of ladles with ladlebath iuLiroofilrs. Gilbert. Dr. Gilbert cJntt les hlikself to otiice practice and ls,therefore,always on hund to wait uufm his patnts. Special atten Hon given to diseases f women and child ren, .uerms sinewy mvuuuiu Consultatlor Free, 3-21.(1 w PIANOS!! -THE- ::- BEST IS THE MARKET -::- For f-ale cheap for cash or upon tho installment plan. Also a good piano to rent. Call upon ' WM.S. ARNOLD, No. 367 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. Proposals Invited. mllE BOARD OF TRUSSES OF THE I- Oreon Btate Insane Asylum Invite i fpaled proposal for heating tho stato in sane jujium wjth hot water. Plans and np'eclflcatlons must be Jurnlshed by tho bidders. Plausof the building will bo fur nlslied upon application to Dr. Harry Lnuo ' medical superintendent, Salem, Oregon. Proposals aro also Invited for an electric light plant for tho asylum of S lights of 18 candle power each, Incandescent nystem td be wired cxjmpleiqund ready for service and subject to rigid test. Tho right to re i m .m- nnil nil bids reserved. Bid will be opened at 2 oVlock p. in. on. Tuexuy, .May 7, jm. HYLVESTER PENNOYER, OEO..W. McHRIDE, O. W, WEUU, Board of Trustee 'K. A, MUNI.Y, Oerk of Board. F. E. HOOVER. FAIR Sotitli Here Stretches Out Before Vou RIStlllT MA Of which entrails he beholder with bewilderiUK flflmfwtion and wonderA I n tho distance the rugged Cascade Range draws out its serpentine length, while along Irit intervals rise up like grim sentinels all the white and weird SNOW-CROWNED PEAKS of 1 lie great norfli west, their heads emending high in the celestial vault. The river goes winding northward "like asilvery'lfibbon wide," and on very side are dements of beauty. Lovely drives are being laid out and graded throng the shady elevation anikaltogctlicr the site is a grand one ror eiegani nomes. The Willamette InVBstrnent Have the exclusive sale of this beautiful addition. Lots will be sold on tho installment plan. This Company also have a large list of choice city and farm property, 5, 10, 20 and o0 acre-tracts adjoining Salem. BSS" Money to loan on farm and city property, insurance in reliable companies. 215 up-slars, Moores' Block. Pirst Nationa Ban 110 (11 SALEM, OREGON. WM. N.- LADUE, -1)H. J. KKYNOLHS, JOHN MOIK, - - ; President. Vice l'rcsldent. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Kxeliango on Portland, San Francisco, Now York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers arc cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on buch se- Icurity can bo obtained at tho bank in 111031 rcnauie companies. ESrAHLISIIED BY NATIONAL AUTHOIUTY OF SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, Surplus, - - - 75,000 - 10,000 R. S. WALLACE, - - President. V. AV. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALI1ERT, .- - - - Cashier. DIRLCTORSl W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS IvIA.DE To rarmcrs on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or m store, either In private granaries or 'nubile warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought at Tar. COMMERCIAL PAPER ri..nnnl iii Piinconnliln rntfa lmflK dmwn direct ou Now ork, Chicago, Kan .. . ..1 1 r ..lni ll..t.i Unnllll Hong Kong und Calcutta. New Store, New Goods. M. T. RINEMAN Has opened up a fresh and clean stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, GLASS and QUEENSWAItF; WOODEN and W1LL0W-WARE, GREEN and DRIED FRUITS and in fact cverthlng kept in a first class Grocery store. Cash paid for liutter and Eggs. The public In general Invited to call and t.eeus. Atl goods delivered free. State Street, room formerly occupied by Dugan uros. . , ,. Kresh bread always ou band, heed of all kinds kept constantly In our store. NEW LIVEKY STA1JLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty street, K. E. cor from fcheniekete hotcl.Bilein.Or. . Good accommodall m for commrelal travelers. FiHtlaS rl alway onTliaud CbareMrea""11'1 ' " O. B. EDGETT. MOUNT IS LOCATED ON SaleAn. Values omiM Up Immigrants are Arriving and urchasing hp NOW IS THE TM TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lots on.proposed Xtreet railway line In Nortli Salem Very cheap and choice. A $600. 75 feet front on Front steot running through 210 feet deep to the river bank. lor a week onlv, 2600. Elesraut hard fini?liedlioue, with 2 lots and a good barn on High street. Very sightly place seeing. ACP Twentv-eiirht acres verv icliolco spring. Elegant meadow on part of Lots in Capital Park ddition, one block from State street, 000 for quarter blocks'. 300 and SHOO for slnglo large tits. Lots in Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; .'i00. ISAM) A. MANNING, Real Estaye Broker, 3anlc 31oclc. "Up-Syairs, Salem. Oregon. THE RELIABLE GROCERS, KELLER k SONS, Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. : o Specialties in liable Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. Remerriber the Place and Call BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES lly rejni;rlng and decorating your rcl-delict-. For material go toSargejiit'u -rleiy Sloru, who HirrlMi llm Utct fctjlot and pattern!. In Willi 1umt, Itoiden und I)eirutli)niilaier trimmed freu of charge. A flue lino of T3A.BY CAKUIAOKS alu-ayn on hand, beIdea Inrsn iikMirtineut of new good too numerou to nientlmi x WM. .SAHOJ3ANT, Vnrlrt- Store, dnniinrrvlal 8t., fUlcin. 1, P. BOISE, .lr. P i gilts a Panorama, ill MI Company andXin good neighborhood. Worth nri , adjoining town. Running tract 5:J(HJ per acre. Ivor a snort fi7C tOKnAAIONTIIcanboinade f)lJ VU i).J working for im. AgeuM preferred who iJiii furulah a horM) and give their wlioliitlmo U the bUKlneKH. Spare iiioint'iitK inuy bo pniDtably employed h1h. A few va3inclm In towiiM and cltleM. It. V. Jnhruon A Co., louu Muln hi.. Ulchtnond, yji. '. II Ijtdlov employed alwi. Never mind about kendliig Mump for reply. Come quick. Your for bu, It. V, J. A Co. WWJm-iut l'enom wlhhlug ui Improve their mum ones or utrengthen their i)werof attention Hhouldkend to 1'rof Iol.lie, zn Kltth Ave., N. Y. for 111 protjiecl u p ml fien, iki- Ivertlw-il In nno'.ner uoliuni). ARK Daily ! GE mertv We have five lots left in Mere dith's addjtlon, nbarthe university, from ?40Q to ?o30; now two story house, new barn and fen'ce,;, ftj.ll lot set to fruit near thedepotforSlGSO; new two story house and two full lots in Riverside. Cheap, must bo sold. Farms of all sizes and prices on terms to suit in every direction. Duncan & Booth, !)9 State Street. Wright's lied Cross Cough Cure will euro mat tire-omocoupn. i.naraniceu io give satisfaction. Sold by nil druggists. Wright's Compound Kxtract ofSarsapa rllla Is blood-making, blood-cleansing and hualth-rcstorlng. A cuie for scioflilous and all eruptive discuses. Sold by II. W. Cox mull).. I. Fry Wright's lllackberry Cordial should bo In every family for cholera Inratum, sum mer disease, etc. l'leasant to take. Sold by all druggists. OPERA HOXJSB ONE N I Q H T. Frlilny Evwiiiiig, May 3, 1889. ltelum ()f tho Favorites lloyce A Lansing MUSICAL C'OMEUY COMPANY. i:NiiAit(inn cojitany. WIS HAVE Tho Funniest Comedians, 'i'ho briglitcst Soubretts, Full Mandoline Orchestra, Sixty Solid Silver Swli-s Helix, TheHpanlsh Troubadouni, -Vocal and Ocarina Quartet, Guitar, Zither, Violin mid llanjo l'laycm, Schubort Htrlng Quartet, Music, HurUwiuc, Opera nml Comedy.all In One Client Program, l'rcss and public unanimous In their praise. Crowds turned away nightly dur ing tho San Krnnelico engagement, 3SKCU1U4 HKATS KA11LY. "I'rlccsfiOniidTOe. FOR 11KXT. UOlt 1115NT A good houso within two 1 blocks of Kast Salem chool house. Ap ply lo N. 11. Oaylord,'J7 Stato Micet. 5-14t VOU HUNT.- In n line locality, several 1 nicely furnished rooms, either with or without board. For particulars call upon Win. S. Arnold, 3t7 Winter street. FOIl sam: VOU 8a MS. A now liouso on good lot, 100 ' xliX) feet, ou high ground In Koutli Salem, house lents lor$7 per month only SII-JO. N. I). Jones, Halem, Oregon. nOll sJAiiK. A KAHM OK .'IJO AOltlCS I' all under fenco and cultivation, in the host rango country of Kaslern Oregon, 'i'ho best chance ever olleied for a man to engage In stock raising. Kor particulars calion or address W. H. HYAIIS, Halem, Oregon. A ANTKI. lVANTKU. A rartner: An energetic young man to take a half interest In a wcll-ostabllHlicdand gcKid-paylng business. S'2110 Is icipilred. Mail must bo a Reed worker. Call or address "W. M.," euro of CAl'ITAI. JOUIINAI.. NOTICK. I1IAVIJ somo very good second-hand buggies and harness that 1 will sell cheap. Uomoandseothcm. Oainks 1'i.hiikii. l'ltl'i:SSIONAI. CA11DM. r J. HIIAW, attorney at law, Halem, Oro '. gen, Olilco uivHtalrs in the l'attnn block. f J. JENNINGS I. I). H.-DKNTIHT-J Ofllco in tho Now Hank lllock. Com merclal street, Halem. Hlgn ol tho big tooth. dw nllYiJuTfAN-MilH. Uli; M. 'fi."3IcCOr J iiliyslclan and surgeon, lias located and taken looms over Hipilro Karrar's gioeery store. Chronic diseases a spec laity. Consultation heo. l'J-Zldw w. I'. Wil.l-IAMH, hTKNOUIlA I'll Kit and Ty new rller Copyist. Will make rolMirts or trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately und neatly done. Olilco with I. A. Manning, Commercial Ht., Ud stairs, New Dank lllock. AlJVKI-OIHJMNo. IS, I. O. O. P.," ilieels j ill uuil reiliiws jxiiii iiiisoiirs. iiiinei Uominerclal and Kerry streets, every Hat- urdavat7:o0p. m ,, J, IJllKIJU, HecrcUiry J AH. WAIION, .N. New Butcher Shop AT No. 216 Commercial Street AN0KVINK & HANS0.MB. Havo opened up a tlrst-class butcher shop at tho above location, where they will bn jtleused to serve tlio ptsijilu with tho CIIOIOKST AN1) IllvSr MKA'IH of all kinds that tho market allbrds. (live them a call and bu convinced of tho suiieriorlty of their meats. 4Q(lfioil delivered free. DO YOU HAT? If you .do, call at tho W. C, T, U, RESTAURANT Inthdois'rii house blrck, where you can get a good clean mcalutiiuy tlmnof day or evening. This restaurant U under now maiuigo ment and satUfacllon Is gitiirulileed. Kv. vrythlug I In llrt-elnss thiijio. Mr. and Mrs. H. K HOWAltD, Tho New Managers. STORE FOR SATvB. The "VS'hlttaker Htoro for sale, flood property. Cull on O.W. HUNT, l-St-iUwlvr Proprietor. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. 7 llnrnum h Demi. Nkw IIavkx, April 30, Harnum, cx-chairinun of VV. 11. lie dein- oeratic natioil eomurfttee, tills morning. VV A (hmeraMloliiliiv. ' dicd San Fuancisw April ;!0. Dis patches receive! from a large num ber of poinN.lmughout tho United States, inchfiliuglthe Pacillc coast, rejioit tliat the Inauguration centen nial was generally observed through out me country. ( Tho Wg Celciiratloii. Pohtland, May 1. Tho large numbers whlcli arrived in the city to participate in the ceremonies yes terday were immensely swollen by every train which mivod with its overcrowded load, of humanity. Especially was the excursion train running from Eugene City loaded down to the fullest extent. The militia compiuiicsj of Eugene, Al bany and Salem were on tho train as well as large nujnbers of citizens from along tho rouK". and the streets of Portland werj one continual throng. X Indian Atrocities. FitANCisco, April San 2!). A sneelul from Dcfmnir. !N. M , ptj a. A. E. Head to-daj received the fol lowing telegranf trom Sherill' Whitehall at San eimeen: "V. K. Munehas and Cfok, two miners, e.iinu to San Siuieou cattlo com- j pany's headquarters 1 said Hint Frank duly last niglit and was killed by Indians at Deer dreok. Cady was burled Friday, vllo was shot through both legs and then put on a stove and roasted, i As near as could bo ascertained thtiro were forty In dians." The ltig Uniinuet Ni:v Yoiuc, April HO. The Met ropolitan opera hoUso was to-night the scene of the second chief event of the great cejiteiniial celebration, and tho theatre olftlio greatest ban quel possibly oyer peld within the recollection of man. Tho interior decorations of tlo now historical building excelled dvcu the splendor and display of thejwll celebration of the previous nlght The stage and auditorium, connected in one con tinuous iloor, were, the foundations of over u quarter oa hundred tables arranged In doublB horseihoo fash ion, with a seatlua'capaclty for 800. Nearly 8000 wino glasses glittered at intervals alotVg the array ol tables, . mid 200 ynlters, as well drilled as so many soldiers, were ready to respond to the slightest wants of the diners. The tables were elaborately decorated. Tho ex pense of tho dinner Is said to have been $33,000, tho wluoalono costing an expenditure of nearly $10,000. The bill of faro in ordinary print was eight Inches long and ol French construction, being wound up witli twelve kinds of wine and three cor dials. A ftow Seel. H()CKKOM),IH., April !0. There Is great excitement here over tho re sult of the trial of Mrs. Klnnehan in tho Westminster Presbyterian church for heresy. Mrs. Kinnehaii recently Joined the Ikekmanltes, a religious sect who worship tho I lev. O. J. Seliwelnftirtli as Christ. She has stated in public that she believed Christ had appeared ou earth in the person or.Schwclnfifrth and woihIiIjh oil him as such. She was fully satlslled of the fact, and there was was nothing that could change her views. To the, charges, one and all, Mrs. Klnuchaii pleaded not guilty. She refused to have' any counsel ap pointed to defeild her, saying she was able to defend htsrself. When asked to swear slircfused to do so and opening her ISUftcrcad passages allowing that It waiprnpcr to swear not at all. She hjjid (how ever, that she had leen tajight ly tho preach ings of the church tht Christ wns coming on eafth and wus now lully satisfied tljt Schwclnfurth was Christ. Nothing could change her views. SJie was accompanied by one or two of the femalo lieckman ists, who were allowed to say some thing, and repented Mrs. Klnneliaii's story. The Jury found defendant guilty of blasphemy, apostasy and heresy, add she will be expelled. Sehvitlii ftirth, tho alleged Christ, came hero u few years ago not worth a nickel, lie now lias one of the finest faruu In this section of the country, and Is worth over $50,000. On tho furm is it lurgo Iioiimi, where the meetings ure held. A Favorable Opinion. PoitTiiANi), fay 1. Alexander Mackey, attorney of the liquidator of the Oregonian Hallway company, has returned from a trip of inspec tion over tho lines of the company, and found'the roads In fair condi tion; bridges, trestles and tics ih good order. lie thinks the YViUrun ette valley a most charming section of country (irregular garrlcn, hut capable of consitfeiyilo development, especially in the foothK He con siders the great needof'tke. valley Is more populatloiyAnd was pleased to ll.nl In every district new people coming in niuT settling on small tracts cut oil the large farms. After seeing the territory ih rough which the narrow gaguc road runs, he has a higher opinion of the value of them and is still less inclined to bo In a hurry about advising the stock holders to dispose of their properly at any sacrifice. C(IXI)KNSKI) lMSlTATClf:S. Tho king of Holland is going to travel In hopes of improving his health. Much excitement exihts ncir Kan sas City, over the reported discovery of ii rich gold find. Saturday was the birthday of Goiv eral Grant. It was appropriately Celebrated in many castenytities. Tho weekly (HrejiorrHeiit out from Washington savi'4haljuQro ..!.. I l.-.i i.. iv. i r' .., """" nun in ui-i'iieu ill i-MKi)r;i lllHUMiniie- sota. Tli9 Itevs. Taylor, Kdwards ana Hopper, who hrfvo been held for ransom by Chief itushlii, near Zan zibar, Africa, have been released on .payment of the stun demanded. Los Angeles, Oil., has a new tem perance temple elected at a cost of .? 10,000, by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 1 1 was dedicat ed yesterday with, appropriate cere monies. Ud'it.sed Two Future l'rosiilents. Among the curious coincidences gathered by the Heligio-Phllosophi-eil Journal Is that two girls from tho same small Ohio village rejected two future presidents of the United States, and both for the same cause poverty. Hayes was one of the suitors, but the parents of Life girl opposed tho match on tlieXground that lie showedVhardlv'hiillleient ability to wiirrant ftaiMfiig their girl to his care. GarflehypatdiiUentious to the other, anjjiigaiii (lie parents objected thathis futuro piospects were none loo bright. Jledford, the village inquestlijin.' did not at the time coiitaln COO 'nJiahltnntH. Hut In Ohio a girl ruiiBfuilt risks of re fusing a presidentjyiin she declines any suitor whatever?? The coinci dence, would bo stronger if it had oc curred lu some state where the lightning strikes less unexpectedly. A Popular Courtesy Ignored. "There are few smokers who will hesitate to ask an utter stranger for a match, and men who might pass each other ou tho street every day for weeks without oven n nod of rec ogni' ion will exchange 'lights' in a smoking-car without the slightest restraint." So spoke a young' man to a group of frieml the other day. "Jtut," ho contlirMcd, J'l met a man yesterday on tho cs who was an exception to the ruk iNnis pass ing through the jmiokor with n cigar all ready to light, and felt In my pockot for ir match. He gave men cold staiy; n ml Vald no atten tion to my request." "Was ho deaf V" asked one of tho crowd. "No, ho was handcuffed, and I felt llko a thief when 1 discovered It, too," was the sad reply, Iilniira Oiueltu. How (Jeorgo Won Her. . . "It grieves mo to glvo you pain, Mr. Ferguson, but I fear it can nevor be. Try, try to forget me." "I'll try, MN Laura," replied the young man, in u melancholy hope less way. "Absorbed hi tho vortex of business, as rvshall ho henceforth, 1 nmy bo able tiii still thu'clamor of my aching heartXaud banish your sweet imago from Hjv-tnlnd." "Then you contcufylate going Into business?" "I have inadkr iirraugvnients," lio fluid In u hollow volco, "t,o open u largo rolulhconfectlonery storo." "Oh, George, exclaimed tho beau tiful girl wildly, iih fdiu Hung herself into ills arms, "the sight of your HiiH'orlng is more than I can bear. T am yourHl'j If such a calamity as tho'Tliutli of President Harrison ' and of Vico President Morton shoulitoccur, Mr, lUlalne would bo president. ; ?l ... .?! - M ..' it' i.r Y M t U.I r .I ff