Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 30, 1889, Image 2

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.ti - mm 1 1 r Aim VII
jiv Tiin
Capital Journal Publishing Company.
Knlrl nt the ixwtolllcu ill Kifiii,Or.,n(i
M-coiiil I'lims innttiT.
Ho- fourlti jnio fr terms of ubcrlp-
"'AUiertlvinniili. i Injure WlS'.IJ'f
tlio wine cluyj should l3 handed '" y 1
""chTOi-mtH-titi- wnlnliilM n""' 'If
K-rmt iiiiiI liiixjrtmiv Is deslrc-il fro"' ""
ODiniiitiiilcatli.il!"- .. , t,.,.,ivci.
Person ncsiruiK tun w "',',;,;., J
coned nt iliclr Iiouwh iri ht in' it l
tnl ainl rc-fiiciil, r liy nl If"- ,lt 1,'lfl
"'"pwlrncil numbers wilt frcroiiiilIli-
11 olilco, corner CmiMnnil liberty ljjl-
CUREBJRvfNE, Manager.
, .intiiirv Ki-ronr.
For many years the great railway
Interest on our side of the line lrivi
ls-en trying l get control of (hi
Onind Trunk line of Ciiiiadn. Hoi
every project has failed. As Cana
dian' railways cost so 'h I- mlhaii
oir own, Ibey have bteii able to
ebargo lei-s for seivltt and make tin
name prolltn an ours. Mut the eom
pietlou or the Canadian I'.icillc has
dilven our vnsl inoiioMily to ill
tractlon. They see Ih't ' IsiiImi
lulely necessary for thein loi-uilro'
this in order to crush out competi
tion. Much as monopoly has been doing
in (he past to niiiblii.- everything
never was II so eager, active, busy
and dclei mined on gicat h-Iiciiici-Tor
the I'utuie. There are two oi
three thotisiiid Ineii ilHily li' h pen.
pie In the Union who me einn-liiiillj
laying foundations Tor gnat niiiiil.N
we.illli.l'or the enu incut of I heir
ilcsceiuiants. Never v.as giicd so
active even In those da.s when it
was laving the fouuilutlou on which
was built the gicat fniuilal ailstoe
racy of ICurope, many gicat houses
of which exist to this day, and
which It has taken wi many ten iblc
revolution anil wars to shake. Two
years ago when so many millions ot
dollars were being Invested at Kan
sas City to build so many cable lines
at such very great cost u- the work
islbeie, when It was easier to gel
millions of dollars Invested In all'alis
of the kind than it was to get a
thousand dollars for some needed
Institution or at leu per cent, on
security woitli live times the sum.
The mystery was explained to the
writer by the agents of the capital
IsIh. These lines II Is hoped and
belioveil will lie the soiuce of gicat
and permanent Incomes to (he fam
ilies of the ownersandthch descend
mils In (lie far I'utuie. After some
years (hey will pay incredible sums.
ltlsalways,"hal next'."' with man.
The men, who twenty years ao
weie so deeply absoibcd in acquir
ing (hee vast fm tunes, are to-day
sacking to so invest them that their
descendants will have nothing to do
hut say, "ntil, take thine eic-e," as
did the fool In (he Scripture. Hence
tbe.e mighty combinations that are
Involving the great mie-ecs in their
miacouda folds, Ami, lest Canadian
Independence of them may Inter
fere, hence this annexation conspir
acy. Ami Oh, thcsliiuueol'li.that we
will allow oui'M'lves to bo da.led
uuil blinded.
As tlio continued powei of a few
uout rally placed legions poruiitled
tyranny (o sway it high over the
nccki of the old Woman world by
literal foiee, so does the combined
power of this inoiistioiis, bloated
.wealth enable Its few purMieis to
fool this new Ahum lean win hi In the
lop of Us IhmiI.
The state of Now York has been
trying (o solve the itiction of labor
lu Its state penitentiaries, and is now
reaping tholvnellt of Its foolish u.. ;
perinieut. After aUilUhlug the eon-1
traet-lalsirsy stent the leglslatme did ',
not iiiaktMniitpiuoprlatiou Milllclcnt.
Iv large to carry out the ptibllo
itciMtint HysttMU which was adopted.
Tito remit has been Hint most of the
eouvlets lme Ikvii nutlutaliicd for
theyearlnltlleiiess.andtheoutiMiuelan, Hying itorth-Astorlmi
is uoi wnai waseKviett ny eltlier
the legislatuiYortho Hsiple. While
the cost of iimlutciiuiico has bivu
inoro limn doubled, the Idleness of
tho convict has tendisl not only
to Iiii'iyufo the dllUctilty In malu
taliilng dUelpllue, but ul-si in weak
ening andtlesliMylug Isith the ph.
leal and lueutttl tstwers of the
iMiivlolk. I'ikiu this iHilut ibiiaunuallv In wages. Theronre l.fitXI
tfstltuony of tlio physician of Slug: addUlonal men employed as ran'
Hlng prison Is Instructive, lie says makers. HaUlntoro has several lm-i
that under a system of stiMdy em- ineiiMt establishments which win '
ployuicnt convict lUMMislbly' grow fruits In Munuior and oytei-s hi '
Into customs of lulMtr, develop winter. i
trvnglh ainl vitality, and Hemtlrv .U Ini li. Whltthr .Hvuslonnl'y '
InuUw and a ImUt or ilMpldi. ttrip Into pnw, not only gr.uvfullv
which are not only ( vhIuo to thviu tmt w ltd much good SvMis,.. on the
when thWr terms .xarf, but whleli ,uhJovt of wo.nmi siimHj. lu mvs;
mv of uiitterlnl aid to the prison "It l hei light a Irnlv as mine,1
milhorltlun In ummiKtiiR tlieui. 'Hie ud w hen she asss for ti it t s.iuu
ixMtlon of tdy wupUiyineut r.. lhlnS I,, tuu iiuiiIukkI U wiiu-eiM-iinllllil,
uimI lbs uhets hiv !i... it. nl, u.,npH)mKl bv a'
Mgii lu the Kik.ru w hk b tHHitv irvuti , uioiv pmotlvMl isluwtUtMi, iilgh. r
tho prisons oT xw d- rrkxuUuii .if hIihn mul a wr senw uf tin
Iho physical ami inuml olwruutur ; rv.p-msbUitk- nr llfV awl duty, It l
IIioiviivMukiiiIIii the nwuiMlu. itoUUly toptxtwa UUvj in r
ctvttao of litMtutly niuoiiK (hem If hands any mwv thitnln manV"
It fjultc likely Unit the Mate of New
York will Muni I., the rte... of
coninici niuor, which, ii ini " "j
hmVe Hh defects, dot not, have no
tnniiv mill daiiKcrotit ones aa tne
present Hyatcin. The cxierienco of
that fltntc fihouhl not ho lost fight of
In other states In which the same
exK.Tliiicnt In proposed.
Tin: prefident is a believer In the
lienelltH to he derived from ilolnjr
business In a thoroughly systematic
milliner. For instance, ho aligned
one ilny of each week for the con
sideration of business pertaining to
the executive department of the
government, and unless the business
is unusually important it will not
lie considered on Any other day than
that assigned to the depaitmeiit
under which it properly comes.
This rule will work advantageously
all mound, it willeiiable the cabinet
olliccrlo so arrange the work or his
department that on the day assigned
to it he miii have all matters requir
ing the attention of the president
ready for piesentation to him, and
it will cnnfile the president to rapid
ly ilKpo-e of the business thus
brought Im'I'oic him.
SfiiAit piodueers in the West
Indies are thought to be trying to
i-oriier raw sugar. The stock
hi baud in this country Is only
about, oiu'-tbird what it was a
year ago, iiimI supplies aie dllllcult
to obtain. Cargoes arriving are
imall and deliveiiesoii contracts aie
in.iile em Her In the season. Within
two mouths raw sugar has advanced
l;i cuuls mid relliii'd sugar 1 cent.
As the American consumption is
inoietball l.lHKI.niM) lonsa year, the
iii-it'.itt'd cost to the country will be
ivirfrJU.llO'ljlMH) at the present price.
Hill the advance is not likely to
stop there. The sugar retlning trust
Is evidently preparing to lake ad
vantage of the situation and its
certlllcales went up rapidly last
week on the exchange, wheie they
aiesold although not listed.
TlinN. Y. World comes to the
fiout with a lengthy story concern
ing Naiiltla Daisy, a lair Oklahoma
booniercss, who has defended her
claim with Winchesters and six
shooters, it further says she is
known all over Kentucky as an ac
complished lady, a shrewd politician
and a holy terror generally, winding
up with the piedictlou that if ever
she puts one of those Oklahoma bad
men to bedjwlth his boots on, she
will make it one of the most sensa
tional killings that heart could wish.
I'liiyoil His Last t'liip.
The press dispatches announce
the death of "Hill" llrlggs, a noted
gambler, in San Kmneisco, with us
much solemnity as If a great bene
factor lo the woild had departed
this iife. llrlggs in many respects
was a man supciiorto Ills class, and,
says the Telegram, it is doubtful as
to whether there Is an old (.'iill
forulaii In the city ot Portland who
did not know the departed sport
either by i-ight or leputatlou.
I u 1ST I, a Telegram reporter had a
Irieud In Sail I'Yunclsco who was at
that time paymaster's clcik on the
man-of-war IViikicoIh. This person
was engaged to marry, but he was
aluio-t M rapped of funds, having
only MOO. u a moment of despera
tion lie visited HilggM1 faro rooms
mid won frl-VKM. During the time
hu played he drank considerably,
and when llrlggs saw what a con
tlltlou hu was In he directed his
"dealers" not to allow the young
until to play any more. Ilr.ggs took
(ho money from him anil had him
put to bed. The follow ing day the
tliVHHI was returned to him, with
the ndy. eo to Invest his money in
some buslncNS ami not try to "pw-vs
his luck" at the gambling table.
This Is the sort of a man llrlggs was.
A Sons Without WimN.
The state of .Maryland leads all i
the rent Inetnnilng fruits, vegelabh's
ami oysters. It Is estimated that J
oue-llfth of the Ksiplo In the State i
mv interested dlrwtly or ludltvetlvl
lit the canned goods buslines. Then"1
mv IsS (vtnntug houes, emioylug
.XK hamls, vv lio nwlve ?IO,(MVi,(HM
Sailor Man.
Tlic following lines uro eIdenii in
.. .. -
the pen of n mnstcr who litis greut control
uvi r refractory rhyme:
Hen Hocii wis anillor man,
Hat not n man ni.nller.
Therefore he would not wlinlen limn,
Hut only man n whaler.
HcM will the ten and selro the Falls
An! when he'd henve the lead,
He would lie led to heave the pale
Throw up the loiige, most dead.
He'd eye his pipe and pipe hlsejf
When Miioklin; was forbidden;
Whenet he'dsuy he was dry
And M-iirch for liquors hidden.
Sum limes Ite'il m.-p ii flilp; fflin-tltiicx
He'd only kIiIiiim.-h.
1 he climes Iicmiw weic mostly climbs
t'H)ii the rojies to see.
Hen's hardtack whs to tack theshlp,
Yet never man s sooner
Than he, when In the "lip to slip
And iiil-k attack a "schooner."
JIc wnsaboaid when on thesea,
Whenon the land a boarder.
Though not a boardlnj; pirate, lie
lie was then a ple-ratcboarder.
ThoiiKh Hen could not direct at ra;
At sen lie could die wrecked; "
Ills remrrectlon day wmilil bo
The day they'd ralhc her wrecked.
One day anharlt went hwIiiiiiiIhi; by
And llen.iilas, he Illicit him.
No hhark, Ihcy said, could miiko hlin die
t'lilchs the shock llrsl killed hlin.
Thciirst start tow aids changing
from special to diversified farming
Is a good garden, and surely that is
within the reach of all.
Mrs. Margaret Fox Kane, oneof the
originators of the "llochcster Hap
nlugs,'' says she would rather die of
starvation than to lie foiccd again
to cany the loathsome title ot spirit
(Jiieon Victoila will attain the age
of three score and ten .May 121. The
slate banquets in honor of the
event will not be given until the
next day. She has been enjoying
unusually good health lately.
Kx-Goveinor Proctor Kbott of
Kentucky, whose fame largely rests
upon his Dultith speech, has aged
rapidly in the last few yeais, and
his locks are getting thin hut he is
as Jovial and energetic as ever.
It is recalled that President
Lincoln once extended executive
clemency to a young Englishman,
found guilty of piracy and blockade,
running, because, as hu expressed
it, ".John Bright or Kngland has
asked us to pardon him."
The Prince Hegent I.ultpold of
Havaria, who is a devout Catholic,
will allow t lie Oberrainmcrgau "Pas
sion Play" lo be perroriued next
year only on condition that the
text is previously revised by the
senior court chaplain at Munich.
Itishop Perry of Iowa proposes to
'reproduce in tlio cathedral at Daven
port, April .'111, the service in which
Washington and the devout con
gressmen took part on inauguration
day 100 years ago. As llishop
Pel ry Is an historical authority or
wide reputation, the reproduction
will doubtless be as accurate as the
changed surroundings will permit.
The most remarkable time made
in eoniiuunicaling by means of elec
tricity with the Old World, was that
In the case of Hermann Muentcfcr
ing or Omaha recently. At 10.;i0
o'clock lu the morning he cabled
lloiin in Prussia. Itettirnlng to
tow u al'ter lunch, less than an hour
mid a halt' later, he found his mes
sage answered. In that time, in
round numbers, 10,000 miles had been
A novel branch of learning has
been introduced lu the higher grades
of tl e puhlie shools of New Haven.
It consists of a bulletin board, upon
which are pasted each day clippings
of important home anil foreign news
taken from the newspapers. Spec
ial attention is given to matters
brought up lu connection with the
study of hlstory;,or geography. The
pupils take a great interest In the
bulletin, and vie with one another
In bringing the greatest number of
Items which are suitable to be pasted.
The Chicago home for self-supporting
women furnishes, forW.a')
it week, lodgings cleaner and more
comfortable than can bo hail in
third or even second-rate boarding
houses, plain, good food In abun-1
dance the u;e of the , parlor audi
iii'iiu.i, nun in mi' iii;ii-umcs in me
sewing room. The home is not a
charily, but a self-supporting Insti
tution, which has i),000 in Its
treasury, and Is preparing to erect a!
building of its own. It Is for the ue-i
conuuodatlon of women whew '
ii . .
weekly cnruliik' do not exceed ,vo
My wile lut Uvu uuder phylclti vr fur
r!.?tvorH,"",hl,'c'llUM"llu'rcow- "wrtiijr, uml wlion It Is entirely
jl ui. s.h wouM ki wnic roltot Mhllo , olcwsl ilwifm i tln n-ult. mul mi
ukiBc jwcnwiou.. but wouia toou Mi Kss tho intlmmuutlon can bo taken
Uck Into the MM droiv.jr, luaothe Ut.. out mul this till tv.toivcl to its nor
i,rothfu,uu.ofThcutoruuuemejy. null oomhtlon, hearing will hoilc-
rJ..r.LV.?".J i forvr; nlnoW, out of
. ..... ...... m-u wiivg whin nta
bou UWnihetv.-.lucMhvrol.l.ffu.tomed
.,.. . .,..,, ,uu vh., i ukm ii ior
ciulwly rw iww th duw with whlh 1
h 4 tuifcrwl (or ovr a jr u.
T Turk itnKt, bu FnnrltMx
' Uncklcn's Arnica Salve.
! -m... i ..!.. ti. llio rnrlil for
1 lIU UCT51. nliu ill i.w "
,. l,rsw Bores.
ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sore", tetter chapped
!....,,! ,.1. til. I, lua rxirns nlld nil SKII1
eruptions, and positively cures piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price lio cents tier box.
For sale by Daniel J. Fry, druggist-
.John J'.right was u total abstainer
from wines, hut was fond of good
Portland.Or., January V2.
Having n severe back ache lust
summer, I tried the Oregon kidney
Tea, I ucd one can, which ellccted
a radical cure. J would recommend
it to all who are afllicted as an un
failing remedy. JUMUS Acii.
Sold by J). W. Mathews.
A Tuconia man claims to have in
vented an electric light that dis
counts any other now In use.
A Woman's Discovery
"Another wonderful discovery ha
been made and that too by a lady in
this country. Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven
years she withstood its severst tests,
hut her vital rgans were under
mined and death seemed imminent.
For three months she coughed inces
santly and could not sleep. She
bought of us u bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption
and was so much relieved on taking
first dose that she slept all night
mid with one bottle has been miracu
lously cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C.
Ilmnrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C
Get a free trial bottle at Daniel .1.
Fry's drugstore.
The vote taken in the Ohio senate
on the submission of a woman suf
frage constitutional amendment,
stood 1!) lu favor to 0 opposed.
The Verdict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Druggist, Hlppus, Intl.,
testifies: "I can recommend Fleclric
Hitteis as the very best remedy-,
livery bottle sold has given relief in
every case. One inn n took six bottles,
and was cured of Hhetiniatisni of 10
years' standing." Abraham Hare,
'druggist, Belleville, Ohio, atllrins:
"The be-st'feolllng medicine I have
ever handled in my 20 years' experi
ence, is Electric Hitters." Thousands
of others have added their testimo
ny, so Hint the verdict is unanimous
that Electric Hitters do cure all dis
eases or the Liver, Kidneys or Wood.
Only a half dollar a botile at Daniel
J. Fry's drugstore.
All returns indicate that the wo
man's vote was larger in Kansas
tills year than ever before.
AVlien all other remedies fail, Ore
gon Kidney Tea conies to the front
lilie a true, faithful friend. For Kid
ney and urinary troubles, such as
pain in the back, mucous and milky
discharges, brick dust deposit In the
urine, loss of appetite, weakness,
and general debility, Oregon Kidney
Tea lias no equal. It never rails
uhtl being of purely vegetable com
position does not injure the system.
Sold by I). W. Mathews.
Sabine Parish, Louisiana, lias not
a single mortgage recorded against
farming land within its boundaries.
Always Young.
Vlty Is my w Ife so precious In my sight?
Is It because lier eyes aio always bright,
And uracil mid modesty are In heralr?
Neither, believe me, t hough she's very fair,
tsue says,aiiii says u wiui an eai nes unci ien:
"This trrowlngnld. I Unci, U all auction.
Since lortune sent mo l-'nvorlto l'rescilp
tlon.'" Dr. IMc-rce's famous lemedy of this name
is, imieeii. a pernvi spocmu ior "lemiue
weakness," and kindred ailments, Hy
Cleanse thq liver, stomach, bowels nnd
whole system by using Dr. Price's l'ellets
AdJutnnt-fiencrul Drum will retire
next month, mid die chief candidate
for the succession is Captain Loud,
who is clamorous for the place. This
is a noisy combination of names
that will bo hard to beat.
Wright's lion I'elerv and Cliammnmllu
Hitters a tellable tonic, appetizer and ape
rient, iiiv.iiorates mo u iresiivo ormus
and prevents dyspepsia. iJan bo relied
uiKiii, Sold I
iy ii. v
V. Cox.
Mrs. Cleveland enjoys New York
life exceedingly. She says that she
is glad to step out of tho "bright
sunlight of publicity" which sur
rounded her career at Washington.
She can purchase a pair or gloves In
New York without having the fact
telegraphed all over the country.
A gentleman who had sullered
great annoyance anil pain froiii llar
bers Itch, anil who had been treated
bytheliest physicians, without re
lief, says that two bottles of Dntard's
Specific cured him and left his face
perfectly smooth, without u scar. It
never fails in skin diseases. Sold bv
I). W. Mathews.
If you are nervous or Irritable, feel
lnumiid. dlsnlrltcd. or if vnn in. v..
. ." . . f ' - - -- . ..... .
M0K daelie, sallow complexion,
iftSi 1
wr. iieuiey wanueiion Tonic re
stores the liver to healthy action nud
tones up the entire system. Sold bv
D. W. .Mathews.
Dkakxksss Can't iik CuiiKn bv
llH':V! 'Mutations, as they cannot
r 'nViJi !K V"110" .f U,e
ear. more is only one wav to euro
deafness, and that is by costtM.
tional remedies. Deafness is cans,..!
ny tin innaiuiM comlltion of the ntu
eus lining ot the i ustachian tube.
v neti win nine nets in lamed von
IlilVD 11 rillllllllH" v.lllnii nr limuirf.....
ii?u ai caiinM bv mtarr i. which la ,
nothing but iniMiitliinuHl wnilltkm
.,f Ul0 niuous "urf"i"
e win uivo one lurnlnHi dollars
iMttirrfi) that a ,;,T..J ..:' il '
-- .."". .....,v VUIV uv
iC i vi w' mv
" "i unigiMs, i0C, li
Matthews & Ainsworth
Office Over Capital National Bank,
Pivo Mfro lots in the bcaiiiiliil "Gimlen City mMilioii to Siilcni," just east of the city,
tatinu Gnrfei, PiSl iid Home sites! . Call early ami get your choice, lie mil mil
citv ami siibiirbim lots ami farms oi' all descriptions.
Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In
It (indJoWnllct-rHt. .lolm V. Stratton's
Celebrated Ku'Hlan Out Violin string", the
Finest lu Mid World.
Our (Siiiininlpp If a dealer lecelvcs a
complaint, (whleh he believes to be honest)
from nny musician to whom lie has sold
unvof these strings, ho is authorized by
us to (,'lve him anotheV strliiR without
chars;?, nnd nil such loss will be madejjood
by us to our customers, without quibble or
question. (Hcvvnruol imltattou.) Dealers
will please send tor descriptive catalogue.
Trad supplied nt lowest price.
Graduates students in
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Norin.nl, Business, Law,
It is the oldot, largest nnd least expen
slve Institution of learning lu the North
west. School opens first Monday In September
Send for catalogue to
17: Suleni, Oregon.
H nvlng been furnished for the especial
accommodation of the public, j;e
hit te the attention of the tho HUNQKY
nnd sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new
and clean; good "Home" meals served icg
ularlytlireu times u Jay. No Chinese In
the kitchen. Hive us ii cnll nnd see for
yours It. i
IS. M. LAW, Proprietor.
Cor. Court nnd High St., Salem, Or.
'thousands nronllllrted with diseases of
tho Kidney nnd I'rlnnry Organs, who Euf
ler In silence, rather than mako known
their troubles. To nil tho.e nlUtcted we
can otler n safe nnd sjieedy remedy lu Ore
gon Kidney Ten, which Is composed ot
herbs, selected with great euro In Oregon,
and warranted not to contain minerals of
any kind. .v. few closes nltord Instant re
lief. Sold by D. 'VV. JliUlmws it Co.
Boys and Girls.
The school will open on the 21th
of September. Thorough Instruc
tion lu tho primary and
English JBranches.
In course.
TKllMS and further Information inny be
bad on application to '
Cor. Cliemeketn and State su.
751 Market t.&nn Francisco
lio und learn how to avoid
clUeuse, nhd how wonderful,
ly you nro made. Counulta.
tloiuiiul treatment iersou
ntly or hy letter or weak
nessciu and nil disease of
men. Bend for impa
rl vute ortlce 211 tieary trecU
T I i r.
1 TIIPK anH HmxC
I I ULKb dllU UraVS.
line new to '
n ,n lino lu the !Nt c
Kit work.
I kn,w,. I.i.,.. .
v. anaiR
., .. ..v ..v yvuiiuerciai
Real Estate Agents.
leiSalem A)stract
Have removed to iHiilding adjoining
'I'lioinpson'ii jewelry store on
I'oinnierehtl street.
Titles Investigated.
Money to Loan.
Land forSale.
Houses for Rent
Paint Shop
No. 2.34 Commercial St.
House and Carriage Painting,
Sign writing, Paper hanging and
decorating, Wall tinting and kal
sominlng executed in the latest
Experienced Workmen Employed.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Call and see us belore you let your
A Brain For 'Somebody!!
To Exchange for-
-Kor imrtrriilartcnll at this omee
; A (Joo4 (up of Co tree
Is a prait ntimoti... r.-im .. ..
'"'.V0,','1 awn fmm IMtenbmndvrKt:
inni kiiitBArni.A 1.1. ...-"-
". -TT""" ".mui iim Cilflleui COIIlw
reiu every wevk. Ana ut,,
ana IlieaU he rannnl li. mn.iJi Ti .V
ktate ' equaled In the
Oregon House!
Corner Mill and Summer Sts.,
The building formcily occupied by the
Ilovs' Hoarding Unit has been thoroughly
reiiovutcdiind refitted nnd Is, now opened
to the general public:
Hoard per meal 25
Hoard nnd lodging per day $1 w
Hoard and lodging per week i oo
Free transportation of passengers and
baggage to and from depot.
H. .1. SHARP, Proprietor.
B oarderSI
l nyone
wishlnir to board nta aulet
J and co.y place, will Ilnd the object ot
Cor. Chemeltete nnd Liberty Sts., Salem,
Where n tow select boarders can secure
Northern Pacific Railroad
And all points East, via
Tho Northern Pacific railroad Is the only
lino running Passenger trains, Second claw
sleepers (tree of charge) .Luxurious Day
couches, Pullmnn Palace Sleeping Cars,
Pnlaco Dining Cars, (meals 75c) from Port
land to the enst.
'ee that your ticket rend via the Northern
Pnclllo railroad nnd avoid the
Leave Portland nt8n. m.nnd 8:t0 p. m.
daily arrive nt Minneapolis or St. Paul at
fWHp.m.- . ..,
i'acifio division. Truing leave 'f""'
and Q street dally at 11:55 a. m,
p.m.; Arrive nt Tacoma at 7:10
4:u n m nrrtvo Seattle tCSiii m anaw:a
'I'lllvtiryli 1nllmnn In1n.a Rlopntnfir
elegant day concnes, finest palace dining
enrs hetween Portland, TncomaandSeaU"
uirevu unny service. A. u. uJXAii"'
Asst. Qen'l Pnss. Agent, 121 First St., Cor.
VftiHhlngton St., Portland, Oregon.
Depot Corner First andG StreeU.
One hundred acres of extra clear land, fln
for dividing up Into small tracts, Is only
three-fourths of n mile from Salem poet
olllce. Price $S5 per acre. .,
C o m p a n j
Klre nnd Ma
rine. JOS. AUJE11T, Agent, - Salem, Oregon
For Bargains
Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc.,
Commercial Street, Salem, Or.
, Coun.ry produce of all klnda.alway on
hand. If you have not traded with me B
fore. I respectfully solicit a trial belleylM
I can Milt yon both In price and quality.
..Hi." I. r. 'l nnd Wagon matter, J
Knight i.nw iiilly Cbtiiblllied nt lil J
quarur . n Ulrty htrent. Ho ukM "
tno neiv inc.- i.il lu Ids art and maM"
ie-iiiuy or Uim. i.es of lioie M leei.
I.r....l.- 1 ...! J.u Ul...-..A .. Ihn tfllfO
"U'l.irlii.fin luni does a gcuernl rep'"
". iuiw jvmicrauuiB."v
auowiu.n iwtotry nud rvoimuend tbem
ilr.Kn.sH' ti.mhecn hereforl5yert