Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 29, 1889, Image 4

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Oneynrbymnll m
Mix months Iy mall-. .- f
Hiiro month" by innll - - -- ' f.'
ivr neek, dcllwrrd l.y oirrlc r i '
Klx month lir mall.
Vimb Ji-nr. If P"ld J." vnncc.....
...II M
Z. i w
W"i.,."nllf lfil.ilndome
-r wUt-rlWiW ral.mp1ytiM"nice.
lie If
who .lo not Mctiru their paper regulnrl
(), corner o'mrt ..ri.ll-rty Street.
DiuliiU iiiyiili-om-e""11 Wwliiii-
.1.... Mr. V lltllH. l"i m:i.ni." j i
.iniilHjfoiiiKl t tliiJ olllcu mill
I.....I,,,.! to tntllMlfl IIII.V I'"
tlml patron limy iIcnlrcilurIiiB m
ab-uiJif. A.Mannin.
Muri. Air.- Intt.
or lilt fmi". Ii'l !" "f11'1,
Ilillip(viTiliiniitli'ii Imiil diilin,
to Willi .t Clmii.l.cilin Thl-wir
,.Hiirvi..v-il mill Milil I" tiai-tHlo
Milt the" iMin-hii-MT. 'I In- I""'!
llvi'iiilli'H.wti.r i!..nhtoniccmnl
...III I... vkvv i c nihil' MM-li-mi '' ,
Coming li Orrgon.
Many patrons ami friends will be
plt'ut'(l to learn that A. Ij. Dewy,
editor Itunil J'rccs and Patron, anil
wife will visit Oregon during the
State Orange session. They will
remain ten days or more.
Mr. Dewy Is coming expressly to
visit the Oregon State Orange, whieh
convenes May 28th, but wlllalso visit
several friends, among whom ho
numbers JC. M. Waite, A. Bush and
heveral others; also Portland, Dalles
and other points.
.Besides Mr. Dewy there will be
quite a delegation of California
Patrons, who expect to attend the inon, goes to Portland to-morrow
J. Q. VINon is visiting in Port
land to-day.
Prof. Starr went to Portland
this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark went to
Portland this morning.
Judge Lord was a pacnger for
Portland this morning.
Ocnl. Oilell arrived in this city
tills morning, from Seattle.
II. J. Singleton of the state
house leaves to-morrow for Portland.
Leslie Hunter, clerk for II. Si-
. very
IIIdiv - llllKh-t
Till' band box sat the Will.tiiielti
unlvi'Mts me I" '',l'1l,t ''' ,l,lil
eomW'lcK'ti.riii"triitiK'!itsu!Hl .v
poct soon to be able t" "Wir in
pulilli'. 'I'lli'.ViiH'Hlfcirdliig nnbl.
ill milking d.Y w,,n ,H "kl".
hideous with their sweet stnilin (I
melodious ill-coiil.
State Orange. Among these are sev
eral of the Past State Orange Mas
ters of that state. Several of these
are good speakers, and thos-e attend
ing the State Orange may expect a
rare treat.
State Master Ovcrhiser declines to
be ol this number, because of the
II. Simon returned this morn
ing from Portland, where he spent
Fred Gilliam and wife departed
tliis morning for their new home at
fjit'ifiw iH li H lwitit U'lIU (inn rf
probable meeting of the Isutlonnl i ,, J . .... .
!, ,,,,, ., . i , . "ie many pasuengers to Portlann
tdangein Califarnia. TliIsdeclHluii tIlH cvenin
Hiegretled very much, for it was i . . . .
ju'uuv. .iifuuy ueiKirieii nn
hoped to meet this grand old Patron
of the sister state.
Dpi I'iiIk." Writl.
Illri frlciiilM now begin to iralle
that the life ofltev. .1. W. I Inn Is N
Hearing Its end. I Hi I,ii1m lms
dropped fiom 81 to (10 and he grows
constantly weaker, but letalns en-
lire eonseiolHIies-'. lie nutr
noiillMlinii'iit,i'ru-l"gll bieaiiellie
origin of iioiirisliiiii'iit (by which
deslie for food Is colli lolled) has
siilfeied paialysls.
dnlllL' l'i H"' Vlllh'J.
Dr. A. II. Dlven, who recently
nrilveil In Salem fiom Oil Cil.v, I 'a.,
went up to Kiigeiiethls iiioinlug to
take it look at that country and visit
friends. The doctor is highly pleas
ed with Salem and will perhaps lo
cate lieie. The members of this
parly aie highly pleased with the
Inducements oll'erid by Salem and
Oiegou to honiescekcr.
CIiImi'm riiriiNiiiih.
A .loi'ltNAl. lepoiler In couveisa-
tiou with Mr. I). Pearson Horn
Minion this nioniliig, was Inloiiucd
that the Clilnese phcas.ints aio very
plentiful in that section of the, coun
try and am doing considerable dam
age to crops. Kspcclully have they
lujiiicd thlsspilug's oat crop. Mr.
Pearson says that (hey have destroy
ed fully one-third of his oat ciop tills
spring. They can be seen in bodies,
of twenty or nunc feeding on the
' ,
MmiKh'il hi tli Sim lllll.
Ale.v. Harold, a young man who
has been riiuulug the edging ma
chine at tile lvier-lluiit tollable
huv mill south of Salem came in
contact with the tin, saw Saturday
afternoon, He followed the hoard
too closely w Ith his hands and as a
lesiilt the It'll hand was caught by
the wheel. The middle linger was
taken entirely oil" while the others
wem torn and mangled. Dr. Itlcli
auNon sewed them up and the
yniiiiU' man will escape with the
Iwrtof but one linger.
'I'lm Win hi Ak.iIiikI I l.r.
II it not often u Salem audience is
III recipient of so rare a treat as
was given them Saturday night by
thc.lo-cph It. Grlsmcr and Plnobe
Davic,'compaiiy intlieirprissntatii.n
of that (bulling drama, "The World
Against Her." Tills production is
full oft i agio scenes and us rendered
by Ihexe excellent performers, the
dramatie ell'ect isgicat. Kach mem
ber of the company is a good per
f inner and especial mention should
I) -given to (he individual perform
ers, bullet itsiilllcc in saying that
Mr. and Mix. Gristlier (Plncbo I)a
vis)s sustained their already high
names. Edgar Weir as Gilbert
Itlair, F. M. Page as the villain
Simon Clegg, and F. Hatch as Ilob
Millet of the Punch and Judy show
were strong characters. In fact the
parts all were fully sustained. A re
turn of the company here would be
highly appreciated.
'Iliri!. Al.iro Iniiinc,
The following insane patients
have been committed to the insane
asylum since Saturday merning:
Mrs. l.ouiMi((liotegut ofMarshlleld
aged llfly-six years was committed
for the third time in the past two
years. She is extremely melancholy
at times and tries to destroy her
clothing. She only weighs lilO
pounds. She has been treated for
Insanity at Stockton, Cab, and Port
land. Jacob Peterson comes from
Portland and this Is his first attack,
following a long sell of sickness.
Mo is tliirty-tlueo yours old, and
has always been an industrious ia
botcr. Ho thinks he is going to die.
.. P. Laisen was sent from Hast
Poi Hand. He is aged thirty-four
years. This is ids second attack.
He will stand in one spot and turn
mound for hours and at times is
perfectly insensible.
'I III. Iluill llntlai',
I'M llenon, who Is stinting a
Isuit club or hoiHe, Is making full
artanueiiieuts in (he tight direction.
Ills boats will all be llrsl flats, and
kept lit good order. He has two
b.mts that e.wt fi'dl, U-Mdes (hive
othoisthat cost from fctt to JdOO.
Ho is making arrangements now to
get u boat large enough (o carry a
baud and give a nuinlerof evening
ftiiuvit on Hie water, He w ill also
given medal Iodic host oarsman of!
lilAUiuuihints. Tlieallhlrseeint to be
taking well and he will undoubted
ly have a good patronage.
- - -
At tin. I'.'iill.'ntl.ir).
The prvM'iit iiUiiiIkt of ptisoiiurt.
eoulliifd within the ieiiltentlary
walls Is $11, and of thU number
soinuthliig near AM of them am em
liloyed In (he Move foundry. The
numU'rof hick patient Uil, three
of whom are ety low with (M.
sumption, and will nioM likely pas
to that great beyond Itofiuv the e..
pirauouoi uit'ir iHiutfiitvu. Serviivs
ih'l.-l'.lfl- or I'IijkIiIiiiih.
This Is the last day allowfd for the
rsnlsteilng of plivhlclans. Tito fol
lowing have registered in Mm Ion
county up lo this time: U U How
laud, M. I!, McCoy, Horace W. Cox,
J. W. Hansom, W. M. Smith, S. It.
Jessup, J. W. McClure, J. 0. Gilbert,
W. W. (llcsy, W. 1). Jetnies, A. I).
Ititdon, Oliver Hourrel, II. It.
Holmes. W. A. Cuslek, W. II, Ilyrd,
J. X. Sniltli, W. K. .McAfee, It. C.
Hunter, John Iteynolds, J. C.
Smith, li. II, Wurtz. Those who
do luot icglster beforo to-morrow
will be compelled to submit to an
examination before the state medical
board lieforo they can practice.
No rrolilliltliiii lli.ro.
It Is litdtfd a cold day
Portland tills morning and will
remain until after Hi'.' celebration.
0. P. Heardsley rf Eola went to
Portland this afternoon, and will
take in the celebration to-morrow.
Mrs. W. II. Ilyars returned
home from Itoscburg this morning.
She was accompanied by her father.
MNs Hallle Parish leaves for
Portland to-morrow. Miss Parish
will sing there to-morrow' evening.
Mrs. F. WSteiwcrof Jeilerson,
who has been visiting friends for
several days past, returned home to
day. Hon. T. T. Oeer, will bo a prom
inent visitor In Portland to-morrow,
He departed for thai city tills after
noon. Dr. J. Iu MoCorinnek of Coos
buy ai rived iu the city yesterday
and departed for Portland this
Miss ISelio Golden and Miss
Louise Hiielut leave this nlteinoon
for Portland, to attend the centen
nial celebration.
Mrs. A. M. Crane, who has been
visiting Mrs. J. I). McCully, left for
Portland to-day.
Col. Push returned from Pott
land tliis morning and will continue
the work on the stock of H. W.
Cox's drugstore.
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Manning go
lo Portland this evening to remain
until after the celebration. They
will return Wednesday.
Mrs. I'M ward Hirscli, accom
panied by hordaughteis Klla and
Lou, left this afternoon for Portland
to attend the celebration. Tlicv will
be absent about a week.
It. A. Miller passed through the
city tliis morning on his way to
Portland, where lie assists in the
military parade to-niortow.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Irvine have
returned front San Francisco and
will visit a few days hem beforo re
turning to Missouri for the summer.
Geo. Hoeye took the morning
train for Oregon "'ity, where lie will
meet his wtiV.-uiii w. v vlll proceed
on to Portland ai. ' oiv.cut at
the celebration to-inorro
Miss May Smith, MisS . -Lltchlleld,
Mrs. S. Church, Mi
Crane, .Mrs. C. Itiely and Miss
.Maggie Savage were among thepas
sengers for Portland this' afternoon.
Miss Sallie Gesner, who for
merly occupied a position in the
Hstolllce, left this morning for D.i
kota, where she has secured an nn
lmrtnnt position. She carries with
her the well wishes of many friends.
' The Ashland woolen mills will
1 not be removed to Eugene.
j The river is on a temporary rise
to-day, caii?ed by the rain of the
1 past few days.
To-momw morning at nine
o'clock church bells all over the
t United States will be rung.
. Marriage, sofarasMarioncounty
is concerned, ItruS proved almost n
failure during April, only eight II-
C2nes have been granted this month.
Two extra coaches weie lirought
up from Portland this morning to
convey the excursionists front Salem
in the morning. If you wish to
secure n reduced rate ticket you
should be at the ticket ofllcv early,
as n great rush is expected.
I have the finest half block in
North Salem, with ngood orchard of
twenty-four trees just in thelrprhne,
on the right side of the road for dust,
all well fenced, and will sell for
10")0 If sold in the next ten days.
Wyj.ii: A. Mooiins,
307 Commercial street.
Peter Outcalt, special agent of
the Ilambiirg-Miiydeburg Germania
of New York, was in the city this
morning and appointed I. A. Man
ning us resident manager of their
business here, vice James Coflcy,
deceased. The above company have
considerable business here and are
to be congratulated on seeming Mr.
Manning as their repicsentative. j
i IVi'iilliir C'.iiiilltlnii,
(('oriespoiidenco Capital Jouina.l)
In tiie language of the Immortal
(to dcmocrata) Graver, it is a condi
tion that confronts us, not a theory.
Tliis thought is suggested by the
fact that while Salem is about to
have erected within iier limits a new
church building, there aie three un
occupied pulpits iu the city at the
present time. They are the Christ
ian, liaptistnnd Cumberland Presby
terian. The new one will lie of the
Unitarian denomination. N it oi
ls not a fact that we already
have too many denominations?
The churches are all good.
Put ' could they not accomplish
much more by ti union of forces? As
union in matters soci.il. or policical
is strength, it scents the same must
be true in regard t affairs spiritual.
Salem already lias mom than a doz
en churches and as many dill'eront
denominations. Some day the world
will see many of these 'denomina
tion') united with their little diil'cr
euees adjusted. What will the big
church be called their.'
. MIIMPflt
Welcome to Oregon I
1 ffIT I
Conic and soo what wp
only looking at the couuiry?
m ill show yon sirouml.
can offer you. Are you
Come and sec us and Vtc
18 Oregon Land loinpiy
with its principal ofllce in
Salem, tho Beautiful Quintal City ol' Oregon,
And branch oflices in PORTLAND and ALBANY, anil .is
engaged In selling Funning, Stock and Fruit 'lands in the
Willamette Valley, and city property in Salem and Albany.
We make n specialty of small tracts for fruit and gardening
and can oiler vou Choice Bargains. After May 1st we will
ofler for sale lot's in Highland Addition to Salem.
The streets leading from the business center of the city to
this addition have been graded in such a manner as to make
the'in much superior to any other streets in the city, and the
Street Car Line
to it is in coutse of construction and will soon be in operation
direct to the center of the addition. Tills addition is high
and slighlly overlooking the city and having a beautiful view
of the Cascade Mountains. It is only a short distance from
the Fair Oround Station, with which it will be connected by
the street car line. Just north of the addition is
the largest and by far the most beautiful park about Salem. A
wide and well graded avenue (Highland ave.) leads from the
city to the Park and constitutes the nicest and best suburban
carri.ige drive in or about the city, or in Oregon.
These Iols will be offered at prices ranging from $200 to
&')i), or about tflOOO less than residence lots within theoriginal
city liniiifi. The interest on the ditlerence of pi ices will each
year pay for
2500 Trips on the Street Car Line!
The location is far more pleasant and values will increase
much more rapidly than closer in. Several residences will be
erected at once and occupied by purchasers, and if history
repeats itself as it is said to do, one year from now will see this
Addition the favorite residence portion, of the city, as in ail
other cities the residence portion has been determined by con
venient lines of travel.
al .pnrKMEgCT
'I In- KicIm Cusp.
Hubert Krebsof lirooks was found
guilt. Saturday before Justice
Chase's court on the charge of car
rying concealed weapons. Krebs, it
appears, was elected constable of
his precinct, but had failed to qual
ify, (lie has since qualified.)
For thisofleiise Krebs was assessed
a line of .roll. He has taken an ap
peal in the case to the circuit court,
where it will be tried tit the ap
proaching term.
ir.iiiil I.ncli;,. lii-iiri'M'titutheN.
The Odd Fellows' grand state en
campment will be held at McMin
vlllo on May ISth. Salem lodges
will be represented by J. T. 'Gregg
andO. M. Purinenterwliowerechos
"11 as delegates.
' llu Oii'Kiin Liii-.l Cmuimii.
&!?. '' buy flvo acres of tim
bered la,. , M,t four miles of the
city po.tiiic flood land well
adapted to fruit n-.
$:!00 will buy one oi bet resi-
From New York and Chicago
77" r 4
f And. trimmings of all kinds to mutch in Persian trim. 4K
iLj JJJJ" 2 hM Str,P niul P'nhi Surahs, Braids, Plushes,
w hen i
deuce lots In Salem wh
mocks or the street car line.
?::00 will buy live acres of tlu L 5
fruit land In (livirmi nil ..iiiii.....
Win.CJilhnore, who arrived in , and within three and a half miles
NotthSaleiii doc not furnish an the city a few days ago fiom Van- of tlieeltv mwti.nw
Item of a sensational nature. This uvcr, reports a big boom there. ?:0 will buv one of the lines! le
time it Is the story of an old man Hesays tho railroad is completed ' Idenee lots ever ollered for sale in
who is selling hard cider to the '" ten miles north of Vancouver j thscltv of Salem, on the street c-.r
youth ami age of the northern su-, ""' luy are running in one million line.
...... tits cuter is ivniaiual.le for, ' " "g" lvr weeu, and land near $1001) wi!i buy twenty acresof best
..-........-, .....uh s cum u m ".., .-, rH-...K tor ?ioou pur acre. ,' prune land, all cultivated, within
prodtuvdrunkcess ,,, wlll. . ,., am, u ha,f "
luvly iwtrtake of It. The delontble I.Ht'AI. SUMM KY. , postolllo"
Smulvs Sr.!:JSiJlfei. -yin,rPaTmTBi,s,e,,,go to , JO.-iU buy ten acres all set in
Full and Complcto Hues of Embroideries and
Luces in All Widths.
Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel
ties in Scarfs.
' " nniK wt win, ljllK'-t .V 1'iilt.irv.in .ite UUtl. KilKI Itiillnii nrini.. in ..I
'nioetitertalnntentat theoneii. o.'i ...... ...... ..
H.. itr.,1 i-.,ru'r. horn to-tiiglit nruiiiUs to ilriwa'i T ,. . BI1I-V aew "f K0i
I'hurlcsPyburn, perhaps the real goml audlemv ,,u"1' "" 'Hvat and In crop,
forger In Hie last j(lmMm for,,,.,.. I ,,,.... ', rt"S nd fair buildings six
" '.uin. i uiii. i iiiiiimr.. .tin ...i.iiii.x.. .. .1...... ...
. .......... nuni null's uillll faiem.
to the sick 1M. sho Is sullVring wm will buv loo news good farm
.romanatlaekofdlphtheiia. ,B lad all e.ntiva.eoSu elgld
I hero w ill lie no school t.Hltor- (,'Vs, tine spring, good orchard, fair
mw, a holiday Ih-Iiil- taken for the I bulldlnu.
oliM-rvatliV of Washlni.ti... I..-
fi ... ... li.... I... . ....
"...-.. ..a.i .irrut'ii.
iiiso, Is in Jail pending invllmliiiirv
oxanilnatlon which will bo
i-ondtieted Weiliie.sday. It mviiis
Pybttru U the nian wito gnu.
Jordan and Morgan the
onnr upon wlilfli tliev .l.t ,;..
Curctiins. Poles, Portiers.
(1(S.A fUl1 nihl w,,11',ele Mock f wren's Furnishing
Xo. 239 Corner Slate anil Commercial Streets.
Harness anil SailMore.
A completo lluo of the best .luiillty i,f lt,.r.
lie.. uiul Smtaiory alwa h "ti Iialul.
Ever.vthing Warranted lo be as Ittpwcnfrd
Hepaiilng Xeatly Dono.
. . . ....., ,, ,,, .. .. . "B.l 1.1 fSJl-
ktrliKNi mv uiuvli wider, and if nv tll"lonm (0 nwinory of the m i , , , I '' u,,Uw' f '' lvux r"r '""".v days. They v M, n
citmigf i. iimiio iu the I.h.u it ,"" er . iu .oiiiury, will '.',, ' '" ".' " 7"'1' ,,' ,:i" M" w itst pur-' ), . ,U ' ' i
"-""" 1'iinv. i mi i n ilk..... .....i .. i. ' -- l .vi iiiuiuii.
miii mv tor -..j
iiviuunu ine chapel Vfktvrduv isl the Milts ..f ..l.ot.. i . aitgura . , :"' """'r".
jr'u T U" w,"" I '"ivrt him iM.M,U.roWomom.v. Pw''lty U be materially In- Advonlurv "' urn, m v 'Z T
tsl and U wiitmlihl to w of a ut L lu ,u"w ll '" , ... ,V,,1lH,r"luv l-rI"ii K. tin. gtKnls. Aimkliliiias sh.Vs
i.iiiilttv it.,... -.,.. ii..... . The National lumU .. t w..i !. WU1 u" held in Salem on ihe i".l. ft... that have Uvn l,r....r.i ... o ..'
- .' """ urvM n uni II,. i
Wy imi'v ploa.ltitf to lb,, ..in ti, htvo the ludlduy ttMiiorruw.
tho loriinr miwII intH I low aid I lwy wm Kmtt vl tliroughotii
who chopiied oil hi. hand miiu'Uuio
BgO, U WW lllg wnd hkOttlMc.IH.r.
JJoliiili.luis mid (.florin hU la
the cnlltv day.
.-('111.. I... I III ...!.. .. .
.. ....vo... ! i,KI iii wiis ouy lias
.ii mi tonuimio tin to MH-un' an ajw Slto (hU bWMtliairt'lh W. .
IKilHl.uviit under the i.nnt adtnl ... nlcv nm a. . f .V. V.,,at " '
In the ridlwav nwitr. ''J' ha'c nui bviti i.,..viAv
-M. K. Mifllof'icium'ttH thU Utratloii
uayHpiK.iuuMi.y tho sinvriior iu vliv. Jlc ha many to tx,i,Cr Vnl ,t,, "lu Htf oll -. J H ! ul ,,"
lvmd.oncrofdU1Mr,w, MlZ $&"
No. Ol Court Street. Stilem.
.1 .A. ... iT. -"!'--
In North Salem
ISth ,"' ,l lot eorner M" and
13th streets ; extra farm eight n es
from Salem; eighty acres rich En?
MJVen iniira f,, Salem SITV
i les east or Saltm, one of tho best
improved in th ,!...,; " l
ncn.'. Fors.de by " wu 1er
JIuvc moved to 17 nml 49 stnto ,..
wliciotlioj-iiro now ready for work
our old iKilrons and frlciulsnro invito"1'
call and seo us lu our now location u
nro better lirepnrcd for work now'ti."
ever having secured nioro room, io-l-tt0
J Illncksmltli, 1ms removed his shon
corner of Coinmerciul and Chemckctn b..
whero lio Is ready to scrotlio public wH?
Ingnssociated wltli hi in .Mr. H. IMnnnn .v'
experienced wagon-maker recentlv rir1
I'ortland, ho is now prepared bcttet ih.m
ever to do all kinds of iil'oii nndcairio
milking and repairing; nil kinds of tffi'
smithing and repairing, and a b5
iiorsesiioelng business, lie has nlfifiS!1
ofslmes.slccl.ttotUng hnndmndetcVZ3
fits them In n scientific manner, sS5f.i
attention given to the construction of wt
ons and carriages. Ilemember thn nini'
opposite Sfftto Iuuurnncc building '
1 S. Lamport -:-
280 Commercial Street.
K LAMPORT has Just received n ..
line of single and double buuv w
nesses. no always carries
Of saddles, whips, and everything pertain
ins to his lino of business In tho htntc nil
side of I'ortland; ' '
Kepulring done with neatness and dlsnatch
No. :J03 Commercial Street,
PluiiRiinff, Gas and Sieam Filling.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty.
.w5K".4Scnt for tho MCHAKDSON 4
tabllsliedinIS19 -
Can furnish either Me&iiutte or a mlxturt
of Misqulto anit Lincoln grass'onterms
that will allow you to seed down your
farms at a cost of from CO to -BOo per acre.
Address. T.0.J0RY,
w2md2w Box 91, Salem, Or.
tho State, a
u tho State. Lower rates than
Largest stock Legal Blanks Is
,ii iihtpokt. niminr. fspdiiioi
price list of Job printing, and cataloijuool
legal blanks. :. jr. AVAITE,
Steam Printer Salem Oreson.
Only Genuine System of Memory Training,
Four Books Learned In one reading,
Mind wandering cured.
Eery child and adult greatly benefited.
Great Inducements to correspondenct
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Win. A.
""I'liond, tho world-famed Specialist In
Mind Diseases, Danlol Oreenleaf Thomp
son, the great Psychologist, J.M.Buckly
iv ,.e." tor of tho Christian Advocate
(!; V-:".lc hni'dPro;tor, tho scientist, lions.
. W. Astor, Judah P. Uenlaman, and
others, sent post free by
Prof. A. tOISKTTr, 337 Fifty Ave., K I
Je-lS). dw
Call and See
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
r- . .t0 Insurance Building, Cor. Com'
mcrcittl and Chcmeketo streets 'O-Hf
Proprietor of-
Salem Steam Laimdrj.
,riOrdere lea nt Stelncrt grocery stort
will receive prompt attention
Gootv'S H iiiya has been appointed
1 MmcmI atfer.t for thu bove laundry and
'n "'""''log U-ft with him will be prompt
ly ntteuded to.
97 Slate St., . ,
SttleiH. (cea Vcic rwSOIaulo nml work tvuM