, ". sun so Rim is "-ron THE CAPITAL JOURNAL -Tit.'- REST PAPER IX SALET.L 3-You will bo 'tell plen-tnl with It.ltt -S t IV" " , V i P r '- A. D V 13 14 PIS 13 IX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WII.I. UK. ( A GOOD INVKSTMKNT. rj-Tho Terms in e Most Ilcnoiinbto'S9 CAPITAL JOURNA JL-ye ' ' StSk- m Jf , J - VOL. 2. HMiiiiiiiMW''niiinw3igBctaaeaaf3aarrri'----TitiLu.ujiiu.u, flmfbk mm a poiiij, Silcm,OrcKon, have received Jlicct From Eastern Factories Tho Finest Line or CARRIAGES, . PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS,, STAGE COACHES, MOUNTAIN WAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CARTS and OTHER. VEHICLES which will be sold it Prices anil Terms to Suit All! These gbods 'nro Ilr-.t-cl is tuul os their stock Is very laizon per-on c.m Jlml what they may wth. Theli- win chouso on State Hlrect Is completely (Hied, anil thoy. have another car load en route now. Look out for them; hornet hint; lino. ONE P11T0E TO ALL We linvo iccelved direct from the Manulactnreis n C o m pleteStocK or Staple Goods, Consisting of Drv Goods, Men's, Boys' and Youth's Clothing, J Hats and Caps, Hosiery and Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wo shall olfer them for cash At Lower Prices Thau any house In the Male. All cash buyers v'M savo money by calling on uv. FORSTNER, TIFFANY fe CO., 2)7 commercial Stiect, New Hunk Illock Salens, Oregon, DK. J. C. GILBERT, AT II 6ANITARIUM. In tho Dank Illock, treats all Chronic diseases of MEN AND WOMEN On strictly sclcntlf c principles. Ills new Medicated Vapor Ilaths, Electricity and Klcctro-Mognetlr.m, t'uro ana compounu Oxygen ore not '.o be had at any other insti nau llL nil v oiucr iiiau- tution on me i-ncinc siopo I)r. Gilbert uses only BOTANIC MEDICINES NATURE'S OWNItnMEMKS. Ortlces and rooms especially fitted for the accommodation nnd treatinent of ladles with ladles bath incaioof.Mrs. GUbeit. Dr. ailbcrt court les himself to oltico practice und Is, therefore, always on bund to wait upon his patients. Special atten tion glen to diseases of women nnd child ren, Terms strictly moderate Consultations Frea, 3-21-d W PIANOS!! THE ::- BEST IN THE MARKET :: For Hale cheap for cash or upon the installment plan. Also a goad pinnb to rent. Call upon WM.S. ARNOLD, No. 8G7 Winter Street, - Salcra, Oregon. Proposals Invited. fnilE nOAUD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 1 Oregon State Ius.ino Asylum Invite. fcealed proposals for heating the Mate in fcane asylum with hot water. Plans nnd specifications must bo lurnUhcd by the bidders. Plan or the building will be fur nished upon application to Dr, Hurry I.nno medical superintendent, Balcm, Oregon. Proposals arotiUolnUtcdroran electric light plant for the asylum of 600 lights of 10 candle power each, incandescent jyMero to bo wired complete und ready for orvJce and kubject to rigid test. Tlie rlflit to n J oct any nnd all bid j reserved. Hid wil I be opened ut 2 o'clock p. in. on Tuesday, Mny 7, IS HVi;VE3TKU PENNON EH, UEO. V. MeimiOK, O. W, W'KIUI, ll.ard of j'nteM Vx, A, JII'NIA'. Cl! U "f lbwrd. Hie killers Store li -J """yumHi J.m F. e. hoover. South. Salem Here Stretches Out Before You I TIWIIT 8I1TK ui wnicn entrails ine uenoiucr witu bewildering atinuralion aim woiuier. in tne distance tlie rugged (.'as Range draws out its serpentine length, while along it at intervals ri-e up like grim sentinels all tho white weird SNOW-CROWNED PEAKS ot the great northwest, their heads extending high in the celestial vi Tlie river goes winding northward "like a silvery ribbon wide," and on every side are elements af bea Of which entrails the beholder with Lovely drives are bcin laid out and lor eleg.int homes The Willamette Investment Company- Have the exclusive sale of this beaulilul addition. Lots will be sold on tlie installment plan. 1 his Conmany also have a large list of choice city and farm property, .1, 10, 20 and SO acre-tracts adjoining Salem. lST'Moiiey to loan on farm and city property, insurance in reliable companies. 215 up-stars, Moorcs' IJIoek. First National Ban SALEM, OREGON. W'M. N. LADUE, -1)11. J. HEVNOIjI)H, IOHN MOIK, - - - - President. Vice Piesldent. - - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, Now York, Iiondou and Hong Kong bought and sold. Stato, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other piopertyai reasonable rates. Insurance on hucli se curity can bo obtained at the bank In most rcllablo companies. ESTATlLISlIEn BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY TlicCapital National Bank -OF SALEM - Capital Paid up, Surplus, - - OREGON. - $75,000 - 10,000 It. 8. WALLACE, - - Piesldent. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALI1EUT. .-'--- Cashier. DIRtCTORSi V. T. Gray, V. W. Martin, J. iK Martin, It. 8. "Wallace. Dr. V. A.CusicU, J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, cither In prlvnto granaries or imbllo warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Tar. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Sim Francisco, Portland, London, Paris. ISerlln, Hong Kong ond Calcutta. New Store, New Goods. M. T. RINEMAN Has opened up u frej.li und clean stock of GROCERIES, TllOYISIOXS, GLASS and QUEE.WARE, WOODEN and WILLOTOliE, VEGETABLES, SYRUPS, GREEN and DRIED FRUITS and in fact evcrthing kept in a first class Grocery store. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs The publlo In general Invited to call and kceui. Atl goods delivered free. State street, room formerly occupied b 'l- resli bread always on hand. Peed of nil kinds kept constantly In ourktoro. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Perry and Liberty MreeU, X. K. or from Chcmeketo hotel, Salem. Or. Good accommodailoiu for commercial travekni Flr.t-cla rlg alwaj on linnd , Clmrgc reavonoble. OB wjmmma. O. R. EDGETT. IS LOCATE t ;D.ON bewildering admiration and wonder. graded through the shady elevation SALEM, m migrants are Arriving and Purchasing U . NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! . $900- 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway line in North Salem. Very cheap and choice. $600. 7.1 feet front on Front street running through 2-10 feet deep to the river bank. For a week only. $2600. Elegant hard finihed hou.-e, with 2 lots and a good barn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood. Worth seeing. ACREAGE. Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoining town. Running spring. Elegant meadow on part of tract. $200 per acre. For a short time onlv. Lots in Capital Park addition, ono block from State street, 000 forJ A 1.1 1... Cnrf 1 Iflil J'..-f,tn..ln1 aIaIh ' quarter UlUClits ?JIW llliu ?iuu liu mugiu liliv linn. Lots iii Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; $300. SAAC A. Rea.1 Estate Broker, Hank: 31oclc. Up -Stairs, Salem, Oregon. KXi,rrsiMacTcEW7X3T2cTS3aorsifKasBB'fl THE RELIABLE GROCERS, Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, o Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffe'e, Creamery Butter, Qream Cheese, etc. o ' WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. - Remember the Place and Call BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES Hy repuperlng nnd decorating your resi dent e. For material o tHmi;Aiiit n rttty fitore, who Mime the Utext ntylwt una luttenu In Wull Piijt-r, IKirdent und Jtcforatlonti. Paper trlmiin ;d free of ctnirKu. A Alio line of 13A13Y OAKKIACKS olwoy on liuml, heMva Inr.-e lusortimnt of new jfood too iiunieroiu to mention W'M. .HA HUE ANT, Variety Store, Hominc-rclnl 61., Rlcm, EG OX, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1830. It. P. ROISE, Jr. Mights a Panorama, I!) ' Fn the distance the rugged Cascade hito and vault. beauty. and altogether the site is a grand one "v1 nr'V'"s!"i!T fT JTrTTHI mttb I! MANNING J fc"7K fcOKfl v INTH etui lx made 430 10 iZ.UJ vrorlclnif for tin. A'iiilH preferrrtl h t-un hirnlxh . lior) and ylvc llHlrlioliitlinu t(it)iebiiili()(. bue iiikiik ntM mny be prolltably employed nho. A few iti9iiicic In town und title. II. P. Jiiinii A Co., 10.U Muln it.. Itlcliinoiid, Vii. N. II Ir.illi employetl ulo. Never mind alxint wiulliii; Hiinip for reply. Come quick. Yourkfur lu, II. P. J.& Ct. HXim-eut Person wlnhlnsto linpiose llielr inem oneii or utrfDK'lit n th'-lr ''' rofiittenllon hoaldM'iid to Piof Uifi'e 'in tiitn Ave., N. V, (ir liw pnuix'luii juit free, ad anrllellUHii')tliero)liiinn, NnM,ll II tewJ' 1 lily ! mm COXDEXSKD DISl'ATrill'.S. IL E. Spoilbrd, the liistorian, died at Rutland, Vt. Five inches of rain lias fallen in Ualtiuiore during the past twenty four hours. A destructive storm, by which several lives were lost, has been rag ing in Germany. Tlie pope is reported to have re buked a priest of Rome forinvoking divine blessing on King Humbert. Connecticut has pad a law pro hibiting the sale of oleomargarine or other kind of manufactured butter. l?ev. Uoscoe and wife, Eat Africa missionaries, are held for ransom in the sum of $5000 by a native chief. There is considerable excitement in Salem county, Kansas, over the discovery of gold near Arrow Rock, a California expert having pro nounced it a rich tlud. In the house of commons at Ot tawa yesterday, it was urged that the United States claim that Retiring tea was a closed sea was absurd, and steps are to be taken looking toward it settlement of the (Jisputcd ques tion. A Chicago renortcr plays a neat piece of detective work by feigning insanity and being incarcerated in an insaneasyhun where lie witnessed acts of cruelty that caused the death of one of the inmates, and when re- leaded made an expose. ii i I i. We have five ldU -"Vln Mere dith's addition, near tlie university, from $100 to $530; new two story house, new barn and fence; full lot set to fruit near thedepot, forJlfioO; new two story house and two full lots in Riverside. Cheap, must bo sold. Farms; of all sizes and prices on terms to suit in every direction. Duncan & Booth, 99 State Street. imi:i. TUTTLE. At SiTyerton, Saturday, Anril 27, 1SS9, John Tuttle, aged forty-live years. The death of Mr. Nettle was most sudden, ho having been sick but an hour. He leaves a family 'which wnRtlcpeuduut iiiiou him for support. rim ttr.N r. LVlll HKNT.- In i lino locality, povciiil uleelv fnrnlrilietl iihiiiik, either with or without Ijouiil. I'"or n.iitleulurs e.ill upon Win. H. Arnold, :W7Wln(c I Htieet. roit sai.i: yoit RaIiK. A now house on uood lot, 10() xl.TJ tect, on IiIkIi Krotiud In h'oulh Salem. house lents lor 67 per iiionlh only J(7J. N. I). Jnnos, Haliim, OieKon, rioTTMAi:.-A kaiim'of hjd ACUIOS I' all under fence ami cultivation, In the beit ranifo (ouiitry of llastem Ouwm. Tho lieht ehnnre over oll'eii'd for ii man to eut;ni;n In Moc't raising. For p.iitleulaiM call on or nddress vv.lI.UV'MlS.Hiilcin.Oiejjon. -nantj:i). WANTICD. A Partner: An enerKi'tle young man to taken Ik If lutcicst In n wi'll-e-tiilllilicdund t'ood-piyliii; lnmlncsK. S'JlH) In ieiillred. ilan must lie u uood worker. Call or addicss "W. M,," eaiool CAl'ITAI. JOUIINAI.. notici:. IHAVi: somo very Bend Kocond-liand luiKKleHnud liarnessthat I w1I1hc.II clienp, Come nnd hcothem. (Iainhs Fisiuat. PllOl'KSSIONAI CAIIIIS. r J. HIIAW, altoiney at law, Hnlom, Oie- K1 block on, uiiicc upsuiirs in mo riiiiou r J. .IKNNINOS 1). I). H. DIINTJ.ST ,) OMlcii In llio New Hank Illock. Com meivtiil htieut, Hiilein. MIkii til tho lilj; tooth. dw MlIYHiUlAN.-SlTlH. HIT. Al. 15. McCOV I physician and kiii'Kcoii, Iimn located und taken rooms over Htjulio Fnriar'H uroenry store. Chronic dlHeaseH a pcn Tally, ('onsiillatlon lice. I'J-'Jldw ur p. w l . ami WJI.I.IA.MH, HTKNO(IItAPHi:il l vnewruer I'licwrlter Copyist. Will iimko eportH of trials, etc.; copylnc on typo- writer ncciir.itcly and neatly done. Olllie with I A. Muiinlmr, Coiiiinerelal St., Ud Htalrs, New Hank Illock 0I,IVKl,TjI)Oi:No. IK, I. 07"OVlf.T iifeelH In Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Cornei Cominereliil and Ferry stieets, every H.it urdayut7:.'IOp. in. J.T.OHK(lo. .IAH. WAIrON, Heerclary, N. Vrlt;lit's ltedX'ros CoiikIi Cine will cine Unit llresoiueeonuli. Oiuiniiitecd to Uu satisfaction. Hold liy iilldrui;Klstu. WrlK'it's Coinixiund Kxtracl of H irsapa rlllu Is hlood-inaklni;, liUKid-cloaiiKliiaud lieallh-reilorln A tine tor sciomioiis and all eruptive diseases, Sold hy 11. V. cox ana n. .i. fry Wilwhl's Jlyrrh Ttxith Hoap dontlfrlea of tlii)ic;c. tiolliiK, fuiKnuil, death to tarlur. H'lldhy all iliiiUlH. Wilcht'B lllackhorry Cordial wliould lie In every fumlly for cholera Inlatiiiii, kiiiii iner ilnioase, etc. Pleasant l luku. Hold hy all (lrin,'i,'fsb. &TOKI3 KOIH vSAL,K. The Wblttaker rilore for mlu. (Iooil properly. Call on U.W. HUNT, I'STnUirttv I'ioireIor. iiinuvn i.oung. v i Whvisinv wlfBhoiireolouHiiimyslciit? I In It becaiiu li'ir eye uio always bright, ' AiidKiiieoiindinodtwlriiroliihiTUlrf Neither, believe me, thouulKlie's very fair, HhesayMind s.ijs II h lib an eanimt dictien: i 'ThU Jrowiiur old. J Und. u all utiutioii, l "'"Mon?""8 1Minl ",0 'f,,vur,,l, ,n,'r""i r. Pierto' fiimous renifily of this riumo l, Indeed, u MTf-ft ikIHo for "fern ! (iiknei' und kindr a alioi. m . liy irviuttu- fbasro the liver, komtili, Ismt-ls aid vt Uole xktcin liy uIiik Ur. Pi t'ii pellet , LATEST BV TBLEGIUIML Anti-Sliivcry Congress. London, April li7. The interna tional anti-slavery congress will bo held at Lucerne in .Inly next. The papal delegate "111 participate. White Cups Again ( '1NCINNATI, A pi il 28. Last night a body of masked white caps ad ministered a whipping with long willow switches to Frank Gehrlino of Riverside, Ohio. Gehrllne's of fense is said to be general worthlcss nts, while his wife supports liim and the family by keeping boarders. A crowM of spectators cheered the white caps as they showered blows upon the victim. A (iooil Hulling. San Fiiancisco, April 12S. Tom Avery, a local prize lighter, fell dead yesterday morning in the ring, during Ii span lug exhibition with Ed Cutle, a recent arrival the East. It was a six-round con test, and in the fourth round Avery fell unconscious to the Moor, where heexpired in a few minutes. I'hysi elans said that deatli was due to heart failure, caused by over exer tion. Culle was arrested. Iii'tliuo Have Peas. The Newberg Grapluo tells a veg atabie story Hint beets till previous record. It says: The housewife was looking over some packages of gulden seeds prcparntoiy to plant ing them in the garden ami dropped '' few lottuco seeds through a crack in tlie Hour. These Instantly took root and be loir she could uet the children outof tho house, the lettuce had raised 11 oil' of its foundation and at pic-jent it is still suspended high In the air. bower California. Lo.sAnoixks, April 28.-R. V. Waterman, governor of California, says, in an interview:. "I thorough ly concur in the views as to tlid ac quisition by purchas-oof Lower Cali fornia by the United States. I con sider It one of the most valuable sections on the continent, being rich in minerals and having far mure til lable soli than the people seem to understand. Tlie Santa Clara mines are, in my opinion, fully leall.lng tho utmost that was expected of them and give promise of producing a vast amount, of wealth when prop erly developed." A Ilililway Horror. I'lAMiiroN, Out., Apill 28. A ten Ible railway accident occurred on the Grand Trunk lino near hero at 7 o'clock this morning. Tho St. Louis express Jumped the track and the engine ran Into the water tank, Two cars were slelescoped and im mediately took lire. All the dead, seventeen in number, have been tak en out. The only body identified is thatot R. H. Ourney of Chicago, lie was not burned. Another man, name unknown, was also IiHtantly killed. The other llfteen were burned beyond the possibility of Identification. About twenty persons were Injured, but only ouo or two seriously. None of the train hands weie killed. The fireman was slightly burned ami lecelved a Dad scalp wound. Oklahoma Smallpox' Sciirc. AiikansasCitv, Apill 28, The Smallpox epidemic now threatens (Juthrle, and other towns in the now territory of Oklahoma. The excitement caused by the knowl edge of the brackisli, poNoiious na ture of the waters of the i ivcr Is not n clruiiustiiiico to (lie fear that has seized upon the minds of the people In regard to this fell destroyer, It seems that a man named Joseph ICIIhWdiUi of Kansas City, more recently from Leadvllle, was taken down Wednesday with till" dread disease, on Ills return from (Juthrle and Oklahoma City, and is now quarantined at a house near the Santa Fo railroad shops. This man stood In line at thu laud oillce at (Juthrle for hours, waiting to file his claim, thus oxpoflng to attack those he came In contact wllh at that time. The people vh have heard of this ease are anticipating an .epidemic. The first outbreak may result in nearly (lunoniilulliig Liicno eiiiurvii cuius in ijk unoum. " ., .... ,.. i'l. Aiooieoi ai Kansas i liy, who is M uKeiiiliiiicn tin Kllmeiirili unvx 11 m -""" imsworill, HllJH II Is II genuine C'lSO of snitllll.OX, 1111(1 ., . .,,. , ., . tho (icoplo are excited over iho mat- ter, iilthotmh the olllclals aiy they can iiiuluiibtedly keep It fn m ,, ,, . , Jireiiiliii. I Is quUo terlotis'y tuiked of CBuibllnhlng n quaraiitiuo ,, ..... , , ' on the Oklahoma bonier. XO. 50. TIIKTWINK UINDINC. TllUST. The Toekslu Soiiniled nnd Iho Cranio or (tie Slate Aiti.lolnlug In the l'l);lit. t'onespoiidcnceof the Capital Journal. 1 glean the following in regard to the "Rinding Twine Trust" from an eastern jounal, which L verily be lieve to be true, as the statement is backed by the Grunge of Illinois and other states: "It is now well known tlie country over that a syndicate is formed to rob the farmers of several millions of dollais at one squeeze on the price of tills year's binding twine. If the supply was short we would not grumble at honest high prices; but for u few men to control the ample supply for the sole purpose of boom ing tlie price and speculating on our supposed necessities, is putting n thief's bund in tlie breadwinners' pockets, and we appeal to the manly independence and sense of right of our brother farmers of Illinois to Join hands with the Grange and the great army ot organized farnieisall over tlie grain-giowiug Northwest tirn states, who have resolved to break down this wicked Twine Trust by refusing to buy the twine at a cent above last year's prices. Keep your money until the twine goes begging for a market. We can bind the grain by hand one season, if it comes to that pinch, or put It up unbound, thus turning tlie twine money Into'lioncd wages for worthy men. We owe It to t ourselves as fanners and to the mutual claims of honest labor to break down ii: nr thieving combines that pi'ey upon our pockets. If we beat Ibis twine 1 1 list wo thus serve not lee of doom on many a similar ring of rogues, but if wo submit now, it Is only to bo robbed again and again, worse and wor,-e every time. Rrollier farmers, in union is stiength m a righteous cause and we are hound to win. Meet, organize, show the in dependent eolo's of determined men, and adopt the battle cry of tho Grange, 'Down With the Twine Trust.' All papers friendly to the fanner's rally In self-deleno please copy. .1. ai. Tiiomah, Master, Thomas Iviiats, Secretary. J. II. Vanarsdale, (J. II. Tate, Kxeeutive committee." Tho following clipping from a ommuulcatlon published in the Hast Oregonian Is also worthy ofu place here: "The farmers of Iho Pacillo Slates are treated about the same way with tho grain bag oriraiil.atlou. How aboul prices for this year'.' Prices (ptotedat San Francisco are, .fiino Hi, July 81; and what are tho major ity ot the fai'iiieis tlohiit to iclleve theiuselve.4 of this cursed InislV Thoy are meekly submitting to be ing plundered, thinking If they did do anything in tlie way of mutual agiecmeut il would not help the mutter. Kvery reform must havo a beginning. What class will make the start? It must not ba expected from I hose who sit serenely on the soulal mountain tops enjoying the lienulIlH of tho existing order of thing", Parmer, like all other classes, inttst light their own battles; liiey iiiu-ttntiv that they will not pay anything but an honcnt price for articles of any kind, Tho farm on of the United states must de mand that those engaged In agricul tural pursuits ho elected to positions of trust in a ratio commensurate vlth the Interest thoy represent. How docs the p.ist congress suit tho fanners'.' Here is tho classificatien: 120 bankers, 00 lawyers, 21 mer clunits, fill ni'Hiiifnolurers, 17 doctors, I mechanics, l fanners and the rest politicians. W. A. S." Tho granges of this section of tho state are awakoand heartily coincide with "V."A. S.," whosu energetic methods will be approved and Hitch action bo taken ns. will work' for the interest of thu farmer, and If possi ble g4.vo such trusts the lesson they deserve. What are you doing for our state grange'.' Keep this question promi nently before the people of Saloin,iw the rcprcMintatlva-. from abroad will be such men as it will he profitable for that city to honor. Rro. W. A. Sample of Eastern Oregon will visit this valley during the uomliig mouth and as ho Is a well Informed Granger und an Interesting speaker, Grnugu picnics and other gatherings will ho edified hy Inviting him to ho with them. Giiancuiii. Tut.NF.it, Or., April 27, 18SD. Milking Sail Ilmuc. Ni:, Yo.iu, Aia.l .27. Tie sctj ond u) 's rain I pi ij lug hav oe wltlv thoc Mitennlal dee ir.ttlons M a Y f It .5f ,1 :i ' i it l