'! i venomous" THE CAPITAL EVENING JOTJENAL. REPTILES. rho Astonishingly I.ticgo Hate of Mortal ity from Serpentine Venom. If tho published figures aro at all ac curate, from twelvo to twenty thou sand persons die In British India from snako bite, largely from that of tho cobra. which is a serpent of domestlo habits. That tho reptile was not long ago exterminated from all Inhabited localities, savs a writer in tho Cincinnati Commercial-Gazetto, is owing to tno tact mat it is worshiped by many of tho natives. Even to-dav in Mala bar Hill, tho most fashionablo European quarter ot liomrjny, u snort tune played on u musical instrument rarely fails to bring a cobra out of some holo or crevice, for native veneration is too much for English caution. Tho natives aro tho chief sufferers from this folly. Very fow Englishmen havo been bitten, for they do not walk out bare footed, and usually tako a cano to poko tho grass through which they walk. Wo bo licvo only four dr fivo whites of promi nenco havo been bitten by poisonous snakes In India sinco tho opening of tho present century, and ono of these was a midshipman on a ves sel in tno nay 01 jicngai. uno 01 tno aeaa ly liydriadtc, or water snakes, had been fished up, ana tno unfortunate youth handled it without knowing that it was venomous. Had tho Hindoos exercised common sense, thoro would now bo fow cobras outsides of tho jungles. Martlniquo mid tho neighboring islands of St. Lucia each report a mortality from serpentino venom rivaling thatofIndla,foreachof theso islands is overrun with tho for do lance, a fiercely aggressivo viper, which has tho peculiarity of giving birth to sixty little snakes at once. African explorers have their troubles with snakes, but they award tho palm of danger not to them, nor to tho lions or leopards, but to the fierce wild buffalo bulls. During Prof. Drummond's recent journey to Lake Nyassa, two of his follow ers were tossed by ono of thesd savage creatures, and it was almost a miroclo that one of tho wounded men survived tho in juries to his shoulders and ribs. Tho puff adder, an apparently sluggish creature, re sembling in build, though not in its gorgeous colors, tho horrible black and clumsy cottoumouthed moccasins of our Southern swamps, has a pleasant trick of burying itself in the leaves and moss and of striking backward at any person who hap pens to come near it Tho naia hajo, a first cousin of tho Indian cobra, but moro ag gressive and irritable, and tho mamba, which runs down its victims, aro tho princi ; pal remaining poisonous serpents of Afri 'a. Thoro aro green, black and flame-colored mambas, the last mentioned being often I crested. Tho mambas sometimes reach a length of twelve feet, and aro known to havo chased a horseman for miles. Their bito is ; almost certain death. A survey of the serpentine kingdom es tablishes tho fact that the most poisonous snakes aro afraid of human beings. The : chief exception aro. tho mamba, tbo naia hajo and tho great ophiophagus elaps, or hamadryad, of Burmah. This creature, which rivals tho mamba in length, has an expanding head like tho cobra and naia hajo, but dmersirom both in some anatom ical particulars and also in tho tfact that it is a cannibal, living principally on other snakes. One of them chased a Burman in tho woods a few years ago. Tho man ran, and thought to escape by swimming across a narrow stream. To his horror, on reach ing the farther bank ho found that tho snake had crossed ahead of him. In his despair ho toro off his turban and throw it at tho rep tile. Tho latter was obliging enough to go for tho white rag and waste his venom upon it, tho man meanwhile making his es cape. Tno mamoas aro principally found in Natal, though they exist to somo extent as far north as Zanzibar, and may even havo spread as far as tho desert. Wo havo found no mem ion of their presence in Egypt or in tho Sinaitio Peninsula. There Is nothing in their habits, howover, which would excludo them from tho Northern tropics and sub tropics, for they flourish under similar cli matio in luences south of tho lino. Wo no tice that an item is on its travels to tho ef fect that tho "serpents" which killed so many of tho Israelites during their exodus from Eg' pt were guinea worms, scientific ally kno ,'n as (he aracunculus. Theso fear ful ere. lures bury-themselves in human flesh, producing sores which often provo fatal. Wo doubt, however, whether they can bo made to fulfill tho demands of tho Scnpturo narrative. Wo read in Number?, xxi., that "tho Lord sent fiery sorpents among tho people and much people of Isra el died." Geology has mado us acquainted with ex tinct reptiles with whom ono would not liko to meet, even vvero ho clothed in a coat of mail and armed with a repeating riflo. From somo of theso monsters tho dragons and grifllns which figure in tho folk loro of all nations wcro undoubtedly depicted. They havo happily gono, never to return, as have most of tho rattlesnakes which former ly infested our oldest States. To this day, however, hn occasional rattler is killed in the Blue Hills of Milton, less than a dozen miles from Boston, and tho sea serpent, nn apparently solitary rolio of tho Baurian days, every now and then makes his ap pearance in tho ocean. Recent travelers in Aiaska havo heard from tho Indians, though their faith has not been strengthened by sight, that herds of mastodon aro yet feeding in tho almost in. accessible interior pastures of our new pos sessions. Wo hope the story may provo to bo true, and that a paleozoic specimen may yet bo on exhibition in our menageries. Our belief is not strong In that direction, how ever, though when ono has seen tho octo pus, or dovll fish, first brought into promi nence by Victor Hugo, ho is prepared to be lieve almost any thing. Tho cholco would not bo a pleasant ono, but in tho alterna tive of being bitten by a naia or mamba, or of being cupped to death by an octopus, wo think most persons would chooso tho for- Xho Valuo of Hot Water. "Tho soothing effects of hot water aro not fully appreciated," said a physician tho other day. "I recommend it to many of my patients who suffer from insomnia, pro duced by nervous irritation of tho stomach, and also for certain forms of indigestion. Many of them object to it at first, but soon come to like it and aro generally much ben efited by It. A glass of hot water now and then will worn no apprecmuio eww, course, but a steady habit of hot-water drinking once formed, and sustained regu larly for a few months, works wonders with certain constitutions. I generally recommend its uso just before going to bed. It is a great soother." To Jtetain Mental Vlc" If you would retain tbo vigor of your mental faculties, keep them employed, not In old ruts but in new routes of read ing, experiment and thought Tho brain requires exerciso to keep its strength, as much as tho arm does. It wlU not do to swing tho arm continually In one direction; bo tho mind has memory, perception, reason, imagination, choice, emotion-each its own sphere of activity employing its epecial department of the brain. By prac tioTngaU Uwm faculties U brain keep its Vigor. VrtUl ML. POWDER L SSI Il MM & m ITIAT w J 1 nhriis vt : v iJiiHi a No. 211 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. AR1S T1-I13 LEADERS IN Life' and Gents' Fine Dross Shoes I Al.-o ti In rye lino of Ladies', Mines' ami Childrens' canvas hIioch for summer. lU'iiiemliw they will make it an object for you to call on tlieiu and tliey will show you the best lines of j.oril.4 in the city. This linn is well known to all the citizens ol .Salem, I'lid .surrounding country, as a linn that Handles nothing hut reliable yoods. 'lake tho people's word lor il aiiil?all on theso gentlemen when in want of foot-wear. Tlicir Spring Slock is taipsd in Qualify mill Prices. AbsoluteEv Pure Tin powder ii'"'Pr . 'trie. A marvel of purity, strength and whole- oliH'iic.s. More economical than the ordinary kliicl, and cannot bo sold in coiuiWtlnn with the multitude of low test, short weight nluin or phtHphiitu powders. Hold only in cans. ItoiAi. Baking l,owurjrt.,o.,KiWiill.N V. IMMIGRANTS LOOK IIEkE! HOMFS niiih m Iluviiljr farmed in this country for over half Herniary. which glvci us a thorough knnwletlgooi i ho count ry,vtuiov oiler our scrvli'cs to you In BINS. mid.lihe pleasure in unnounclni; th.it we hive it. very line list of property from tfhlcli to select, embracing some ot tho h.'sl nrniii.Rtnnk and Fmir Farms la .Marlon and Llnncnuntles.ut prices that cMinot ue duplle. ted In tho Willamette valley. Other valuable property of vari ous kinds oll'cred at "bed rock" prices. Come iiml m and lou iiill lie Convinced that wo are ottering all that wo hero claim Come by Narrow Gauge railway, or to Turner and take stage, (lour miles). Descriptive price list of farms and other property sent on application. Locating two or more families near each othoru spe cialty. IT. C. & J. II. PORTER, Ileal Kslato Agents. AunisviUe, Marlon county Or. -t-IJ-SO $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood mares end young horses fur sale. Forty or flity colts expected in tho spring Two lino horses, Clydo and Pcreheon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred; have been with tho band for the past three years. Original stock from the be.-t quality ol mares. For particulars address ortco V. H. HYAIiS. wll. .Salem, Or. For the Public Good. It Is an indisputable fact that tho hand somest vestibule trains that aro now run on tho American continent aro those on tho Uuilington- route, leaving from Union dtnotlii Denver. also St. Paul. Immediate ly on arrival of all through trains from the wesu X no jusiiiuu sucunu cj.iss cuaciius aro magnificent, tho reclining chair ears KUbuib. tho l'ullmnn sleepers extremely luxuriant, and as for tho meals that aro served In thoso palace Hurliugton dining errs yum yum. Tho next time, you go east to-Kansas City, Chicago or .St. Louis, if you mention to tho ticket agent that you want your ticket to read from Denver or St. l'aul over tho Hurliugton route, you will got It, and you will always be glad of If you go via tho Northern or Canadian Pacific, the elegant vestibule, trains of Tho nurllncton Itoute. betv.eeu at. Paul and Chicago, or St. Louis, will enrry you along tlio eastern shoroof tho Mississippi river for a distance of 8uQ miles, amidst scenery tlmtcannoi no surpassed; or, n you go via tho Oregon Short Lino or Southern Pacific, and your ticket reads via The Hurliugton Kouto from Chcvenno or Den ver, you will pass through all tho thriving cities and towns located in what is popu larly known as the Heart oftlio Continent. For further Information apply to A. C. Sheldon. General Agent, 8o First street, Portland, Oregon. MIM&wtl OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) C1IAS. X SCOTT, - - Itcccivcr. On and after Feb. J8 ISS'J.anduntllfurthcr notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) ns lollews: EAST SIDE, Couurg Mulli Porll'd Mall' From Portland STATION. Tow'rd Port , land U.iJuam .iwm.ANiUMV v,Ar. ,-IO.piii, IO.IX1 iFootofJefson. Kf 2.15 n in Kay's landing, lAr l.bO 2i St. Paul's, , lii. H.lfl Woodbuin, U;31 Townsend, 11,1'J McKcc, n.5a 1.113 4.10 4.W l.:&i M7 O.Sk) Mt. Angel, KowiiV, Kllverton. Johnston's Mill Kvi'llaerlnnd. UiihtHldoJunet., AlUf'liXi), fl.HB I AmiHVUle, 6.5d Weatswyttm an 0.21 7il 7.a OP Crowing, Wwt Hclo, Cniutreo, riiiket, Ttilliaun, Plulnlcw. Prown vlilo. LOO rA k -. om Something is Going to Drop at DWELLS'' NEW'SHOE STORE, 95 Slate Sired, Salem. Wo contcmplaten changa of business soon, and will therefore make .Sweeping 15c ductlous in certain line ol liootsand Shoes In order to reduce our stock to a minimum. Wo want Money! You need liootsand Shoes. Come and examine goods and prices and see If It will not pay you to lay In one or two years supply at the price we otter GOODS MARKED IN1 PLAIN FIGURES ! A child can buy aschedp asa man'at oarstore. We mean business, unit If you wear shoes look us up. YOUKS FOR "KOLD KOtNj" BAILEY F. BODWELL, miin - 1 n v M TO - JUU FOUND! Success in Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly muster Commercial Arithmetic, BusinebS Penmanship and Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping hy borh Single nml Double- Entry, the nature nnd correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing. Manifold, aifd Dictation work. All these are needed m business, auu are tnorougniy tauivnt uy uxper- era at the SALEM B Ufcs I XESS COLLEGE ienced teacher Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. KsrmuasvtjuxM&uzsit B O O T S - Vt H o o rdsv T . F S H O F S VfVl. BROWN & CO. i)i:ali:h8 in- Leather and - Findings CASH PaID fob Wools, Hides, Pell? ami J'on 231 Commercial St. Salem, Of. KT7ffl ir;'--'-""'in " - --' UAaHUflui ;; u, i.t.. id, I lt:l& f.At.iK. j til p- It LVLv 12.00 ll.l'J 11.10 11.1 ll.lt 11.10 10J0 10.10 10,07 V.iil IU8 R)i ti.10 8.(0 7.-1U Gii (US a M THJS BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN TUB CITY IS AT R. M.WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. Ar 1'm.na.ilU'ii '!. "I ,,w"',,'e,,, V.!" Hil.etuj s.toi. -liliKUh ltv,!ii(j os'lll. tur.. !' : nt liay' uud l"ulnJirt Laiiane wi' icaiur "t'v ,."hU" b I UAH. .s. rkSlT, lu- t- ycr. General Oniccs, N V tor. Wr.t oml I'lne, 1 j'orUand.OnvW' Garland Staves, 'Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range t.KO WILMS Notary t'nl.llc. 'SSI M. L. CHAMllKltLIN. i is an d Chamberlin, leal Estate and Insurance incuts, n TfeW-. illSill lWfBWl'Bnw k Buy ami Sell Real ISslnlc, Ncgolialc Loans .M) Transact a General Agency Business. OPERA HOUSE, Court Street, SALEM OREGON. We Imve on our li-tt a gVMt variety ol' very dualr.tblu pnipTty r.r nale, imil us our liimlncwa is not silt .netli.M't.iinlined to Ileal Krttato tians aetions, we nre able to furnish luirrlmsera these bargaiim without eluiinliifc unreasonable eoni missions. Our long residence In this country and fniuilhii'liy with its eondition and peeuliiirities render us competent judges of where tho best lands are to be found and nurehnses made. Wc have faith in Oregon of its future greatness; and especially this section of the "Willaincttee Valley. The man who invests here in real property runs no risks, it will be more prolltablc than bank stocks. Our soil and climate are not excelled, and people are Uiullii,' it ,out. Now is the time to buy. We are situated so Unit partks making investments, if desired can seeure loans on the most reasonable terms. The following partial list will showsonie of the properties we aro oflcring for sale. , 100 acres, 0'. miles south of Salem, all under fence new barn and fair house small orchard road by the place. Payment down, balanco on time at 8 per cent. Price &5,000. 102 acres, r miles southwest from ClervaW, good house and barn wilh orchard !I2 acres under plow. ?l,.r)()0 down, balance on I line. Price 17.50 per acre. 407 acres, 4 miles north of Salem, improvements llrst-clahs- !I2) acres un der plow plenty of stock water and range. Will divide laud. 10 per acre for Improved part. Kill acres, 7 miles east of Salem 80 acres in cultivation ."0 in pasture rest in young limber all under fence running water good. '.Iioiiko barn granary orchard s-ell stock If wanted. $27 per acre. 203 acres, 12 miles north wcsl of Salem on line between Polk and Yam hill counties excellent land and good neighborhood all under fence part summer-fallowed. Part payment down, balance' on time. $2'l s per acre. :t20 acres, 111 miles east of Salem, all fenced 2 good houses fair barn good orchard several springs on the place -guod roads to Salem. ,$110 per acre. 100 acres, 7 miles east of Salem well watered with barn and orchard. The land Is llnoly Mtuatcd and can bo divided into two places the road running on two sides one-half mile from railroad. ?25 per acre. 200 acres, 12 miles eatt of Salem excellent, improvements all In culti vation well watered anil llnely situated. $15 per acre. 85 acra: (10 acres in growing grain fair house and burn I acres meadow line joung orchard one-half mile from P. O. crop goes with place. Possession given at sale. Price $2,'J0(I. 0 acres, adjoining east Salem with house barn and orchard can bo divided into K-2 aero lots facing town lias a delightful view will be worth double present price kooii. $,'1,000. 850 acres, 15 miles from Salem !i00 acres in cultivation two Iidiihth and barns with orchard plenty of running water no better block and fanning land in iSIarion county all .fenced Is divided Into many llelds and pastures. A bargain for some one. Half down, balance on time to suit. $15 per acre. 075 acrcH, 8 inileH from Salem all under fence .'HO acres at ouu Ciinu un der plow line pasture land road along ono side can be divided lo suit purrtliiwor. One-half down, balance on longtime. $17 per acre. CO -acres, !l miles from Salem 1 acres In orchar.l 1 in garden 50 under plow iialuncc good pasture good limine and barn. A clianco fur some one wauling garden properly. 1,000. StDio and nlouli of merchandise with warehouse worth WOOD also residence if desired, HituatcU on u. ci i;. u. ic, goon loeaiion lor dusiiichs no letter grain section In the Willamette Valley. Good Iioubo wllh one-half aero of land, In North Salem near streetcar line when extended if sold booh. $S00. Half block Knt Snluin, on mill creekwllli good houcu and bam. Plenty of fruit $S2,0. Wf ott'or forlhotlr.it tlmo about 80 lotsjn A. K. Waller's addition lo WalCIII, ranging ill pruaJ UOlll f-'w in juii, iiiu iijuiuihi is mmi., uiiiui the hlg'icst jrroiiinl In KiHtSilum, overlooking Uiauiitlro city anil In plain view ii all IheStato Hulldlilgs with tho (J.iut and (JiiKoade Mountains in the dlHlaui-'c. while! HlTll castwi'iil loan up thrccever- JaHtingHiiow peaks, Prompt Attention Given to All Inquiries AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES, hj a CoiBjiltle Stwfrd llanlwa?e ani Farm MadiMry.Vagwsaml Caniagel SALEM, TIlANSrOKTATtON. TH-E YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Ami Orofimi Development comimiiy's otcnmohlp line. 'Ji'i mile! shorter, uu hours le.'stimotlmii hy nny othei loute. First class tliioiis.rh i:isem;er iiml rrclsht lino front rortliiml ami nil ikIiiIm In the Wil lamette vnllcv lo nnil from bun Frunclscu TIME SCHEDULE, (K.seept Hummys): Leave Alhnny 1:00 I'M Leave Cor-vullla 1:1(11'. M Arrive Yuqulna MM I'M l.euve niiilnn (HiAJI Leave t'orvnllls IftKAJI irie Albiiiy 11:10AM o. .. (.'. tinins eonnect hi Alhunv nnil 'oivi.llls. ihentmvi, toitiiH coiinect. at YAtJIUXA ,il 'lie Oregon Development (.')' Line .. ntir,islilpt between Yiupilnu nnil Hun i'..I.ClMMI. S.V1MS0 IIATKS. Sit V Minis. 1'llOM VAQUINA. WPIamette Valley Stmiliiy Apr. 'J.S Willamene Vnlioy Monday,. Muv (I illiimeile Valley, Tno-(lay " 11 nn: mi:i:s. kiiom san I'uakcisc-o 'll..in ,'t:e Valley 'Iluinlay, Mnv '! i liiiiuetie V.illey 1-riitnV " to "lniiii'lt" Valley. Sattirilny, " IS I i-s eompiin. leserves the rijjht to eaaiij-'e Mining nates witlimil notice. N. it. I'iiiiunirei-- Irom l'ortliiml anil all Willamette Valley polnt.s enn make eloe iMiiueetlnn with the tnilns of tho YAOl INA lUnrrKat Alhnny orCorvnlllii, ml if tlestlueil to Sun l'"ranelseo, should iitriiiipMoiinUoiit Yinitilnn tho cvenlni; belbie date of sallliijj. I'liniRfr nml I'li'lgld Hales Alw.ivs (he IjiimcsI. For liilonaatlon apply to Messis lU'l.MAN & l'o., Freight nnd Ticket Ahci h '.M0 mill IXti Front si., l'ortland, Or. or to lil' llOOUK, Ae't Oen'l lVt. .t Fuss. tni., Oregon l'aelllelt. It. Co. Corvallls. Or. (1 II. HAHWKlil,,Jr. Oen'l Frt; .t l'uss. AkI. Oieiron Dnvclopincnt Co., IX) I Montjiomery M.; .Sim FruncKeo, Cul' TUIK TAltLK ltlVKU DIVISION. Theelesuntly equipped sleainhonts, Win M. lloiu;, dipt. (Ico. Haiiho; Iho Is'. S. Ilentley, dpi. ..:i Coulter; the Three Sisters, i 'apl. W. I .hori; me In senlec for pa--en(,'ei'(ind irelLht trutllo tietween Coi'vallisand I'oi'tlnml and iiileiiooilliitu tmttllu mnlHmr lli.rti i.f.intil ( I-. ........ ............ ....v ......... ii. ,.,- viiii wt'i'ii ns ieikims: NUliTil UOU.N'P-f.eives Corvallls Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at. S a. in. Arrives at Siileni Monil'iy, ednesdiiy nnd Friday nt!) p. in. Leaves Salem Tnesdnv, 'J'liiirMlny niulsntiiriliiy at (la. m. Arrives at l'.ntliindTiie dtfy, Tliui-.dny and Suttir dayst :l:"0ii. in. "uiicji Jioi All Leaves l'orllaml .Mon day, Weilnesilny and Fiiilny at (I a. in. Arrives at Salem Monday, wcdncsduvniid l-'rliliiv ill 7:l."i p. m. Leaves Salem Tnes- .III,. 'I'll II Koilll, .1,1.1 (J.I , ...1.. .. ..I f! .. ... tiiij. i iiiiiuiik i, in. i'ii .in mi, ,t, ii it, nt, Ai rives at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursdaj Siiturday at ".::() p. in. For froluht and pnssenser rates apply to the eaptalns and parsers of Iho respective limits, or to W. M. DiiiIIiik, iiKeiit, LW and at! Front stieel. 1'ortlnnd; tllllieit llros. agents, Salem; I. SI, Aclnlr, iibciiI, Alhnny v.. i. .(iiiicr, iiucni, v orvanis; or iniiie Ken oral iVeltilit and passeiiKeriiKenl. Corvallls (). A- O. trains connect at Alhany nnil Corvalln; ml I.' ( linll'i.'C tj I i . i' . iiiiiuii I-,.-,, niiin'i lllil'lllirilL. Win. IlOAO.deneial Manager. nA VI .VIA Dili Soiillmni Pacific Company's Line, THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. lime Itet ween Snlini nml S.in l'r.iiiclsi 'I Ii I it j -six lluiirs, OAiaroitNiA i:ximiis tuaik utrKDAir.t llllTWI.-HK I'OUTJ.Al'l! ANIIH. 1 "S.nTirr I "Z' T""lN""rt1i." l:U)p. m. Lv. I'orllaiTir Ar. "i0:ir,u, m. 11:11 p. m. I Lv. Salem :.v. I 7:Bln. in, 7: Fm. in. I A r. San Fran. Lv. 7:l)0p. in, l.DCAT. AHSKNIIIl'lP'riiAIN ( liAU.V-KX. l)l!l'T Hl'NllAV). silKnTrniTT Lv, I'orllTind AFriliTft VrTiT, 11:10 11. in Lv Salem Lv. f 12:62 p. m. &I0 p. in. Ar. Kngeiio Lv. li:txl n. in, I'DUiMAN MM SIOTIillS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For iiccoinnioili.lloii ot neeouil class piihKciiKi'ix iitlnehed lo cpiois trains, ThoS. 1', eompi'iiy's ferry makes con iieellon with ill tho regular irauiN on th Haft fliiio Dlvlnlon Ironi lootol F streo l'ortland. Vcsl SItIo Division, Ilclwcen Porllaml ll.MI.V (i:xt'ia"r Hll.NDAY). ibTiTi'n". rLvP'I'iiftiand"" Ar. I ;20 p. in, !2:' 1,,-,I1' Mi'. Corvallls Lv. I liiiUji. in. At AllmiyTiifil"l.,(rv"aIIIS-eomie(:t with iralimof OiiKOii 1'aellle Itallroud. 'Hii'oubIi tickets to ull points wiuth and eiisl via (Jallonilu iisi'UMH'ntAjN (iiaii.v nxriiersijsiiAY.) l:B0'p.in7 L'vr I'liiilamr AVri'lhOOii, in. ;00 p. Ill, I Ai.Mu,Mlniivllli'Lv. I fi:l.in. in. Through Tickets To nil poll Is .SOUTH ami KAST VIA California. 1'iir lull information rcfiiii'ilim; rates, miipA, nU'., apply to Hid Cimipany'H neent, .Salem, onwni. K. 1 lUUlKIIH, Asst. (1. F. uiul 1'iu.s.AK't. (t. KOKULHIt, Mauuuur. Oregon Ikiilway anil Navigation COMPANY. Columbia River Route.' WILMS & ClIAMBERMN UlI.. liui'SK BLOCK, COITIT ST., Orkgon. i'niliiK foitho unit l(nvul'nrtliili(lnl7:lli in and 8 p in dally. Tie (Is to mid from principal ixilntti In tin Called. Stales, Lm. adu and iMHopv. ELEGANT PULMANN PAL'.C CARS Kmlyituit Hleeplut; Caw run lliroug'-'ion oxprehH tu Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL 1IM IT 11 11(1 BT. I'AUl Frep of Cluirgo ami Wit ou Cliange. Couaeelliaiu at l'ortland for San Frar. eifccxi ami I'uuut Hound points. For liuthcr paitlciiliirs iiiiniiru or J. A. MuiiiiIuu, iiyeiit of tho company, 2M& Commerilul street. Kk'in l leeoii, ui A. K Muxwcll, u. I. & T, rortluuil Oreijou. A. L. MAXWELL, O, V, &'V A Hi H0LC0MB GeLurul Macmjcr, w :