Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 25, 1889, Image 4

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the cirrriL jobrhl
Onnyrairliymnll- ,,
Hlx muntlit by iimll ,
Thrf-o monihi by niiiil ---
I'or Hcok, ilillvcr'il liyoirrliT
.... jsi rj)
Klx mimtlit liy nmll.--
One jciir.lf ilil In advance..-..
HI. iiionlliK.ir hiIiI Itinihiintc.
... 1 m
... m
I'or nd vcrllnlng rates n)ily t Ihlnollcf.
who do not wfiiru tliclr !lcr regularly
Mill notify HilKoflliP.lvliigin1lrcitK,nii.l
Ofllcn, rornrr Court nli'l I.llcrty Hlici'tt.
Tliri'ii " rrlotii'i-.
'Hie itciilleiiliniy i"""' lnw '"
lined within llHgrlm wiiIIh it;on
vlelH. 'J'luw m.i time inlilltioiiH
toliio rosier .v-Hloiliiy: I'M. Drif-oll,
two yearn, Cliiii'Ii-H Muriiti, throe
year', mill Urn i While, two yearn,
all fiiiin I'orlliiiiil.
I ItlllK t'l III!" Mil"'".
'I'liu telephono linen I" 1,K' '""J'
ar.1 Ih'Iiik llxod up ami will soon I u
oiiee more in k,mI running onlcr.
Baloin ran ami will Mi-taln a koo1
telephone HVHti'in, liul whim I In
line work" iiiiHiillslnilnril.v, as it han
done for tin-pant few nionlli-, the
jmtroiH lioeonie iII"kiimIhI.
lint Until wily Hit ml.
HollMHI BlltIT, While ill I'oltlllllll
yolerdny, ordered n eimilcte net ol
lilHtriifnentH for Hie hnit huiiil ie-
. contly organized at llie rnlwrnlly.
It will COIInM of tllll'Ul'll pliiic,
Inehidln the drum. 'I'lie int-lru-jiitiiitKnrci'Xpeuloil
heie to morrow,
after wlileh time fop Mime weeks
Rail-in in till nilflilioihooil of (he
college will wear eot (on in I heir erne.
n Siirli'ly I'ngr.
TheCu-riAi. Joiit.s.w. ilevoten a
p.ige oiioh .Saturday to the recording
ofuventH in Miclety. ThNlmi pcrma
lielil feature or the paper and proiii;
Im-h to add much Intercut to the niti
ally well tilled iicwh coIuiiiiih. If
you know of any nodal items fall
not at your peril to icpoit to thin
olllie. The Mielely page Saturday
(of tills week) will contain a com
pk-lo leport of the Social CluhV hall
liiht night, unwell an many other
purlieu and lean given dining the
week. ,
A Ijiiiury of riii'iHiiiil Monr.
Frank Wood of Allmuy Inn a
HloniMiiiarry on the Santlani that
will prove a gold mine. The Al
hauy DemoeratH wiyn wmiplen of
this ntono were placed in the furnace
at the lion woikrt and left for forty
iiilmitor, when they were dumped
out and a ulrcani of water thrown
on them. They weio not aU'eetid
In the leant hy the heat. This
proves them capahle of umi for any
piirpiiMilu which theie will he a
gieat heat, and will eventually glvo
thuMunua reputation of wide ex
tent. Aiming 'I In. limit.
The Three Sisters and Champion
ramu down yesterday evening. 'I'lie
Champion had the misfortune to
have a nmall hole stove In her plow
at what Is known as Hog creek,
near Corvallls. She was not delayed
hy tliu accident, however, and the
damage will not amount to much.
The I'nltcit States snag hout Cor
vallls Is tied up at the Trade Mi eot
hook wticie ho Is Having Mime
needed repairs made about her ma-'
ohlnery. She has been up above
Corvallls for some time lemovliig
snags fni.ii the liver, but since the
rise In the liver It has been hard for
them todo much.
Ililil fur iln (ii'itml Jur.i.
The case of the state of Oiegou vs.
Holvit Krebtt, elmrjjed with mall,
(iliuisly killing a valuable doy owned
by ,1. .Mas-soy near Itrool.s, ms iieoii
In healing befoio Justice Chase
Mtieo yoMorday and at ten o'clock
this morning a dccUlmi was render
ed binding luvbnover to await the
action of the grand Jury in f.",u
nouui. Hoiiitit wore niomntlv olven
and the defendant will
. . . i
lest usv
will bo
until Sattuday when he
I, .,..,. I ,. ., .
...... .... ..,. ,.., in, me seooiiu
elmrgeof eairyliitf .vnuHihsl
ons. The trlaloverthodiiL' un. mi
r" " )
liiluntrtlngono. Kvldoiieo was nni.,
iln....l l.v . in. kl.l.. ii.... i... .i '
v -"" ' in" ii", "s
valuable, while the other pmed
that he wasawivrihloevsouraud whs
always nuiUstluB muneoiio.
A I'miiiUil. ni i,iini..tii).
i nuuaiul of MtKs4 of uilv
vortlslini :
nmltoraieMi.Kw,oulat.'.lthnuuli ii ' i . l' ' . u ,,IHU,V, w',l
out theniM and nonh llini . r'' V""1 "'i ""ll XV' f.xnt ornm',trl yeMordy at MoMluvllIe
t..tlo.,.o,hev.,ln.,lln le!,!UU,,l,fi,,: "T "TT ! "." 1$ '!T " " Wttrn,Mt
Oallfornl. and Kmihe n Tu US lw!T? "",", !' high , o mi-glng ,, ,h the mjw of Alice
cuiniuiiiy, with licmlipmrtcni at flu
.... . i
ivuimii Hint a man nanusl Whet,
tone uiuiwjfiT. In tuct nwny of
hs,ielivukn. lied their way toOre
gou. I n m much thin Mine uom.
mny gullet tuiMKvnt kiHwiiUtun '
who made ,,relmM, ,rf ,i, at M I
Andrew H.y, Kl-rtil,. "?l !
Kiiin, IVd.Jt iiwv U Mkvii iw a '
1 J WUaU"' w" " 'drty v. down a Mario., Mrvvt.
,Nnni:ic roitontv.
. ... ,
Wills .loi-itmi ""'I .lurk Miircnn Wrh
r.iw.,i or.i.r .. o. w. J..nii.n.
r i.. ........i.,., wiiIIh Jordan
Mlii f.imoiis) and Jack Morgan, Ills
chum, arrived in .Salem from near
Kola, where they had been working
for UonJ. Huydeii, .Sr. .'( sooner
had they arrived than they proceed
ed to the clothing store of G. W.
Johnson, where they began to lay in
quite a i) lee little supply ofeloth-
I'lg- ,
This they paid for by an ordcr'ou,
Mr. Johnson, elgneil by their em
ployer, Jienj. Hayden. Suspleion
was aroused .and inquiries made,
when the order was discovered to Iks
a forgery. . ,. '
Tlio matter was at once placed 1)0-
foro the authorities but the boys had
llown. Yesterday morning Marshal
I loss and Sam Hayden, having'
learned that the boys had made for
Ala 'ii, Marled in pursuit of them,
a -mod with a warrant,
q'he boys were found as expected
over on the ANcu and at noon the
olllcor returned witli them to the
city. Theboysaie now in jail pen
ding examination, which will be
! inducted to-morrow.
When seen by a repoiter this
u.vcnliip .Mr. Johnson refused to be
iiiurvicwed, saying he referred to
Woit imlil after tin preliminary.
It was, therefore, impossible to learn
fir what amount the forgery was
accomplished. It is thought It eall-
I for two full suits of clothes.
I'toni IIIiIit UVIili.
ThuJoriiNAb is ill receipt of a
communication from Klder J. W.
Webb, lie writes from his xiiuny
siiitliern honie near Fresno and
si.s: "Our daughter M.io has
Just safely arrived from Salem alter
a pleasant trip of two ilays, anil con
linns your reports of the wonderful
progress and Improvements in the
capital city. She btings kindly
messages of remembrance from so
many fi lends that it makes one
long'to be back. I.ate rains have
postponed the ncccssltyof litigation,
tint that will come later. .Mulberries,
which are put out for shade trees,
arc ripening, rsiiawoeuies nun
are no wild ones) are in market,
and blackberries aiv blooming. Wo
aiu already cooking green apticots,
some of which will be ripe in less
than a month. Uipo oheiries were
In the San Francisco market two
weeks ago. Apricots and peaches
promise large crops this year." In
speaking oft ho pi ogress of the coun
ty, he says: "While the Immigra
tion from t lu east is now almost en-
tlielv to Oregon and Washington
and there are no booms in California
Mils section is steadily progressing."
'I lii Stunt' (Hl Stun..
Nearly all of the do.eus upon
doens of Kaslernors who send for
samples of tin; Capital Joitiinai.
append to their requests a passage
something likethls: "I am anxious
to gain all the information lean of
Oregon, as 1 am bound lor your
state sometime tills summer." An
other says: ".My Intention is to
locate in your county and would
like to hearsoiiio news In advance."
Anether: "As we contemplate vis
iting Oregon with the view of
establishing a home, we would like
to learn mote of your resources audi
eHuiato." These extracts are taken
fm"1 the letters received yesterday
1'hey go to show that Salem Is be
coming known throughout the East
that people are looking to it as
their prospective homes. The pro
gloss oanuot but bo groat within the
next few years, linniignitiou is
certain to come, as this valley is
the garden spot.
A I'll mill n Kl'imwiij,
Chailey Smith, who lives near
Salem, had a runaway this morning
whloh oaino near piovlug fatal.
Smith is a teamster and Is subject to
I occasional onllcidie fits. Tlusniorn
lug ho was . muling rook from the
iiinii-rv nlxiiii mil,. ...mill .a ,,..
'i "'
About eleven o'clock he started fori
town with his empty wagon and!
i had not proeceded far on his wavl
weap-llvforo ho was taken with a tit null
i-.ai ..... t(. ..t.a.... l .... .i... i... a.-... i
ivu wit int, i vi. urn nil lliu Pltlin MM III
in tlm w.i...m I....1. aii .i.i.....or...
. ..
on uio team came on to inoiitv, no
one having noticed that they 'were
without a driver. After crivsMng the
iMvcrcd bridge thev jogged otrinto a
tmt and by the time thov ivciuIuhI
K.nP stable their s.wssl ,m,ir.v.i..-i
.. .-.it.... m .1... ......
" "". i"i ii iiii'i
wagDii after llioin. It ixune to a ,
Midden Mop. The runaway was
ovorand the 'hoivos won wiptund.
Smith iv"ovoim1 iMiiselmtsiuvvs after
will..'.!, i itiir v.'i.tv. itt.t.l.l.. ... ....11 ....
.. 1...IW-... I ........ ..
7 , V , 7Mn,10
r T J1 lMl!W ft ,,U,,,lU,r w ,1,l,h "
f ",0 U,'H ,u W""H-
.. ,.T,
I'l'RniiY I'EKSU.V.U
, Ilov. Hollin is visiting Portland
-It. liannon went to I'ortlaml
this morning.
. It. Gaylord went to Corvallls
tills morning.
J5. F. Tnpp of Oakland was in
the city to-day.
.Miss Frankic. Tones returned to
Portland this evening.
Scott JJo.orth returned from
Portland this morning.
'Woodburn's postmaster was a
viMtorln the city to-day.
Judge Thayer and wife departed
for Portland this evening.
Kx-Goyernor Chadwick return
ed last evening from Seattle.
Hew M. Wire returned this
morning from a short visit to Port
land. E. P. Thompson, of the llsli
commission, was up from Portland
last evening.
Hew P. S. Kniuht went to
Portland this evening and will le
turn to-morrow.
K. !:. Cooperof Corvallls arrived
in the city this evening and will re
main until Monday.
Mrs. Jtiley and -Mrs. Geo. Poaree
departed via thisnioriiing's train for
u short visit to the Sound.
C. II. Light in rived in Salem to
day from Wilcox. Nebraska, and
thinks seriously of locating here.
G. W. Lytic of Portland and T.
C. Hyde of Hakor City have been
appointed notaries public by the gov
ernor. Maj. F. K Hodgkins 'eft for San
Francisco last evening, expecting
to be abeiit about live or
six weeks.
.Mrs. Harrington, daughter or
Col. Harrington, came up from
Portland last evening and is the
guest of Mrs. W. II. Hoggs.
C. W. Johnson, now of Seattle,
was in the city to-day visiting his
father. He loft this morning for
.Solo. .Mr. Johnson is connected in
the real estate business at Seattle.
K. C. and Hal Patlou returned
to the Illsho,-; Scott academy at
Portland to-day to resume their
duties after spending the. Faster
holiday here.
For your Paints, Oils, etc., go to
(lilbeit .V Patterson's.
d-lf J
Painless dental operationsat Dr.
T ( Smith's, iti State street.
The Salem iron foundry gives
employment regulaily to no less
than twenty men.
Corvallls is at tin: bottom of the
ladder, wheat bringing only sixty
cents theie.
Postmasters are authorized to
observe customary holiday liouison
April SOtli.
"What is infidelity."' is (lie sub
ject at the Unitarian church next
Sabbath evening. Orchestra pres
ent. The scholars of the deaf mute
school are leaving the city to-day
for their several lioiney, where they
will enjoy a vacation until next
strawberries, fresh from Callfor-
nla, are to bo had ii the Salem mar
ket at li'i cents per box. Wild ones
are ripening rapidly. Already those
who search for them are rewarded
This Issue of the Capitai. Joint
xai. will roach the homos of many
who are not subscribers. To nil such
a pressing solicitation Is made. Try
the Joi'iSN.w. fora month at least.
It gives all the news and Is a paper
that should bo In every homo. I
I have the llnest half block in
North Salem, with a good orchard of '
twenty-four trees lust in thoiriiilme. '
on the right side of the road for dust, j iaUiiig a wagon road to It so the
all well fenced, and will sell for' lKirt' ,,w"'g it can take in u mill to
fliVitllf sold In the next ten days. i'nih the ore. H will reqtilro con-
Wvi.u: A. Moouks, jxlderablo labor to accomplish this
Uil M..... .t..i .... . IIS tilt. I'.. 1 ,iliitlf iti-iili.. ...II.... ...
'i vmniiiureiai suvci,
-ll,ow " m.v people whoj
"ome to Oregon, stay a few months!
!"'' return to their old homo, and
tell nil tlu.tr fi.t.lil w.i-w ..r ........ a .a.i '
" '" .
0lvK,"l!,,u lw 'hoap Squliv Farnir
",f ShU,1u "o11s ,,l'h,,!'rtsS groceries,
'Vhv lH1"1,U' k,,ow u 0,Hl 'try
' '"" uw . ami alter a Miort
,ll,H' trcion Is their hoiuo.
ii i. . ,.
"""fci .'it.iv.i -u, ii mi vimr, w uen
slie wa 15 years old, and working!
l 1 ..' family. The warmut i
was lsuoi by JuMuv Chao of thl.
city. Hxs waived oxamiimtl.n. I
I It..... M......). .... ... I.. ....
'""" " wrmnm
,. ' Urtt "" llxWn ,0"
the work of extending the Coin-
I!-i;!ini-it:il Onion
General orders are till- I'
fron,headnuartcrs.ccond Kegnnent
v ,, ., .,1, Pnt T C Smith
O. . 0., at .Salem, Col. 1. 1 . -mm
commanding, George JJuriiptt, Hr. t
IlimtPiifiiir. nniladlutallt. Hi tnoc
orders the Second Hoghncnt Infan
try, including stair and band is or
dered to proceed to Portland, to
take part in the celebration on the
;;Oth inst. of the centennial anniver
sary of the Inauguration of George
Washington, aslirst president of the
Tliiitnd States. Companies A, H, C,
F and I, and the regimental baud .
will take the train on the .'iOth inst.,
on the East side division of the O. &
C.,soas to arrive in Portland at 10:4")
a. in. They will report to the col
onel coniin Hiding on the arrival of
the train at Salem. Company K
will take the afternoon train of the
2Uth inst., on the West division, ntid
proceed direct to Portland.
Miirr's I'lL-llmlnury,
Frank Starr is being given a pre
liminary examination this afternoon
before Justice Goodell. The com
plainant Is George Schinimerhorn,
who works on a ranch about twelve
miles south of Salem. Starr is
charged with having "held out" the
better part of .a ?20 gold piece
given him by Schiinnierhorn with
which to pay certain bets he of the
long name had made on certain
games nj the Capital saloon. As
Sehiniinorhoni was protty well under
the Influence of bad liquor it is more
than likely lie had Starr bet the
money fur him. Of course lie lost.
There are several witnesses to ex
amine and the preliminary examin
ation will continue several hours
The time is not far distant when
all of the public domain worth tak
ing will be gone.
We learn from a reliable source
that the O. P. will resume operation
on their route as soon as the weather
will permit.
Phil Morris of Melianm sold his
farm to Mr. Wilcox of Mill City and
took in part payment a house and
lot in Mill City.
Immigrants arc pouting into the
mountains looking for claims. Sev
eral claims have been taken lately,
and still they come.
The new church in Meliaina is
Hearing completion. J t promises to
be a good structure, biifllciently
large to accommodate all church go-
ing people in the vicinity.
The wool growers are all speculat
ing on the probable price of wool
this season. There will be a very
heavy clip lieio. Sheep having
wintered well, the promise is for an
unusually large average this season.
Joseph 1'ains, well known in Sa
lem, is lying dangerously ill at E.
Cox's on the the little North Fork
of the Santiain. His sickness is
caused by the non-action of the
lioait. So s;tys Dr. Pratt, who is lit
attendance. There is verj little
hope of his recovery.
How about the drouth do the
tillers of the soil still think we need
rain: iiantons ami grain never
looked better at this season of the
year; most all ranchers have early
vegetables large enough for use, and
the grass on the range is splendid.
mock is lattemng ami everyone is
pleased with the prospects of good
crops and gardens and plenty of fat
stock for the market this fall.
The mining excitement Is boom
ing. Nearly every rancher in the
mountains has a lead located some
where. Let lis hope they will all
Mi Ike It rich. There has boon a
now lead found on Hold crook seven
miles above the Capital, on the
little Ninth Fork, by some one in
'eni (wo did not loaru his liamo)
,,1Hl 1" thought to be the bonanza of
,ho mountains. There Is talk of
......... ...... muis m
Oregon House!
: Corner Mill and Summer Sts .
'',,V,!,u,W"1 fonnorly inxuiploil liy tlio!
lliKiultni; Unit lm lieonjIii.rmiKhlv
;vii..m.-,li)iilr.jitUHlamtl now oncncU
It. I II A ........Mil ..i.Kll.u . I
' ..... J!........,
inmni Hr nirl. .v
Ihwril mill l.httrinic jwr ibiy "" '."ji a
lUwriUiKt kklcmi; ikt mik i iu
l(j l ami mun ilit.
II. J. tiltAlU', I'mnrMor.
New Butcher Shop
No, 216 Commercial Street
.'illw !,uw '. "' they" hi lK
)4iwl u vr iho hiiIo with the
i ll li BST ano ntr MIUTS
tlf -ttl L m 1 tli4 tiii. ... .t... .. ...
1...-1 ....;,r..V.v.'"r,r'i"'jrav
uir urhy- uf tlwtr inmt
-UiviU allrrst lht
ii m r i ii
Conio imtl soo wlml avo
only looking at tl.eceuntry:
will show you around.
ie Oiwi m
with its principal ofllce in
Salem, the Beautiful
"...,'" ".'.'. Yt,..i.i....,i
And branch olliccd in runi-iiy-' u.. ""."," r , the
unpigcd in Mlling Fanning, Stock and J- J"""8. J1 "c
Willamette Valley, and city property n Sn le and A ba i; .
We make a specialty of Hinall tracts for ft "' BJ"! '3
i ., .. ,...,! rMml.o Riinmins. After May Jstwcwm
"" The Tt s cadinon tltc business center of the city to
tliisa IdiUon ha been graded in such a manner as to inuke
them much superior to any other streets in the city, and tut
Street Car Line
to it is in course of construction and will soon be in "Pfration
direct to the center of the addition. Tins addition is high
and sliulilly overlooking the city and having a beautiful Ii.
of the Cascade Mountains. It is only a short distance tioin
the Fair Ground Station, with which it will be connected b
the street ear line. Juit north of the addition is
the larger and by far the most beautiful park about Salem. A
wide and well graded avenue (Highland a vc.) leads from the
city to the Park and constitutes the nicest and best suburban
carriage drive in or about the city, or in Oregon.
Tbe.e lots will be offered.nt prices ranging from 5-200 to
?:;r,0, or about $1000 less than residence lots within thcoriginal
city limits. The interest on the dillerence of prices will each
year pay for
2500 Trips on the Street Car Line!
The location is far more pleasant and values will increase
much moie rapidly than closer in. Several residences will be
erected at once and occupied by purchasers, and if history
repeats itself as it is said to do, one year from now will see this
Audition the favorite rcsidenco portion of the city, as in all
other cities the residence portion lias been determined by con
venient linos of travel.
From New York and Cliicaio rl
And triniiiilnj's of all kinds to match in Persian trim- r i
niings, Plaid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes,
etc., etc.
Full ami Complete Lines of Embroideries and
Laces in All Widths.
Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel
ties in Scarfs,
Curtains, Poles, Portiers.
fioodsA fllU "ml lnu,l,letc stocU of Me' Furnishing
No. 230 Corner State and Commercial Sfrppfs.
New Harness and Saddle Store.
Everything Warrant to le as Represented
Hp-mMhs Neatly Done.
io. Ol Court Stroot. aniem.
Ir.WlteyUaeenili.m.innr i..u .
to Oregon !
can offer you. Arc you
Como and see us and wt
Canitnl City of Oregon
A.I.IIMn t.i Snlnni.
In North Salem
fel ""l!.lotr Marion and
fr ... c i ,B; c?,ra ,arm wgUt miles
"ore j four l.u,,d.d acres eleven
Ho east of Salem, one'f the bc
.....r .vt-v i AT.TiATOY. and Is
Ilnvo moved to 47 and 49 State 8tfM1
wlicro they ure now ready for work jfft
our old patrons nnd friends are Invited 1
call Hiid bco us In our new location iff
nro better prepared for work now lh.
ever having Beeurcd moro room. lM-tj"
J Dlncksinith, litis removed his Bhon (5
comer of Commercial and Chemekete Bu
where ho Is ready to servo the public. H
IneassoclatcdWIth him Mr. 11. liannon ii
experienced wngon-maker recently fAjJ
lV,lntrl hn Im 1KIW Tirnnnrr..! Uti - .."
ever to do all kinds of iigon and carrSi?
making and repairing; all klndi of blS.
Htnlthlng nnd rcpnlnne. and a reneSi
horseshoeing business. Ho has air kind,
of shoes.stecl.trottlng, hand made, etc. am!
fits them in a sclent ifio manner. Hpeehi
attention given to tho construction orwir
ons and carriages. Hemember the Dli"
opposite Slato Inauranco building. '
-: -E. S. Lamport.-:-
289 Commercial Street.
1 1 R LAMPORT has Just received a Am I
ncsses. He always carries
Ol saddles, whips, and everything perUij, tl
ins i mi" i'i "iiaiuuMB in mo suue. tmu
sldo of Portland; ' ,
Repal ring done wit h neatness and dispatch
No. H03 Commercial Street,
Plumbing Gas and Steam Filling.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty,
B3-Agent for the RICHARDSON
Can furnish cither Mcsqulte or a mlitnrt
of Mlsquite and Lincoln grass .'on ttnni
that will allow you to seed down your
farms at a cost of from CO to 90o per ,
Address." - T.C.JORT,
w2m d2w Hox 91, Salem, Of.
y...v....o ill lliv DU1W. JV,"W. . ill.
'ortland. Largest stock Legal Blanu u
luiuuuu, largest, hiock ijegai ""?.
price list of Job printing, and caUlowea
legal blanks. E. M. WAITE,
. Steam Printer Salem Oregon.
Only Genuine System of Memory Tralntaf.
Four Books Learned In one reading. .
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly lnntV
Great InducemenU to corresponded ,
Classes. , ,
, Prospectus, with opinions ofl)r.ftr
liammona, the world-famed Bpepwj". -Mind
Diseases, Daulel Greenleaf TboBf
son, the great Psychologist. J. M. Buw
Oall and See
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
State Insurance Building, V0'.?? I
merclal and Chemekete dtreeu. l ,
Proprietor of
Sak Steam bmi
Orders leR at StelnergroerrM,,
will rtt-elve prompt attention
Oeorgo II. Hayes lias been ?$
ecUl ugeut tor the above UIJS
nay washing left with hint wlU be prow
ty attended to.
., , ... , ,. -.,limnj,m ri,illt -
A M'rlwi reasonable, nnd W5 1"