Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 25, 1889, Image 2

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    tiie capital EYEyryg JOURNAL.
jiv niK
Capilal Journal Publishing Company.
afe. ilncorjMiral'Ml.)
faMrr' -WliC i-xiofilcc ill Halcm,Or.,iiH
ffSrSiEfe ci"M "",lt,'r'
FtJmaKtK" tor N1""" "f l"Tl-
tj.o KiinV iMyMl.o.ilil be handed In by 1
" llmivlKiiMlf-iit-'- miiliilliliis new; "f I";
'''No "u!'ml"!nlll I." l-al'l l nt.-.i.yinoti
"'"I'il'clincn nimilHTu M-nt fii.-onappllni
lI'oiilcf, fVirii-r Courl iuil I.HM-ny Hli tn.
T1IUH8DAY, AI'llll. 1, IH8.
Ilin ;iiitiiiii' I'rinlii '"''
of ltn- IliiiUKtllotloti or H-H1H' WiihIiIiibUjii
in. Ilimiiri-.lrti-.it of lln- l-nlf'l Htntwwlll
ooenrim the nfilhcliiy f April, Anno Dimi-
Inl, IWfl, wlil.lKl.iy In" I'"" Mll'iH'y
iiiinctoriiiii iim ii win ml ln.M.ty n.r
till' people of tli' lioli' nmiilfJ :
Now tlii'iiforr, I, hvUii.li IMmojir,
governor of Ore ... "' MHui.-of tliomi
Itinnty itinTirn 1 ill""' ni'-'O ilicuiiiMlln.
tloii of tin-Hlnli-, "I" l.e.iliv .1. .Inn' tin-nfon-Ki.ld
T11.wl.1y, April :lli, lWi, lo I..-..
n,m. Imll.liiV! mill I llolllllll-lllllllll xli'ill
lie ihmiIimt cil b.t the kihmI miiI'oI till"
c-oii.iimi.wci.1lli. Ami. Iim..iii.iiIi n '"
lli.pri-vlvi'in-1 of liiiiiiciir.illoti, which nc
C'llrll'lllll IHHIII, Wllf pllll'll.ll 1.1 llo'clo'l!
In Hi.' morning hy p. ij.'i hi nil I hi
clmrcliuH ol I In- illy, l"P iin.1V lid u-ixu
llKMI Ih.i KOMTIII.Il'Ml lo l-iii-ln ili-it, I
MHll(lfllllhlTlflll'l.'ll"lM iI.iiimM.ini ct.
11 worthy uviiiil'l'-. '.I"' pi"(-r "li"H ll1'
Ill-Ill III llllHMlVl-k I" Hi" IIHll-ll'.lllCofHIK ll
holhl.ty Iniill.iiir.-li.ii.lii-Hioth.-.li.l H- it
llinlil(lmfr " "I i" 'v '" "'.ii.iir.-.l l.
our govcrnim-m To. nil jl.-n- 1" ivMtu-i
M-lion-of, I h.K'i-l.'H'i'i.l" -it i-.yl dnnd
i-jiiimkI tlii''.il ' ' ' ' '' "'
IIiIuKUImI.i of April V 1' If--'
kyia 1 in:,i i'i:'N'. 1:1:
A IH.SCI'SHJOX (IH lo lllU licightll of'
trees in tlit; fon-HlH (if Victoria Iiuh
elicited from JJaron von Mudlcr, j
the government Ixttnulit, the state-!
tnent Unit lie Haw one of a hclglilh I
ofoWftel. Tlielale chief inspector
of forests tnesiHiired one fallen anil
found Unit It was iH-'i fi-et long.
A ni:v Invention to revent eol
IlNloiifi nt K'ti, confuting of a simill
jilale Ilxed at the elde or the vwcl,
has lieen very nuecess fully tried on
the Tlmnn-H. Klcctrlclty is the ac
tive agent. The approach of an
other vc-n-l i-atinH a bell to noiind,
and an indicating arrow shows Uie
iliicctloii whence it comes.
(lon'l Clical tlie Printer.
The innri who chiit the 1'rlntcr
Ontol one single cent,
Will never reach the Iiencnly land
Where ol.l KHJah went.
He'll never gain admittance there,
Hut lie by demons driven,
And made to loaf I1I1 time about
Outitde the gates of lieaM-n.
He'll never meet a plennnt face,
Or n-e one festive grin:
Jlli only chance forlmpiiliH-x"
Will ho almighty thin.
When nil other remedies fail, Ore- 1
L'on Kidney Tea comes to the iroiu
liKe a true, faithful friend. For Kid-
nevand urinary troubles, Mich as
pain in the hack, mucous and milky
dischargi-H, brick dust deposit in the
J urine, loss of appetite, weakness,
! and general debility, Oregon Kidney
Tea has no equal. It never fails
land being of purely vegetable com-
! position does not injure the system.
J .Sold by 1). W. Mathews.
It is estimated Unit there are 20,000
I more women in Washington than
Miin'h pioper business In this
world fulls mainly into three divi
sions first, to know U'cmsolvesand
the existing stateof tilings they liave
to do with; secondly, lo bo happy in
thi-iii-i-lv.-s and the existing state of
things; thirdly, to niei'd themselves
and tin-existing state of things, ns
far as cither uro iiuini-d or mend
able. .
'I'm: opium habit issnid to lie very
pievak-iit at Washington, especially
among society women. Thc'ciidlc-s
round ofballsaiid n-cejitiousdestroys
tliclr nervous systems, and in order
to obtain sUcpthey lcsort to opiates
of vai Ions kind", finally becom
ing couth iiii-.l opium ('iiuircrs and
ie.d. to s n-rillce evcri tiling fort lie
coveted drug.
' liiu-klen's Ariiira Salve.
The cat is generally di-liked by T.lt. )Cst Hllivc. j,, t10 wor,i Ur
ailoi-. but a cat will not lie thrown 'cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, 'all
oveibiLird. as Ibis would brinir a ! rheum, fever sore", tetter chapp'1'
- ' --' 1 1 . .1.111.1..
bund-., cliilblainv. corns and all skin
eiuptions, and positively cures piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect 'ati'-fael Ion, or money
refunded. 1'iice !!' cent per box.
For sale by Daniel .1. Fry, diujj-
Mis. Harrison shocks Washington
fasliionables by carrying her own
bundles lust as any "other sensible 1
woman does.
It wo wish lobe just judges ot all A1 aloy Uuit wlu .sl,ler eitlier
things, ltiisflrtierhuadeourMjlvcscu,)1K.r ,.' lwl.cci,,j js ,ade from
of this, that there is not one of us ,iu. WpiH.rdut and granulated zinc,
without fault. !
J'ortlaii(l,Ur., .January i!
This is a qiK-HlInn Unit him been
before the public since (be time
Unit bold, hadsclpelit lempted Kvc
III the garden. Tim same question
now ciiiiviilsis the mliiils of (lie
niaiiageiiii'iil of this paper. Why'.'
Yes, whv cannot sevcial liuinleied
names bv aildcil lo the daily INts ol
the Capital Jot ii.nai.".
Theieare iiiany eltl.ens of S.dein
who should bo Milwrllicni l
It is a great mistake, ongoing to
tile In a new place, whether fora
IniU or short peiiod, to ruli too
-I'lideuly Into people's nuns, it N
. I'syl.i d.Ue people up, and mi
v -.,, dlliii- ill lo dr ip them. In
-t, vu'i 111. my pi (ipic will not bi
le, pped; they lll.il.e (hein-elvex so
it lively 1lls.1g1ee.1ble if ,viu try to
avoid (heir society that you must
perforce keep up a show of friend
ship, if nothing more; if they thiol;
ll.oicls anything to lie gained by
I ccpiug up your acquaintance, they
u ill lake care that you do not shun
tin 111.
Dally .In) its'At. but who do not
taku it.
To roach tins class is lite object of
tills art luli. Willi it is pioontod an
earnest solicitation to you to become
a subiorlbor.
The .lot tt.NAJ. to-day Is a boltei
paper and In a more prosperous con
dition (bun everhoforciu ilslilstoiy,
Now names me being added to the
lists each day, but our craving is to
add them morn rapidly. Wo mti-,1
buvo elteulatlou and to this cud
make this earnest solicitation.
A good many himihol sample
copies of tills issue me eiiciilntod
among those for whom this solleita-j
Hon Isdlieclly intended. Think of I
ll. Look the paper over caiol'ully
A ratal Sliuii'fiill.
In August,' 1871), in Whetstone
Uie 1 ton n-hlp, Craw foul county, Ohio,
one of the most singular fatalities on
iccoid occurred; David MKenthaler
was Instantly killed by an aerolite
weighing abotil (,0 pounds. The fol
lowing quotation Is from thelhieyius
.louriml, a paper published near the
scene of the dreadful eeeurieuce:
"As David Mlsent baler, the fa
mous stockman of Whetstone town
ship, was driving his cows to the
barn, about daylight tills morning,
lie was si ruck by an aerolite and
instantly killed. It appeals, as
if tlie stone come down from a di
leelloii a little west of south, and
fell obliquely at an angle of about
CO degiees. It llrst passed
through a tall maple tree staudine;
lieai-liy , cutting lis limbs as clean
The Wellington, Kan., elite held
a hemming soei.1l recently, at which j
the young men doing the best work
received a gold pen holder. I
Mis. Sarah .I. Hale, long time
editor of Oodey's Lady's Hook, was
the first woman in America to sus
tain herself by journalistic work.
The combination of sawdust and
Hour, or sawdust and .tmeli, some
times recommended for coveting
steam and hot air pipes, is very com
bustible. It was told to.Iekyll that one of
his friends, a biewer, had been j
drowned in his own vat. "Ah." he
ovM.ifntorl "M.iritw Id Ittti m.-.i ' lUlr
L.ll lllll ll III llll 11 I ll 111 I I I "I 111! II
wateiw bier.''
Adviuiinltc Ikkuii to nrotivt IUh- A leiitlenitui who ha I -u.Iereil
er.nen bv -Mug warning tooc-.m 5'Joat annoyance and p-iii. from 15ar-
. .1 . . 1 ... b.-rs Itch, and who Ik. 1 b en tiia-ed
steamers was rec.-mly tested oh , I)V , ,, ,Rt 1)hv.k.;ill)S , re.
Olotiecstcr, Mas-,., and w..rlu-d virv 1 liel, savstliat tvvo boltlis ofDul-ird's
satisfactorily. Hpeeilie etiied him and left his face
... ... 1 1 ,, , 1 perfectly smooth, without n scar. It
In a peiMinal adverlbe.nent n 1 Ju.Ver falMn akin iIImilw. Sold bv
a woman desctibes her niimvvay . D. W. Mathews.
husband as "an ordinary looking! ,', , ,,
...an, troubled with a short breath! M- I amilton was hi
and a long .....staehe." youngest cabinet olheer the country
, evei bail.
1 lie collection ol po-t.ige stamiis
made by tho late Duchess of (Jalli-
Huviiig a severe back ache la-st
.slimmer, J tried the Oregon Kidney
Tea, I U'-ed one can, vvliieh eilectcd
a radical euro. I would recommend
it to all who are aillieted as an un
failing remedy. Juur.s Acii.
Sold by D. W. Mathews.
J fieneral Oreely uses a blew pencil
to wute ins liurricuue prcdiutioiis.
Wright's Hop Celery mill rlintiimoinllo
Illllii.s a 11 liable ionic, aiipetlerand ape
rient. Invigorates the digestive 01 gins
and prevents dy-pepsla. ran he idled
upon. Sold hy II. W. Cox.
It has been decided by Judge
lirown.of the United States district
court, tli.it the device, "Patent ap-
1 for," ndordsiiok-g.il protection
wlir.ievei' to ihe inventor.
Over Capital National Bank,
Five iicro lots in tlie beautiful "Garden City addition to Snleni ," just oast of the city,
llcuiitiuil Garden, Fruit and Home sites! Call early and get your choice, 1 o ivlll sell
ciiv Jind suhurhan lots and farms of all descriptions.
Real Estate Agents.,
importers nnrt AVholcsule dealers In
11 and 4.") Walker St. .John I'. StrattonN
Celebrated Italian Gut Violin strliiR?, the
Kineitln tho World.
N.cr Jul
and favor ih with .votir naine anilasa eaiineii-liall would huvo done,
1111; it.vci: i-itiiiii.i: vi .
I'leslilent llnriKnn leielved a
deleKiitlon of Southern lepubliean-',
iiiuoiiK tlie nuinber helim .everal 1
VM'll known colored men. The del-1
Ration e. pi e-v-eil enllie approval of1
the piwidellt s solullon ot the
stilklii,' the 111:111 apparently JiM
under or on the riht shoulder,
pushing oblleipiely through bill
from the 1 ilit shoulder to just
above the left -hip, burying tlie
Hieater portion of his body un
der Itself about (wo feet deep In tho
soil eai lb. The mini's head and lei's
era is said to bo valued at .?:!.')(), 000.
It is contained in .'!,()00 albums and
is the finest collection in the world.
Cornwall, I-ai'land, sailors will
not walk nt night nlonj; portions of
the shore where there have been
wrecks, as they believe that the
souls of tlie drowned inhabit thine
Whoever would liye his life over
aicain that lie illicit live 11 betterlife
would do well to remember that lie
would do' no belter than he Is now
doillL'. If you want to beuriu over
nujiiin, behi now.
lOven Califoriii.ins seem to tire of
their perpetual sunshine. Tho ;
VKalia Delta reminks: "Dwellers
In San .innimin valley would like to
swap oil' n few sipiare leagues of
Italian sky for a little Oregon mist."
Hradstieet estimates that the in-.
crease In population which will be
A Woman's Uiscuvory.
"Another wonderful discovery ha
been made and that too by a lady in
this country. Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven
years she withstood its seve.'st tests,
but lur vital rans were under
mined and death seemed imminent.
For tlnce mouths she coughed inces
santly and could not .sleep. Sho
bought of iw a bottle of Dr. King's
New Di-covery for Consumption
and wasM) much relieved on taking
liist doMi that she slept all night
and with one bottle has been miracu
lously cuied. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Lut." Thus write V. C.
llamriek & Co., of Shelby, N. C
(let a. free trial bottle at Daniel .1.
Kry's diugstore.
Near Cheyenne. Wyoming, is a
lio.se farm of 120,000 acres, on
which areo.lKXl horses.
"I Don't Want Itelirf, lint Ciu-i',"
Im the exela. nation of thousands
sullering from catarrli. To all such
we say: Cata.rh can be cured bv
Dr. Sage's. Catarrh Henicdy. It lia's
been done in tboiis.-uuls of e.-wi.-
..1 1... .1 ,. , ...1 i .. .. . .
nuipiwi ii.v uiu i-eiisus 01 i.suu win lie ". "01 in youisv our danger is
tidily percent. This will, in round 11l,.(,L'l!,' Ieloseu stamp to Word's
Our Uiiiir.iiiU-f If u dealer ucelves a
(.-ninplalui, (vvlili h ho believes to bo honest)
Iro'm any lanslelan to whom lie 1ms hold
any ot these htiings, ho Is authorliced by
us to j;l5 him another string without
charge, and all sui-Ii lo- will be made good
by ns toonreiistomcis vvlthoutqiilbbluor
iiii--.tlnn. (Kuwait; ni Imitation.) Dealers
will pleiiso huntl lor (lcst-iiptlvc catalogue.
Tiail Mipplled at lowest price.
i OrtlUIUity LVUIIIIIg) npi.l .1
I Tlie Anne of Di-amafic Art !
I'n-cugcment of
Pii 11. mm
With their own supeib company of recog
nised lotlsts In l-'innk Harvey's Mas
terpiece, The l'owerlul Melodrama,
"Tlie fforlil Ajainsl Her."
New Scenery and Mechanical Effects
Seat- now on sale at I'.itton's book store
Prices "iOu and Si.
of toe largest
Uiactuates Students In
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
Jt is thcolde.t. lamest nntl lenst. ntnm.
hive Institution of learning In the Noith.
.seliool opens Hist Monday in September
Send for catalogue to
J'S Salem, Oregon.
If you do, call at tho
lnthoopeia house block,' where you can
get a good clean lncalnt any timeof day or
Tliis icstaurant is under new manage
ment and satisfaction is guaranteed. Kv
e:ythlng js In llist-el.iss shape.
Mr.nnd Mis. S. J-: HOWAUI),
Tho New Managers.
.000.000 POOP'' bellm tint It
t and most taliable uodml and tho im
Ferry's Seeds
largest Seedtmt
in the world,
For 1880
mil ba mailM fftff
to ail Jtrmllnanta ui
ttt lAJtt VA.r mtjim
without orderin It mUm.
toiKass,wr l aWHEssaa
in exmtnce. 'ihonldeendforlt AddnM
D. M. FERRY CO., Datrolf , Mleh.
KT'vv V- tirfta
S. ...r,. .,ii,i,... ,i ...1.1 ...... I,,v "'l"jii"'l. Tlii'Kioati-r portion ! Hlmniokin, l'a a Wo.-k lias stood for
' ' ,.f I.I , I....I.. I . I . .. ........o 1 I , ,..
II, ullils polit-.v-orappolntiiiK wl.llo ' ." ' "':, ', """. it inn
IJii-ponwii'V .Vied oal Association.
Uulliilo, N. V., for pamphlet on this
(iolden Modical Discovery purilics
llll.llllW.il wt .'.l.l.rtl...... ,1... 1... 1
In an old larinhoiiM; Miuu-t m-ar, invi"oratt-s the wlnuVsvaton..
numliers, jjlvo the country 11 popula
tion at that time of sixty-live millions.
men to llll olllivs la white dlHtilets,
aerolite, vvhleh isahout thesieof a
ui-oKiilluir ii.1oi.mI voters as far as, " wimmI.mi water-bueket and
pos.sll.lo llimiiKli the Xo.th a,Mj,,l'l,1,,,,V"nHiBiiioinnii..iHiiuiH.
those I.HMted In theS.uth hy Kol-' " "I'l"'"' "' otM'ouipo.st-uoi wiiat Is
tliiK tliini pnitloni in e.Miiitlve
depaiti.ieuls Instead of plaelnn
them vvlieie tht-v would he throw 11
In i-outaet witli thoc w ho hate
thorn tu Southern Mellon, was the
only line Niliitlou there was of (he
iteuera vea ed nvntt-s. of Imn .
What a Held for Ihe e.eiei.so of a
Hupeistitlouslniaj-luatlon! How-the
old Salem wlteh.whlppeis would
have k touted over tlie poor nian's
A guilty eoiiseioiuo is
for iiisoniauia.
a jauir cuio
years unmoved, uuo ni.Hit reeent-
ly, without appaient cause, it .struck
seven times. On the follevvlm: night ' Di:Ar.i:.s.s Can't hi: Cuki:i hy
in i ociocuamenilierof the. fan.ilv, "l" "P.pncauoiw, as tney cannot
met witli sudden death.
I reach the diseased portion of the
, ear. There is only one way to cure
- i-vuw ions lawyer named Dee- nearness, and that is by constitu-
littli'oucu uiiwittinjilv entered Into ional ri'Medle. Deafness Is caused
parlueivhlp with a brother barrister ..VlVi.,.,,,1,l,""Sl. ,1 tlio n.u-
named Steele, but n lack f clients ftt nlletf &&V
oon liecame painfully noticeable, nave a ruml.linjr wuu or Imperfect
ii.iiiiiKi aim wneu it is entirely
Kavlng been furnished for the especial
at-toininodation of the public, vve
liiitotlieattentionof tho tho IIU2JGIJY
and sleepy ones to "Oar Home" beds, new
and clean; good "Home" meals served lcg
ulaily three times a day. No Chinese in
the kitchen, (iivous a mil and see for
yours. If.
. E. M. LAW, Proprietor,
Cor. Court and High St., Salem, Or.
A Uooil tup of Colfee
Is a great attraction for a restaurant.
The collee drawn from Hellenbrand's Pat
ent Collee receptacle Is one of tho many
t'reat Attractions of his eating parlors.
IllOllSandSOf Clllisnf Ills nnnllnnt nnll'na
.,.n.nt,l -.-- . . ...l. VllllVt
muBuiu uvi-fj- wito, jvnn as lor oysters
and meals he cannot bo equaled in the
state. ,
issuod H -.rob. and Bept,
each year. It Is an ency
clopedia of useful infor
mation for all who pur
chaso the luxuries or ths
necossitios of life. Vf
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various aiiei,
stylos and quantities. Just figure ont
what is required to do all these thintt
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fail
estimate of the value of the BUYEBB'
GUIDE, which will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents W pay postage,
lll-ll-l Michigan Avenue. Chicago, HI.
Northern Pacific Railroad
Tlie Salem Abstract
ihousands are mulcted with diseases of
tho Kidney and I'rlnary Organs, who Eiif.
fer In silence, rather than make known
their troubles. To all tho.o allllctcd vve
can ollt-ra safe and speedy remedy in Ore
gon Kidney Tea, which is composed ol
herbs, selected with .mit mm 1. ,,....
and warranted not to contain minerals ot
nii.VKlna. A lew do-.es nllord instant le-
Solil by I). Y. Slatliows A Co.
Have removed to building adjoining
Thompson' jewelry store on
Commercial street.
And nil points East via
'1 ho Northern Pacific railroad T the only
lino running Passenger trains, Second elm
sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day
conches, Pullman Palace Sleeping: Can,
Palaco DInlog Cars, (meals 76c) from Port
land to the cast.
eo that your ticket read via the Northern
Pacific railroad and avoid the
chanco of cars.
i.ii.t.u-iiiisii.uiiiu-. ".vii! no was a 1 anil II was found ailv-l.-ahl.. t ,i:
,1 urn,. -in T 1.1 1.. "" ""'i mi'.v vvoilKl navo ki 1 . xolvo I hit llrm nf n.,.,llil.. .t. 0....1.. ',"1" iiuii-ss is tlie ri'sllll. lllll tin-
.......,,,.,, (!- iiTMii 111 in -1 'iiiiii7 iv tirr i. i..i. 11. ,. .
ou.Utlv,tl.t.i,.l,ai,lvt,1,ll.il- ''' '"!' 'BlK " 1- WIUmII -fho Mcolo.on of n ,,,. m-u ' in . "' ! i!."l,I,,.!.u
lllll 11 III. .. ....... . 1 . . t . . --. I'IIVI1III -.-.... IlimivlV.lVflltlltlll'HIII 11 -
uirtiMiut of it-fouliiltloii lii ,.,,"' """KiHMiii,iroiiiiuavi'. "u. 1,illllivr 1...11,.,. ,ii,i. ,. :, nial I'onditlo.i. luvui..., -m i..;.i...
stillmtloii ofi.ilU-tw. Imiiiis ,..m. lii'.v would Im w liurn.-d all of Uu.i .,. .....,,,. , ,.. .,:,........., trovvd foreveor: nlno wi-. out f ftm II MTr in nmmn,
' I ..I.,.......,,. ..r ll .- iiiiuu't' ill u 11 i' 1 ,.. ,. ...ii ,...'. V VI" 17 I I I 'VI VII lllllll
wi 11 uvoli lii-toii n tiiii MV. i""i'"v i ' iiiiii'iiiiiuiu'-K-r-ii,,. ,, (oniii-oiL'l.iiu- ...in 1 . ' iV . . ' "'v ,1' lumi which is 1 11 i
iio... oniut so,,,., v .10,0,11;;:, ;-tu v..Lvr,,IK m;nuMs or i. tl ' Vh t 1 a " ;.il.1 ' "),lVl;, ,lAn,etl ! m OtllUUL,
lotlornluiHivi'M. iv iihiii..., I.H.. ,w" :. iiiinul (it UmiiUtIv ..h .... n 11 ....... ... . or uiiv (jm nf il..irn ..i......i ... i
iu iiiiiuurii run iii'if .... i .. ' .... .. i,
thflrpl.it-,;. I,, llulivvi,H,rn,rn,,1"K lh!' UxA sul ,ttos " lav Ulilo II.
ii.tilfUorilicNiutli, wluuv ' "mU!,or Uwi""B I'lnlstian i-,.,. .
0 ...,h..... and popular TJ"" ",,,rtrll,M,,,,i..U.w
moil In i.ulr plm-t-H,
IlllU'K di
tlutro 111
vtutirvm hum, who alV
lor apiHinmiioiil, iht'iv will U
ivvMgultlon of tho ouloivit num.
V.011UV1I mnit iliul
i'lvililtltloll is Uhui ,0 ln
iv Mime lijjht 011 ,lioiiui.stion,
Tln ltailwuv
i.narrni mat wo on .1 not cnr.t in-
tiikliii,' Hall's Catarrh Cure. J?eiiil
lon-lii'ulai-s, fn-o.
K. J. Ciu:m:y & Co., Toledo, ().
MrM)ld liy diuglstf, 7oe. lin
"Pl,,l'vi-I.v. ..11 V..iM ...., .
, ". inn iilUKIIMIIl.' It, Ml 11
....... - 1
. ! Ior urn l.v-nvo wilts in this oountry . Tho JIMpp valloy mUt-.s I hrw
vniiii-,.u,tuii ihiuoihv ivvoniy-tivo wnt. In Kium liniisof t 10 ho's In tl.l
Hoys and
The school
of (September.
lion In the primary and
will own
ThorouEh instruc.
tho IMth
Titles Investigated.
Money to Loan.
Land for Sale.
. Houses for Rent
. nnitntt
IHt OjkllkM lir 11I sllliiniitic mn iu.w Ii. I... ........ 11 1 ... 1 1 ....... . " "M',,l,J
miii.,1, .. ......... 1 ..... . . " i ."'. ';' l V". -.,KK"1' iiu '","' w"" ' KUKlMl lllllCTZluo is i U'.WKUHK).
-...,......,.,.,, mws, uniu upon nn-wm-ss ui'Kt-ls Has U-oonio Mild for twontv ,vk ,.,.. .........
Z1; ,"rlr I''-''ho .it.vvM.w,n.uon and Um, ol.Jwlloi.al In !i-oun,ry and thlrtv w., ovor u' . I w . '!? Ui l:mus.
"lwiv. , various wa.vMiintmiuiv of tho nill- v., .. ... 1 . , . V,:,1'" ll.lt' ''"W-Mtliiiiu, iinl, 1
. 7 Mavsn.nMou,.(l,ovllt.vv,lf x r, m , ."T'1 who UmX i?,,,U l1' "' ioiu KiiH-lili1
Tnih pnimiKw to U iviiihi Kahlo 1I1U tniillo and tl... 11.,. . L. .. " "' rlijr llko inotal who,, struel;, is ,.,0 l"','Vw ,"11' vory U-.st ix-ntedv.
f:;rn;r,,,rM7,on(,n,,,1t:r.!; trlJ JiSfe 2nt&Xf '
m llll umu-HiplHtiH. .II,suo of M-' an.ol.itln.. lit... ) 4 ' . ?. I sir " v, '.' 1 '"'iV1" J ur.v. 1 .vii' MuiitlinK." Ahraham Hr ' ,
mill, .uvobwn ,,,,, urtug 0IU, nir lnMl ' ,; , " ' V , ' -" 1 i-k tHn ,0 iPfv u , ,!? v 'v. '.BlfffcL'. '"5...9 ?!,': I -
-! English Branches,
In course. .
lll'V. P IT orvom
Cor, Chemeketn and btatesls.
for ,niis
It Will liikii .iiitn.1 n,.n.. 1.1 lffJo)r'' ViWaUe SarwpartU
... . ' ""v 1 "" ilouUU lu tU ,,,, a.1 1.1.
Uliilt r ism. inw. iiiiiii. ...... 1.. 1.. ....... 1..
srftrtsr -.-' - -.1 k i-v .,,,;.,.:,; z
ihIIw. pruJwhHl u ikwlj ,,m, , , jHnuuo,,.
ll.llhllllKl .if It... .- ... .'
" ,,,v Mt-o, or mil
(Mtllllty IHlVV lu ttlttfttluu. UIMi ,.,, '
... . ....... . .....
,..-.,... ., .., W(H irMJlH,,wl ..HKvi 111 KHivnnui) into now- HfiV xni iwoiiwi 1 M i,JiJ,v . .
!"","H " M- 'l''MWo.l Santa Clam ,K iowl xTw$JZ u
liu-iil tlurinB !- will r.xtl In r KKn. The pmijHvlow who huvo wwW""u.,Uam.. iSuTi"
Kivsuui miimjp mi, ,.llt,n. l(l rvturmM with tuiv Hold diM mvilio U.1XUV' "' aftr tbw i itw
is mpioiin s,,,,. wwirtioiK and no .i.,ri. ..r .,..1. " uL '7Z "" "T -wwa ua , w,
T , , - " - " " iivii --t n mm wu
Viiu-Mi vory im
o,o tyivvvritiT,
ivwiimilliilirulIUN,i,1,IUH.n, I.V.U..-HI...I.... 1..... ...... ....'"' .I -i
, ' ..ini,niiillllli ., . ,.V'1
I'luv. IsK.ivtrto lHucrs:." 'I'liou-sfuidH
iik suxt it iust. "' iiuiors Hav 0 addotl their to, lino-
0111 mIT : 'u,! h-1 wuii mm f , ho Idvor KI y " o "Kl
?i V ". UJu- ' aMrt.l Ulllv M half dollar l. f, V, I r .V
ltlwurt- I'OVilruamn.
DaWti furintTh pioptvo a tvviiio
fUrtury of ,hoir ow 11 ns u rolK-f from
tm' twine tnM.
Ii'.voumiv nervous, or trriiaulo, fwl
llUllld. .ti.i.lnl.,1 .. .i- '..".'
nwihi.ltilifiwtll Imvo howwIokhIuw uiiv ono ' ,! ik i, vri.tHbeL, M! f'"' l.ritii. thon your liver
. MivMivwl!,.. into Lower California. Tii.t i...... '"'' rlU,- 1 'Hitof .sUr nud mU roulnir.
("mr I, it-lit
not Uv waruitsl ovvr.
Vy v.
AlKitprr-.,.lt 1 . . .
t cl; " ,w" w' v r rwi niu ju
y yon arc made. Cton.u ta.
U011a.ultrea1.ne.it person
ally or by letter or weak
rlvote otiicxt ill umty .treet.
Trucks and Drays,
r. Il-n... s l).,ilili,t,t l.,,i.. r!L .V ow. Provided vtlth rin . ..
A'nrt0 wlbl"ns to board ntn .ii.ift
Cor. Chcineketo and Liberty Sts., tsalem
Where a y select boarders can secure
Leave Portland ntpa. m.nnd 8:10 p. m.
daily arrive at Minneapolis or St. I'aul at
8:tt) p. m.
lUctrio Divmion. Trains leave Front
and Q street dally nt 11:55 a. rn, and &
P.m,; Arrive at Tacoma nt 7:10 p mana
t:20 a m arrive Seattle U:25a m andi:35p m.
XliraiiKb Pullman Hilaco Weeping Oars,
elegant day coacnes, fluest palace dinlnf
cars between Portland, Tacoma and Seattw
direct. Dally service. A. I). CHARLTON
Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, 121 First St., Cor
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Depot Corner First andQ Streets.
OllO hundred nrM'nf nvtp. .lnn.1nTirl.flD6
for dividing up into small tracts, Is only
Ihreo-fourths or a mile from Salem post
orllce. I'rlco JS5 oer acre.
111U31AB& rai
Fire and Marine.
Paint Shop-
No. 254 Commercial St.
IIouso nml Carringo Patntlmr
Sign wrlthw, ipcr Win?" ml
deconitlng, WoU tinting unS Sal
pruning executed In tho Ues
JOS. ALBERT, Agent, . - Salem, Onofl--
For Bargains
Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Efe,
ab to
Commercial Street, Salom.Or.
foiintry produce of nil kinds always on
hand. If you have not traded with meet
tore, I respectfully solicit a trial belleyW
l cuii suit you both la prioes and quality.
ti . "
lluu-i.Mii-1 and Wugon maker, Job
Experienced Workmen EmploM1"'
SaticfiMlnn r. 1 r-'jcu, iigciallyordUciisebof horse's feet.
--... uuuuii uumaiiit't'Ui
Call and see us belnro
Kninlr f.vnfi. im. At.nH. t ihn irarOfl
deimtmeiuaiiadoea & geueral repilnwf
you let your I1 ".". him KeuUeinen are too J"
M nnowii for iuio try und raesiumend lh"
Air, Knijl.t 1. is bet-n here for J5yn