rWrr- aT.-. 7k tiki l S - - fv i - 1 SUBSCRIBIi FOII tsrpy 1 . ,, -A.DVlH TIQli THE -CAPITAL JOURNAL, ir wit.i. iik A GOOD INVESTMENT. tta-Tlio Terms uro .Most Reasonable tii! THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, GAPI TUB BEST PAPER IN SALEM. 9You will bo well pleased with lt.-tm v ii L1' n rT A T JOURNAL. VOL. 2. ere They ire CR1BER Mil. 8 ilem, Oregon, have received direct From Eastern Factories Tuo Finest Line of . CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS,, STAGE COACHES, MOUNTAIN WAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CARTS and OTHER VEHICLES, which will bo sold at Prices anil Terms to Suit All! These goods "tire first-class uml as their stock Is very largo a person can llnd what they may vsh. Thclr.w nrehouso on State street Is completely tilled, and they have another car load en routo now. Liook out for them; something fine. The Farmers' Store ONE PRICE TO ALL We have received direct from the Manufacturers a CompleteStocK OF .Staple Goods, Consisting of Drv Goods, Men's, Boys' and -" -Youth's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hosiery and Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wo shall ofl'er them for cash At Lower Prices Than any house In the state. All cash buyers will save money by calling on us. EORSTNER, TIFFANY & CO., 297 commercial Street, New Bonk Block Balem, Oregon. DR J. C. GILBERT, AT HIS sanitarium:. In the Bank Block, treats all Chronic diseases of MEN AND WOMEN On strictly scientific principles. If Is now Medicated Vapor Baths, Electricity and Electro-Magnetism, Pure and Compound Oxygen are not to bo bad at any other Insti tution on the Tacinc slopo. Dr. Gilbert uses only BOTANIC MEDICINES NATURE'S OWN REMEDIES. Offices and rooms especially fitted for the accommodation and treatment of ladies with ladies bath in care of Mrs. Gilbert. Dr. Gilbert confl'ies himself to office practice and is, therefore, always on hand to wait upon his patients. Special atten tion given to diseases of women and child ren. Terms strictly moderate Consultations Free, 3-21-d w PIANOS!! THE ::- BEST IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for cash or upou the installment plan. Abo a goad piano to rent. Call upon WM.S. ARNOLD, No. 307 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. Proposals Invited. rpHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 1 Oregon State Insane Aijrlam Invite sealed proposals for heating the state In sane asylum with hot water. Plans and specifications must be Jurnlsbed by the bidders. Plans of the building will be fur nished upon application toDr. Harry Laue medical superintendent, Salem, Oregon. Proposals are aUo Invited for an electric light plant for the asylum ofSOOHgbU of 18 candle power each, Incandescent systtw to be wired complete and ready for service and subject to rigid test. The right .to ro j ect any and all bids reserved. Bids wilt be opened at 2 o'clock p. in. on Tuesday, May 7,1889. SYIA'ESTKR PEXNOVER, GEO. W. McBRIDE, Q. W. WEBU, Board of Trustee W, A. MUNW, Ctok of Board. F. E. noOVEH. FAIR South. Here Stretches Out Before You a Panorama, THE TMKID1T BEAUTY AND Gllill! Of which cntrulls the beholder with bewildering admiration and wonder. In the distance the rugged Cascade Range draws out its Rcrpcntino length, while along it at intervals rise up like grim sentinels all the white and weird SNOW-CROWNED PEAKS of the great northwest, their heads extending high in the celestial vault. The river goes wiuding northward "like a silvery ribbon wide," and on every Hide are elements of beauty. Lovely drives are being laid out and graded through the shady elevation and altogether the site is a grand one for elegant homes. The Willamette Investment Company Have the exclusive sale of this beautiful addition. Lots will be sold on the installment plan. This Company also have a large list of choice uity and farm property, 5, 10, 20 and SO acre-tracts adjoining Salem. SayMoney to loan on larm anil First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice Pi evident. JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exc-nance on Portland, Han Francisco, New York, London and Ifoug Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit end transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property nt reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at tho bauk l most reliable companies. KSTAW.ISIIEI) BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF SALEM - - - OREGON. $75,000 10,000 Pi Surplus, - - R. S. WALLACE, - - Piesldent. V. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, r - - Cashier. DInlCTORSi W. T. Gray, TV. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. H. Albert, T. McF. Pntton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigneu or in store, either In prls-ato granaries or ipublio warehouses. Sfate and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rated. Drafts drawn direct oiwNcw York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris. Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. New Store, New Goods. M. T. RINEMAN Has opened up a fresh and clean stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, GLASS and QUEENSWAUE, WOODEN' and WILLOW-WARE, VEGETABLES, SYRUPS, GREEN and DRIED FRUITS and In fact everthing kept in a first class Grocery store. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs The public In general Invited lo call and see us. Atl goods delivered free. State Street, room formerly occupied by Dugan llros. , ,.,, Fresh bread always on hand, r ecd of all kinds kept constantly In our store. NEW LIYEIIY STA1SLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty stree'u. N. K. cor from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or. Good acconunodutlons for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hand Charge reasonable, SALEM, OTIEGOX, WEDNESDAY, Al'lUL 21, opAbmm imbb O. B. EDGETT. IS LOCATED ON Salem. MOUNT city property, insurance in rename- companies. 4o up-slars, Moo res' Block. Values Immigrants are Arriving and mm NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway line in North Salem. Very cheap and choice. $600. ,75 feet front on Front street running through 240 feet deep to the river bank. For a week only. $2600. Elegant hard finished house, with 2 lots and a good barn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood. Worth seeing. I " LS l- i-VlVJUX-lU J Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoining town. Running spring. Elegant meadow oft part of tract. 200 per acre. For a short time onlv. Lots in Capital Park addition, one block from State street, 5(100 for quarter blocks. $300 and 400 for single large lots. Lots in Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; $300. ISAAC A. Real Estate Broker, Bank TBlovh XJp-Stairs, Salem. Oregon. THE RELIABLE GROCERS KELLE Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. o Specialties in Table Luicuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. o AYE LEAD Itf CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES Hy rcpaperlng and decorating your r-!-dence. For material go tohargeiint's Va riety Stole, who curries tho latest sty Its mid patterns In Wull Jnper, llorders and Ik-coi-utlonK, lM per trimmed fu-o of charge. A line line of BAbY CARRIAOIJS alwuya on hand, besldesu luro assortment of new goods too numerous to mention WM. BARGE A NT, Variety 8iore, Commercial 61., Eilein, m K. P. BOISE, Jr. Higlits i ' l- J Cb"7C 4 t?OKn .MONTH can lie undo 3OlO 33U working for iu. Agents piefvrrcd who run furnish . horrc mid give their whole time to the IiiisIiicks. Hruo iiiiiinciitK may lm profitably employed a .o. A few vacancies in towns mid cities. II, F. Johnson & Co., louu Main nt , Richmond, Vn. X. II. Ladles emi loyed pmi. Never mlwlubotit M-ndlng Mump for reply. Come quick. Voursfor ,U, n, ,.,v Co. MHIlii-sut l'crvins wishing to Improvo their mem- orieoriiin'iiguifcii incirponcruiiiiiciiiiuii should Kiid to 1'rof imWIte, 17 Filth Ave., if, V. for his iirosptt'UM imt free, n advertised In mm titer coll hoi, .N'uX.Md Homes Daily'! k 1S89. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. .-. Xo Sunday Trains. Dirrnorr, April 23. Tho Michigan Central will hereafter inn no freight trains on Sunday except when actu ally necessary for the convenience of pcfiihablc goods and live stock. (lovernor Hill Vetoes. Albany, N. Y., April, 23. Gov. .Hill has vetoed the bill preventing the cutting of the streets for polo grounds in New York, so the Giants are w ithout any place to play ball. hunt lioiistlale. Sax Francisco, Ayril 23. Lord Lonsdale arrived to-day on the steamer ttcrlhn, from Kodiak, Alaska, where hoard yed March 10th, lifter completing the overland jotir ney from Winnipeg. More Warfare. New York, April 2!. Captain Miller, of the steamer Caroline Miller, which left Cape llaytian April 10th, reports that Legitime burned and destroyed the town of Petite Riviere on April 7th. Conflict Among Workmen. Pittsruro, April 23. Twenty colored men arrived at the Alle gheny and JJessimor steel works this morning to take tho place of tho strikers, but the latter drew the revolvers and scared the men oil". A National Salute. Washington, April 23. The sec retary of war has ordered the com manding olllcer at all military posts to tiro a national salute of thirty eight guns on April 30th, tho cen tennial of Washington's Inaugura tion. Spontaneous Combustion. Ontario, Cal., April 23. Tho ma chine shop and carriage storehouse of tho China ranch were burned to day. The lire was caused by tho spontaneous combustion of oil and sawdust. The loss is $12,000; small insurance. Tho Tables Turned. Cairo, April 23. Tifc battalion of Egyptian troops under the com mand of the governor of Suaklm and some of the gunboats that start ed for Port Ilallab, for the purpose of recapturing that place, were ro centlv captured by the Soudanese. Notes From Victoria. Victoria, R. C., April 23. While two miners were out sailing in Nanaimoharboron Sunday after noon their boat eapsi.ed and both were drowned. . The stealing schooner Viva re turned to-day with 587 skins, tho largest catch of this season; Siirkvillo's Successor. Ni:w York, April 23. Tho Easter bells had hardly begun to Hug when tho big steamship Etrurla steamed ui) to her dock and discharged a loud of passengers, unong them Sir Julian Patinceforte, the now British Minister to the United State-), suc cessor to Jjonl baokvillo west. Quiet at Oklahoma. Washington, April 23. Secre tary Noble received a dispatch from Oklahoma all was quiet, and tho townslto question was being settled without trouble. Tho land odlco at Guthrie was in full opera tion, and tho ono at Arkansas City open. Tho land olllco at Kingfisher will bo opened Thursday. A Small Oklahoma. Siia'itm:, April 23. A scene that almost rivals tho frantic rush of land f-eekers to Oklahoma was created at the land olllco here this mo'rniug and last night. Tho gov ernment authorities-had advertised two townships of valuable timber land near Seattle to ho thrown open for settlement, and last night when the land olllco closed a number of men congregated at the laud of! lee and formed a Hue, with tho avowed purpose of staying all night that they might be II rat to make filings this morning. " Toll's ami Wires. Ni:v York, April 23. Mayor Grant tills morning ordered the re moval of all the telephone and tele graph wire on llroadway from the City hall to Kourteeiith street and from Fourteenth street to Fifty ninth street. This will include alt' the feerlcs of wires except tlioso of tho fire department. This will create havoo as telegraph companies, es pecially the Western Union, have Important olllees along tho route. It U believed that the downtown business dlrlriet will bo tttucked next and Wull street is beginning to ho scared at tho prospect of being cut oft, neranBamra A Friend of the Soldier. Washington, April 23. Coporal Tanner, commissioner of pensions, to-day rendered an Important decis ion In passing upon tho application of John Webb, late piivato of Com pany I), Indiana cavalry, for an In crease of pension from $24 to? 10 per month. Webb Is receiving the foimerrate of pension for varicose veins of the left leg, and asked for nu inciea'-e on tho ground that total disability in the foot now exists. In granting the Increase asked for, tho commissioner says iu his opinion that it was not the Intention of con gress, In using tho words "total dis ability" to debar claimants for pen sions from the benclits of tho actun til a hand, foot, arm or leg is a worth less incumbrance, incapable of mo tion and completely useless for any purpose whatever. Hereafter, he says, total disability shall bo held to exist when the alleeted meinber,by reason of wound, Injury or disease, is useless iu the performance of ordinary manual labor. Filially llurned. Jjos An(u:i-i:s, April 23. Mr. and Mrs. John Fitsworth of Euglc wood wer this afternoon fright fully burned. Mrs. Fitsworth light ed a gasollnostovo In tho kitchen, when an explosion occurred enveloping her clothes in llames. Her screams attracted the attention of her husband, who rushed to his wife's assistance; but was immed iately enveloped in a blaze and the hotise washy this time on lire. Tho couple managed to get out of the house, but not until both were ter ribly burned. They are liberally roasted, and though still alive, it is thought they can not live till morn ing. , A Hold Itolilier. Vrntura, Cal., April 2jj.-Whilo Morrison, teller of the bank of Win. Collins & Son, was alono hi the bank to-day, a man named Mc Carthy, prduelng a revolver and a package which ho said was dyna mite, demanded thirty thousand dollars. Morrison ran through (ho back door for help, and McCarthy, snatching a tray containing lour thousand dollars, ran into the street and tried to mount his horse which was tied near by. Sherill' Hilcy witnessed the ad'alr, ran into a gun storo, sei.ed a weapon and captured tho robbc Tlio money was recov ered. .Meets His Successor. CniCAdo, April 23. Ex-Governor Swinel'ord of Alaska, who Is in this city, says that he saw his suc-ee.-Hor, Lyman ICuapp of Vermont, on his recent trip Fast, and congrat ulated him on his appointment. Hwlnoford, however, .said ho could not envy the Vermontcr. Knapp will take the o.i( lj of olllco In a few days, and then his troubles will be gin. The governor says heshould return to Alaska to live. Ho has largo In (cscsts there In the mines near Sitka and iu a canning company. i .. . Li.,.-. . i !-, m.i Three Men Murdered. Kankah Citv, Mo., April 23. -A special from Guthrie this morning says that three -men who took up claims yesterday in Oklahoma woie foully murdered by claim lumpers this morning. The names of tho assailants and murdered men are not known. A vigilance eommlltco is scouring tho territory in s"aroh of tho murderers, who will bo siunni ir lly dealt with If caught. Kingly Honors I'romised. Coi'i:.mia(ii:n, A pi 11 23. King Christian has Intimated that he will confer a decoration upon Cap tain Murrell, of the steamship Mis souri, In recognition of his services in rescuing tho Danmark's passen- No Wuter at (liithrie. Gutiirii:, I. T., Apill 23. All night there was much Miflerlng for water, and a waterfamlue seems Im minent. Hawkers went about the depot last night with buckets of water, charging live coins a glahs. Merit Wins. Wode-dro to say to our citizens, that it foryears wo have been selling . Kiuir's New Discovery for Con Dr. sumption, Dr. Klng'sNow Life Pills, Hucklcn's Arnica Salvo and Flcctrlc Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have glvou,ftiicli uulveisal satisfac tion. Wo do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and wo stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. '1 heso remedies have won their great popularity portly on their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, druggist. IStO. 40. COXDKXSCI) DISPATCHES. The Washington unlvcislty re ceives tho blessingof Pope Leo NTH. A nugget woith $1200 or more has been found at tho Santa Clara mines.. Yellow fever Is already repotted to bo more violent at Jtlo Janero than has ever belore been known. Tho big lire at Cheney seems to have been but a blessing In dlsguite, as the burned district Is all to be re built. Francis Freeman, tho heir to a fortune, died ill the Massachusetts state almshouse without knowing that ho was rich. Advices from Panama are to .March 301 h. Urazll and Columbia have a boundary question to settle. Yellow fever has been very violent in Lord Lonsdale is back from Alas ka and says the maps of that region are all wrong, more particularly that of Frederick Sehwatka. Ho deems it as worthless. The system of taxation in China is in decided contrast to the system in other countries All taxes out side of Pekin aie paid on arable land, tho tax varying with tho crop. Already scores of boomers' wagons are forging their way northward across tho Cherokee strip, retracing their steps which led them into Oklahoma. There Is much suH'or lng already and tho eiuigiation will be immense. When it was stated a (cw days ago that two carloads of cats had been shipped from iowa to Dakota by an enterprising speculator, and that ho was negotiating for another carload, tho item presented tho ap pearance of a hugejoko; ImtitK'cmu that It was in real earnest and that tho cats are needed there to kill the mlco which swarm iu the corn and wheat bins and do great damage. Tho market rates for cats iu Iowa is from oO cents tol, while quotations In Dakota range from ?2 r0 to $3, so the cat merchant has a handsome margin. When all other remedies fall, Ore gon Kidney Tea conies to the front Hue a true, faithful friend. For Kid ney and urinary troubles, such as pain In (he back, mucous and milky disehnrg'-s, brick dust deposit In the urine, loss of appetite, weakness, and general debility, Oregon KIdnoy Tea has no equal. It never falls and being of purely vegetable com position does not injure tho system. Sold by I). W. Mat'hows. The car coupler killed 0000 men In this country last year. Hucklcn's Arnica Salve, The best salvo In tho world for cuts, bruli-es, soies, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skhi eiuptlons, and positively curoH piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed toglvo perfect satisfaction, ormonoy refunded. I'rlco 25 cents per box. For sale by Daniel J. Fry, drug- The Chilian government has pro hibited Chinese Immigration. Poillaud,Or., January 12. Having a soveie back ache Inst summer, I tried the Oregon Kidney Com, 1 used one can, which olleeted it radical cure. I would lecommend it to ail who are ulllleled as an un failing remedy. Jul. I is Ach. u..i.l i... f ir L.ii rum im i, it. milllli:n. iv . . . 1 weiu ware is to pass a law piiuisu- ij lug eloping couples., V "I Don't Want Itelief, lint Cure," Is tho exclamation of tho'isamls suH'orlng from oi.turrh. To all such wo say: Catarrh can be cured by Dr. Sage's Calanh Kemedy. It has been (lone In thousuiids of cans; why not Iu yours'.' Your d Is In delay, inclose ;i stamp to old's Dispensary Medical Association, jiufl'ulo, K, Y., for pamphlet on this disease. Golden Medical Discovery purities tho blood, strengthens tho lungs and Invigorate the whole system, DiiArvixri Can't iu: Ci hi u by local implications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only one mi to euro dcufuces, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition ot the mu cus lining ot the ciintachtaii tube, When this tube gits Inllmiud you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed (lenfnow Is the result, and un less tho iiillammutlou tan be taken out and this tube revtored to its nor mal condition, bearing u ill bo de stroyed foreveer: nlno casis out of ton are uaiiswl by catarrh, which Is nothing but an hillnnied condition of tho mucus Hurf.ioett. Wo will give one luridied dollars for any ease of deafn-'ss (o.uibul by eatHrrh) that wo e.t.nioi euro by taking Hall's I'ut.uih t lire. Bend for euciilurs, free. F. J. a Co., Toledo, O. fifiTSoltl by druggist1', 7oc. 1m lili III t: "lit I 1 iiftl H MI M Wl m nil -a i m . Ml '4 m '8; Mm .. tf- id, r; s? I ' ! .ill .! I, ' it' ' M' v (