Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 18, 1889, Image 2

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    "4 i
Capital Journal Publishing Company.
Kniarcd at tbe l1"",;fl,J!!!,h'ln,0rM"'
aeond-Hami matt..
wrth pace (bfjumw of Mit-crlp-'PdMiumiMiti
u Inanre Insertion (far
4 JEWM ha. ' f r i
twt and ImfKMiJiwP to dwlrwt win an
nill be PM on..ny.nO
wrved at ihrfr inula win cre II or I"?
ST Srrt rwtn.l, or b, word left al tnl
"'JtjSltwn number wilt free m ai.plica-
"?2rX-. corner Curt and Lll-erly Hlr.rU.
TJIUIWDAV, Al'JtIL 18, 1880.
Hi.- iiorMinii' I'mclaiimllim.
lnaamnch n Hip M-ntf-nnlal iinnlvirwi y
of Ihetnan.urallon of 0w WiuihlnirK.i.
m an jwt.ni or Hi I'nii'Mi mm mi
.rtiror.lUr.'tlil..y..r April. Ann.l..i..
Inl, WW. whkli rt.ty haa -n wt ..piirt l.j
fHtarlnrnmainM tu g.rxr.il lnlito nr
tbe people "I llti-minl.-iixMinlry;
N,,w ibc'l-mr, I, f.l.t.r i'mn.-jcr,
Kpimirol Oi.K. ii. by vlrturr of the at
tlioriiy nnifi-rii'l ,-' '"' "ii-iiu-lion
of il pliiH'. l hmby llar- III'
Mwnlit TueiMl , April awn. Iw, to t-
latl lielliliiy: nnd I riit '" "i1-'1
iK-aoobat-rv!! by Hio rxxl pnili'onlil
miinonwralll . And. Iniu.mi.ilt "
Imprratlvr act of ItwuKiimtlon, which ..
uoreilat noon, wn pnitl niHo'il'"
Ill llMt luoriilnf by imyer In all fin
church oi i hv -n, ror mat- M.wln
upon thi'guvurntin-nl to ! UiMriiHi'il.
would fuillirtn-.jnnl. Ini.lMtlli'n.i ""' '
m w.mhyexnntpli-.'lm' p-..j.t lii'll
held nt nlw oVI.h k In the inoi nliiici ' '
IwritdHy In nil mirrlmn Iw- I II"' i-nd l In
II btoMlngnof Mod mny Ik' vi.ni'li'iif'il 1
itur government for all film".. In wlim
lierf, I hav heminto d my bund nnii
muaed iheautl of ilf -i-iinl'. i.-.ilb.x'.l
lllto IWli day of April A It Wffl.
HYi.vi-ai'rr.KrKNStiM u.
Tin: Jouhsai. hereafter, on cm h
Biliulrt.V HfleriitMin. will ili'vnto u
(Million i)f Km imiw to tin- recording
df ninveini'iit In wM'li-i.v. Tin ili'
Iwilnii'Ut will 1h) known iw "Social
Nnlif." mnl nil (iiinniiinli'iitl'tiiH In
tended lor It should Ih- HiMn-Hwd
to "Hoolity Killtor." Tim tilin Ih In
ninku l( till "'' ili'Itnitiiri' n
lioinmiii'iil mnl Httnu'tlvo fnittirt'
To iniikf n Hiiwwmr it, tin' In-ill t.v
HMi)i'ntliiii ,,r ovorytiiie l invlti'il
If m iwily, luiU'liiMin or tlTt in KlVJ'Il
ut ymir limiio (wi- nu'n vor), full
iiotnt yiHir peril to m Infnrm t lilt
olllw. ' With tho uiwlhtnniv of
(lis lenili'ix, tin .Iih'Iinai. fi'i'l
isiulliK'iil tlmt mim will i-rown
(lviMirthi.vouiiinflnu'ii now in
WmihhiKlon I" Unniillml lliimlln,
who U not yet nlni'ty yi'iirn ny con
ulilurnhlo. lllrt fiw htm n unlily
huo, mnl hu NIihvIiik h'Kh old
thnu "with tliplMiyw."
Oxiiofoiir rvllHlniiK iiiti'inporiiilitt
U nttpoimlliK' for tlm rniloiw Muto
niiint tlml "tho lltcrury runmliin of
KlllHnir l'"lwliTli'k; Wlllrll lite
widow hwi now U'ltnn to wilt, will
till four krgt volninw."
('iiicaiio MmiiimI iHiixilittlon Ik
rowliiit vi-iy rnpldly. TIu'Iiiitohhi1
of nninU'i' In thu ik4 two your U
nmrkwl iiimiii C'lmk utrtn-t, IkjIwivii
Vnn HiiH'ii mnl Twelfth Htrvt'tn, by
thu invki'iiro of iivit II fly t'hlniw
Imiiidih, Ihiim, nml plii'tunf Imlil-
'',",M, i I, - -- .
Tim ICIlU'l Towi-r Iiiih rtnu'liiil Ita
full htilglith, 1.17H fft. A iii'WHjni
K'r uortvHiniKnt who wi'iil to the
tup my tlmt tho naovnt hy tlatalr
vm Unik fiHly inliiuti, mnl hy ido
Htuni It la to U iimiW In tlvi inln
.nttw. It la t'spti'tMl tlmt thilw
trio lluht on Ita top will eimhlo
tine to rwwt h m'ipn'r nt IIh
UiiKvof iK'Ven nilU'a.
BKKATOK I'oKK of 'IVxHa la n Mm l
tatWvw In aptrlliittllani. Hu Ua
Urge, tlnt'looklng ninn In irrou
lwalth, uhiI not in HpHiirunit h
IMomuii irlrvn to tniMrtuK Ith thu
uUr world. Hut he HttamU h gri'ul
iitftuy M'uiH'ra, mid l ftll. oiivinc
Ml tlmt (Im) dtwd and the living can
tiwninunluatv w 111 wtoh othor.
Ttllt wrgu proxlmv of IJlUarlo
UmivImm tiio w liol inirtturn boumU
of Nm York mnl Michigan, pa.rt of
Mtow of IVuiujIvmiU, Ohio, Wu-
mtMiuftua HiuuMKi, mm iwhuiw
to HlHkwll taiy. rilla gttwt Nttlun,
toroMghoUl Itleh Motneil -U (Ull -
U iHMviMll ou Ilk. tttruu wllb
iMir WMnvra ror an eiivtiw otnctw
mv9 Iwo, Ium lty.000 wjuhiv uill.
:...wi, uj
Ymk UI uf Nt-untakM wnt thu
MM, iu ik. i, to inaugurate a mow
mmu loueatguau) m aay iu a ytwr 1
I- ,LU. - - . . '
.- ,.. .W, ... uhtam ,..
1 a"M"iw
-wtra- gwivra Ux tOaiilliK, ami
Mthal Wid a h.'liday waai - atablUi -
Htia4 trwkw AtuU from luv MIU-
ll w.1 1 Uk tU.y MrtMiUiiw.,,..,.. ..,. .... '.
It Wa frit Uiat llir climate uilglit
,cb.pau--K'Bh.i ttHaiiiwa,atta
Ibr luutaturr lw Urtu-r ktui tauk lu
iMMtMC Ua, RUH of ilw tmm.
wttly Uy anuv almuraial MMiiuragtw Now ia ibt Uuh) for auacuttUto ;
MMlltrtftilftMUmi.MMl lU.lt ta,yiMiucKuu fliU aMt Itt HhiUvW.'
lteLlM4lWMlaUtyhaMMAl4adto!ptaa. TlrtyU yHIINHMtB Imiw
W-B WFBii iHP nMk
llir.r Xu: is iii'idi' mi honorary
iiienilttr 'f the honorary Oregon
Alpine cluh. He rcaiwniU: "The
objects of the club, u I gather from
tliecouatilution and by-laws inclos
ed witli the notification, are, first,
to utilize the large, unooth mount
ains of Washington and Oregon for
climbing puritwee. Alo to monkey
with the Horn and fauna of that
region. I have accepted with III
ciiicenlecl joy tlmt I mil, and may
continue through life to Ijc, an hon
orary memUr, tlieieforc, of llio"Ore
gon Alpine club. 1 shall also take
oprwl'iii at an early lat to accom
pany the club by means of a horse
mnl wagon to the Mimmllof Mount
Hood or Mount Taeonm. Later on
I hope to become w) robust that I
can walk. Onto 1 could walk a
great deal. At one lime 1 went hy
thin meaim ijulle r distance, taking
views of water lank and fide-tracks
along my route, u-lng ureal enro to
g.t oil the track us the tmlnt went
liy. In this way I wved enough
In onesummer to unable metonmke
the Hume Hip on thu following fimi
mcr. Hut In later years wealth has
eiigciiiliTt'il a love of caee and a
slight iiiidi-ticy towuid luxurious
dlHlioncty and rcinw? of mttiiner,
which at first would convcv thu idea
of a'llmiuent. I now hull with
.iiiich jov llila opportunity to climb
few uf our most itunlrulle mount
.diiH. Which one will we tackle
llrniV and how arc your Kinder.', this
It Iihm Ik'cii calciilntcd that the
unar Kiirfiue Is mlscd by sunshine
to a tcmiH-ruttire or Humuthing like
750 degrees 1'nhrciiliult, won after
tin- period of tho rull moon, and
tlmt It is ik'prcaned by tho influence
of riulliitlon Into space to something
Hko 250 degrees below zero of
Fahrenheit mmiii after now moon,
l'lio moon lias no heat wcicens
uround it like tiio ourth with Its
divp uiid' Iiliinkel-llke nliiiiwplieic,
so tlmt when tho surfneo is turned
.......v fmiii'lliii direct inilucnco of
tho rays of the sun, It throws oil the
hunt ai'cumuluted with gleat rnpldl
tv. The surface of tho moon Is expos
ed durliijr rts long cloudless day of
some !hVI hours to the direct rays of
tlie sun, which shines upon It with
ii llorcoiiesH far beyond anything ex
perienced on the earth, and nflcr
wardHit becomes almost immeasur
ably cold from Its night ol similar
period. It Is inconceivable, tlmtiiny
rorm of life could survive expo-sure
toHUehnilcgieoof cold, yn-tly sur
passing that of our Arctic regions,
ami, In tho short spaeu ot fourteen
days, changing to a degree oi heat
capable of melting tho moio fusible
metals. i
A ni:v gunpowder has been
tested, and tho results point to it as
a promising substitute for black
powder for military and sporting
purpose. Tho new powder is pro
wied from straw, which Is pulyer
Ijh'iI, chi'iuietilly tivaled, and
finished in granular form for vise.
It U claimed for this powder that it
is smokeless, llmuulc, practically
fouling and uon-lieatlng, ami that
both the recoil mid the report mo
less that thoo of tho black powder,
with aiipcrlur penetrative power.
From the isiwerful character of this
ipiMc, which, weight for weight,
U Miner itnt stiong.r thmv. gun-
powder, uiid Is not fxplodiiblo ly i
coiiuUNHlon, It Is proimiiie Mini in n
couiptvel form it will bo found
to bo applicable to bliixlliig pur
purea. In every iwiwt It nppcur
to Ih a powdur of groat proniUe.
Tit K IcKUlatuie of the ntHto of
N'tthntaka bus iwenUy llxisl up the
nvatterof carrying enivaleil weap
on iu a iiovul way. The iueuilwi
lmve enactetl the following
"It Mmll U inilttwftil for any person
to firt' oil' or dlclmrgi any plutol,
ravolvir, ahotgun or any firearms
wlmlaot'Vf r un any putdlc ixwd or
hlhwty, lu nny wHinty of tho
xtnte of Nithntaku, or within l.ty
yanlaofauoh public imd or high
way, vNtwpt to iK'atMy aoine wild,
lerotioua or dnugi'rou U,Ht, or mi
oAlcvrin the dlaolmrgcof liUduty."
Tllta la llttk' rough Oil th ottlcJ
. . I
AHK.UIAM LlNtXM.N l the Olllv ,
, nmM.m whovrawrwU teul.
i.. iSia WIMI th futun, itivilut
, .i,,,, ,., mk M .....uil.,,, M ,.
.?.... ., .. ......
luvtmtor mtUer than k4Mlmtuu,
i,,, .o-.w oat uii, iWuut ou U
I ,wc of m bant for lining tab
i .... .ih.1 ......ii ,...u. .
,, -...- ..... ....-v. .... - -
cupl- prumlllt'Ut ponllloii lu the
!,,., om m Waahlugtoti
A lwlHtltr ,tt vwua oalkai th
, f)ir luWhU.'t the foiKm lngV
illB.' '!... U...l.d,,l, w-
. , , t ,. ' . , , T"
1 ... ..-. .t 11 iuJ u l ....
kUvta u Kluiolii, JUMIMd ovw
rT.; .7 VT - .77. V . 77.
w" ' W V U,,U, W ,,,,,,VM, ,HlH-
I a. ajalAAaf
" '
I nevrr kin forget that dy
That we went ont a wiilkln-,
And ot down on the river bank.
And kept on hours a-lalkln';
lie twtoled up my apron string
An' folded It together,
An' wild he thought for harvest time
Twaii cur'm kind of weather.
The nun went dwn as we sot there;
Jolarfeemed unwr;
And mother lie began to call:
"Jwoeryl O ioweef yr
An' then J.sitar upohe right up
As I waa juat a-trtln
All'Mld,'''0'i'y.,1",t',, thettoc
Of u two ever partjn,7"
It kind a took me by curprlpe,
,n' yet I knew 'twaa eoinlu';
I'd heard it all theimnier long
In every wild bee's liummln';
I'd ntudled out the wny I'd act;
lint, lawl I couldn't do It;
I meant to hide my love from him,
Hut leem as If he knew It;
In lookln' down Inio my eyes
Ho mutt H-itn the fire;
An' over alneo that hour I've loved
An' womhlpped my Jo 1 ir.
Henry Labouchure genially de
scribes General Wolseley us a "per
feet gas-bug of self conceit."
A New Jersey cannery lias con
tracted for 200 acres of tomatoes at
$7 per ton for next f-eawm'H puck.
The postal treaty arranged be
tween Urcat lirittan ami Mexico
lias been olllcally published In the
latter country.
During the lust congress $10,000,
000 weie nnnronrhited for the con-
utrimtimi nnii Imnrovemcnt of
public buildings.
Pulp mills have so multiplied in
Maine that there Is fear of an over
supply unli-ss new mills are put up
to turn the pulp lto pnper.
Indiana alone hns:i75 gas wells.
The prediction tlmt u large portion
of tho stale will ultimately sink
many feoth scaring the Jlooslers.
One or tho rules in the Hoyal
Library in JJerlln, made with a
view to preserving quiet and gc oil
order, calls for the exclusion of all
members of the gentler sex.
Miss Uattlo Carter of Kearny
county, Kansas, has won several
prizes nl lusboing in competition
with cowboys.
James O. Whlttler pronounces
tho rumor that ho contemplated a
visit to Kuropo as utterly without
foundation. "The timo has long
since past," ho writes, "when such
a trip would have been practical or
desirable. At my ago one trave's
easiest by proxy."
Home years ago Secretary Jtusk
bought a choice hog of an eloquent
divine of Madison, Wis.', but as the
animal proved to lie unsound lie
nmilo the clergyman take it bach.
Some time afterward tho clergyman
was preaching a sermon on the
Prophet Jeremiah, during the deliv
ery of which lie asked in solemn
tenes: "Now thou, my hearers,
what did Jeremiah do'."' In the
congrega'lon was an old follow
somewhat tho woiso for liquor, who
know of the incident related, and
when the clergyman pant-ed, appar
ently Tor n icply, he sheuted: "Ho
made vo take back tho hog, consarn
A number or years ago tho Into
John Kili'MHiii was Invited to hear
Ole Hull play the violin. Tho in-
.wiitorrvplicltli.it he had no time
for such filv.ilty, that ho hud no ear
fAir iiiiiU, ami that his habits could
not bo changed. However, Rull
was brought to Ki lesson's work
shop and thetwonien talked while
tho Inventor kept on at his work.
After u time tho violinist took up
Ills iustimucnt and begun to play.
KrlcHMin paused, dropped his tools,
listened spefihuund to tho entranc
ing sounds. Ho ueknuwiedged that
somethiuit had been wautniLr in his
i Hie and that he had found It at last.
.nui- umt no suotveo groat lomiucss
for Hindu.
V l ottuiiutt- I)riiri;U.
Mi l.il in V. Jo for iui.y ivr ud u. w a
icu, vnu drUKglttt ou the ourai r uf St.icli..o
K). Until alnH'tt lu 8u FrurlM'o, 1" twlily
urvr drrauuil u( rUilIng In wih tbe umll.
olua klawt uf ih- cutiutr) . lint m1o ruiuori
kvig twru Htlu( r.xiikt Ui tho rifoct Uitt
b hu tu k II bin. an tAmimtr rvu. r:.r
jutini huwhb Unu,uia ui.n.u'.u
U.iy imnm-lrU the (U.wlo ry
II"' ntlnli.H unvniarn;uai,l' i.,;,
tyl l i h' ''t MiaWat f botauy. U'a a 1 1
miavlH Ilia l,U m U..I k .iv.v .,!
)' .
'" I
" Ibal raiuo t htm altmothl irn
iuii. Ui kiiiHtw Mrawd ti tic In
,l " "' a tdajf dtodc.
: MUI.M Wu.l. lu Uot hi. .Willy u
w.in ia. c miwun iMutidalat. u aMloui.
ia uj.o.1 utaiuhi. ud ll. m.
' " "Q' m wn.p whi u
1 ' yly m hluweU. Attar IU d
)Mtlw, tu,i.mrhi)ltHMnil,,d
M(rthua lh.w.adcoMlMril tUiw
.-HiHIum U taU IM for lb mUe doctt
!heb.u yMimaUo uuUrl. Ih hu c-x.au
J laU,vu hdlwid riumtuf all ihiouah ihi
I - - ZZ2Z
M ,4,", ku wl hl
, ,w, a' i" aaaSMtoa thai uvy m
..tin urtn4nlM latultl o ltMu
bj. r w. Ur Jr ikal a. UJ dtacvivcnd
' k. i h rhlW ih. a-
ta"J-"i iiato
! l -. n .u. ZZZTZZZZ
.. .!:. ad la Mt k aa. mM a
j ' "aawl nalayta-aH a.
ia llaaBaaaTWaMmaaf WffP IW
' Wk r.
the rTaiAr. wTjmrr jorayAL.
TV,r r.liitiiitr'fl hani
ii.. -i.i.. .......,lo nr lilritl'llCS
me sum, ittii'i'"- "" " , r n;n
kind on the face orotber Irt9 of the
body, apply DutaaJ's Speclllc. ii
works like magic Snd is warrantetl
by the druggist. Sold by V. w
Itucklen's Arnica Salt e.
The licst salvo In the world Tor
cuts, bruises, wire-, ulcers, snlt
rlieutn, fever sore, tetter clmppc
hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, ormoncy
rofnndod. Priced cents per box.
For sale by Daniel J. 1-ry. ,,lllK"
Thu Illinois senate has p-td n
bill to regulate telephone charges in
tho Htntc.
Merit Wins.
Wc desire to say to" our citizens,
that for years we have lieeii selling
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills,
Hucklcn's Arnica Salve and Llectrlc
Hitters, and have never handled
remedies that sell as well, or that
havo given such universal fratismc
tion. Wo do not hesitate to guar
antee them every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchas; price,
if satisfactory results do not tollow
their use. These remedies have won
their great popularity purely on
their merits. Sold by Daniel J. I-ry,
Fifteen conirressnien are
ill in
Washington, nsa result of exposure
on inauguration day.
Derangement of the liver covers a
multitude of ailments. In all cases
where the functions of the liver
nre interrupted ordisturbed, and the
bile, its constant secretion, left cir
diluting in the blood, some disorder
will follow. Dr. Henley's Dande
lion Tonic will restore the liver to
its natural duties and promote the
secretion of bile, thereby preventing
jaundice, dyspepsia, billiousiiessand
other ailments. Sold by D. W.
The Racine (Wis.) basket factory
W claimed to be tho largest of Its
kind in the world.
"Tho Olio iloss Shay,"
of Dr. Holmes, is full of tho genial
author's exuberant humor. Its fun
is superficial and obvious; but mote
is meant than meets the eye or ear.
The vehicle which ran for a hun
dred years and a day without a
break, typifies n healthful human
body, and represents the natural
term of its service. If, however, a
man has catarrahal, bronchial,
asthmatic or pulmonary diseases, he
cannot live out half his days, unless
lie eradicates tho scrofulous humors
whose presence causes these local
troubles. Tho great blood-cleansing
alterative of Dr. Pierce, known
as the "Golden Medical Discovery,"
rids the blood of scrofulous, pollu
tions, and, by improving tho nutri
tion, irives new vlsror to the debili
tated system, and cures these dis
eases. Unequalcd Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Wellesley college 1ms a Japanese
student, MUs Kin Kato.
Not one im-ivuii in fifty arrives at
the ago of forty, who is not troubled
with kidney or urinary complaints
In some form. To those alllictcd
with pain in the back, non reten
tion of urine, nervous debility, pain
ful or suppressed menstruation, we
can oiler a remedy that has been In
constant u-c over twenty years.
Oregon Kidney Tea. This prepara
tion has dm e moro for sutlering
humanity than any other medicine
in tno nmi'Kct. Soiit ny i. w.
Tho widow of, Gon. Logan is
writing an, iu tide on the German
A Safe Investment
Is one w hieh is guaranteed to bring
vnn satisfactory results, or in case
of failure a return of purchase price.
On tills sufo plan you can buy from
our advertised druggist a bottle of
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption. It is guaranteed to bring
relief in every case, when used for
any direction of throat, lungs or
chest, such as consumption, intlani
mtitiou of lungs, brouciiltls, asthma,
whooping cuugh, croup, etc. It is
pleasant and agreeable to taste, per
leetlv safe and can always bo de
pended upon. Trial bottles free at
Daniel J. Fry's drug store.
lix-Scnator Tabor of Colorado be
gan life under Secretary Proctor,
wrking for some time iu marble
quarries in Vermont.
Do you ever havo pains in the
back and loins? If you do, attend
to thum now, don't wait, delays are
dangerous. Nip tho disonso iu tho
hud and save your health and doc
tor's bills. A lew doses of Oregon
Kidney Tea will prevent Rright's
Dicum ;aud insure your health,
comfort and happiness. Sold by
1). W. Matthows.
Count Von Moltke U very old,
deaf, and a martyr to a bud liver,
Yot ho carries lilniMlf easily and
MH'ins it well-preervod mun.
DKAK.tii8 Can't hk Uuukd by
1ihI applications, na thoy cnunot
remit the iHsohmhI portion of tho
enr. Thre is only one way to euro
ilMfiiw, and that is by constltu
tloiml rvniedlt. I)efiuss Is oauseil
by mii inlluiiusl oondltlon of the mil
! ou Un i t . iT-Tni ,n ,
Whew thk tuu gvts lutiMiMNi you
VS H "" ' Imjieifcrt
htjarilig, and when it Ls entirely
, """ "" " ttitmit n inrn
ou( Mul uu ,uw re.looxl to ita lior-
,lutl "itlilltlon, hearing will m de-
1 a""1 wnfvwr: ittuo caiatM out or
,cu " "'"i oy catarrn, wiiicu u
uutuuiK ihu an uinniueo oouoillou
, W. wUI give ow Uu.aw.1 .Wlar
v,Tf' niaw (UtUy
' "J"' w atjuot Wft by
WI liaiia 1.4MMTO LVN, MMH1
tor arMiiara. rrm.
QWbydrteU,Tu )t
iR rouglincss oi T, ,r ATriIE l
or any
Matthews & Ainswor
Office Over
ciiv aittl sulmrlmii lots sum Hums oi mi i" ,
Real Estate Agents.
Invest in
Among a Great Many Choice Bargains!
to .., i f ,nn fmm Rniom.
House, burn and out buildings; 2 acres iu orchard. 100 per acre.
104 ncresone mile from Gervais; 90 acres in cultivation; two-story
buildings; largo orchard; 33 acres now in grain. Price ?GO00.
House and lot on unemeKeiu street, near i,aiiimu cuuiun, iuw.
Large house and lot, OoxlGS, lu North Balcni. young orchard. Price 1500,
House with five hard finished rooms, barn and lot 75x150 iu South Salem. Price ?S00,
1IU Kill UU1UI ai l-lll, iliui .Cl.l
Lots for sale in the following
many other choice bargains.
Importers nnd 'Wholesale dealers In
4 1 nnd 15 Walker 8t. John F. titration's
Celebrated Hii'slan Out Violin strings, tho
Finest In the World.
Our Oiinrnutex 11 u dealer receives a
complaint, (which ho believes to bo honest)
from any muslelau to whom ho has hold
any of theeo btrliiRs, he Is authorized by
us to give him another string without
charge, and all such loss will bo inadogood
by us to our customers, without quibblo or
question, (llewarool imitation.) Dealers
will please send lor descriptive catalogue.
Trad supplied at lowest price. N
U melinites Students In
Classical, Literary, Scieniific,
Normal, Business, Law,
It is the otite.t, larKSht and least expen
sive Institution of Itntrntug In the North
west. School oiwns first Monday In September
bend for twtaloguo to
,. l'resldent.
l Salem, Oregon.
lljaS-SHAS TT11
' A,1, i2XMulb?btf$&iffl
land slwpy one tOiir Home" beds, new
iuKnrivn. uie u a call and we for
yr If.
E. M X.A.W. Proprietor.
Ow. Uwrt and High 8C, Salem, Or,
&AffiTtS2ST fc "J
their troubka. Twatl t.. ajotoTed w?
otj a wljaitd ii.l- rmdj- laOrcs
CT5. "-;rT. !'?..-"'" aaatww w
1 MJ-.i.-Tr,i zz.j'izx.'r. ""ww.
. In .
MraR M
n, w, jJair-twj & Co,
Y5v bim A
Capital National Bank
I) 11
Qirurfto IiwwiiMii
en of which is lu a hitrh state of cultivation, balance excellent timber land
w i... ,.,., ,....
Boise's, Reid's, University, Queen Ann and Yew Park.
The Salem itetract
Have removed to building adjoining
Thompson' Jewelry store on
Commercial street.
Titles Investigated,
Money to Loan
Land for Sale,
Houses for Rent
inyono wishing to board nta .inlet
A ,and cozy piace, will find the object ot
their bercli at
Cor. Chomekete nnd Liberty Sts., Salem,
Where a lew select boarders con secure
Paint Shop
No. 54 Commercial St.
Houso nnd Curriuge Painting,
Sign wrttiiii,'. l'aiwr hnngiiiR ntul
doeorating, Wall tinting and kal
sointning oxecutetl in the latest
r , , ... .
Experienced Workmen Employed.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Call and 8 u3 Mere you lot your
F. L.
R, P. BOTSE, Jr.
brick house; large barn andotuerout
i... n A I V, ll.r All
iiiuoiiuiii uc jumiuii"
751 JInrket st. San Francisco
Go and learn how to avoid
disease, ahd how wonderful
ly you aro made. Consulta
tion and treatment pers 0;
ally or by letter or weal
nesscs and all dlscasse of
men. Send for boot.
I'rlvnte olllce 211 Ounry street.
Tho J3 CnrBRB' ouidbu
issujtt Mrch and Sept,
each yoar. It ia an encj
(clopedia of uieful lnfor
mation for all who pur-
choao tho luxuries or vn
nonnfidHnn nf lifa. W0
oan clothe you and furnish you witl
all the neeesstry and unneoewMJ
appliances to ride, walk, dance, swept
eat, flsh, hunt, work, go to churcfl,
or stay at home, and in various slxe'i
styles and quantities. Just flguro oul
what is required vo do all these thinif
COMFORTABLY, and you oan mjkW
estimate of the value of the BTJYEBB
GUIDE, iwhtoh will be sont upon
receipt of 10 cents Vo pay postste,
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, in.
Northern Pacific Railroad
And all points East via
Tho Northern Pacldc railroad Is the only
line running Uissenser trains, Second class
Meepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day f
coaches, IMllman lVthice Sleeping Can,
falaceDlulng Cars, (meals 75c) from fori
land to the oust.
ee that your ticket read via the Northern
I'aclftc railroad and avoid the
change of cars.
1.0AVe IVirtlnnil nt R n m nnii H4( n. XU
dally arrive at Minneapolis or Bt. Paul at
Mt p. 111.
Pacific Division. Trains leave Front
and 11 street dally nt lUB a, in. and 8-
!4Dam. rriveSmlea6ain'and853Spi
w., .1. live hi iMoomaat 7:10 P in -
t tars,
ilt ( wiver First and o Strm,