4 THE CAPITAL EVEiyO JOrBNAL. THE CAPITAL JOI'IIML nt tiik Capital Journal Publiihing Company. (InoiriKiraU'd.) ;r.lifd at the f-tofflor l .l-tn,Or.,iw eonod clam malK-r. 1 , j i.i 1 1 IT i v write In fuvorof ucoiuiuilxon lif- liiMirniircfori-viTy- Imh1-. Tin- ilaii runMHHhUliunr.KXCKi'THi'Ni'AY. women Alike, a won im they are old enoufih to work fora llvlnjj, to we (fin to jmy to the state an annual in surance fee. Tin- imyineiit wonM continue up to the tlmotlio tmyer was rixty-flve years old. Then he could retire on his jk-iic Ion and live without work the remainder of his day, if lila payments had heen large enough. At any rate he would receive a regular fixed amount, which would prevent his iKWining a public burden. The stale would invest the funds paid in, and get re turns from them, as private insur ance companies do at present. There is In Uennany n law requir ing the Insurance of the lives of factory operatives. There Is nlw a compulsory accident insurance, In which all nermann are Included. These laws were favorite measures with llismarek. Do ion Knun? l'-.r chapped hands, roughness of the skin, pimples or blotches of any Ho w.u know him Imulmi emlffniK- kind 0n the face orotber parts or ini in for men and, To thin world of bilhl and Umn! inxlv. apply Dutard's Speclflc.ii There's eer boat lit im neavenn niK-" wor),g nn, mHgic aiul is warramej. H. V. MATTHOVM. F. L. AINSWORTH. mm. fourth page fcfttmnaof wtacrlp- "Aawrtl-Mneiit. U 'T"LSSS?u?lM the mm daf ) nhoulrt lie bMWeo In oy I o'clock. f uwreafondencr taloln neyjor In teract and Imntnm- In amrtv rroro an 'SutrnkJ'ill hf paldtoanonyroouii lrirti Ui-lrniK Hii' -'"LAL.T. hvLJ M.-ved at tlHlrli..iin awjirjU by pm tal card r(iiel, or liy vurd left at mm "tfJSllmcn uuinlM-n unit free on aiplt- Office, oofiicr Court and Liberty M1ntfti. WKI1NJWI1AY, AI'ltIL 17, J8. Kjeejtl the ctwKwnt moon, Do they it sail In the new moon's boit The aunwt bare abore. With never a mil bnt th sail called Hope, And ncveran oar but Love? Through seas of ether the rilvery boat Drift on to this far-off land: llut the baby la Mfe, for the mystic helm In ftrrard by an angel' hand. Iiv the druggist. Matthews. Sold by I). AV. 'I hi fiiiwrmir 1'roelanmtlim. lliurnwh a the wnlennUil atinlvemn y of thfliMtifiinifloii of lire Wwhlnglfii a flirt irvldent of llie Inlicd Watniwll. iMcuron the Wthdny of April, Anno Imhh ImI, lsW, which dy ha been ( P"rt '.' Mtartofponit'ivii on a Kmcrnl liolday fr the people ol tlw whnleinmntrj . Wow ilK-n-roi. I, Hu''r linnojer, K ivarnor oT UrvRun, b vlrlurc of tlnaii thortiy mnfiTn d upon ii-1 iiniwtini Uon of the Miitr. do hen by dccliirr lli ntbraaalil Tumdu), April JOth, Ml', UiIh legal helldiiy: anil I do miii'l Hint It hn bewiiitaerwd lij lhcg'Bl pMiplciif till omimonuiiilll . And, lniiiiin-h an flu Inipreailve net of Inauguration, which i purred at noon, wn pniidi-d ntHoVIm I In the moriiliig by prayer in an tin ebuivlim nl tin- ity, for (lnd Mt-wliu un Ihc giccrmiii-nl to bo liutriirtnl, would furtlit-rn-(iiitil. In i.iiMlleiici'lomii b h worthy example tlml pniyii nlinll l lield at iilncoVliH k In tin- morniiiinirn. h holiday In all imri-lninhii-tollii'ind Mm llm liletflliijx of ilnl limy Ih- Miiuli'iifi'il ti iMirgovernm-iit fcrnll ii n-. In vtltniw M lii)f, I lmc lii-rciiiiti ! m luind and (WUW'll Mm-xi'III nf I III' 'Mil' I" iM'lllllklll thin HNIi day or April A l. Hwli. HVI.VDBTKK l'i:SMiMlt MHJIAI, NOTIB. Tin: JtH'HNAli hcreiifler, tin em Ii Bituidiiy afternoon, will devote u portion of Its Hjmit' to the tecordliig of niovuniciils In society. This tic pNrtuumt will he known as "HimIiiI Xoles," and nil ciiumiuiiliMtlons In- (tiudud fr It slioulil be mlilrewcd lo "Soelety Mdltor." Tlic aim Is to niitko of tills new ilcpailurc n )(iriiitinent iinil attractive feature. To in iko a HticccMsuf It, Hie hearty C(H)IHirntliiIl of everyone Ih invited. If n Hiity, luiiclieon or tea Is given at your home (we mean vol'), fall not at your peilt to so inform this olllet). With llio iiiwUtunce of Iho iMtdern, the .Ioi'Iinai, feels MlU-llllllV.,-' ' """ U'lll i-rnivii Thm Kvenst exploring lmrty, which left for the Arctic clrclo Mon day.conslstsof live men and Is head ed by A. W. Kverest, the wealthy proprietor of a large stock farm. They go from Winnipeg to ('aigarry and thence across the country to Kdmonton, and then will descend the Mackenzie river until tho Arctic ocean Is reached ami nt the month of that rivor they will build n vessel with which they will try to round Cniw Barrow, a feat which lias been but rarely performed. They hope to return through Jtehrlug strait alio sea, and, skirting Alaska, lwteh Victoria In about n year's time. They have deposited 10,(HH) with the Hudson Hay company. They aro taking an elaborate stock of wares to barter with the natives. Tlioy fear they will meet with hos tile Kxquimaux in the vicinity of fane Harrow ami are making pro visions for placating thorn by tliet-c means. linsiiirss. There wun n man In our town, And he wan wondroo wise; Ita xwore by all the fabled god He'd never advertlae. Ill) goods were ailvertlaedonoday, And thereby liaugs a tale The "ad" was set lu nonpareil And headed "aherlfi" Ho." "SCI5ATS." Tiinjute iMigglng trust Iscnldto Ihj iirepailngfor another miueeye on tint ootton crop. Hirr wo trust not his sliiller. liy Iho way, bus anylKsly ever heard ot a stiitterlug woman'.' A Miwi lugcliloinily euiiatructed Miuteiiiv Is this one, niM lo have been written by the gleat Napoleon wlilluliiipiiHiiiifd aftor Ida defeat at WalerliHi. Thuwiiiteni'tfls the name, Imuliwaril and ferward: "Able was I ere I saw lOllm." )M'lMiHiuatiiunuotkoeiy long, long ago the big paper at the me lroMilln paid tliu prima or the capital t'lty hii inw'imniblo eciinplinieut, which )(, has npK'urt-d lu liuue of I lie M H'W of the IiihI ineiiliniieil wiy, hueli la iKnBniK r life in HhIviii. -a 'j - ('A.v Hiiytliiiignioiv dUgUHtlug be liiMgiutNl titan (u iHiirw.iiieono v ho Ima JiM tluialitsl eutlng aumeklng hk llMHi.d iiiuking a sucking noiiw with hi twill unit tongue. Your Uwika ott gtiuil limuilerN will tell you thmi imim uiib your mouth r wrydlagnsiliig, jet tlieiv aiv iwoplowltu tbiutiitltct ,ou. A (xiiiiiiiinih:nt wrlttatis: In view of the opportunities of ocean cnrrlnge and of the tact thai coal Is so very abundant in Washington and Ilrlttsh Columbia Lit is astonishing how high fuel is in Kan I'ninclm'o mid Oakland. It is at least ten or twelve dollars per. ton, and often fifteen dollars for ordinary good coal there. As ocean fielghts are always so low for arti cles like coal and It cost.s but a Irlllo loeet a Ion pn board shit) thh high When one consilium whul this high price means It Is Inconceivable. It means literally prohibition on most manufacturing, and gu-at In convenience to nil Iho people. It 1 1 mum lenilieuou Oil COIIIIIKIICO 110 snips, no exports. It means that millions ot tons of fruits, wines, etc., must lie unsold nt Smi Francisco and around her gieat buy. It means idleness and want to thou sands on thousands of people. An examination of a limp of Alaska shows that point Harrow Is the extreme northern point of laud In ttie 1 'lilted Slates, and within twonty-ilvi. miles of being the north ernmost laud on the continent. The island of Attoo, lielonglng to the Aleut Inn group in K mint western laud lu lite 1'nlted States, and Is ns far west of Still rrauclseo as the ttatfof Malnelseast. Thogeogmph. Icul center of the 1'nlted SIiiIm is found to lie west of San c'raneUii. It may he jp well to state nt the outset that the nit or dlM-ornliig elmracter from handwiltlng, known graphlology, H nt exact in all lis tieuil, tuit nieivly pivtends to give 'awirrvei geiienu sntralture. Like iphrenoliry it not only striktw the Heavy overcoats will not bo worn after June I. Dtvorco fciilts will lw worn deo lctte as usual. Appointments this season arc cut n In republican. The president's mall averages COO to 700 letters per day. Kvery French lrk has a photo graph of every employe. The largest diamonds will be found on the baseball grounds. ' I-'achlnnalde dogs will wear muz zlln' lu July mid August. Vermont has organized a society of the Sons of the devolution. No change in their crowns will be made by the Iron kings -his summer. Utnh is the only territory that has not yet been provided with a new governor by President Harrison. Constitutional prohibition is vig orously opposed by some ot the prominent clergymen in Massachu setts. The ItiisHinu newspapers have been prohibited from publishing the lepoils of the discovery of the iliicit mntiufacturlngof bombs at Zurich. It is seldom that convicts beg for work, but such is tho eas-o at Sing King. Owing to enforced idlone-s there Is said to be Indications of growing insanity. "John, did Mrs. Clrcon get the medicine I ordered ?" snld tho doctor to his hired num. "I guess so, for 1 saw crape on the door this morning." The slato of Kansas Is obliged to penitentiary. Under Iho prohibi tory law, with municipal woman suflrago to make it eilectlve, the number of available men in the pen itentiary has fallen far below the nuiiiucr called for in tho contract. More than half the county jails aie now without prisoners. "Mr. Ilabbakuk P deslies the liucklcn's Arnica Sahe. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruivss, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapjieu hands, chilblains, eorns and all skin , eruptions, and positively cures piles or no ihv required, it is giiiuin.... (ogive perfeet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For s-Hle by Daniel J. Fry, drug gist. There aro soveral goat ranches in Texas. .Merit Wins. We de-dre to say to our citizens, llint for vpnm wo have been selling Dr. King's ew Discovery for Con-1 sumption, Dr. iung's-sew J.ne riu-, liucklen's Arnica Salve and Eleetnc Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antee thorn every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactorv results do not follow their use. '1'liese remedies have won their irrcat noniilaritv purely on their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, druggist. Hisniark has got u new dog, and lie calls him Sedan. Derangement of the liver covers n multitude of ailments. In all cases where the functions of the liver are interrupted ordisturbed, and the bile, its constant secretion, left cir dilating in 'he blood, some disorder will follow. Dr. Heiile's Dande lion Tonic will restore the liver to its natural duties and promote the secretion of bile, therebyiireventing jaundice, th'sinm-da, billiouiiessund uuiei uiiiueuia. cum uj it, i. Matthews. atthews Ainsworth, ' Office Over Capital National Bank, SALEM, OREGON! Five ncro lots in the benutitiil "Garden City addition to Salem," just east of tlio city, iwiuliflii Garden, Fruit and Home sites ! Call early and get your choice, Wo will sell you city and suiuirban lots and farms of all descriptions. MATTHEWS & AINSWORTH, "Real Estate Agents. The straits at ftiluuo, Cal., are swarming with sea lions. "Tho One Hoss Slmy," of Dr. Holmes', is full of the genial author's exuberant humor. Its fun IsHiipei'llcialaiid obvious; hut more is meant than lheets the eye or ear. The vehicle which ran for a hun dred years and a day without a break, typifies a healthful human body, and represents the natural term of Its service. If, however, a man has catnrralial, bronchial, asthmatic or pulilionnry di-cascs, lie cannot live out half his days, unless he eradicates the scrofulous humors whose pi'eenco causes these local troubles. The great blood-cleansing alterative of Dr. l'ierce, known as the "Golden Medical Discovery," lids the blood of scrofulous pollu tions, and, by improving the nutri tion, gives new vigor to the debili tated system, and cures these dis eases. hi! mvirj '."'"'' 11" to'" Catarrh The wheat ciop of California for this year is estimated at 2,000,000 tons, or double the product of 1888. Not one pei'hon in fifty arrives at the age of ibity, who is not troubled with kidney or urinary complaints in some form. To those alllicted with pain in the hack, non reten- limi ill' iii'lm. ii.ii.wni.) .l.il.tm.. i.. nniviuvof tl... ..,..,,, i ...J a ... .""' " ", '"""""V.' i"""- ---v- - 6"h'i" Him mi- mi iii Mispressed menstruation, we death of his wife may bo sanctitied wlI oiler n remedy that lias been in -minium use over twenty years. Oregon Kidney Tea. This prepara tion 1ms dm o more for sullering humanity than any other medicine in tho market. Sold by D. W. Matthews. R K. HOOVEH. O. $. EDQETT. R, P. BOISE, Jr. 1, lu.- r H -m'X i T" f lrZ f 1 T" ! VCSUH Company, Kvynnu-M, nut give ninny minor elionln, but at bent there Is uuieli that euunot Ik wvn and intwt tliert- TiiKoHiuTor nimmjier oTh fttrin wjMtottniurn bin IimikI adroitly to (UltVIVUt kllliia of Hlirk. nil .i,.y, ...1. .. .. . . ' I ..-.. 1... !... . mniiy raim ntru, lit the prtwuiw f "" " " " ""witi. Ill Itlrvd ini'ii.biu. a gat mlvuutain ' rr "" vr the uwurr who tuiy Int u ! ' jtruJillilUmi cHinialgii or kt bungler In (Hiiuiotf a plow, luruluir ! " eot t,uU ly 'W.3U7.0H. Of m nirww, rfMtrluir liurw-mke, "U,M Nlw Ylrk ,H,' tntrlb- wwliui wl, ijin,( dmlMr1!1 t,,,, ,"r,l,"' . U.lHS.ao, Uk or ruuuliiK rwtinr. "" Moula,l Uio i-nwllti.t, ilfty s- . iwut. Orviniu' wuitrilHitlnii u- "Thk Caiuiai. JotH.N.vi, Inui f, u n'v"u' Ur ilwwikw mm Utv," Iih. Uvn miM by I, ,Wi'ii"W'I'1JIn. T. l tvwyhoAi- nmo .,Md lu ,ttHii yM he eurtvul ytr. And tho My In ' .TT". tewitlwli' mm, puui,,,,,, H !W r it- Wte b(uu uu the Ut ur Maivli, WKi, ' ",,ow ,,uu," wl" .vm give tm tm utt ttummw lit of hii olivkm, umwmI- ' ,,,U w",ftH"' kd m irtwrfy-Jouk- v. n grow in wiu iliouimwul, ' ,M ,,mw '" lu rMuotkuiwy In the mmay, ootmiaut. An viiImwiuvui , '' M,M l. WMI MCMU)', tun uuw lu Wa-uU-ttotitoluetwirtmfrojjai)'. -Uwuur Hivhw, " to liim for his spiritual good. llion, when the congregation was between stiiplfactio.i and explosion, the clergyman went on with the services at a rapid rate. Ho was at n lam to know why tho congrega tion seemed lo be, throughout the remaitiiier oi the service, on (ho point of laughter, but at dinner Mrs. I'' . the pantor's wife, explained tlmtll.ilib.ikuk I s.it three rows iioni uie mint in the broad aisle Willi his brand now wife, and he hail reailanoldiiotleethatMr. V had probably been using for a book mark over since the death of wire No. 3. A London doctor who despaired ofbolngabloto euiVH woman from nn atlk'tlou of (he law and f.uv. tin. ally wrote her that lie was at the end or hl resoim-en, and added that tempiifc edax vcruin ttlme tliat Hit UIum up all matters) was the sole remedy. UU jmtient, who was! vocmlngly Ignorant or Utln, got an "lowing apouuvary to rurnlsh her with the remedy, at the moderate price of 7s. (id. After drinking sev tmllMttlw of Italic m t her physl. mu in irtiiiiion.aiiit Hstonlsliwl him by hor gratitude for the invaluable lueiltolni' he had riHouiiueiidmt in her. The Congrvgatloualist wlHtt thU shiry and tuggum that porhaK It wh a "trmigveaw of fMlth euro." Th problem whether a umnager MUttrcuuot eonipelrt v.icwl artM J u wpt mt euotiro h prolwblvl nun nvon wriouly tMttJderwl William O'Brien, the Irish pa triot, hits begun libel ttetlou against Lord Sali-biu-y. A Safe liicsliiieiit is one which is guaranteed to bring vou satisfactory iistilts, or in ease oi lalluio a lelui'ii of purchase price. w.i uu Mm- instil you can tiuy iroin our advertised druggist it bottle of Dr. Klng'.s New Discovery for Con sumption. It Is guaranteed to bring relict in every case, when Used for any ntlectlon of throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption, inlluiu mation of huipt. bronchitis, asthma, whooping eaugh, croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, per kvilv safe and e.in nlwnvs ii, .1, iwnded upon. Trial bottles free at Daniel J. Fry's drug store. Bo-ton 1m not at all progressive in the matter of street railroads. The city lias none but horse-oar linos. Do you ever have pains in tho imektind loins'.' if vim .i. ,..,.,. i to them now, don't wait, delays aro dangerous. Nip tho disease hi the budniidsive your hwiltli and doc tors bills A lew dik-es of Oregon Kidney lea will prevent Ilright's DiM-a-e and liiMiro your health, n"Vr",',H,,.,, '"KPPliieM. Sold liy D. . Matthews. FORMERLY THE SALEM LAND COMPANY. ik 10 rm ii t Till! AND SALEM r pi TO Heal state. AivroNGr a Great Many Choice Bargains, 'WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: 1 "ffiJ,ir&Xt?M0'oSi.hi"uj' House imaJSS!i.1U' iMmy brlck h0Use' m andotherout House and lot on Cliemeketa street, near Catholic church, S1G00. &? I'n IMl.lot.103xIS1 in North Salem, young orchard. Price $1500, House with five hard flnished rooms, barn and lot 75x150 in South Salem. Price SS00 Lots in North Salem, near street car line. imesauu. n.anyoU,e?rclXiUgains.Wi,,gn,hllti0,,9: BiSC'S' d'. Unlvctrfty, Qi Ann and Yew Park, Abo JOHN F.STRATTON& SON !IiiHV21.,?r.n.n.d Wholcsnlo dealers in MUhlCAI. MKItl'IIANlHSU. New York, 11 anil U Wnlkcr Bt. .John F. Htmtton's relelimted Hu-slan Out Violin ktrln' nn-t iu fciiu i uriu tho The Salem Abstract -AND- " Fifty tut," w tht iviUv iimi NiwtHi iruiior- m ttt gwnueut. " Yim ou8ht to uIm iu h txuipU. idalUm Miyhow, Th xwt U of lM't A tTHMKNT iwnwrahb i.i..u.m. , wmnii m ihttii 1.V ! tim woriry uimwi lu ,,1 "My fri4l, l vuuWu't KlwytMi UiwvMMntlibr. hi. MlMi f!firdoi otenxMt. it ulu't v..in " -" ... -' - 1 I W( t Ui-llup iue vmhMM.M "Would ylH1 tkm fcr u f u w WP' "H' XHvnd't. I would Uk 5 tar U . ll.ll. . "" ...Muunnw,, .yr . uiuiv' tbr l. A young u' uf Hutitwn! mnU till uht Wtntiuui m ..n Ulrl. Kim," o Uh. J,.,v.. ... imuu1m1 Igm mi H,- UiH ofciVMi." uun umiui hmMi....i .. k at t a . . .. wls,ua, 1XVWM... .,,, nnui, imv' your flr. H iw iMMtr ' iMttHiuc out In hunt r v-. JTrf-v. .' mitl 1 lirtiualii ii iu i.,..K.. 0P'. - - "WIMM . .. ----- ----.--.,,. M" U.k HMHHiuuk iu .., !" ! 0""y . Yon IimI .,JJ . ' """Wi The prident has luo,l a procla mation appointing 0 o'olook a. m. April St), as n hour of dlvino wor ship In eonneetion with the euntou niHl eMinitiitii tf Wnahi niton's in- Our Oiiiirmilei- ii u dealer receives u eonipliilnt, (wliicli ho belloves to bo honest) .V?,'.'." ',".'?' ata-lclan to whom he has sold "" ft"o MrliiEs, he is authorized by ..h,,lLBlvei '' "' '!"""-,r fctrinu without tl linrue, and all such lo-,s wilt bo made Kood .m.7ito ,,l'r J'UMoinere without quibble or I'iiT.1,1"' ("ewroot Imitation.) Dealers will iilwo scud tor descriptlve mtalogue. trad fciiinilled at low est price. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY UnuuialeBtudontsln Li LAND COMPANY, Ihixo removed to building adjoining Thompson's jewelry store on Commercial street. V i' ' bitli erto. I'lirfbruteixMrv. iu a nit., ....... auiriirMtlou LLS.. ::. ,;-,u,i ' . .n-T' ."stcuh. f.M ,.,, j MU auuHMKV or' lw" lMlVikUo Mri tliMV hkUtll Ilk.. .It . . 1 . . Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. ho liLllUitliHi of iDBrutii In the "o'rth. THUS. VAN' SCOY, 17- , 1'rMilent. l"i. Oregon. Titles Investigated. Money to Loan, Land for Sale. Houses for Rent. CALL AND SEE US. BoarderS! A"5'?'1,6 wishing to board ntn ouiet MRS. Kl. A. THOMPSON'S Cor. Chemekete and Liberty SU., Salem Where W lect boava .... DR. JORDAN'S jimui of 7ol Market st. San Francisco UAUll-UUiSIA. Go and learn how to avoid disease, ahd how ironderftil. ly you aro made. Consulta tion and treatment pcrs on ally or by letter or weak nesses and nil diseasso of men. Send for bonk. 1'iivate oltlce 211 lienry street. Tho PfrrEKS' GUIDE i issujd M-,rch and Sept., ecch yoar. It is an ency clopedia of uioful infor mation for all who pur chase tho luxuries or th necessities of Ufa. Wa can clothe you nd furnish you with nil the necesstry and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, oat, fish, hunt, work, go to chuwh, or stay at home, and in various sizel, styles and quantities. Just figure out wil?h,a rea-uired 10 do oil these thing COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fail estimate of the value of tho BUYEHB' QUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents Ui pay postage, MOrrGOrVlERY WARD & CO. m-ll-i Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HI. g&2v Northern Pacific Railroad GKEAT OVERLAND ROUTE TWO KAST TUA1X8 DAILY ! NO CHANGE OK CARS st; jrn . -- .. -.-..... j ........,-., i.inii V "-rillliuiw lUT UN MMhi 1 1 11 1 II If OI till, l.lltflai.ll Ul, 1..1... U U0nn. Suoh an hmmI.u. k..u. I ." ,,e '' ttlU in-u liilLiiii.l v.u; Ml'MJn .n'rnUhtd for tl ., w, wuvM w u, taw uiLu l k ? !!"w rHiH.i r i.,Kt eari::;;vf,,1,t91,e,rr.i rr-S" .? firss-5.ais ssss& -'l-' .lw nn II M. uu. U "- " lailllllHIIlMI lll lu i.t.. tlkli-i..; "TTr." "."" wrtalu n coiue lutu oourt Tim ' H" "u" hi tf nbtuivl to lu itir- --- , uui iiiniiirntti l. .. . . . . iL3Di,,:lou' u.riu -i ,is new U.I -. No tnilinMln far H. p. RANKIN'S SIPaint Shop W.ll . JMi nM mm.1 -Mlw u, imu niHKd one liWhi'- 'aKJ "". Ut- ft I.U ullwwd imi.;; ST-"iV- "?J.. nw U u.tt jiutilhMl by U wmi. M-K' u!?.? Bl'rf'. gMMHII mi Uw Uui of nrivu ' for ..v VT clolUr .i . ,. "j !..:.-"? "w njuuL nun tv ""iiwcu, i iikiu kii ...r.r yourn It " """ "" . ,lwn su No. 2MJ Comniorciitl St. ilOUSO JUltl Ciirrinmi lnl..:...- writliit.. i,; T....'"muBj SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And nil points East via St. PAUL ami MINNEAPOLIS. line runSiniPiS J ueWc road Is tho only rtei2r2 riSiS?8?8' ,rn,ng. Second class 2S!i!Sf i'Sf..rn0,J?l?'re Luiurious Day PataTO Dln "nn,n V"1"0? Sleeping Cars. UuXt'eewu re,(me,lU 76c) ft"" 1orl- ""SffimSH"110 the Northern t-Hoiiio niilroad and avoid the change ofoun. Wm a itwil mm. w. Ltin .r: """', w u. miis imutrrti t"u.. ..; " wi, ur. ci ... Miiuiu i amtitii? ter In allan. Z;kJr .AIM .. .... i ..' " Mnwam TQB11 iWu. .ir. ""T-"" Uaa4MMMlv iii7Tr''" wWehk-issLir?: CMMoua'uraar WMMg 0 Experienced Workmen Employed, ;Sr5V K .-m.muii uuaranteea, iiF .'' vn.,ruonSSSi li' t'wiwr Plr and Q 8treit, yyw-r,