Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 17, 1889, Image 1

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-IN- I
IT WlM. 11M I
,S-Yoit will bo well pleased with lt.-S
itrTlie Term'! are Mot Itenaonable-Sis
VOL. 2.
StO. 40.
" . W . Y i If
WNationalfchni.. p iiJ .
SALEM. OREGON. " UL 1 Lffl J O W O I I 1 S S S cL W 1 ,
VM. N. liADt'E, President.
1K. .1. IlKYNOIiOH, - VUu President.
JOHN MOIK, Cashier.
Exchange on Portland, Kan Kranclseo,
New York, London and Hong ICons
bought and sold. Stale, County and City
warrants bought. Fanners are cordially
Invited to deposit uud transact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops and other property ai
reasonaoie rates. Insurance on such se
curity can be obtained at the bank In
most reliable companies.
Immigrants are Arriving and
Paid up.
- - $75,000
- - 10,000
It. 8. WAM.ACK,. - - President.
V. W. MAItTIN, - Vice-President.
J. II. AIilSKttT, - - - - Cashier.
W.T.Qray, TV. V. Martin,
J. SI. Martin, 11. S. Wallace.
Dr. W. A.Cusick, J. II. Albert,
T. AIct Pat ton.
To farmers on wheat and other market.
IU prouuet, uuuaifiiiuu ui in on
either In private grnx arles or
State and County Warrants Bought at Par.
I T ........ t - r HAnennolila VI tot) Itrnfla
I drawn direct ou New York, Chicago, 8nn
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris. Ucrlln,
New Stow, New Goods.
jJIas opened up a fresh and clean stock of
and In fact oyertliing kept in aflrst-
class Grocery store. Cash paid for
( Butter and Eggs.
Tho publlo In general Invited to call and
fseous. At 1 goods dell vereniree.
h Stats Street, room lormeriy ukupito "j
Fre"h bread always on hand. Feed of all
i kinds kept constantly In our store.
In the Bank Block, treats all Chronic
diseases of
Tin ATmWftMF,N
On strictly scientific principles. His new
i S?edt&te'f Vapoi raSta. Wlclty and
Tutlo-n on the Pacino slope 'Dr. Gilbert
uses umy
. . - ln1l. fltfnil fnrtlie
unices ana rooiua bu ","'"', rrnrtiiw
accommodation and treatment of ladles
with ladles bath Inairoof Mrs. GUbcrU Dr.
Gilbert connies himself to ottlco Practice
and is, therefore, always on hand to
wait upon his patients. Special alien,
tlon given to diseases of women and child
ren. Terms strictly moderate.
Daily !
$900. 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway line in North Salem.
Very cheap and choice.
$600. 75 feet front on Front street running through 240 feet deep to
the river bank. For a week only. - ,
$2600. Elegant hard finished house, with 2 lots and a good barn on
High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood. Worth
Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoining town. Itunning
spring. Elegant meadow on part of tract. $200 per acre. For a short
time only.
Lots in Capital Park addition, one block from State street, S000 for
inmrtor lilookn. KstfW) nnil ft-IWI for uinrrln lnriro Infu
Lots in Yew Park, Qtleen Anne, Mill additio
lions, (oxiau near Asyium avenue; souu.
ion and University nddi-
Real Estate Broker, Bank Blocl-c.
Up-Stairs, Salem. Oregon.
Comer State and Liberty Streets, Salem.
Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Bt-ttter, Cream Cheese, etc.
Remember the Place and. Call.
Abso.uteSy Pure.
This powder never varies. A niaivct of
purity, strength and whoieomcncss. More
economical than tho ordinary kinds, and
cannot bo sold In competition with the
multltudooflow test, short weight alum or
phosphate powdcis. Sold only In cans.
ltOYAIi BAKIXO POWl)EIt(,'0..1(KI Wnll.N.Y
Lioft KENT.- In a line locality, several
1 nicely furnished rooms, either with or
without board. For particulars call upon
Win. S. Arnold, 8IJ7 Wintor street.
ron s.vr.u
1.10 it HAI.K. A KAKM OK :kM ACKKH
I' all under leneoand eujtivatlon, In tho
uijsi iimu i.tiwiiiij .ii iit.-i ii iHKim.
'Clio l.nut olif.iir.n n i.v ftrh.vil I'm n 11.1111 l.
cnstiKO ill slock liilsjinr. For partUulara
1.11111111 Ul iiiiiii.-n
. 11. 11 YAK-J.Nalem, oieRon.
WANTED. A Partner: An eneigotle
' ' IIUIIK lllllll 111 IIIJV1) II Ullll lllll-ll'l 111 II
wolUestuhlishpil noil uood-n:i vlnir business.
$200 Is rciiulPMl. ilan must be a uood
worker, fall or nuurotM "W. M., caioof
CATITAr, Jouunau
e very good second-hand
nrmisn flml I U'lltkpll lOimlli.
Come jinil seo thorn. GAixim Fisiikii.
lKOFi;S$jl. OAltllS. .
Otllce in thoNcw
merclnl street,
Hank Block. Com
Salem. alKii oi tho IiIr
nlIYS10lAN.-MltS. im. M. E. MrCOY
I physician ami wureon. has located
and taken rooms over squire Farmr's
grocerv storo. Chronlo diseases n spec
laity. 'Consultation freo. lMlilw
V. and TypQwrltor Copyist. Will make
reports of trials, etc.; copying on type
writeraccumtely and neatly done. OMco
with I A Jlaiininit. Comnieivlal St., Ud
stairs, Now Hank Block.
"T'cr'ons wlshlnij to lmprovo their nieiii
orios or strengthen their powerolnttentlpn
Khoiildsend to Prof ixislsette, 2.17 I'llth
SIIUIUU M'lIU I" iui ..v....t-.., .. -
.. .. r.i liiw ,.rounpitiiK nost, tree, as
",".?;.' ..'...':.; ..I.X ....i.. m.,' -K..U stiiw
auvcnisuu in iiminii ii'n"i'.
NoK, Stdw
AlilVK LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets
U in Odd Fellows' Hall up stairs, cornei
A "Bargain For
Consulttitions Freo.
-21-d W
Commercial and Ferry
urdny nt 7:30 p. 111.
streets, overy Sut-
-To Exchange for-
Uu i i
For sale cheap for casli or upon
the installment plan. For particu
lars call upon
No. 367 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon.
Proposals Invited.
mllE BOAUD 01' TimsrBES OK TB
1 Oregon State Insane Asylum ln He
sealed proposals for heatlnir the state in
sane asylum with hot water. Plan and
specifications must bo furnished by the
bidders. Plans of tho building will be fur
nlshed upon application to Dr. Horry ume
medical superintendent, Salem, Oregon.
t. i. . i, inviiivl for an electric
light plantfor the asylum of COO lights oi
10 candle power eacu, iniiuw. , -
to be wired oorapletand ready for srlce
and subject to rigid test. The right .to re
ject any and all bids reserved.
Bids wil I be opened at 3 o'eJoek n, m. on
Tuesday. May 7, 18. .
G. W. WHBll,
Brd of Trustees
Wx. A. MUN1A', CJerk at Bonrd.
-Kor irtlilnHli "t W om-
"It seems to mo," remarked one oi
our citizens ilie other day, "tlnit
physicians are allowed extraordinary
license in tlio uianner in which they
juggle witJi the wolfaro of their pa
tients." "Now hero is Dr. who was at
tending JUr. up to tho timo of his
death, and if lie treated him for one
thing lie treated him for a dozen dif
ferent disorders. First tho doctor
said pneumonia was the trouble ; tlion
it was consumption. Then tho pa
tient was ilo.od for lieart,troublo, and
BO on until just Ufioro no uieu it ub
nUi....i.iinn.l tloit. 'lin.iiino nf tho kid
neys was tho real tioublo, and that
which had beou tit first treated as
pneumonia, consumption, heart dis
ease, etc., wero but tho symptoms of
kidney dineafo.
"Ilut then it was too late.
"This is only one case in ahundred,
and I am beginning to loso faitli in
tho doctors altogether. In fact I
haven't had any need for their ser
vices since I began to keep Warner's
Safe Cure in my house, a little over
three years ago. Whenever I feel a
little out of sorts I take a fow dosee i of
it, confident that tho source of all dis-
ease is m tno Kiuneys, vmui i Mivn
iir..n..in Knfn Horn will Upon in cood
order, and will eradicate any disease
that may bo lurking there. Had
Mr. followed a similar course. I
have no doubt that he would bo alive
to-day ; but of course all people don't
think alike.
"Ono thing is certain, however,
and that is tho doctors are allowed a
littlo too much freedom in tho way
they have of pretending to know
that which they really know nothing
about. If thoy don't know what Is
tho real trouble with the patient,
thoy should admit it and not go on
andexporimont at tho cost of the pa
tient's life."
A tloo'l Cup of Coffee .
Is a croat attraction for n restnunin
The cotlee drawn from IlcllcnljnindV Pat
ent Coffee receptacle Is ono of tin many
muni, iviiiiu ii.'tin v. " .......,. , - -
Thousands of cups of ills excellent collee
. .. .1. A .... nu Trie l.l'btm'U
are soui uvurj ii.-iv. .m.. ",.'' 'v,
and meals ho cannot ho equaled in tho
state. "
Ed Glltnor went to Yamhill to
day. Robert Ford and wifo wont to
Edgeno to-day.
S. Frcldinaii Is in the city or
Portland to-day.
-Father "White departed for l'or.t
land thia afternoon.
Stephen Smith of Aurora in an
arrival in the city to-day.
Tom Jlolnian took this aftei
idoii's train for Portland.
Wm. II. Halloy of Eugene is in
the city to-day on business.
A. Geisy wont to Hubbard this
morning on leal estate business.
Mrs. MeNary went to Oregon
City this afternoon, on a short visit.
Milton II. Tower, a newspaper
man of Drain, Or., is taking in
Salem to-day.
Win. 15. Duncan left the city
this morning tor an extended visit
in Eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Heed, a daughter of W. H.
l.ynrs, arrived in the city 'this even
ing, from Melianiu.
-.-Mrs. Unrr, who has been visiting
at A. McAfee's, returned to her
homo in Albany to-day.
Mayor (ico. Williams took this
morning' train tir Portland. He
will return this evening.
Supt. MeElroy went to Port
land this eveniug on business con
nected with ills department.
Mrs. Pentium! of Solo returned
to her home to-day, after a short
visit with her daughter, Mrs. .!
.1. 1). Layman of Walla Walla
was this day appointed uy (lie Gov
ernor as commissioner M deeds for
Itov. llmnr of Victoria, who
occupied the pulpit at the Baptist
church hero biuma.Vj.jleDai'leii- nils
M. .1. Dlgnian and F. M. Itlce
of Salem started this morning for
a week's soouni in Washington.
They go mostly In look into lin
stock business of that new state.
F. Gilliam, who has filled the
the position as assistant agent here
for sometime, left this morning far
Pun lnnil. where lie lias accented a
more paying position with the com
pany. Fred carries with him tho
best wishes of a host of friends
who are pleased to see hhu rise.
Prof. MoElrov returned tills
morning from Corvallis, whore he
has been on school business. Mr.
McElroy's business is fast, increasing
and Ids daily mulls tiro becoming
very large so large Indeed tho lie
lias- been compelled to secure ine
services of a competent stenographer
to assist him In attending to Ills
Important llvciits of (lie Whole World
for Twenty-four
J)0 10 vbZOU working for us. Agents
.preferred who can furnish liorso and
Klvo tholrwholottine to thq business. Sparo
moments may bo protltnliiyomployed aim.
A fow vacancies In towns and cities. II. ! .
Johnson it Co., 1001) Mala St.. Illulnmmd,
N. II. Indies employed also. Never
mind about kcndlng sliiuip for reply. Loino
quick. Yours for hi., II. K. .1 . & l-".
1 i-(WJiii-siit
, g to
Gaines Fisher, Proprietor,
Corner Kerry and I.llicrty streets, N. K.oor
horn ClKiiiiekete hotel, Salem, Or.
tiood acoommoihitlons for iHimmerolal
travelers. Klrst-class Mgs always on hn nd
Charges reasonable.
Having farmed In this country for over
lialf a century, wbloh given us a thorough
ir.u'ii.iiinint'iliiuoiiiiir.v. we nowoffui pur
fcervlocs lo you iu
For your Paints, Oils, etc
Gilbert & Patterson's.
Painless dental operatlonsat Dr.
T. 0. Smith's, 02 State street.
Tho overland train arrived one
hour late this morning. Caused by
a heavy train.
To-day lias been marked by the
arrival of some llfteen or twenty
Immigrants in thoelty. ,
Wright's Blackberry Cordial should bo
In overy family for cholera IiiIhIiiiii, slim
mer dfieiwo, elo. Pluasuiitto luko. Sold
by all druggists.
Albany boasts of a maple leaf
which measures twenty-soven Incho
in length and nineteen in width.
The seventh annual convention
of tho Woman's christian temper-
nnco union of Oregon will be held
iu Salem, May 8-H-iO In the M. i'v.
churcli. The public are cordially
invited to attend the sessions.
.Still I'liliearil Prom.
Ni:v Voitic, April 111. Still there
Is no news of the passengers and
crew of the steamship Denmark.
r.m;nini;ilitiii Day.
Wasiunutox, April 1(1. Eman
cipation day is being celebrated by
tho colored people of tho District of
Columbia by a nanule of mllilarv
and civic associations.
I'liilcrgroinitl Wiivs.
NkwYohk, April 10. The mayor
sent to the commissioner of public
works to-day notifying him that
the poles and wires were to come
down. They were all except West
ern Union wires on the elevated
railroad structure and tho tiro de
partment line. The fall of every
polo was hailed with cheers by the
crowd. The commissioner lias sent
for some more police to be ready for
an emergency.
A tihuugoof Itiise.
Oino.UH), April 10. It is reported
hero to-day that the Standaid oil
monopoly had just completed one
of the biggest deals on record. For
two years the company has been
quietly seeming property iu Ohio
and has now S7,0u(),(()() invested
there. The Standard coninanv will
abandon tho Pennsylvania Ileitis for
those of Ohio. The consummation
of the scheme means the revolution
of the oil business.
Anot hot' I 'oiil lleml.
Tucson, Ariz., April Id. When
returning from hunting, C'aesnrio
Cliaon, a Mexican, was carelessly
handling a gun, and fearing an ac
cident was requested to remove the
cartridges. After doing so, iw lie
thought, he was told huji.iuu
could shoot a' her. Upon pulling
the trigger a report, was heard, and
tho young lady fell dead, shot
through the heart, one cartridge be
ing left in the gun.
No Trace of tlio Itolilior.
Ciibybnnk, Wyo., April 1(1. Two
of the sherill's posse returned to
night from a chase after the robber
who hold-up Cashier Smith's bank
at Grover yesterday morning and
successfully got away with $101)0 in
cash, and stated that the ulllcurs
were unable lo capture their man.
All traces of him were lost at Pine1
liluir. where he dismounted and
evidently took u freight train east,
and after riding a short distance lelt
the train and started north.
It Wouldn't Work.
MiNNCAPoi.iH, April HI. A bold
and nearly successful attempt win
made to-day to rob the State bank.
Two men went into tlio bank when
only one or two employes wcro pres
ent. One covered tlio employes
with his revolvers and the other
vaulted over the railliitr and thrust
$8000, which was on tlio teller's ta
ble, iu a valise. At this moment a
depositor entered and tlio robber
throw tho valise to ills accomplice
who dashed out. They were c.iujjlit
and gave the namesof James Henry
and Fred Douglass.
Wrluhi's lied Cross Cough Cure will curt'
.. . P ......I. 1 I .... .l ..I.U.ll tfl IflVU
111III 'lll.' "II. .
(iunlHlilKMl to give
It is generally conceded by physictans
anulinproPr uiMltan and msfliivu
aiffSK tow ,!SL,n, W,,WMU
"id yStUr: M.Tb7w. & c.
Witebl'. Jlop Celep- and CI..iolle bit-
By repapering and deoorallng your resl
denee. tor inalertal go U.8reMnt -riety
Store, who onrrles ilie tatest styles
andpallerns In Wall Iltuer, Borders mJ
Decoration', l'apertrlnimedfreeof clwrge.
A tine line of
always on tmn4. hmUm tofie jJ''r,;u'
of nSw go t0 RHHWWM wenllon
Variety B oi, Commercial St., Buiem.
mid take irteafcuiu In aiiiioiiautng thut we
have a very niu llt of properly from
which V select, einbr.King some.ol the.
Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms
In Marlon ud I.I no nountlee.at prices Inat
Mttnoti dupll0-ld In tiMjfrUlsiinetle
valley. Other valuable PfOWfty of vart
(His kinds offered ui "bt d mat" prices.
Cm ;mJ Ste ud Veil Will H Coiviuftd
that we are otrei lug .ill but hare Lilrn
Come Uy Narrow Hauge raAwar, or lo
Turner and lute sir-i (lour (H).
Desirliitive price list of ari and mlier
proiierly sent SPPl eutioM. UKiBtllH
two or more AuntlKn near each olbera spe
elalty. ii. d J. u. I'QiWHn,
i ..
I Mmufsm mwiwi wirpt
sutlsfactlou. gold by nil druggists.
Thouo wishing to take a course
in the English brunches, book-keeping
and stenography will do well to
attend tho Haleiu business college,
Griswolds block. Apply for terms
Wright's Cm ptmiid Ktrucl of 8 irsai
rlllu Is bliMKl-muklng. blooU-cloansing and
lmalth-resUriilg. A cuie tor scrofulous
ami Mil eruirtlve diseases. Sold by II. W.
cox aim u. .i.
Wright's Hop Calory and CliammomlUi
lUtters a reliable loulc, apieller and, ape
rient. Invigorates the digestive orguis
and prvent dysisspsla. Cap bo relied
uiwn. Sold by 11. W. Cox.
There ure many people who
aouti to Oa-gon, stay few months
mid return to their old honif, and
tU nil their neighbors or grand old
On-iM)iiitd how oIhwii ftiiilroFurnir
of Hlin sell fli-st-oliw grotwrtes.
'Ils iMwpto know n good oihiiuo'
wbn tlrty e Hi ft"' h liort
Uih0 Oragon ! tlitir linu.
A licet S.if?ai' (!iniimny.
San FitANciKcn, April 10. A
beet sugar company was incorpo
rated here with u capital stock of
$6,000,000, and with I.otiis Sltlilas,
A. Litis, F. Ehrmann. Clans
Spivoklcs and D. Spreeklew as dnce-lui-s,
the two latter holding half tlio
stock. The object U to erect large
sugar rellneiios at various points on
tho Pacific coast, In addition to tho
ono already established at Watsnii-
ville, Oil., with the expectation of
refining oO.OOO or 00,000 ions 01 sugar
a year. I he point at wiiicu me
refiners will le established are not
indlonted. .
Tin' Soiitlh'iii I'aciHr.
Mism.c Pahic, Cal., April 10. In
an intt-rVlew to-day, Senator Stan
ford said, when asked if it were true
that the Seattle & Southern roud,
now being built, was a Southern Pa
olllc enterprise: "Our roud ends ul
Portland. As to the extension and
branch lines of the Southern Paellle,
h can only say that the railroad bus
iness is one Hint will not stund still,
and thut we will have to build
branches. At present we have 110
lntttittton of going to Seattle."
The senator gave It as his opinion
that a railroad would be built to
Alaska hi fow years, and, said the
senator, "f have uu doubt that a
man can go around the eartli by
! I.. il... imiiMj tt li.anlil.nl'B
1 ran 111 lire wmiw t i'u-i"
I yen) 8,'
Tanner's Correspomlencc.
Wasiiixiiton, April 10. Com
missioner Tanner, of" tho pension
bureau, received during the first
week of tho present month (10,871
letters and otlio pieces of mail mat
ter ncrtaiiilnir to the business of ids
olllce, and last week lie received 09,-
000 pieces, the commissioner de
sires this fact made public as a
general explanation of tho delays
in answering the correspondence.
Tlio Trial Trip.
Sax Fiiaxcisco, April 10. Tt was
staled umillli'liillv to-dav that the
cruiser Charleston would probably
start on her trial trip on Friday
next. She has liuished coating and
to-ilay took on board a largo quan
tity of rone, luiwseis and other
equipments from Mare island for
tho trip.
a nii.MixisKNcn or lsn.
Tho Old l.oir School IIouso Proirvess
Correspondence of the Capital Journal
EniTou .U'CKNAi.: In the year
above written. tho p.'nple of the
Territory of Oregon were all very
btwy hewingoutfor themselves beau
tiful farms and adorning them with
such improvements as their good
taste would suiruest. The writer at
tills particular time was a resident of
Polk county and lived near where
Dallas the eountyseut now stands,
and sometimes cmrturcd in one kind
of manual labor, but his chief busi
ness was firming.
There wero quite a number of
single men In this neighborhood
who had crossed tho plains in tlio
year of 18-la l-f-0-7, and hadtakon
up land, and had commenced to fin
pi live and adorn the same witlisuch
improvements, as wero considered
necessary. There seemed to lie a
spirit of contentment amenu: this
class of citizens as well as with all
other classes that had made their
j-wuv itrtiirfm-fjr luiy-uriior way
that people could conic In totlils,onu
of the most beautiful spots of coun
try on God's green earth.
Tho situation was truly grand,
and (mo thai shall recur to our
memory often whl'o wo plod on our
way through this life, llelng thus
surrounded by all the beauties of our
adopted home and knowing that we
were some 2000 miles away from
our former civilization and there
fore would have to depend upon
our own resources for almost every
thing that would tend to miiKO us
a happy and contented people.
This being Hie caso tho ilrst tiling
to be done was to establish school
houses and churches, which was
soon done and a state of civilization
thereby sustained that would render
us comparatively safe from the in
ollnatlonof man to always retrograde
wherever there Is no law, education
or Christianity to counteract such
Inlhieiices. At tills time there was
but 0110 college or seminary of learn
ing of any note iu tills territory,
then coniniislnir all of Washington,
and Idalio.aud that was the germ of
what Is now tho Willamette uni
versity, situated in Salem, while
there were many school houses
built all over tho country, which
were used both for school pursoscs
and also for churcli, where tho
young buds wero taught to
shoot up iu accordance with
tlio best Instructions that our most
favored toaohors wero iu pos
session of, both mentally, morally
and religiously. While it Is true
that our facllltlew for knowledge,
sciences and religion, were limited,
yet wo wero able to plant tho germ
Into which lias budded and bloom
ed 11 system of education far boyond
our niot sanguine expectations,
oqual almost to any In our govern
ment. Instead ol having only 0110 school
as formerly, wo have many colleges
and seminaries located at almost
overy point of any note in this state,
where art, science and nature aro
taught In all their varied characters
according to the latent improve
ments. Ilesldes this we are now
blessed with uhurches in almost
every neighborhood in this state,
where the gospel is taught both to
the old and young from tlio nulplt
and stand, In every community,
which to my mind is tho great
secret of our prosperity lu olvllizn
tlnn and the rtae arts. Show me a
place where there Is no civilization
and I will show you u place where
the holy liitile or Its religion has 110
standing unil 1 will show you
place where tlu people aw nothing
but savuges.
If this artlule is aoueptablo I will
follow It with Wldtlwr on a different
topk. T.O.Siiaw,
H. W.Co.