Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 16, 1889, Image 4

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    the cAnmjim
On year by null-. m
Mix rnonlJi" by mull , K
f tmk, ddlrcnd by mrrlif
rVr Mmttohts t tpply M"' ""-
will aotlly thUonV. giving ddrw.and
tfc mter will be landed to i '".
(XBo. ai.mr CMirt .nd Mhwiyjwr,
' ThTMIII" r-
Tlite iiiornliigtlw f 'itpital hw mills
tfrtl hphihI will l riimiliiK In
mil Wt ' ticiiiorniw. M I "
) to any IIihI the tm-k1nlcr nn
JiiMlitnt over the pivH'iit rain.
Til f hrniBWn Hand.
The C'liciimwit Imllun omit I'uml
will lw "P "r l" "trjtoliix h
Portland mi tin- 'Mrtli hi Hie Wash
ington Inauguration owitcnnlal nn
nlvi'Wiry. Thi l..ii'l "f iwi'ty
fmirptew will l qulU-uilrawlnv
wnl, ami already I'irlaiil it all
oyee to we ami pm t ltir tin In
iliaii ImikI-
No OoMjsmuxilmi H'-"-.
Itov. U. F. MMly ol thf Cuinli i
luiiil PnwbytorJaii eliiir.-h, wh. Imh
lutiii In Salem all winter t-n teav.-r-lug
to revive llie iiinyation mikI
IiiiIM tip a live Inlpreal In thai
oliureli, hw rt'tiirnwl to HpIi. I'm
Hid prewnit llif-4 Wmn-li Im withmit n
it(ir, jwlliore are bntft-w hu'Iiuhtm
UiiililiiK Ui a Irfimiluii.
A jifiiltuiimn from I he Kiwi in it)
tho city with hlti family lookiiiK 1'
11 looHtluii with a view to tho er
l.iulhimiil of an cxpIiihIvo html
ami hue aliire. Ho will no dntiH
looiteliore. IIu liiikwl Alhiinyove-,
thinking to looato theru, hut as iwwt
ortlioiIniiUeuaoftluitrUy go Imre
ftnit lie thoiiKht nhtica w.nilil he a
luxury iind ummlnlile.
Crulii l,i"ik M'rll
Fioiii thiifco wlin have traveled
ovor Marlnn, I'nlk, Linn, and llen
ton countlra eonMilurahly during the
jiaul few wueka, It U learned that all
IdiiilH of grain, early mid late,
lookiiiK Hue. The rain Li dnhiK It a
world of good and the yield will he
Iiiiiiiuiimj. Thowlro wiiriim, which
Hoiiuitlmes do tmino injury, are not
to Ik found thU kmimiii.
All Alii. It'll! lit .Ml. .tHK'l-
'I'ho Utile ulevaii-ywir-oUl daughter
of Mix. Cook, the Hllvertou milliner,
In lying at the point of death, her
HIikm being theiivultofanaeeldeiit
kiiHtnlnwl at the Mt. Angel m-ademy
a few day ago. The elilld w until
tending m'IiimiI at Ml. Aiwl uud hy
winie liitiinx felt clown lnlr unil
hUntaliied Internal Injiirliw. When
hIih fell thiwo who weru walking be
hind her fell iimiii her.
Hi.. Itliti'MIII lilting.
Tho i Ivor thin murulng stno.1 throe
feel anil twolnehif alHive low water,
and tho upper river rim has not
vt leaehed here, which will wuiw a
i-toof not Um than luelu Tho
oilnloii of all ilvur men It that should
the ml iu'uhw to-day the gatigo would
reach at leat four feet. Tho rUe U
win Hi thounaiuU ofilullaiii to Sidem
idoiitf. Tli logx iiiv no v Hiirr to U
HoatiMl down.
'IIiii I'iiiiiIiik Allmi'llon.
Under the nimpieiM of the Capital
ulty Iwuil the lliKtou ipilutet club
will HpHar hwiv Thmxlay night
'ltitu elub U well known heron
to nel no liitrtxluetlou. ICaeh ihm
flintier I. w lHr. 1 loir lloiilwiliel't
ftnituniU' m Ituwlau aln given him
mii oportuulty not only to display
tlm wonilerful Hwet'tiitNM of liln In
4mmiH, but alao v hut oan be doue
by an artWt with tin. "Mugie Flute."
NiH llututi Hull. In.
Ywtwnlay eveulugthen arrival In
tho t4ty two fWmllle. They werv
ftXMti lUtme, tin., and Inul ixintv all
tlwway Uvrvtuinake .SbWiu their
hoiilv. They ut uinv ivuted houae
uit Mill ktrvt-t and went to Ihhimx
kjlug. The IhwU of the fauillle
aw already Uwklug up bnalmm loea
ttutt. Thy wilt eugngv In bain
etna of purvulu 1mm. They w er
cairyHMtl to auoita tin vally, a.
JMiairuUuktold thorn they had lxt
not gu uorth-UteN wa uo giat
mtaUy Uwra.
.1 XH Mm! MaVt
AftJW (UkkgutlM JtU'HKAI. u-
Houuevd that a uew iuat
Htaitvl t bmmi to be twUblUhed
In MaWiu, it (reai!on having Uvu
MkVta mraaaary by the po4 ftirtuwl
hyallttu- ih t-aUltug hou In
aWfeoi. The lu bo la anmi to
aUut. It wlllUMltutriM. Ii lll
put luaat Uou to Uvlu'i urWa ami
houl4 mwivw tbv liberal Mtrouag
ofdM itublte. A M pout uu water
aadalrakiiiMtt. MktualaJ!oMUV,
bm I and mrai. ... i-xiwiuUw (hat
Utrntruavlaa huur- ami than x
MWl tb- lallfuiutev ut lit.. nulJUtl
UowtNtUkMi ought to bankrupt Um
AMUKtar of au.h a inw. TU
mw atep wUI he t.Nid on Hut
vnai, w uw uuiuuug MN OX
jJNli ar hrtaa; rnaiM.
Hthrmrm llf Ulilrh ImmlariillnH I-
InitTiirMcil IIIIn-rvrrii.
Salem is being lvertlcl at every
I..1..1 and in everv manner. Thmi-
and of iwier and circulars are be
ing i-ent each week to Jatiem m-
. I . fit. nlliul llllll
nulrerji. l eiw uixm ien oi iinu-"
ofiieopleare reading of "The Iiiid
of Hlg Jteil Apple" in llieir religious ,
or family newspapers. After the j
homeaeeker once turns hli face
inward the Willamette valley he is
mi re to hear of rialem'svast reourew.
At I'miilletoii the Oregon land com-'
pany Iiiih an agent who board each
westbound train ami nmin-juies
dewrintive matter Hlu-lrative of
Salem and the valley. Thne who
ripli Pua-et Souml and llud tliliijw
too much crowded there to suit them
areconfiohted by J). L. Green, a
represeiitntlve of the halein board or
trade and real cttato agencies. He
l Hrmeil with counties hundreds
of iMiuphleta and llluHtrated circu
lars which ho place In mo narnm
of the himie-oeker. It is a fact IVint
a great majority of the people, com
ing West to eoek Iidiiilm are headed
direct for Seattle or Taeoma. in
conaeriience th'' cities (anil in
fact the whole Kou'i.I country) are
tilled to ovcrllowing. To catch n
portion of thlst Immigration from
the I'iiHtern State Im Salem place
t n-nrpKi-nlat ve on the teouiut lie
U theru to toll ImiulreM the truth
and many are Hip faces ho will turn
southward. They can come to Sal
tern and for a few hundred dollars
can pun-hate a few acres and build
comfortable homos and enrich
Ori'Kou'H Wl'il InillaiM.
ThU Ht-irllliiK Imiulry, breathing
undUpu.cd hIsiih of Impenetrable
verdancy, comes ifom the little
village of Full ISIver, Wlcceiisln:
"Are there wild Indians in the Wil
lamette valley, and are they trouble-
mime to M-tllers who take up or pur
chase land In the foothills or near
tho mountains?" That lsa stunner.
Previous to this time Inquiries have
come nuking If Micro weioany wom
en here. If It would be safe to bring
a family to the wild west, If It would
pay to ship low grade cattle here, If
there was dinner in being
attacked mid devoured on a
louo roiid by wild beasts,
If Micro weru any i-uttlcnieiits or
farm hnusca between towns, if theie
really were jnnv towns, or If tho
water was so fulloftlsh you could
nut drink It without skimmlm: oil'
the llah egg-, hut Mils wild Indian
business takes tho whole bakery.
II l Hit. Xniilini'Mi.rii.
Many am of the opinion that the
Oregon Paclllc Ih being backed by
the Chicago tfc XoitliwcMern. The
followiug from the Albany Demo
crat would add strength to the
opinien: Yesterday morning two
men, almost as licit as Crutms, got
oll'tho overland train at this city,
went to tho Oregon I'nclllc depot
where a special train awaited them,
ntcaiuetl, III company with stune O.
P. ullH-lati, rapidly to the front; re
turned, went to Corvallls, came
bauk and took a special truiu Xur
Ponland, which had been tele
graphed for. Thev were two of the
loading directors of the Chicago it
Northw cittern, and tho fact means
Mint the O. P. has all the backing It
needs and that work will begin at
an early day and U pushed with
great rapidity during the coming
IIiiiiIIiik llnrt I liltf.
Another horse thlof Is attracting
the attention of the people of Clack
aiirns county. He made his appear
ance nt Aurora, this county, Thurs
day night, taking the horse of a
man named Marks, who wan at tend
ing a show at the time. A poitiIc
clue U obtained from the fact that a
saddle was ktoUu troin William
Knight of Ciuiby the Mime night,
and In the hrun where the hors
had Ihh'11 hltehetl whs found Mark's
old wiririkV. The thief was wen near
Now Ura alsmi 1 o'clock the next
I'ur MwiIIhi; llrmil iihiI Mtvil,
Henry Tate was given a prelim
inary examination this morning be
fittv JiutUsi titsslell. The genial
Henry, It wwms, had been making a
rorclble entry luto the houati of
John Krooks, near the big bridge,
aud helpiitf hlmaelf to luvad ami
meal, kutvtw, forks, poms, etc
The axamluallon was eou
ohulod ami 'lVte was releMd,
It not having l4eii proven to Die
-UUrfVotlou of the court that TW
va th guilty man.
rnlM'taH llwtltl of Mt4M.
Hie auuual uimug of the
Woniau'. north 1'aciAc lawnl of mia
aloua, ivuivNitiug the woman'
aoek-lkof th Praabyterlau ehurehea
of Oregon. Wnahlugtou and ItUhu,
i lu nation at PrtUul. A moo v
(hoM of (hi city who arv ou Uk-uiaratuart-lbe
follewing: Mr. It.
L Wahaos, "Tha Pryvr lmgue ;"
M. W. N. IjmIim, devotional JWr
ttmm aud work la the Prkmliyiarie ;
a t Mr. II. A. Newell, an add rem.
Jud MoLmu Miutrtuteudjiit
af UtaOiutd Itoidv ladUu fury
te la Uw Hy V4ar. Uaporta
wrjr thing uM In thai Uxwllty.
Md havoc among the herds in the
vicinitv of Sublimity. Mr. I-am-bert
lut eiglit he.nl the othel night
and Win. Jtiggs one. Two of the
tloics have been klllwl.
Mr. Itabln is full ol nerve, that is
certain. She ordered the boys to
kill their dog, whleh had killed a
fine young goat. The boys tooled
her and took the dog to the moun
tains. He found his way back,
when Sirs. Itabln tied him to a tree,
got the axe and chopped his tail oil"
ritfht behind his ears.
The ncIfflilKirliood came danger
ously near having to attend Itlley
Phillips' funeral a day or two ago.
He borrowed John Kabin's gun
(which or course was not loaded)
and was going hunting. Ueiore
starting Phillips made an investi
gation. He snapped several caps on
tho thlng.but It would notgoolT. He
tried to blow through the barrel but
CMildnot. His wife held the liam
m r buck and he put his mouth over
the inuzIoof tne gun and blew
again. Of course her hand sllppwl
and the hninmcr came down. The
gun didn't go oil'. He put another
cap on it and snapped It for fun.
when the gnu went oil' and tore u
hole In the side of the house. It
wasn't loaded, you know.
hiiiri;iii Court.
State of Oregon, nsp. vs. Moses
Kobbins, app.; appeal from Polk
county; argued and submitted.
Grant county, app. vs. Lake coun
ty, rc).; appeal from Klamath
county; judgment appealed from
modified; opinion hy Thayer C. J.
.1. W. liatchellor, rc-p. vs. Win.
M. Davlcsctal, apps.; appeal from
Marion county; petition for rehear
ing denied; opinion by Thayer C. J.
W. Jt. Havnse, app., J. S. Murphy
guardian of C. C. McKorkle, res.;
appeal from Marlon county; decis
ion of the lower court reversed and
the cause remanded to the circuit
court with directions to remand it
to the county court, and the reap,
havo leave to apply to the latter
court to amend the said petition;
and that the cost abide tho event of
tho proceeding. The resji. will
however have to advance the fees of
olllcers If demanded; opinion by
Thayer U, J.
John Geary, app., vs. Nancy
Slppy and Martha A. Porter, reps. ;
unreal from Linn county ; judgment
of the lower court modified ; opinion
by Slrnhaii,.l.
TlmriiMii, Hooker it Co., app., vs.
C. A. Owen and L. M. Dean, resp. ;
appeal from Jaclwon county, argued
and submitted.
Amanda Goodyear, resp., vs.
School Hist. No. a, Jackson Co.
app., and Delia Gl'roy, resp. vs.
School Dist. No. .1, Jackson Co.; ar
gued an. I submitted.
Oimrlfi l ltfpnri.
Superintendent Downing of the
state penitentiary to-day filed his
iltiarteily report, ending March ill,
ISM), with the secretary of state.
The earnings are an Increase over
lust (piarter by several dollars. He
low Is given a condensed report of
the state of iitlairs at th's institu institu
teon: learnings for the quarter,
JoOil 1.72; number of convicts at be
ginning of quarter, 2M); No. of con
victs at close of quarter,".1)?; deciea-o
7; No. reeelveddurlngtheqiiartor27;
No. discharged by explratlou of sen
tJiice, 32; No. discharged by com
mutation, 2; No. death, 2; dally
average attendance, 2S!t.t!l). Ho io
jHirts that more men aroat work now
than at any .time since ho has had
charge of tho Institution and that
very little sickness prevails.
A Suloiu I'll in.
To-day the old llrown, FullcrUm
& Co. hardware firm filed articles of
lucorpo.-Hlloii hs follews: Tho name
ot aald firm shall lie J. C. lirown &
Co., whh a capital stock of $35,000,
dlvldel Into twenty-fivo shares of
$1000 each. The Incorporators, tiro
J. C. llrown, Martin llowloy
and K. J. llumaoii. The
object of said firm shall
be to buy, sell and manufao
tmeall kinds of hardware, farming
Implement", and machinery of all
kind, wuh principal oillce at Sa-
! lem, O rem.
At llit Cutiit IIiiiii.
John Yleako, living MHiMieakt of
Silvertou, has iIUhI his final proof
1 pmr Air homeetes.il eUhn.
Cbrbtopber lreijer deotarwi hU
lutentlou tit beeoiue a eltiteu of the
Ihiorga Vou Vleako took out bis
Anal pas'r of uaturah;jtlHi
- i
A aallor lu Astoria picked up a 6
jaeee and aaktsl a nuut laMxitig by If;
Im had Uatl lu The hmu hadn't kk-t ;
II, tul he hl aud aald he had. The'
aKir aallor uandwl aver the money !
andicott? for hU trouble, TWIS
ptee pruwd to Ut hogwa.
Of the endi family ou of the Utrn
rat aud m mm remarkable ueciuMtw
Utu I found tn Japan, where It b
hlthtv imIuimiimI aa an'arilfkiiiriVuu
lltf t4lLf ttWlVM UlH -' - -- IIWM --- Ik. f
fengta, UMwaurlug frotu tn to
V4v Mt fanwwtt th nlMMM.
Mt4 HMaMMllaf Mt MtMtUUtt( afN.
S1.1.0O0 IlontM for a ltallroad
To Salem would not affect these
I Hoiie of 7 roonw, lot and barn on
iChemekete St., younn ft"11 treC!,
1 strawberrk, etc.; $1,800.
House and lot on cliurcn ou, ni
finished Jiouh:; 12,100.
Fine, large house and 2 lots near
date oapitol, well improved; 1,750.
Two fine lots on As linn avenue,
120x140 feet; $400.
A very beautiful building site on
Winter sj., 84 feet square with sow
er privilege; $1,300.
Lots in "Yew Park," "Queen
Anne" and University additions to
A llnefannof ICOacres with "'Al"
Improvements; $7,000.
Lots in North Salem on street ear
line and elsewhere cheap.
Call and we Wylie A Moores, .117
Commercial St. 3t.
Smallpox has once more made
Its appearance in Douglas county.
This is at Looking Glass. Charley
Rose is the patient and Mrs. J.
Allen is taking it.
April 14, 18S9, Peter Thomas and
Mrs. Lucinda English.
S.ilem, Oregon, li.ne received direct
From Eastern Factories
The Finest Line of
1)00 CAKTSand
which ii 111 bo sold nt
ices and Terms to Suit All!
Tliee goods "are llit-clavs nnd as their
Hock U ery larKoa pen-on rnuflnd what
they may sh Thi-lr wnrehoie.o on state
hlluet 1 coinpleU'ly tilled, nnd they have
another car loud en route now. lookout
for them; Minietliliig line.
ic Fanners' Store
We hao received direct from tho
.Mnmilnetiirers a
Completes to ck
Staple Goods,
Dry Goods,
Men's, Boys' and
Youth's Clothing.
Hats and Caps,
hosiery and uloves,
Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods.
We hlutll oiler them for ens.li
At Lower Prices
Tlwn any luuii In the stale. All wsli
lHiyni will ave money by willing on u-.
aw eomiiivn-lal Strtntt, New llank lllock.
.-wmi, uirHVll,
lUvtuu ninuwl In thU country for oer
half wniury. vrlileli idve iu a tlvomncli
KiuiwInlKuof tb country, M-emiwottcr our
iMid Uk lnxui lu minouiu-liVK Hut vro
h' 'r.. line 111 of tnerty fhmi
nti-o n M-ltvt, ombnu'liMc jiiw o( the
Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms
In Marttm nnj Uunuutle.Mt Uftewtlut
ani( & duU.d In the VllUmMie
""H- .,,,hr valuable rurty of vrt
Onm ui Ut ml Vim Will Kt fwvil
ItMl w, ar oiftrtoc U Ml bee eWw
0m by Xmww Uauiw rolU.o, drw.
Tyinrr nd Utktar, ifcur lulln,).
Llicriiiiiv mImi lu .iff im. mj i
H. C. J. IU 101TI,
Aum.t tlW, MuVn miuitly V. ,v a
Here Iky Are
mm 4 ran
e Oregon Land Companys
Is situated just north of Salem, upon the banks , of the Wilnlctte. The
land lays HIGH AND DRY and aflords a magnificent mo.,
Lots are selling rapidly in this popular tract 51 hav B n sold
during March. The purchase of lots here is . n good im een 1(J stret
are sure to double in value within the next few months, v nen
railway ivlll run through the addition.
Riverside is to be placed at once in Hnd'wnnwyrough SSs
street railway will be extended immediately and J " Jdlfcfect of
ranuhir tract. Tho Oregon Land Company has V"''"fetltion of the
i. ...,,. i, .i.ii.ii ia mm-on the wav here and the construction oi mv.
street railwny line will follow shortly.
They must be seen to be appreciated. They are dirt-cheap aud have a
a liner lowtion than that of any addition to the city.
Improvements are already being made and "lu this W
number of new cottages will be under course of construction in tins pop
ular and attractive suburb. ... , nnrplinq-
Go and see these lots, make the best investment of your life tarpK
lug some of them while they are cheap, and you will make a liomi ana a
fortune at the same.time.
The Oregon Land Company,
Salem, ----- Oregon.
From New York ami Chicago
)S And triinmlncra of all kinds
T j tilings, Plaid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes,
''" etc, etc.
Full anil Complete Lines of Embroideries anil
Laces in All Widths.
Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel
ties in Scarfs.
Curtains', Poles, Portiers.
OafA full and complete
Va OQll rrtunnii Vtnfn
wv, lw vuiiici omic
New Harness and Saddle Storo.
A complete line of the bt qiutllty of Har
ue and Sddlry lra) 8 on band.
Ever) tag Warranted (o k as ItfprtsfDletl
ltoiwiiring Neatly Done.
Nw. 01 Court Strwat. Slm.
ta ttta HmimI Iw wUllmri you rtffiu
(trvet, BiiH, Owuu;
to match in Persian
stock of Men's Furiiishiiitr
nnil PAinmnnAiAl OinAi-.
ami luuiuicumi otlt'ClS.
In North Salem
House and lot corner Marion nnd
13th streets ; oxtm farm eight miles
from Iaiii. nll,,. n-. JiT u"?
seven mllcw from Salem, fl7 per
.,.. ..uuuiuti uuros eleven
mlloei oust of Sttlotn, oiie of the best
Innirovwt in the county, $S0 per
en. Forsnloby l
07 State St., . , . Snleni
. 2
trim- 1
Have moved to 47 nnd 9 State st,,
where thoy arc now rendy for work. aJ
our old patrons and friends are Invited j;
call snd see us in our new location,
nro better prepared for work now thin
ever having secured moro room. lMJ"
J lllaeksmith, has rempyed his 8hon tJ
corner of Commcrclnl nnd Chemekete (jiT
where lie Is ready to servo the pnbllc, BS
lneni.ocIated with him Mr. lt.Bannoii.,
experienced wagon-maker recently troa
Portland, he Is now prepared better thai
ever to do tll kinds of wncon nnd carrtan
...L-inf nnd rcDiiirlnz: all kinds ofhiiA
sinllliliiR and repairing, nnd a genera
horseshoeing business, lie has all kliS
of shoesteel.trotting, handmade, etc,ij
lltsthem In a scientific manner. Speclji
nttentiou given to the construction of wij.
Outturn i"
opposite State J
onsnnd carriages, llemember the pla
iiiaiinmuo uuiiuiug.
289 Commercial Street.
"UK LAMPORT has lust received a fty
nesses. He always carries
Of saddles, whips, nnd everything pertain, i
Ing to his line of huslness.in tho state, mv I
side Ol x-oruunu,
Repairing dono with neatness and dUpatdl I
No. 303 Commercial Street,
Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Woiij
a Specialty.
3-Agent for the niCHAUDSOSlI
tabllslied in 1BU
Only Genuine System of Memory Training
Four Books Learned In one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great inducements to corrcspontaJl
Classes. 1
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wmll
Hammond, the world-famed Specialist tl
Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Thopi
son, lue great, i-sycuoiogisi, j.jji, cuwja
1). t.. eilttor of Iho Christian Advocal
V. W. Aslor, Judah P. Benjaman, nil
others, sent post free by 1
rrof. A. tOISETTK, 237 Fifty ATe.,SIJ
Je-im it
Can furnish either Mesqulte or a mliKi
of Mlsquite and Lincoln gross.'onteia
that will allow you to seed down Vs
farms at a cost of from 60 to 80c per
Address. T. O.J0KT,
w2m d2w Box 81, Salem, Or.
Uments In the State, Lower rates'"?!
Portland. Largest stock Legal ""? I
lutjou.ie.ii-a oiggest aiscounu a"'',
price list of Job printing, and catalog"
letral blnnks. 6fc f AVAITfi
Btcam Printer Salem Ores
-Call and See
Salem's Popular Job Printer.
Btate Insurance Building, Cor. Of I
merclal and ChemeketA utrppia 'W 1
Proprietor of
Salem Steam LaiW
4i-Orders lea at Btelner1 grocer ,j
win receive prompt attention
1 Oepw II. Hayes has been "PPjl
leetal iunt tor the above laun(WJ?JI
any wa6ng lea with him wlUbepraJ
"J nuniuw IU.
. Wew wuoartie md worUl"4"'!
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