Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 16, 1889, Image 2

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Capital Journal PubfoWn Company.
Katertd .t tt I!Sil!?,,'m,0r"M
enood-flaM mauer.
w fourth page for terms of aobcrlp.
ttlnd ".nwolw- rf In
..;... and liniiiirtn a"" """ "
"Stoen numbw. sent free on applies-
?. cwn.-rC.irtU Hi"-".
""tFkHIUV, APIll I- 16, 1SWI.
The ..t -. frot-Umatli.il.
InawmiHi ..- Hi-r.ntrnnll innl"r...r
Ot hlaaiiallii of "-" "hi""''''
oJU., m th.-l..i..f Airii, Am... lm
jl,Ut.hi.hd.. ' -'lrt'J
W act of .-.....-" ..'-r.l l...ltayfi
thapB'Pl""' lll.'1l."l,!""'n"-'
MUW ll.-H-!'l'. I. ""
I' nnc.yer,
a MfiiMiitr nfl li If' II. 1'
irlnrr of IhPOU-
Uv-r1i.v wiif i nil !"' ' ' "" """'"'
Uon..r n "i'- "" ,"r,h '"' '""""
M T...l". April .hW ;
I4.l holiday. "' I - 'i'"- ' ' ""
lOtirl by the K'""! lM"f '"
onnm..i.w.-illl. Mid .... .....mm IK
Imprrwhc irt .if iniiiK'ir.ill.m, wl.NIi
rurredat no... prwl'.l """''; ''"'
lit the morning hy proyor In all tin
eliurciiw "l " ,l- "r '""1" t'1'"',"
1-p.in UwK'-rMi.'.i.i ... " l tri..'.-il.
would ruilh-rr...it. ... ..I..-1 -1 K'imi'I
ttorll.) fxin.ipl.-. ilml !'' "''"" ,M
bald at nlw I" itiiliiM.i..iiii...'fi-i
holiday In hII mr 'lm ! tin 'l
tna Wowing f "'l '"'" i'.,"'1'i'i'f"1''
fMrgevernnirnlfiiriill ih.. . 1 Hii"
whereof, I hae berminto m-l my I. .ml
,4MPd IlKWll Of till' Mll'l" I" ''li"'''
Ih'HlWI. tliy itf April A l. 11.
BOOM I. sons.
TllK Joi BNAI. hereuflei, on e.uh
Situiduy afternoon, will d.-vole a
jmrtlon of ll hiiiw to tin- leiordln
of movcmenU In mrej. Tliw di
jmrtment will lie known iw "Hm.'uI
Kok," nnd nil uiiiiniunltMlloiiH In
tenili'il fr It should Ik- nd.lrtw d
to "roelity I'Mllor." The nlni l I"
limko of tltlM new dep nt lire n
pernmnoiit and ut I motive finlure.
To make n mun-aof It, the heuu.
ao-ojrallon of eveiywie In Invited.
If a party, lunelieon or tea 'a given
at your houiu (we mean vir), full
not at your jwrll to an Inform till
tifflw). With the twlKtauee of
Hie TiHll.TH, the Jour.KAh feut
oonfliluiil thai miwwa will erown
TImiiUIhx J'' fur 'mn' tlWlln1,
Hon and pmmlaliiito leave i.oHtune
iiiiIuiiiihI t inukulhlHtt permanent
feature of the Joiunai., we make
Olll' Iww until Kttuuly, when tin
"Hoelal Not" will greet you.
lllll .VVIDIAI.IAN SYMini.
The new lutllot Hjhtem In Muwut
ehuaetUi pn.tulatw to work womh-rN
III the mailer of raining the oor
Itlpt prwi l at the kIU. A de
scription of the ayatum la purlieu-
larlv InteruHtlus. Thu Muaaaehu
aatt,tem, to lie In legal fo.ee after
November lat of thla year U futiiid
ort on dial ml dually ndi.pted In
Attatraliu and aulw.mit'iiil.v in Kug
land, nlu.oiw.l In the luiter eotiu
Irv uy "tlie corrupt piailleeaof law,"
whleh H.'rfeeta and u.iiuda thuaya
lent. It haa been iouml l work
atlndr.ibly m heii'oi U luiU'tn ul l
hut the only (.hue In the I'tillcd
tttal where na yet It hua Iwet) put
111 operation la In the elly of Loula
vllle, Kentucky, where the toatl
inotiy la highly favorable to it olU
cieuey. It hua been hllhert. the
ouatont thMU ilunit the UulUdHtntia
Air each of the two greater partlea,
and other aiualtec mtriUw, to prim
tiielr own ballot hi aueh iiumbera
an to provide au ample aiipply for
all poaalble exb(tui'li. The example
of Maviuehueua uuder the old law
Uy be taken aa deM'iiptlve of the
lUeO'od i-lM'Aheiv. In Maakuc.hu
WttU there are abtait aeveii lauulixit
polling plait, and a alugle act of
iKNitluatluua require alamt one and
a quarter uiil'ioii of U.II..U. lunch
of the t" great pnrilea piiiiUnl
about tl'W uuuiUr for a Mute elec
tion, and autaUer wulit a lke pr
ponton. Ii k.v foe thla prliulnt
ml for the otlur ejuu. of tile
eicctkiu .andtdalea were taxtsl,
udtn uiauy vw taxed hvily.
I be (Wet that tt.u lU..l borcUimr
eut ejodhla -a for ka.l i4Um
foujiy and Ulal.ie - iu the different
tt.1a of the (. m,utrel aa many
M irttttx a buiidinl it. two huutlrvtl
baiMa ami at!1! fun her co.iiplioaUHl
tbe ayattui. Throo.li thai wa m
une tbe iiulitleiaua' opuortucity.
Tbla uriutiug and dUi.ibuitou re
quited a gnt doal of labor, which
We un.tc-rt.ik.-tt by ditti-ient party
wrpittlaatluue tlmmgb thelrcimiul'
leeattbe party wmkerai and Uiey
WWv apt to be tueu ho MireUMi
politic fiar a taiauuai tni. Tt.
MM Ibua got euutrui of tbe party
auHMUttery ana tbe VwuYra thu.
luuad Ui ml.. ll.la IMlellt ,oi
mean auu prai-iirviiy at inetr tuwy
Jttl al tbe hi rey . f another rka U
iueuwtowek Ihi.Htgtt nMitrultius
"r""- " "j imbviiw
M(iauuuHi. we itavebeaiMa
w i hot ipimt.m h
tht iMfro wt la the mh, but even
- .i.d ... 1
If i( won' true It wax not wow than
.he pre-!..-.-nt the ,k.II, of the fore-
.nencf thertortailn New K.jtaml
Wu, al,t ol operative", on w hlcri
i . ., .t....'..ii
eftclt vote watt cneenuu " " ' ,
.lo..nrfiPl In the Ixillot Ijox, ami woe
to him who did not vote m lite em
ployer desired. The AtHtrallaH bBl
jot syatem doen Bway, a far at iwsel-
hle,W 111 tIlHoiKilivouiiKMuJl'-M
BupWvi.,.n of the voter, nhlle It ,
hie, Willi th w oiKiii vohiik hiiu uuju-i
Ulicea to a iniiiiiiiuin m ....
menu to hnlwry and ooiruplloii
which. awsordinK to ITofewwr Ely
in . mwnt addreM. i the metuofl
adopted by capitalists ami the bene
flciarleft of inniiiinollcs to debaucb
the pxlhlml wiiaclcnce of the poor.
Till-, i.pulatlon or ArkaosaaC'lty,
Kjiiinh, has lucreael one-thirddur-Ingthe
mat wvk. Two thoumtid
eier Oklahoma hoomcra are there
and al leant another thousand are
along the wait hern line. Half a
dnwn hardware atores have sold out
their entire stock and the demand Is
not half Mipplk-d. The boomers arc
forming into Ktnall coIonu-H ami de
vb.lnirH.hen.oa by which they and
their m-khlx.ra cm pet inU) the
heart of Oklnhoin.i b tlienpivilutcd
time. There l a f.ellmr ull along
the lairder that there will he n gen
eral forward movement into uio
territory on the night of April 20.
I'heboomerH have loon there all wiu
..r, and have pleke I out I heir land,
mil they areauaplc ohm and nfnildof
neweoliiera. Thi don't piopoc to
have tlie landa they fouglit and bl"d
for uniil by reeent aniyaln.
TliKliiat item of iicwh from the
laboratory la that the tlin.UMCht oi
tmcterlii live uud multiply on the
bank uolea that we bundle. Prob
ably there la not u viler urtlelo tutu
we ever tou.-h thnn ti iiaiiK note.
Carried In the pocket or the mod
leproiM and loathwime, it piisfcos
through the poeUeta of the refined.
We would not think or taking n
pneket liniidkerchlcf that had niiule
any much rounu wiiuoui wiuiu.uk
and fumigating. We eould not be
Induced to put on the shirt of n
tramp, but the money of thu de
ceased and contaminating goes
without a thought of our inner
pockctM. What dlwc we hug wo
do not think or .wo.
Til li Nitmic wtw saved by a mas
cot," said u hctifiirlng man who had
sjM'nt yeai-a aboard the vewol, when
he heard of tho terrible cyclone at
Hanioa. Tliu Nipilc was the only
ono of tho throe American vou-cls
that withstood tho hurrlctmo last
wwk. All tho old wil.H lay the
good torttinc of tho 'llHio to the
tuct that the mi-Hoot was aboard.
Hallora aa im supers. Itlntis as buto
1k.11 playo.'H, ami Indeed they may
be atild to be even moieso. The
men on the Nlpsle hcllcvn that good
luck will attend thctn Just as long
as t'lmrloy stays abo.ird. Toligmo
the eat would boa mIoim matter
nlnmlil the olleml.-r be oi.il'jlit.
I r b h ml that Cardinal Itiehuliuii
detected an udwntuior who was
imsain:; himself oil' us a tiobloman,
by Ida helping lilmsolf to olives
with a t'olk, lu-.-an-i- it was the cus
tom then aa it is now, to helpline's
t-.-tf with the ll.igcis, If mi olive
fo'k N not provided, rather than to
tin, .i iadhlbiMit pitlei'.i. Forl.s
for the dlali aloiie a IV now muuu-
fat-turtsl and are very generally
uat-d, bul ufter the olive lus rcnchiHl
thu plate It ianlwuya curried to tho
mouth by the lingers.
It givca our own pure, cold, pnrU
hn;( and clear iiiouiituin water a
aw eeier iate after we read what a
e.irivaHiudeut wril.uir to llie Jnt'i:
Ni.l'romtkluud, Cat., aayaof tholr
ae.iut) supply of Impure, warm
water. (Salt-maud the onfrv Wil
lamette valley have much of which
to houat. Au eiiillcw supply of
cryatul mountain water la wt.rth
millions of dollars.
A NKVvat'Ai'KH, If It has any
undue, eouacience or muwle back of
It, tava an exehaus iiiual oon
tluually divide twtwet-u doing lis
duty and injuring I. a pocket. In
any (suit Ion but that of editor the
public la able to aeparate the In
dividual home man the eltliteu.
iiut If I be olitor doe not plea
them, It'a hi pocket they aim at.
Thu It la that nowapaiK-ra kstru
who their fHeuua are.
JriHiK lHttrr of tVuterville,
Tv-xaa, tveeully performed a mar
rlge ivn ui'.iiy blcb waa in aub
atanee ua f dlewa: "lai you tweli ot
vou aoleiuuly iwrar llutl you are to
earuwat alatut tbbt Uiaiu.-w, and
tliat vu wilt atauti by each other
aa bukUtuil aud wife tbnaigb thick
and thin, alukorawliu. aitrvive r
pi'rlali'' U.4U Ucurtbw UialdilK
tbetraaaent they were uiuouiuvl
man and wltV.
Tmk fUter tlty UUde
eottjrralulati.iua to
Jora.SAi, mi the
t Ai'lTAI.
Ute liuit.Mve
wniu uf the wmer, wliMi lw,ue uUce ilu
waeuatu.( aintw rurwani in iiuiwbwwwjhih "m m unuec ita
JeurualWte AA at Ut aul th
L. ... . . I
www fnummn w wimhi
on haviag a uud awning
Nwfipr Men.
In .,, tbe proton., .he art-, and the
)hcr V8r,
," " ,
." . ,
of Msonon or ijetn. PKi"" " i"
Thecmeatobeen led are nwiinr ...c.
Th Irllvea are mot eerttlnly modeU of
With nothing to bother thm-o one to
i '. ,,.-i.KMdM
per men.
' tt .n.r t atn'na. everywhere.
1 geek the eoay retreat of an editor' blr.
If ho'a blinded at preaent hell see tbrongh
H tnf-n,
That no man h Joya like tlie newipoper
Another crank Is to attempt to go
through the Niagara rapids May
A mathematician has fl'mrcd that
a mini 00 yearsold has spent 3 years
In buttoning his collar.
In the new system ot lighting cars
by electricity the train may be
broken up at will without nlTectlng
the light.
Of fourteen states that attempted
the most important reform of pass
ing a ballot hill, Indiana U the only
one reported successful.
Hiram Williamson, the old chiof
porter of the Iloston postofllce, was
one of the .Six Hundred who made
the fnmnus charge at Ualaklava.
In the "youngest grandparent"
contest Chapel Hill, N. C., le.uls
with a negro woman who had a
granddaughter at the o.;e of 23.
JIurat Ila'slcad will write n tna','
ov.lno ail'clcon tho rejection of Ids
nomination by the bonate. The sen
atorial horizon is becoming lurid.
Colonel Ingcrsoll has the rcputu
lliiti or givinf? more money yearly to
waiters, porters nnd hell boys than
any other man in the 1'nitcd Slate?.
Jell' Davis is going to pr'nt, at an
early day, n pamphlet giving tin ac
count of the treatment of tlie Union
soldiers at Itoimohc Island during
the war.
An Ohio farmer mortgaged his
farm to buy his wife some diamond
earrings, and she lost ono of them
In the suds the first wash day, and
attempted to hang herulf In the
The best prospects ever seen in
Crook county for an abundant fruit
crop this year aro now been and real
ized. Many of tho trees nte now in
full bloom, and only', a "kUUng"
frost will destroy tho prospect,
A six-ycur-old boy wrote his ikst
compaction on water: "Water is
good to h Ink. '.o batlii) hi and to
fckntoon. When I was a little boy
the nurse used to batho mo every
mornliK In water. I have boon told
that the Injuns don't wash them
selves once In ten years. I wish I
was t.n Injun 1"
You may hive the Mars in a null
keg, hail1; the ocean on u rail fence
to dry, put tho sky to soak in u
gourd, and unbuckle tho hcllylumd
of eternity and let the sun and moon
out, but don't think that you can
escape the place that lies the other
stdoof purg-itory if you don't pav
for ymii' paper.
It Is iilwiiva pi pei I . help oneself
to lire id, c'ao av nnd lump Migir, if
totiits are not pioidcd, with the lin
gers, Never u-oyour own knife,
fork or spoon to take from a dlh.
It is alo correct if a pinto of hot un
broken blacults Is ixisscd to not only
break oU'one for yourself with your
lingers, but for your neighbor also.
In the wonllng ofau old deed a
certain boundary Hue was described
as terminating at "a stump w licit
Daniel Harrington licked William
.lo ihw." This reminds t downcast
editor of tho Urccn Dug that in the
early dys of the towship of North
Hatfield, Mas.s., u road was describ
ed as "niiiulug from roeliaug
mwdow to tho stream whore old
Mr. Dallttle's horse dlcl."
Here Is a warning to tho lteautles.
Fanny Davenport st-ya she 1ms
never paaaed a dav without pain
since she attempted to correct in
ture. Whenever he hoars of any
one who is about to try the pmccv),
ahe .end fur her aud warns her
against it. Hut her warning U el
dom heeded. Most actreavi would
rather cutter and be shapely than be
healthy aud fat.
Sufeistilieas lutilaus m l Ykm.
On Tatii.Bim river, a tributary uf
tbe nkon, tbere are 4u) tmtlws
wbo have uever bid the g,iol
preaeh.sl to them. Tliov leu', u
luuuadle lifts liviug iu bark hut
and (cut. Contrary to tho uual
native hablu they keep but few d
tho women .M113 the u-ulinj ,
iMrUMM are tuetr Ui-ri.,
If a child fella and ei In..-:
iue nwNaer pyia ncr uaim on ine
pwev wueir uw uiui.i r-u an 1 tun
Upon toe elilltTa bead, Iu llu lalit-f
that the ehlil will never till liihe
H ehlld Uavk
MM. and UimivBx r ivrUIn tree
prm4 t haw cimttw
. 1 t ft. ..
For chapped hands, rou81,IM?!n0J
the akin, pimple, or blotH.es ioT anj
klnd on t,,e face orother -jnm
by the dniggM. Hold by D. A
liucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The liest salve in the world
-...- 1 t troa IllcfrS.
Km fev;rT-tett-elPH
i l nl.llM..luL nnrim allll All &KIU
llnlltli c niiaJiniaif w -' - ,.
eruptions and jwaitivcly cures piles
or no my rciuired. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, ormonei
refiinde.1. Priee 2-3 cents per U.x.
For sale by DanilJ. try, iig
8't. A fine of $100 will be imposed for
filing n vote in Maine.
Merit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizens,
that for years we have been s-elllng
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills,
Hucklen's Arnica .Salve and Llectric
Hitters, and have never hainllea
remedies that sell as well, or that
have given such universal satisfac
tion. Wo do not hesitate to guar
antee them every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchase price,
if satisfactory rt-siilts do not follow
their use. These remedies have won
their great popularity purely on
their merits. Sold by Daniel J. I-ry,
When iiismarck was in college ho
fought twenty-eight duels.
Derangement or the liver covers a
multitude or ailments. In all cases
where tlie functions of tho liver
me interrupted or disturbed, and the
bile, its constant secretion, left cir
dilating in the blood, some disorder
will follow. Dr. Henlej's Dande
lion Tonic will restore the liver to
itktiiitiinil duties and nronioto the
secretion of bile, thereby preventing
jaundice, dyspepsia, billlousiiessaml
omer mimeiiis. n.". . "
A young man died in La Grande,
Oregon, recently from the effects of
over exercise in dancing.
"Flic One lloss Shay,"
of Dr. Holmes, Is full of tho genial
author's exuberant lumior. Jisiuu
is superficial nnd obvious; but more
is meant than meets the eye or ear.
The vehicle which ran for a hun
dred years and a day without a
break typifies a healthful human
body, and repiesents the natural
term of its service If, however, a
man has eatarralial, bronchial,
asthmatic or pulmnuniy diseases, ho
cannot live out hnll his days, unless
lie eradicates the scrofulous humors
whose pro-enco causes tlieso local
troubles. The great blood-cleansing
alterative of Dr. Pierce, known
as the "Golden Medical Discovery,"
rids the blood of scrofulous pollu
tions, and, by improving tho nutri
tion, gives new vigor to me iieuju
tuted system, and cures these dis
eases. Uncdimlcd Dr. Sage's Catarrh
A Key West llslierman rubs his
body with kerosene oil, and swims
among sharks with safety.
Not one poivon in llfty arrives at
the age of foity, who is not troubled
with Itlduey or urinary complaints
in some foi in. To those alllicted
with naiii in tiie back, non rctcn-
llon of mine, nervous debility, pain
fill or suppressed menstruation, we
can oiler a remedy that has been in
constant use over twenty years.
Oregon Kidney Tea. This prepara
tion has dm e moro for sullering
Immunity than any other medicine
In tho maiket. Sold by D. AV.
The Rothschilds, have sis tired con
trol of more than half the trade in
Russian petroleum.
Sab IiiU'stiiH'ii't
Is one which l- gllt.inllteed to bung
oii sntisiiu .urj nsitlts, or iu cast
of failure a return or purchase piice.
On this safe plan you can buy from
our advertised druggist a bottle of
Dr. King's New DUeoverv for Con
sumption. It is guaranteed to bring
relief in every case, when used for
any affection of throat, lungs or
chest, such as consumption, intuitu
niatlon of lungs, bronchitis, nsthma,
whooping caiigli, croup, etc. It is
pleasant and agreeable to taste, per
l'ectlv site and can always bo de
pended upon. Trial bottles free at
Daniel .1. Fry's drug store.
Neil I Dow lias been appointed
commissioner from Maine to -the
Paris exposition.
Do you over have pains in the
back and loins'? If you do, attend
to them now, don't wait, delays are
dangerous. Nip the disease in the
bud and save your health and doc
tor's bills. A lew doses of Oregon
Kidney Tea will prevent Rrlght's
Diaetise (and Insure your health,
comfort and ImppincM. Sold by
1). W. Matthews.
Maine ollbrs a bounty of ten cents
apiece for crow s' heads, and n lvr
toii man has been caught hatching
crows in an Incubator to get the
1)r.vv.nkb. Can't hh CVkkd bv
local appllcwtions, a they uiuuo't
reach the disel ixirtiuii of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafuciai, and that U by constitu
tional reuiisli-, lVafiier-i Is caused
by au IntliUiusl ciudltlm of the tnu
cua lining of the., ustaehiau tulve.
Wheu thu. tui g-ts lutlameil you
haw a rumbling wuiid or luiieHet
cloMaenhuUthe rvMiit. mid ui
iiearuiK, uno wnen u w enttrelv
iew me innamiimuon run lie tkt-n
wt ul tin tuU- re.Uwv.1 to iu mx-
Itaakl ihillilltLti. li.ualii.a III 1. . .1 .
i,v.Mi f.,,,..
.... .........., lnMlK , iwue-l
tkt,.A .mi . i ..... ..r
ten rv iniumhI by tttUrru, whleh U
uauv im "Ul K
uohiuik Hit au Inflamed ixtndltion
"vi- .!.. , , ,
nv.uiniituiiti uii iurei UOilHIV
fur uv mac of doilhaa (eaiwe.1 bv
Miami 1 that we eaauot euru l.v
iwiu Italia tUrrto Cuie. Send
VjTctl tv isj-l
like mwiiIiki hM
r k. li. j
Matthews & A
Office Over Capitai National Bank,
city nml sulmt'haii lots ami farms of all descriptions.
Real Estate Agents.
i rrrmYnTr-ywirMrtmi
IS Till
Among a Great Many Choice Bargains
72 acres, i of n mile from Salem, (SO of which is in n high state of cultivation, balance excellent timber land
House, bam and out buildings; 2 acres in orchard. 100 per acre.
101 acres one mile from Gervais; 00 acres in cultivation; two-story brick house; large ham and other out
buildings; large orchard; 35 acres now in grain. Price &G000.
House and lot on Chemeketa street, near Catholic church, $1000.
Large house and lot, Ooxllio, in North Salem, young orchard. Priee $1500.
House with live hard finished rooms, burn and lot 75x150 in South Salem. Price 800.
Lots in North Salem, near street car line.
Lots for sale in tlie following additiens: Boise's, Reid's, University, Queen Ann and Yew Park. Also
many other choice bargains.
importers nnd Wholesale dealers In
tt and 13 Walker St. John K. Stiatton's
Celebrated Itu sl.m Gut Violin strings, tho
finest In the World.
complaint, (which he believes to be houest)
from any musician to whom ho has sold
any of theto strings, ho Is authorized by
us to cle him another strlnc without
chxrK,andall such los will bo innde cood
by us to our customers. Ithont quibble or
iliiellon. (llou'tiroot imitation.) Dealers.
Hill pleicsend lor dehcrlptlve catalogue.
Trad supiilled at lowest price.
Uradimte Students in
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
It is the oldest, largest and IcmkI ax pen
slxelustltutlou oflwrnlUK In the North
went. School oiwns first Monday In September
Send AreRtciloi:ue to
T1103. VAN SCOY,
''' Salwn, Oregon.
Hlu been furoUtied tar the ekpeetal
awninuMklitUon at the puUllc. ui
iniMiuenttentlotiof tbe the lUJNHIft-
hwi kleeny ones to -Our Home" beds, uew
' jtejRKill".01!
three UiiMrt a dv. No Cbltiee1n
11U4AI& tiln-a. u.
tn Kitchen. ntu a call aud
uu,s u-
we tor
H. M. LAW !,,,-..
... - -.-.
UUT. UMlrtHUj 1ILk tU
Salem, Or.
lhomuii are amictad with -tiiraiiu 0
5E .:: .3! """ ""' wa, wta iuf
JJr la filmtoa, mUwr tkaa malt, kaown
omw a aaa u4i-
rotnaay la Ota.
CT'ST.r"" "Wl 04
m.rrvr-1 ""?
rnalnn in iu.
fttlamaula .(. ll
wim atfonl tnaiaat iS
Itlvw A Co.
b Investment
Tlie Salem ikstrac
Have removed to building adjoining
Thompson' jewelry store on
Commercial street.
Titles Investigated.
Money to Loan.
Land for Sale.
Houses for Rent.
inyone wUhlng to board at a quiet
A and oozy piaee, will find tho object ot
their benrch at
ar. Chemekete and Liberty Sts., Kalem,
Where a tew select boarders oan secure
Paint Shop
Houe tuul Carringo Pulnting,
Sign writing Pajier Tmnglnif amf
deoomUnif, VVtdl timing null kal
sojiitutng o.eeutel in the latoet
r- .
LXOenaflCfld WnrifmAn Fmnln.md
o . . """-" 'r'.i'juu!
Satisfaction Guxranteftd.
Odl ami . u. betore you let your
R, P. BOISE, Jr.
"jl Market st. San Francisco
Go and learn how to avoid
disease, nhd how wonderful
ly you aro made. Consulta
tion and treatment person
ally or by letter or weak
nesi.es nnd nil diseasso of
men. Bend for book.
Private olllce 211 (Jeaiy street.
issujd Mrch and Sept,
each year. It is an ency.
Iclopedia of useful infor
mation for all who pur
chase the luxuries or tno
necessities of life. Vf
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
oat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at homo, and in various siiei,
Btyles and quantities. Just figure oat
what is required to do all those thinft
COMFORTABLY, and you can makeafaU
estimate of the value of the BUYEBS'
GUIDE, which will bo sent upon
receipt of 10 cents Vo pay postage,
111-111 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.Ill.
Northern Pacific Railroad
And all points East via
The Northern Pacific railroad Is the only
line running l'useennor trains, Becoud class
ilelers (free of charge) Luxurious Day
Mehw, Pullman Palace Sleeping Oars,
Palace Dlutog Cars, (meals 75c) from Port
land to the etikt.
ee that your tleket read via the Northern
Pacific railroad and avoid tho
change ofears.
heave Portland ntdn. m.ond 8,-tO p. w.
oallyarrle at Minneapolis or Ht. liul
OS p. 111.
PA(IT nrVUllW TMln. Ian A Vmllt
audit v..vi dally "at 111 a. m. and at?
ft"-: -V-fiveutTaeomant 7:10 p in and
, "S"u'",i,'e!SallIefc25ainnnd9:!P
" u "rieealllea-ifnt in imil9:n rn.
..il' "ullawnraUc Weeping CM
ewyuii aa; o.ie.iey, rinwt iialace d
uiI.m HtninC
5 ImMwumi !NrUand, TacomaandHeaul
, M.ftjftel, tor
Uepot oru r First and G Street,