SUBSCRIBE Fon A. EV IS k nsic wr THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WlJ.I. MK A GOOD INVESTMENT. -Tli Term Ate Met IlensotinblcSt THE CAPITAL JOURNAL NAL -tTIIR BEST PAPER IN' SALEM. SYou will bo well pleased with lt.- YOIi. 2. SALEM, OI?EGO:Nt, SATItBDAY, APB1L 13, 1S89. STO. 37. CAPITAL JOUJ First Natio l' K ill! Ill JJtl SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, john atom, - - President. Vice President. - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Han Francisco, Now York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Fanners arc cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at rensonnme rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at tho bank In most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED IY NATIONAL AUTHORITY I in va OF- SALEM - Capital Paid up, OREGON. 75,000 - 10,000 Surplus, - R. S. WALLACE, - - President. V. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, .- - - - Cashier. ' DlRtCTOnSl V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. SI. Martin, R. 9. "Wallace. Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert, T. MuF. l'atton. LOANS MADE f To farmers on wheat and other markets able produce, consigned or in store, either In private granaries or ipubllo warehouses. ESlalfland County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts Idrawn direct on New York, Chicago, San iFranclsco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlln, Illong Kong and Calcutta. New Store, -New Goods. M. T. RINEMAN las opened up a fresh and clean stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, GLASS and .QDEESSWARE, HV00DEN and WILLOW-WARE, VEGETABLES, SYRUPS, GREEN and DRIED FRUITS arid in fact everthing kept in a first class Grocery store. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs. ' The nubile In ceneral Invited to call and Bee us. Atl goods delivered free. state Btrcet, room iormerty occupied uy Jugan Bros. Fresh bread olways on hand. Feed of all- lads kept constantly In our store. DR. J. 0. GILBERT, AT HIS SANITARIUM. fin tho Bank Block, treats all Chronlo diseases or MEN AND WOMEN On strictly sclcntltlc principles. Ills new Icdlcated vapor iiatns, Jiiecincny una !lmtm.Mnirnprlsm. Pure and ComDOUnd Oxygen are not to bo had at any other lnstl- llttton on mo rncinc siopu ur, unuurt uses only BOTANIC MEDICINES NATURE'S OWN REMEDIES, nfflwi nnrl rooms esncelallv fitted far the accommodation and treatment of ladles vith ladles bath incaieofMrs.-UIIbert. ur, Gilbert, confines himself to ottlco nractlco and Is, therefore, always on hand to wait unon his nntlents. Sneclal atten tion given to diseases of women and child ten. Terms strictly moderate. Consultations Free, l-d w PIANOS!! THE :- BEST IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for cash or upon tho installment plan. Far. particu lars call upon WM.S. ARNOLD, No, 367 Winter Sired, Salem, Oregon. Proposals Invltetl, folHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE II Oregon BttUe Insane Asylum Invito died proposals for heating tho state In ane asylum with hot water. Plana and peolncutions mi)t be furnished by the piaaer. xians or tho building will ue nir suiied upon application to Pr, Hurry Unie neaical superintendent, Snlein, Oregon, Proposals are also Invited for an electric light plant for tho asylum of 500 lights of It) candle power each, Incandescent system to do wirea compicio ana rpoily for strviop and subject to rigid test. The right ;io nw Kect any and all bids ree$rv4. Bids wl 1 be opened at 2 o'oloak p, in. on CuetuUy, May 7, 18s8. SYLVESTER PKXNQYHH, OKO. W. MeJJRinB, ' ' O. W. WBBB, Board of Trust W. A. MVNLY, Clerk of Bowd, Unn TheCapital National Bank LEO WILLIS Notary Public. 18 B S I Mi Estate and We Buy and Sell Real - AND . Transact a General OPERA HOUSE, Court Street, wi is ana We have on our list a great variety of very desirable property for sale, and as our business is not altogether confined to Ileal Estate trans actions, we are able to furnish purchasers theso bargains without claiming unreasonable commissions. Our long residence in this country and familiarity with its condition and peculiarities render us competent judges of where the best lands arc to be found and purchases made. s Wo have faith in Oregon of its future greatness; and especially this section of tho Willamettee Valley Tho man who invests hero in real property'runsno risks, it will be more profitable than bank stocks. Our soil and climate are not excelled, and people are finding it out. Now is tho time to buy. Wo are situated so that parties making investments, if desired can secure loans on the most reasonable terms. The following partial list will show some of the properties we are offering for sale. ICO acres, 0' miles south of Salem, all under fence now barn and fair house small oi'chard road by the place. Payment down, balance on time at 8 per cent. Price $5,000. 102 acres, 5 miles southwest from Gervais, good house and barn with orchard 92 acres under plow. 1,500 down, balance on time. Price ?47.50 per acre. 467 acres, 4 miles north of Salem, improvements first-class- 320 acres im- . tier plow plenty ot .stocic water anu range, will uiviae land. w per acre for improved part. 1G0 acres, 7 miles east of Salem 80 acres in cultivation 50 in pasture rest In young timber all under fence running water good house barn granary orchard sell stock If wanted. $27 per acre. 203 acres, 12 miles northwest of Salem on lino between Polk and Yom hill counties excollent land and good neighborhood all under fence part summer-fallowed. Part payment down, balance on time. ?20 per acre. 320 acres, 13 miles cast of Salem, all fenced 2 good houses fair bam good orchard several springs on tho place good roads to gulom. $30 per acre? 100 acres, 7 miles eaBt of Salem well watered ith barn and orchard. Tho land is finely situated and can be divided inlo two places the ' road running on two sides one-half mile from railroad. $25 per acre, - 200 acres, 12 miles east of Salem excellent improvements all In culti vation well watered and finely situated. ?35 ,pcr acre. - - 85 acres 00 aorcs In growing grain fair house nnd barn 1 acres meadow fine young orohard one-half milo from P. O, crop goes with place. Possession given at sale, Price $2,400. 0 acres, adjoining cast Salem with Uiviueu Illiu o-i3 acru iuio uiuiu luiuiT-iunu mngiuiui i;il niu be worth double present price soon. $3,000. 850 acres, 15 miles from Salem 300 acres In cultivation two houses and barns with orchard plenty of running water no better stock and farming land in Marlon county all fenced is divided into many fields and pastures. A bargain for some one. Half down, balance on . time to suit. $15 per acre. 075 acres 8 miles from Salem all under fence 350 a"res at onetime un der plow fine pasturo land road along one sido can bo divided to suit purchaser. One-Jialf down, balance on longtime. $17 per acre. CO acres, 3 miles from Salem 1 acres in orchard iin garden 50 tinder plow balance good pnsturo good houso and bam. A chance for somo ono wanting garden property. $3,000. Store and stock of vltIl w-arohonso worth $0000 also rosldonce If desired, situated on p- & C. It. 11.. good location for business no u.ettqrgraln-fjectlon in tho Willamette Valley. Good houso with one-half noro of land, In North Salem near Btreotour lino when extended If sold soon. $800. Half block East Salem, on mill creek, with, Hood; liou.80 and barn. Plenty of fruit 335Q, Wf offer for tho first timo-about qo lots in A, , P. Waller's addition to Salem, ranging in price from Sri0 to 800. The location is lino, upon tho highest Tgrouud in EaatSalgm, over-looking tliB entire ty mid In nininvlowoTiill tho State Uutldlniw. with tile 0ot and Ca(ld Mountains in the distance, while still OKhtwerd loom up throe ever lasting snow peaks. Prompt Attention Given to All Inquiries M$ & chappy 0pkra house block; (joukt st., Salem, : : Oregon M. L. CHAMBERLIN. Chamberlin, nsiiraiice ' Agents, Estate, Negotiate Loans - Agency Business. - '' - SALEM OREGON. house lorn and orchard can bo Absolutely Pyre. 'Phi--powder iieier virtc nrtncl of puilly.fttiriwlu aniliiiU'-'imriics'. More ceonnmloiil tlmn tbu onlin.ii) 'rlmlo, nml cannot bo gokl In t'ompwhlim with tint innltituilooflow tost, short wi'lfjcht nlitinor phosplnito powdois. Sold milv In cnti'. Hoy at, UAiyyo I'owncu (.'., l0.iVullJf.Y. v6n hunt. FOH HUNT.-In u lino locality, hcvcral nicely funUhed rooms, c-llhcr with or Arltliout bonrd. For iKirtlculius 0111110011 Win, 3. Arnold, SGT'Wlntci street. l'Olt SAI.13 'OUS IjK A Reed pony, cart, hiincas rls. 1M POH SALE A good pony, uildlonndmd- I IIIU "111 W .T.l IHI'lllllll Vl ('tit" tlculrti's call nt Ijunn A llrowu's htoro on Commorclnl street. ITlOU bALJO.-i-A FAH1I OK 320 ACHES I1 all mnler Tunco mid cultivation. In the bost rnnpo country of HuRtcrn Oreson. Tho bet chapcti over oll'ered for a niun to enstngo In stnok raising, l'or p.irtlctilan. cation or addrega W.H. KyAHS.Salcin, Oregon. V ANTKI). WANTED llJ lcn o u iinall biilhllnif lot, conveiSkiirt'to buMiicHB. with prlvlleco of purcliiiKc. Iiniulro aS t'Al'lT.M.JomtNAl. for ". :t-2!Kl WANTED. A I'll rt det: An eiiPrKetlc ' youiifr man to tnkou half Inteuwt In u well-ctalillshednud Rood-p.iylm? btislncsH. S20U Is reuuliiul. Man must bo a irood worker. Call or nddres.3 "V. JI ." caioof CAl'ITAI. Jouhnai,. NOTICU. I HAVE somo very Korfd hpeoud-hand buggies and harnoMithiit I will sell cheap. Uomcuiulficothcm. Oainiw VHOI'KSSIONAI, CAltDS. T J. JENNINGS D. I), b. DENTIST J Ollleo In tho Now Hunk lilock. Com merclal street, Kiilem.. Sign ol tho big tooth. dw T)HY8ICIAN. MKS. DH. M. E. JIcCOY 1 physician and burgeon, has loented and taken rooms over Squlro Farnir's grocery store. Chronic dlfcoasos a speo Talty. Consultation free. lU-i!ldw w. I'. WtlJ.lASlS, STENOOHArilER nnd Typewriter Copyist. Wlllmako reports of trials, etc.; copylngon tyiie writer uecurately and noatly done. Ollleo with I A MuniitiiL'. Conilnorcial SU Ud stairs, New Hank llloclc. Persons wishing to Improve their mem ories or strengthen their powerof attention should send to liof I,oslotto, 2.17 Fifth Ave,, N. Y. for his prospectus post free, as advertised In another column. No 8, Stdw ALIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. !'., meets J lliuiiurciiuni iiiui uiftumin. loriiui Commercial and Ferry sUeoU, uvory Kat urdaynt7::)0n,ia, J.T, UlltAiU, JAB, WAlVlUf, Hecietary. N. G A (lootl Cup of Coffee Is n- great attraction for it retnurnnt. Thn p(iinn dmwn from irellpiiliriiiifPh' Pat ent Colleo receptacle Is one of the ninny Groat Attractions of his raiting parlor. Thousands of cups of his oxcellent eorTeo nrokold every week. Ana ns ror oysters ond mctilo he oiuuot he euulml In tho btatc, If. (1?7K in ttOKH vsioNTlioBiiboinndo 40 10 CpCjU worklnjf for us. Agent preferred who can furnlsli .v horse and glvo their wholotlmo tothebuHiness, Hpaie niiimenu may uo prouuiuiy Biuipiiiywi iiim, A fiw vneniieles In luwiw and cities. II. F. Johnson itCn,, lOuti Main st.. Iticlimond, Vn. N. II. Ladle employed also. Novor mind about hCiiiIliig sIhiiip for reply. Come quick. Yours for l)lz, 11. V.J.& Co. -iwiiii-sm. . NEW LIYEKY STAHLK. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Kerry and Liberty street, N. K. oor from ChemeKete notoi, Haiem.ur. GoxmI seoominodMUouM for commercial traveler. Flrst-cluM rigs alajf m. )whi1. ChaiKM REEDS OPERA HOUSE, TJiiintln,v Eronin Aprtl lWJi. Oraml return eugMflemat of THE VOItr,I).KKXOWNK AIITW1. wn. John F. Uhodes, IHuil end. r UMwr JIenUcUi-1, Paul Htnovlna una IMlU llluiiiciiterg it! d Mto Aunie Cm uenltr. hd (JnluUl upK'ur here uuder the implcj of the ( npiuil i iiy IWod fox thLir bcntifll, KJitln li.iiiKi f ingrain AUinlfeli'ii 1, linitiiy ) s-iii, n i nl Mttit wltlujut ("dm rli.uge ut t'liitnu'i, rtok Mar, nr tttuu uimiOei r the baud. Boston pnte In!) rntKLY PRKSttXAI,. C. A. KoUTt is in Portland to day. -H. itcCrav of Woodbtiru Is in the city lo-dny. -W. W. BartU-tl of fyiver'on is in the city lo-iluy. lion. A. Ihish rclurnod from his trip to yt'attle thin mornlnir. Dr. Kcene arrived in tho city this i veiling from Faii'tleld. dipt. Sniltli and daughter ar rived in tho city this ce:iing from a trip Kouth. 1). V, Yoder, county school sti pirintendent, went to Woodburu to day on bchool busliioH. Hurley Wilson, a student of the State University at Eugene, is visit ing in Salem to-day. Mrs. G.H. Chant e and daughter of Portland returned homo this morning, after a visit m the city. don. Hatch, who is one of the city mail carrictti, deported for Port land this morning on a mysterious mission. William Hunter is in tho city visiting friends and lelntivcs. He is on his way home from Astoria, where he has been for his health. 11. llobklrk of Portland, who was the lowesl bidder on the new in ick block arrived in the city at noon to look after his interest. J. II. Cook of the Oregon land company left for Portland this eve ning, whore ho expects to meet his wife. She leltSt. Paul, Minnesota, several days ago. Ilev. P. S. Knight accompanied his lucce, Miss Whltaker, to her homo in Corvallis tins morning. Miss Whltaker has boon visiting in tho city for a week or si. --J. ISorniiger and wife returned to their home near Corvallis this morning after a two-week's sojourn in the city. Mr. Bormlgor owns property hero and has been Improv ing it. 15. 11. MoElroy, state superin tendent of public instruction, return ed from Eu'geiio this morning, where he lias been attending a three days' teachers' institute. lie reports a good meeting throughout and said the attendance was good at till times. l.lll'Ah SU.MM VUY. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith, 0-2 Stato btrcet. tf. AVrlglit's lllnckborry Conlinl hliould bo In overy family lor cholcia inlaliim, sum mer (UhoiiKe, etc. Pleasant to take. Hold by all drugglhts. Those wishing to take a eon roe in the English branches, book-keeping and stenography will do well to attend the Salem business college, Griswolds block. Apply for tonus Wright's Compound Extract of B.iniipn llllals blood-making, blood-cleansing and health-restoring, A euio for suiul'doug and nil oruptlvo du-eunori. Bold by 11. W. Cox and D. J. Fry. No matter where you roam you should not allow It to escape your l'orgctfulnoBs that tiio place to buy groceries, pure, lresli and cheap, Is at Squire Farrar'b. Everybody knows- tho place. Follow the crowd and you will come out all light. Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap dentlfrif'e of tlieage. 'Cooling, f'ntgiiinl, (tenth to turtur. Sold by all ilingglHtH. . A few chancon for speculation arolefton my list. Among them area few line corner lots In North Salem on the line of the street rail way, a good skiry and half house ou church street, ttiiothoi1 good hoiino and two lols ou Center utroet, Ifl acroH ouUido lUooity limits a short distance, Id acre with largo house, orohurd, etc., adjoiningthe city, lots in "Yew Park," "Queen Anue" and "Unlveully additions," und North and Mouth Bulcm, XV. A.Mooukb, K17 (,'otiuiH'i'eial street. WrUrhl' Rd Cross Oiugh Cure will oille lluit nrcsoino oougli. (Itianintwxl to glvo uttafaotlon. gold by nil ilruggUt, I Wo Imve two pair uf loin, very sightly, In the amended plat of Capital Park, near Stale street, each pair embracing ono uoriier. One pair fTJO, the other Wa'i; eheaier than ever ottered before. We have a (law lots U:ftliiMorelIth'saddlttoii, near tlie heart of the city. Que comer lot In North Salem near street car lino, hiph and dry, for only fl74, worth W. I-"ts In Al bert's and Yew Park addition, obeap and on easy tenn, but dii't forget that our "drlw" toon tomi property and mr bargain list too bib to mention hem. DuxoanA Booth, IW.Htat street. 'Ha!bV Hob Celery and I'tMiuuiatrito Hi iri inUifitbink. sDceClwr untl an. n. iii. tevtaurMw tbi 8fciflve Mhii uml prrrmift thruwprta. Xm IWtm iiixjii. sld b il W I x. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. faporhnl llvcnls of (lie Whole Woi-ltl for TwfDlj-foar Hours. Xot in tho Trust. San Fuajccisto April 12. This afternoon Claus Hpneklcs, when naked by an usseelated press re porter if lie bad joined tho sugar trust, as n ported in New York, said: "I am not in the trust, and never will be in the tiust at any price." Coilucustilioii. A seven-,car old received, among numerous Christmas presents, a lit tle pocket diary. The entry: "Jan. 21, issu; be didn't," created some surprise until she gave the fol lowing (In a tone of injury): "Johnny mlth" m little neigh bor) "said he was coming over to see me and he didn't." Alaska's New (iovci'iiiir. Washington, April 12. The apHilnimeul of Lyman C. Kunpp of Middleburg, Verniont, as gover nor of Alaska caused considerable surprise. Not a single paper in his case had been filed at the inteiior department, and the appointment was made from the White House, direct. Thoro was a score of appli cants, and Michigan fully' expected to secure tho prize, (low Swineford had resigned, and there was no con test overlho matter except between applicants. The Street Oar Samoa. Minneapolis, April 12. An at tempt was made to run the cars with new drlwrs. The mob Jeered at the drivers and made a rush for the ears. The police charged ou the mob, using their clul.s vigorously. Peter Henrys a bystander, was seri ously injured. Superintendent Goodrich an nounced that the curs would start on their regular dips at four p. in., but at that hour no attempt was made to start the cms on tho motor line. Many Ihuiilroils Drowned. New Yoiik, April 12. The great eat excitement prevails in shipping circles ovor the loss of tho Denmark. The Thing valla is probably the largest carrying immigrant line between this port and Europe. The Denmark had on board when she left Copenhagen for New York on the 20' h of March, two passengers, presumably all emigrants, including the vessel's captain, It. M. ICiindcr sen, and crew w.ilch numbered 40 men. The ollleo of tho agents of the steamer, Funck, Kdgo A Co., No. 22, South William street, has been Ihriinuod with peoplo all morning anxiously iuiiuiring for (lie latest news of the wsscl. Mr. Kdgo, of the firm, does not credit thy icporl. lie has cabled Ills Loudon agents anil has sought by wire further particulars from tho Copenhagen brunch of the firm, (Jailed a Halt". WAfeiiiNcrrox, April 11. Secre tary Noble, lu a letter to the uUor ncy general, has retpiofeted that the United States attorney for Montana bo directed to suspend action, civil or criminal, ugalnsl the Missoula company formeily the Montana improvement company, and the Northern Paelllo railroad, for timber 'trespass on the public ltunl hi Mon tana until the sun ie' en n lie Investi gated with a view to a dismissal as recommended by the United Slates district attorney. Tho amount of lumber Involved Is over ; 40,000,000 feel, besidis a large amount of cord wood and railroad lies. This action is taken, It Is understood, upon in foi umllon that It will be extremely dllllcul!,lf not allogellu'r Impossible, for Ilio government at this late day to Mwiirc Mulllciunt evidence to main tain these suits. The (ireutest tut HamiM. OixciNNA'm, April 12. Mere dith BtauU-y of tills olty the well known athlete and bridge-jumper, who has challenged Itrodlo of New York, yesterday made tho mst re imirkable leap on tvooid. It was from the famoiw high bridge over the Kentucky river. J to height ! UVi feet. He selected water where It wa twelve feet deep, and attired in silk tights and slippers leaiwl Into the air and doubling up his body, fell Into tho water, and a mouieut later bounded lo the sur face, whore he was quickly seined by his assistant In a lmt. lie coughed blood a little while, but soou recovered and took the train for Cincinnati. He eMMyed with out breaking the tkjn, mid flwlg m wll as ever. Agricultural Stations. Wasiiixoton, April 12. Secre tary Husk has issued a phamphlet giving a history of the agricultural experiment stations which havo been established under the recent law of Congress and aro now con ducting scientific and practical ex- peilinentls in regard to soil tillage, manufactures, crops, stock fccdlmr. dairying and horticulture in various Stales. All the States and ono Territory, Dakota, now havo agri cultural experiment stations. The total number of stations in opera tion is lorty, and iucludlnir branch stations nearly sixty. They employ more than ;i"0 scientists and agri culturists, and will this year receivo ."105,000 from the National Govern ment and about 12o,000 from tho Stale and other sources. Tho most cordial feeling is said. to exist be tween tho stations and the Depart ment ot Agriculture, which is charged by Congress with the duty of supervising and aiding tho work of the stations. Sexliiplcts in .Minnesota. PmtiiAM, Minn., April 17. A lit tle over a year ago a Finnish woman at New York Mills presented her husband with four children. This fact aroused a good deal of comment at the time, but a report comes now which, if true, goes it two better. Tho story as told, and It comes from a reliable source, is that Mrs. Andicw Thurbcr, a Finnish lady living near New York Mills, gave birth a short time since to six chil dren, three of whom are alive, "and three born dead. .Mu. 'tier and Suieiile. Los Anoulks, Cat., April 12. A murder and probable suicide took place here on Aliuedu street thl's after noon. Chas. Scott, n blacksmith, called at the room of a woman known as French Mary, and had some trouble, when Scott drew a icvolvcr and shot the woman In tho right car. Death was instantaneous, cott then placed the weapon to his temple ami fired. . Jealousy Is tho supposed cause. ADDITIONAL 1,013 A L NKWS. K. Howell says hols go'ng to open a dentistry ollleo In Salem Monday. An orchestra will assist tho Unitailan choir In their services to morrow evening. "Itobert Klsmere and his Crit ics," is the subject at tho Unitarian church to-morrow. Tho rain yesterday and to-day caused a number of carpenters throughout tho city to stop work on the outside. D. F. Wagner is confined to his bed with a severe attack of rheuma tism. His friends hope to see him around again in a few days. Rev Rollins returned from Kiigeno this evening and reports a lino time. Over 760 were in attend ance last evening at tho lecture. Mrs. M. Hastings arrived in tho city this morning from tho far-a-way city of iioston, she is a sister of T. J. ilabcock and a sister of J. Gray'a wife. Mr. Ilabcock and Mrs. Gray met them at Portland. IlKliluIOUS INTKIililUKXCK. IIoi.inixs MilriTljJa--Sundiiy afternoon attlo'eloekal 115 WgU street. Hand or lloi'ittfumlny itlternoon nt .'I o'clock In tint W. O. T. U. Hall, Court.Ht. CCMUI.III.ANI) J'ltliSIIVTWUAN II 1 (,' li stteut, Itov, II, V, Moody, pastor. Sorvlcos rihudny at 11 a. m. .and 7 p. in. Sunday Koluxil at 10 a, m, EVANdKi.iiui. Ommcii. Itov. K. T. Hoi linger, pastor. I'ronuhlngul 10;1U a. in. and 7:80 p. in, .Sunday suhool at H!iw. All aro cordially Invited. UtiirAKiAN fjaciHTV IloKuliir service Hiinday morning at 10:80 u m at their hall, corner of Court and Llburty stieets. upslaliv. (iuimnil Invitation, Seats free. Chiiistian council Elder 1'. It. Ilur null, inuitor. hurvleesat lUt.Wa mnnd 7 P m. Humbiy cciiool ut 1'J m. l'niyur meet ing Thursday at 7i90 p m. CoKUKKUATloNAl, Cliciicn Hervleos nt 10-;Ja m. Huuilay tuhnol nt Vi o'clock; Christian KmlBHVoriuiMitliigiit U; uvoulng servloaut 7. Itev. Ansluin II. llrowu, pastor. I'liKxiiviicuiAS Uiiuiicii Hev. II. A, No well, pastor. 1'rsAclilngnt 10:20 n muud 7 p m. SkK-loty of Christum Endeavor ut H p in. Mubuutli school ut 12 m. I'niyer meeting 'i'lmivlsy iilng ut 7 p m. Catholic Cuuhoj! Clitiuukcte mid Ootwgu street. I)v- nuiss ut Vtti u in. High mitss und swmoiiut 100 a m. Him- sulinol ut X p ui. ViMpvm, sermon beucHlle tlon ut 7:' ii in ovsry Kuiiduy. J, H. White rector. M. K. t'liuacil tirvl(WM Sunday morn ing i Ittu, ermine nt 7j VuudHy wliool ut til ui. Young peupls metlng nt 0; bible reudlags und oonfriio Monday ovwiliig. at T. I'rayor lasfUug 'lliunulay evanlng" M T e'okMk. All wslaumii, go)d lnxlngr eats Irve. Ilev. ItollltM puit(ir. w