TEE CAPITAL EVENING JOtTtttf AL. IN THE NIGER DELTA. Horriblo Suporatltlons Prevailing in that Part of Africa. X.lzard and Snake Worship A Mother Re- Jolclnc to See Her Child Devoured by a Python Good Work Done .by Christian Missionaries. In too last lssuo of the "Proceedings of tho Royal Geographical Society," London, there is an unusually interesting articlo on " the Niger Delta" in Africa, of which tho following synopsis has been made for tho ' Now York Ledger: Theljos represents to-day tho ruling poo- (plo of tho extreme lowor Niger, of Brass, of Now Calabar, Bonny and Opobo. In i times past they woro fanatic adherents of a savago typo of animistic religion. Like ; tho majority of tho Africans, they did not : know or conceivo of tho existonco of ono supreme God, but embodied a number of natural principles in $ho forms of certain animals, or in a concrete representation of "fetishes" or idols. 1 Each little community had its "totem." or sacred animal, in whoso species tho ances tral spirit tho soul of tho tribe, so to speak was supposed to dwell. Thus in ; Brass thoy worshiped tho python snako; in Bonny tho monitor lizard. Only nino or ten years ago this animal worship was so . real that tho British authorities in tho Oil ; Bivors were compelled to afford it a cor- tain amount of recognition. Europeans : were forbidden to kill tho sacred lizard of i Bonny, or the still more sacred sorpent'of 1 Brass, and woro heavily fined by their Con- sul if they infringed this prohibition. On ono occasion, in Brass, somo ten or twelve years ago, an agent of Messrs. Hat i ton & Cookson's firm found a largo python in his house and killed it When tho mis t deed occamo known the Brass people mado I a descent on tho factory, dragged tho agent E out of tho houso onto the beach, tied him Pup by his thumbs, spat in his mouth, and inflicted other indignities on him. Then I they broko open the store, and took out 20 worth of goods, which thoy confiscated. ;The British consul, hearing of tho ;disturb- anco, arrived in Brass, considered tho case, and was unable to afford tho agent any re dress, because ho was supposed to havo 'brought tho punishment upon himself. At Bonny tho monitor lizards becamoa sickening nuisance Thoy devoured tho Europeans' fowls, turkeys, ducks and gceso with impunity; they might lie across tho road or doorways of houses with their six feet of length, nnd savagely lash tho shins of peoplo who attompted to pass them with their whip-like serrated tails, and if you wounded or killed ono of them, thero was no end of a to-do. Vou were assaulted or robbed by tho natives, harangued by tho Consul on board of a man of war, and pos Btbly fined into tho bargain. In other parts of tho delta it might be tho (shark, or tho crocodile, or somo water-bird that was worshiped, but nowhero was this Ikoolatry carried to greater lengths than at Sonny and Brass. Fonts effectual abolish- nent, which hasbeen.of tho greatest benefit i the well-being of Europeans and natives alike, we owo out thanks not to tho iutor- irontion of naval or consular officials, norto ae bluff remonstrances or trattors, but to tho uict, unceasing labors of the agents of tho church Missionary Society, wno, by win ding the natives from these absurd pract ices, havo brought about such a change of (affairs that now tho python is promptlv killed at Brass whenovcr it makes its ap pearance, and the monitor lizard is relo cated to tho woods and swamps. Indeed, regards tho latter animal, thero was ather a curious revolution of feeling. . About four years ago, when Bonny Town vas infested with numbers of those great, iluggish lizards, tho missionaries screwed zho courage of tho Bonny converts (who then meant almost the entire population of tho place,) to tho sticking point. A grand slaughter ol lizards was arranged to tana place on Easter Sunday. As soon as tho aorning bolls of the mission church rang put a Urge number of Bonny men and boys armed themselves with matchets and sticks and commenced tho slaughter of tho lizards. By the end of the day there was jiot ono 1 jf t alive in tho town, and so great Kvere tro numDors siaugntcrca mat tuo tench n.mostbrougbt abouta sickness, and (tor four or five days tho town was unap proachable. But ii. slaughtering tho lizards much else at tho c'i superstition seemed to go, and lhat.ovc it marked tho real revolution, nnd , turnir 'towards better tilings on tho part at tho Bunny people. A chango almost sim ilarly abrupt put an end to tho python wor ship at Brass. Xieroro that time, ll a python seized a child in tho street in its oils and slavered it witn its vicious sauva, the mother so far from intorfonng to savo It must stand by and call out her thanks, nd summon her fnonds and relatives to (fojoico with her that tho god-python had bo honored her family as to devour her child. OOZY-HEADED PEOPLE. THE RELIABLE GROCERS Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, o Specialties . iii Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. 3oware of Persons Iietween Whoso Ears nnd Mouth There Is No X'artitlon. You would not pour precious wine into a lieve, yet that wero as wiso as to make a onUdant ot one or those "leany vessels" 01 pciety that, like corporation walor-carts, eem to havo been mado for tho express purpose of letting out what they take in. here is this difference, however, says tno Sew York Ledger, between tho perforated puncheon and tho leaky brain tho former pyi tho dust and the latter is pretty sure to we a dust. j Beware of oozy-headed people, between Thoso ears and mouth thero is no partition. Before you mako a bosom friend of any man Bo suro that ho is secret-tight. Tho mischief hat tho non-rotentivos do is-inflnlto. In ar the.v often mar tho best-laid schemes ad render futile tho most profound strat- gy. In social Ufo they sometimes sot holo communities by tho ears, frequently Ircak up families and nro the causo of In numerable misfortunes, miseries and rimes. In business they spoil many a Eromlsing speculation and in vol vo hundreds i bankruptcy and rum. Thereioro, do very ireful to whom you intrust information of fital importance to your own interests or to lie interests of thoso you hold dear. Every mqn has a natural inclination to ommumcato what lio knows, and it ho does Cot do so It is because his reason and judg ment are strong enough to control this in herent propensity. When you find a friend vno can cxerciso absolute power over ino ommunlcatlve instinct if wo may so term -wear hiuy in your heart, "yea, m your an oi heart" you nave no sucn mono, ep your own counsel. The Doctor Who Succeeds. I, A physician who understands human nat ure, who plays with tho baby, makes friends with the children and listens to tho vocs of tho good wife and mother, is tho eilow to whom tho master of tho house nost cheerfully pays the- largest bills. It Isn't the medicine that's bottled up, but it's no comfort, tho consolation that nro un- ottled that mark tho broad line between un unsuccessful and a popular physician. A MonTQiac Is worso than an earthquake. Itcan make a man's farm shrink into the WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call. Immigrants are Arriving and iirmiii Hues )ai j ! NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway lino In North Salem. Very cheap and choice. $600- 75 feet front on Front street running through 240 feet deep to the river bank. For a week only. $2600. Elegant hard finished house, with 2 lots and a good barn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood. Worth seeing. ACREAGE. Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoining town. Running spring. Elegant meadow on part of tract. $200 per acre. For a Short time only. Lots in Capital Park addition, one block from State street, $600 for quarter blocks. $300 and $400 for single large lots. Lots in Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; $300. ISAAC. A. MANNING, Real Hstate Broker, Bank Block. Up-Stairs, Salem, Oregon. INSURANCE Com tinny. Flro and Ma rine. JOS. ALI1EKT. Agent, - - Snlera, Oregon Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Are now provided with flno new drays and trucks nnd nro prepared to do nil busi ness in that line in the bet of shape. They give their personal supervision to nil work. Corner State nnd Commcicinl streets. For Bargains IN Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc., ao to THOMAS BURROWS, Commerolal Street, Salem, Qr. Country produce of nil kinds nlwnys on hand. If jou havo not traded with me be fore, I respectfully solicit a trial believing I can suit you both In prices and quality. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boys and. Girls. open on the 24th Thorough lnbtruc- The school will nt Knnrnmlmr. turn in mo primary mu navjneed English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In course.- TERMS nnd further Information rnuj be hod on application to ft H Cor. Chamoketo and State few. 8-20-tf One hundred ttore of estm dear land, line for dividing up Into small treeti. U onlj three-fourth or mile from gulein po-t-office. Price t Pflft, AB A PAY!W. THE OLD RELIABLE John new niMlurolth and Wwfon ,mfkr. J .-" rTT.. I. ..,. A,IK- autahll.lll.id Ht llU iYuig.it ."-. "i..Tn:zr. ?r. ... . (limner on uurnj- miss.. .. - - tlie new method. In III Hrt mid make a ineelulty of dkeawM "f lxie teel. 'Frank Lyoon tuw charge of the won department nud doe ganfial repalriM buidiie. The geullemen are too well known tor iu to try and reouwroend them eMr. Knight h been here toft year Willamette University, i Most successful school of music on the northwest coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. . courses in Piano, Organ Singing, Violin, Harmony, and Counter- point, I DlolomnH on completion ot course Teiclicrs: Z. M, I'nrvln, Frnukio X. Jones, KvnCox. Asiistunt.l.uluM. Smith. First term begins Mommy, September Sd, 1SSS. Send for catalogue. For further particulars nddreni Z. M. PARVIN. Muslc.il Director, Balem, Or. 8-17-dtf-wlt Nortlionr Pacific Railroad" GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAST TUA1N8 DAILY ! NOOHANUEOK CARS SHORTEST IINETO CHICAGO St. And nil points East via PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. Tho Northern Pacific railroad Is the only line running l'astenKer trains, Second class sleepers (freo of charge) Luxurious Day ooachss, i'ullman i'ulivco Weeping Cars. Palace Dining Curs, (meals 75c) lioin I'orl land to tho cast. See that your tleket read via the Northern Paclflo railroad and aold the cliangeofcnrs. Leave Portland at Pa. m. nnd 8:40 p. m. dally arrive at Minneapolis or Ht. Paul at ftU'i p. m. Pacific Division. Trains leave Front und O btreot dally at 11UVJ a. in, and S10 p. m.; Arrive at Tucomn at 7:10 p m and 4uu m arrlvo Bwitlle lfc26n m nnd WBp m. Through Pullman Pnluco Sleeping Pars, elegant day coaches, tlneot palace dining cnrn between Portland, TnconinnndHeatlle dlreet. Dally service. A. D. OHAIILTON A&rt. Oen'l Pai. Agent, 121 Flnst Ht Oor. Washington 81., Portlnud, Oregon. Depot Corner Pint and O Hlreets. $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood mare and young hon for Mile. Forty or fifty oollK expected in the vpnng Two flno lionea, Clyde and l'er-heori tloek, weight lJxteen nnd kevemesn hundred: hive been wllh the band for the put three yeum, Original ttoek from the bett (uallty of mured. For partloutarw uddrecj orsee W, It. BYAltiJ. w4t, Halern, (tr, OREGOKUN RAILWAY CO, (Limited Line.) CIIAS. X SCOTT, - - Receiver. On nndnfter Feb. 18 lSSU.iuul until further notice trnlns will run dally (except Sun dny)ns follews: EAST SIDE. Coburg Mnlll Portl'd Mali From Portland STATIONS. ITow'rd Port land Lv. ll.Ounm MRiusDwtrfl Ar. I0.UO Lv. 2.15 pm " 2.2S MB llT) AM 4.10 -!.: 4.;!9 4.47 5.80 Ar 6.30 5.5U 0.11 0.21 0A3 7.20 7.2U &03 8:37 0:20 10:15 p m Foot of Jefson. St itny s Landing, St, Pnurs, Ar. f.tapm. 1.S0 12.47 ,r Woodburn, Towuscnd. McKce, MU Angel, Down's, Sllverton. Johnston's Mil! Switzerland. Hast Side Junct.J .uucicuy, WestStaylon " 0 1 Crossing, West Scio, Cmbtrce, Spicei, Tullmnn, Plalnvlcw. Brownsville, Rowland, Coburg. LV Lv 12.00 11.40 11.40 11.21 0.14 11.00 10.20 10.10 10 07 U.4li 9.18 8.50 8.40 8.28 &00 7.81 7.22 (i-4S 0.13 6.30 4:30 n m mABSSB k w ARE THE LISA13ERS IN 1 ames am Gents Fine Dress S un Also it Inrgo line of Ladh-s', Misses' nnd Childrvns' canvas shoes for Qlltl-ltllil,- l.,,irt,il,it 1.,.. ...ill ...i.l.n H n.. ..1.1 I t4 . 11 .1 .,.......... iitiuiiiiuvi uic Kin iii.iim,- ii un wnjeui mi juu in win on ineiii and they will show you the best lines of goods in the city. This linn Is .-ii iwiutwi in un iuu uiii.uiis (ii r:uL'iu, nun suirouniiiiig country, as n linn that hnndles nothing but reliable goods. Take the ieople's ord for it and call on these gentlemen when In want of foot-wear. Their Spring Stock is Unsurpassed in Quality anil Prices. Commotion Tickets at twooents por mllo on sale at stations lmv lug agents. Connection nt Itny's nnd Fulqunrt Landing with Stenmcr "City of Salem " CIIAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. General Olllcci, N W Cor. First nnd Pine, Portland, Oregon. IvOOK - OUT ! Something is Going to Diop at BODWELL'S NEW SHOE STORE, 95 State Street, Salem. A Bargain vFor Somebody!!! EASTERN PROPERTY! -To Exchangr for- OREGON LAND ! H O M E S -FOR THE HOMELESS!!! 12oo ACRES t-4 '' - t o:,' ' Varied. I;a.ncis . u -KOR Sale or Rent. Qnantity and Quality to .Suit Purchaser. Lands near II. It .. A GOOD CHANCE AirFor portlculnrneullnt this offlr. ) i) contcmplaton chang- orbuslne-ii soon, nnd will therefore mako Sweeping Re ductions In certain lino ot Hoots nnd Hhoes In order to reduce our htnek ton minimum c i want Money! ou need Hoots and Shoes. Conio mid OMimliio giKids nnd pilces nnd sco If It will not piy you to lay In one ortwo years supply at tho prices w o offer GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ! A child can buy as cheap nan manjnt our store. Wo menu business,: and If you wear shoes look us up, YOURS FOR "KOLD KOIN;" BAILEY F. BOD WELL, m (E ! FOUND! Success in lliistnesa requires preparation t Tiierefore, thoroughly inaslor Commercial Arithmetic, Business I'ennianship and JJusiness Correspon dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, tho nature and correct tifco of Commercial Papers, Connnorcial .Law and JJusiness practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Typc-wrltlng, Manifold, and Dictation work. All these nro needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at tho SALEM BUSINESS CO l,L13UE driswold's Block, Salem, Oregon- B O O T B O O T . S O " O T, .... . i .. .,..., . .i ..... .-..-.. .., i C8$ifp. 7 H "" 0 F S S M 6 o F s S VVM. BROWN h CO. DRAI.llRS IN Leather and Findings . cash paid Fort 4 Wools, Hides, Fell? and hn ----'f X.P ' v ,.,'. '. r! 231 Commercial St. Salem, Or " ,-.J-.; .JLW THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WAD.F & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM, Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES, Also a Goiiiplele Stock of llardwaroJand.Fami MacMntry, Wagons and Carrie TIIANSI'ORTATIOX, No. 211 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. TH-E YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Ami Ortxon Development company's steamship line. 2K miles shorter, 20 hours lews time limn by any ottiei tome. First class through passenger and freight line from I'ortlntuI nnd all olnts In tho Wll tametto vallov to and from Hnti Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxccpt bunnays): Leave Albany IM 1 M InvcCnrnlll8 ....... -1M0P M Arrive Ynqulna ....... 6:il0I'JI lxivo Ynqulnn (tloAXI l,eavo CocvnlllH lft.15AM Arrlvo Albany 11:10 AM O. C. trains connect nt Albany anil Corvallls. The hdovo trains connect nt YAQITINA with the Oregon Development Cos Line )f Hten-i.shlps bcUvcvn laqulna and Han Kranclsco. SAIM.Vfl DATES. STK VMK1W, FllOM SAN FKANCISCO WiHametto Valley, Thursday Dee . Wlllametto Valley Monday " 17. Willamette Valley Sunday " 30. STEAMnilS. rnoM yaqvina. Wlllametto Valley. Wednesday Dec. 12 Wlllamct to Valley. Monday " 21 This company roscrves the right to hnnge sailing dates without notice. N, 11. Passengers from Portland nnd nil Wlllametto Valley points can mako close connection with tho trains of tho Y AO UIN'A IIOUTK at Albany or Corvallls, and If destined to Han Francisco, should arrange to arrlvo at Ynqulna the evening before (Into of sailing. I'asMMtirrr .intt Krclpfit Itata AlwAm th Ii0pt. For Informntlbn npply tn Messrs HULMAN A Co., Freight and Ticket Agents 200 and 202 Front st,, Portland, Or. or to C. C. IIOC5UK, Ac't Ocn'l Frt. ,t Pass, Agt,, Oregon Pacltlc II, It. Co., Cor-allls, Or. (1 II. HASWKLL, Jr. Oen'l Frt; & Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 801 Montgomery st.; Snu Francisco, Cal TIMK TAlHiE IUVEU DIVISION. The elegantly equipped steamboats, Win M. I loan, Capt. Oeo. ltanbc; tho N. S. ilentley, Capt. J. IP. Coulter, the Threo Hlvtors, Capt. V. P. Short; aro In service for passenger nnd freight tmlllo between Corvallls and Portland and Intermediate points, making threo round trips each week as follews: NOUTII HOUND Leaves Corvallls Mon. day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a, in. Arrives at Salem Monday, W edncsday and Friday at :i p. in. Leaves Salem Tuesday, Thui-Mlay and Saturday at 0 a. m. Arrives at Pit land Tuesday, Thursday nnd Satur day st MO p. in. SOUTH IIOUND I.eaes Portland Mon day, Wednesday and Friday nt 0 a. in. An l cs at Halcm Monday, Wednesday and Fildnv at 7:10 p. ni. Leaves Salem Tues day, Tliurhdny nnd Saturday at 0 a. m. Anlves nt Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at :i:;U) p. m. For ft eight and passenger rates apply to the captains nnd pursers) of tho respcctlvo boats, or to W. M. Darling, agent, 200 and 202 Front street. Portlnnd; Ollbert llros. agonts.Salem; I. M.Adair, ngent, Albany C. A. Miller, agent, Corvallls; or to tho gcu eral lVclghtand passenger agent. Corvnllls. O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls K. V. HO WKS, Huporlntonclent. Win. 110AO. Qcucral Malinger. to Cali -vrA- Soullmrii Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Iit'twfon Salriu ami Han Francisco 1 Tlilrty-six Houik. OAMFOHNIA KXl'llEKJ TKAIN RUN DAILT. iiirrwiiiiN I'onri.AFD anus, . Bouth. hlxTp. m. 0:11 p.m. 7: 15 a. in. I,v. Poi tland Lv. Salem Ar. San Fran. Lv. I.OOAI. l'AHHENOKU TltAIN CHIT HUNDAY), Ncirlli. Ar. I 10:45 n. m. Lv. 7:5.'l n. in. 7:00 p. in. IJAILY KX- IWX) a. in. 11:10 n. m 2:10 p. in. Lv. Lv Ar. Portland Salem Kugeno Ar. j :i:15 i. m, Lv. 1 12.52 p. in. Lv. U.OO ll. in. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For necomniodiitlou ot scoouit cl.iss passengers attached to opro-n trains, ThoH, P. company's leny makes con nectlon with all the log mar trains on th Fjist SUlo Division fiom ftiotot F stico Portland. iVcst Side Division. Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (KXCllIT HUNnAY). "7f:EI7iTmri Vv. PoHIiiTTd Ar. U:207ifin". 12:2T)p. in. 1 Ar. Cor-allls Lv. lilOii.in At Albany and Corvallls connect wltu trains oroicgou Paclllo Itallrond, ThioiiL'li tickets to nil points south und east via Calllornla KX 1'UI.HHTUAIN "(DA1IY KXCIlT'THUHDAY.) 1:50 p. iii.'I fiv. l'oTiliTniTrrTPSrflO n. in. 8.00 p. in. I Ar.McMlnnvllloLv. 0:45 a. ni. Through Tickets To nil points SOUTH ami EAST. 4t' VIA California.. h'ni fill I in form n firm romirftmtf ml as maps, etc, apply to tho Company's agent, Salem, Oregon. K. P. 110(1 HI tg, Asst. (J. F, nud I'nss.Ag't. It KOKlILKll! Mnnnger. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. Columbia River Route.' I'm I n h for tho oast lcuvo I'ortlnnd at T.t& a, in and & p m dully. Tlo els to nud from prlnglpal iHilutHln tin United Stilton, Can ada and Kurope, ELEGANT PULHANN PAL'.C C.RS ifiiilgrnut Hlecflug Cum run tnrougs,;on oxprws til Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL 1ILT.FF ail(l 81. PATH Frci of Charge and it ou Change. ConiKHitlnngnt Portland forBoji Fran iiHMiaiid luut Sound iH)lnl. For lurtlmr wrtloularn liiciulro ol 1. A. Miiiiiilnb'. uRnt of tlia oompany, Vis Oominerobil utreet, Sulani Liseon, oi A. U .wH, O. P. Ji T. Purtlana, Oregon. A, L. MAXWELL, O. 1'. AT A, H HOLCOMB V".wnl WrPaer, size of a piece of paper , "L4jri