n 1 't THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. J? THE CAPITAL JOIMAL PUBLISHED DAItl'.EXCErTSUNDAY, HY TnE Capital Journal Publishing Company. (IncoVporated.) Entered nt tlio potomcc nt FaIcm,Or.,n8 second class matter. Beo fourth pngo forj terms of Bubscrlp- uon, Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for the mine day) should be handed In by 1 o'clock. Correspondence containing news of In terest and Importance Is desired from nil parts of the state. No attention will bo paid tonnonjmoUB communications. l'crsons doslrlng tlio CaI'Itai. Jouiinai. Borvcd at their bonces can secure It by pos tnl enrd request, or by word left nt this olllce. Specimen numbers sent fice on applica tion. Ofllco, corner Court nnd Liberty Streets. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1889. About 3,000 railway biukcsliavo been Invented and patented. One Of the latest is described ns beauti fully simple in its vv orkihfr. Push n button and the brakes aie set on the entire train. Otfn of the chief features of the use of paper fabric for building pur poses is the ease with which it can be worked into sheets of any re quired width or thickness that will not be n fleeted by changes of tem perature or hum (lit'. On'i: of the Ctroliuc islands is owned by an Amerie.m sailor named Reiijuinln, who lias sixteen wives, and fifty children, and has nothing to do but Btuoke Ills pipe and boss the ranch. He publishes a letter in a California paper advising other men to do likewise. Ignatius J)()NNi:i.r,Y is quoted as saying that lie doesn't care a cent what anybody s.tjs about his book or himself. He s.i,s: "lam right, and time will justify me, ninc-tentlrs of the gi ives of the world are filled with unadultetated fools." That big iuft which is to flout from I'll got Sound down to San Francisco will bo made of longer logs than weie ever put into a raft on Atlantic watois. It will have 6000 logs, as against 1K,000 in the big .Joggins iaft of last yeai, but none will bo less than 100 feet long, and tlio gicat sio of the sticks, it is thought, will bring the amount of tlio lumber up to the amount of the eastern rait. Tin: rcpoits of the mlssionaiies given before the session of the world's confeionte of Latter Day Saints shows the piospeiity and growth of the church Ihioughout the country. Tho rcpoit of the church lecorder shows that thoio are over 20,000 menibeis of the church, a gain of 1 IHr in tho past year. There weie 1105 lemovalsand oxpulslous. Wjikn Ronjiuntn Franklin was appointed postmaster general of tho colonies in 177G, ho went down to tho oillco in Philadelphia, hanged his coat on a peg behind tlio only door of tho ono loom which consti tuted tho depaitment and went to work. He proem ed a small book of fllty-thieo pages. Inw blob be opened ' an account with each postmaster for tho fully-odd poslnllhes in the thir teen colonies, anil kept ll himself. Unlike the pusonl postmaster gon eial, tho old IVniisjlviinliin was not bothered to appoint assistants, and us for cleiks, ho did not have any. Tim: most caiefully edited Journal is fallible, H'iys an e.changn, On the Now Yoi k llcialil pioofie.idois have been suspended fur weeks. In splto of this severe discipline, the Herald once made the astonishing unnouncumeut that a long lino of HcorploiiH' featheis tiled into church, Instead of "mnpHcul fatheis." A reporter on that papei had occasion to quote a eiMi fioiu a familiar hymn in which tlio word herald oc cur led. The pioofreader dutifully underscored tlio wow, and tlio vorxo appeared: "HaiUI tho lleiald angels sing." It was in the Now York World's leport of a political meet ing that tho woid "shouts" was so ludicrously miopi luted as to make tho blunder funiiiiii.. "The shouts of 10,000 democrats rent tho air," read tho leport. Ki'ANl.KV'h lettei consist mainly of a icputltloii of what has ah ead been published, lie doK'ilbes at length tho vuiloumlovlmi by which tho native cihIohv uretl to pioveiU the adwuico of tho expedition. One of thoM) wax to iIIk shallow pits nuroM the path of the column and 1111 tliuiu with skewero which weio gently coveied with leae. Tho Bkowerrt pierced the feet of Stanley's men, inflicting wounds that In many oases developed Into dungor ouuHoreo. Men who were laiuwl la this manner were seldom of fuither service. Stanley eulln the native "cunning loguctt," and nijk that fur tho purjOM)of ejkloitlon they always pretended tlmt the otmntry whs MUllbrlug mint fiimluu. Stanley bu Moves that the lulu lie dlcoveiod In J 870 Isjlong to tho Congo. staxlky'S kxij:dition. Stanley started on his expedition to relieve Emln eaily in 1887, but It was not uniil Juno that he was able to reach the Aruwimi. His Journey thence to VVabelal was a gallant struggle against seemingly Insur mountable obstacles, and it was not Until sometime In January, 1888, that ho succeeded In reaching Emin. Hefouud Emln and his party in a fairly good position, and dctoi mined to resist the Madhi'a demand that ho evacuate the provinces. About the middle of April ho left Wabclal to return to his rear guard, from which he had no news. He urged Emin to accompany him. The lat ter would not leave, however, so long as the country was threatened by the Madhi. Soon after Stanley's return to Aruwimi in August, 1888, lie again made preparations for re joining Emin, and when last heard from ho was on the return march with a new relief column. Since then there havo been conflicting re ports concerning Emln and Stan ley. Tho latest news tends to con firm the reports received late in February, w liich staled that Emin defeated the dervishes with heavy loss In tho Duhrel-U.iel province. This victory was gained some time last summer, probably before Stan ley had mitdo much headway on his return journey. Kirly last month It was reported fioin Zanzi bar that Stanley was inarching rapidly toward the cast coast of Alrica. Tin: Connneicial Advcitiscr on tlie Chinese question, says: "Tho Chinese are spieading wheiever they can. Many are doing no good to anybody . It is high time to prev cut their futuiespiead in tins count ly, to w liich they did not come of tlieii own free will, but under contiolof six companies In leiguo witli some oiicntal governments." Not Consulting tlio Congregation. "How do you like this one'."' ask ed an obliging salesman, holding up a shining "dice box." "That's a nice hat. How much?" "Eight dollais, woith it, too." "That's my sio, is it?" 'T think so. Tiyiton." "Yes; that tits. Don't you make a leductiou to clergymen?" "No, we do not, as a lule; though if iou ai a minister, I'll knock off $1. "Make it 57, eh?" "Yes, to you."" Tho gentleman tried it on again, looked in tlio mliror, and said: "Think that is not too gay for a mlnistei?" "Oh, bless yon, no! It's a nice, quiet hat." Again the man looked in tho glass carefully, took the hat ofl, looked It over, and said: "Well, I'll take it. If tho congiegation don't like it they con go to h 11." A Striinge Visitor. A n old Dutch doclornanicdStuifle Seter, who lived in Fianklln coun ty, Oa., was the subject of a stiango visitation. Ills houo was situated about half a mile fiom the giave yard, out of w hlch a luilliant light would llse night after night, and, passing over tho tree tops, settle over Ids house and lomalu st.it oiiaiy for a time, when it would igdn li-e ab.i' o 'he iion aid sweip ihinu.h the ail In the diieetinu whence Itcamoand sink Into the caithat tho graeyaul. On the night of Setoi's death it shone moie bill llautly than oyer befoiej it hovireil ocr the house fot a long time, and as tho tiding man drew his last breath It aio-o in the air, and, like a flaming meteor, moved swiftly to the giave.v aid, sank Into tho eatth and was never sion again. Thofb luoniany who witnessed thlsstiange phenomenon and saw the blalng spoctie on tho very night that the old Dutch doctor (lied. Some Men. A newspaper man Eddy Toilal. A funny man Joe Vial. A muscular man .Tim Nasties. A rising man Clem Alls. A haid-hearted man Adam An tine. A seedy man Tim Othy. A botanical man Chi Is Anthe uiiim. An efleiniimto man Mat Itonly. A double man Hon Edict. An oiruslvo man Sid Lit. A nilnlsteiial man Ed lfy. A model man Pat Tern. A healthy man Hob Ust. A snide man Ole O. Margarine. A scheming man Aiehle Tect. A humane man Sam Aritan. An ufllec-hcckliig man Hank Erltig. A thinking man Phil O. Sophie. A fat man Pete Holeuni. A severe man Chus Tise. "Memory Ihmmm" mo the lateM fad In Kaunas City. A memory hoop Is alwut ten Inchon In diameter and will hold thirty to forty bows or knots. And tho thing for the mule friend j of a young lady to do in to giddier a handoin piece ot uoloied silk which she. (ten on the hoop. The girl who govern the uuwt hoopaln this way U oniisldoreU the reigning belle. Paradoxical. A Hwjcrs brief Is cry long, KV And Mr. White Is Black, A man Is dry when he Is green, And when he's tight he's slack; A Are Is hot when It Is coaled, A lamp Is heavy When It Is light, A shoe Is bought when It Is soled. A man can see when out of sight "SCRAPS." General Longstrcct, the famous ex Confederate, Is lying dangerously ill at his home in Georgia. It was n mean editor that headed the account of a death fromdeliriumj tremens, "Spirited Away." If the water of the ocean were to suddenly cease being compressible its mean depth would be Increased by 110 feet. It is a short reacli back to Cyrus Field's flrst cable, but nine of them now connect America and Europe and nicasuic 113,000 miles. Five hundred and thirty-eight million dollars is the highest value placed upon all minerals mined in the United States any one year. Tho Indiana White Caps aie so active again that pcoplo dare not put on their night caps, but sit up and face death with their boots on. Natuialistssay tliero is no longer room for doubt as to the complete distinctness of the larger antropold ape tho goi ilia from the smaller chimpancc. The heaviest leather belt ever put in an establishment is 00 inches wide and 140 Act long and weighs 1,000 pounds. It will diive 1000 hoise-power machinery. II lias been computed that the power leqiiired to diive the ten penny nails contained in a full keg would draw a wagon loaded witli a ton of coal fifty-two miles. A fcl'ow went into a book stoic the othei day and called for "Hen She." Thocleik told him there was no such book, wheieupon the fellow got mad. It wasafteiwaids kained that lie wan tod "Hen Hur." Marion Craw foul, the novelist, has ( unquoted tlio cigaictto habit after a long struggle. Rut the habit of wilting two orthieo novels nje.tr when ho ought to wiite but one in two years, still clings to him. Ah an example of instantaneous photography as applicable to the atudy of motion of projectiles pass ing tluougli tlio ail, lour negatives weie taken of a Cannon ball tuat o'cupied but onc-foith of a second in passing a given space. Tlio empeior of China has ten men whoso solo duty it is to cairy his umbiella. In casts of emergency they aie backed up by the entire Chinese army, and in spite of all this tho emperor complains that lie can't keep an umbiella fur any length of time. Queen Vlctoiia was much shocked by the death of John Ihight. Des pite his (lemociatic tendencies, his loyalty to tho eiown and peisonal legal (1 foi the queen weie so pio nounced that ho never failed to get uicspcctfnl healing "it Windsor. Some of tlio last messages w Inch he i cool ved came from the queen. Mill call icr-i in Morocco are said to avoid lisl, of losing their plum byovesle ping b,v t,vlni.i stiing on one tool and i It' ' the 1 1 d of it on llivbeloii- t! ev goto si ion. 'lie stilng, they know Itom experience, will bum so long, and when the flic leaches their foot It Is time for them to get up. Tho Hilling llalilt. Judge Kelly, tho Pennsylvania congressman, chewed" tobacco con stantly tor over fifty yeais. He had a piece of the weed in his mouth al wayseven going to sleep with a (piid folded in his cheek. At last a nicotine cancer developed and ho had to submit to utculhlo operation, the cutting of the cancer tiom his mouth. On theinoining when the uigeous were going to operate upon him the judge put a piece of tobacco slyly into his mouth. I lis daughter detected It and urged hor father to take it out. "My daughter," said the stuidy oontnossman, "those ilootois will be here to cut mo un in just about title hour; they toll mo that tho chances are that I may die under tho opoiatlon; now before I die I mean to have one moie good chow." Du.w'NUbd Can't hi: Cuitnn by local applications, as they cannot leach the diseased poitlou of tho oar. Theie is only one way to cure 1 1 ea I'n ot, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Dcafuotts Is caused by an Iiillamod condition of tlio mu cus lining of tho eustachian tube. When this tube gets mutinied vou Imvi. it riiiiilillnir wiiiiml in tmit.trff.i.f hem Imr. and when It Is oiitlrol.v oIimsI iletifneAi Is the result, and un- j lew the niHitniniution can iw tiuun "" jpiv iimnw eoting , ,,,,.1 iiij lulu. i.wiiiiwl i lu imr. ' u"1' ll"lir"lH'r nuwllentlon and liiMtllvu out ami tuts tube lenioivu toils nor- llol,ofMjHIW tlie ))rin(,i,mi obiuj. r. m,.i condition, heailnir will bo de- stroyed foievoor: nine wimm out of ion hiv caused iv vmiiriu, niuii is notlilnir but an Inflamed condition of the iiiueuiii wurfttccti. We will give one lundred dollar for any oaw of dotifiiewi (emisod by oatitrrh) that wo OH.inot euro by taking Hall's CVtwriii Cure. Send fur eiroulHN, floe, I'. J, ClUUCHY & Co., TqImIo, 0. Bohl by druggists, Wo, lm ' r Troyalbk,ns jBi 1 "AKlH IWDER Absolutely Pure. Tins powder never varies A marvel of purity , strength and w holesomoness. Slore economical tfmn the ordinary "finds, and cannot be hold In comnetltlon with the multitude of low test, short w eight alum or puospnaio powders, isoiu oniy in cans. itovAi, Uakio Powder Co.. lOUWall,N.x Hiicklen's Arnica Salve. Tlio best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soles, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns aud all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay requited, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Daniel J. Iry, drug gist. The flow of natural gas at Colum bus. O., is estimated at 1,000,000 feet per day. Met it Wins. AVe desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Hucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Jfltteis, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that havo given such univeisal satisfac tion We do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and w e stand icady fo lcfund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. Tlieso l omedies have won their gieat populaiity purely on their incilts. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, druggist. Idaho is developing into the great lead distiicfs of the eotuitiy. Ow lug to this change iblo cllnuito, It is dllllcult to preserve n full complexion und our fair slstcisuronnnojcd by loughuess of tlio blrin, chnps, red nose, etc. if Liutaul's Snci Me Is applied to the face and lianas night nnd morning, a clcai and I eulthj complexion c in bo pic-eied Poitlund Oitgou, March, 25 Sold by I). V. iltithcwH a Co. Ill England it is pioposed taking tho census every live yeais Instead of every ten. "flio Ono Iloss Shay," of Dr. Holmes, is lull of the genial authoi's cMibeiaut humor. Its fun issupciflcialand obvious; but moio is meant than meets the eye or ear. The vehicle which ran for a bun dled years aud a day without a bicik, typifies a healthful human body, and icpresents the natuial tenuof its set vice. If, however, a man has catauahal, bionchial, asthmatic oi puhnonaiy diseases, lie cannot live out half his days, unless he eradicates tho sciofulous humois whose piesonco causes tlieso local troubles. The gieat blood-cleansing alteiative of Dr. Pieiee, known as the "Golden Medical Discovery," lids tho blood ot scrofulous pollu tions, and, by Improving the nut ri tion, gives ikw Igor Jo the debili tated hj stem, and cuVi s. these dis eases. I'uoqiukd Di. r age's Catasrli Homed v . The population of At ilea is eigh teen to the squat o mile; in Europe there are eighty-two to tho saino space. A Safe Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory lcsults, or in case of falliuo a leturn of purchase price. On tills safe plan you can buy from our adveitised diuggist a bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring lelief in every case, when used for any aflectiou of tlno.it, lungs or chest, such as consumption, inflam mation of lungs, bioncliltis. asthma, w hooping caugh, croup, etc. It is pleasant and agieeablo to taste, per lectly safe and can always bo de pended upon. Trial bottles free at Daniel J. Fry's diug store. Private advices state that tho re Hof station at Point Uaiiovv, Alaska, w 111 not bo established this year, as thoappropilation voted by congress will not bo available until July, making It Impossible to scud tho necessary m itorial and supplies to Artie ocean until next yonr. Having tried the eltVuts of tho concon tmtmloMrtict of Oregon KldnevTeo, wo chtoirrtill) hear wllnwn to lt benullolal uimwu'v lnttltlH'llimufthodlifHigllvo onrnns. litis Klinplv, mi IV mul MirtK It Is olly taken mid nUutn luvutli) vitality to the unpins It U Intended to operate upon with imkiirtHl sueeei. S.J. MiCOHMICIC, lMUor Catholic Heittlue). hold by 1) V. Miniums A Co. '.,.Iil',RS'"..'B".'J,lR - te. Storf?"""" the I'mtml Htuiv ro kuilerliiB from In- llt'iilej V Drtiulellou lVjiilOhtranKthans nnd luvl(inilMtla dlKvatlvo orvHiia uud en bl.w one lu 'iUo u hwtrty iaul wltliout iii uiiiiliii Hneretrbob. hsrtit bj 1). VV. MNtlimraThl. V H-4 Cup of TotTM U a itvnt uttrHfiion fttr reetuumnt. 1 lio oofli f dnin n tnim HeltonUrHUd' l"Ht enti.'ilx rtNsiii,(U is mi or lha liwuiy i.rro Viu.Kiioiis of Its ewUasr imrlor. Thui (uVm i "i IU ixeaUtiit ailfco Hrvanld every w k And m Sr iiytttrs MMMMtaMwiinol b oiiil 111 the taf. tf. II. V. MATTHEWS. Matthews REAL Office Over Capital National Bank, SALEM, OREGON! Five acre lots in the beautiiul "Garden City addition to Salem," just cost of the city. Beautiful Garden, Fruit and Home sites I Call early and get your choice, Wo will sell you city and suburban lots and farms of all descriptions. MATTHEWS & AINSWORTH, R6al Estate Agents. F. E. HOOVER. 'HIS ff S THE II Invest sn Among a Great Many Chc5icb Bargains WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: 72 acres, i of a mile from Salem, CO of which is In a high state of cultivation, balance excellent timber land. House, barn anil out buildings: 2 acres lu orchaid. $100 por acre. 10-1 nciesone mile from Gervais; 90 acres in cultivation; two-story brick house; large barn and other out buildings; largo oichard; 35 acres now in grain. Price 0000. House and lot on Chcmeketu street, near Catholic church, $1600. Large house nnd lot, 95x165, in North Salem, young orchard. Price $1500, House with ilvo hard finished rooms, barn and lot 75x150 in South Salem. Price $800. Lots in North Salem, near sticet car line. Lots for sale in the following additiens: Boise's; Iieid's, University, Queen Ann and Yew Park. Also many other choice bargains. JOHN F.STRATT0N& SON Imnortcrs nnd Wholcsnlo dealers In MUfc-ICAL MKHClIANDISi: New ork. 41 nnd 4r Wnlkertit. Jolin V. hlintlon h Celebrated Itu hIiii Out Violin stilngs, tlio I liKNtln tlio World. Our Ounruntcc it h denier receives n eoniplnlnt, (vv liich ho believes to bo honest) from iiny musician to v hoVn ho hua sold any of these strings, ho Is authorized by us to give htm another string without chnrge.nndall such loss will be mndogood by us to our customtis. without quibble or question. (Beware ot Imitation.) Dealers 111 plenso send lor descriptive catalogue. Trod supplied nt low est price. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY OriiduateoJtudents In Classical, Literary, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It is thooldPkt. Inmost nnd lmst ciwn. slvo Institution of learning In the North. wesi. School onons flrst Jlondnv In Sentcmtwr Send for cntnloguo to MllUS. VAJN liv, l'resldeut. 17: Salem, Oregon. THE IINIE RESTAURANT, TTnvtng been furiilshtd for the ecpeclal II uectimmodntlon of the public, vue tiiitethenttonttonnf the tho 11 UN a 1ft' nnd sletipy one to "Our Home" beds, new und clemr, gtwd "Home" meals served reg. ulnrb thrvo tlmon a day. No Chlneoe In tliekltehen. Olvous n call uud see for ours If. E. M. r,A.V, Proprietor. Oir. Court nnd High St., Snlom, Or. 1 liiHUttmH are mulcted with dUenscH of Hip Klduev nnd ITrinnrv Onmns. ti lin tur. iii ... s. -. . "....:! .?r r zz" --- ibt in MiwuMwraiiittr iimn maue Kno.vn llitur tnmuliH. Tnull tlni.ti ntlllnia.t u own ottter a wife nnd sivHHiy nimmly In Ore koii Kldiy Tm. vviiMi 1 ooii)x)d oi rurUx, el4ilwl wTOi Rrwt re In Oregon, lid wurntnUHl nut to eontMln minemb of uiiykliul, A fewdoM nttord luttitnt re fold uy D. V, Xfathown & Co. ESTATE O. B. EDGETT. araette wmm FORMERLY THE SALEM LAND COMPANY, Sill TO The Salem Abstract -AND- LAND COMPANY, Have K'uioved to building adjoining Thompson's jewelry storo on Commercial street. Titles Investigated. Money to Loan. Land for Sale. Houses for Rent OALL AND SEE US. BoarderS! lujono vvlbhlng to hoard ntn viulet ii. uuu ij inuuc, win niiu mo ooject OI iicif biMri'iiui IVIRS. M. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chumeketo aud Liberty Sts., balem, Where a low bolcct boirders onn secure board. H. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop No. 25-1J Coinmorcial St. ITnlIRO nml fnrrinirn T.iliWlt.r. Sign writing, Paper housing and decorating, Wall tinting and kol- bomiiiliiK o.ectuea m tno latest stylo. Experienced Workmen Employed. Satistaction Guaranteed. Call and see us batora yyu lt your work. Real F. L. ATNHWORTH. Ainsworth, It, P. BOISE, Jr. IS THE PLACE oran 6.000.000 poop'8 belloje Uut n ' ww para beat to bnrtleeiU of tne largest and moot reliable house, and they vat Fotj's Seeds i. M. FERRY k CO. an acknowledged to Da toe largest Seedsmen In the world. D M.FEKtY&OO' Illustrated, Deacrip. tlie and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1880 Will ba m&ilad FHCE to aJl aDtille&ntfl. and fcn liurt vtuir1! nafmtiAra without ordering It. Intalu. IneiHteac. I ahonld aend for It Addreia D. M. FERRY & CO., Dotrolt, Hlclb DR. JORDAN'S 1IIKJPIMI OH I MIT itiuoijUiii ur iuiiiiiMi 751 Market St. San Francisco OAL1FOHNIA. Go and learn how to avoid disease, ahd how wonderful ly you are made. Consulta tion and treatment pers on ally or by letter or weak nesses and all dlseasse of men. bend for book. Pilvato olllce 211 Geary street. Tho B rJYEES GUIDE la issujd Mrch and Sopt., each year. It is an onoy clopodia of useful infor mation for all who pur chaso the luxuries or tho necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necosBtry and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, danco, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fall estimate ot the value of the BUVJUBS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents Vo pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HL BDtkiea't Antes Silre. T!iu beat salve in tho world for its, bi ulses, sorea, ulcers, saltrheum, over fcores, tetter, chapped hands, bilblains, corns, and all akin erup ioiis, und positively cures piles, or t lm.v required. It Is guaranteed ' give perfect satisfaction, or money 'milled. Price 25 cento per box. Y IOIIN J. PRY, Druggist. Wright's Hon f -ry nnd Chamolle bit luff. rauiuiucii Wl by the most tb wpiy, LuldiUi -CKIOSTW D i Nkl i7) I ftA f 'iS JASk?--Sl vw ffi7mmm msSmrn mmz&rdaBL xaasw- iTMir,' Wt-yL VI 1VI2J jy922j!V till II Il I alln.i.i ii m; H.W.I ,. ns. Invigorating Kit I. l Intoxicating, Bold by