1 THE CAPITAL EVENING JOVBKAL. 1 f Iff i THE CAPITAL JOBBML TERMS OF SrilSCRIlTION. DAILY. One year bymall 6 00 HU month by mall - 2 CO Tlin-e month by mall 1 26 Per week, delivered by carrier 15 WEEKLY. One yanr by mall 81 50 Six months by mall - 8 One year. If paid In advance . 1 00 8I. months, If paid In advnnco 60 For advertising rates apply at this olllce. AllfiubscrlbcrstoTilEl.'AriTAl.JouiiNAi, who do not secure their paper regularly will notify this onice, gllngaddre,and tho matter will be attended to at once. Olllce, corner Court and Liberty Streets. Call In a Parson. A marriage House v. ns this after noon granted to h. V. Homier and Miss I. N. Gardner. Humes for the Kiigliii'N. The engine companies have a yet failed to find teams to suit them although they are anxious to secure them. Matters In Probate. John Calvert was appointed ail minisitralur of the estate of Peter Schcrbaeh, with bonds lixed at $10, 000. m A New Church. The Presbytery in session at La fayette has appointed a cominiltci to visit Dallas to examine the field with u view to the organization of n Presbyterian church in that place. 'Hid New Park Niilmil. The Oregon land company's new fifteen acre pleasure pink, north of the city has been named Highland Park. Their new addition adjacent to Itiverside they will nlr-o call Highland. Almost a I'lic. John Hock, who recently came to Salem and lives in the Cofl'ey house, came near losing all by fire yester day evening. The roof took lire from a defective flue, but as the fire wus at once discovered, a few buck ets of water averted serious results. More Ni'v Houses. J. A. Hlack, a prominent banker at Hloonilngton, Neb., bought of Duncan & JJooth yesterday two fine building lots in South Salem. Mr. Hlack expressed his mind by saying he fully expected to come to Salem in a short time to make it his future home. They also sold a lot in Meredith's addition to Prof. Jory, who expects to build soon. -- Confined to Its lied. What purports to be rellablo In formation was given out this morn ing from ti wholly unreliable source to the effect that the Willamette river at Salem stood "twenty-two Inches below low water mark." ft goes on to say that if rain does not soon come navigation will be cut oil'. Ah twenty-two inches below low water mark would make tho river uuuavigableeven for ducks, the lat ter clause Is superfluous. i No Orange .Sleeting. Marion county Pomona grange was unable to hold the regular meeting to-day from the fact that Buluin grange failed to open their hall for that purpose. We do not thing this was intentional, but in dicates short memory of those who hold the key. The next regular meeting of Pomona grange will bo held at Aumsville on tho second Thursday of May. All patrons In vited. W. M. IIll.Lll.VHV, Secretary. linpiotlng the ltler. Thu government miag boat Wil lamette Is proving herself a good boat In swift water and bad bars, which are to be found on tho uppor 'Willamette. Shu made tho run from tho mouth of the Lucklamtito to Oregon Citv iutf eight hours, one stop of half an hour. Recently she ran from Albany to Corvallls In three hours, which Is exceedingly good time. The Willamette draws twenty-seven Inches and consumes half a cord of wood an hour. home Canrudn hreiicry. Does any one realize that wo have at our very doors, kjiiic of tho finest soenery to be found on tho famous Paelllo coast? A few hours ride from Albany upon the Oregon Paci fic road, and more hours of steady tramplng,the Herald says, will place the tourist who is looking for natur al scenery among some of thu tluot that can bo found and among tho foot hill mountains where thu pure alrtiud tho Ice cold and perfectly pure water will bring health aiul robtiHtnuM as will no other tonic or medicine. A Ynliimlmilla Ahatruct. O. M. Smith has for several days coon engaged In preiwiing an ab stract for a piece ofproHrty which has boi-n truiislcrntt unit tiled for record more than one hundred times. Tho property is that on which tho Capital hindering mill now stands. It bolouged to tin. original donation land claim of W. II. Wilson, and tho 11 ret transfer date from lWo. Tho abstract when completed will pu a voluminous one, eonuHiiug ui ; JS3 clow'y wrlitou pBgos. I A MMMOTIt KXCt'KSION. A Ifa.n.1 Jf Sixtj-Tu,, ll.,n. .,,. Arrlvfs nl the Capital City. j There nrrived in Salem yesterday evening a coiony or iionie-feeKer. " i "i'n m muir nm iu- There were fllxty-tvo of them In all morrow evening. The public in cx Thcy were accompanied by F. J. I tended cordial invitation to be1 Strayer, traveling itgent of the Ore- gon hind company. Mr. Strayer left Salem on the sixth of January for PcMiiHylvnnhi for the purpose of organizing a colony to bring to Sa lem. Arriving tit his old home near Johnstown, Pa., he delivered lectures on the resources of Oregon and the Willamette valley, and of the advantages offered by Salem and Marion county to home-seekers. He was successful to such on extent Unit one week ago this morning two special cai-s left tho little city in central Pennsylvania, destined for Salem. Tho six-days journey across the vast expanse of mountain, vale and river was uneventful, although very pleasant. The ceaseless pano rama of the world's grandest scenery served to entertain and charm. Ar riving at the capital city tho party took a rest and are to-day taking in the sights of the city of promise and tlie'r future home. In conversation with a Journal repoitor Mr. Stiayer siid that this body of men had come here with the intention of casting their lot in Oregon. ft is their intention to purchase' land, establish business enterprises and become bona fide citizens. They arc a pleasant peo ple, possessed of money and enter prise and animated with a desire to build their homes in a laud where life is not made a burden by the obstacles attendant upon a country subject to disastrous climatic changes. Tills is" the, largest colony, of Immi grants brought to this valley for many days. It is decidedly the largest one that ever left an. Kastern state headed directly for Salem. The enterprise of the Oregon land company is to be commended, while the hand of citizenship is cordially extended to our prospective citizens. I'KOOKAM roil AKUOK DAY. Kxerelses That Will bo Performed by Tho Sillcni Schools. The following program of exercises will bo carried out to-morrow, Fri day, afternoon at the East Salem school. To these exercises all Inter ested citizens are invited: Prom one to two o'clock, exercises in the various school rooms, consist ing of lecltations, songs and read ings by tho pupils, anil a special lesson by tho teachers on one or more of the following subjects: Lead the pupils to recognize and appreciate the different ways in which trees contiibuto to supply the necessities, the comforts and the luxuries of ourllvcs. To foster and develop a love for trees in respect to their beautiful forms, colors anil scenic cllects. To see tho necessity of a certain proportion, and proper distriiiution of forest land, to prevent those sud den and extreme climatic changes which produce the desolation follow ing siicces-ivo Hoods and long ex tended drouth. To exercise an intelligent observa tion of the decs of their own local ity, having reference to utilizing native or foreign .species in the best wayl'ortrco planting. At two o'clock tho teacher) of the various schools will form a hollow square in the yard of the Hast Salem school building, under tho direction of tho superintendent. The out-door excerclsos will con sist of an address by Clay lord W. Cooke, class of 18S!I. Planting of tho class tree. Heeltation of Longfellow's poem, "Tho Huilders," by Miss Lydu Punish, class of 18SI). An address by Prof. M. CI. Lane, principal of South Salem school. A marching exercise by tho boys of the second division of tho liust Salem school, under their oaptaln, John A. ICvans. A Popular r.iitei'tulunu'iit. University chapel wuscomfortubly tilled last night, tho occasion being the popular concert, given by the Philharmonic society and conserva tory of music. Tho program was well rendered, especially the four grand elioruw led by Miss ParrUh. Tho trio of Mosul., Bowersox, Uply and Parvln was well received, as was also tho ipiartct by .Ml Adams and Matthews and Meners. Perry and Howorsox. The recitation of Mlwilttniiclio m Monte waspro uounctid in that lwly's ihstmlly pleasing manner. Tho iccltiitlon of It. Magce, the solo of J I. ( ISply, and thu solo of Miss K, Adams re ceived hearty applause. The duet of Mls ParrUh and .. M Parvln was mot pluming, m was aIo the quartet of Mheosi Dlmlckaud tilllliigliaiiiMtid Miwra. ltlabv and Prvhi. The piano quartet by Miw Stratum, Howe, I Parvln and Forest ww executed In x J nmin.cr union cupiivMivu me au ditors, while the grand mla by Mlw llullie 1 arrUb was met with a hum! huurtv reception. Mb Parrlnh lnt lilulit added fm.li luureU lo her niremiy sinning crown wivyou favorite prima donnt A Joint Meeting. All nrmiiKwnentB have lieell com- pletwl for tllP joint mwtitlK of the ; Athcnuuni and Alka-llperinii preselit una enjoy the program, which Ih m follews: Address W. D. Jeffries. Dtiot Miwseg Helen Kdua and Lilllll HlrpCll. Speech M. C Starr. Music Miss Grace Glllinghuni. ltecltation Miss Grace Scribcr. Vocal duet Mifcs Hall and Waters. Speech Napoleon Davis. Declamation IJalph Moody. Instrumental solo Miss Edith Hughes. Speech W. M. Kaiser. Recitation Miss Grace Scribcr. Vocal solo Hcuson Starr. Speech M. Vv. Hunt. . Instrumental duct Harry Keller and Chas. Chase. Rending of society paper. ., Supremo Courf. George Foster, reap., w. Samuel Orr, app.; appeal from Polk county; juilgment of the lower .court re versed and remanded with direc tions to dismiss complaint; opinion by Thayer, C. J. Parker vs. the West Coast packing company; continued for argument till Wednesday, April 24, 'S9. Com t adjourned till Monday,Aprll 10, '80. Farms. Cheap farms a specialty, and in all parts of tho country. Coino and sec u's before you buy. Thomas & Payne. A few chances for speculation arc left on my list. Among them area few line corner lots in North Salem on the lino of the street rail way, a good story and half house on church street, another good house and two lots on Center street, 18 acres outsido tho city limits a. short distance, 10 acres with largo house, orchard, etc., adjolnlngthc city, lots in "Yew Park," "Queen Anne" and "University additions," and North and South Salem. V. A. Moomis, ai" Commercial street. Letter List. The following letters remain un called for in the postolllco at Salem April 0, 18S0, persons calling for the same, will sny "advertised:" Anderson Minnie Altinait Vv"C lllnghum Cora Rrink A Halrd Curtis Harclny R Hrooks Mrs L Ituiilou Mrs N Drown Mis .1 H Brown Henry Realty M K Botirge Nellie Cromse Harry H Cook F T Clabby Katie Catnbell A C Courscn N S Col k Carrie Cole .James Dlckersun Oliver Kleghcr Mr Kills Henretta Flegher Tlenry Cl Fowler Robert Goldsmith Chas Graves John Holt Mrs Millv Hilemnn Addie Howard Mollie Humphrey C H HogunM F Jones MrsS A Jones S Ij Kennedy .I'D Khewcr J Lawrence Wm Lotta K T Lance Mr Murray A K Martin Mattlo McArtbur Julia Herald Gust (ones Milton M .liinett Mrs Lulu Kuton S C Ltunoreiico H Love Dr. I H J.eWis Nellio 2 Milliguii Mrs V Molau James McCorclo Clark l'mdyR' W Roberts Mrs Lilly Smith I'll Smith Mrs L Slough Henry Stirdloy Henry Saul berg W Taylor Fred Thrapp Jacob Taylor Lottie Thomas Anna Thomas Daniel I) Wells F S Wallace Mrs W Wagner Mis N Whit Mrs M Woodson Mrs H Wymau Chas Willis It If B. II. DFARHORN, P.M. Nut tlm thirstioii She Uxm'th-il. "Miss Laura," began the youth, with a Hushed facoand a tremor in his voice, "1 came this evening to ask you " "Ono moment, please, Mr. Hank lnson. Willie, you are making too much noise with those blocks. You'd better take tbum Into (he other room." "To ask you," rctmmeri the young man, mopping his brow with r. trembling hand, "if you " "Willie, take tin) blocks Instant ly and go." "If you have tried that new head ache remedy." "Willie, you may remain if you wish." Sin 1 1 roamed It. He (about to auk for a Ids) 1 lmve an Important ipieitlon to ask you. See (playfully) I kimw what It Is Charley. You want me to bo your wife; I dixminwl it. Wvl take me. Ho (rather Ukvu alwek) You dreamed It? She Yen. I dreamed it lt night i and 1 answered you as I hih answer-, lug you now, and you took me In your arms and kheml n. What could ClmrUw dvr r'i- v '"rjKjm" '!!. ''i . IttltU. SAN'DKKS. At SHwrtoii April , IKHll, Uio rtvrHlU diiugukr of Jam. j 'iidi-rn and vlfi i - " ' " wr UilvLU I ii!II1KUIU h.Xllll of " unrlllu van U n'luvl upun Air all blool Kl ! nam una Ui uuomii, muq ujr ii CV lt l. J Kr . I JiniT j .inn eMTm ' ; iiiLi; ouim.i Sangs o i- cotland. CM The world-rf nowued Baimsfatlier Family Who have tlie uudoiillwl reputation of being the most tlrtlsttc delineators of Scottish Song and Story that lmve ever visited America, and who are now the only family of Scotch voenjlsls living, will appear at the OPERA HOUSE,. SATURDAY EVENING, APR. 18,1 under the nunpleee of Protection JjOdge, A. O. U. AV. Don't mil to see tho beautiful IIlKhland VUng In mil Illnlilnnd costume. -l(cul the opinions of the pre. lteervl ents at Patlon'n. SCIUBER & POOLE, Bulem, Oregon, have received direct I'1! Koplnun jUCIOLUI 11 1(1 The Finest Lino of CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS,, STAGE COACHES, ' MOUNTAIN WAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CARTS and v OTHER VEHICLES, which will be sold at Prices and Terms to Suit All! Theso goods nro flrst-rlass nnd as their Ktock Is-very l.iruoa person canllnd what they may wsh. Their warehouse on State Htrcet Is cuiiipletely tilled, nnd they have another car load oitxoutc now. Look out lor mem; homcinnig une. ISI1IIGIUNTS LOOK HERE! Ilalng farmed in this country for over half a century, hlch gives us a thorough know ledge of the country, we now oiler our (erviien io you in ill uu and take pleasure In announcing that we Imvo a very lluo list of nroncrty lrom which to select, embracing borne ot tho best Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms in .Marlon nud Iilnnenunties.at nriccsthat cannot no dupllo.tcd In tho Nvlllametto valley. Other valuable property of varl' out. kinds ollercd at "bed rock" prices. Conic ami Sec and You Will Ik Convinced that we are ollering all that wo hero claim Come by Narrow Oaugo railway, or to Turner and lake Mntre. (lour inllcM. Descriptive prlco list of farms and other property sent on application. Locating fwoor more fumllloH near each othera spe cially. II. C. & J. II. PORTER, Ileal Estato Agents. Aiunsville, Marion county Or. -1-5-30 ni F ONE PllIOE TO ALL Wo have recolxeil dheet from tho Manufauturern n Completes tocK OK Staple Goods, CoanUttng of Dry Goods, Men's, Boys' and Youth's Clothing, - Hats and Caps, Hosiery and Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. We shall ollfcr thorn foronsh At Lower Prices Than any houee In the state. All nuh bu era will wive money by nulling on lu. KORSTNEH, T1KPANY & CO., 7 euinmorelal 8tret, Xew Hank Uloek, Hnlem, orvu. ttiaiwl Jo tlfttrr Thau mil nt tlio Gmng Store. 120 StfltOfcttVOt, If YUU WniltK BiXHl tftl or unytlilng eU lu tlio gixwery Hue. ' Dmi't ftiilto look nt thu White OntM Extracts, tliu bast in tho ninr- Wui it " -i iir.ni ..,. -m . . .- ., . . ' A SuAubl Hint. i Uvuuliie new buckwheat tlour, ' , hikI ft flno Htilola of table svnin. at ltt rt....... nHA loa O...... n.f.'-i W HUWWIUU,Ol iM Stutu RtruAl 1W &WWBUWI, ii. iiuvmugo oiuiv, ijki oii tiiwi. h1iu. ler Jji6v Are mm ! la 1 I Bl Vol olUu s ALEM. - nHf f f SfH'' Ti Oregon kin BEAUTIFUL RIVERSIDE ADDITION Is situated just north of Salem, upon the banks of the Willamette. Tho land lays HIGH AND DRY and ailbrds a magnificent view of the river. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Lots are selling rapidly in this popular tract, 51 having been sold during March. The purchase of lots here is a good investment, as they are sure to double in value within the next few mouths, when the street railway will run through the addition. STREET CARS AT ONCE. Riverside is to be placed at once in close connection with the city. The street railway will be extended immediately and will pass through this sopulur tract. The Oregon Land Company has purchased 3100 feet of railway iron which h now on tho way here and the construction of the street railway line will follow shortly. GO AND SEE THESE LOTS They must be seen to be appreciated. They are dirt-cheap and have a a finer location than that of any addition to the city. NEW COTTAGES. Improvements are already being made and before many weeks a large number of new cottages will be under course of construction in this pop-, ular and attractive suburb. Go and see these lots, make the best investment of your life by purchas ing some of them -while they are cheap, and you will make a home and a fortune at the same time. The Oregon Salem, - z From New York and Chicago THE FINEST GOODS IN THE CITY. & DRESS GOODS And trimmings of all kinds to match in Persian trim mings, Plaid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes, etc., etc. RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AM) GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS, Full and Complete lines of Embroideries and laces in All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties in Scarfs. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS'. texrfara 6 Curtains, Poles, Portiers. . Bs-A full ami complete stock of Men's FuniishiUR Goods. No. 239 Corner State and Commercial Streets. LUNN & BROWN, New Harness and Saddle Store. A complete lino of the bet quality of Hur ii ami yiuldler.v alwitj s m linnil. ALL SHOP-MADE. Everything Warranted lo be as Represented Impairing Neatly Done. II. F. WILfflf, rWIUETOH, Jvlo,. BI Covin Strt, Solum. XI r Wiley In n giiteiniin of long ex pari ence In tlienbove llueof ximl. amUiW i........ -ii tz ...-..- r ."." -"f. sinw .tiwmuB ail wufh luriivu Olll HI JIM SflOIV lve him a will when In warn of nuythlnr 1 1. 1. 1 li.. a. ...i i... .-in ....... "... . T ."""" 1 lu til line ami he will treat vou rialTt .' Niwmo.-ryii 1H& u UlAilhOA V oote Willi Itrooea sttMchfd. oalluu or addrMr,mBkCtoowr.,a,mm clal trtet, eWia, Oron. lm, rvORSKTO. FOR TUR uirrTiTttiw l carMM Willi l.mraiaalli.i.li.1 m.11 .... - i..T.rvr'"i,r""", TO- Land Company, Oregon. 9? TWENTY LOTS In North Salem llnuge and lot corner Marlon and 18th streets ; extra farm eight miles from Sulem: elirhty acres riuh land. feoven miles from JNtleiu, 517 pof aere ; four htindrwl aeros oloven miles est or Sdlein, onu uf tho bust improved in tho county, ffflO per ncre. For sale by THOMA & PAYNE 97 State St., - - SalomJ Comimny s z z $ z BUCKSMITIIING and HORSESnOEDfO IV ) NT IH u where they are now realty for work. All JlftVB I11UI!U III If UI1U 4V DIHIP Blnul stn our old pstronS and friends are Invited to Wliaiiuri no it vriti iitn luutllUl, w are btter piepared for work now than ever having secured more room. 10-1-tt n11 mirl iuui lis 1 ti 111 naiv lnywilln -L BKACKSMlilUXG and WAG0N3IAKIN0. TOHN HOLM, THE OLD RELIABLE t) IllnekBtnith.liiiR removed his shop to eornerof Commercial and Chemekcte Hts pliarn tia lu N.flv IncarvD fha mil.llA ir ' Ingawoclntcdwlth him Mr. II. Bnnnon.nn exnorleneed wnnon-maker reccntlv fmi. Portland, he Is now prepared better than ever to do all kinds of aeon and carriage making and repairing; all kinds of black- HiniuiiUK iiuti rciuiirni, uuu a gl liorMwlioelnx business. He has ;eneral nil ofshoes.steel.trottlng, hand made, etc.and fits them In a scientific manner. Special attention given to the construction of wag. Kinds Uliniuiu wiuiiivn. luiiiGiuuui lUU IJ1UC6 opposite .State Insurance building. ' OlIlhAPT u. u. juaiuuuii.". .THE HARNESS AND SADDLE .MAICKIt, 289 Commercial Street. Mil LA.Ml'OUT has Just received a fine line of single ana double buggy har nesses. Ho always carries THE LARGEST STOCK Ot saddles, whips, and everything pertain ing to his lino of husinchs.in tho state, out sido of Portland; ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch 4 Call and See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIR NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance Ilullding, Cor. Con merclnl and Chemekcte streets '0-ltf A. EX STRANG, No. 303 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -SEATjXK in- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. AS-Agent for tho RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. E tabllslied In !St9 Ml. Can furnish cither Mcsqulte or a mixture of Mlsquitc nnd Lincoln grasj .'on termi that will allow you to seed down your farms at a cost of from 50 to 00c per acre. Address. T. C.JORY, Box 91, Salem, Or. w2in d2w MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training, Four Books Learned In one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited. Great inducements to correspondenc Classes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A Hammond, tho world-famed Specialist It Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Thomp son, inecreai rsycuoiogisi, j ju.uuckij D. D.. editor of the Christian Advocate N. "V ., Richard Pro -tor, tho scientist, Honi W. v. Aslor, Judah P. Benjaman, and others, sent post free by Prof. A. I.OISETTK, 237 Fifty Ave., NT Je-lW9. dw ASK OK THK LARGEST ESTABLISH- UmenU in the State, Lower rates thai j Portland. Largest stock Legal Blanks li the State, n-d biggest discount. Sendfoi price list of Job prlntlng,.and catalogue d legal blanks. Te. M. WAITE, DAVID T. WILLIAMS, -Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry, j SALEM, OREGON. Orders left nt Stelner's grocery stort n in loucnc juuuipi Huenuoii lnu nrVxtom reasonable nnd work . U Dri);). OUlUDBlllltlUJlL Hi lb iieonte H. Hayes ha been oppo rwi Mi)t tor tin . hove Inundry an" jnrjjw(l mth Urn will be prorni Jt-'X .-'wftiiiyMi-M. kili ' . - ejtx i