THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. j: W m it i-, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL innihlSHKD DAILY, KXriClT SUNDAY, J1Y THE Capital Journal Publishing Company. ! (Incorporated.) Kntercd nt tlio postolllcc nt Satcni,Or.,a8 seeond-clnis mutter. few fourth page for; terms of subscrlp- Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for the snmo diiy) should bo handed In by 1 o'clock, , , Correspondence containing news of In terest nnd Importance Is deshed from nil parts of the stat. No attention will bo pnld tonnonymous rnmtnlinlpjiflnnfl. Persons desiring the Capital JouitNAr. served nt their houses enn scenic It by m tul card request, or by word lea nt Ihls offlcc. Specimen numbers scut free on nppllcn- Utilcs, corner Court nnd Liberty Streets. THURSDAY, AJ'IUL 11, 188!). The Governor's Proclamation. Inasmuch ns the centennial anniversary of the Inauguration of George Washington as llrU president of the United Btatos will Occur on theSOthdayof April, Anno Dom ini, 1881), which day has been set apart, by ftnnctofcongiPsH os n general holday for the people ol the wholi'lceuntry: Now therefore, I, Sylvester I'ennoycr, governor of Oregon, bj vlrtuie of the au thority conferred upon me by I he constitu tion of tho slate, do heieby deelaro the aforesaid Tuesday, April :10th, ltrtlJ, to be a legal holiday; and 1 do request that It shall be so observed by the good piopluofthb commonwealth. And, Inasmuch a the Impressive act of limuguiatlon, which oc curred ut noon, was preceded nt II o'clock In tho morning by prayer In nil tho churches ot tho city, for Hod's hit winy upon tho government to be Instructed, j would further reiiuest, In obedience tosurh a worthy example, that prayers shall be held nt nine o'clock In the inonilngof such holldny In nil our chinches to tin d thai the blessings of Ood may he vouchsafed to our government for all times. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused tho seal or the state to hu-ifllxril, this 10th day or Apill A. 1). IRM. " HYLVK9TKH 1'IONNOYEII. Kki'Ihisuntativi: JIhhmann has hud Hovcrnl Interviews with the iioslolllcc ulllclnlH In Mialf of in creased mail faeilltlos in Oregon. And it Is now wild tho hops raised in Oregon haw lieenmo ho iopiiIar in England that the HiikIIhIi arc pulling up their vines and buying our hops. TlimoKof the states deinand or dinary intelligence on the part ol tho voter. All tho other states omit nnv demand in this direction. This nmkes it possible for one man to se cure tho vote of another, if lie can hut get him to do tho automatic part, of depositing a ballot. Till) craze for the light llannel shirt forsuinmer wear is said to have forced Into an assignment the largest manufactory of fancy colored shirts in tho country, who found tho de mand for their goods falling oil" since tho Introduction two seasons ago of tho comfortable neglige llannel articlo. nm'itiauNTATivj: IIiiumann's life must bo one of misery and his nights of wakefulness. He says: "Tho pressure for ollleo from our state Is tremendous. Wo have had a delegation of Oregonlans hero sinco tho Inauguration. I paw my days in traveling from ouo department to another and my nightH aro 'given up to callers." WooDHUl'i', tho new president of tho Mormon church, has been presi dent of tho Twelve apostlesvSlneo tho election of John Taylor to tho presidency of tho church. In his Inaugural sermon lie exhorted the saints to piety, faith and obedience. Ho said: "Have faith in Clod, who has delivered to us the keys, of tho holy priesthood, that the holy gospel may bo preached for tho liv ing and the dead." lMUffllDKNT HOI.DDN of tllO lilck observatory telegraphs from Mount Hamilton as follews: "An approxi mate orbit of the conilt discovered March 01 by Mr. llernard has been computed by Professor Seluebele. It Is probable that this comet will become seven or eight thousand times as distinct as it is at present with a distance of about four mill ion miles. On May 120 next it should Iks carefully observed." Tin: oldest postmaster is llosewell Ueardsly of North Lansing, Tomp kins county, N. V., appointed dur ing thadmistratlouof JohuQuIiicy Adams, and continued during all changes of administration from that time to this, a peilod of sixty three years. He Is now nearly ninety years of ago, and is hale and hearty, and, to all appearances, will live to complete his term of ollleo under lYcuidonl Harrison. Among the many llieorios that arc set up to explain tho original Kottkmioutof the Noilh American continent that which ascribes it to the enforced visitation of some BtoriiHlrlvun JujmM lUlieriiion juoutH with imicli favor. Without ruuouutliiK tho vmioiiii nrgiiuuuiU Unit lire UimhI on HivhltiH-'ltutil, physkuil ami iilillolojjImlHlinlliiiitloji iRitwuoii tho uUorlgiiKw of the u ollio vmn of tho JCow AYorhl ami tho old nii'oii of tho OrU'iit, It muy bo wild that tho fchlpvrtH.'Uwl-tHlloi Kiou huh ninny iiHiiJik' rtN,timM to fuvoimmunl It, . . t .. . Tjii: North American phonograph coinnany, which wasorgnni.ed with the tremendous capital of $fl,000,(XX), Is not turning out the phonographs with the rapidity that wiih promised. It was asserted at tlicoutfot that 10, 000 phonographs would be ready by February 1st, and that in a short time customers could be readily sup plied with them. The reason for the delay is owing to difllculties in the construction of tho Instruments. The machinery used is necessarily delicate, and tho work upon tho talking machines most careful. As a result of the delay orders for pho nographs amounting to more than 10,000 have not been tilled. It is claimed that about 2.j0 phono graphs are being turned out of the factories each day. Subsidiary com panies have been formed all over the country, and they now reach the number of thirty-two. The capital of these companies varies according to the district over which they have control. Tho phonogiaph has not found Its- way into general use by business men as yet, but the com pany thinks thai as its practical uses tiecome uetier Known tnere will bo a large demand for the machine. Tjii:m: Is a young lady living In Philadelphia whoonjoysthe supreme distinction of having her picture carried by every prosperous man and woman in tho United States. Over three millions of her portraits have already been issued, and it, is probable that as many more will be made In the near future. The lady referred to h Miss Anna W. Wi'l lianis, who permitted Mr. Logan, the designer of the head on the now standard silver dollar, to make sketches of her face, and It is her piMlilu which greets tho view of one possessing one of those silver discs which Mr. Curtis and other inonometalists are pleased to term the 81-cent dollar, but live of which buy as much of any commodity as the best live-dollar gold piece ever coined. uuNDitAi. uiti:i:iiY says ii no should make an etlbrt to reach the North polo he would take tho same route as before. Tho scheme pro posed by the Indian traveler who was with Lord Lonsdale, to reach the polo by means of dogs and sledges, and keeping up a lino of communication, is all nonsense. The distance is'too great, and the Arctic region is one vast archipelago with open straits, which are dllll cult or Impossible to cross. This plan is not worthy of serious con sideration. it hit Her to Sleep. Ex-President Cleveland tells a good story at the expense ofhiswife, says a prominent society lady. Ho was speaking of Mi's. Cleveland's splendid nerves and her ability to sleep under all circumstances. "LastNovember," said he, "when I wrote my Thanksgiving procla mation, it was a busy day with me, and I was at my desk far Into the night. We were at Oak View and Frankio bad gone to bed early. I was pleased with the proclamation, and when 1 went to my room 1 awoke1 my wife and asked her If she would not like to hear me read it." '"Oil, yes,' she said, 'iy all means,1 ami I sat down by tho bedside and read It thiough. When I finished Frankio was fast asleep. I believe she had not heard a word. The next morning, when wo were await ing tho announcement of breakfast, 1 took up a morning paper. 'Hero Is my Thanksgiving proclamation,' said I. 'Would you like to hear It?' 'Very much; please read it to'nie.' Then I laughed heartily, saying: T wish you may catch mo reading it to you tho second time, when It put you to sleep tho first.' " A Keiiturky Story. One Kentucky gentleman meets another Kentucky gentleman, and they address one another with that solemn earnestness which Is charac-' teristlo of Houthern high life: "Good morning, sah? Hope you are well, sail? Where have you been this mohnlug?" "I have just come f'om tho coat house, sah; Seu'toh Hlackbuhu has been making a speeeh--tho llnest speech I have heard since tho wah. He Is a bawn awter sah a bawn awter. "Kxcuse ine'slr, but what do you mean by a 'bawn awter?' " "A bawn awter? Don't you know what a bnwn awter Is? Why, sah, you and I would say, 'two and two make fo',' but a Uiwn awter wouldn't say that; a bnwn awter would my, 'when, In theeouo of human eveiite, It becomes nuoW or expedient to coalesce t wo Intergeiv. with two other integers, tho roult I deelaro It bodly and without feih or favah t' ivault, ly tj sjiuplo tuithnu'tk uak'tilatlon ivilloil addition, It fo'l' "Tliut'rt u Imwn Hwtor, wtli,' " TIiimvu no country of the world wlioiv tliowli'iiivof Ionic llfu, ai uoiuimniod with uhhI health, tin InijMilrwl iuhiiIhI fitctiltlra, bmxi illtfUoi), Hint yroHt aotivlty, Is huttor iindBwUMMr than in Kniuf nnri them of 1.000 itfiraoiui uoru, im tskurili ihiiHDM tt filtl'MlltV. Mlllt flfctt MXltVtW 1V B' " . . .. jmnvntag - continue to l hlgli until W In jMut. A Talc Without a Moral lime tidily. giddy little tiled, I'ponn sunny dny, lmplng to nee the oiitxlde world, ItesoUcd to run away. Old Ornndna I''ly sat on n lwiwl, And ovwheard theschomo; Quoth he, "Children, I'm old and wise, t Have lmd thnt self-mine dream. i "Though llreoKlitter!ngeems to youth, ' And everything look grrtud, The world Is treacherous t the lu ; lie careful where you stand." Now when the little files heard tills 'J'lielr spirits bfigaii todroop, . When Omnilpa 1'lj 1llpe1 ontheedge, And fell Into the soup. "SCKAl'S." A colored man owns sixty houses and one of tho hotels at Memphis, Tenn. Great numbers of immigrants, the majority of whom are 'Germans, are I Hocking to Dakota. i Near Salt Lake City a forest (Ire j surrounded a Hock of 700 sheep and , burned them to death. In China skilled workmen get $-1 a month, and day laborers from 4 to C cents a day, besides food The deepest mine in the world is said to be the Koso.Brido colliery In Juigland, which is 803 yards deep, A bill has been introduced in the Minnesota legislature to prohibit tho practice of treating to intoxicating liquors. The report comes from Russia of a great plot against tho life of the Car. This is unnecessary. News isn't scarce. in the New York city public schools there are 0,000 girls prepar ing to enter tho Normal college to bo trained as teachers. Two nenroes liavo been seized witli leprosy in Eiberton, Ga. One has turned white, while the other has broken out in spots. A Itochcstcr. man has opened a "boarding stable for bicycles." He takes charge of tho machines while tho owners aio at business. "Ail," said the ily, asiternwiul around tho bottle, "I have passed through tho hatohlugnge, tho creep ing age, and now 1 am in the mueil: ago." A now fruit has been discovered in Southern California. It looks like the fruit of the pear tree, but the pulp is soft and pasty, tasting like claret. Tho hen is an accommodating an imal. While tho sun never sets anywhere but in the west, she will set anywhere, oven on a chalk or glass egg. A-caso containing representations of every president of tho United States in meerschaum has just been completed and w ill bo sent to the Paris exhibition. A great many men say "they go out between the acts to get a breath of fresh air; but it is noticed that the breath they really got isn't of air, by a long shot. Congressman "Sunset" - Co.t is over CO years of age, although his wit and vivacity keep him young. His hair has become thin and gray, but his tongue Is as ready as ever. Tho emporer of Austria intends to visit ICnglaud this year in such, strict Incognito that no ouo but him self and attendants will know any thing about it till ho is at homo again. Ollio "Where's Molllo?" Polho- -"Out lying in a hammock." Ollio "How do you know?" . Pollio "Because I saw her go up stall's and put on her now embroi dered stockings." Amongsonieold papers in London recently a genuine likeness of John llunyau as lie appeared in his pris on cell at llcdlbtd, has just been dlseoveied, for which tho owner demands 1,000 guineas. Moses Lyman, tho Inventor of tho "Pigs in Clover" puzzle, lives on a farm near Waverly, N. Y. He innilo the puzzle In order to amuso his children, and a New York firm hoard of it and purchased his rights. Thorndlko Hlco is ono of tho rich est writers In tho United Stales. Ho is but !W, handsome and a bachelor. He has a stable of fast horse, a steam yacht, a New York maiitilon and a cottage at Tuexedo Park. Aimustore-loooking lady walked into a furrier's recently, and aald to tho shepman: "I should like to puivluhHWunuir." "What fur?" de manded tho man. "To keep my hands warm, sir!" exclaimed the lmly. The other day a toucher in a Bos ton school showed n little ilrl the plot u iti of a fhn, iiml Hktxl her what it wan. Tho Httln girl didn't ttjioeur to know. "What does your intlur do to kwp wool lu hot wwtUiur?" askod tho twMjhur. "Drink ler," wub tho prompt rejily. The ioilpe for miOctngtht) original ouu da ooIokuo whs (llauovtHftxl &K) yuan ngo, mid aitie that time it ha been liitnwtori to only ttm per MII8. The written copy at the rotk la kopt Ul orysUI goUet, under triple loolw, lu M loom In which the eMfiitirtl oil ntv in!xd. . Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength nnd wholesomencss. More economical than tho ordinary kinds, nnd cannot'be sold In comnetltlon with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Hold only In cans. llOVAI, IlAKINO l'OWI)EKCO.,100'Wnll,N.Y. Ohio farmers propose to form a milk trust. Uticklcn's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the World for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no nay required, it is tmaramceu to give perfect satisfaction, or money rciumicd. jtico zo cents per uox. For sale by Daniel J. Fry, drug gist. Mormon elders arc proselyting in KAssen county, near tlm Shasta line. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, thnt for years wo have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. Kimr'sNew Life Pills, Uticklcn's Arnica halve and Electric JJllters, and have never handled reuiedi.Vthat sell as well, or that have given such univeisal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, If satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, druggist. Lake county has iaid out since last-October for bounties on scalps $2-100. A Safe Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring voti satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of inirchaso price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised diuggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, it Is guaranteed to bring lollof in every case, when used for any direction of throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption, inllam mation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping caugh, croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, per fectly sale anil can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at Daniel J. Fry's ding store. It is absurd to speak of tho "foot prints of time," when it is well known that thiio Hies. Owing to this clmngcublo cllmato. It is dllllcult to piosenoii fair complexion and our fair sisters arc annoyed br loneliness of tho blsln, (Imps, red nose, etc. If Putni us Hpccillc Is applied to tho faeo and lianas night nnd morning, n clear and lealthy complexion can he picciACil Portland Oicgon. March. 23 Sold by D. W. Mvthews .1 Co. Tho city of Milwaukee claims the honor of the llrst electric draw bridge. "Tho" One Hoss Shay," of Dr. Holmes, is full of tho genial author's exuberant humor. Its fun is superlleialand obvious; but mora is meant than meets tho oyo or ear. Tho vehicle which ran for a hun dred years and a day without a break, typillcs a healthful human body, and represents tho natural term ol its service. It, however, a man has catarrahal, bronchial, asthmatic or pulmonary diseases, ho cannot live out half his days, unless he eradicates the scrofulous humors whose prosoneo causes theso local troubles. The great blood-cleansing alterative of Dr. Pierce, known as tho "Golden Medical Discovery," rids the blood of scrofulous pollu tions, and, by improving tho nutri tion, gives new vigor to tho doblli tattxl system, and euros thoso dis eases. Unequaled Dr. Sago's Catarrh Beinedy. They have "potato socials" in Kansas. The namo may bo from the fact that young folks go thoro to pare. Dkaknuw Can't iih Cuuud by loon! applications, as thoy cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There is only ono way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafuoss Is caused by an iutlnmed condition of the mu cus lining ot the eustaeiiiau tune. When this tube gets iullamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear! iik, and when It Is entirely closed deafness is the result, and un less the mllammatlon can lie taken out and this tube restored to Its nor ms! condition, hearing will he de- utrojoil fiirovio': nliu mCd out of ten tire cutiacd by orttwrrli, which la tuxiinur im an iiniaimxi condition of the mucus uurfuoets. We will give one hindrod dollars for Hiiy ease of dwfnM (oaud by cuUrrh) that we cw.uiot on re by taking HullV Catarrh Cure, tfoiid for circular, free. F. J. t'UKXKY & Id., Toledo, O. MTriold by druggiittat, 7.V. 1m trariniuK I oue of Uie iKxt ooeujw tloiu for h youug nun. Kven b bgi cuHiuv will enable a atriiRgllug you tli tH't a liehd. F. E. IIOOVI-JH. 'ir flW THIS IS II THE A! invest in Among a Great Many Cpioick Bargains WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: 72 acres, of a mile from Salem, CO of which is in a high state of cultivation, balance excellent timber land. House, barn and out buildings: 2 acres in orchard. 5100 per acre. 101 acres ono milo from Gervais; 00 acres in cultivation; two-story brick house; large barn nnd other out buildings; largo orchard; 35 acres now in grain. Price $6000. House and lot on Chemeketa street, near Catholic church, $1000. Largo house and lot, 95x105, in North Salem, young orchard. Price 1500, House with five hard finished rooms, ham and lot 75x150 in South Salem. Price S00. Lots in North Salem, near street car line. Lots for sale in the followiug additiens: Boise's, Ecid's, University, Queen Ann and Yew Park. Also many other choice bargains. rOHNF.STRATTON&SON Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In MUKICAIj MEHC1IANDISJK. New York, J'l nnd ir WnlkcrSt. John P. Htrntton's C'elebrntcd Ilu slnn Gut Violin btrlngs, tho Finest in tho World. Our Guarantee n n dcnlcr receives u complaint, (which lie believes to bo honest) from miy musician to whom ho has sold any of these strings, ho is nuthoiied by us to give him another string without uhnig3,nndnll such loss will bo made good by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Ilowaroof Imitation.) Dealers will plcaso send lor descriptive catalogue. Trad supplied nt lowest price. Thousands nronlllletcd with diseases of tho Kidney and Urinary Organs, who suf fer In silence, rather than mako known their troubles. To all tho'.o allllcted wo can oiler n safo nnd speedy remedy lu Ore gon Kidney Tea, which Is composed ot heibs, selected with great caro In Oregon, nnd warranted noi to contain minerals of any kind. A few doses nllord Instant 10 llef. Sold by T. W. Slathnws & Co. $50. HORSES. $50. A no hundred head of brood mares and J young horses for sale, to eolts expected in tho spring Forty or lllty ring Two flno horses. Clyde and l'erchcon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred; have been with tho band for the past three years. Original stock from tho best quality ot mares. For particulars addrcs3 or seo V. 11. HYAHS, wJt. Salem. Or. 1 Tho BUYEKS GUIDE is issuad li.vch and Sept., each year. It Is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase tho luxuries or the necessities of life. "Wo can clothe you and furnish you with all tho nocossary nnd unnocessary appllnncos to ride, walk, dance, sleep, oat, fish, hunt, work, go to chuich, or stay at homo, and in various sizes, stylos and quantities. Just figure out what is required 10 do all these things COMFORTABLY, nnd you can make a fair estimate of tho value of the BUYEHS' QUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents W pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. lll-H4Jiichigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Urnrtuntes Students lu Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It is tho oldest, largest nnd least expen sive Institution of learning lu tho North School opens first Monday In September Send for cntnloguo to THUS. VAN SCOY, President. 17: Salem, Oregon. The Salem Abstract -AXD-- LAND COMPANY, Have removed to building adjoining ThomisonV Jewelry store on Commercial street. Titles Investigated, Money to Loan. Land for Sale, Houses for Rent CALL AND SttB US. II B lH5EP'' ? mil 111 I llwt2 1 O. B. EDGETT. te In woii FORMERLY THE SALEM LAND COMPANY, TO THE 1101 RESTAURANT, Having been furnished for tho especlnl accommodation of the public, via Inlte tho attention of the the HUNGI9Y nnd sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new and clean; good "Home" meals served icg ularly three times n diy. No Chinese In the kitchen. Give us a call nnd seo for yours If. EJ. M. LAW, Proprietor. Cor. Court nnd High St., Salem, Or. Northern Pacific Railroad GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE TWO FA8TTHAINS DAIIiV! NO OHANGK OK CARS SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And nil points East via PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. St. Tho Northern Pacific railroad Is the only lino running Passenger trains, Second class sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day conches, Pullman Palaco Sleeping Cars. Palace Dining Cars, (meals 75c) from Port land to the east. See that your ticket read via the Northern .Paelllc railroad and avoid the change of cars. Leave Portland ntfii. m. and 8:J0 p. m. dally arrive ut Minneapolis or St. Paul nt ti:05 p. m. ' Pacific Division'. Trains leave iFront and G street dally at 11:55 n. m, and 8:40 p. m.; Arrive ut Tacoma at 7:10 p in and 4:20'a m arrive Seattle l):25a in anuD:35p m. Through Pullmnn Pnlaco Sleeping Cars, elegant dny conclies, tlnest palace dining cars between Portland, Tnconin and Seattle direct. Dally service. A. D. CHAItLTON Asst. Gen'l l'ass. Agent', 121 First St., Cor. Washington St., Portland, Oregon. Depot Corner First and G Streets. B oarderS! & nyono wishing to board ntn quiet and cozy mace, will find tho object ot heir search at IVtRS. M. A.. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemekete and Liberty Sts., Salem, Whcro a lew hclect boarders can secure board. nnrticn Arnlra Salre. Tim Ijcst salve in the world f tils, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheun fever sores, tetter, chapped lmnd chilblains, corns, and all skin eruji tions, and positively cures piles, oi no pay required. It Is guaranteei5 to give perfect satisfaction, or mono refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale v BY JOHN J. FRY, Druggist. I-I. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop Xo. 2S4J Commercial St. House and Carriage Painting, Sign writing. Paper hanging and decorating, Wall tiutiug and kal sominlng oxoouted in tho latest style. r Experienced Workmen Employed, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Call and see us lietoro you let your work. Real B, P. BOISE, Jr. Company, .rn MAUN INSURANCH Company. Fire nnd In. rlnc. JOS. ALBERT. Agent, - - Salem, Oregon Trucks and Drays. MORGAN k MEAD ' Aro now provided with flno new drays nnd trucks and nro prepared to do all busi ness In that lino in tho best of shape. They give their personal supervision to nil work. Corner Stnto and Commercial streets. or Bargains IN Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc, GO TO THOMAS BURROWS, Commercial Street, Salem, Or, Country produco of nil kinds always on hnnd. If you have not traded with me be fore, I respectfully solicit n, trial believing I can suit you both in prices nnd quality. ST. PAUL'S L, Boys and. Girls. The school will open on the 2itn of September. Thorough instruc tion In tho primary nnd advanced English Branches, 1 iUV ELEMENTS -In course. OF MUSIC TERMS and further Information may bo raa on application 10 IIBV. F. H. POST. Cor. Chemeketa nnd State Sis. 8-20-tf SEE One hundred ncres of extra clear land, flno loruiviainffup into small tracts, is oniy three-fourths of n mile from Salem popt- uiucu. i.-rico jay per ncre. THOMAS & PAYNE. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Willamette University. Most successful school of music on tho northwest coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. . .oourees hi Piano, Organ Singing, "Violin, nurmony, ana uoumer Dolnt, Dlolomas on completion ot course. Teachers: Z. il. l'arvin. Fmnkln P. Jonos, BvuCox. Assistant. Lulu M. Smith. llrtt term begins Monday, Heptcmoei Sd, 1SS8. Bend for catalogue. For further particulars address Z. M. PARVIN. Musical Director, Salem, Or. 8-17-dtf.wlt DR. JORDAN'S OF ANJ 761 Market st San Francisco UALIFOIINIA, Go and learn how to avoid disease, nhd how wonderful ly you are made. Consulta tion and treatment person nlly or by loiter or weak nessos and nil dlseasse of men. Bend for book. I'rtvate otlloe 211 Ueary street. THE OLD RELIABLE ItUcluii, -li .ind Wagon maker, Job KnlchtUn. vi iiillyastubllshedatblsnew niiarieni on I, lierty fatreet. He uses all the new methud in bin url and mak lctally of tllae.) tw of hone's feet Fr.inlt lyix-h h i churge of iho wfn depiilmeiuiud ,...o a general rtpair'Bf biuincM. 'l'!i"e gentlemen are too wtli KiiuH'ii 'iir ,.itrv and recommend tbM BMr. Knight hasbeen hereforliypftf! ! m Eofcifp I