Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 04, 1889, Image 1

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A. D V IS K riSE
3-You will be well pleased with It.-W
9-Tlio Terms are Most Reasonablo-sw
VOL. 2.
2TO. 29.
t'Ai 1 1 JJu
First NationaTM
WM. N. LADUE. President.
UK. J. REYNOLDS, - . VlcPresldeut,
JOHN MOIU, - Cashier.
Exchange on Portland, San Francisco,
New York, London nnd Hong Kong
bought nnd sold. State, County and City
warrants bought. Farmers nre cordially
Invited to deposit end transact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops nnd other property at
reasonable rates. Insurance on such se
curity can bo obtained nt tho bank In
most rellablo companies.
Capilal Paid op,
Surplus, - -
B. S. WALLACE, - - Piestdcnt.
XV. W. MAIITIN, - Vice-President.
J. II. ALllEItT, ,- - - Cashier.
W. T. Gray, W. AV. Martin,
J. 51. Martin, It. S. Wallace.
Dr, W. A.Cusick, J. II. Albert,
T. McF. l'Atton.
To tarmcrs on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or m store,
either In privato gra.nrlesor ,.
public warehouses.
Stale anil County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on New York. Chicago. San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris. Berlin,
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
This firm is well known to nil the
citizens of Salem, nnd surrounding
country, as a Arm that handles noth
ing but reliable goods. If you need
anything in their line call on
Look out for the spring stock thnt
is arriving; it surpasses anything
that has ever been brought to Salem.
In the lJank Block, treats all Chronic
diseases of
On strictly scientific principles. Ills new
Medicated Vapor Baths, Electricity nnd
Electro-Magnetism, Pure and Compound
Oxygen are not to be had at any other Insti
tution on tho Pacific slope Dr. Gilbert
uses only
Ofllccs nnd rooms especially fitted for the
accommodation and treatment of ladies
with ladles bath In care of Mrs. Gilbert. Dr.
Gilbert conll ics himself to oir.ee practice
nnd Is, therefore, always on hand to
wait upon his patients. Special atten
tion given to diseases of women nnd child
ren. Terms btrlctly moderate."
Consultations Free.
3-21-d w
For sale cheap for cash or upon
the installment plan, For particu
lars call upon
No. 3C7 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon.
Proposals Invited.
1 Oregon State limine Asylum Invite
beulcd proposals for heating the state In
sane asylum with hot water. Plans nnd
specifications must be turnUhed by the
bidden. Plans of the building Will be fur
nished upon application to Dr. Hurry Lane
7nedlcal superintendent, Hnlem, Oregon.
Proposals ore alto invited for an eleotrlc
light plant for the twylum or 600 llgliU of
10 caudle power each, iBgandewant yaiem
to be wired complete and ready for servjee
and subject to rigid tent. The rltelitto re
ject any and all bids reserved.
Utdi wilt be ojiened at S o'clock p. in. on
Tuesday, May 7, 18.
1 IieCapital National Bank
If Hoard of Trustee.
LEO WILLIS Notary Public.
Willis and
Real Estate and Insurance Agents,
1 -BlPiiiw
' iMfflP innPI
S iifiri SSS-
ffc Boy and Sell Real Estate, Negotiate Loans
Transact a General Agency Business.
We have on our list a great variety of very desirable proporty for
.sale, aiulas our business is not altogether confined to Real Estate trans
actions, wo are able to furnish purchasers these bargains without claiming
unreasonable commissions.
Our long residence in this country and familiarity with its condition
and peculiarities render us competent judges of where tho best lands are
to bo found and purchases made.
Wo have faith in Oregon of its futuro greatness; and especially this
section of the Willainettce Vnlley. The man who invests liero in real
property runs no risks, it will bo moro profitable than bank stocks. Our
soil ami climate are not excelled, and.pcople tiro. finding it out. Now is
tho time to buy. .
--- - ..' ''JF
We nrc situated so that parties making investments, if desired can
secure loans on the most reasonable terms.
The following partial list will show some of the properties
we arc ofleriug for sale.
100 acres, 0J miles south of Salem, v all under fence now barn and fair
house small orchard road by the place. Payment down, balanco on
time at S per cent. Price $5,000.
103 acres, 5 miles southwest from Gcrvais, good house and barn with
orchard 02 acres under plow. l,C0O down, balance on time. Price
47.50 per acre.
467 acres, 4 miles north of Salem, Improvements first-class- 320 ncres un
der plow plenty of stock water and range. Will divide land. 40
per acre for Improved part.
100 acres, 7 miles east of Salem 80 acres in cultivation 50 in pasture
rest in young timber all under fence running water good house
barn granary orchard sell stock if wanted. 27 per acre.
203 acres, 12 miles northwest of Salem on lino between Polk and Yam
hill counties excellent land and good neighborhood nil under fence
part summer-fallowed. Part payment down, balance on time. 20
per acre.
320 acres, 13 miles east of Salem, all fenced 2 good houses fair barn
good orchard several spriugs on tho place gjuod roads to Salem. 30
per acre.
100 ncres, 7 miles east of Salem well wittered with barn and orchard.
The land is finely situated and can bo divided into two places tho
road running on two sides one-hnlf mile from railroad. $2o per
200 aeres, 12 miles east of Salein--cxcellent improvements ull in culti
vation well watered and finely situated. 35 per acre.
85 acres GO ncres in growing crain f.iir house and barn 1 acres
meadow fine young orchard one-half utile from P. O. crop goes
. with place. Possession given nt sale. Price $2,400."
0 acres, adjoining east Salem with house b iru and orchard can be
divided into 3-2 acre lots facing town has a delightful view will
be worth double present price soon. 3,000.
850 acres, 15 miles from Salem 300 ncres in cultivation two houses nnd
barns with orchard plouty of running water no bettor stock and
farming laud In .Marion county all .fenced Is divided into many
fields and past tiros. A bargain for some one. Half down, balanco on
time to suit. 15 per acre.
075 acres, 8 miles from Salem all under fence 330 aires nt one time un
der plow fine pasture land road along one sldo can bo divided to
suit purshaser. One-half down, balance on longtime. 17 portiere.
CO acres, 8 miles from Salem lj acres in orchard 4 lu garden 50 under
plow balance good pasture good houso and barn. A clianco for
some one wanting garden property. 3,000,
Storo and slock of merchandise with warehouso worth 0000 also rosldonco
if desired, situated on O. & C. It.lt., goon location for business no
hotter grain section in the Willamette Valley.
Good houso with ono-half acre of laud, in North Salem near street cur
' line when oxteuded if sold soon. S0O.
Half block East Saldni, on mill oreok-rwith good hoitfeo. and barn.
Plonty of fruit $8250.
Wf ofl'or for tho first timo about 30 lots In A. F. Wullor's addition to
Salem, ranging lu price front $250 to 600. Tito locution is line, upon
the highest ground In East Salem, over-looking tho entire city and in
plain view oT till thoStato Buildings, with the Coast und Cakciulo
Mountains In the distance, while still otuttw:nl loom up three ever
lasting suow peaks.
Prompt Attention Given to All Inquiries
Salem, :
Louisiana's Lepers.
New Orleans, April 3. Tito
people of Louisiana nre exceedingly
careful never to mention to strangers
the fact that n considerable colony
of lppors exists In the state. The
horrors of tho dread disease are such
that nny allusion to the poor wretches
causes a shudder and the subject is
one rarely discussed. Most Louis
ianians do not care to. say where the
colony exists. Ik was finally ascer
tained thnt the "Tcrrenus Lepreux"
is along tho swampy banks of the
Bayou La Fourche, near the gulf,
and that the aflheted exiles are
mostly Acadians.
Edwin Booth Stricken.
Rochester, April 4. Edwin
Bootli was stricken with paralysis
last night on tho stage of the ly
citiiii theatre, nt the end of the
second scene, second act of Othello.
Lawrence Barrett came before the
curtain an'd teariully communicated
the sad news to the audience lu a
pathetic manner, and sail! it was the
most painful duty he had ever per
formed, concluding with the remark
that Booth may never play again.
The play was stopped, the au
dience dismissed, and future dates
for weeks ahead were canceled.
Up to tho present dato tho hunt
for the mysterious murderer Tascott
has cost the Snell estate 39,000.
roil rent.
JjiOH RENT.- In n lino locality, several
A nicely furnished rooms, either with or
without board. For particulars call upon
O. iVIJIIIlU, OUI ,, 111 Id Blll'l'l.
ron sale
JlOU SALE A good pony, biidlo and fcad
1 dlo will bo sold reasonable. For par
culnra call nt Lunn & Drown's ttoro on
Commercial, street.
I' nil under fenconnd cultivation, In tho
best rnmro country of Eastern Oregon.
Tho best ehnnqo over ottered for a man to
engago In stock raising. For particulars
call on or nddress
W. II. HY." RS.Halcm, Oregon.
l&i -o a sn
u? qf C;
small ImilriltuMnt.
' convenient
ucsk, with tnivflege
of purchuse.-iiiati
tor "ii."
WANTED A girl to do general house
work in a small family. Inquire jittlio
olllcoof Willis & Chamberlin, opera house,
Court street.
J Olllcoliitho Now Hank lllock. Com
mcrcinl stroet, Salem. Blgn of tho big
tooth. dw
physician and surgeon, has located
and taken rooms over, Squlro Fnrrar's
grocery store. Chronic diseases a spco
laity. Consultation fico. 12-21dw
on Cannot do (letter
Than call at tho Grango Store, 120
State street, if you want a good tea
or anything else in tho grocery
line. Don't fail to look at the White
Cross Extracts, tho best In tlio mar
ket, t-f
A (Jo od Cup of Coll'ee
Is a great attraction for it restaurant.
The cotleo drawn fiom Hellenbrniul's Pat
ent Cofiee receptnelo is ono of the many
Great Attractions of his eating parlors.
Thousands of cups of his excellent coireo
nre sold every week. And as for oysters
and meals he cannot bo equaled lu tho
state. tf.
OLIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets
in Odd Fellows' Hall up stairs. Cornei
Commercial and Ferry streots, every Sat
urday at 7:il0 p.m.
Secretary. N. G.
A Seasonable Hint.
Genuine new buckwheat flour,
and a fine article of tablo syrup, at
the Grange store, 120 State fitreel,
Salem. ' tf.
Persons wishing to Improve their mem
ories or strcngtliPii their poworof attention
should send to Prof Loslsottc, ZV Fifth
Ave., N. Y. for his prospectus post free, as
advertised in another column. No 8, Ktdw
Wright's Hop Celery nnd C'hamolle bit
ters, recommended by tho most the
eminent physicians. Invigorating
stimulating nnd not Intoxicating. Sold by
II. W. Cox,
Having tried the otreets of tho concert
tratcd extract of Oregon KldnoyTen, wo
cheerfully bear witness to its beneficial
agency Inallccllonofthodlgostlvo organs,
It is simply, safe nnd sure: it is easily
taken and restores healthy vitality to the
organs It Is Intended to oiwrato upon with
ttssured success.
s. j. Mccormick,
Editor Catholic Sentinel.
Sold by D.W. Mathews A Co.
It Is generally conceded by physicians
that about one-half of tho population m
tho United Htatos nroHiillbrfng Jioiri In
digestion and Dyspepsia. Hurried eating
and improper mastication and. Inwillva
tlon of foodnto the principal cum. Dr.
Henley's Dandelion Tonic strengthens and
Invigorates tho digestlvo organs nnd on
utiles ono to enjoy a hearty meal without
any unpleasant after eirects.
soia oy j j, vt . niHiiiflwH a i o.
noiis'Ki'H.-Ktjll TUM SvTIxnvJfKiJN
yj corsets with braces attached, cull on or
address Mrs. Flunk Coopor, Commer
cial street, Salem, Oregon. 1m.
University Chapel.
Wednesday Evening, April 10, 1889.
Philharmonic Musical .Society,
Aarieted by the Conmrvntory of Murlc,
alo Mb Halite ParriKli, Mr. W. H. Rag.
Uy, Mim Edith Harris, Mtos Oraee aiUing.
Mui,MtoRdmiAdain,Mr. l. O. Bplty
nd outers. AeeonirmnUt. Mm JWHIi
liagley: imndeMl dlrartOr, M. Par. In.
Adii.l slon eenw. TIkU t frr
and Phil n's boo su re, l-H.
-F. Bodwell Is In Portland to
Corvallis' new school house will
cost 20,000.
They arc talking of starting a
newspaper nt Jefferson.
The name of Lyonsvlllc is to bo
changed by dr6pplng the ville.
Painless dental operations nt
Dr. T. C. Smith, 02 Stale street, tf.
Wright's Compound Extract of Sarsa
parllla can bo relied upon for nil blood dls.
eases and skin allectlons. Sold by II. W.
Cox nnd U. J. Fryo.
Mntthcws & Ainsworth Is the
stylo of a new Salem real estate
Frennie and McMunn's circus is
nearly here. It will be in Albany
on the 12th.
C. M. Parnienter's daughter left
this evening for a visit with friends
at Portland.
Mr. E. B.Thompson, the fish
commissioner of Astora, was in tho
city to-day on business.
Mrs. N. B. Stundlst, u sister of
Mrs. It. M. Thompson, returned to
her home at Brownsville to-day.
Commercial street on tho east
side, between State and Court, Is
being treated to several rods of con
crete sidewalk.
Tho members of the I. O. G. T.,
lodge gavo a pleasant surpriso party
on Mrs. Howard last evening and
a pleasant evening was passed.
An Astoria man is the inventor
of an accurate tide guage, by which
he can tell of tho presence any where
on the raging sea of a furious gale.
The Winter miNclng club will
givo their closing dance of -the sea
son to morrow night at Diamond's
hall, in which n number of invited
guests will participate.
Seats for Sol Smith Bussell and
ltis funny play "Bewitched" which
will bo seen tit tho opera house next
Tuesday evening aro going fast.
Standing room will evidently boat
a premium. "
Wright's Red Cross Cough Cure Try It
nnd you will use noother. Healing, sooth
ng and relieves. Sold by nil druggists.
No matter where you roam you
should not nllow It to escapo your
forgetfulness that tho place to buy
groceries, pure, fresh nnd cheap, is
tit Squire Farrar's. Everybody knows
tho place. Follow the crowd and
you will come out all right.
Tlioso beautiful lots in Dr. Mer
edith's addition nro now offered for
sale, for tho first timo. Lots aro
cheap and terms easy. Come early
or you will get left.
Duncan & Booth.
Wilght's Myrrh Tooth Boap gives Pearly
White Teeth. Purities tho lhcatli, Prevents
Teeth from Decay. Hold by all brngglsts
Tho following order has been
issued by the posttnaslcr general:
Any postal card, or envelope, or
any outside cover, or any oilier
matter upon which appears any
thing -which reflects Injuriously
upon tho porson addressed or upon
his conduct, or is plaltlly calculated
or intended to injuro tho feelings or
reputation, or which threatens him,
is unmallablo. It Is allowable for a
person to send a bill or a request to
call and settlo, but anything further
is llablo to result In a heavy fine.
Wright's Hlackberry Cordial, an Infall
bio remedy for tho most obstinate cases of
Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Sold by all
Didn't Know a (Jooil Tli ing.
A Butte creek fanner recently
bought soino Angora goats and as
tho proper thing was to provide
shelter for tho aiiimals ho built a
shed for them. Tho next morning
ho went out to tho lot, but not a
goat was to be seen. After looking
about ho finally discovered the
whole baud on tho roof of the shed,
content. dly chewing their cud. lie
has come to the conclusion that the
Angora goat doesn't know how to
appreciate a good thing. Albany
In tho bucolic stato of Iowa tho
Inhabitants appear to lovo litigation
evin mole Until prohibition. A
suit, known in Iowa legal .-ircloH its
the "Joiioh county calf ense," in
volving tho value of four calves, hns
already cost tho lltantH nearly 5,
000, and before it shall bo finally
adjudicated It ia expected (hat tho
cnlvort will have cost 20,000 or
more. If this oaso afford s a into In
dication of the temper of Iowa
farmers It is no wonder thnt tho
farm lands of thoslatenro ho thickly
plastered over witlinnrtageH.
Aftera woiimn rouohos the ago of
thlrty-slx, hor chances of a !sng Hfo
are butter than a man's of thosaino
Important Events of llic Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
Another Ilig Fire.
C HicAaojApriia. Beldlcr's block
on Canal street, used by various
manufacturing firms, was burned
this morning. Loss, loll,000.
Atis(rnliTre.iteil to a liiiln.
Victoria, Australia, April 3.
Rains which have been of great
benefit to crops have fallen through
out the province.
Some More Cyclones.
Auckland, April 3. A recent
hurricane m tno south caused great
dainago on tho Island of Tahiti.
Part of tho island was submerged
and many drowned. On the Island
of Tonga the hurricane created
great havoc and thirty persons per
ished. Hard on tho Mitsio Teaclipr.
Winnipho, April 3. Last night
the citizen's caught a music teacher
named Earnest, who had been too
Intimate with another mini's wife,
dosed him with paregoric and axle
grease, gave him a coat of feathers
and ran hhn out of town.
Distinguished l'lenstiro Party.
Baltimore, April 3. Ex-Senator
II. Davis and family started on a
southern tour this morning. At
Washington they expect to ho join
ed by Mrs. Harrison, wifo of the
president, and her daughter, Mrs.
McKee. They go to Charleston,
Jacksonville and St. Augustine.
.More Prnirio Fires.
Blum-, Dak., April 3. Tho
wholo country around Blunt is be
ing devastated by prairie flics. Sev
eral buildings in tho suburbs have
been burned, but the city as yet is
safe. J. O. Charsdon lost 600 sheep,
.cattle and hogs. Many farmers are
homeless. A strong wind arose be
fore the fire, doing much damage.
Soino Prayed nnd Soino Didn't.
MoKinney, Tex., April 3. A
meteor, differently described by
observers, fe'l with a loud noise.
It divided into three parts In fall
lug, and quite a number believed
tho day of judgment had come early
In the evening. It was fiery white,
fell with great rapidity and force
and was, according to tho nervous,
ns big as a house and was magnifi
cently brilliant. Soino prayed and
some didn't.
Silver This Time.
San Bernardino, April 3. AV.
A. Evans, Frank II. Evans, N. D.
Gass and A. Pereclado of tills city
located a silver mine niuo miles
south of Bagditd, on tho Atlantic
& Pacific road, six miles cast from
Daggett. The ore Is four feet below
tho surface and yields 2000 ounces of
silver to ho ton. Assays made
show It to bo tho richest silver mine
lu California. Tho vein was traced
over two miles, equally rich. Crowds
nre going to tho mines.
Ail Epidemic of I'aliics.
Evanbvilli:, Intl., April 3. A
gentleman living near French Lick,
Orange county, gives a very graphic
deserl ptlon of the slaughter of dogs
lu that vicinity which had beou at
tacked by hydrophobia. Ho says
that people nro hi n terrible state of
excitement over the outbreak, and
in order to prevent a spread of tho
nmladuy dogs are being killed by
the dozen. Horses, cows nnd hogs
have been attacked , and also a ram.
Tho antics made by tills animal were
very peculiar. It finally butted out
Its brains. Citizens carry arms for
fear of encountering a mad animal
of some kind.
Hidingon n Drake llenm.
Biding on a break beam, says the
Red Blufl Cause, has been common
with a sot of moil known ns tramps,
who hum their way from one end of
tho state to the other, but probably
few have ever heard tUatthlsdanger
ouh and perilous mode of travel has
been adopted ns a means of transport
ing families. However, it has, and
the ntllioad people aro amused at a
cuso that happened horo last week.
On tho Sacramento express that ar
rived hero tho other evening a man,
ltis wife and two children were dis
covered on the brake beam, having
rodo from Sacramento. On being
questioned the mati said tlioy were
on tholr way to Oregon. A plank
had been placed on tho beam, and
the family wore apparently contoti.
ted with their moans of travel,
provided by tholr Ingonttlty. It
surely required some nervo. on tho
part of the woman and children.
A new water -company, with a
capital atock of $3,000,000, has been
been formed to supply Denver with
Bear Admiral Shufeldt, just re
turned from China, says the Chinese
detest nil white people regardless of
Already $1500 has been contribut
ed in New York for the establish
ment of tho Confederate soldiers'
homo at Austin, Texas.
Squatters' rights in California un
der Mexican land grants have been
declared void unless thev have been
confirmed by the United Stntes
special session.
The I'ltl.ons of Snn Diego on Sat
urday celebrated the opening of tho
San Diego, Cuyamucca nnd Eastern
railroad. Excursion trains were
run nnd speeches made.
A galo of wind did much damage
In Ohio, unroofing houses and blow
ing down fences. In Dayton tho
unfinished tower of a church was
blown over, wrecking the church
upon which it fell.
While Bernard Kratz was walk
ing along the streets in Los Angeles
a large pair of tinner's shears fell
from the roof of a building, struck
his foot point first and pierced it
clear through, pinning it to tho
Somo Oregon Ofllccs.
Washington, April 3. Tho Ore
gon delegation in congress have
united on and have submitted to
President Harrison tho following
names of persons for appointment of
various Federal ofllccs in Oregen:
J. B. Huntington of Baker City,
lor register, and Captain Harrison
Kelly of Jacksonville, for receiver of
the new land office at Drcwsey in
the now Harney land djstriot.
Warren Trultt of DnIIns, Polk
county, to bo register, and Nathan
iel Langell of Jacksonville, to bo re
ceiver of the land oflico at Lake
vIcav. C. E. Moore, to be postmaster at
C. B. Holland, to be postmaster nt
The Women Voted.
Kansas City, Ajprll 3. Tho
election yesterday wns a -very hot
contest. Women played a very im
portant part in the municipal elec
tions of Kansas. Eight hundred
women voted In Wichitn, nnd were
badly defeated for members of tho
school board. Harris, a liquor
dealer, was, chosen mayor.
Oskabosa again elected women
officers by sweeping majorities.
Claims to bo a (irumlson.
Nuw York, April 3. Harvey
Kyliddon, claiming to be a whole
sale liquor dealer of San Francisco,
was arraigned hero to-day, charged
witli felonious assault on n Cuban,
with whom ho had quarrelled thin
morning. Tho prisoner, who claims
to bo a grandson of tho lato General
John C. Breckiundgo of Kentucky,
wns remanded until to-morrow for
A Moonshiner Killed.
Ciiarli:ston, W. Vtt., April 8. -Three
detectives tried to enpturo
Will Mortui, tho desperate moon
shiner, in a mountain stronghold.
In tho fight which ensued all tho
detectives wore wounded anil Martin
was killed.
A King Slain.
Home, Apr. 3. Advices littvo b'ecn
received from Mnssowah to tho ef
fect that King John, of Abssinln,
was defeated and slain in a recent
battle and that the whole country is
in a state of anaroliy.
Storm in Canada.
Toronto, Canada, April 3. There
was a frightful thunderstorm to-day
with wind, rain and snow. Im
mouso damage litis been done to
property. Telegraph und telephone
wires nro prostrated.
Snow Hound.
Quhiiko, April 3. Snow bound
French Cauudiiiu families have been
living for weeks on soup made from
hay. Two women and several chil
dren lmvo died.
Centonniul Ccleliratiou.
Washington, April 3. Presi
dent Harrison has assured tho cen
tennial celebration committee that
ho will participate In the exercises.
German bankers aro said to have
opened negotiations with tho Prlucc
of Llohtoustoln for tho purpose of
getting a grant of h'.s laud at Vaduz
furthe euUibllshmunt of a great in
toruatloimr gambling hell to rival
that at Monaco,
Wx, A, MUNI.Y, llerk of Ilonr.1.