THE CAPITAL EVE2TOTG JOURNAL, WAY OUT IN ALASKA. IHow a Tenderfoot Sought Gold In Our Arotlo Territory. toseate Romance of lloundloss Wealtn and Magnificent Sconory nml the Stern llenlltyofBacon nnd Moans An Hospitable Indian. A writer In the Juneau City Mining Ike rd gives a graphic description of oxperi- fences wbilo in tno recent prospecting iour i Alaska: On tho morning or JUiy a, no avs. wo lelt Douglas City on tho favorito Ind fast-sailing canoo Hiak, Captain Jim oth well and favorably known in Aiasuran ivators) for a prospecting trip In .Lynn Canal. As tho day was uno ana tno winu featr the sail through Gastineaux, Stephens' Dassaco and Lynn Canal was delightful, as each one is dotted with little islands, rising from tho water's edge to a height of a thousand feetor more, whilst tho mountains on tho mainland are thousands of feet high, with ragged peaks not unllko tho teeth of Ion old-fashioned cross-cut saw, tho spaces between tho peaks being filled with glaciers and tno peaks themselves aro covered with I perpetual snow. As I am a chce-chaco in tho country (that's what my chums call me), overy thing appeared wild and picturesque, and as I burst out in exclamations of admir ation overy once in a whilo at tho scenery, Ithoy would say: "Oh, shucks 1 that ain't nothing; you had ought to see tho scenery on tho Yukon." Tho first night wo camped on a creek about thirty miles from Juneau, whore our natlvo told us there was some quartz. Wo stayed and examined it, but did not think enough of it to locate it. Tho next day wo arrived at our native's lllahco (as he called it) , situated at Lynn Canal, and distant about forty miles from Juneau. It is a beautiful bay, filled with many islands and teeming with fish, from tho mighty whale to tho tiny herring, Whilo tho woods and mountains are full of game tho small .and harmless ground-hog and tho large and fierce brown bear. i Tho Indian who accompanied us is a fine specimen of his race ; ho stands over six feet in his bare feet, and weighs over two hun dred pounds. IIo is a Mormon in procliv ities, for ho has a number of wives, who ap pear well satisfied with him as their lord and master, and I could see no sign of the green-eyed monster. Ho is a bear hunter by occupation, and an enthusiast in that line, and many were tho stories and hair breadth escapes he related. I can well be lieve ho is a good hunter, as his larder is well stocked with fish, flesh and fowl; his wives wero brown, fat and greasy; his dogs, of which ho had sovon, wero all in I splendid condition, and that is moro than lean bo said of most Indian dogs'. Ho told us tho peculiarities of each, and showed us tho many wounds they had received in their encounters with bruin. Ho also showed us tho holo where ho buried tho bears' heads, and i thero must have been twenty skulls in It I ( inquired of him why he did so, and ho told I me: "Bear all flame Indian; by and by ho go to tho happy rooting ground." As a host ho is a prince, and right royally ho treated us to all kinds of game put up in Indian stylo. Wo had smoked porcupine put up in seal oil, and one of our crowd who pretends to bo an epicure said it was do- licious; thero wero seal's flippers cooked in grease, which wero not dissimilar to pig's feet; baked ground hog stuffed withmus. sols, which gave tho hog a fishy tasto and improved tho flavor of the mussels. His bear's head checso was actually immense, and thero were many moro dishes too numerous to montion. Ho showed many kinds of roots and herbs good for food and jnediclno. Ho also showed his canned hal- tibut, hooks and all of his dancing outfit. I His headgear and mask cost him fifty doli tlars; it was wild and uncouth, and was carved out of yellow cedar. It had a largo inoso like a parrot's beak, eyes mado of I mother-of-pearl, a mouth which contained ! tho teeth of tho only siwash doctor on : JNbah's ark, ears made from the hido of tho Ichthyosaurus, hair mado from tho sea : lion's whiskers. His hunting knlfo had some utiiquo carving on the handlo that represented somo Indian myth tho-bcars : were afraid of( As a prospector, liko many ' moro following that vocation, I do not con , aider him a success, as wo examined many i places that ho showed us, but could see : nothing except white ana Darren quartz. Ho had other places ho wanted to show us, and wo would havo gone with him, but one of tho party bad an acuto attack of in. flammatory rhountotism. Tho native told : us tho extent at his territory, and said ho exported white men prospecting on his do. main to pay him S8.50 per day for his kno wlr edge and services. Ho said tho land and. water belonged to his ancestors from time immemorial, and he Inquired it white men owning a similar amount Of land would nl. low every body on it. His argument brought forcibly to our mind tho "blo.'.ted bond holders" of Amorica and tho land question . that is now agitating tho British Umpire, ; whero Lords, Dukes and Earls are- holding . i hundredb of miles square that their nnccs. ftoi:s acquired by might, wlillo ho claims his , by right. The only difference I seo between : them and this Indian is that he will bo glad to seo you hunt or fish on his supposed : country, while if you caught a trout iu their waters or shot a pheasant in their woods you would get about flvo years. Tho next day wo traveled against a head wind and a terrible rain, and after getting drenched to tho skin we camped. It would be very pleasant prospecting in Alaska wero it not for the rain, head wind and tides, thick brush and mosquitoes, and a few other little- inconveniences. Thon, again, if I was looking through a tourist's byes from the deck of an ocean steamer! fiow romantic tho majestic mountains and rivers, hundreds of miles of plno-clad shores, and every now and then a vast glacier I Then In smooth, narrow channels can bo seen the mammoth whale, forging his way along nearly as fast as the steamer, and every tow feet can bo seen tho shining silvery sides of a beautiful salmon, dis. porting, or trying to escape from somo finny monster who Is trying to catch him for a meal. I saw a seal gobblo ono in less than two seconds. To mo tho animals on such a trip remind oneof agroatmonagerio, without having to pay at tho door, while the waters are a grand aquarium; and take it altogether, wero it not for tho stern re ality of beans and bacon, a prospecting tour in Alaska Is liko visiting an ever-changing panorama. i - i The True, Han Hidden. ' Love sees the virtues that aro of tho soul, hatred only tho diseases of the skin. "All men have their faults, and stealing was Bill's," said a weeping widow over the. corpse of a desperado, shot, in attempted burglary And grotesque, ludicrous as the expression may seem, she was right. She knew that not In tho robber, tho law breaker, tho outcast, did tho real man shine forth, but in those rarer moods of kindliness and generosity when ho was tho true friend and husband. Perhaps when two enemies, who have refused to see any (food in each other on this earth, meet hereafter in another world, free from the muddy vesture of decay which otoga their vision bare, the first thought of each will be: "Is this tho beautiful soul that I molignod and hated I" AKlN POWD Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength nnd wuolesomcness. More economical than tho ordinary Sinds, and cannot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short w eight alum or phosphnto powders. Sold only In cans. II0Y4X. Bakimo PowDEltCO.,100 Wnli.N.Y Ion Cannot do Better Than call at the Grange Store, 126 State street, if you want a good tea or anything else In the grocery line. Don't fail to look at the White Cross Extracts, the best in the mar ket, t-f A (lood Cup of Coffee Is a great nttractlon for a restaurant. Tho coffee drawn from Hellenbrnnd's Pat ent Coiree receptacle Is 0110 of the mnny Great Attractions of his eating parlors. Thousands of cups of his excellent collco nro sold every week, And ns for oysters nnd menls he ennnot be equaled In tho state. tf. OLIVE LODOE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Fellow s' llnll up stairs. Oornei Commercial and Ferry streets, every Sat urday nt 7: W p.m. J. T. GKKdu. JAS. WALTON, Secretary. N. G. A Seasonable Hint. Genuine new buqkwheat flour, and a fine article of table syrup, at the Grange store, 12G State street, Salem. tf. Persons wishing to lmproo their mem ories or strengthen their power of nttentlon should send to Prof. Loslsette, 237 Fifth Ao., N. Y. for his prospectus post free, ns ndveitlsed In nnothcr column. No 8, 8tdw Wright's Hop Celery nnd Chninollo bit ters, leconlmended by tho most th eminent physicians. Invigorating stimulating and not intoxicating. Sold by II. W. Cox, Having tried the circcts of the concen truted extract of Oiegon Kidney Tea, wo cheerfully benr witness to Its beneficial ngeney In affection of tlio digestive organs. It Is btmply, snfo nnd suie; It is easily tnken and restores healthy vitality to the organs It is Intended to operate upon with assured success. S. J. McCOKMICK, Editor Cnthollo Sentinel. Sold by D.W. Mathews Co. It Is generally conceded by physicians that nbout one hnlf of tho populntlon oi tho United Stntcs nro sulleiing from In digestion nnd Dyspepsia. Hurried eating andlmpioper mnstlcatlon nnd inallva tlon of food aro tho princlpnl causes. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonlo strengthens nnd lnvlfforates tho digestive orenn nnd en nbles ono to enjoy n hearty meal without any unpleasant after effects. ssoia oy u. w. junincws x i p. OOR&ETS. FOK THE WILLIAMSON corsets with braces attached, call on or address Mrs. Frank Cooper, 2&!) Comnier. clnl street, Salem, Oregon. lin. miorEssipNAx gauds. T J. JENNINGS D. D. S. DENTIST J Ofllco ill tho New Dank Block. Com mercini street, cuiem. nign oi ino oig tooth. dw PHYSICIAN.-MIIS.DR. M. E. McCOY nhvslcinn nnd surgeon, has located and tnken rooms oer Squire I'nnnr's grocery store. Chronic diseases n spec laity. Consultation free. 12-21dw A Bargain For Soin USTRRN -To Exchangr for- OREGON LAM! I-i O M K S -FOH THY' LESS!!! 12do ACRES OF- Var-ied Lands -KOI Sale or Rent. Quantity and Quality to Suit Purchaser. - Lands near 11 R. Facilities, A GOOD CHANCE jr" For port letilrnwll at thin oilier. HOilE THE RELIABLE GROCERS, KLLLLK Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. o Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD IN Remember tine WELLER BROS.! -THE LEADING- 4 Grocery ami Provision Stere: , I IN" THE CITY OF SALEM. O Mcssrs Weller Bros., Invite you to call nnd tee the immense stock of Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Etc., that they are carrying. Everything the market affords is always to be found at their market. ass-New Goods Received Daily ! -a Prices guaranteed to suit all. A trial is all we ask of you, believing afterwards you will share your patronage with us. Commercial Street, - - - Oregon A. B. STRANG, Mo. 303 Commerclnl Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DEALER IN- STOVESandRAlNGES Plumbing, Gas and Sfcam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. K9- Agent for tho RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished in 1849 MSI). Cnn furnish either ilesqulte or n mixture of Allsqulto nnd Lincoln gross 'on terms that will allow you to soed down your farms ntn cost of from CO to 00o per ncro. Address. T. C.JORY, w2m d2w Rex 91 , Salem, Or. OIIEGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) C1IAS. N SCOTT, - - Receiver. On nnd nfter Feb. 18 1889.nnd until further notice trains will run dally (except Bun day) as follews: EJAST SIDE, Coburg Mall Portl'd Mail From Port land STATIONS. Tow'rd Port land J.v. U.3u nm Ar. 10.00 I.. 3.15 pm l-oirriiANniMW v Ar. l.lQ.p m, Ar 1.80 Footof.Icrfcon.Ht nays Landing, hi. Paul's, 12.47 3.10 a,31 11.4) 3.53 4.01 4.1G 4.35 i.X) 4.47 5.80 r,.sa 5,58 P.M 0.21 0.53 . tiffl 8.03 . 8:37 IWJO 10:15 Woodbum, Townxcnd, MeKce, Mt. Angel, Down's, Hllserton. Johnston's Mill' Switzerland. 12.00 11. Ill 11.40 11.21 0.14 11.00 10.20 10.1(1 10.07 0.4U IU8 8.50 KnstHldQjunct., juucieay, AumsvlUe.., WfntHtayton. 0 V Orossjug, WcstKclcx, Craltrep, Splcpr, tollman, Plalnylew. Urownsvllle, 1 lowland, 8.40 8.28 8.00 7.31 7.22 0-1S ,1? 5.30 nnbnrir. 4:30 u m Ar P in AH LV l.v Commutlon iTIekets nt twooonU por mile on sale at ytullons havjing agents. Connection nt Itay's nnd Fulqunrt Landing with Steamer "City of Hnlem " OIIAt. N. SCOTT, Receiver. General Ofllcos, N V Cor. First una I'lnf Portland, Oregon. Applications Invited. rilHK HOARD OF COMMM8IONKU3 I rnr tlmuila of kchftol nml unlverxltv linds, anil for the Investment of the funds arialne therefrom for tho Btuto of Oregon, Invtti Te hauled applications for tho rauii niiri'tiuw. nf Hint Dorllon of (lie Myers addition to the olty of 8lemyt belonging totne Mute nnd eon talnlng flfty nTw, more or les, inclusive of street. Tho right to reject any and all bids Is reserved by the Ilnar.l. lllds will be opnel utSo'olock p.m. at a regular meeUnr of the Board on Tues day?.Mrrt. IWbJfti .,,. 31 UVITllfc -fTMliwn, a so. w.iioni m. lrLit nf Vm in (uilnn ani NATOJ.HOM OAVIH, Cleric of Hoard. CANNED GOODS. Place and Call. FOUR MORE MADE HAPPY. A CAitu : For tlireo years I have been a sufferer from various ail ments, and for the iwst ten years I hnve been a sufferer from chronic rheumatism aud nervous debility. In tills condition I came to Drs. Darrin, aud I am happy to say I have been restored to honltli again,, and 1 cheerfully recommend them to tho public. Mrs. J. Maktin, Olex, Oregon, somi kyi:s CUltllD. EUQUNK, Or. Feb. 23; 18S9. Mil. Eijitek: Mv little cirl 5 years old lnis been for the past eight or nine months ailUctcd with gran ulated conjunctivitis, complicated with ulcers on the eye ball. I had her treated by some of the most prominent physicans in Chicago, where I resided before coming here, but without success. The child was getting worse overy day. Hearing of Drs. Darrin, T consulted them in regard to her case, and now, after three weeks, sho is pronounced prac tically cured. liefer to me n Springfield, Oregon. D. J.Giahuin. cuoss kyks straiohti:xi:d. SALEM, Or., January, 18S9. To Tim ruiiiiio : It alfonis mo pleasure to say that Drs. Danin cured my little girl, 11 years old, of a very bad cast or cross of the light eye. Tho eye was straightened as good as ever iu two operations. The eye had been in a crossed condition for more than seven ye.irs. This is not intended for an advertisement, but as nn expression of gratitude due to Drs. Darrin for their careful and proficient work. J. U. TlQIIHNOIl. IIKAIUNCl KKbTOlUJD. Enixoit Dear Sir: I havo been troubled with deafness for over iif teen years. I applied to the Drs. Darrin, and after a few treatments by their wonderful electio-niagnetic method of treatment, my hearing was entirely restored, and now I can near my watcli tick for the first time in many years. I ctm bo re ferred to and scon in regard to my case at any time at Howell Prairie, or address me at Macr leay, Oregon. IIknry Sr.ouan. DRS. DARRIN'B PLACF.OF IIUSINIISS. Drs. Darrin can bo consulted free at '2So Fiftli street, corner Main, Portland. Ofllco hours, from 10 to 4 o'clock dally ; evenings, 7 to 8 ; Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic diseases, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor rhoea, stricture, spermatorrhoea, seminal weakness or loss of desire of sexual power iu man or woman, caturrh and deafness arc confidently and successfully treated. Cures of privato diseases guaranteed and never published in tho papers, Cir culars sent free. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctors' olllce. Tho olllccs at Salem and Eugene are closed. Any persons under treatment in that vicinity can call or write to tho Portland olllce. E. Daidbridgo Mnnday Esq., County Atty,, Clay county, Texas, eavs: ttllavo used Electric bitters with most happy results. My broth er ulso was very low with Malaria lever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely us"o of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life. " Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson of Horse Cave, Ky., adds u liko testimony, saying: lie positively believes lie would havq. died, hud It not been for Kleotric Bitters. Tills great remedy will ward off, as well as euro all malaila disease, and for all kidney, liver aud stom ach disorders stands uiicqualcd Price 60o and $1. at II. V. Cox's. Don't ISxpurimont, You can not allord to waMo time In experimenting when your lung arc In danger. Consumption al ways fccems, nt first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to Impose up on you with some cheap imitation of Dr. ICing's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Cold, hut bosuie you got tho genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he has something Just as good, or just tho mine. Don't bo deceived, but iualst upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is gUHrttnteod to yive relief In all Throat, Lung and Chest affections. TriurtJbttlos free atDr. II. W. Cox's Drugstore. Lurge Inttlos $1. !j QQpT Something is Going to Drop at BODWELL'S NEW SHOE STORE, 95 Sdife Sircel, Snlem. Vu coutemplnton champ of buMne-w soon, and will thcreforo'mnko Sweeping Re ductions in certain lino ol Hoots nnd 8hoes Inorder to rcducoour stock ton minimum. e iwnnt Monevl lou need Hoot nnd Shoco. Como nnd exnmlno goodi nnd prices nnd seo If It III not pay you to lay In one or two j ears supply nt the prlcos o oiler GOODS MARKED IX PLAIN FIGURES ! A child cnn buy ns cheap ns a mnn.'nt our snoes look us up. YOURS FOR "KOLD BAILEY F The Key to Success ! ! -o FOUND o- Sueeess In Business requires preparation I Therefore, thoroughly master Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, tho naturo and correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law anil Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, nnd Dictation work. All these nro needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEUE Qriswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. J uol -OUR- Spring Importation of Are'just coming in and early nest week we v ill have them open and ready for our customers. Wc have no hesitancy in saying (hat we will havo (lie nicest assortment of Spring Clothing for Gentlemen -AND Satlcons, Chillies, Prints 'anil Alpacas for tho Ladies, That ever camo to Salem. Also our stock of boots nnd shoes, hats, laces and embroideries is very complete and will bo sold at our usual low prices. Conic and sec us. Capitol Adventure Co. OPERA HOUSE CORNER. B B O O O o T rr WM. BROWN h CO. .nnAMntH in Leather . and Findings CASH PAID FOB Wools, Hides, Felt? nnd Furs 231 Commercial St. Salem, Or. OPT w " ... wife ( toi nm H "O K T.HE BEST STOCK OE STOVES IN THK CITY IS AT R. M. WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM, . AND MANY OTHER Also a Ccmplefe Stock tf Hardware ami QT p"p f store. We menn buslnesi.i nnd If you uenr KOINj" BODWELL, Dry Goods and. Clotliin, 9 OF- H O O s S L'"ti ff ' R- "' Oni'Innil Slnvft UUIIUIIU UIV!VU, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range LEADING STYLES, I'aim llitliinny. Wagons ami OarriaE.e Arriving s Hmm NOTICE. P.J.LAIISEN.TIIK IlELIAnLR Wneon mnker, hns moved to 15 8tntc direct, hav ing removed his shop from the old Rtand. 316 Commerclnl street, on nccotint ot tho erection of tho new brick. Mr. Lnrsen will Iw pleaded to seo hUoldciiKtomersand ni mnny new ones ns will khnro their pn tronnge with him, nt his new location All work Runmntced. Next to Scrlbcr & l'ohle's shop. 1-27-tf. THE 0LD RELIABLE lllncksmlth nnd Wncron mnker, John Knight Is now fully estnbllshed nt his new minrtcrs on Liberty Street. He uses nil tho new methods In his nrt nnd mnkesn speclnlty of diseases of horse's feet. Frnnk Lynch has chnrRO of tho wneon department nnd docs n general repairing business. These gentlemen nro too well known for us to try nnd recommend them ns Mr. Knight hns been hero for 15 years BLACKSMITUING and HORSESHOEING lliivo mocd to 17 nnd 10 Stnto street, wliero tlicy uro now ready for work. All our old patrons nnd friends nro Invited to call nnd seo us in our new location. We nro better prepared for w6rk now Minn ever hnving secured more room. 10-1-tf. BKACKSMITHING and WAGONMAKING. IOIIN 110 LJf, THK OLD RELIABLE O lllncksmlth, hns removed his shop to corner of Commerclnl nnd Chemekcto Hts., whero ho Is rendy to Bcrvo tho public. Hnv Ingnssoclntcdwlth him Mr. It. ISnnnon, nn cxpciienccd wngon-mnker recently from 1'ortlnud, ho Is now prepared better than ever to do nil kinds of ungon nndcnrrlnge making nnd repairing; nil kinds of blnck smithing nnd repairing, nnd n general horseshoeing business. Ho hns nil kinds of shocs,stcel, trot ting, hand made, etc., nnd tits them In n scientific manner. Hneclal nttentlon given to tho construction or wag ons nnd cnrrlngcs. Ueincmbcr tho place, opposlto Stnto lmuranco building. fink nuaniKs. 1 am prepared to turn out flno hand made, buggies, wngons, etc., on quick time and Iu tho best stylo. Cnll and see somo of thuilgsl hnvo inndo, nnd when wish ing to purehns.o you will know whero to npp'y. I hnvo llrst-class buggies constantly on hand for sale, nnd will sell them nt pi Ices so rcnsonnblons to astonish purchaseru. THE HAltNKSS AND SADDLE MAKER, 289 Commercial Street. MR LAMPORT ltns Just received lino llnoofsluglo and double buggy hnr ncssos. Ho nlwnys carries THE LARGEST STOCK Ol saddles, whips, nnd everything pertain ing to hts lino of busluess.ln tho state, out side of Portland; ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Vepali lug dono wit h neatness nnd dispatch For Bargains -IN- Family Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Etc., -GO TO- THOS. BURROWS, Commercial St. Piilem, Country produio of nil kluds ulwnys on hand. If you havo not traded with me be fino, I respectfully solicit a trlnl bollcving I can suit ou both Iu prices nnd quality. QNE Ol' THE LARQ1-ST ESTA1IIJ8II incuts n tho Htnte. Lower rates than , .rtlaiid. LargeHt stock Legal Illuulcs In tho Htato,n-d biggest discount. Head foi price list of Job printing, nnd cntnloeuo ol legal blanks. T(:. M. WAITK, Htcam I'rlntcr Hulem Orcon. SLUlYfiLOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine Syslem of Memory Training. Four Books Learned In ono reading, Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited, Oicat Inducements to correspondence Classes. 1'iospcetiis, with opinions of Dr. win. A. Hammond, tho woild'lamcd Specialist lu Mind Dlseasos, Daniel Ureenlenf Thomp. sou, tho great i'sycholnglst, J. M, nucicly D, I)., editor of tho Chilstlan Advocato N. Y., Richard I'roctor.thoHclentlst, Hons. V. W.Ahtor, Judnu 1'. noujaman, nnd otheis, sent post free by I'rnr. A. I.OIHKTTK, !i37 1'lfty Ave., N Y Je-l!WW. dw DAVID T. WILLIAMS, -Proprietor of- Siilcm Steam Laundry. SALEM, OREGON. P. S. Orders by poBtnl card prompt ly attended to. Clothes called for and delivered. ADVANTAGES OK STKAM LAUNDRY. 1. It diHw Its work thoroughly, however soiled tho garment. '. it do its work promptly, as it l iu deiiendiint of (ho weather. . ItdCHts tin work harmlessly, not ! 'urliu the clothes by unnecessary wear and tur, nor by iueuaoof Injurious cheiu ivuls. 4. It Qlmrgea ore most reAsonabJo. ccm slderliiK the quality of Iti work, S ORB! (I PILE : 4 S. Lamport PRNTNG.