THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. TERMS OK HUnscniPTION. DAILY. Orte year by mall J6 00 Six mouths by mnll 2 GO Three months by mull 1 2S Ver wcok, delivered by carrier 15 WEEKLY. Ouoyenr by mall . SI BO Hlx months by mnll - "6 One year. If pnld In ndvnnco 1 CO Six months, If paid In ndvnnee . 80 ' Fof advertising raleti npply at this office. AHSubscribcrstoTiiECAriTAi.JounNAi, who do not secure their paper regularly will notify this olllcc, giving ndilrexH, and the matter will be attended to at once. Ofllcc, corner Court nrul Liberty KtieetB. LOCAL XEWS. New Addition. that beautiful square orinml ini- Sodiately fcouth of the University campus, belonging to Dr. Meredith, is being p'atted and rs noon us enin- pleted will be pieced on tlie market by Duncan & J'.oolli, who have tl e matter in cliarse. v Hallway i'nmors. It is reported that a survey is b- Ing ntado between CoivalHn and Junction Cily prepamtoiy to tlio ex tension of llto side division o" tho O. & C. road to tho latter city. If they go up Unit way at all the Register thinks Eugene should see that they do not stop slio t of that city. w Jnstlre Frlnk nolurns. Having awaited for tho excite ment to abate, Justice of the Perce Frlnk returned to ills home in Dal las yesterday. IIo spent the days during the limo while Polk couniy citizens' wratli waxed warm in Port land nnU'now ret in ns to ilnd a peti tion of healthy sio requesting his resignation. He receives a cool re ception from ills outraged constitu ents. roslolllre Chances. The telegraph announces tho fol lowing changes of post mastership at a few of the ofllccsin this and neigh boring counties : AUCeivais, Cla rion county, John L. Taylor, vice Francis Mangold removed ; at Jef ferson, Marion county, Charles J I. Ilolnnd, vice Archibald 11. Hender son, removed ; and at Monmouth, Polk county, Mrs. Ahnlra Davidson, vice GeorgoA. Walker resigned. The lint J!.ii krl. Tliis morning a JoniNAi, reporter fin looking up the innrket quotations met witli the following ques tion, "What do you think about tho price of wheat going up," from a number of inter ested persons. The controlling mar kets of tho world, suuii as Iilvcrpool, Chicago and San Francisco, give unfavorable reports for a rise soon, but notwithstanding this, local deal ers are buying every uushel that can be secured. Every holder of wheat is fully expecting a raise. One gentleman who nas over 15,000 bush els in Who Capital wurehoiiKO hero said this month that iio fully expected to realize one dollar per bushel for every bushel lie had be fore new wheat comes into market. Theio is one thing that will help to strengthen the market, and that is tho Increased pur cent, of flour being tiMjd in tlie west. Wo were informed by a gentleman who is expected lo know that the Hour consumed In tliis sf'ito had increased at least five per cent, wilhin the past three months. A Happy lU'pultllcan. McICinley Mitchell of Get vais was tho first republican postmaster lo bo removed In Oregon by tho Cleveland administration and his happiness to day knew no bounds when lie learn ed that his successor was tho llrst democratic postmaster in Oregon (o bo removed by tho present adminis tration. Hois in the city today, and a 11x10 smile is playing over his faco in consequence of tho grati fying intelligence. A liny Drowned. At Independence yesterday after noon was conducted the funeial of Daniel Dunce, the ni in -year-old boy who wasdrowhed undo tlie most wad circumstances Monday nller noon. He was attending school, and with tho other scholars was playing in the yard m. the afternoon recess. He ran too near the bank of the slough that is near the school house and fell In. Tlie bcliolaia were unable lo as-ilst him, and gave the alarm at once, but buforo ills body was rccovcied ho had ceased to breathe. Medical aid was prompt ly summoned but all to no avail. There was no chance lo save him, as the water at the very edge was at least fifteen. iect deep. In tliis he struggled and his dying efforts to recover himself were witnessed by tlie playmates with whom ho asso ciated. They were unable to assist him. Tho boy's parents are abroad on a visit and lie was living with ills grandfather. The parents aie ex pected to arive homo in a few days and the sad news will distract them. lionet fur the Knclurs. On Tuesday evening tho council holds a meeting and at that Union decision will bo rendered on tho proportion to provide horses for use on streets and to draw tho lire en gines. Tho matter has been referred to the 11 ru Committee, in whoso hands It now is. This commitleo can but return a favorable 'eport. It Is an urgent need. Our engines air too heavy to bo diawn by luuid. Tills was proven ayaluon Srnday ut tho lire. Give tho lire boys their request, which is not unreasonable, nut a necessity. Tho Ancient Utilcr Kfcehcs. Those who were so foituni'te as to have received invltn' ions to tho re ception given by tho Ancient Order of United Workmen last n'.rlit rt their hall In this city were favored with a rare treat. Tho atti.idanco wiih larger than could bo readily no conimodatcd, hut after tlu lltorary exorcises, when tho assembled gnosis vcro scattered tliroujjiput tho building, all were WuftiFtjible. 'Plin llltiii!. v.iiiillMdiiu mi.1 tnli.jl.iil ..w ..iw.i.j .u.iiiiiufiin Hint llll.pilill numbers wore second only to tho delicious spread lo which ajl did amplo Justice. Games o.' dlU'erent kinds and dancing tilled the reiual i lug hours until tho time for dismiss al. m ( Kfirt'Iilin; rr lllavk Diamond. Alleu Parker of Yaqulua lulla the Albany Herald that a mini named Gagor, wlio is prospecting for coal for Eautoni capitalists, has found In dications of a valuable deposit of this -arllulo at the head of Depot BllAigh near Yaqulua. ft Is situated about three miles from thoOrojon Pacific railroad. Helms been bor ing jn diU'erent plucc, and has made aljjdjler 'to purehiwon ipiartcrgeotlon of laud In that loeallty. It 1h wild by parties living there that pieces of good coal can bo found ut vrlouH place) along tills stream whoro they have been carried down by tho current, and Unit one hug) plow of jioarly pure coal weighing nearly a ton has Ixvn found In tlio bottom of tho stream. It Is not Improbable that in the near future home valuable develop- will Ira nmili' In the oonl de- lUtlier Snggecltrc. Tho following i"rom tlie Asforlan Is suggeslivo and withal timely, as the railways extension of street hero will call .for a larger number of c rs shortly : "L 'st Sunday was a red-letter day lor tho Astoria street railway company. Their new Hum mer ears were on tho track for tho first lime, and well palro.ihed by Astotians who always believe in helping substantially anything that has any gel-up-nnd-yet to il. Tho cars are both useful and o'liamental and present a very liendsomo ap pearaneeo." These summer cars a.'o very convenient and pleasant. No doubt the Salem lino will indulge In one or two of (hem later on. The Hup Dill loo!,. George W. Hubbard, the veteran hop buyer of Tu stun, C'al., who tra vels all over tho coast nureliasing tho redolent hop which lie ships to tho eastern market, is in the city to day looking up prospects for the crop of 18SS). In Marion county he finds that tho acreage will bo a good Increase over Unit of former years, Tho outlook now is Unit tho crop will be an abundant one. Tho ex cellence of Oregon's hopi Is known far and wide and the fhances aro Unit they will command a good price next season. -. Ai Helen ul Inrui-iuiiStlun. Tho following articles of incorpor ation wero to-day filed with the seeietary of stale : First SpirifWl and Literary soeie ty of East Portland. Its object Is to study anil investigate and pro inulrato religious and scientific truth of spiritualism. The Progressive Land and Build ing association, with capital stock of $3,000; incoi pointers aro Job Bosh, Dudley B. Blount, W. D. Boss, Nicholas Dliuton and G. W. Bosh. Principal ofllco is at Astoria. a i.i m:KY n.oiiiwji. The following is the program for tho entertainment to bo given by the Y. W. F. M. Soeiot) of Kaloni, at tho M. K. church to-morrow even ing beginning tit 7-10 o'clock : l'HlloKolo... . ' MUu I.ulll Smith. I'll" .Mir. 1'lMt Miiutt(averiil,oiM"( Men of Our Town," "r.iHiulon." lie, rt'lur. M mSluinrt. 11 v o Jltini Com ore. tleiik: "Umiiu- ilreian,'1 "On.- Society." " We..llir." V.l Dut Mlnaon lull uml WhUmw. PlV SllniltH OO IVBMBVlOIH! ' Itavoritti Autlim-a, Jseju lkMr ?MlrHlorv" I'mao Solo MUm lcdlth llimlu. PiUw of HiluilMtlon. InuludlliK iiuuver. ift euau. LOCAL SUMMVRV .Judge Williams took this morn ing's train for Portland. W. M. SurRont Is In Portland to-day, on business. For your Paints, Oils, .... go to Gilbert & Patterson's. d-lm Ilaine Bros, of Portland were in the' city to-day, on business. C. A. Gray is tho new superin tendent of the Palem street railway. Tho recently platted addition to South Salem is called Yew Parle. -'Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C.Smith, 02 Stale street, -tf. Wheat in the Salem market continues to be emoted at seventy cents. Mis. C. A. Moores departed for Albany to-day where she will visit friends lor a few days. And now It is said that Silver ton is growing very dry, tlie saloon having been closed for some time. New potatoes iCre in market, and you may soon expect to see the wily cucumber that will W up. Wright's Compound Kxtract of Sarw parlllu can be relied upon lor all blood dl iiimjh and hkln iillectluns. Hold by II. W. Cox and 1). J. Kije. Lots in Itivcrslde are selling quite rapidly, nearly twenty-five having been sold this month. W-i-i"ht'n lllaekbenv Conllpl. nn Inf.illl bio remedy for tlicmost obsllnatocaheH of jjji ri-ooea jjyhnnic.y. tsolQ oy all tli ugglsw. A ti act of fifty acres two miles wouth ofS'lem is being sub-divided into fruit tracis by the Selem land company. Yesterday W. J. Elliot purchas ed through Dunei n & Uooth the Tit' Smitii fai m ot 103 aeics on Howell Prairie. Miss Frunk ie Jones, who has been spending the past week In the city, visiting friends, returned to Portland this morning. . The latest unfortunate is Alee Odon, a girl fifteen years ofage, who was brought to thonoylum yesterday evening from Denton county. Vrlirlit'H My, ih Tooth Ronpalvos Pcnily While Teeth, l'uiillestho llieath. l'reventi Teeth from Decay. Hold by all brusglsta. Andrew Kahn, a Jap who runs a Chinese and .lanancso curiosity store in Poitland, is in Salem to-day and will establish a branch house here immediately. As tlie law concerning trout fishing expires Sunday next, quite a numb:r of our citizens aro making amusements, to go and enjoy a few days trying to hook tho finny tribe. Tho Albany Herald thinks it liaa it from good authority that the appointment of U. S. marshal for Oregon has not yet been made, and that when it is It will not bo A. N. Hamilton. .lack Coi)per,convicted "jr sheep stealing in Yamhill county, was brought to the penitentiary yester day evening under sentence of two yeero. Cooper is a hard case. Ho broke jail while being held for this crime. Oregon oilers untold induce ments to tho immigrant. The Wil lamette valley is the best part of 'Oregon. Of this garden spot Salem Is the center. In Salem is tho groc ery store of Squire Farrar, where prices aro always low and goods as represented. tf. M'lljtlit'H lted Cioxh rough Cure Try It and you w 111 UhO no other. Healing, sooth lag and lelluvon. Sold by all druggists. The overland train this morn ing consisted of twelve coaches and two extra box cars used for baggage. There wero two cars of peoplo from Kansas bound for Portland. W. II. Dyars is surveying tho grounds, etc., for the now block to be erected on Commercial street. Tlie uuiiiiiugs are to ue placed on m level with tho Bank block just oppo site, which will add greatly to the appearance of the street at that point. A mortgage securing ?lo,000,000 from tho Oregon Pacific railroad company, to tho Farmer's Loan and trust company of New York, was filed in tho county recorder's ofllco hero yostordav afternoon. It Is In tended to cover properly deeded by the railrot d company since the first mo-tgiigo was mado somo years ago, Magnificent now cottage, house' of nine largo airy rooms, lluo bath rooiiVpantiy mjd closets ; basement 0) feetSyinontod floor; house heat o I by furhc in basement ; hot and cold wnloyfvjiluniblng thorough ; frewen'goporfccrw OceuploB quarter of a block on eornSt of Chomoketo and Capital streets, finest property In the city now on tho market, only $t00. Dt'MU.v & Booth. Riverside Addition -TO S A V K M. ifi TIM 'MRrrfei.. m won In Gom laiiys IlEAI. ESTATE. CAPITAL PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OFSALEM. -o- FINEST ADDITION TO THE CITY. Witlo Avenues, Beautiful Lay of land, Full lots, Magnificent Yicw, and Perfect Drainage. Cornier Lots Only -AND- Inside Lots Only $300, $206. BEAUTIFUL RIVERSIDE ADDITION Is situated just north of Salem, upon the banks of the Willamette. The land lays HIGH AND DRY and affords a magnificent view of the river. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Lots are selling rapidly in this popular tract, eighteen having been sold during March. The purchaso of lots here is a good investment, as they are sure to double in value within the next few months, when the street railway will run through tho addition. STREET CARS AT ONCE. Riverside is to be placed at once in close connection with the city. The street railway will be extended immediately and will pass through this popular tract. The Oregon Land Company has purchased 8100 feet of railway iron which is now on tlie way hero and tlie construction of the street railway line will louow suortiy. GO AND SEE THESE LOTS They must be seen to bo appreciated. They are dirt-cheap and have a a finer location than that of any addition to the city. NEW COTTAGES. Improvements are already being made and before many weeks a large number of new cottages will bo under course of construction In this pop ular and attractive suburb. Go and see these lots, make tho best investment of your life by purchas ing some of them while they aro cheap, and you will make a homo and a fortune at the same.time. The Oregon Land Company, Salem, ----- Oregon. weekly Capita a nnn iv U 111 11 III, These are positively the best lots for the money that can be bought ad joining the city limits. Tho tract has been platted and there are 184 choico lots. Anticipate the coming boom with a PROFITABLE INVESTMENT, By Ikying Lots In The CAPITAL PARK ADDITION, Represented By EX H. BELLINGER & CO. They Also Have a LARGE LIST OF REAL ESTATE Not advertised, which they offer at the very lowest prices, and invito every one having property for ealo and all INTENDING PURCHASERS, To Give Them n Gall. SALEM, Office in Armory Building, State St., - ' OREGON U?T A T -V Has Been Enlarged Intl Greatly Improved and Now Is Tlie CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON! BEST FAMILY ISAAC A. rm i r iwn ItML JkM Estate) MANNING, ATE BROIL BANK BLOCK, UP STAIRS, Salem Oregon Tl IN MARION' COUNTY. Read Our Reduced Terms I WEEKLY, ono year, R50. WEEKLY, six months,. ..$0.75 Now Read Our Discount for Gash I WEEKLY, one year, $1.00. WEEKLY, six inonths,.-...f0.50. WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THESNAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OP OUR ONE-'"HIRD OFF FOR CASH. Our Old Subscribers SHOO Excellent vacant lot one-half block from Capitol building. $2100170 feet frontage on Center Street near East Salem school. This week only. $1000 Corner' lot on Center street, near East School. $1600 Quarter block on Chemckete street. Centrally located. -:r mill Addition : Lots in MILL ADDITION; on Commercial and Front Streets; Only six blocks from the IJank Block. Prices very low for a few days. Street Railway construction .on North Commercial street to begin at once, which will pass through Mill Addition. Au Ice factory is to be located near this addition soon. Good water. Frontage on two sides. Natural drainage. Choice building sites. Ask for prices. : QUEEN ANNE ADDITION :- Advantages. Sewers; street railway line; excellent view: large lots; central location;- High and dry, and In every way choice building property. $150 to $500 per lot, and liberal rebate on completion of repi dence building. i - LA. MANNING ea' state 'nsurance Broker thiiwiuf Court. .M, A. M. Ashley, rvay. v. M. It. William, mlinliiUtrNtor of the ct tutu of Mark A. JIllliHvlweHtwl, and John F. Whelhurn, upim.; apical from Multnoumh county ; argued and hulnnlttwl. Joseph Lingett, ot al vs. W. S. Iadd, et al (vorwUlltf college owse); former opinion iiuhIIRwI, ami nients . Jlftttl'' wliluh are known to exist In iw remanded to the court tWIg portion of Oregon, and thuwuim! for lurlher protvedimr; oplnl ba worked on a paying buslt. Lord J A Wlfe-llMtfr, Mehatua come to tho front with wife-leater In the ierson of Frank ltnwor, who la committed lo Jail awaiting, the action of tho grand Jury. His preliminary examination wan conducted boforo Justice Marlon lUkew, and lie whs brought hero by oousUhle howls Fisher. Itowor h Huctitfed of making an -tt&mult upon hie wife with a dungy reus weapon. Now In arrears aro urged to take advantage of our big discount, by set tling old accounts and joining tho grand throng of ono dollar subscribers. THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER Hut a solid, potnaHont reduutiou. Wo have come to tay. TO ONE AND ALL l'uMJ. ' m, n. ii .mmb. r AH.?.m,us.J'urmuuos- If i waut to take advantage of our "one- hw ,"" "' ".; ; inmioii tor w8u," ami are not where you en got iostal notes or other mi i '"--j i -j "" " "ijirnni m wiiiiuiiig, wim us juur amuo i nu stale vou mi ii iHintlnue she will wwn have n will ruin It at tlrst nnnnrtunltv. TliUwiu iiiM ,...- ii.."-ii. young army ..fthew gentlemen. ilollnrllat. .-.-, iv...,uo WYLIE A. MOORES, Successor to MOORES & MANNING. REAL ESTATE BROKER, 817 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. LOOK HERE AT MY BARGAINS. $2100 Good house and lot on Commercial St., Jaclng Marion Square, for only a short time only, .,. f250-House and lot on Church St. A more desirable location can not bo fouud In the city. Hard finish throughout. side?lob3lloOrUer l0tS in Nrth 8alonincar ,ln0 of Street Railway. In- $7250 41 blookROlllninllKT tlm Wnnlon Xflll U- - .1 1 -J i'iVl1 ii?Vf lit lanrd iliHslicd rooms. Good Weil of water. Well "' iuifc iiu iiuugurueu janu. nR?il5X)T3ennCir(JsonHVV'ollPra,roroad ndjoining Parrish's addition r. . w ukuw uuu unru mm large orcnard, small trait etc $1760 Five acres on John Baker road. $550 Quarter block on Commercial St., South Salem. $S00Quartor block ir. South Salem, goodjhouse, orchard and barn. $425018 acres on Howoll Prairie road lilies from town. House, born and orchard. No fluor garden land around Salem than this place, COMJ3 IN AND SEE ME. --