Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 28, 1889, Image 1

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BET PAPER in salism: '
WYou will be r611 pleased with lt.-t
a. id vis it risis
ii ft P
"TA.fiT, ;:
s .'
JW'l'lie Terms are Aleut Itononnule"B(
VOL. 2.
no. 22.
( jfjft '
iw m
'First National Bank
VM. N. LADt'E, -DR.
.1. IIKYN0LD9,
JOHN MOIlt, - -
- - 1'icldent,
Vleo President.
- Cnshler.
Exchange on Portland, S.wr Fmnclco,
New1 York, London and Hong Kong
bought and sold. Btnlc, County and City
warrants boiicht. Farmers nro cordially
Invited to deposit und transact business
with ns. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops and other property at
i reasonnoio rates. Insurance on such se
curity can bo obtained nt tho bank In
most reliable companies.
- - $75,000
II. 8. WALLACE, - - Piesldent.
W. "W. MARTIN, - Viee-Piesldent.
J. tl. ALBERT, .... Cashier:
W.T,Gray, W.W.Martin,
J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace.
Dr. W. A.Cuslek, Ji II. Albert,
T. McF. Patton.
To farmers ori wheat and other market-
able1 produce, consigned or in btore,
proauce, consigned or in bit
ifther in private graxarles or
cuner in private graxaru
ipubllo warehouses.
Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Kan
Francisco. Portland. London. Paris.Berlln.
! Hong Kong and Calcutta.
T aiitl
This firm is well known to all the
i citizen of Saleni, and surrounding
country, as a firm that handles noth
ing but' reliable goods. If you need
' any thing in their lino call on
Look out for tho. spring stock that
! is arriving; it surpasses anything
that has ever been brought to Salem.
In the Bank Block, treats all Chronic
diseases of
On strictly scientific, principles. His new
Medicated Vapor Baths, Electricity nnd
Electro-Magnetism, Puro and Compound
Oxygen r not to bo had at any other Insti
tution on tne,
Pacific slope
Dr. Gilbert
U3UH uiuy
Offices and rooms especially fitted for the
accommodation and treatment of ladles
with ladies bath In care of Mrs. Gilbert. Dr.
Gilbert confl'ies himself to otlico practlco
nnd is, therefore, always ou hand to
wait upon his patients. Special atten
tion given to diseases of women and child
rcn. Terms strictly moderate.
Consultations F"re'e.
3-21-d w
For sale cheap for cash or upon
the installment plan. For particu
lars call upon ' q
355 Chemekcte Street, Salem, Oregon.
Proposals Invited.
Oregon Htate Insane Asylum invito
sealed proposals for heating tho state in
sane asylum with hot water. Plans nnd
specifications must be furnished by the
bidders. Plans of tho-bulldlng will be ,fur
nlshed upon application to Dr. Hurry Lane
medical superintendent, Halem, Oregon.
Proposals are also invited for an eleetrlo
light plant for the asylum of 600 lights of
IS candle power eocii, jnounuoscom tjjwtim
to be wired complete and ready for service
nnd subject to rigid tet. The right ito re
ject any and all bids reserved.
Bids will be opened at S o'woek p. in. on
Tuesday, May 7, IRSB.
...w ... G. WJ WKIIU,
Board of Trustees.
irk of Board. 1
WK. 4. MUNLY, Clerk of Board.
The Capital National Bank
t UK
LEO ULLIS Notary Public
Willis and
Ileal Estate and Insurance 4rats:
iVe Buy awl Sell Real
a General
Court Street,
We have oij our list u great variety ofvery desirable property for
sale, and as our business is not altogether confined ,to Ileal -Estato trans
actions, we' tiro able to furnish purchasers the3Jbatja"ins wlWplit claiming
unreasonable commissions. " .' i"
Our long residence In this' country and familiarity with its' condition
and peculiarities render us competent judges of when) thp best .lands arc
to bo found and purchases made.
We have faith in Oregon of its fiituro greatnessr ami especially this
section of the Willamettee Valloy. The" wan who Invests Here in real
property runs no risks, it will bo more profitable than bank stocks. Our
soil and climate aro not excelled, and" people nru flntliug It out. Now is
the time to buy.
We are situated so that parties making. Investments,' if desired Can
secure loans ou the most reasonable terms. ' ' ,""'
The following partial list will show somo o'f'Uio properties
we are ofleringibr sale. ' ''
ICO acres, CJ miles south of Salem, all under fence new barn and fair
house small orcliard road by the place. Payment down, balance on
time at 8 per cent. Prige 53,000. , . ; ,'
102 acres, 5 miles southwest from Gervais, good house and barn with
orchard 92 acres under plow. 1,500 down, balaiico on time.' 'Price
47.50 per acre. ", , ,
407 acres, 4 miles north of Salem, Improvements lirst-class 320 acres un
der plow plenty of stock water and range. ,WiIl"dlViila1laml. 40
per acre for Improved part. '' - ' ' . i . '
20 acres, 5 miles east of Saleni with house and barn small orchard
Some timber. Price 750.
100 acres, 7 miles east of Salem 80 acres ii pultivatlqhp in pasture
rest in young timber all under fenco-runniugwujiorj good house
barn granary orcliard sell stock if wanted. 27. per acre.
vf '' i ; . .
2G3 acres, 12 miles northwest of Salem on lino-between Polk and Yam
hill counties excellent land and good neighborhood all under fence
part summer-fallowed. Par. t payment down, balance oil time. 20
per acre. " v
320 acres, 13 miles east of Salem, all fenced 2 good houses fair barn
good orchard several springs ou,thq placerrgvocj ro'adg to, Salem. ,$3Q
pqr acre. , . .m-u u.. , i '....,
100 acres, 7 miles east of Salem well uiuiteretli.withibariiiaiftlqfcjiiiiril.
The lantMs. finely situated andcan bo'divided 'into two pUlcc-tho
roau running on two siucs pno-iiau muo iroin rauroau. .o per,
acre. ' " ""T-yr "'",''
200 acres, 12 miles eas.t of Salem excellent Improvements all in cultir
vatlon well watered and flliely situated. 5 per acre.
85 acres GO acres in growing grain fair .house Mid barn rl uprus
meadow lino young orchard one-half miltf fromij. O. crop goes
with place. Possession given nt sale. Price f 2,40!). t '
0 acres, adjoining east Salem with house barn- and loruhurd can bt
divided into 3-2 aero lots facing town has a, delightful viow will
be worth double present prico soon. $5,000.
850 acres, 15 miles from Salem 300 acres in cultivation two houses and
barns with orchard plenty of runnUigWtitar no better Btpck-and
i , .-., A
lana in jianou couiilv
fields and pastures. A bargain for
time to suit. 14 jier acre,
075 acres, 8 miles from Salem all under fence 330 utos at one tlmo tin
dor plow fine pasture land toad along ono side can bo divided to
suit purshaser. One-half down, balance,, pn Jong time. S17peracrq.
GO acres, 3 miles from Salem 1J acres in orcliard liu garden 50 under
plow balance good pasture good house utid barm, uV. clianeq for
somo one wanting garden property; $3,000. .
Store and stock of merchandise with warehouso worth SG003 also rasldenco
if desired, situated on O. &0. R.P., good, lucutiuiii for business nv
hotter grain section in me Willamette vaiioy.
Good house with one-half acre of land, in North Salem near streetcar,
line. whon extended If sold soon. 800. " - . - - '
Half block East Saleni, on mill creek with good house and barn.
Plenty of fruit 8250. , . . ,
Wf offer for the first tlmoS-ab'out 30 lotjJ A, ,J?. Wallux's additlgn to
Salem, ranging in prico (from $250't6 $6TJ0. "ITib lofliftlon irf lliilv-upon
the highest ground in EastSalem, over-looking t,httitIroiatyap(l in
plain view of all thoStnto Buildlnjfs, VilIi tbf Qomt mid, Oulo
JIountalnsintho(llstBCo, whiio
lasting snow pohkn.
Prompt Attention Given To All
110 III
Estate, Negotiate Loans
. - . -. . -j
Agency, ..Kusiftess.
Jf M, f x.
ft. Q'AVriA nocfifiM
V rywtif"- "
..I, '.. l 4 i .1, i.j., .. r, - . - .1 -
an iuiieuu--is uiriuuu niui muuy
some one.
Half down, balance on
stin ww.wpni loom up inn
h m
I it '
I t .
." u' i ph
0pkra house block, court st.,
; : Oregon-
coxnnxsED dispatches.
.Vsrmla,iit..booin is reported to
spreading throughout Germany.
IMs liuiioicd ihat
umMat'.V I&-4sirtky nnd
the French
that another
ciis's w'U soon occi'r.
hhough Br- 'ctBeecherStowe's
health Is com p. n ively good at pres
cut. it Isu'd .11)1' t her mind is a
i . mmt '.' '
eomj)iqirj tj'ieClt.
A5Joi''ir1l,000 men mid boys have
beknstypw), qtit of employment at
Fii-'s'o.i Pa.. by tho sliunhij, down
of the ni'ojQS.
Wid f 'ffies t'i'ef.ti'heported as ex
isting at lYiirw. Workmen are
rapidly. leftv'n'.uJid busliiess is al
most cnl'i'dy buspeiided.
Gilbeit Ilai'.ls, a wife beater, of
Gia Valley, Cal., wis duekea in a
hore trtn'ili n.id afterward soundly
whipped lihnseh.
Ex-P,eslilent Clcvel.'iid is being
liorio.tM bv The''lit'ih oflicials of
Cub.', aiid ins tour is beina fe really
eujoyed byhhiifcvlf vud- company.
Alloatiiiij wreck on the Atlantic
ocean is causing mucli speculation
as to what-ship his mot with dis
aster. Tlfo 'gunboat COiheria aud
tho ship Yoemaudel are oeiduc,
and it is believed to be one of these.
shixinq nticr-s.
Bhouldci-s.Sugar cuied.pcr lb.UJ 12;ic
llrciliiast bacon 15 tullc.
Hams Sugar cured, per lb, 10 ISc.
Beef 8 lSIKc
Pork 8 l-'Xc.
Mutton aI2c.
Veal-10 ( WXe.
Onions $ 2o.
Cabb.igrf lOOo per dozen.
Timothy seed Per pound, So; telling.
Red clover seed Per pound, lie.
' White Clover seed Per pound, &)c. "
Ueans Bo per lb., selling.
Oat meal Celling at 5 to 7c.
Whent 70c not.
Flour Per barrel, ?1.7j. ! ,
Oats Per bitshel, 20 25c. '
-llarloy-'Por bushel, wc.
Bran Per ton, SH ut tho mill. '
Shoits Per ton, S1G.
Chop Per ton, US.
Hops lluoted at l'Jo to lOo por lb.
Eggs. liU per dozen.
Potatoes Per bushel, 20;,
Corn meal oo per pound.
Chece 20o per pound.
Dried apples Per lb., Be
Dried plums Per lb. 78e.
Diied peaches Per lb. 10c.
Dried pruiMB Per lb. lOe.
Butter 2o per pdtm for good.
Lard Ho per lb. ,
Hams Per pounu,UlCc.
Bacon sides 12 per lb.
Shoulders 10c per lb.
t;iilckens--SS,t.50S5 per doz.
Hogs On foot 6JiK ,
Beel On foot 3 (g &&.
In. North Salem
House and lot corner Minion and
13th streets ; extra farm eight miles
from Salem; eighty acres rich land,
hcyen miles from Salem, 17 per
acre ; four bundled ' acres eleven
miles east of Salem, one of tho best
improved in tho county, 30 per
acre. For sale by
97 Stale St., - - - Salem.
The SaleiiiAljstract
' jAnd--
JIav6 rcmoVoil to building adjoining
Thompson' Jewelry storo on
-" ' v iCpniuierclnl street.
ic .,, . Mpney to Loan
Land for Sale.
Houses for Rent
Olii 11
751 Market st.tian I'ruiiclitoo
(Jo and learn how to avoid
dlMuite,ahd how unjulerful
ly you ure iiiikIb. (.xinitilla
floii and treatment pent ou
Ally or by letter or weak
ntpite Mid all tllMtawe of
men. Hond for book.
Private oltleo 311 Uttary streel.
JtW, AIJIBRT. Acnt. .,
t - . vi "V.1 "wr.'l
Halem, Ortgou
l r-
nnd etiiwcLtlli r the1 bMt
In the elty.
Important Events of the Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
Jiilm llrlrilit U Demi.
IjO.ndox, March 27. John llrigiit
died at 8:30 o'clock this morning.
His end was peaceful and palnles".
Ho had lain in n comatose condition,
since yesterday. All the family
were present.
Tho Oiiuraiitiiit Kntlvtl,
San Francisco, March 28. The
steamship Columbia, from Oregon,
which lias been in (p'araiitine for
the last fifteen dty&, was permitted
to conio lo tho dock yesterday, and
her passengcts "to be lauded, The
company s.iys the quarantine lias
cost them ten thousand dollars.
Miti MItil 13 Trou'iltt.
San Dn:ao, Cal., March 27.
Seiious tioubleis reported from tho
new mining camp five miles from
Santa Clara. The quartz, with free
gold, Is claimed by armed Mexicans,
whose lights aro disputed by Ameri
can prospectors, and bloodshed is
likely to ensue. Governor Torres
has been sent for, and is hastening
to tho scene with a squad of Mexi
can cavalry.
bomo Mort) Appoint nients,
Washington, March 27. Tho
president sent the following nomin
ation to the senate: llobeit T.
Lincoln, to bo niiuistcr to Great
Britain ; Mural Halstead, minister
to Germany ; Allan Pice, minister
to Itussla: Patrick Eagan of
Nebraska, minister to Chili ; Tlios,
Ryan of Kansas, minister to Mexico;
John Hicks of Wisconsin, minister
to Peru; Geoigo L Loring, minister
to Portugal.
A Hallway Ht'lt.
Albany, Or., March 28. Frank
Malone and P. Costollohave intltut
ed legal proceedings to recover
$46,o00 from Nelson Bennett, the
well-known railroad contractor.
Malonoand CosteUo stato In their
complaint that they entered into a
contract with Bennett to perform
specific work for tho O.-egon Pacific
railroad company, and furnished
supplies. Tho defendant, however,
neglected to carry out his part, and
tho plaintiffs uliego that they have
been damaged in the sum asked for.
Moro Nairn al Oils.
Columbus, O., March 27. A com
pany of Columbus capitalists, who
have been prospecting for natural
gas in this vicinity, sank a well at
Thurston, on tho Toledo & Ohio
Central, several miles from hero,
which proved to bo 11 regular
"gusher," the flow oxceeded that of
tho famous Karl well, ut Findlay.
The work of piping tho gas to Co
lumbus will bo begun soon. The
company has leased thousands of
acres of land In the vicinity of
. Coughed up 11 Snului,
Rochlsthii, N. Y., March 27.--Several
days ago tho lLnionth old
daughter of Mrs. Schultz, wliilo re
covering from whooping cough, had
a startling experience. Slio had a
paroxysm of coughing, but Mrs.
Schulz saw nothing very reniark
ablo in that. When, however, slio
became awure that a live snake was
poining from the little girl's mouth,
slio was horrified. Tho mother suc
ceeded in capturing tho reptile and
placed it In a bottle. Louisa ap
peared perfectly well as soon as the
snake, which measured 12J Inchon,
was ejected. The mystery now is
how It got Into tho child's stomach.
Tho reptile was of a grayish white
color and about half an inch in
j Iliiinlllullng Afl'riuit.
Washino'ion, Marcli 27. The
trouble between George A. Amies,
a rethed ollicer of the army living
In this city, and those having
charge of Harrison's Inaugural
parade, culminated this afternoon
in a scene in tho rotunda of the
Hlggs liotihc.
Major ArniuH walked Into tho
hotel, and after a few words pulled
the nose of Govornor Beaver of
Pennsylvania. The governor was
not hurt but Was angry, and, steady
inghimtolfagaliiBt thehotol counter,
seized Ills crutch, which serves him
in place of the leg he loft bohiud
during tho war, and aimed an ugly
blow at Iiltttmomy. Armas dodged
tho blow und it struck ono of tho
pillars of tho; hotel "rotunda. The
second blow aUo missed its murk,
and thq hotel policeman .ruahed up,
Attracted by tho noise, and pltced
Arniosunder arrest.
CliukauKts Coiintv
0!om tit inr.
Kltl'riC Thief
Oukgon City, Or., Maich 27. A
gentleman from Fahvicw gives the
following piMtieulars of the killing
of a desperate hoivo thief yesteiday:
The man had been tracked for the
past two weeks by reveral parties,
numbering in the a;igrognte about
twenty-five roolute men. Night
before latt the outlaw passed Roper's
barn twice, and stolo two chickens,
which he cooked. He was tracked
to a grove of trees near Fairvlew
station by means of peculiar foot
pi hits be made, the feet being
wrapped up in gunny sacks. Be
tween 11 and 12 o'clock lust night
lie stepped out from his wooded re
treat nnd discharged a pistol In the
air, remaining on the spot long
enough to locate the position of his
pursuers, when lie Hied his revolver
at three of them who were concealed
in a corner of tho fence near by, but
failed to U his mark. The posse in
front of him then advanced, and the
desperado retieated up the railroad
track without being awaro that an
other party of pursuers was right in
tho rear of him. The att-icked
party opened llro upon him, and he
returned it till a ball passed through
his right thigh and several buck
shot into liis face and neck. Fool
ing his wounds to bo fatal, ho filed
his Inst shot In tlio air crying out,
"Good-bye, .lohn," and fell dead.
A Young .Mil 11 ICIUimI.
Pout Townscnd, March 27.
Last Thursday while a parly of
land seekers weie near Pyshl, 11
young man named Thomas stopped
a moment to fix his pack. Later,
as ho had not come up, t'10 lest of
tho pi rty decided to (,o back and
look after lilni. On returning to
tho spot where they left hlin they
found him lying on the ground,
with his head horiibly mutilated
and his neck broken. The cause
was found to he the falling of a limb
from a tree under which ho was
standing. The body will bo sent to
Missouri for bu ial, where ho leaves
a family.
A Nmv HhIoiii.
San Fbancisco, March 27.
Postmaster Bryan intends inaugur
ating a now system of handling
mail on August 1. There will bo a
general redisricting of tho city by
which 113 boxes will bo designated
from which tho late collections will
bo made, while thoso located In the
business center of tho city will bo
emplcd every hour during tho day.
Tlieso boxes will bo painted red, to
distinguish them as those from
which such late collections us tho
hour designated on them will bo
Tho now system will prove a boon
to t lie business men, as tiioy will bo
enabled to drop lottors In tho boxes
just prior to tho departure of local or
overland trains and steamers, winch
will be collected in timo to ho trans
mitted. Ct'Huatliiii of Work at Panama.
Wahiiinoton, March 27. Secre
tary Blaine lias received a report
from tho consul of tho United States
at Colon, stating that work along
tho Panama canal lias entirely ceas
ed, and that tho West India negroes
are returning to their homes. Up
to March 10, fully MOO of the lattar
had already loft. The consul reports
great depression in tho biiHiuuns of
the Panama Railroad Company, and
they 11 ro suffering from the ciisls,
owing to tho loss of local tralllc.
Tvrrlhln 1 Valuing.
LosAnoblus March 27. A lit
tlo girl named Casey, of East Los
Angeles, who lias been sick for some
timo, hud convulsion this morning
during which she vomited up a liz
ard three Inches long. It Is sup
poed slio swallowed the leptlio
while drinking ata spring of Impuie
Ilittlfitii ami tint (Iritutii.
Nkw Yoiik, Murch 28. General
Budoau and Colonel Fi'.d Grant,
executors of the ostato of the lata
General Grant, have been sum
moned before the commissioner In
the matter of tho chargo against
Baileau of overcharging public- fees
when consul ot Havana. General
Grant was one of Badeau's bonds
men, and the government Is trying
to compel tho white to make good
the deficiency.
VUlunl to Show His Huutl.
Nmv Youic, March 27. The deal
between the Nortliorn Paelllu aud
tho Wisconsin Central, to bo deter
mined soon. Is no unloudlnir suhome
In tho interest of the Wlscon"'" I
Central. The big benefits are for
the Northern Pacific. Vlllard, who
is about ready to show his hand in
Nortliorn Pucllic affairs, lias big
schemes afoot for the good of the
Pioposetl Light-Ship,
San Fuancisco, March 27. Pre
parations aro being made for the
establishment of a light and fog sig
nal vessel off the nioulli of the Col
umbia river, for which congress
appiopriated 00,000. Captain Se
bree, light-houso inspector gives
1'rofessor Davidson, of tho coast
survey the credit of being first
to advocato this aid to navi
gation. It is expected that
the ship will bo built, equipped and
placed in position in a little over a
There is a maiden fudy in n city
not fur from Elberton, Ga., who Is
so constituted that she cannot live
out of water buta short wliilo at n
time. Alter remaining away fronl
a bath tub for a couple of hours, she
commences to faint and almost suf
focates, and to procure relief must
cover her entire body in cold water.
She lias in her room a pool or fresh
water, and in this she spends a
greater part of her timo both sum
mer and winter.
Mr. G. Washington Duke I hear,
fcdtt, dat yo's got a job on do
Morning Clarion. Whad yo' think
ob do profestlon of Journalism?
Mr.W. Scott Ciufl It am a per
fesslou, sub, which requires do clear
out head an' do most pow'ful corn
centeratlon of mind. No ordinary
111.111, sub could vush dose ten story
windows without diziness. Puck.
Inventor Edison lias patented a
steam " lingaugraph. " This "lin
gaugraph" is designed to bo used on
locomotives lit place of tho steam
whistle. Instead ot whistling once
for down brakes, it bellows the
word "brakes." It is all a question
of pipes, valves and keyboard, and
when tho thing is llnally perfected
it will toot the names of all stations
along tho Hue.
Citien (to Uncle Rastus) Well,
Undo Rastus, how aro you getting
on in tho grocery business?
Undo Rastus Why, I gues, do
boss am Very much pleased with me.
Do fust timo I come into do sto I
luk down do sian "No trouble to
show goods," and Instltootcd In
Its place "No trouble to receipt bills,'
and I deolar' do boss give me a plug
o' tobacco.
General McCIellun sovorul years
aijo desirjd to become personally ac
quainted with Captain Ericsson and
employed tho services of John New
ton, 0110 of Ericsson's few friends, to
obtain an audience. The captain
leplied that while ho felt flattered
by the request, ho was "too old to
make any now acquaintances and
must beg to bo excused."
Miss Bunker Hill 1 understand
that you belong to a Browning so
ciety In Chicago, Miss Wabash.
What Is your opinion of this great
Miss Wabash In metaphysical
subtleties lie is no slouch, hut tlicro
is no more lyrical slap dusli about
him thun'thcro Is hi a cold sausage.
Letter 1.1st.
Tho following letters remain un
called for in tho postolllcoat Salem
Mar. 2(1, 1880, persons calling for the
same, will say "advertised:"
Albert Geo M
Beiity Wm J-2
Bodnor Anna
Brown Maude
Armstrong F D
Berkley Rl
Burton Henry
Brcxton A II
Carlo II M
Craw Geo S
Calliighuii Dr J J Clodfelter Mrs
Dunlap Ellas
Duko Matthew
Herron Mrs J R
Hum Mrs. Win
Ulo Albert
Johnston Fred J
Millgan Purllo
Moraau James
Edward Mis A
Halter Victor
IIlo Robert
Jonston J
Maxwell J M
Milner A IC
Murphy T E
Mott Dr W S
McDonald Miss A
MoTodd Mrs L A
Nixon David
OdoiinelMrs Win Olonder Oscar
Puttou Mrs E Person C E
Price Mrs Mary Plumb Rowlund
Reed Guy Rice Isaac
Rlggs M iss Fanny Rethorford W
uoueriHon jus
Ktenhens U
Goiitl Davld-2
Bhuut Cant W P
Stono G W
Kettlomelr H W
Ktllllnger M
Scott Wm
Smith SG
Tuttlo Miss Allco
Tyler Lottie
mi Bohrun Rose
WhltoMrs. M vwiHoMrsA
White Miss Ids W
,'hlto Mrs H
West WIIUd '
Watson ww 8
Wood Mrs Eliza
Wllohlro W A
y-dllg It lb81
Young Miss. P