Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 26, 1889, Image 1

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    jp -TF!siwpisssssssssissssaswgii 'sm.
rr wiia. in:
ssssssssHftlfcTl Iili li pTsssssssM
3-YoU will bo well pleased w itli J-"
Tlie Terms nro Most Heasonable-S
sa J0fry-1--
NO. 20.
VOL. 2.
kw' -t . - -i u jc"k3wi m - wr t
Fire nnd Marine.
30K ALBERT, Agent, - - Hnlem. Oregon
Gencral IIouso Moving liaising
Work promptly donont rowonnulo rates.
Orders lea nt CAvnvu. .Toimin-at. omce
will receive nttentlon. 9-11-tf
To Cigar anil Tobacco Users.
Wm. Myers, the cl?ar munufiictnrcr, nflfcrs
yon special bargains In cigars una
tobneco ior the next montli,
His especial binnds are
His goods ore nil flr-t-clis. as lie hns bail
twenty-one jears epericneo In thu busi
ness of imimituctnrliiR nnii st-lllns elgurs.
Cigars by the box ut special r.iteH.
205 Commercial Stioet, - - Salem
nyono wishing to boaru nia qniei
and cozy mace. 111 llndtho object ot
'olr search at
Cor. Chcmelccte and Liberty SLs., Salem,
Where a lew select boarders can secure
Airs. C. A. Illco.
SlKs. C. Lacey.
Wishes toinform the Ladles of Salem that
thejgnro prepared to do trimming and
drcsshiaklnglunUlts dliler-
cnt branches In the
Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran
teed. Call and see them beforo nliclng jour
orders. Itt State street, up st.ilrs. Im.
Stop nt
For groceries and especially lbr tho best
COFFEE In tho city.
To your money uutil you see some
of the bargains In Heal Es
tate offered by
97 State St., -, - - Salem.
One-fourth block and fine resi
dence on Center street, only $20,50;
five and ten acre lots two miles from
Salem, dean prairie. Good house
and lot in block 48 only $1000, and
property-in all parts of tho city and
Fine residence property in Los
Angles .to exchange lor property
The Salem Abstract
Have removed to building adjoining
Thompson' Jewelry store on
Commercial street.
Titles Investigated.
Money to Loan.
Land for Sale.
Houses for Rent
751 Market At. Ban Francisco
no and learn how to wvy?
dlsouse, nhd how wonderful
ly you are made. Consulta
tion and treatment person
Ai... ... 1... lattnr ni wml;
neetea and all dli of
men. Sena lor uook.
Private ottloe 211 Ounry street.
Dainty little globules,
Pine, and white, nnd aweet.
Easy to be swallowed;
In their work complete.
No discomfort waking '
Inner grip, oraohlDg.
What are theT Why. PlereeV Pleasant
Purgative IMIeto the perfection of laxa
tives. Oorttaln not an atom of mineral
poison; are Mpeelally appreciated by those
whose tiwte re vol U irom tbeooan. violent
plus, viUIeh tear their way toroogh the
syttera like steam ears, actually doing
barm. Instead of good. Of druggUta.
Dr.Heree's Favorite Prescription cure
female weakness" and kindred aHmeHW
First National Bank
W.M. N. UYDUE, President,
DH. J. RKY'QLDS, - Vice President.
JOHN JlOin, Cashier.
Ecliangeon Portland, San Francisco,
New York, London nnd Hong Kong
bought and sold. Mate, Couuty and City
warrants bought, runners nre cordially
Invited to deposit tmil t-mnsncl business
with u.. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops and other property at
louVonnnis rate. Insurance ou such rc
curlty ran bo obtained nt tho bank In
most reliable comp uilos.
Capital Paid up,
It. S. WALLACE, - Piesident.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. II. ALllEItT, ,- - - - Cashier.
W.T.Gray, W.W.Martin,
J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace.
Di . V. A.Cuslck, J. II. Albei t,
T. McF. P.rtton.
To farmers on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or in store,
either In private ginarios or
public warehouses.
Stato and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn dliect on. New York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris. IJerlln,
Hanilvong and Calcutta.
Tiiis firm is well known to all the
citizens of Salem, nnd surrounding
country, as a linn tiint handles noth
ing but leliable goods. If you need
any tiling in their lino call on
Look oufc.for tho spring stock that
is arriving; it surpasses anything
that lias ever been brought to Salem.
at ms
In the Bank mock, treats all Chronic
uiseascs or
irra AvmvnMN
On strictly scientific principles. Ills new
Medicated Vapor natns, liiecincny uim
TC,An.w llnrmntlam l,rA firwl fTntTinniinfl
nrcron nro not tn linlindnt nnv other Insti
tution on the Pttcitlo slope Dr. Gilbert
... 1 nlnll. tHnA fiW 111
accommodation nnd treatment of ladles
with louies nam in curuui ..ire. unua "'
Gilbert conll ios liimsolf to oinco practice
nnd Is, therefore, nlways on hand to
.i. ..Ann lita mtioiitii. SnrrIM lttten-
lion gl en to dlsem.es of women and ohlla-
ICIl, icijiio nmvuj .....wv.
Consultations Free.
3-21-d w
For salo cheap for cash or upon
tho installment plan. For particu
lar cull upon
355 Chcraekctc Street, Salem, Oregon.
Proposals Ijivitcd.
1 Oregon State Insane Asylum Invites
sealed proposals fur heating the state in
sane asylum with hot water. Plans and
speolfleaUons must be lurnUhed by the
-- ... a. !-.. II. Iln rill 1. 0. Alt-
bidders, nansoj wie uuiwh "
ntehednpou application to Dr.llarry Lane
medteal superintendent, Salem, Oregon.
Proposals are also Invited for an eleetrle
ii,.i.. ninnt for the aarluin of 600 lights Of
30 candle power eaeli, lncandeseent system
tobewtredoompieteanuruj ur ra
.,i .uiu-w to rleld tent. The right !to re-
jeet any and all Wds reerved.
IHOs wll 1 be openeu ai z o wiw i.
Tuesday, May 7, 18W.
QMO. W. MeHltlDB,
Q. V WK11U,
Hoard of Trust eee,
WX, A. MUNLV. Clerk of Board.
LEO AVILLIS Notary Public.
Willis and
Real Estate and
k Buy
and Sell Heal Estate, Negotiate Loans
Transact a General
OPERA HOUSE, Court Street,
We have on our list a great variety of vory desirable property for
sale, and as our business is not altogether confined to Real Estate trans
actions, wo are able to furnish purchasers these bargains without claiming
unreasonable commissions. ,
Our long residence In this country and familiarity with its condition
and peculiarities render us competent judges of whore tho b-M lands aie
to bo found and purchases made.
AVo have faith in Oregon of its future greatness; and especially this
section of the Wlllamettee Valley. The man who invests Hero in real
property runs no risks, it will be more profitable than bank stocks. Our
soil ami climate are not excelled, and people are finding it out. Now is
tho time to buy. .
We are situated so that parties making Investments, if de-thed can
secure loans ou the most reasonable terms.
The following partial list will show some of the properties
wo are oflcring for sale.
1G0 acres, 01 miles south of Salem, all under fenco new barn and fuir
house s'mall orchard road by the place. Payment down, balance on
time at 8 per cent. Price 5,000.
2 acres, 5 miles southwest from Qervats, good house and barn with
orclmrd 02 acres under nlow. $1,500 down, balance on time. Price
$47.50 per acre.
407 acres, 4 miles north of Salem, Improvements first-class .120 acres un
der plow plenty of stock water and range. Will divide land. 10
per acre for Improved part.
20 acres, 5 miles east of Salem with house and barn small orchaid
Some timber. Price $750.
1"00 acres, 7 miles cast of Salem 80 acres In cultivation 50 in pasture
rest in young timber all under fence running water good house
bam granary orcnaru sen
203 acres, 12 miles northwest of Salem on line between Polk and Yam
hill counties excellent land and good neighborhood all under fenco
part summer-fallowed. Part payment down, balance on time. 52fi
per acre.
320 acres, 13 miles cast of Salem, all fenced 2 good houses fair barn
good orchard several springs on the place good roads to Salem. $30
per acre.
100 acres, 7 miles' east of Salem well watered with barn and orchard.
The land is finely situated and can be divided Into two places tho
road running on two sides one-half mile from railroad. $25 per
200 acres, 12 miles east of Salem excellent improvements all in culti
vationwell watered and finely situated. $35 per acre.
85 acres GO acres in growing grain fair houso nnd barn 1 acres
meadow- fine young orchard one-half mllo from P. O. crop goes
with place. Possession given at side. Price 2,400.
0 acres, adjoining east Salem with house barn and orchard can be
divided into 3-2 aero lots facing town has a delightful view will
be wortli double present price soon. $3,000.
850 acres, 15 miles from Salem 300 acres In cultivation two houses aiid
barns with orchard plenty of running water no bottor stock and
f,.rmlnrlini(l In MuriOIl COUIllV
fields and pastures. A bargain forsomc one. Half down, balance on
time to suit. $14 per acre.
075 acres, 8 miles from Salem all under fenco 350 iitos at ono timo un
der plow fine pasture land road along one" side can bo divided to
suit purshaser. One-half down, balance on longtime. $17 per acre.
60 acres, 3 miles from Salem 1J acres in orchard 4 In gardon 60 undor
plow balance good pasture good houso and barn. A ghanco for
somo ono wanting garden property. $8,000.
Store and stock of merchandise with warehouse wortli $f003 also rwaidonee
if desired, situated on O.&C. H.il.. good location for Utuinwss no
bottor grain section in tho Wlllamoito Valley.
Good house with ono-half acre of land, in North Snlem uenr struct oar
line when extended if sold soou. $800.
Half block East Salem, on mill creek with good houso and barn.
Plenty of fruit $8250.
Wf offer for tiio first time about
Salem, ranging in nrlco from $250 to $600. Tho location Is II m
tho hlKtittst ground In Bant Solora, ovardooklnif tlijitlruity
.'... Hi...,. -3-..II tlw. t5t IlnllrliilBV. with (no Cosi sUIll (
-kountalns In tho dlHtance, while
lasting snow peaks.
Prompt Attention (liven To All Inquiries.
Salem, : : Oregon.
Insurance Agents
Agency Business.
biock h wanieu. zi per aeio.
ail ieilCCU J iliviuuu lino mini'
30 lota In
A. E. Waller's addition to
Tho location it line, upon
ninii in
still oMtwrnl loom up thtoeover-
Impoilant Eentsof the Whole World
For Twtnlv-four Hours.
A Low Lorn Mulilon.
. Sacuamknto, March 2-). A spec
ial to the Dee from DavKvlllo says :
Louisa Freely, twenty yeais old,
committed suicide ye.-terday by tak
ing strychnine, bec.iii'-e her parents
lefued their consent to liermaniage.
It Was Loaded,
Sr. Louis, March U.5. I'.elleving
the revolver ho held to bo empty,
Wm. Clinelnuan, aged 15 yeais.
this aftoi noon snapped it at liirdio
Lucas, aiulthe bullet lodged in her
brain. The bullet was extracted
and tho girl is alive, although dan
gerously hurt.
An ll.icrr Kl'U-il.
Ogdiin, M:ieh 35 Put O'Hara,
for twenty years an engineer on the
Centra Pacific, but who recently
eifleted upon tho Ogden street
nun re: service, met ills death by
striking his head against an electric
light pole whllo looking out tram
his cab lrst nisi it.
i:r',i.nl to CmuiMVAleno.
Spokane Falls, March 21.
Tmck laying on tho Pacific exten
sion from "Wallace to Mullau, up the
south fork of the Ccuur d'Aleno
river was completed this evening.
It is understood that n load wi'l be
built on an air lino from Occur
d' Alone City to tho old mkion,,
when tho wholo lino will b3 conven
ed Into a standard gauge.
TlioNuu Cri-txer Yiirl.l'in 1,
Wahiuxhton, March ). Tlie
pccietaiyof tiie navy has appioved
thoiopoi'tof of tho tri.tl-bojird of tho
Yoiktown, and the vessel, inclu I
iug her fitting and mrchlncy, ex
ceolin thoolo tiio linlit plant, will
bo receptee', subject, to a special re
Rc of S0,0"" and to a (u'tlicr
reac-.'atiou oP5 "n0, tu bo held until
tho lighting pi ntshrUbo complet
ed and tolled.
On the Trull of IhuTiiiln Kobburn.
IIoliip.ooic, A. T., Maioll 25.
Deputy Shcr'fi'Laison and posfonro
still in pursuit of tho train robbers.
They went towaid Ton to llasln,
thenco towaid Utah, ciosring tho
Atlantic and Pacific road Within
ton miles of tho scene of tlio robbery.
Many express in tick's were found,
paitly consumed or burning. Tho
officers have now gone to Utah by
rail to head the rbbers off.
Six Wccl.s SiihiiciisI.iii,
Philadelphia, March 2-"). An
announcement was posted to-day at
all the collcrics In tho HlttHon region
including thoso of the Pennsylvania
coal company and tli.e small com
panies and indhidual operator,
notifying the men of a suspension
of six weeks duration. This will be
a terrible blow to the men, who for
months havo bcon on very short
time and nro now In a very poor
condition. About 10,000 men and
boys are affected by this suspension.
rillll'inl Of JIlltlllUMH.
Wahhunoton, Mai cli S. The
funeral services over tho icmalnsof
the late Associate justice Htanloy
Matthows weieheld this afternoon
at his lato residence, Dr. Hamlin
and Dr. Leonard officiating. Tho
piosldent, cabinot, justices of tho
supiomo court, iniuiv members
of coii'jioss and other pioininont
porsoiiH wero present. The lemains
were then ctiriicd to tlio Ilaltlmoro
& Ohio station and convoyed to
aiendlva, Ohio, for Interment in the
Spring Orovo cemetery.
Sorifd Him UlKht.
WABP Valllv, Cal., March 26.
At 1 o'clock Sunday morning Gil
bert Hariia of lioiton Itavlne, gave
liis wife a never!) whipping and
btiuek her ou tlu forehead with a
Ijnip, mukliiKii dungeious wound.
The woman's cilos. uroused the
people of tliolUvluoand a party of
young men atMcuihlod ui id dragged
Han is into Wolf Creek, ducked hhu
in a wittering trough and whipped
him soundly, laraud fentheraure
thnuteued If IlHrria dow not leave
before next Httturday night. Harris
wrvwl a term in tlio county Jail a
yeur ago for ife Ix'atlnjj.
.iri;Ui ut Work.
SiiMTLi:, Wunih 26. A wiieolal
from Br.oliomiwh aty: "Ijmt nlxht
(hit grocery store of -41. W. Itleliard
& Hon wiw euterwl by burglars,
who rol.bed the w.fe of IBM ii coin,
together with notut and niorlgHgt,
amounting by estimate tn t.TOO. En
trance watt made through n tide
.Luir 'Phi. uaff WUU (XIi1(mIim1 with
powder, a small hole being diillcd
through the door and plate just left
of the combination. Sacks of grain,
sand, elc., jwoio piled against the
safo to deaden the sound of the ex
plosion. The door was blown on
tlitily ofl", tlio front plate lying on
tho floor.
The bmulars look a small bunflar
proof safe with them.
Tito burglars wen captured while
Supplies Tor tho tl'lldu-y Helmut.
Washimitox, Maich 2,). Each
college or university whole an armv
oflkor is Minloned will be allowed
Ivio thiee-lnch liflod guns of
wiomht lion, valued at $450 ehcli:
two cirriages and limbors -and'ap-inirteilanois,
150 Springfield cadet
r'lles, and a cor.vspondiiv? number
of b. yoiiclfl, scalilmids and appen-d-ies.
Tho colleges are required to
give bond equal odoublo the wluo
of (lie a ms furnished.
AnimuiiMon will bo supplied as
follews: On- hundred blank cr-
rldges and 3C0 prim em for the lluoc
ineh guns, and fifty 'illo ball cnt
rldges for each c.idet engaged in
target practice.
Tiio s.iinotni Allali.
P'frv, March !M.,nhc Cologne
G.rc'tosiiys neither criminal nor
civil procedure is applicable to the
esc of Klein in Aineriea. It only
rem his for Germany to bring evi
dence ti'nd ist Mm heforu tho trl
1 of Aula includ! p the Amorl
oon u1. It may bo assumed
thcl when IJoir Strcubel, (lie nowly
unpol iLud Geiman consul, anlcs In
A pi? satlsfrctlon will 'ju demanded
fiom ah'taafa.
J'.miL'X, M ',e'i "I. "Mio Cologne
Cr et'e, cominen(l,i on (lie Sr
mo? i I'ostion, says: 'Owing to tlio
tUMUid of Amo.lc, It is natural
t)u Ceimniy should seek a full
agree, mt t Willi. Khir rid ueioro tno
Simoan cMn'cronco metis."
ol'i'iistuiiK t 'llionu That Need Tlimn,
Wahiiinoton, Ma eh 25. Cor-
poial Tanner says In regard to tho
pensions of soldiers of tho late war:
"I believe hi giving ovciy Union
soldier, his widow, or orphan, who
isin need, a pension, and giving it
to him as quickly as possible."
llepiescntatlve Chciulle, of In
diana, who knows Coi poral Tanner
intimately, says of him: "Ho will
give it pension to every ono who
needs and Is entitled to It, providing
congress will autlioiie It and give
him the Tnonoy. He already has
very great latitude, and can allow
now pensions anil Increase with al
most unlimited liberty."
Onrush it 1'iiillsaiislilp.
Washington, March 25. On
Saturday Wa.iamalcer made u pos
itive niinnouncumcnt to an un
named member of congiess, who
hud a very ofi'enslvo partisan post
ipaster lie was working to havo re
moved, that tho charge of ollouslvc
naillsanship would not bo bo re
garded as a sufficient cause for
removal. Smio other good retson
Would havo to bo given, and It did
not matter whether or not this
charge was attached.
Ckncluiul h hiipiu-Ntllliin.
Cleveland has on many occa1
lons since he was In office shown
that ho lias been controlled by super
stition. Only once lias ho stepped
over tho spot wheio Gin field fell.
Never, It Is nald, did ho leave the
While House by tho fiont door dur
ing tho long Intel vals when tho
badges or official mourning were
draped about tho columns In tho
front of tho Executive Mansion.
On all of these occasions, which
hue been quite nuinoioiiH Sher
man, Walle, Arthur and tho rest
the president always loft tho Whllo
Houso from tho Potomac side, and
it probably is a fact that no lesldent
of Washington has ever ccen lilni
leave tho White Hotuui on foot or
walk about the city. Those who
live the nearest to Cleveland say
that ho Is superstitious and that he
has always been haunted with the
dieud of some new (Jillteuu.
Captain Dawson tho murdered
editor of tlio Chiu teuton News and
Courier, Is ticcieditod wlih the
honor or abolishing duelling in
South Carolina. Ho was tho firut
prominent niitu hi tho state to refuse
to accept it challenge, and although
his reputation at first suflored
severely, hi carried Ids point, and a
duel In that state U now uiihonrd
of. For thin aullon he was decorum
ed by the Poie.
Prwliltmt Harrison' liking for
Munit JiHlslead Uof longstioiiUiiK'.
The two were whoohimtoj l their
An .Enisho Answer,
An English nobleman n short time
since was on a wedding tour in this
nun try. Ills bride was much
younger (Iian himself and very ac
complished and Attractive. The
iioMcinan cautioned his valet to give
ev.isivo answers to any questions
llii-t might bo put to him relating to
himself ami wife. Having stopped
over nllit nt ono of our leading
hotels, the next morning ho asked
his valet if ho h.d been asUed any
questions. Ho replied :
"Yes, lots of llieni, among other
questions (hoy asked me If you wero
married V"
"What answer did you give?"
asked (he nobleman.
T (old llieni you weie not married
but would bo in two weeks,'' was
hiu leply.
Ho Cm I'd.
A train over tho Day City load,
oiiilag into Detroit, picked up a
pissenger, and when the conductor
took up ills faro ho asked:
" How tur could a poison without
money travel on this train?"
"About half a mile. "
"And then you'd 'put 'em ofl"?"
"Would you put n woman ofl'?"
" I'd have to. r'
"Thanks. That settles it. My
old woman didn't want me to go
(o town, and she said she'd follow
me to tho end of tho earth. Sho'll
try It but sho ain't got a cent to
t a vol on, and when tho conductor
(hops her along hero I can Imagine
the look "
" Oh, lu that case I should let her
ride, " Inloruiptcd tho official.
"You would?"
"Then, If you'll kinder slack up
'hen you cross at Skinner's, I'll
kinder drop oil'and hoof it back. I
icekon she's got tho bulge ou me
and 1 might as well cave. "
DodnhiK mi IiitprtisKlon.
One day Dr. McCosh caino Into
tho mental philosophy class and
"Ah, young gentlemen, I havo an
"Now, young gentlemen," con
tinued tho doctor, as ho touched his
head with his fore-finger, "can you
tell mo what an impression is?"
No answer.
"What? No ono knows? No one
can tell mo what an impression is?"
exclaimed tho doctor, looking up
nnd down the class.
"I know," said Mr. Arthur. "An
impiesslon is a dint In a soft place."
"Young gentlemen," said tho
doctor, removing his hand from Ills
foiehead and growing red In the
face, "you nro excused for the day."
Extended observations Indicate
that the- sanitary condition of a
locality depends on tho amount of
water contained In tlio ground. The
years In which tltoro has been n
largo quantity of ground-water pres
ent havo invariably been the heal
thiest years, whllo thoso In which
there lias been a smaller quantity
havo Invariably beon tlio unheal
thlest periods.
The llov. John Drown, an English
cleigymuii, who lias been visiting
la this country, says that American
preicherd nro too fond of tho pk
tuiesquo. This tendency sometimes
leads thoni to dcsciibo forbidden
pleasures with such a literary sym
pathy that many unthinking peo
plo feel strongly Inclined to Indulge
In thorn, so that tho very object of
the sermon is defeated.
Tlio Colonel "My own darllug, I
hope you like tho bracelets; and let
mo be first to clasp it on that lovely
arm." May "Oh, Harry, It is Just
to beautiful. Dut It must liavo your
monogram on." Tlio Colonel "My
nionograniJYour addross and sweet
est, to Qxpross tho wish." May
"Yes, dear. So that I I can not
forget to whom I am engaged."
(CollapjfO of the Colonel.)
Ex-Secrutary of Stato Uayuril will
shortly loturn from Washington
with ids family to Ills old home,
Washington r Place, tn West Wil
mington, Del. Ho will retire from
public llfo altogether and confine
himself to Ids law practice.
John Scott Harrison, brother of
tiie president, is talked of as the
demoumtlo cujulldato for mayor of
Kansas Oily, hut it is, not believed
lie would necept tho nomination.
LkwiCCasss, who become Buchan
an' soeratnry of state at 76, was tho
oldest luaji who over entered j cab
inet. Alexander Hamilton was the
youngest of all cabinet olllcera.