raanftrtmrwS1 aiuu niajL'jwwBamnji ?OUR MORE MADE HAPPY. il..nn ,.nnra T 1in.Vfl A cakd : or . J" - " Lmn. suiferer irom v.iUo ente, and for tho past ten years I we been a BUtierer i" '""""' Wmntism and nervous uco.m,y. this condition 1 canio i .0. Mn.ndl MoMmy u-x live been restored 10 u.u. s, d I cheerfully recoinmcim mem the public. A1KS. ' WAIHlil, Olex, Oregon. SORE KYKS CUBED. Eugene, Or. Feb. 23; 18S0. Mn. EDiTen: iuy i k " bars old linsuecn iur mis yuau -iB.. niueinontnsaiiueieu wim Sw...- hntod con unctiyltis, compnuuuu fitli ulcers on the eye ball. I had ler treated by sonic ot tuo most Wmilnent physlcans in yincago, Kiere I resided Before coming here, Sit without success. The child was utting worse every day. Hearing Drs. Darriu, I consulted tneni in Igard to her case, and now, alter bee weeks, sue is Bronouiiceu piuu ally cured. Refer to mo a Sinnglleld, Oregdu. I D. J. urauani. CROSS EYEsjTIlAIGlITn-ED. Salem JOr., January, 1889. To the public : it micros mu ScaWe to sa that Drs. Darri u cured Sy little glrjf, 11 years old, of a very id cast orCross ot ttic ngm, uje. i eyeSwiB straightened as good as t-er iu tWXi operations, me eye id beerf in oxrossed condition for hore train seveilwears. this is not Mended for an advertisement, but sau expression of gratitude due to Parrln for theircareful and i-oflcient work. JMJ. TICHENOK. HEARING RESTORED. Editor Dear SiriI nave been loubled with deafuess for over flf- len years, jl appucii io tuo ura. irrin, and after a few treatments their wonderful electro-magnetic lethod of treatment, my hearing entirely restored, and now I In hear my watch tick for the first bie in many years. I can be re Ired to and seen In regard to my fee at any time at Howell jairie, or address me at Mao- y, Oregon. Henry Slough. Is. darrin's place of business. Drs. Darrin can be consulted free 1235 Fifth street, corner Main, rtland. Office hours, from 10 to 'clock daily : evenings, 7 to 8 ; idavs, 10 to 12. All curable ionic diseases, loss of manhood, od taints, sypnuis, gicet, gonor- eea. stricture, spermatorrnoeea, iinal weakness or loss of desire of ml power id man or woman. irrh and deafness are confidently I successfully treated, cures ot vate diseases guaranteed and er published in the papers, Cir- irs sent free. Most cases can elvo home treatment after a visit ilie doctors' oillce. Hie ofllces at Salem and Eugene Bclosed. Any persons under Itinent in that vicinity can call vnto to the Portland oillce. NEW TO-DAY. F OR bale a good CalUit tuts oillce. RIDING PONY. I NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE TO A ront. Inquire nt Mrs. Diamond's, 217 Front street. GORSETS.-FOU THE WILLIAMSON corsets with brnces nttnehed, cnll on or address Mrs. Frank Cooper, 230 Commer cial street, Salem, Oregon, lm, WANTED A MAN TO ENGINEER, drive logging team, cut logs and do some farm work, and his wife to board two or tlirco hands, without lodging, a house and Arc wood furnished. Inquire nt this office. lw. T10R8ALE. A FARM OF 320 ACRES I1 all under fence nnd cultivation. In the best rnngo country of Eastern Oregon The best chance ever offered for a man lo engage In stock raising. For particulars call on or address w.ir. BYARS, Salem, Oregon. AY. P. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER and Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Oillce with I; A Manning, Commercial St., Up stairs, New Hank Block. n VERS KICKS WW WANTED EVERY- IIEUE nt home or to travel. Wo wish to einnlov a reliable person In your county to lack upadvertlsments and show cards of Electric Goods. Advertismcnts to be tucked up every where, on trees, fences nnd turnpikes, In conspicuous places. In town and country In all parts of tho United States nnd Canada, bteady employment; wages S2.50 per day; expenses advanced; notnlKlng required. Local work for all orpartoftho time Addess with stamp, EMORY i CO., Managers, 211 Vine ht. Cincinnati, O. Applications Invited. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS for tho sale of school and university lands, and for tho Investment of the funds arising therefrom for tho Stato of Oregon, Invite sealed applications for the cash purchase of that portion of the Myers addition to the city of Salem yet belonging to tno stnto and con taining flft.v acres, more or less. Inclusive of streets. Tho right to reject any undall Dins is reerveu Dy me iinara. Bids will be opened at 2 o'clock o. m. nt a regular meeting of the Board on Tues day, March 2(ith, 18S9. SYLVESTER PENNOYER, GEO. W. McBRIDE, G. W. WEBB, Hoard of Commissioners. NAPOLEON DAVIS, Clerk of Board. POWI Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, a marvel of purity, strength and wholesomcness. Moie economical than tho ordinary "finds, nnd cannot be sold in competition with tho multitude of low test, Bhort t eight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal Hakinq Powder Co., 10U Wnll.N.Y. WELLER BROS.! THE LEADING r l 'Grocery and Provision Stere: )t 4c -K Proposals Invited. THE BOARD OF TRUSrEES OF THE Oregbn State Insane Asylum Invites scaled pi oV)sals for heating tho state in sane asylum with hot ynter. Plans and specification, must befurnished by the bidders. Plnrof thapulldlng will bo fur. nlsbcd upon apWIcwon to Dr. Harry Lane medical superlntWdcnt, Salem, Oregon. Proposals are alfib Invited for an electric light plant for j!he uWlum of 500 lights of 20 candle powr eachjyi candescent system to be wlredjpompletennkl ready for scrvlco and subjoit to rigid testThe right ;to re ject anynnd all bids rcsei Bids will be opened at 2 oxiocic p. m TuesdAy, May 7, 1889. SYLVESTER PENNOYER, GEO. W. McBRIDE, G. W. WEBB, Board of Trustees, Wit. A. MUNLY, Clerk of Board. uesoA IN THE CITY OF SALEM. Messrs "Weller Bros., invite you to call and &ce tho immense stock of Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Etc., that they are carrying. Everything tho market affords is always to be found at their market. b-Ncw Goods Received Daily ! -a Prices guaranteed to suit all. A trial is all wc ask of you, believing afterwards you win share your patron,age with us. Commorcial Street, - - - Oregon. A E. STRANG, No. :M3 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DKALEB IN- ANOS!! S mu I Lijil 1 i I' 1 1 Baidbridgo Mnnday Esq., Inty Atty., Clay county, Texas, : "Jtiave useu liiecinc uitiers i most happy results. My broth- Bso was very low with Malaria Er and Jaundice, but was cured imely use of this medicine. Am iiieu iiiectnc isitters saved nis T). T. WllenYsnn of TTorsi Ky., adds a like testimony, J Id have died, had It not been Slectric Bitters. ils great remedy will ward off. fell as cure all malaria diseases. ffor all kidney, liver and stom- uisoraers stanus unequaieu 50o and $1. at H. W. Cox's. -THE- -::- BEST IN THE MARKET" -::- For sale cheap for cash or upon the Installment plan. For particu lars call upon WM. S. ARNOLD, 355 Chemckete Street Salem, Oregon. A Bargain For Somebody!!! -To Exchangr for- lou Pittsburg syndicate has offered nld tho Nicaragua canal. rm Don't 'Experiment, (ainict jflcid lo wufcUtim- pxperimentiug when your lung in danger. Consumption al i seems, at first only a cold. Do permit any dealer to Impose up- fou with some cheap imitation )r. King's New Discovery for fumption, Coughs, and Colds, isuro you get tho genuine. ause-ho can make more profit ho tell you ho has something just Bod, or Just the same. Don't be lived, but Insist upon getting king's N ew Discovery, which paran teed to give relief iu all bat, Lung and Chest affections. 1 bottles free nt Dr. H. W. Cox's : Store. Large bottles $1. ill LAND! STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 49-Agent for tue RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 1813 DAVID T. WILLIAMS, -Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry. SALEM, 0KEU0N. Orders by postal card prompt- Clotnes called lor P. S ly attended to, and delivered. H O JVE B S -FOR THE HOMELESS!!! 12oo ACRES OF- VARIED LNDS -FOH Dainty Uttlo globules, Flne.and white, nnd sweet, Eaiy to be swallowed; In their work complete. No discomfort waking luner Brines, oraculn?. itarethpv wh. mAKU.ia -ti. A? i e.llot-tne perfection of Uxa- ,. oi,'" 1"i. aa aK)m mineral '. are especially appreciated by those ,3!Je..revoH" ,rom the coarse, Solent which tear their way torough the fof ssssa.r" llcrceii Favorite PremrlDtlon nim Me weakness" and kindred allmento, Sale or Rent. Quantity and Quality to Suit Purchaser. ADVANTAGES OF STEAM LAUNDRY. I. It does IU work thoroughly, however soiled the garment. 2. It docs its work promptly, as It Is In dependent of the weather. a. It does Its work harmlessly, not In juring tho clothes by unnecessary wear and tear, nor by tho use of Injurious chem icals. 4. Its charges are most reasonable, con sidering tho quality of its work. COFFEE! COFFEE! The Best on Earth is Dllworth's JAVA FLAVORED COFFEE. It is ready roasted and ouly 25 cents per pound package. For saloby ROTH & GREENBAUM, (The Opera House Grocers.) CourtSt. .... Salem NEW ADVERTISEJIENTS. ritorrssioxAi. cards. LOOK OUT ! Something is Going to Drop at BODWELL'S NEW SHOE STORE, 95 Stnto Street, ..... Salem. W contemplnton ehnne" of luislnes pooh, nnd will thereforojmake Sweeping Re ductions In ceituin lino ot Boots and Shoes Inorder to reduce our Mock ton minimum. Wo want Money! ou need Boots nnd Shoes. Come nnd oxntnlno Roods and prices nnd see if It will not pay you to lay in one or two j enr supply nt the prices we oiler GOODS MARKED IX FLAK FIGURES ! A child can buy as cheap n a man nt our store. We mean business, and if you wear Bhoes look us up. YOURS FOR "KOI.D KOIN;" BAILEY F. BODWELL, The Key to Success ! ! -a FOUND o- Success in Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly master Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping by borh Single and Double Entry, the nature nnd correct use of Commercial Panel's, Commercial Law mid Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work. All these arc needed in business, and are thoroughly tnucht by exper ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. xt Jmmjjux!umjaizmmawr ztxanscarTru i i jjnMjuiiuEg3y ADJOURNED ! -o- Tlie Legislature Has Adjourned JVIeet at trie to M AtJL n ,ml) To Carry Home Witli triem to their Wives and Constituents a Part of the Immense Stock of Dry Goods, dotting, Shoes, Hats, Etc, There Offered at Low Prices Astonishingly By the Capitol Adventure Company. B o B O O O T OPT H O B H H o O E E S WM. BROWN & CO. T J. JKNJJING D. D. R.-DKNTIST O uince in u ie .ow isanK mock, Com mcrclal street, Salem. loom. Blgu of the Wr aw T)IIYSICIAN.-MIIS. DR. M. E. JIcOOV I physician and Burgeon, has located1, and taken rooms over Squlro Farrar'u grocery store. I'lirnnlo illscnes a spec ialty. Consultation nee. l'J-UUiw IH,ACK-MITIUN. NOTICE. I'..T.I,AItsr.N,TIIK KKIJA1U.K Wagon ntaUor, has iiimril to I") lato st-rct, luiv Ingiomovcil Ills vinip In' ip o'il stnnd. Hit) Coinlncrclal sticut, n ..cmi'iit ot the erection of the now brick. .Mr. Ijirwin wllllu pleased to 5.00 htsotdruMomcrsntul ns many new ones as will slinro their ih tioniigo with lilin, at his new location. All work guaranteed. Next to Scrllwr A l'ohlo's shop. 1-27-tf. THE 0U) RELIABLE llincksmlth and Wagon maker, .lolin Knight is now fully established at his new qur.rteis on Liberty Street. Ho ii.e all the now inrlluuU In bis art and iimkCHO. specialty of diseases of horse's feet. Frank Lynch has charge of tho wagon department and does a general repairing: business. Tlicso gentlemen are too well known for us to try and recommend them as Mr. Knlgnt has been heio for 15 years. BLACKSM1TIIIXG and HORSESHOEING. SCRIBER & POHLE Ifnvo moved to 47 and 49 Stato street, whero they aro now ready for work. All our old patrons and ft lends are Invited to cnll and sco us In our now location. Wc are better prepared for work now than over having secured inure room. 10-l-t. BKACKSMITHING and WAGOXMAKING. IOIIN HOLM, TI1K OLD HKLIAHLK O IS'ncksmlth, has removed his shop lo eorneror Commercial and Chcmeketo St where ho Is ready to servo tho public llnv lngassoclatedwlth htm Mr. it. l)annoa,nn experienced wagon-maker recently fixmi Portland, ho Is now prepared belter than ever to do all kinds of wagon nnd carriage making and repairing; all kinds or black smlthlug and repairing, and a general horseshoeing business, lie has all kinds of shoes,stccl,trottlng, hand made, etc., and Ills them In n scientific manner. Special attention given to tho construction ot wag ons and carriages, ltciuembcr the place, opposllo Stnto lnsumnco building. 9HSCKI.I.ANKOUS. -: 1 S. Lamport.-;- TIIK HAIINICSS AND SADDLU MAKKU, 289 Commercial Street. MH LAMPORT has Just received a line linunfhlnglo and double buggy har nesses. Ho always carries THE LARGEST STOCK (11 saddles, whips, and oxcrylhltiR pertain ing to his lino of huslncss;in tho stato, out side ofl'ortliuul; ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Ilepalrlngdonowlth neatness and dispatch For B argains -1N- Family Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Etc., -GO TO- TIIOS. BURROWS, Commercial Ht, Snloni, Country produce of all 'kinds always on hand. If you have not traded with mo bo foio, I rcspcctlully solicit a trial bellovini; I can suit you both In prices and quality. -DEALnilS IN- Leather and Findings CASH PaID for Hides, 231 Commercial St., nd Furs, Salem, Or' Ay ml THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES Lands near H R, Facilities. A GOOD CHANCE For Particulars call at This Office. m n. Can ruralsn either Mesqulte or a mixture of JMIsqulle and Lincoln gnus.'on terms that will allow you to seed down your (arms at a cost of from CO to HOa per acre. AddresH. ' w2rod2w T, & JOttV, Box 81, Salem, Or. EN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WADE & CO . 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM, s Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Complete Slock of Hardware and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriage -Cnll and'Seo- T. I. CRONISE. Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIH NEW QUAKTERH IN THE Htato Insurance llulldlnir, Cor. Com mercial and Cliemclceta streets '0-1 tf PRINTING. 8NB OK TIIK LAKUhMT KSTAHMHH menu In the Htute. Lower rates than ..inland. Largest stock I.czal HlanliH lc tlio Htato, n-d ulcgest discount. Hcnd foi price list of lob nrlnllnif, and rnlaloguo legal blanks. 7C. M. WAITK, Htcnm Printer Halein Oregon H MAIIYL0US MEMORY DISC0VKRY. Only Genuine Syitem of Memory Training. Four Books Learned In one reading. Mind wandering a cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited. Great Inducements to eorroniKjiitfuuco Classes. l'rOBpcctui, with opinions of Dr. Win. A. Hammond, the world-famed HeclallKt In Mind Diseases, Daniel (Jreenluuf Tliomp son, the L'rcut Psychologist, J. .M, ltuckly I). I)., editor of the Chrlstluu Advocato ' N. Y.. Itlcliard l'rntor, tliBHchintlut, lions. V. V. Aslor, Judah 1'. Ilonjuman, and others, sent fkwt (retfby l'ror. A. I.OI8KTTK, 337 ririy Ave., N Y