"T , MflJJJjMNM' CAPITAL VOL. 2. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY MARCH 14, 1889. NO. lO. VI JOURNAL. MISCELLANEOUS. OLIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meet In Odd Fellows' Hall up stairs. Cornet Commercial nnd Ferry streets, every Sat urday at 7:30 p. hi. J. T. GltEQO. JA8. WALTON, Secretary. N. G. jok INSURANCE Cornpanr. Fire and Ma rine. f i . ALBERT, Agent, . Salem, Oregon HOWARD BROTHERS DO-tJ- "Genera! House Moying,. IUisiog Repairing. its drop Laric t Is a corporation duly organized and operated under the laws ot the State of Oregon. It began business In March, 18S8, with a capital "' ' " stock of 520,000. , FINANCIAL. First Nationa Bank x uunciau4tfi-rrjv TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events of the Whole World for' Twenty-four Hours. SALEM. OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, . DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MpiB, - - - - President, Vice President. Cosjiler. SEMI LOCAL DRIFT. Work promptly done unreasonable rates.' Orders lea at UAPitai.-Jqvbsai, office will receive attention. 9-11-tf To Cigar and Tobacco Users. Wm. ilyers, the cigar manufacturer, offers you special bargains In cigars and tobacco lor the next month, His especial brands are 4 ' SALEM SPORT ' and " OPERA BELLE. " Ills goods are all first-class, as be has had twenty-one years experience In the busi ness of manufacturing and selling cigars. Cigars by the box at special rates. W'LLIAM MYERS. 205 Commercial Street, - - Salem KgjffiwBiNrp-jB55jBBMIBK;SvfTi UjiJjMI GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at tho bank In most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY The First Sale Made By This Company Was in April Last. BoarderS! Anyono wishing to board at a quiet and cozy place, will find the object ot their search at MRS. M. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemokete and Liberty Sts., Salem, Where a lew select boarders can secure board. Mrs. C. A. Rice. Miss. C. Lacey. DRESSMAKERS and TRIMMERS. Wishes to Inform the Ladles of Salem that they are prepared to do trimming und dressmaking In all Its differ ent branches In tho "LATESTSTYLES" Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Cull and see them before placing yi orders. US State street, up stairs. lr our m. WE FIND THAT PEOPLE ALL Stop at, L. S. WINTERS For groceries nnd especially for tho best COFFEE In the city. HEAL ESTATE. Hold On! During tho nine months which havo since elnpsed It has mado 107 sales to 104 different persons.1' Of the purchasers 85 have bought farming lands. It has also, during-this tlfrio sold 61 residence lots in Salem. Of those purchasing but -25 were resldonts of Marion county prior to purchasing. The remainder were from the following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomah Qo.4 Clackamas Co. 1 Yamhill Co 1 Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas 10 England 2 Colorado 2 Washington Territory'7Iowa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 California 8 Nebraska 7 Ohio 3 Wisconsin 1 Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Pennsylvania 2 Unknown 7. This shows that sales arc not confined to former residents of this local ity, but that people are swarming1 in from the East to make their homes among us. Tho business of this company is constantly increasing. More than half of its sales have been made within the past three months, al though this is a season of the year when sales are usually dull. The company has from 15 to 20 men constantly employed. It has representatives on Puget Sound. Ithas three men in Portland, twoot whom glvo ittheir entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, who last year Introduced so many immi grants Into this State, is now In tho East lecturing aud distributing advertising literature exclusively for this company. He will start to this State with his first excursion on the 4th of April next. This company is now spending more money to advertise Salem and the surrounding locality than The Salem Board of Trade and All Other Agencies Combined ! Within the past twelve days it has paid for and contracted for advertising to tho amount of Over Fifteen HimdrcJ! and Twenty-Rye Dollars, TleCapital National Bank i i SALEM Capital Paid up, Surplus, - - OK- - OREGON. - - - $75,000 - 10,000 It. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBEBT, r - - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSi W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J, M. Martin, It. 8. Wallace. Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. H. Albert, T. McF. Patton. A Illg IWIn Storm. San Francisco, March 13. A rain storm has extended within tho juat iwcnty-iour nours oyer every portion of the state, injuring crops everywhere. In tho tho northern part of tho state the rainfall has been phenomenally great, but It was needed to enable mining opera tions to be propeily carried on dur ing tho coming summer, when the supply of water usually falls short. With the rainfull of to-day in San Joaquin valley and the southern portion of the state all fears for crops In those localities havo disappeared A Smooth Scheme. Chicago, March 18 Alfred Post, who was formerly a clerk of tho Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy railroad, and recently representing an alleged western freight bureau, has been living in a gorgeous stylo at first-class hotels and buying overythlug cheap Unit lis could buy In tho way of claitns airalnst rail roads, and by his knowledge of the inner workings of railroads ho got full value, and he induced a number of capitalists to take stock in his concern. The SU; ton Election. Our Stayton correspondent says wo wore mistaken In regard to tem perahco being the Issue In their late election. Thero was no "Issue" and no tickets, and all tho names voted for were temperanco men, but question entered into the election. no A Firm Ckuifies. This afternoon Mrs. Sarah Fuller ton sold her interest In tho Arm of Brown, Fullerton & Co. to Mart Rowley. Tho business will bo con tinued as formerly. A HlK Sale. Tho 100 acres of Dairyman Rice in Soutli Salem, adjoining tho Bush tract, it is reported, wero sold to Portland parties this mornlna for $20,000. An Alunknn Qlncler, LOANS MADE To furmers on wheat and other market- o proauce, consigned or in sti either in private grauarlcsor ablo produce, consigned or in store. public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Son Francisco. Portland. London. Purls, lterlln. Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. BOOT nnd SHOE DEALERS. This firm is well known to all tho citizens of Salem, and surrounding country, as a firm that bundles noth ing but reliable goods. If you need anything in their lino call on Still After TimcoU. Chicago, March 13. Word has been received from A. J. Stone and party, who went to Rat Portogo, Canada, in pursuit of a man sup posed to bo Tascott, tho murderer of Snell, that a few days beforo tho ttrrivalof Stone, tho subject received a ttlegrain from Chicago. Ho re tired us usual that night, but by next morning he had disappeared, giving no traco or notico to his em ployers. Stono has gone in pursuit To your money until you see some of the bargains In Real Es tate offered by THOMAS & PAYNE 97 State St., - - - Salem. One-fourth block and fino rSl- dence on Center street, only $20,50; five and ten nnrn lntar.wnmllpn frnm i Salem, clean prairie. Good house Sand lot in block 48 only ?1000, and i inoiwriy in an parts ot tho city and Icountry. Fine residence property In Los rAngles to exchange tor property here. iTheSatem Abstract and LAND CO,, Have removed to building adjoining Thompson' jewelry store on Commercial street. 'Titles Investigated. Money to Loan, Land for Sale Houses lor flent. CALt AND - ' SSB US. DR. JORDAN'S MUSEUM OF' ANATOMY 751 Market t.fian FrahcUco . CALIFORNIA. noasd learn how to.ayold dUease, ahd fco w6ndwluk lr jpurt mad.' CdufflG? Hon aba treatment pen pa Mi w uy leucr or yr etui neea and all dlseaase of lnn-; Bn(l Sir ImnV Prl yW offie U uatry Jreet. The second edition of the company's pamphlet descriptive of Salem and the Willamette Valley is now in press. Tills Is an edition of ' TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Of a beautifully Illustrated fifty page pamphlet. Wo cannot advertise so extensively in our home papers as wo wish, for the reason that parties whom we most desire to reach are residents of the Eastern States, where these papers do not circulate. Wo do not advertise eycry sale we make In the local press, but we have advertised in more than ONE THOUSAND, PAPERS In the East, as wo depend upon Eastern buyers for the great bulk of our patronage. During the. next few months our advertisements will bo read by millions of readers of Eastern newspapers, who will thus bo placed. in direct communication with us, and nearly all of those who como to this caast,wlll come- ticketed for.tho office of THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. For these reasons parties desiring to sell will find it to their interest t place their Jands in the hands oftbls company. ' If you twish , to '' ' ' sell property leave it where BUYERS COME TQ BUY ' ,',. If you wjah.to, buy property como where property Is left for sale. Your neighbors have laud and don't want to buy. PEOPLE p.Q. Our adyertUemeuts catch the eyes of Eastern people everywhere. We haef&teBAnd.wmfortableconvDyanoes.readvjatiall times .day n'iget, to convey parties to the properties we havo for sale. DON'T BE MODEST. You an welcome to ride with us whether you buy or not. WM & El Look out for the spring stock that is arriving; it surpasses anything that has ever been brought to Salem. Now Hampshire Went Wot. Manchistku, N. H., March 13. Returns from one-third of tho vote indicate that If tho ratio is main tained in the remaining towns there will bo 3,000 majority against the prohibition amendment. This added to 5,000 major' v in the cities, there will be a majority of 7,000 in the state. Tho steamer comes to a stop im mediately under the ice-wall that towers five times higher than the vessel's topmast. The deck cannon is fired point blank at tho front of the glacier; a moment of silence follows and then a thundering echo rovcrboratos among tho gloomy crags. The craok of the rending Ice and crash of falling fragments add Inspiration and excitement. But right beforo you, as you look up: at the-towering wall, a huge pinnacle from the vory summit cleaves Itself from tho mass, and the npparant slowness of the decent is sublimity itself, because it curries with it the measure of Its stupenduous vastness and lnopreciablo height. It topples Into the watery abyss with the roar of cannon discharge, aud Solids huge foam-crested waves rolling in break ers on the shore, tho resulting swell from which tosses tho steamer like a toy. II. V. RomlngtoiL Fire at Eugene, Eugknk, Or., March 13. Tho fire here this morning consumed a small unoccupied residence on tho corner of 11th and Myrtle streets. Death From Damp. London, March 13. Twenty per sons wero killed by an explosion of flro dump in tho colliery at Wrox ham this afternoon. JIAXf PAH WAV Pfl l iviXlLi tx X, vUi (Limited Line.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - - Receiver. On and after Feb. 18 18S9.ond until further notice trains will run daily (except Sun day) as follews: EAST SIDE, CobunTSfiOT From Port' land or 1jV.11.3u am Ar. J0.UO Lv. 2.15 p in " 2.28 3.1A Ml ll.'f) &53 4.0.1 4.1U 4jv 4.3!) 4.47 5.80 S.S6 CM 8.11 0.24 7.20 7.2S 8.-03 8:37 930 Tortl'd'MTill HTATIOK8. ,'I'ow'rd Port land CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Ar 10:15 Commutlon mile oir fU Connection 'OIITLANDI'JW v Foot of Jef son, Su iuiv'h utnuing, Ht. Paul's, Woodburu, Tpwnsend, Mt.-A'ngel, Down's, ' Hllvcrlon. Johnston's Mill' Switzerland: ' KagtHJfioJunct.J Xumgvlllc, West Stayton UP Crossing, WestKelo, CrabtriH!, Hplccr, Tutln)an, Flalnvlow. Hrownnvllle, Rowland, Ar. l.lO.pin, Ar 1.80 12.47 12.00 11.19 11.40 11.21 U.14 ll.UO 1P.-J0 Cobunr. AH LV Tickets at at stations Ray's at two Lr VM 9.1S 8.40 8.28 8.09 w 0-48 W 5.30 4:io ara cents pdr havtlng azenu. and Fulquart Landing with Steamer "City of Salem " . ,JHAK. N. SCOTT, Receiver, General Office, N WCor, First and Plat St Portland, Oregon. Sullivan the slugger is jusigottlng over hisblgspreo atBrideport Conn. His effort to reform expired pdq. The California legislature, during its recent session, appropriated a cool million dollars for various pub tio institutions. The 500 kegs of beer recently seized ut Iowa City have, upon the order of tl justice of the peace, been returned fo the browing companies. Neal liw has declined to run a theprolrbltlou candidate for mayor of Port In nd this year. This Is for tuuute, for now the Portlanders will not have to Neal Dow-n to l)im. England hai taken udvantago of her1 superldr forces to seize Point Barima, over which Venezuela has always held undisputed sway ; her right to do so was universally recog nized and undisputed by all other nations Great Britain herself In cluded. For tho irst time slncp the begin ning of his revival' series at San FrancIsco('j Tuesday nights Saml Jones spoke In an Impassioned earn est manner, without once relapsing Into slang orcven indulgingfln any of the peculiarities of language which were supposed to be uncon sdouson hlsipart' and due to his Southern birth' and education. The fair conclusion, after hcariug his talk, would certainly be that the blangnud vernacular are assumed for enact1 and that Mr, Jones can speak as correct English as any one when he so elects. Preserving l'gs. Eggs, to keen well, must bo gath ered every day, and beforo tho hen lias been sitting upon them over night. For packing use buckwheat, or outs, and slaked lime, eight quarts of tho packing with one of tho linio well mixed. The linio is added to prevent dampness. Uso a tight wooden box with a cover, put In a layer of tho packing and then the eggs on end, then more packing nnd vice versa, until the box Is filled so solid that tho eggs will not shake when turned. Tho box must be turned ovor every few days nnd must bo kept in a cool place where tho eggs will not freeze. Treated in this way, they como out so nice and clean that they require neither wash ing nor wiping. 8am Jones A Rain, At San Francisco tho other night Sam Jones said : "What a young man wants is a father to support week by week, and in that way draw, the ii)auhood out of him. Someof these young fellows aren't worth tho powder and shot It takes to kill them. But you say 'I want to save money for Sally aud the children.' Just you wait till you're out of tho way and see how quick Sally will got her new teeth and the children buy a new lot of clothes. You'd bettor have been spending somo of that money yourself." Somo one remarked that a man had left his money to a saloon-keeper, becaso his son-in-law was spend ing his Inheritance In that way, "I tell you, you may rako brought damnation with a line-tooth comb, aud won't find a meaner man than a drunken son-in-law. I suppose sortie of you havo wives keeping boarding houses to keep you lazy devils. You ought to be taken ou t and have your heads chopped off. "But you say, 'Mr. Jones, that would bo murder 1' No It wouldn't, for murder Is tho unlawful killing of a human being. "Now, speaking of liquor, there's the man that makes it, tho' man that sells it, tho man that gets drunkon it and tho man that rents the house; aowifyou can separate those four you can get mo, for to separate thpso fellows Is beyond toy philosophy." Genuine, now. buckwheat flour, and a fino article of talilo. syrup, at the Grunge store, J2 State street, Salem. tf. allUlRLVKi-!dl " -TnffM fflr zLinis