&.! maA ft CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 2. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY "MARCH 12, 1889. NO. R. MISCELLANEOUS. OLIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Fellows' Hnll upstairs. Cornet Commercial nnd Ferry streets, overy Sat urday at 7:30 p. m. J.T. QREdO. JA8. WALTON, Secretary. N. G. JNHUnANCK Company. Fire and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon HOWARD BROTHERS General House Moving, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly done at.reasonable rates. Orders left nt Capital Jouiinal office will receive attention. 9-11-tf To Cigar and Tobacco Users. Wm. Myers, the cigar manufacturer, offers you special Dargains in cigars ana tobacco tor the next month, Ills especial brands are ' SALEM SPORT ' ' and " OPERA BELLE. " HIb goods nro all first-class, as he has bad tweuty-ono years experience In the busi ness of manufacturing and selling cigars. Cigars by the box at special rates. -Wri,L,IA.IvI MKRS. 203 Commercial Street, - - Salem BoarderSI l uyone wishing to board at a quiet A and cozy place, will rind the object ot their search at MRS. Tvl. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemekete and Liberty Sts., Salem, Where a low select boarders can secure board. ilrs. C.A.llico. Miss. O. Lacey. DRESSMAKERS and TRIMMERS. Wishes to Inform the Ladles of Salem that tuey are prepared to do trimming and dressmuklnglnalllts differ ent brunches in tho "LATEST STYLES" I'rlces reasonable nnd satisfaction guamn teed. Call and see them before placing your orders. 05 State street, up stairs. lm. WE FIND THAT PEOPLE ALL Stop at L. 3. WINTERS For groceries and especially for tho best curaj&is in mo cuy. KKAL ESTATE. To your money until you see some of the bargains in Real Es tate offered by THOMAS & PAYNE 97 State St., Salem. One-fourth, block aUd fine resi dence on Center street, only $20,50; five aud ten acre lots two miles from Salem, clean prairie. Good house and lot in block 48 only ?1000, and property in all parts of'tho city and country. Fine residence property in Los Angles to exchange tor property here. The Salem Abstract and LAND CO., Have removed to building adjoining Thompson' jewelry storeon Commercial street. Titles Investigated. Money to Loan, Land for Sale, Houses for Rent. CALl. AND SEE US. DR. JORDAN'S MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 731 Market st. Ban Francisco CALIFORNIA. Goand learn now to avoid disease, and bow wonderful. It you are made. Consulta tion and treatment person ally or by letter or weak neasea and all dlseasse of men. Bead for book. Hold On? Private offieoll Qeary street. m Oregon Is a corporation duly organized and operated undiir the laws of Oregon. It began business In March, 1858, with a stock off 20,000. The First Sale Made By This During the nine months which have since elapsed it lias iunde 107 sales to 104 different persons. Of the purchasers 85 have bought farming lands. It has also, during this time sold 01 residence lots in Salem. Of thoso purchasing but 25 were residents of Marion county prior to purchasing. The remainder were from the following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomah Co, 4 Clackamas Co. 1 Yamhill Co 1 Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas 10 England 2 Colorado 2 Washington Territory 7 Ibwa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 California 8 Nebraska 7 Ohio 3 Wisconsin 1 Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Pennsylvania 2 Unknown 7. This shows that sales are not confined to former residents of this local ity, but that people are swarming in trom the East to make their homes among us. The business of this company is constantly increasing. More than half of its sales havo been made within the past three months, al though this is a season of tho year when sales are usually dull. The company has from 15 to 20 men constantly employed. It has representatives on Puget Sound. Ithas three men in Portland, two ot whom give itthelr entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, who last year introduced so many immi grants into this State, is now In the East lecturing and distributing advertising literature exclusively for this company. He will start to this State with his first excursion on the 4th of April next. This company is now spending more money to advertise Salem aud the surrounding locality than The Salem Board of Trade and Within the past twelve days it has paid for and contracted for advertising to tho amount of Oyer Fifteen Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars, The second edition of the companyrs pamphlet descriptive of Salem aud tho Willamette Valley is now in press. This is an edition of TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Of a beautifully illustrated fifty page pamphlet. Wo cannot advertise so extensively "in our homo papers as we wish, for the reason that parties whom we most desire to reich are residents of the Eastern SjStategj whee Hipa nnnors do not circulate. Wo do not advertiso every sale 'wo1 mako in tho local press, but we have advertised in more than ONE THOUSAND PAPERS In the East, as we depend upon Eastern buyers for tho great bulk of our patronage. During tho next few months our advertisements will be read by millions of readers of Eastern newspapers, who will thus bo placed in direct communication with us, aud nearly all of those who come to this cuast will come ticketed' for the office of THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. . h For these reasons parties deairiug to sell will find it to their Interest t place their lands in the hands of this company. If you .wish, to , ' , ' sell property leavo it where BUYERS COME TO BUY ;' If you wish to, buy property come where property la lea for-sahv Your ""neighbors have laud and don't want to buy. ' EASTERN PEOPLE DO.' Our advertisement catch the eye of Eastern people overy whore. - Wb havaflyo teiurls Vn comfortable conveyances ready at alj timeaday or, nlget, to convey parties to the properties we have lor sale. ' DON'T BE MODEST. "Vqu are welcome fo rideTrlth ua whether y6u buy or not. Lane Company ot the IStato capital Company Was in April Last. All Other Agencies Combined ! . . ' FINANCIAL. First National Ban SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, ..... President. DH. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOin, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchanco on Portland, Han Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank in most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY T (1 OF SALEM OREGON. Paid up, - - $75,000 - 10,000 Surplus, R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. .1. II. ALHERT, ,- - - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSt W. T. Gray, "W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, It. S. Wallace. Dr. V. A.CusIclc. J. H. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In prlvato crauarlosor publlo warehouses. Siale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris. Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. ' DEALERS. This firm is well known to all the citizens of Salem, aud surrounding country, as a firm that handles noth ing but reliable goods. If you need anything in their lino call on ft Look out for the spring stock that is arriving; It surpasses anything that has ever been brought toSuIeni. OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. X SCOTT, - - Kecclver. OnnndanorFob.l818).ai)duntUfiirthcr notice tiulns will run dally (except Hun day) as follews: BAST SIDE, CoburgMull "Porll'd Mall Tow'rd Port 1 land From Port land STATIONS. lv,11.3u am Ar. I0.U1 Lv. 2.15 pm PORTLAND PAW V Ar. 4.10.p ill. Foot of Jefson. Bt1 Ray's iAtndlng, Ar 1.80 Ht. Paul's, 12.17 3.UI :ll 11.1') aja 4.UJ 4.10 4.H5 4.39 4.47 5.80 Woodburn, Towiisond, McKee, Mt. Angel, Down's, Hllverton. Johnston's Mill Hwltzerland. 12.00 11.4(1 11.10 11.21 U.14 11.00 10.V 10.10 10.07 11.18 9.18 8.W East Hide Junct.J oincieay, Aumsvlllc. WestHtayton flsa 6.60 6.14 424 8A1 ,7-20 7.2 8:0:1 8:37 9:20 10:15 p m O V Crossing-, WestBcto, Crab tree, Hplcer, Tallman, Plalnvlew, llrownsvllle, Rowland, 8.40 8.23 KM 7.31 713 tMH S.1S 5JM Cobunc. 4:30 am Ar All LV Lv Commutlon Tickets at twolcents per mllo on sale at stations navjinj agenu. Connection at Ilay'i and Fulquart Landing with Hteamer "Cityof Hatem " nilAM. N. BCOTT. Itecelver. General Offices, N W Cor. First and line 8t roruana, uregon. TlieCapital National Bank BOOT al a TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events of the Whole World for Twenty-four Hours. The Forty-Third Star. Washington, March 12. A very strong delegation from Idaho spent the last week in Washington, aud aro much encouraged over the pros pects of statehood for that territory. This delegation called upon Sena tors Piatt and Cullom, of tho sen ate committee on territories, and both gentlemen assured tho delega tion that Idaho's admission should be the first thing submitted at tho coming session of congress. Tho senate aud house committees have already recommended the admission of Idaho by a unanimous vote, and do not hesitate to declare that imme diate admission will follow tho re assembling of congress. Disappointed Miners. Los Angeles, March 12. A Los Augoles gentleman who has just re turned from Tla Juana, met a num ber of experienced miners there who said that tho Santa Clara placer mines woro frauds aud that there would bo much suffering among tho crowds that were Hocking there. They stld the authorities were try ing to keep unfavorable reports from reaching San Diego. Only about$10, 000 worth of gold had been taken out by the Mexicaus, and half that much by experienced miners. Nothing Known ot It. Washington, March 12. At flic state and navy departments tho same reply, which is now becoming somewhat monotonous, "Wo have no information," is made in answer to tho request for sonio news regard ing tho alleged destruction of tho Nipsic. Walter Blalno says the de partment of state utterly discredits tho story. Attempted Sulvtdu. Lr.iiANON, March 11. J. Hyde, an aged resident of thisplace, father of J. T. Hyde, attempted to commit suicide at about 10:30 o'clock this morning. Ho had been in poor health and dejected. Ho went to the barn and cut his throat with a razor. A physician was called in, and after dressing tho wounds pro nounced him entirely out of dan ger. Almost u Burglary. Victoria, B. C, March 11. Pro fessional crooks drilled u hole in Henry Saunders' wholesale gro cery hall safe last night and set off a chargo of powder, but failed to open the safo. The papers inside were scorched and tho edges wero charred. A largo amount of money was in tho safe at the time. Presidential Appointment, Washington, March 12. Tho president sent the following nomi nations to tho serrate : Thomas W. Palmer of Michigan to bo minister of tho United States to Spain ; John F. Swift minister to Japan ; John D. Washburn of MassachusettG min ister to Switzerland ; George Tlch enor of Illinois asslstantsccretary of tho treasury, vice Mayer, resigned. Out on Mrlkes. Fall River, Mass., March 12. A weavers' strike for an advance in waires occurred yesterday, and is one of tho most serious in the his tory of tho labor troubles hore. Tho weuvini; departments of fifty mills aro practically shut down. Six thousand weavers aro idle. The ex tent of the strike is a surprise to tho manairora. who expected only a few mills to bo Involved. A bitter strug gle is anticipated. To Abolish Polygamy. Chicaoo, March 12. Bishop John Sharp of Salt Lake is in the city to day, and to a reporter, talking of Utah niralrs, said that tho Mormon church Is willing to abolish poly gamy if necessary. "For what," ho said, "can a mero haudful of us do ? I hod two wlver, but under tho law I put away one of them, and, although ho is no longer my wife, I continue to sup port her. I bidleve in our religion, but we will not antagonize the law of the country, and will try to llvo up to it in nil respects." Watklml's Damage Suit. Ai.iiany, Or., March 12. In tho circuit court the suit of W. H. Wat kinds, of Portland, against the Southern Pacific company for $10, 528 damages for injuries recently re ceived by falling from tho compa ny's sidewalk at the Lcbadon depot, was transferred to tho United States court, on motion of the railroad company's attorneys. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Surveying parties for Alaska are preparing to go there to setttle the boundary between Alaska and Brit ish Columbia. A fearful battle and massacre oc curred at Haytl between the troops of Hyppolito and Legitime. The town of Grand Saline was utterly destroyed. Men, women and chil dren wero destroyed without pity. Points of Personal .Mention aud Notes of News. Wizard Oil Concerts. Remember, only two moro nights of tho Wizard Oil concerts. An other screaming farce to-night. To morrow night tho handsome gold watch, bought at tho owelry store of W. W. Martin and fully warrant ed by him, will bo given away and everybody will bo there, so thoso who wish to bo sure of a good seat should go to-night. They not only glvo a now program each evening, but each one seems, If possible, better than Its predeces sors. Every lover of good singing and clean, jolly fun should attend for concerts like theso aro seldom within our reach. Harney Count) Ofllnlals. Gov. Pcnnoycr to-day appointed officials for the newly created county of Harney as follows, with county seat at Haruey: W. E. Grace, clerk; A. A. Cowing, sheriff; T.J. Shields,. judgo; J. F. Morrison and T. B. Jones, commissioners; Wm. Harvey, assessor; L. B. Baker, school super intendent; W. It. Gradon, surveyor; V. J. Miller, treasurer ; S. B. Mc Pheoton, coronor. SliritKME COURT. Belt vs. Spauldliii? et al ; former opiulou adhered to ; opinion by Stratum J. E. C. Cross, admr. et al, vs. Mary L. Baskett, admix.; former opinion adhered to ; opinion by Stratum J. Furgeson vs. Jones; motion for rehearing donied ; opinion by Lord J. A. N. Church resp. vs. Jno Mel ville, app.; appeal from Multnomah county; argued and submitted. Salkm, Marcli 12, '89. Some Ham JonoNlsms. No wonder Sam Jones is popular. Ho will get oil" by tho hour a lot of odd stufl HUo tho following, and overy now and then often strike right where It docs tho most good : "I don't go much on culture so called. Do you know I once knew a fellow that spoke seven languages, and ho lied onco out of eyery three times ho spoke. They put me down as an ignoramus. I've had letters saying 'Jones, tell us your nationality aud color.1 Well, I tola them I was a Caucasian and tor color I'm a yel- low-bufl". But If you tako mo for an ignoramus you'll get left. You ask me why I mix my language so for ? I tako short cuts. Tho devil does the same thing and gets then while the Christian is pulling on his boot. I'll tell you what, though, if my sentences aro as distorted or out of shape as the fashionable women of this town, I'll well, I'll quit, that's all. "But I tell you it's no use talking, when God's given a man a wife witli six or eight or ten children, the Lord's done a big tiling for him, but when he gives a man a wife and a canary-bird well, he Just throwsoft' on him, that's all." Owing to this changeable climate, It U difficult Ui preservo a fair complexion and our fair sisters are annoyed by roughness of the skin, chaps, red nose, etc. Jf llutara s npccinois appneu w iud wo uu Umnnm nlvht nnrl fTinmln?. Ik CltAT tLUil fcealtby complexion can bo preserved Portland, Oregon, March, 25 Bold by D. W. Mtbew A Co, There aro 440 children In tho Roset bun,' school district.