Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 08, 1889, Image 4

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Recital of the Daily Doings Compiled From
Various Sources.
Happenings Over tlio City and
From llio Country.
Connty Court.
Mrs. Johaun Coflcy tiled her bond
iii sum of $1400 us guardian of
Jniiics, Mary, Margaret and Isabel
Coffey, minor heirs.
The sule of real estate by Geo.
Bettlomiro as guardian of Cameron
Pendleton, minor, was confirmed.
In the matter of the salo of the
Elisha Veazly to M. Mitchell, by J.
A. Mclntire, administrator sale was
In matter of II. Stelnhouser, a
citation was ordered.
M. J. Downing was appointed
guardian of Everett C. Downing,
minor. His bond was fixed at
Agricultural Board Meeting.
The Stato Board of Agriculture is
in session this afternoon at their
quarters in tlio stato house. The
The meeting promises to be one of a
great deal ut importance, as many
matters pertaining to the fall course
are to bo arranged.
Among the members of tlio board
who aro present, may be mentioned
J. T. Appcrson of Oregon City, T.
G. Richmond of Dallas, Wm. Gal
loway of McMinnville, J. F. Miller
of Portland, M. "Wilkins of Coburg,
D. II. Looncy of Jefferson, and J.
Q. Wilson and J. G. Wright of
Known in the East.
Salem must by this time be known
pretty generally throughout the
states of the east. She is constantly
being advertised thcro. Tlio Salem
Land Co. have their advertisement's
In a largo number of tlio most wide
ly circulated papers in the principal
cities. The Inquiries that result
from these advertisements aro an
swered by a select compilation of
statistics and information. Como to
Salem to live.
A Bad Runaway.
This morningabout eleven o'clock,
those that were in the vicinity of
Ford's livery stable, witnessed quite
u lively runaway. Tlio Dallas stage
had deposited the mall at the post-
ofllce and the driver, Alonzo Brown,
then started todrivc to Ford's Livery
stable, where he nuts his team at
noon. As lie was nearlng the stable,
the switch engine came along, and
frightened the team. They started
up Ferry street at a lively rate, and
the bridle bits broke, which made
the driver powerless to hold them in
check. They ran into the wood
yard back of the stable, throwing
Mr. Brown out of the hack and
bruising him up considerably. He
received a very painful bruise on the
forehead ; the stage was badly de
moralized, but the horses escaped
unhurt. Mr. Brown is a very care
ful driver, and had tho bridle not
broken ho would have stopped tho
Ed. JounNAii : Recent events
have caused the citizens to look
around to tho city laws, and And
out, in fuct, whether wo have any.
In our present condition anything
can bo presented as city law. Com
mon consent or custom is not gen
erally good law. Evidently our
law, if wo have any, is worthy of
being trotted out and exhibited to
tho people who aro expected to obey
it to make expense from time to
time without any probability of en
forcing any law, and getting tho
officers into trouble. Tho Haas
bridge case, and thoalley ditchnorth
of court house aro samples. It is
not profitable. Inquireu.
Five Prisoners
in the
Coino to Servo Terms
The sheriff of Clatsop county ar
rived in the city this morning, bring
ing with him five prisoners who
had been found guilty and sentenced
to terms in tho stato institution,
They were as follews: Ned Her
vin three years, convicted of rob-
Charles Dahl, three years, for
William Johnson, two years, for
larceny from a store.
J. Malin, three years for robbery.
N. T. Livingston, ten years, for
attempt to committ rape.
Livingstone is a professional
school teacher, but a natural fiend,
as tho crime was committed against
a Miss Cab.111, a little elght-yeai old
girl under his care, and was per
formed under circumstances of such
brutality as make one shudder at
tho very possibility of the existence
of such monsters. The prisoner
was arrested last winter, Mr. Cauill
having walked three days through
mud and rain to reach a justice of
the peace before whom he might
swear complaint. The arrest of the
inhuman monster followed quickly,
and his trial resulted in tho speedy
conviction and a sentence for ten
years of penal servitude.
News nnd Notes of General Interest to
Tlio Westerner.
An Oxonian's Del licli t.
The heart of tho native Oregouian
was gladdened by tho regular winter
weather of this day. A gentle rain
has deseeiided during tho day and
tho ground will soon ho well soaked.
Should this gentle "mist" continuo
for a few days it would bo folt along
tlio river in tho form of a rise of u
few inches.
(J ray's Harbor Boom.
Tlio Coos Bay News says: There
is a boom at Gray's Harbor, conse
quent upon tho terminus of a rail
road from the interior having been
selected at Hoquiam. From a let-
ler received from there last week wo'
learn that Tlios. Minott, formerly
book keeper at North Bend, has
struck It rich. Mr. Minott secured
100 acres adjoining tlio proposed
terminus, which our informant
states is worth from $20,000 to $50,
Home Agnlii.
Among tlio passengers on this
morning's overland train from Sau
Francisco, were Eugene Broynuui
nnd wife, Wm. England and wife,
Miss Lena Broyuian and Eugene
Willis. Thov return fully rested
ami report having spent an enjoy
able winter amidst tlio llowcrs and
tropical scones of California.
The Vocalist.
The medicine advertising com
pany which Is appearing nightly at
tho opera houso has some pleasant
features about it. Tlio singing is
good that of tho three voices.
Tlioy harmonize nicely, and tho
baritone is fine. Tlio comedy of the
entertalninont Is very heavy.
.NrarlUK tie Mud.
Studd and Hurku will continuo
their gospel meetings to-night, hut
will rest to-morrow evening, resinn
ing Sunday night. They aro at
tho Presbyterian church and all aro
invited. This closes the fourth
week of their evanj-ellHllo work In
An Kralnent l)lne.
Rev. G. J. Burchott, Baptist
superintendent of missions, will
occupy the pulpit at tho Baptist
church in this cltyon Sunday morn
ing and ovonlng next. Ho Is a
lluont talker and a deep thinker.
A new school house is to bo built
in Philips' addition.
Tho chair factory is running full
time, and all business is looking up.
A Mrs. Gilbert Leo died last Sat
urday. Sho was tlio wife ;of a new
Tho town Is booming. Every
houso is full. Every night from
threo to six strangers aro thcro in
quiring for land and several pur
chase. J. E. Denton Is holding a meet
ing there for tho Christian church.
Ho is described as a good speaker
and one whom all parties like .re
gardless of creed.
At Sllverton they have had a
school election. Tho tonipcrauco
candidate was elected by four votes.
There is some question as to the le
gality of tlio election under tho now
law. Tlio election was held under
tlio new law.
There will probably bo a cannery
started there, our Informant savs.
And ho also adds that tho reporter
for the Siftlugs of Portland Is In a
closo place, Ho is the man who
tried to blackmail Dr. Gilbert.
Tlio said reporter is a professional
detective. That is enough.
A;iiliit Wliolexalo 1'rayur,
In Jail atjllullas.
V. P. Kerr, tho young follow
who shot a man of tho same name,
near Parker a few days ago is in Jail
at Dallas, awaiting trial. It is Bald
the shooting was for a trivial otlbnso.
A .New Uroetry.
M. T. Rlnonian, late of Mcrrll,
Wisconsin, will soon occupy the
Dugau storeroom, on Stato street
with a select stock of groceries.
Salt of Torre Uu.
T. J. Cninlho Iuih purchased three
lota In tlio Oregon Laud company's
Riverside addition. Ho paid for
them (520.
Uttlo Ola was being put to bed,
and as usual, her mother waited to
hear her say her prayers before bid
ding her good night. To her sur
prise she did not say them.
"Oh, my dear, say your prayers,"
said her mother.
t'l am not going to say my pray
ers," was tlio reply.
"Why not?" asked tho astonished
"You don't say your prayers, pa
pa don't say his, and as for praying )
for the whole family any longer I
shan't do it."
For your Paints, Oils, etc., go to
Gilbert & Patterson's. d-lm
For Sale A good riding
Call at this office.
Painless dental operations at
Dr. T. C. Smith, 92 Stato street, tf.
A mail car will bo placed on the
O. P. between Albany and tho bay
next week.
The number of inmates at tho
penitentiary was increased by flvo
A nicely furnished houso to
rent. Inquire at Mrs. H. Diamond,
247, Front street.
Mrs. J. S. McCain returned
homo to-day after a visit with her
eon R. L. Farmer.
Tlio ladies of the M. E. church
will give a national social on Fri
day evening, March 22d. Particu
lars hereafter.
Salem is tho second largest city
in Oregon. Tho Joubnaii doubts
not but that this will bo disputed,
yet it is a fact nevertheless.
Albany wants tho reform school
located thoro because she has no
stato Institutions. Salem, Eugene,
Corvallls and other places have.
We aro celebrating tho great
inauguration Hhis week by offering
special bargainv'in farm and
city property. JseTtfcr. fall In the
procession wjiilo tho" picnic "
lasts. DunWK, Ellis Booth,
09 Stato St.
A good soaking rain began
about eleven last night and con
tinued during a great part of the
day to tho relief of those who began
to bo anxious. It is said that the
oldest Inhabitants never saw so dry
a spring.
Oregon offers untold induce
ments to the immigrant. Tho Wil
lamette valley is tlio best part ol
Oregon. Of this garden spot Salem
is tho center. In Salem is tho groc
ery store of Squire Farrar, where
prices aro always low and goods as
represented. tf.
Ladies who desire to walk over
the bridge are often met by drunken
brutes staggering from ono side to
tho other. This naturally intimi
dates them and mars that otherwise
beautiful walk and post of observa
tion. No person should bo allowed
to walk about who is so drunk
that ho is ipcapable of walking
straight or behaving decorously.
His place is somo prison till ho gets
Olympla has its first dnlly paper,
the Evening Olympian.
Mumps, measles, whooping-cough
and diphtheria have combined to
closo the schools at Cove.
John LaChapelle, the Portland
pioneer boat-builder, died nt Forest
Grove a few days ago.
Ira D. Sankey, tho evangelist, is
now on his way to the Pacific coast.
He was a co-rellglonist of Moody.
In the days of Dr. John Mc
Laughlin, deep water vessels un
loaded their cargoes at Oregon City.
Roseburg, not to bo outdono by
other cities of the valley, is prepar
ing to put in a sy tern of waterworks.
Ex-Senator Slater is yet alive,
but is becoming weaker. The
physicians have little if any hope
for his recovery.
The work of grading tho Astoria
& Soutii Coast railroad has com
menced. The work, for the most
part will bo done by the farmers and
laborers of Clatsop county.
At Mills City tho boom is progress
ing. There have been eight or ten
lots sold in Hobson's addition on
Linn county sido this week, on
which there will, be good houses
Moody is in California, Sam
Jones is on the coast and Sankey
will be in Oregon in a few days. If
there does not occur a big religious
awakening throughout the Pacific
Northwest we will have to inquire
the reason why.
What Ho Will Do With It.
Wide Avenues, Beautiful Lay of land, Full lots,
Magnificent Yiew, nnd Perfect Drainage.
Corner Lots Only
Inside Lots Only
I. V. Williams, of Philadelphia is
an old man and a very rich one. He
has no wife, no children. Ho has
rightly decided to devote a consider
able portion of his great wealth to
public use, and lie has wisely de
cided to do it now, in his lifetime,
instead of putting it oft until his
death. He has selected seven, friends
of his, solid citizens like himself, as
the trustees of his bounty. Ho has
explained to them, according to the
newspaper report, that he wishes to
found and endow a great school in
which boys may learn tho useful
mechanical trades, free of cost; that
he has had tho project in his mind
for thirty years past; that ho js
ready to put five millions of dollars
into its execution, and more if more
is needed. Here, indeed, is a noble
example for the other millionaires of
the country.
Owing to this changeable climate, It Is
dllllcult to preserve a fair comploxlon and
our fair sisters are nnnoved by rouehuess
of the skin, chaps, red nose, 'etc. If
Dutard's Specific Is applied to tho faco and
hanas night and morning, a clear and
bcalthy complexion can be preserved,
Portland, Oregon, March 25.
Sold by D. V. Muthews a Co.
These are positively the best lots for the money that cau bo bought ad
joining tho city limits. Tho tract has been platted and there are 184
choice lots. Anticipate tho coming boom with a
By Buying Lots Id The
Represented By
They Also Have a
Not advertised, which they offer at tho very lowest prices, and invito
every ono having property for salo and all
Office in Armory
Building, State St.,
"Wylie A.. Moores,
Successor to MOORES & MANNING.
Real Estate: Broker.
A ferry Mrente.
Tho county court has granted a
ferry license to F. M. IlenUiieut
Btayton. Tills is across thoSautlam.
A flood Cap of Coffee
Is a great attraction for a restau
rant. The coflbe drawn from Hcl
loiibraiid's Patent Coft'co receptaclo
Is ouo of tlio many Great Attrac
tions of his eating parlors. Thous
ands of cups of his excellent cofl'eo
are sold every week. And as for
oysters and meals ho cannot bo
equaled in the state. tf.
Tho Standard Oil Company
seems to bo crawling around tho
South California oil fields, and
colling its folds around tho whole
region. Kvery Important And Is
shut off, and several pretended com
panies have been founded to do uoth
lug but J m pod o and delay.
meklea Aralea Salt.
The best naive in tho world f.
mis, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrluuh.
.fvvr sores, tetter, chapped han I
I'hllblaitiB, corns, and all akin itiij
Hon, and positlvy cure plle, ..
no puy required. It la guaranty
t give perfect satisfaction, or iuudim
refunded. Price 25 cents per bos
For eala - Dr. H. W. Cox.
Shoulders.Sngnr cured.per lb,ll 12o
jire.uciiiHt uucou a ia toiujic.
Hams Susar cured, per lb, 10
neel s imc.
l'orls 8 l'ic.
Mutton 0l2c.
Veal-10 12V.
Unions 2o.
Cabbage 100c per dozen.
Timothy seed Per pound, 8c: selling,
Hod clover seed I'er pound, 12o.- ,
White clover Beed Per pound, 20c. ft
Itainti 5o per lb., belling. -
Oat meal Selling at 5 to 7c.
Wheat 70c net.
Klour l'cr barrel, (M.75.
Oats Per bushel, 20 25c.
llarloy l'er bushel, 60c.
limn Per ton, $14 ut tho mill.
Shorts Per ton, $15.
Chop Per ton, SIS.
Hops Quoted at 12o to 10c per lb,
Kjrus I2WW per dozen.
Potatoes Per bushel. 20c, .. ,
corn meal c ner nound. . "
Choese 20o per pound.
Dried apples Per lb., 5c. ' ,
Dried plums Per lb. 78o.
Dried peaches l'er lb. 10c
Dried prunes l'er lb. 10c.
Butter 25 per pound for good,
Lard lie per lb.
Hams Per puiind,lj15c.
Bacon sides 12J per lb.
Hlioulders 10i" per lb.
Clilckens-S$:t.50(8$5per doz.
Hoss-Ou foot 55Vi
lleef-On foot a S&c
-:- L
317 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
$2100 Good house and lot on Commercial St., lacing Marion Square,
for only a short time only.
$2500 House and lot on Church St. A more desirable location can
not bo found in the city. Hard finish throughout.
$200 Corner lots in North Salem, near line of Street Eailway. In
side lots $150.
$7250 4J blocks adjoining tho Woolen Mill site. Good house and
barn, house has eight hard finished rooms. Good well of water. Well
set to fruit and fine garden land.
$4500 Ten acres on Howell Praire road adjoining Parrish's addition
to Salem. Good house and barn and largo orchard, small fruit etc.
$1750 Five acres on John Baker road.
$550 Quarter block on Commercial St., South Salem.
$800 Quarter block ir Soutii Salem, good house, orchard and barn.
$425013 acres on Howell Prairie road 1 miles from town. House,
barn and orchard. No finer garden land around Salem than this place.
Formerly of Moores & Manning
It is couerullr mnivdnl hr nhnlMim
that about one-half of the. population of
tho United titatea aro sufferlnir from In-
uiKcsuuu uuu 1'ynperwia, uurrieu canng
and Improper mastication and Insallva
tlonaffooUure the principal cause.. Dr.
Henley's Dandelion Tonlo strengthens and
Invigorates the digestive organs and en
able ono to enjoy a hearty meal without
aner enecu.
Mathnws 4 Co.
any unpleasant after efleci
ooia oy u, w,
A Setiositjo Hist.
Gonuino now buckwheat flour,
and iv flno article of tablo syrup, at
theG range store, 126 State street
Salem. tf.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothlug' Syupr,
for children teething, is tho prescrip
tion of one of the best female nurses
and physicians in tho United States,
and has been used forty years with
never-falling success by millions of
mothers" for their children, During
tho process of teething its value is
incalculable. It relieves tho child
from pain, cures dysentery and
diarrhoea, griping In t no bowels, and
wind colic, By giving health to
tho child It rests tho mother. Price
25c. a bottle. ly-w.
Comamptioa Cared.
An old physician, retired trom practice
nnving una piaceu in nis nanas uy an East
India missionary the formula for a aim
pie vegetable remedy for the speedy and
jiennanenlcure of consumption, lironcbl
its. Catarrh, Asthma, and all throat and
lung Affections also a positive and radical
cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous
Complaints, after having tested Its wonder
ful curative powers In thousands of cases
has felt It his duty to make It known to
tits suffering fellows. Act ur ted by this
motive and a deslro to relievo human suf
fering, I will send free of chargo, to all who
desire It, this receipt In German, French
or Kngllsh with fun directions for prepar
ing aud using Sentby maU by adroulng
with stamp naming this paper. W. a.
Noyea, 1 Powers Uloclc, Rochester, N. Y
Up Stairs Over T. Holverson's Store.
$12000. Thirty-seven acres choice
land J mile from Salem; for a few
days only.
$0250. Quarter block on Com
mercial street, for fifteen days only.
On one of the best corners on Com
mercial street.
$1850. Two acres, well improved
with house fruit, ono thousand
strawberry plants, etc. Flnebargnin
$7500. Forty acres best vacant
land near Salem. Adjoins land
held at $300 per acre. This week
$750 Vacant lot 50x105 feet on
State street, near the railroad. Fine
Lots in Queen Anno addition, the
best property uround Salem.
Safe .investment. Desirable
homes. See it and bo con
vinced. $200 to $500 Each. "'
All large lots.
I. A. MAN N I NG Real Esta-e nd Jnsurce Broker
Bank Block, l Stiirs, Salem, Or.