lmimhi j.iLunjwLiuiiir.'.miiagB fgmaoitsEtaeamimMiMMMmKamun CAPITAL CITY NEWS. Recital ofllie Daily Doings Compiled From Various Happenings Over tlic City and From the Country. Three Hills City Items. From the Albany Democrat we glean tbe following uows items con cerning Mills City: If the eastern peoplo would know Low beautiful a climate wo Lave hero at the foot of the Cascade moun tains, In a year's time Mills City would have thousands of people. Cutting railroad wood for tbeO. P. seems to bo a good occupation up in our country. Hundreds of. cords are piled up along tbo track and lots more is cut daily. This district is making prepara tions to build a school house. Mr. Bice has donated them an acre of land and tbo citizens of Mills City are clearing the ground, house will be erected in future. A school the near A Good Increase. As anticipated in the Jouhnal eoveral days ago, the census of the Salem school district shows a flatter ing increase of population during 1888. The census just completed by David Simpson, school clerk, gives the number of voters lu the district 1690 as against 1217 last year; tbe number of persons between tbe ages of 4 aud J20 years, 2311, (males 1111, females 1200), as against 2006 lust year, (males 053, females 1050); total population, 10,113, as against 8,130 last year. At this rato of in crease it will not 'bo many years beforo Salem Is a city of no mean proportions. The immigration is steady and sure, not a few coming in every day. Tlie Stage of Water. Sleambouting on tlio Willamette continues to uo carried on with dif ficulty, tlio water being very low. Tho Occident came down last night .and loft this morning down tho river. Site took down 100 tons of lumber, rock, potatoes and oats, and had to refuse fifty tons of flour and aborts from tliu mill, as she could not cross tho shallow points witli heavier burden. Tlio customary ruins do not appear and in conse quence tbo water continues low. There lu no scarcity of freight. Hatters In Probate, in Probate court this morning the walo of tho Joint Hughes property to Sophia Hefty for $1025 by the administrator, David Simpson, was confirmed. John A. Mann was appointed guardian of Henry, Albert, Lo"'ls, "William and llnttlo Maun, minors. His bond was Hied and accepted in tbe sum of $850. ' T. A. Howard was appointed ad ministrator of tlio estate of D. C. Howard, deceased. Aa Immigrant t'oaxer. Oregon ought to have double its present population. What has kept it down? Certain old, slow, pokey, conservative views of a few old settlers; of a few, notofall, and a natural timidity as to investments. The same influence has kept back News many regions, but it cannot last. Just let Salem gird up its lions and "pitch In." Let every householder send newspapers to Eastern friends and tho results will soon ho seen and felt. We publish the Journal especially to inducesettlement hero, but if our people squirm and pinch and and say "wo take one paper al ready" what can vou expect? It makes us fairly sick to hear men make such excuses when we are doing so much and hove no interest at all compared with them. Men owninar land In this recion are tak ing but one copy of our paper. Five copies of our weekly will cost but ten cents per week to the subscriber. Five business houses of one little town in Kansas took five hundred copies of a paper started there at two dollars a year for each copy. We do not know of a single busi ness house in Salem taking live copies of our dollar weekly I ! What Is the matter ? Compare tho Jour nal with any other papor. We know this is not our fault. Come in and order five copies at least to bo sent abroad. We will see to tho mailing. Tbe State Orange. Salem will have tho pleasure the latter part of May of entertaining an honored body of guests, as tho Oregon Stato Grange will convene on tho fourth Tuesday of May in Salem. California will bo represent-' ed with a delegation of about forty or more, of tho. wealthiest and most influential farmers and patrons of tlio state. These excursionists ex pect to visit in Oregon two weeks. Would it not bo well for the differ ent boards of trade and immigration to plan for their entertainment? All should unite in these courtesies and make jt pleasant for these visi tors from our sister state and from the different parts ot our own Ore gon, and thus advertise tho wortli and beauty of our stato. THE CITY COUNCIL. Petitions For Some New Sewcrs- Electric Lights. Too lllg a Dose. A uitl7.cn of North Salem, being a little under tlio weather, asked a friend what to do for himself. Tlio friend advised him to get ton cents wortli of poke roof and make tea of it and use. He complied and drank a pint of tho beverage. All night long he was thinking of going to tho promised land, In fact thought he was going, but did not. Wliun ho met Ills friend lie asked tlio size of the doso, and was told a tablespoon Atl three times per day. Almost a Klre. At noon tho fire bell was sounded and tho department was well on Its way to tho scene of tliu conflagra tion when "live bells" announced that tho lire was out. Tho fire was at the residence of O. C. Chase, near the Central school house. Tho building is owned by Mrs. Leslie and there was small damage. A liolo was burned through tho roof. Tie Ung KeriYil. This lias been announced as tho last week of tho ovangolistlo ser vice of tho young revivalists, Studd and Burke, who have conducted a happy and successful dousou of meet ings at the Presbyterian church in Utia city, There will bo preaching every evening this week except Sat urday. The attendance is good and tho interest is Increasing dally. CiTaleeeat TlUj. .Mlas Anna O'Douald wan taken suddenly 111 last night, but her many friends will be pleased to learn that she Is recovering nicely to-day and is on tho road to recovery. A I'ostal Kurd. Agent Skinner at tlio depot this morning showed us a postal out of his many letters of inquiry for the prico of tickets from Salem to all parts of tbe world. Tho card ran as follows . Mr. Agent Origan and slthern Pereiflc, Salem, Origan, Dear Sir . Pleaso tell mo what tlio "fair" is to "norfalk," Ncbraskay or to oma Haw, Nebray key for to emigrate tickets from Salem by return "Male" and oblige, M The writing was hardly legible, but Mr. Skinner has had it translat ed, and informed Ills worthy inquirer as to tho prlco of tlio tickets to "oma Haw." The regular meeting of the city council was conducted nt the Coun cil Chamber last night. Tho follow ing proceedings were read and dene: Hlrsch moved that the matter of a new contract for electric lights be taken from the special committee and placed in the hands of tho may or; carried. The petition from Fred Hurst and others for a lateral sewer through block No. 5, to tho Court street sew er; was refered to committee on streots and public property. Tho petition of Wm. Brown and twenty-one others for an ordinance providing for the construction of a main sewer from the Intersection of Winter and Ferry streets, down Ferry to the Willamette river; was referred to the same committee. A petition of tho property owners in the block was presented request ing the dismissal of the suit pending against Geo. F. Smith, the, city to pay tho costs. The motion was car ried, and it was so ordered. Thomas JSolman submitted a proposition to'furulsh the twenty-six arc electric street lights now run ning, to be kept lighted from dusk to midnight, for $0.50 per month, for tho two years included between January 1, 1889, and January 1, 1891. This matter is now lu the hands of the mayor, and tho opiniou was ex pressed that the lights should be run until 2 o'clock in the morning. The city has been paying $10.50 per month for these lights, amount ing to $273 per mouth. The new ar rangement will make It just $20 a montli cheaper. All additional lights to be paid for at $9.50 per month each. Bush moved that the committee on ordinances prepare an ordinance for a city attorney; carried. LKTTKK I.ST. Tho following letters remain un called for in tlio postofllce at Salem, Mar. 5, 1889, persons calling for the same will say "advertised:" dum I) Wllllam-ii Adams Itev. Wm. Amos . m Hns.se tt Joseph lJiuttoa A li Hrlnt A ISrun.t T w Ileal Miss JloonGeorco Brassier Joseph llunn Miss Mnsslco llalrd MlssLottle-2 C'lanter Jj'rank Carter A K CiirrW H Clark John Cnvnnmich Thomas Collins hllzcr A ilrldge at Stayton. Tho Democrat says: Alox Down ing of Linn county, opposite Stay ton, is lu Albany with a petition for a bridge across tho Santiain at that place to be built jointly by Marion and Linn counties. About four hundred have already signed tho petition. Tills section of tho country is building up very rapidly and a bridge is said to bo needed there badly. Llun county must bo liberal in its appropriations for bridges Woolen Mill Meeting. At a mooting of tho subscribers to I ho woolen mill Btibsldy it was decid ed to hold a meeting to-night at the council chanibor at 7:30 o'clock for the purposo of selecting a board of trustees to tako charge of the funds, etc. It Is urged that there bo a good attendance as business of the great est importance Is to be transacted. A good, live set of tru itees should bo chosen, as upon them much de ponds. Free Dure More. Tho two woiuen who hired a livery rig and took a run to Dallas, demolishing the buggy In a run away, were acquitted. The Justice nearu mo evidence lu tlio case, gazed on their court plastered faces and discharged them, no evidence having been produced to satisfy tho court that a crime had been commit ted or Intended. Adams W H Armstro a Vu Host Joseph ltuu o Mrs lloiitlcrMi-Hl.l7.zle F liugley Kenton llazzeli Frank Ij IlurB Joha lloynton U O Drown Willis llnrdon Geo 1 Cliantell Louis Chittenden John II Cosper Jno Clark MI-8 Jessie- K C.UIn.'jiiivnn I I Carson Mrs K Caldwell U II Crolt Will Decker II Iss Kvu Decor " " Klleghor Mr 1'VesuUco W Furry Samuel Gilliam Miss Alice Greer James Garrison F M Uurthofuer Kinll lluirnii D W llniTlinrton A U lluimil .MrsStorlu Harvard I M Hasu Nauollan llllStlll'.'H Ia'U IIodsmiMury llojan M F UiMiulngs John Jacobs lid Jones Mattlo Jones Kva Kumoy I M I. ivo Fanny M Mnvwoll J M.k'ioit j r. Murphy Kllnn " 'i'liomtts K " lion McGcoico It Mi'Cnry M K Norwood Mrs Jane Nujh Anchle M l'ulnKC 1'renty 1 D l'mlln Miss Sml h Charllo Cupp Geo uiutk jko ' DoVlon John Draheln Frud Kcklpvprccr Chas Fuller J VV Gentry Mrs L E Gustofsau C F Grunt Geo Glusom W M If inner Dr Hamilton Mrs Era a m W T Ifartman Jennie Hfobort Geo Ilitmphtey Maaijle K J tubb.ii i) GeoM LOCAL SUMMARY. i For your Paints, Oils, etc., go to Gilbert & Patterson's. d-lm For Sale A good riding pony. Call at this ofllce. tf. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith, 02 State street, tf. Merchants are placing thelrbusl ness advertisements in the street cars to-day. A nicely furnished house to rent. Inquire at Mrs. H. Diamond, 247, Front street. There were nine overland immi grants arrived in tho city on the noon train to-day. , B. S. Cook, manager of the Or egon Laud Co., is in Marlon to-day in the interest of his company. Real estate men are doing con siderable sight showing to-day, and Bome heavy transactions may be looked for. Albany la beginning to realize that tramps are a nuisance and the officers are devising a means of deal ing with them. Mrs. Phcebe Metteer an old pioneer of Oregon, died at her home near Turner on Tuesday, at tho ripe age of eighty-one. We do wish some such actors as Fltz Emmott or Lydia Thompson troupe could be had hero as well as at such towns as Pendle ton and Baker City. A number of foreign freight cars em be seen passing through here daily. This shows that a vast amount of eastern freight is being shipped to this part of the globe. Wm. Brown, ofthoflrmofLunn & Brown, remains a very sick man. He is troubled with a rising in his ear. Yesterday ho was improving nicely but this morning his other oar shows signs of rising also. We are celebrating tho great inauguration this weJlc by offering special bargains ia farm and city property. BettrttU in the procession while fthe ,Tpicnic" lasts. Duncan, IfeLis Booth, 09 State St. Oregon offers untold' induce ments to the immigrant. The Wil lamette valley is tho best part of Oregon. Of this garden spot Salem is tho center. In Salem is the groc ery store of Squire Farrar, whore prices are always low and goods as represented. tf. That is a terrible habit some newspapers have fillen Into that of publishing some Article, seemingly news, buNyhich winds up as an ad vertisementVvTne readers would llko it much jj&tor if tho papers would make tlie plain announce ment that "(ilierrlugtohdoes flue photograph wrk. New Bank block, up stairs." HEAL ESTATE. TA L PARK ADD1TI0E TO TtE) CITY OPSALBM. FINEST ADDITION TO THE CITY. Wide Avenues, Beautiful Lay of land, Full lots, Magnificent View, and Perfect Drainage Corner Lots Only AND Inside Lots Only $300, $200, These are positively the best lots for the money that can be bought ao joining the city limits. Tho tract has been platted and there are 184 choice lots. Anticipate the coming boom with a PROFITABLE INVESTMENT, By Buying Lots In The CAPITAL PARK ADDITION, Represented By EX H. BBLLINQBR & CO. - They Also Have a large list of real estate Notidvertised, which they offer at tho very lowest prices, and invite every one having property for sale and all INTENDING PURCHASERS, Office in Armory Building, State St., ToGiveTheinaCall. SALEM, OREGON "Wylie A. Tvloores, Successor to MOC-BS & MANNING. Real Estate Broker. " DiiIhv " D W HjuuildlllK II II irmphreys R Whitney J II Word Klla Wllshcre VA Thompson T C .Tnhea Mrs May Johimmiue John l'inc"S'imucl li Knlccr I'rnnklo loioncy V A M usher Jntn M .Mlllor Miiry II MoonoyHnm My res Bert Moorhead c V McCliiro Miss. Nornh MoKnrlnnd Mrs J J .Newton I. Li Putty li K I'errygorla David Much Albert Potter Minnie rSivcetliiKQeoW Kilver Dolos Stone W II Huttchnto It Ij M riynui Minute Williamson F L Workman A 3 Wtihstcr Munch Volumo Mr 'r-liomni J A 2 Circuit Court. This seems to be the long term of circult.court, as it has already ex tended well Into the fourth week. In the caso of A. J. Busoy vs. Amelia Basey a decree of divorce lias been granted. Commissioners' Court. Tbo county commissioners' court is in session this afternoon for tho transaction of what business may regularly como oefore them. Their session will cover two or three days. 317 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. 4 LOOK HERE AT MY BARGAINS -:- SUrUKSK COURT. A lld Cap vf CuflVe Is a great attraction for a restau rant. Tho cofleo drawn from Hel lonbraud's Patent Coffee receptacle is one of tho many Great Attrac tions of his eating parlors. Thous ands of cups of his excellent cofleo are sold every week. And as for oysters and meals he cannot bo equaled In tho state. tf. - Wrluht'n Hop, Celery una Chamomile Hitter U vrhrtljou tire looklnc tor If you vruul a prupttrutlon that will tone up your KVntom, elo you u appetite, unit Improve the Uliroatlve onrnu. bold by 11. W. Cox B. B. Bookman, a graduate of the Yulu law school, was admitted upon a certificate of the supremo court, to practice in all the courts of tho state. Hi the caso of A. C. Bllou et al., respondent, vs. Frank Paisley, ap pellant, on appeal from Crook coun ty, tho Judgment of tho lower court was atllrmed. Opinion by Tlmyor, chief justice, Strahan, justice, con curring. Tho caso of I. It. Dnwuon, re spondent, vs. Charles NIokell and M. E. Poguo, appellauts, on appeal from Jackson county (re-hearing); argued and submitted. Edward P. "Wright and Delia A. Wright appellants vs Gabriel Shlu dler respondent, appeal from Mult nomah Co., argued aud submitted. Iluvtus tried tho effects of the concen trated extract of Qretrou Kidney Tea, we cheerfully bear vrltneas to its benenclul agency lunribctlonof the digestive orsuns, It is simply, safe and sure; It Is cosily taken fend restores healthy vitality to tho onrans It l intendfed toonerute uiwrn with Some one has wittily said ot mar rlege: "Sheckles with shackles that are misfits are worse than poverty worse oven than charity. On the other hand, shackles without sheck- els are equally uneudurablo." Edtor (to gentleman just arrived): "Wo don't want any poetry." .. Gentleman: "No?" Editer: "Nor prose." Gentleman: "No?" Editer: "Nor blank verse." Gentleman: "How would a two dollar bill suit you for a year's sub scription iu advance?" 'Editer: "Why, my dear sir, why didn't you say so at flrst?J' (To of fice boy) "James, glvo this geutlo nirtii couple of chairs and the floor for his tobacco juice." AN eminent physician says: A healthy liver secretes ?from two to three pounds of bile1 every twenty- four hours and disposes of this se cretion where it will do tho most good. Bome of the people we have met lately evidently do the secretive act, but fall to got rid ot the surplus, and when ltaccumulatcs thoy aro likely to write us something like this: "Stop my paper. You didn't mention my sow having pigs last week. I will pay the Ave years' subscription I owo when I prove up on my timber claim." Ex. 2100 Good house, and lot on Commercial St., facing Marion Square, for only a short time only. $2500 House and lot on Church St. A more desirable location can not be found In tho city. Hard finish throughout. $200 Corner lots In North Salem, near line of Street Eailway. In side lots $150.- $7250 4J blocks adjoining tho Woolen Mill site. Good house and barn, houso has eight hard finished rooms. Good well of water. Well set to fruit and fine garden land. $4500 Ten acres on Howell Pralre road adjoining Parrish's addition to Salem. Good house and barn and large orchard, small truit etc. $1750 Five acres on John Baker road. $550 Quarter block on Commercial St., South Salem. $800 Quarter block ir. South Salem, good house, orchard aud barn. $425013 acres on Howell Prairie road IJ miles from town. House, barn and orchard. No finer garden land around Salem than this place. COMB IN AND SEE ME. 8 I. A. MANNING, Formerly of Moores & Maiming, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Bank Bloek Up Stairs Over T. Holverson's Store, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Owlnc to this changeable climate, tt Is difficult to preserve a fair complexion and UUW" $12000. Thirty-seven acres choice land i mile from Salem; for .a few days only. , $0250. Quarter block on Com mercial'street, for fifteen days only. On one of the beat corners on Com mercial street. $1650. Two acres, well improved with house, fruit, one thousand strawberry plants, etc. Fine bargain $7500. Forty acres best vacant laud near Salem. Adjoins land held at $300 per acr. This week only $750 Vacant lot 50x165. feet on State street, near tho railroad. Fine bargain. Lots in Queen Anne addition, the best property around Salem. Safe investment. Desirable homes. See it and be con vinced. $200 to $500 Each. Ail largo lots. our fair sisters are annoyed by rourm f tbe skin, rhsps, rd no, tie. I. A MAN N I NG Rea' Estat0 nd 'nsuraic.e Broker Bank Block:, Up Stiiw, Salem, Or. jr Wright's lied Crotm Cough Curo will corn UmjkIm, Cold, llonrroness, tnuof Volce,and all Inflamed ooudltlons of tit lung. Hold by all druggist. DuUvrd's Hnoclae Is applied to the face and nanus night and morning, a clear and assured success. B.J. McCOHMICK, Kdltor Cat hollo Sentinel. Sold by D.W. MutuovmA Oo, Wealthy complexion can be preserved, lirtlaml, Oregon March 33. Sold by D. W. Mathews a Co. i. jffeuli - .