tm iT '1 fi'P hi t: ;x JOURNAL. VOI. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY MARCH 5, 188. NO. SOI. ,..ii ,;V. . " ;p : 'V CAPITAL MISCELLANEOUS. ni.IVE LODGE No. 18, I. 0. 0. F., meets ( I in Odd Follows Hull up stairs. Cornet viramcrclal and Ferry streets, every Sat- .,nvnt7:3UP.m. j7t. GBKOa. Secretary. JAB. WALTON, N. G. MtfPJIf INSURANCE mnan v. Fire ana Ma- JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - Balem, prison HOWARD BROTHERS General House Moving, Repairing. and Work promptly done unreasonable rates. Orders .left at Catotai. Jotjknal .office will receive attention. ,0-11-tf To Cigar and Tobacco Users. Wm. Myers, the cigar 'manufacturer, offers you specltil bargains In Cigars and tobacco tor the next month, ' Ills especial brands are - , "SALEM SPORT" aixd-i "OPERA BELLE." His goods aro all first-class, as he has bail twenty-one years experience In the busi ness of manufacturing and i selling cigars. Cigars by the box nt special rates. WLUAM MYERS. 305 Commercial Street, - - Salem BoarderSI $L nyono wlsmng, to Doara nia quiet and cozy place, will And the object ot ielr search at MRS. Ivf i A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemeketo and Liberty StB., Salem, Where a lew Beloct boarders can secure board. Mrs. CM.. Rice. Hiss. C. Lacey. DRESSMAKERS and TRIMMERS. Wishes to'lnform tho Ladles of Salem that they are prepared to do trimming and dresxmaklnglnalllta differ ent branches in tho "LATESTSTYLES" Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. Call and see' them beforo placing your orders. US State street, up stairs. Im. WE FIND THAT PEOPLE ALL Stop at. L. S. WINTERS For groceries and esDcclallv for the .best COFFEE in tho city, ... HEAL ESTATE. To your monoy until you see some of tho bargains in Real Es tate offered by THOMAS & PAYNE 97 Stoto St., ... - Salem. One-fourth hlofllc and fine resi dence on Center street,, only $20,50; u iiuu icn acre loisiwomuesironi Salem, clean prairie. Good house and lot in block 48 only $1000, and property in all parts of the city and country. Fino residence, property in 'Los Angles to exchange lor .property here. v lem Abstract and LAND CO., Have removed to building adjoining Thompson' jewelry store on Commercial street. Titles Investigated, Money to Loan. Land for Sale. Houses for Rent OALU AND SEE US. Annual School Election. Hold On! The Sa 3U1K annuul school election for one Dl . rector and a C'erk of District No. 24, In , arion county will be held at tho Opera House In Balem on Monday.the 11th day W March, isso, from aoVtoSkWto'WVclock fcrn. Tie Oregon Is a corporation duly organized and operated, under the, laws or tho 'State of Oregon. It began busincssip Jtfarch, iaS8, with o capital stock of $20,000. flie First Sale Made By This During the nine months which have since elapsed it has made 107 sales tp 1Q4 different persons. Of the purchasers 85 have bought farming lands. It has also, during this time sold 61 residence lots in Balem. Of those purchasing but 25 were residents of Marion county prior to purchasing. The remainder were from the following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomah Co. 4 Clackamas Co. 1 Yamhill Co. 1 Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas 10 England 2 Colorado 2 Washington Territory 7 Iowa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 California 8 Nebraska 7 Ohio 3 Wisconsin 1 Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Pennsylvania 2 Unknown 7. rPMa alinwa fl-inf. enloa nrn tint, nrmfinort in fnrmpr rPHirlnnts nf f hla lonnl- ity, but that people are swarming in Irom the East to make their homes among us. The. busLuessof this company is constantly Increasing. More than half of its sales have been made within the past three months, al though this is a season of the year when sales are usually dull. Tho company has from 16 to 20 men constantly employed. It has representatives on Puget Sound. Ithas three men in Portland, two ot whom give It their entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, who last year introduced so many immi grants Into this State, Is now in tho East lecturing and distributing advertising literature exclusively for this company. He will start to this State with his first excursion on the 4th of April next. This company is now spending more money to advertise Salem and the surrounding locality than The Salem B6aVdr6f Trade and AH Other : Agencies Combined! Within the past twelve, days it.has. paid,, .for and contracted for advertising to the amount of ..-.. i - . ,; Over rofli-1 The second edition of the company's pamphlet.descrlptlvejof; Salem and the Willamette Valley is now in press. This is au edition of TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Of a beautifully illustrated fifty page pamphlet. Wo cannot advertise so extensively 4n our home papers as, wp.wjsh, fpn'tli.o;reapn jthnt parties whom wo most desire td reach are residents of the"Eastern! States,, where these naners do not circulate. We do not advertise every salo wo mako in the local press, but we have advertised in more? than ONE THOUSAND1 PAPERS ,: In thaEast, as we depend upon Eastern buyers fotbe great bulk of our patronage. During tho' next few months, pur advertisements will bo read by inllllonsof readers, of(Eastorn new.spn.Pers, ,, ' who will thus be placed in direct commuiil.catlon with" us, and nearly all of those who come to this caast will come ticketed for the office of THE OREGON LAND Foritheso reasons parties desiring to sell will find it to tketa!ntoret t place their lands in..the.ha,nd3 of this company, Ifyou wisb to J ' ' sell property leave it whero f . BUYERS COME TO BUY Ifyou wish to buy property come, where property la. left for neighbors have land and don't want to buy. EASTERN PEOPLE: IDd. .np irlwfirfiaem'enta catch the eyes of have five teams and comfortable conveyances ready at all times day or niget, to convey parties to tho propettleawaliaTa for Bale. ' ; ;" DOM'T BE. ;M.0PESJ,, , , , ... You are weloomo to ride with ua whtthw you buy or not. Company UK Company Was in April, Last, iirci and 'fwenty-Fivc Dollars, ?' t sale. Your u w t Eastern people 'everywhere, We' CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Julian Paimccfotc has been" ap pointed British minister to the Uni ted States. People aro rushing from San Diego for the gold fields of Santa. Clara valley, Lower California. . The Hay tians demand hp-recall, pf our minister lei their government, accusing him of encouraging tho rebels. The last accounts shows tlo ilx ley train robbers aro encamped at the foot bills near Bakerville Cal. An attempt to arrest them, failed. Gladstone mado ono of tho grand est speeches of his life last Friday, Ho denounced tho government in unmeasured terms for its treatment of Ireland. Olympia celebrated the admission of Washington, as a state a fow eve nings since. The canon thundered and the speakers roared until tho welkin rang iigatn. i Robert, son of Gen, Franz Sigel was arrested for forgery and other crookedness in the Pension ofllce of which his father is government agent, and confessed his crimes. The Chinese butchers of San Francisco furnish immense quanti ties of diseased meat to that city. Other meat venders have been also detected in the same vile criminal business and quite a stir is being mado there over tho discovery. Tacoma boasts that the Northern Pacific will expend six million dol lars there in improvements as rapid ly as practicable. Also that tho Southern Paciflq is coming there by an agreement with the Northern, and that the Union Pacific is bound to come there. $50. WORSES. $50, One hundred-head of brood marcs and young horses for sale., Forty or fltty colts expected in the spring Two flno horses, Clyde and Pcrohcon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred; have been with tho band for tho past three years. Original stock from tho best quality of marcs. For particulars address orBeo W. It. BYAItS, wit. Salem, Or. OfflONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - -. Receiver. On and after Feb. 18 18S0. and untllfurther notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: BAST SIDE, Coburg SlaTT Portl'dMall From Port land STATIONS. Tow'rd'Port land Lv.ll.8u am An I0.U0 Lv. 2.15 pm " 2.28 rOUTLANDl'AWV FootofJcrson. St Ar., iiays iJinuing. St. Paul's, Woddburn, Townscnd, IcKeo, Mt'.' Angel, Down's, Hllvcrtoiu i Jolinston'iTMIir 'HwIUcrhindi' Ar 1.80 12.17 8.1G H;S1 IW'J 3.53 4.03 4.16 4.!t5 4.39 4.47 . 5.80 12.00 11.40 11.40 11.21 U.14 11.00 10.20 1U.1U 10.07 0.40 0.18 80 East Hide Junot., Aiacioay, CM "Aiilns'vlllo, ' ' WestHlayton O P Crossing, WostBcIo, Crabtrco, Splcer; '.'"I'i1" Plalnvlew. i nrownsvllle, ltowland. U.H 8.40 8.28 8.00 , 7.HI w C-48 6.13 4:80' -am ,6.21 flJVl 7.20 73) 8:01 8;37 9:20 10:15 -p.m Coburg. Aro AB LVi Wr Cdromlitlon TlckeU' at t.w'dcentrf per mile on sale at ' stations hay ing ageuis Connoctlon'. at Jtay'sr . and FulquarV Landing with fitcamer "Cltyof Salem " CHAB. N. HCOTT, Ileceiver. General Offlces,.N W Cor. First and. Pin 8t Portland, Oregon. 1'h 11 OYKUB OXTZSX la itfU-id'Marbliind Bspt., clopbdU oC. useful infor- Mtiea-'iort nu woo pux. heejth ltizurUa or lb liaoaultlas. of life. V can 'elotb you and furnish you with all tie neoMfcr tnd itumeonr appllsneos torftf . walk, dooe, alP, eat, fleb., hunt; workfTfco to ehnxtM, ot iUyalhom!! in tnriont aUee. styUs and quaatltUa. Jul flujn oo what tfrecfulrba ttf 4d aU th thjns COMFOBTlllLT.dyoi ota Si Mtimate of the vajua of bn Jlli, GUIDE, Whloa vill be eent upon receipt" ati td ic4U",Cu-ey poaUxe, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 1U-U41. UlAolgan AvenM, OUHtXU. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. it Events of Ihe Whole World for Twenty-four Hours. INAUGURAL CEREMONIES. Harrison ami Morton are Noir at the i i i . '.. Head of Allhlrs. Waqhinqtok, March 4. With splemn ceremony, in. tho presence of all the power and authority embod led In tho co-ordlnato branches of tho government, and surrounded by representations of all the great na tions on the face of .the globe, Benja min Harrison was inaugurated into tho highest office within the gift of the American people. Never was such a crowd in Washington before, It, is, estimated that half a million strapgers cajnped in the city last night, filling every inch pf space and boarding house accommodation and, drawing, to the full limit on private hospitality. UP THE WIIITK HOUSE 8TAIKS. General Harrison, accompanied by tho inauguration committee, wM taken in a close carriago, drawn by four gray horses, to the White House about half-past 10 o'clock. The rain was pouring in torrents and drove many oft tho streets and mado sorry work of the decorations. DECEIVED 11Y CLEVELAND. Arriving at the, White Houbo Har rison was received by Cleveland and his cabiuet in the blue parlor, whero they were soon "joined by Morton. At 11 o'clock Cleveland, Harrison and Morton took carriages for tho capltol. Tho jlret carrugo, an open landau, pontalijed Clevcluud, Harri son audjHoar; the second, Morton, and Cullom. Mrs. Cleveland wit nessed their departure from the window OFF TO THE CAPITOL. At 11:35 tho head of tho procession reached tho capltol, and at 11:50 tho presidential party alighted at tho senate portico amid great cheering, though tho ruin was pouring its heaviest. Cleveland proceeded to the president's room and Harrison and Morton to tho vice-president's room, whence at noon, as luter described, thoy went into tho sonato chamber, preparatory to tho inaug ural address. TAKING TII2 OATH. . J At two minutes before noon Mr. Cleveland, upd his cablpot entered and took seats assigned them. Then Harrison on the arm of Senator Hoar appeared at tho door ami walk ed, to a seat it Cleveland's right, the audience rising. The same cere mony was repeated with .Morton before taking hiseat tho latter was sworn in by Ingalls. CONClHESS ADJOU1WS. At 11:59 president 'pro tern Ingalls roso and closed tho fiftieth congress. Then Vice-President Morton called tho senate of the fifty-first congress to order in special session. THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. . At 12:45 iho'prvsldent elect reach ed tho platform, and after taking tho oatli of ofljeoread inaugural address, which was, a, lengthy docu ment, full of lofty hope and patriot Iflin and withal of modest expressions that, well .became the man, After an invocation, to tho Almighty fjod tluifc ,Ho might bestow , wisdom, strength. .and jldp)lt.y, and the, people be, im,bi.qd iyith a spirit (Of frateim" ty, rteh.tcpusness, and, peace, ,je, called to mind the-(Irs t inauguration, con trasting J.t with, tbe . present, .He favored protection and dwelled at, Bome,Jengtbpthq retarding, lnfjur enco,pf,Iavcry He Jejd Jliat cor portions, causpdmpb Y'vJenco,, ,ne PfiBBeiejj,.. hnpspved ,na,turall?fttlon Lj.wA and. jiasaJog oyer, our fo;eJgn Policy, he, came ouLstrpng pn.the P'anamtir, capal . question, jliqldlng that np foreign ippw.qr should cpntrpl it,,, Hoejiaently-;aYora the admlii.J sVuf-WVW Wm ttna,cxpre8fle(i hlmgelf, decidedly In, regard tP.un pseasjpg, election (raH(a. He. cpn cluded with a magnificent pcrora tlpn, ylof exalted patrhjtlam. , . fljtovKn. aous imif e, 'After the 'ceremony at tho capltol ex-Preuldent Cleveland returned to tho executive mansion with Presi dent Harrison. After light refresh ments occupying but a few minutes, to which no guests were invited, Mr. Cleveland took his leavo of Presldont Harrison and drovo to the resldonco of Secretary Fairchlld, and President Harrison proceeded to tho reviewing stand in front of tho White House and reviewed the inaugural procession, which was the grandest-.pageant over witnessed in the national capital. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland were not present at the Inaugural .ball. . They will go to New York Tuesday or Wednesday. THE CABINET. Unless tho unexpected happens it will bo given as below : Secretary of State James G. Blaine, of Maine. Secretary of the TreasuryWil liam Wiudom of Minnesota. Secretary of War Red field Proc tor of Vermont. Secretary of the Navy Benjamin F. Tracy of New York. Secretary of tho Interior John Noblo of Missouri. Postmaster General John Wana niakcr of Pennsylvania. Attorney General W.H. H."Mll ler of Indiana. Secretary of Agriculture ."Jere miah Husk of Wisconsin. From the Capital. Washinoton, March 2. South ern elections are to bo Investigated after all. Tho Senate has beforo it tho resolution authorizing tho Sen ate committee on privileges and elections to tako chargo of tho work. Tho resolution is a very broad one, covering the Louisiana state elec tion, that Senator Chandler has been hammering nt so long, as well as tho recent killing of J. M. Clay ton in Arkansas, a subect- that Grosvenor tried to got tho House committee on elections to Investi gate, as well ' us all tho southern states whero tho election laws are so framed as to deprlvo citizens of their votes. Tho democratic! senators uro making a very determined fight against tho adoption of this resolu tion. Thoy havo even resorted to filibustering, which is something unusual for tho dignified Senate. The republican caucus has decided that it shall pass. Dr. Bliss, who obtained n national reputation thrpugh ,hls connection with Gen, Garfield's last, illness, died here last week. Ho poycr rccovorcd from-tho strain brought pp by .his constant attendance at Garflcld'B bedside., The immediate cause of his death was "paralysis, Death of a Pioneer. , Albany, Or., March 4. Yester day utternoou Ell Carter was taken a fainting spell, and lying dpy.n soon, breathed his .,, last. .Considering h)s. ago ho had, boon. ,ln gpod health, being en tho street tho same ivs for many years. .Tho,. sud denness of his dentil was a great shock .to lijs family and friends thrpugh tho city. ,Mr. Carter was ono of .Oregon's pioneers boiug In business in Albany forever thirty years. AlusK' Government, ri Pout 'rpNysEND, YY.T. March Advices from, Slfkq, Alaska,. aa,to that A. H. Swinoford, governor,,and Barton Atkins, U. S-ttwrshal, havo tendered their resignation to tho department. Tho Alaskans are urging John Brady as Swlneford'a successor. , r td rrrr TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been re-' stored to health by simple, means, after suffering several, years .with u severe lupg uffcctipn, And that dread disease consumption, Is" anx ious to niako known to his follow sultqiers tho means pf curc To .those who desire It, ho .will cheer fully spiid (free of chargo). a copy of the prescription used, which thoy will find a sure cure for oonBUmp ,tlon, catarrh, aaunatha, brouohitfe' and all throat and , Ipng, maladies. He hopes nil sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable; Those desiring the proscription, which will coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Itov. Edward A. Wilson, Kings County, New York. ( Tho Pullmuni company havo now cot -.control pf all tho -emigrant sleeper business on tho Southern. Pacific Q llAY4UO!lin)uii School Clark.