iaMimi'J'1'j.i'J-fl..mmw'J fmMMJnMvtw.tLvximximimmmuaMmvMJirmJ&rwwrtLW EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1889. rUBLtSHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. T1Y THE Capital Journal Publishing Company. I INCOItl'OItATED Office, Comer Court n Mbery Streets? Ti;UMS ()V KUIiSCUU'TIOM. I) AIM". Ono year, hy mull 5 0 Mix month, by Mull 2 no Three months by mall 1 '2,r Per week delivered by can Icr J5 WEEKLY. SI 1 Ono year . . Hlx tnnntliH (uo year, If paid for In advance, 1 () Hix months, " " " SO 4-l'oitma8lrra nro colvo subscription1!. authorized to ro- rs-Kntcrcd us f,ccond-clnss matter at the. nlem.OiCKun, Postollicc, .Iimo 21, 18SS. W. II. IIYAKS -CLARK If. IRVINE Editor Manager. Tun Alfa blitzes away at tbo tbrco Oakland policemen who opened Arc on and killed a poor fellow cbargod with a common assault who ran from them. It calls for the Inflic tion on the brutes of the death penalty. Encore. Titnnew Bchedule of the O. 11. & N. raises the rates between Portland nud Astoria from 7Gc to two dollars each way and three dollars for the round trip; freights also aredoubled. The effect will bo to diminish the local travel and business. cd out Into the ranks of those who barely live from hand to mouth, and misery shall bo your portion. After twelve or fourteen years of ago wasto uo time over books- save the hours you can rest in from your life work. Reading, writing and arith metic are ' the three great and only tools whereby learning Is acquired. They enable you to acquire all, they open all the doors of the vast temple. If you have your living to make you have no time to waste In ,ooling with Latin, Greek or anything that does not pertain to your calling. The curse of our educational system is that It wastes too many years of youth in useless studies and in sed entary habits that sap tho vigor and stamina needed for actlvo life Iroef: All the men at the head of nil the tircat business of cities or country are what is called self made and spent no years after childhood indoors. Shun the professional life unless you have an unconquerable predilection for it, and some means of self support while making your early way therein. If you are a genius, or what Is worse, if you think you arc, "God help you" these remarks do not apply. To sum up all In a few words, shun the ways of the Idle book reading gener ation of young men and women who are swarming forth from every school and eollego lu tho United States, budding Into teachers, blos soming into professors of something, bo it fiddlo or philosophy, only to fruit Into poor worm eaten scaly Htutr, crowding the markets at cou demed prices. Lifo is short but it mayjnst as well bo led happily if the foundations are well laid. this wall of flesh, on this ball of rock and mud, seeming so far trom the so-called immaterial, there 1b but a cloud like a curtain that, if'faised, may open to us an infinite unlversa of realities of which our. poor little i globe with all its contents is the meanest atom. At Moorfleld, West Va., sllvor mining is to be commenced on a large scale. Jlefore tho war, a slave named Gaiter mudo tho discovery and offered to give It to his master for Ills liberty, but ills story was dis credited. Years after, thno found tills ex-slave a citizen of Mt. Pleas ant, I'll. Ho disclosed the secret to a son before Ills decease, who visited and took from the place largo quan tities ot silver, and convinced some capitalists, who made a company with him, and now the big mine is being opened. Tho mountain re gions of West Virginia are as sparse ly populated as thoso of Idaho and Oregon. They contain iuflnito quantities of goal, Iron, silver and other material, which will bo dis closed ore another century piwes. Tnmti: are over twolvo million dollaiH in the United Htntes Treas ury for cotton taken from tho South during tho war. Much of this cot ton belonged to families that wero not only loyal but that suH'ored Incon ceivably because of their attachment to tho government and wero driven from their homes, scattered, and many of them murdered by rebels. Vet tho policy of tho government in to hold all this money, and all tho facts as a profound hccrot. It is not lawful to give out any information by which any claim may bo brought against tho government. Soma two millions worth of cotton was taken from one plantation alono and all track has boon lost of tho family that owned It, ovory member of which was in all probability destroy ed ero they could escape to tho North. Tho niuno is known, yot Iho whole is kept as a profound hocret. Hepublio A KKimON TO YOUTH. As the endeavor to carry the 4th district of Missouri has given u na tional interest to the contest, the fol lowing may be of interest. Every county in Burues' old district of Missouri gayo republican majorities but one, Platte, whose big malority returned Col. Wilson, the democrat candidate. The colored people of that county almost unanimously voted for Wilson and this elected him. They serenaded him tho other night and Wilson addressed them in a stylo that shows how tho ex- slavo holder can play the demagogue for colored votes as well as tho best or worst of us: "No one knows bet ter than I, having been born among tho colored people und lived with them all my life, what means have boon employed to array you against your natural friends. They liavo appealed to tho prejudices of race; they have scrupled at no falsehood to excite you against us. ' And now, my colored friends and neighbors, standing hero upon this eminence, with nothing between us and the stars, I oxpross to you my thanks again, and again, for your devotion to mo when hard pressed last Tuesday; and in tho sight of Heaven declare on tho part of the democracy ot Old Platto that wo welcome you to tho lines of the old Tenth Legion, and will stand by you as close as brothers, como weal or woo in tho future. Our destiny shall bo yours, yours shall bo ours. I welcome you to tho hospitality of my homo:" WONDERS IN TJIM LITTLE. Anthony Higglu1?, the new sen ator from Delaware, bears a strong facial resemblance to Robert G, In gersoll. How's Ihlsl Wo offer one hundred dollars re ward for any ease of catarrh that can not bo cured by taking Hall' catarrh cure. F. J. Cheney ifc Co., props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him per- lectly Honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldlng, Klnnan & 'Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. H. Van Hoeson, cashier, Toledo national bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's catarrh euro is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of tho system. Price, 75c. per bottle Sold by all druggists. Drunkenuess turns a man out of himself, and leaves a beast in his room. r nDflVAl i"19 li 1 Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mnrvel of purity, sirengm ana wnoiesomeness. More economical than the ordinary finds, and cannot bo sold in competition -with tbo multitude oflow test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ltoYAL Hakino POWDEUOO.,100Vall,N.Y. EATING HOUSES. THE HOME RESTAURANT, Having been furnished for tho especial accommodation of the public, we to tho attention of the tho HUNGRY and sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new and clean; good "Home" meals served reg ularly three times a day. No Chlneso In the kitchen. Give us a call and see for yourself. K. M. LAW, Proprietor. Cor. Court and High St., Salem, Or. PEAROE'and MAYS "NEW RESTAURANT." These gentlemen have charge of tho res taurant formerly ltnovn as KMKItSON'S old stand, where they arc prepared to servo meals atall hours. Meals 25cts. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters served In all styles. Board fur nished to regular boarders, at 218 Commer cial street. TKANSPOnTATION. TH YAOUINA ROUTE, NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS EDUCATIONAL. "Afternoon Ten." Said Mrs. G. to Mrs. D. ('Twas o'er a cup of fine Bohea): " Our pretty hostess yonder, lias gained in looks suprisingly; Sue seems as well as well can be! What is tho cause, I wonder." Said Mrs. D. to Mrs. G. "She's changed Indeed, but then you She put aside objection see, And tried that famous remedy, Which didsonuich foryouandme Pierce's Fa vol ite Prescription." For biliousness, sick headache, in digestion and constipation there is no rjmedy equal to Dr. Pierce's Little Pellets. What we need most is not so much to realize tho ideal as to idealize the roal. Make No MUtnlto. By dispelling tho symptoms so often taken for consumption. Santa Abio lias brought gladness to many a housohold. By Its prompt uso for breaking up tno cola tnat too oiten developcs Into that fatal disease, thousands can be saved from an un timely grave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle of this pleasant remedy In your house. California Cat-r-cure is equally effective in eradicating all traces of nasal catarrh Both of these wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted by JL). W. Mathews & Co. ?l. a pack ugo or it for $2.50. ST. PAUL'S L Boys and. Girls. The school will open on the 24th of September. Thorough lnstrue- " tlon In the primary and adv.. need English Branches, LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In courso.- TEIIMS and further Information may be bad on application to REV. F. H. POST, Cor. Chcmeketa and State Sts. 8-20-tf You are herebvren nest f.rt tnrnm a rnrwnrri and pay your taxes at once, as the sumo will become delinquent! within thirty days from this date. E. M. Choisan, Sheriff and Collector of taxes. -Salem, Or., Feb. 1, 1889. wtf. LEGISLATORS ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less timo than by any other loute. First class through passenger nnd freight line from Portland and ail points In iho Wil lamette vallev to nnd from San Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leave Albany 1:00 FA! Leave Corvallls ....... . pjopm Arrive Ynqulno 5:30 PM Leavo Yaqulna 0:45 A II Leavo Corvallls ....... 10:35 a V Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. AC. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. The above trains connect at YAOUINA with tho Oregon Development Co's Lino f btea-.ishlps between Yaquina and San Francisco. SAIU.N0 DATES. 8TKAMKIIS, JFItOM SAN FRANCISCO Wlllamctto Valley, Thursday Dec 0. Willamette Valley Monday " 17. Willamette Valley Sunday " 30. STEAMERS. FROM YAQUINA, Willamette Valley Wednesday Dec. 12 Willamette Valley Monday " u This company reserves tho right to hange Balling dates without notice. N. 1J. Passengers from Portland and all Willamette Vallev points enn make plnsn connection with the trains of tho cnlng liatcs Always the For information apply to Messrs fieigni. ana TicKet nd others wlshincr to board ntn. nnlnt . and cozy piaco, will find the object ol clr search at IvIRS. M. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemekete and Liberty Sts., Salem, Where n lew select boarders can secure board. COOK'S HOTEL My sons, would you lay a founda tion for happiness during llfo and for honest Independence during the .yearn of Its decline, from forty-llvo to tho alioted limit? Then learn some avocation requiring out door exercise, shun all tho ways of tho foolish ones who are Booking for jdrndy, soft places, ho moderate and get tho reputation of an houcst man, livold tho towns If practicable. Got vou 11 home and a few aorou of your own und cultivate thom with a view to adapt them nnd yourself to yourchoson occupation, if that bo Home ono of the almost nunibi'P Iwu ones connected with tilling tlte noil. By so doing you learn what only exjierleiieo can teach. Over half tho failures eomo from over reaching and attempting more than you know thoroughly what to do. -I ho grand demand of tho coming .yours Is for fowl and clothing pro ducts of various kinds mid they only succeed as laud tillers, easily, who make soino ono of these products a Hpccialty. Sometimes two or thtvo produot run well togother. Tlnwo things you soon learn. In this you are your own inastr almost from the start. But If you profor pomo hand craft or some 6cUontary calling avoid tho ttsy, Book tho difficult that require toll and skill and expert 4.'iie, else you thai! soon bocrowd- Tho phonograph is now for rout at tho rather big sum of $3.50 per month. Ero long these will 1ms seen lu tho town for sale. The merchant in giving his order simply talks it whllo ho turns a crank. Ho thou takes out tho cylinder, unwraps the llttlo sheet of tin foil which hns a few wave-llko marks on It, encloses It to Ills correspondent who puts it in his 'phono, turns n crank and hours all tho words In tho very same tono tho Bonder usetl. Strango that thoso llttlo wave-llko marks aro actual words and being properly used, near a vibrator, cause it to sound thorn forth in tho samo voice that uttered them. The sounds of Instruments, tho roar of winds, whistlings, howls, ovory Bound is thus marked upon the tin foil anil when It Is rewound upon a phono- graph cylinder by a kind of rovers process, Is repeated exactly. Look ing at thoso llttlo marks which aro all allko to the eye, It seems super natural to learn that tho infinitely minute variations contain such wondrous differences. Hero aro four Hues Indented by a sharp point on a bit of tin foil, that look as If sonio child had scrawled them care lessly. To all seeming thoy are nearly identical. Yet ono lino sound out lu loud but reverent tones, "Our Father who art in Heaven, " another sings "HI did dle diddle, tho cat ami the fiddle," a third Is tho sound of a Ilute, tho fourth Is tho miauling of an angry cat. Tho boy who has seen hard times usually grows up to be a sympathetic man. Don't Experiment, You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption al ways seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to Impose up on you witu some cnenp imitation of Dr. King'a Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, but bosuro you get the genuine. Because ho can make more profit he may tell you ho has something just as good, or just the same. Don't bo deceived, but Insist upon getting Di King's Now Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest affections. Trial bottles free at Dr. H. W. Cox's Drug Store. Largo bottles $1. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Literary, Normal, Business, Law, Salem, Oregon W. ILJOOK Proprietor. Formerly Clerk of Chemkete Everything New and first-class. Convenient Sample Booms for Commercial Travelers. Corner State and High streets; -AN MEDICAL COURSES. It is the oldest, largest and least expen sive Institution of learning In tho North, west. School opens first Monday in September Send for catalogue to TIIOS. VAN SCOY, President. 17: Salem, Oregon. A decent man will not swear, if for no other reason than that all yIoIous men do swear. Esq., Texas. bitters A Sound Legal Oplnltn. E. Baldbridgo Mnnday County Atty., Clay county, says: "Have used Electric with most happy results. My broth er also was very low with Malaria fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely uso of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters Btived his life. Mr. D. I. "Wilcoxson of Horse Cave, Ky.t adds a like testimony. Tr .' saying: no positively believes would havo died, had It not for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward oflT, as well as cure all malaria diseases, ami ior an Kinney, uvcr ana stom ach disorders stands uuequaled rrlco 50o and f 1. nt H. W. Cox's. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ! Willamette University. Mo-st successful school of music on the northwest coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. courses in Piano, Organ Singlnc Violin, Harmony, and Counter point. Dlolomas on completion ol course. Teachers: Z. M. Purvln, Franlne P. Jones, Eva Cox. Assistant, Lulu M. Smith. First term begins Monday, September 3d, 1888. Send for catalogue. For lurther particulars address Z. M. PARVIN, Musical Director, Salem, Or. H-17.dtf.wlt JOHN F.STRATTON& SON Importers nnd W holcsale dealers in MUSICAL MKHCHANDISli. New York, 13 and 45 Walker Ht. John F. Stratum's Colobrated Ilu hlan Out violin strings, tho rinesi in tno world. before date of sailing. . Passcngrr unit Freight Lowest. For lnformatic iiULMAN & Co. Agents 200 and 202 Front St., Portland, Or. VI w O.C. HOGUE, Ao't Gen'l Frt. & Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific It. n. Co., Corvallls, Or- O H. IIASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; & Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery St.; .Ban Francisco, Car TIME TABLE RIVER DIVISION. The elegantly equipped steamboats, Witt M. Hoag, Capt. Geo. Haabe; tho N. 8. Bentley, Capt. J.JP. Coulter; the Three Sisters, Capt. W. P. short; aro In service for passenger nnd freight traffic between Corvallls and Portland nnd Intermediate points, making three round trips ench week us follows NORTH BOUND Leaves Corvallls Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m Arrives at Salem Monday, Wednesday and. Friday at3 p. m. Leaves Salem Tuesday,. Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m. Arrlves at Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day st 8:30 p. m. SOUTH BOUND Loaves Portland Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. nu Arrives at Salem Monday, Wednesday anoT Friday at 7:15 p. m. Leaves Salem Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday OULULIUIJ UL o;ct p. JI1. ap For freight am It 202 Front street. Portland; Gilbert Bros, passenger rates apply to nurscrs of tho respective boats, or to W. M. Darling, agent, 200 aid agents, Halem; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany C. A. Miller, agent, Corvalus; or to the gen eral freight and passenger agent, Corvallls. O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls F. W. BOWEN, Super Win. HOAG, General Manager. Our Guarantee If a dealer receives complaint, (which ho believes to bo honest) from any musician to whom he has sold anyoftheso strings, he is authorized by us to eive him another string without charge, and all such loss will bo made good by us to our customers, without ciuloole or question. (Beware ol imitation.) Dealers will please send lor descriptive catalogue. Tradi supplied at lowent price. Overland to California VIA Southfirn Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE Time between Salem and San Francisco Thirty-six Hoars. CALIFORNIA ESrnESS TRAIN RUN DAIMT. BETWEEN rOUTIiAFD AND S. F. Soutlu 4:00 p. m. I Lv. U: p. m. I Lv. 7:J5 a. in. Ar. Portland Salem San Fran. Ar. Lv. Lv. "North. 7:53 a. m. 7:00 p. m. PAbSENOEK TRAIN -CEPT SUNDAY). (DAILY KX- 8:00 a.m. 11:10 a. m 2:40 p. m. Lv. Lv. Ar. Portland Salem Eugene Ar. I 8:45 p. m. Lv. 1 12:52 p. m. Lv. 1 0.0O a. m. Annual Sohool Ivleetlng. THE ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING OF the leiral voters of school district No. 24 of Marlon county, Oregon, will bo held at the opera house In Salem on tho Urst Monday In March, seven thirty p. m., for tho purpose of hearing reports of direct ors and clerk, to levy a tax for tho pur pose of tbo school and payment of Inter est on bonds and to transact any other business proper to be done nt said meet ing. DAVID SIMPSON, Clerk. Salem, Or., Feb. 21st. 188U. be been Tbo nutbor of "Listen to tbo Mocking Bird" acknowledges that bo baa made 20,000 by It. km AtotUU Can. The ORIGINAL ABIETINh OINTMENT la only put up In lar Iwo-ounce tin boxes, ami is an abxoluto cure for old Bores, burn, wounds, cbnppod handa, ami alj l;ln eruptions. Will positive vurf nil kinds of pll. Ask for tlia ORIGINAL AJHETINE OIN1V .MJ-..NP. bolu byD. W. Matthew V ( '., 103 State street, Salem, t S8 ivnu mr boxby wall SO oeute. NEW NOW OPEN! BOOT AND SHOE STORE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation or second class passengers attached to express tialns. ThoS. P. company's ferry makes con nection with all the regular trains on the East Side Division from footot F street, Portland. Vcst Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCEPT SVKDAY). 7:1(0 a. in. 12:25 p. m. "LvT Ar. "Portland Corvallls ArT Lv. 6:20 p. m. 1:30 p. m. At Albany and Corvallls connect witJi trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. Through tickets to all points south and east via California -No. 95 STATE STREET- RELIABLE GOODS AND REASONABLE PRICES. Goods marked in plain figures. Remember the place and give ub a call. BAILEY F BOD WELL, 95 State Street Salem. THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WA.DE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street,'SALEM..; EXPltKaa TRAIN (DAILY BXCEFTJUNDAY.) 4:fiU p. m. 8c00p. m. Lv. Portland "Kt. Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. 8:00 a. m. 5:15 a.m. For full Information regarding rates, maps, etc, apply to the Company's agent, Salem, Oregon. B. P. nOGEItS, Asst. O. F. and Pass. AbU K. KOEHLKK. Manager. Oregon Railway and, Navigation COMPANY, -Columbia River Route.' Trains for the tast leave Portland at iU:& a m ana a p m daily. 110 ets to una rrom Dkahly Bhlovkd Bxcuanek: Don't you fool proud when you bco our John Days River article, nnd' One morolutMon tlmt in tbo mniill. one or two others coinir tho mumla est thlngH uro tho greatest, nud that as yours? "V6eo your modest blush Whllo wo Btaud horo enveloped In I but don't bo too bashfuf. Garland Stoves, Charter flak Stoves, Brighton" Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and Farm MacWwry, Vagois and Carriage I principal points in tht United States, Can nu Europe. ada and ELEGANT TULMANN PAL AC CARS Kralgnint Bleeping Cars run tnrou? , express tri lni to OMAirA COUNCIL BIA.FF find S3. TAUX Free of Charge and Wit on Change. i ConnectlonaatPortland for San Fran j Cisco and Puget Sound points. For further particulars Inquire of I. -A. Manning, acent of the company, Ms Commercial street. Balem' Uiegon, 01 A. 1m Maxwell. O. P. T. 1.. Portli Oregon. A. L MAXWELL, O. P. AT II. H0LC0MB attend il, nsger. tfana