"3" r ' ?v ttn C jwmjfjtuum,ii'a.i.iiJi.-j.ji-uju1svL:.auBwijeliB THE LEGISLATURE. Few Words as to Legisla tion and Bills Passed. A Summary of the Bills Passed Somo Desirable and Somo Objcctionablo ...the Burden Of Taxation. great deal of useless groaning is made over the appropriations by tho late legislature because of the mount. Now the amount will not he a tax of over 2 mills onthodol larontho property as exhibited by he assessment rolls of 1880-7. It is not the amount so much as gome items that may be complained 0f And indeed we would have' no fault, or little, at most, to find as to them but for tho fact of tho sparsc- ness of our population wmcu re- miires that wo fhat wo Bhall exercise tuo , m.n r,tnnn strictest economy. uv dhuBi. point Is that those who wero most reckless about appropriations are men who opposed every measure calculated to invito population into the state. It would cost little, If any more, to carry on the ordinary government of Oregon, if her popu lation were three times more than it is now. The people of this state have borne very heavy burdens and mav now be justly proud of their public Institutions and buildings. They now have a right to expect a large influx of industrious settlers who will divide with them the duty ofsupporting the institutions of their state. There is much said about money voted for opening or complet ing roads. The action is denounced by many as unconstitutional and no discrimination is made. Yet there can be no question as to the legality ofsome.ifnotof.all .those appropri ations. As to expediency there is no one thing that does more to en hance the value of property and ex tend settlement of the country than good roads. This money, judicious ly expended, is more quickly return ed to the.general treasury 'than any other. One might as well call sow ing seed wheat a waste of revenues as to denounce this. There should be an exercise of reason in all mat ters. "We are for stern economy and strict construction of constitutions. But the worst economists are those who waste at bung holes while sav ing at spigots, and tho greatest ene mies of constitutional law arc those who groundlessly accuse others of its violation. Our forefathers fought for our rights and liberties. They secured them. But wo are doing everything to destroy them by statute making. A man's right to his homo and to his liberty and pursuit of happiness is guarded as most sacred. In this pursuit of happiness his busjnessai supposed to be included. VTo de prive him of it should require an open trial and a verdict of ia jury and a judgment of a court of record supposing him to havo done som offence. If his business be a nui sance the law provides' how it may be abated. If his business be lawful he may contract for pay and charge whatever is reasonable, one would suppose. All this Is of right. In steps the legislator and begins to dis criminate. In some cases it is made a high crime to charge even a rea sonable sum. In other cases it is ueh a crime to advertise that it is called "unprofessional" and the ac cused may be deprived of his right to pursue his business by somo com missioners, without judge or-jury. Could the czar of all theTtussians exercise a more autocratic power? Of the 170 laws enacted at the ses sion of our legislature just closed 137 were of general or special nature uuiwwere to incorporate towns. kcal legislation Is generally odious wd that to incorporate towns and to do much like work is entirely un necessary and pernicious. Nearly every bit of such business should be done by the people of the counties wd communities interested through "Mir respective county courts, under Provisions of Mm frrmornl urnhirpfl. This is done in most of tho states jow and tho sooner wo adopt it tho "eiter. Had vn onnli nrnvlolnnn ey would havo saved half wetimoof the past session which "Nglit to have been carefully de fied to a thorough siftlntr and tlny of every act before passing " When one reflects on the im portance of a law, its power and Iemii dignity it is frightful to see the unseemly haste with which "ne bills are read a first nnd second ebytltlo, then read onco and JfyeSf given tho awful dignity flaws within a fow minutes after 'DK for tlift first. Ilmoawn tipnril Jt is utter mockery. If a few 'dlaws, u tew Inconvenient laws are, repealed, modified or revised, and half a dozen necessary ones are made during a term of the legisla ture tho cost is well laid out by the state. There should bo more dis cussion of proposed legislation, for discussion elicits the wisest coun sels. Everything of a local and special nature that can properly bo relegated to tho counties should be done then. .uIt.,sJecncml,y conceded by physicians that about one-half of tho population of , united States nro suffering from In- UlCCKUOn Rntl DVKnonaln TtlirrlnH noting anil Improper mastication nnd ins.Mivn. nnu improper mastication m tlon of food are tho principal Hcnley'H Dandelion Tonic stre causes. D.. lnVlirOrnlPR thn rilfrn&Ml'n twr..-nt nwl n ablcs one to enjoy a hearty meal without any uuplcabant nftor cirects. Bold by D. W. Mathews & Co. Words of wait: next week." "Bring that bill Thousands arc afflicted with diseases of tho Kidney and Urinary Organs, who suf- ier in swenee, rather than mnke known their troubles. To all those nilllctpii . and warranted nol to contain mlnc.ull o Jin y mu, .v iew closes anortt instant re lief. Sold by X). V. Mathpws & Co. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syupr, for children teething, is the prescrip tion of one of tho best lemulo nurses and physicians in the United States, and haw been used forty years with neyer-falnng success by millions of motners lor their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dvsenterv and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to tho child It rests the mother. Price 25c. a bottle. ly-w. JOHN F. STRATTON & SON Importers and Wholesale dealers in New Vnrlr JUUttlUAlj MEUCHANDISE. 43 and 45 Walker St. John P. Stratum's Celebrated Ru "slan Gut Violin strings, the Finest in the World. Our Guarantee It u dealer receives a complaint, (which he believes to be honest) from any musician to whom he has sold any of these strings, he Is authorized by us to give him another string without charge, and all such loss will bo made good by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Bewaroot imitation,) Dealers will please send lor descriptive catalogue. Tract j supplied at lowest price. THE CRMM of all BOOKS of ADVENTURE Condensed Into One Volrnro. PIONEER HEROES DARING DEEDS. And Tiio thrilling adventures of all the hero explorers and frontier fighters with In dians, outlaws and wild beasts, over our whole country, from tho earliest times to tho nresent lives and famous exblolts ol De Soto, Ln Salle, Standlsb Boone, Kenton Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill. Generals Miles and Crook, Great Indian Chiefs, and scores of others. Splen didly illustrated with 220 flue engravings. Agents wanted. Low-priced, and beats anything to sell. A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 132 Post St., San Francisco, Ca ll-fl ly w, A Bargain For-Somebody!!! -To Exchangr for- Lffl! H O M B S -FOB THE HOMELESS!!! 12oo ACRES VAnlEDMD -FOIt Sale or Rent Quantity and Quality to Suit Purchaser. Lands near It. R. Facilities. A G00Pl)HAN0E For Particulars call at TWOfAce. REM AJIUSEMENTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. -:- ONENIU11TONIA -:- Saturday, March 2nd, 1889. RICHARDS &PRINGLE'S :PA.ivtous- IA If JSTRR Headed by tho Emperor of the Mlnistrel World. BILLY KERSANDS Supported by the Brilliant Comedlan GEORGE JACKSON II II And i Coterie of Colored Stars. Grand street parade bv tho Georgia Silver Band. Adm Ission 50 cts; Reserved seats 75. Box sheet open at Pattou's store. "ITT P. WILLIAMS, STENOGItAIUIEU T T . ana typewriter copyist, will innico reports or trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Ofllce wlthl. A. Mnnnlng. Commercial St., Up Btatrs, New Bank Block. For Bargains -IN- Faraily Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Etc., GO TO THOS. BURROWS, Commercial St. Salem. Country produce of all 'kinds always on hand. If you have not traded with mo be fore, I respectfully solicit a trial believing I can suit you both In prices and quality. GRASS SB. Can furnish either Mesqulto or a mixture of Misqulto and Lincoln grass on terras that will allow you to seed down your farms at a cost of from 60 to BOo per ncre. Address. T. C. JOItY, w2m d2w ,Box 91, Salem, Or. A. E. STRANG, No. 803 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DEALER IN- STOVES and RANGES 1 PlBmbing, Gas -and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. - Agent for the RICHARDSON 4 BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 18491 The Best on Earth is Dllworth's JAVA FLAVORED COFFEE. It Is ready roasted and only 25 cepts per pound package. For sale by ROTH & GREENBAUM, (The Openv IIouso arooera.). CourtSt. - Salem DAVID 1, WILLIAMS, .Proprietor of Sata Steam Laundry. SALEM, OIIEGOX. P. 8. Orders by postal card prompt ly attended to. Clothes called for and delivered. ADVANTAGES OK BTEAM UA.UNDIIY. 1. It doea Its work thoroughly, however soiled the garment. 2. It does its work promptly, as It Is In dependent of the weather. :L It does its work hnrnileailv. not in juring the clothe by unnecessary wear bou lour, nur u wo umj ui usurious cuciji- leais. 4. Its chorees ore most reasonable, con- sideling the Quality of Its work. COFFEE COFFEE! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. found! HerkitisI The Key to Success! Success in Business requires preparation 1 Therefore, thoroughly L.ommerciai Arithmetic, Uusiness dence, Book-keeping by both Slncle correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writ ing. Manifold, and Dictation work. All these aro needed In business, and are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at tho SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE Qrlswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. ADJOURNED ! -o- The Legislature Meet OPERA HOUSE To Carry Home With, ttierri to tlieir Wives and. Constituents a Part of trie Immense Steck: of Dry Goods, Clothing There Offered at Lcrw Prices Capitol Adventure Company. B B o O O 6 T T S WM. BROWN & CO. -DEAIiEKS IN- Leather and Findings! cash Paid for Hides, Pells and rurs,- 231 Commercial St,, Q O T Salem, Or'' CALIFORNIA! the i.T'Ft m n eh it. i s,'t s dEl&i MZHLKl.coMmiii.aL SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. .MATTHEWS & COMPANY, lOS State; St., Salem:, Or SNELL, HF.ITSHU &IW00DARD, Wholesale DeDot. master renniansmp and Business Correspon and Doublo Entry, tho nature ond Has A.djou.rried. to at trie Astonishingly By the S s H h: o .O E E S '.":& Land of Discoveries. I L AnAiiiUUnlllrA1 li- OUT I UbCWIIUIiaveuaCUIL reme dies nro giving sstlBfuctlon, nnd n cus tomer with Ilroncbltls says It Is the only remedy that gives Instant relief. HKnitKLi, A Coveh, DmitKlBts, , Illvenilue, CuL" S,, " t)io pleasure to Inform aVC you that your 'reparations ure eetlng with large sales. Wo hear Nothing but'PraisefiKVK caslpn to use them. NAscAWlcf Co,, Druegists, Vlsalia, Cal." That It will accomplish the end desired In nil affections of thoThroatnnd IJungs U,,,jii tnd you not only w(ll not bo Will without It yourself, but will recommend It to others, as thousands have done, who havo tried everything else in vain. Money Is no object where aWmulo Convince You trifling sum of one dollar can purchase remedy that will stand between you and one of the most dreaded of human Ills. Circulars sent free, containing detailed descriptions. SANTA ABIE Is prepared only by the AIUKTINK MEUIOAIi CO., Orovllle, Cal. (HE Slio.es, Hats, Etc., xarii 5u-Mr rvi t- --a . jtiv VKOrKSSIONAT, CARDS. J. JENNINGS. P. I). S.-DHNTIST-Ofllco 111 tho Xeff llnnlr lllnplr rvim merclal sticct, Salem. Slcn of tho Mr tooth. dw IV1- 1roc J. M. KEKNi:. 1). l).H..I)KCTAi. roomsovcr White Corner nnim luuim Sa.,111. to 6 p. m. T)IIYSICIAN.-MItS. 1)11. M. K. JIcCOY, 1 physician and surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Squlro I'nrrnr's grocery More. Chronic diseases a spec ialty. Consultation free. 12-21dw DR. MASON, DENTIST, SUO cessor to Dr. J. C. Ryrd. Oflico out Husk V Baifu. 11LACKS.UITHINO. NOTICE. P. J.LAItSEN.THE HELIABLE Wagon maker, has moved to Jo stato street, hav ing removed his shop from tho old stand, aiu Commercial street, on account ot tho erection of tho now brick. Mr. Larson will lw pleased to seo hlsold customers and as many new ones as will iharo their pa tronage with him, at his new location. AH work guaranteed. Next to Scrlbcr & I'ohlo's shop. 1-27-tf. REMOVAL NOTICE. JOHN KNIGHT. THE BLACKSMITH and wagon maker, has moved his shop to No. 210 Liberty street, whero ho will bo ready for business after Monday, Jan. 28th. I wish to stato to my friends and patrons that I will bo better prepared from now on to executo all work In my line than nny time before. Thanking all for tho liberal support I havo received at your hands. 1 am yours respectfully. JOHN KNIGHT. Liberty Street, Salem, Ogn. 11LACKSM1TIIING and HORSESHOEING. Havo moved to 47 nnd to Stnto street. Whero they aro now read; for work. All our old patrons and friends aro Invited to can hiiu tco us in our now location. We are better propared for work now than ever having secured moro room. 10-1-tf. BKACKSM1THING anil WAGONMAKING. TOHN HOLM, THE OLD UNLIABLE eJ DlacltRinlth, has removed his shop to corner of Commercial and Chemekcte Hts., whero lid Ih ready to servo tho public. Hnv- ingassoclatcdwltli him Mr. lUllnnnon, an experienced wagon-malter recently from Portland, ho Is now piepared better than over to do all kinds of uagon and carriage miming una repairing: an Kinus oi uiacx- smithing nnd rcpalrin g, and a general lie lias nil kliuU norsesnocing uusiness. ofshoe,stcel,trottlng, hand mado, etc., and llt them in a scientific manner. (Special attention given tptho construction of wag ons and carriages, llemember tho place, opposlto State Jmuranco building. AUSGELLANKOUS. PORTRAITS. Having opened a studio at room 0. FIrnX National bank building, Clydo Cooko U prepared to reeelvo outers for portrait and landsciipo work m oil and water colors. Graded classes will aUo bo formed for the Instruction in llvo blanches. 'Special attontion given to designing nnd engraving on wood. d-tf. Call and See- T. J. CRONISE. Salqm's Popular Job Prjnter, AT HIS NEW QUAIITKI18 IN THE Htuto InHiirunco ilulldliiK, C!or. Com mercial nnd Cheinckcto streets '0-ltf ANE OK THIS I.AUOI1ST E.STAI1UHH- Umcnts In the Htatc tflwer rates than . largest ,a-d blgt tho Htatc, ure est discount. Hcnd for prlcollstof Job printing, and catalogue ol legal blanks. K. M. WAITK, Htcam I'rlntcr Hulem Oregon. PIMING and DHESS.MAKIKIl MRS. C. A. RICE Wishes to Inform the ladles of Halem that she Is prepared to do trimming and dresHmaklnglnalllts differ ent branches In the it I.ATESTSTYLES' l'rlces reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. Call and sco her before placing your orders, W Htuto street, up stairs. lm. Arrangments have been complotod for opening a lully and perfectly equipped lluslncss College in Halem, In duo time. The entire upper floor of t lie First NatlonaJ Hank building Is to be re-arranged for the school, with omceH, bank, etc., lor buslues practice. Instruction will bo given, DAY and BVICNINO, In flpelllng, Ommmar, Vcnmanshlp, Cor respondenee.HlnKUand Double Kntry look-Kecplng, llanklng.OlllcoVrue tlco. lluaiijens Forms, Com mercial IjilW, Shorthand, TypowrltlnE. And othor brancheu essential to a pmu(ieal cdacatlon Tho school will be In chan-e 6T two experienced and competent teachers' one for tho business department, nnoUicr for the shorthand department. THOROUGH WORK. Will bo Insisted on from the tint, through which the school oxpeets to make a repu tation etjual to that of the best. 1)13M!UI1 tiveCikculaiis will bo ready for distri bution at an early date. For further particulars, address UMMll IIUSINE88 COIJ.EDK, Balem, Oitf.oiu Ill III HINTING IFM i