.- ... , anrnfmjmiwLMaamn ma3tmucgmavaifjMir"" ,r jtm viriitm r CAPITAL CITY NEWS. Recital ofllie Daily Doings Compiled From Various Sources. Happenings Over the City and News From tho Country. The School Census. Dnvld Simpson, who is engaged in taking the school census of the Salem district tells us that ho finds many now people and that this year's census will be very much larger than that of last. The 1888 list, returned March first last, gave Salem 1090 children of school age, between the ages of fourand twenty. The total population of the district was 8242. This year Mr. Simpson thinks the total will reach if not exceed 10,000, whilo the school cen sus will show a large increase. These arc pertinent straws, show ing that Slem is receiving a good share of the immigration. Still thero is room for many more here. Did You Sep the Sea, C ? The threo "C" entertainment at the Congregational church last night was a most attractive one. The at tendance was small hut the program was well rendered and very enter taining. To give indlvluual mention of each individual performance would be more just, but to say each numher was well rendered aud brought forth hearty applauB, is ex pressing a truth briefly. The menu compelled those who partook to ad mire. And although there were many "C's" to see, all were seen to "C's" the edibles, which were very much enjoyed. . It drew, It drew. The woolen mill subsidy contin ues to grow satisfactorily. To-day tho comniittco aro again working indvidually, but aro doing well. Tliis morning the total amount had reached $14,1)'8, $350 having beon added to the list yesterday. The $15,000 is now distanced and they aro working on the last quarter. Among this morning's additions to tho list was the name of Napoleon Davis, who gave $50, and soveral for Biiialler amounts. Altogether sev eral hundred dollars has been raised to-day. The Silver Anniversary. The order of Knights of Pythias of Salem last night celebrated their twenty-fifth or Silver anniversary. The order was established just a quarter of a century ago in tho United Stales and last night a pleas ing entertainment was given in re membrance and honor of the passage ot'tliis milestone on tho long Journey. The program was highly entertain ing and those who was so fortunate as to have received invitations tell us tho evening was passed pleasantly. ' - Ke.il estate at Albany. On Monday tho the Oregon Land Co. at Albany johl forty lots. This would surelv indicate that realty in our sister city mm on tho movo. Many of these lotslwere in tho uowly platted Klkins' addition. . Those who ought to know, say Albany will lake mauv steps iorward during tho noxt few months. It would seem that their utterances aro already coming true, if activity in real estate woUld Indicate anything. Let her boom ! . Stlt f i ton's Saloon AkU. The city council of Sllverton last night decided to once more issue llcono to tho saloon there. The conditions under which they will grant it aro something after this fashion : The pet inner for such li cense shall obtain signatures to his petition and advertise tho same. The Hcoum also has been raised to $100 per year. The "advertising clause" of the petition it is thought may keep some from signing U. Saallpox 'It Drain. Word has roichod us that Mrs. Jones of Drain, wife of llov, Jones, has taken the smallpox and her husband, and who lias boon aid ing In a protracted meeting at Kast Portland, lias been tele graphed for. Considerable excite ment prevails over tho matter, but it Is (hoped that tho disease will lie checked and that no serious results will occur. A Orange ronventlon. A convention comtKweri of three delegates from cauh subordinate gnuigo in Murlon county, will bo hold at Kalem Orange hall on Sat urday, March 1(1, at 10 o'clock a. in. for the purpose of choosing delegates to thu Oregon State Grunge, which convenes nt Bulem ou tho fourth Tuesday of May next. W. J.Hn.LKAnv, Deputy. THE CITY COUNCIL. " Tlio Regular Session Held Last Night Proceedings. The city council met in regular session last evening, Mayor Wil liams presiding. The following councilmen present: Hirsch, Farrar, Collins, Laforo, Strang, Hutton; Recorder Colin, Marshal Ross aud Street Commis sioner Thompson. Tho committee on accounts and current expenses reported and rec ommended the payment of a num ber of bills. The petition of Ford, Laduo and others to have wooden building in bank blook removed was read and the marshal was instructed to re move the same. The recorder was instructed to notify the chairman of tho commit tee ou lights to be present at next meeting. A warrant was ordered drawn in favor of Thos. Holman for $273 for electric lights for Janury. The matter ofthesewerassessment of the First National bank was called and tho recorder was Instructed toap- portlon the same between JLurst National bank and Mrs. A. A. Wheeler in the ratio ot the number of square feet owned by each aud fronting on Chemckete street. The matter of a nuisance existing in the block botwecn Court aud Chemckete, High aud Liberty streets was called up and referred to the committee on health and police. Tho street commissioner was in structed to blockade the bridge on High street In front of the agricul tural works and to servo notice on the Salem Flouring Mill company to repair tho same. In case ot tlieir failure so to do he is to have the re pairs mado and collect tho amount from said company. Hoys I'an't Iiuy Tobacco. Tho bill prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors is now a law, the Governor having approved it to-gatlier with the emergency clause The bill prohibits the wile of tobacco to minors under the age of eighteen years and tobacco dealers should take notice that tho law lias gono into effect and that they aro now liable to prosecution for selling to bacco under any circumstances to minors. It is tho duty of thooHlcers when they detect a youngster puff ing ou a cigarette to endeavor to ascertain wliero ho obtained the for bidden article. KKAIi KSTATE TRANSACTIONS. Daily transfers furnished the Cai'ITMj Jouiinal by the Union Title Abstract Cempany: It. S. Jes3iinto John V. Jtou- co, lot 2, blk 5, Capital Park Add. $ l"o. August Schellberg to P. S. Knight, lots 2 and 7, blk 10, Jones Add. 225 Leopold Illi-sch to A. Bush, part ot lot 2, blk -IS. Salem. 10,000 "Willis & Murphy to Adam Mesler, 551 cils In 1 88, r II w. COO. Thelllble. Uy it wo prove all mankind de praved and under tho eternal curso of God, unless rescued by faith In Christ. By it we prove faithless Idiots and moral heathen are saved; by It wo eternully damn moral Americans. "What Is this book? When aud how made? Tlieso ques tions will bo answered by Mr. llork in tho opera house on Sunday, Feb. 2tth at 7 p. m. U A dooit Sale. 1. A. Manning this morning sold to Squire Farrar and JoMpli Myers tho forly acio Ainswortli tract. This Is a part of the Harvey Walker claim which sold two mouths ago for $00. per aero. To-day it brought $125. It Is located two miles north east of Salem and Is very desirable property. Who says real estate around Salem Is not advancing does not speak tho truth. The Ball Kan WaterlM. We aro In receipt of a lengthy communication on the Dull Dun water bill, but as final disposition has already been made by the legis lature of the nil Important subject, wo withhold the correspondence. UotUrwi Property. Near depot on Commercial street, forty feet front nnd only $3000; and whole bloeks In West Salem, one hundred dollars. Thomas k Paynk. .. Woman' moat faithful friend W Ore on Klituoy lVu. It U Mwolullv ndupted to complaint peculiar to dtllcuto vratenia, nnd work like niaxlo without leaving ny unpleasant nrtcr efrvrtx. Oregon Kfdney TwU a purely vojretnblo preparation add li unequalled In Klduey and Urinary com. plaint. Sold by,D. W, Mat!w A Co. LOCAL SUMMARY. Found At 252 Commercial St., Speight & Soudcr. dim Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith, 92 State street, tf. A marriage license was yester day evening Issued to Alfred Man ning and Miss Ella Hoveudeu. Joseph Alberta, agent for the celebrated Hammond type-writer, this morning ordered a lino instru ment for Mr. Gregg. -rStcnography Taught at the Salem Business College, Griswold Block, terms low. Also typewrite Ing and manifolding done. 3-t. Geo. S. Downing, Salem; J. J. Daly, Dallas ; J. F. Brentano, St. Paul ; W. K. Graham, Burns are newly appointed notaries public. W. Black, representing the Scientific American, is in the city, havlngjust returned from tho Gray's Harbor country, where he has been taking views. Thomas Kay, the Brownsville woolen-mill man, Is in tho city. He still thinks Salem one of tho best lo cations in Oregon for a woolen mill aud is glad to see the subsidy grow ing so nicely. Tls not all of life to live nor all of death to die. but you get more choice fancy groceries than you can carry away lor a very little money at Squire Farrar's. Dont take our word for it, but go and see for your self. tf They are arriving by tho car load. We refer to those fine new goods at the Capitol Adventure Co. They carry a complete live stock of goods in all classes and kinds of goods. Pi ices low and, stock first class. , tf. Teachers who are preparing for examination, and others who wish to follow a course of study, will do well to visit Prof. Itork's normal classes at the Salem Business College, Griswold's Block. Classes com mence at 1:30 p. m. every day. C-t. I.ETTEIt I.ST. The following letters remain un called for in the postofllce at Salem, Feb. 20, 1889, persons calling for the same will say "advertised:" Brandon C W Burton A II Baucknian Mrs S Buzzell F L Cay wood Mrs F Chanter Mrs F Cobb C M Colo G Conrad S Dwin Oren Farrcns J K P 2 Ferry T M Felend Libbie Freeman Nellio Garrison F M Hughes L Hlnz August Kinolrscher H Kellenberger Ed Goodnougli C Hubbard II Hartley Maggie Keeton S C Ki.or F M LorKe Jonn Leach Mrs C S Marshall Oscar B Montgomery L D Murphy Win McGee J F McFadden S S Perry W L Rands E M Slum Mrs Efllo Schloth Ed A Simpson Ada Smith J S Willard Joseph Werner Win Wllem II C Wadsworth F M Weer Mr W. H. Stylet Harry Shepherd J Seymour A B WesterhausenMrs Wilson W P Warn N C Watson Mrs M J ODELL, P. M. Ileum i Nitlce. S. A. Biggs (Successor to J. A. McDonald) has removed his Marble .ind Granite Works to Commercial street opposIteState Insurance Build ing, wherv! ho is prepared to do first class work on short notice. Ho has tho largest? stock over brought to the state and will sell at prices as low as tho lowest. For honest work givo him a cull. 2wdw A Telling Name. A lawyer of ono of our courts was looking ovor some paperi ills Ger man client had brought, and every signature had a menace in it as it stoed: "A. Scliwlndler." "Mr. Schwindler, why don't you write your nunio some other way; write out your first name, or something? I don't want people to think you aro u swindler." "Veil, veil, how much hotter you dink that looks?" aud ho wrote, "Adam Scliwlndler.' Ex. i How They Head. Somo of tho rich old skiu-lllnts of tho Sound, engaged In business, do not even take a daily newspaper. They read a weekly, or have it read to them, to economize ou loss of voice. It would paralyzo them to pay for an advertising bill. Taeoma News. Au eminent pliyxlclun says- A healthy liver mvtvieatromiwo to three, pounds of bile o cry twenly.ftmr hour ami tlUpose.i ofthUKocrelton where It will do the most cood. Now If t ho liver la out of order, the whole aystem U In trouble, tho spirits are depreaxvd, t he mind W not clear, and n per aon whoso liver U not perfontlin; lu duty U very soon untitled for regular business. Dr. Henlep'a ltandeltnn Timto rouses tho torpid liver aud enables It to perforin Its proper function, thereby resulatlutf tha whole ayatem. Hold by 1). Mathnw 4 Co. Counsel after action is liko rain after harvest. Coqiilllo City Is getting anxious for a telegraph Hue. W. C. T. U. COLUBIN. Annual Meeting of the W. C.T. U. This society, which represents the organized motherhood of ir nation, is ever an increasing wonder. Tho world declared that woman's sphere was the home, and for ages kept her within tho confining walls of a house. So long as her loved ones were safe when they left her pre cribed "sphere," she labored on, content in the happiness of her fam ily. But, alas I Institutions which she had no hand in planting In that all-outsidc-the-houso sphere, and of which she was supposed to have no knowledge whatever, were a set snaro and digged ditch for the un wary feet of her children. It has been increased devotion to her fiyn ily which has caused her to beat against the mortared brick of her house, until, aroused unto conscious ness of herself aud her capabilities, she has gono forth, without the house, indeed, but not without the home, for wherever she takes up her abode, there wo find the elements of the home. She decrees to 'conquer, not by going out of her "sphere," but by enlarging it. This enlarged work of woman is represented by the forty different departments of this enthusiastic and growing organ ization. Tho annual meeting was held In the Metropolitan opera house, of New York City, which, with its largo capacity, was filled to over flowing. The address of Miss Frances E. Willard, whoso peer it would be difficult to find as a presid ing officer, was of unusual length and interest, and treated of nearly every question within the circum ference of needed reform, from tho doll question to national arbitration. At the head of each department is a superintendent, who. has given to her charge the oversight aud devel opment of that branch of tho work. The reports which came in from these superintendents were sueli as to incite animated discussions, but in all there prevailed a spirit of har mony aud good will. The member ship of tho society is two hundred thousand strong. The national or gan, the Union, Signal, has a sub scription list of sixty thousand. Perhaps the greatest immediate un dertaking is that of tho Temperance Temple, tho thought and charge of Mrs. Matilda Corse, president of the Chicago Union. It is to bo located at Chicago, built at a cost of $800, 000.00, and to be used as national headquarters. Tho convention was in every way a success. The follow ing comment was found in an east ern paper: "These women surpass every speaker we ever heard. Not mere talkers are they, but lecturers of tremendous power, able to movo vast audiences. Their logic yes, logic, and; they women is over mastering, their eloquence is time annihilating, and their presence inspiring. We are commonly given to talking of the moral power of great bodies of men. Tho moral power of this convention impresses itself upon every beholder. Even an old reporter on the city press, sit ting by us at tho reporter's table leaned over to say, 'In all my life, I have never witnessed so grand and impressive a convention. I have often read of these women aud their uuion, but I did not realize, until now, a fraction of tlieir greatness.'" West Share. o riKVDIT COURT 1'ROl'EEDINaS. State vs. Grosliongue, plea of gulltv, fined ?o0 and costs. Com mitted until paid. State vs. Holtzclaw, fined $100 and committed. State vs. Lawton, appear for sen tence 9 a. in. to-morrow. Board school land commissioners vs. Smith, s.ilo confirmed. Patterson vs. Haydqn, fllo motion for new trial. State vs. Shackleford, now on trial. A tiood Cap or Co Bee Is a great attraction for a restau raut. The coffee drawn from Hel lenbraud'B Patent Coffee Receptacle is one of the many Great Attrac tions of his eating parlors. Thous ands of cups of his excellent cofleo are sold every week. And as for oysters and meats ho canuot bo equalled In the slate. tf. o Can you Imagine any ailment that wU make a good uiUured person bo peevish dlssatlitned, 111 tempered and cranky us bllllousnessT There is no reason, what ever, why anyonu should sutler from In digestion, dyspepsia, torpid liver and loss of appetite. wheuDr. Henloy'a Dandelion Tonic, which overdone knows U a certain cure, can be so easily obtained. Sold by D. W. Mutbewa a Co, Ita Caantt i Better Than call at tho Grange Store, 126 State street, if you want a good tea or anything else in the grocery line. Don't fall to look aUho "White Cross Extracts, the best in the mar ket. . t-f HEAL AA A. Formerly of Moores & Manning, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Bank Bloc Up Stairs Over T. Having made ths change in business noted in another column, I wil now take the great pleasure In meetiug as many of my former buslnes friends as may feel interested In real estate, and as many more as possible I now have on my list for sale the $500Q Forty acres of land near tho city limits. Excellent gar den or fruit land. Located on tho John Baker road. This is a very rare bargain; for a few days only. $1400 House and comer half lot on Trado and Winter streets. Soon bring more money. $3200 ---Until March 1st, fiveacres on Asylum aveuuo adjoining city boundary. I. A. MANNING, Real Estate And Bank Block, TO CAPITAL PARK ADD CITY OPSALBM FINEST ADDITION JO THE CITY Wide ATenucs, Beantitul Lay of Land, Full Lute, Magnificent Tiew, and rerfect Drainage. Corner Lots -A.ND- Inside. Lots These are positively the best lots joining tho city limits. Tho tract choice lots. Anticipate the coming ROFITABLE By Buying CAPITAL PARK Represented By EX H. BELLINGER & C They Also Have a LARGE LIST OF Not advertised, which they offer at every ono having property tor saio anu an INTENDING PURCHASERS, ToGiveTliemaCall. Office SALEM, - THE BEST STOCK OE STOVES IN- THE R. M. -WA.DE & CO' 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. HC7IW391? AND MANY OTHER Alsj a Ceiplete Stock ef Hantaan aid ESTATE. MANNING! Holverson's Store. following very desirable bargains: $3800 FivoacresadJoinlugQueeifl Anne addition to Salem. $3000 Ten acres adjoining Asjfl lum grounds. Until March 1st J Lots in Queen Anne addition, tha best property around Saleral Safe investment. Desirable homes. See it and be confl vinced. $200 to $500 Each. All largo lots. Insurance Broker. Up Stairs, Salem, Or THE -o- Only $30 Only $20d for tho money that can be bought a has been piatteu anu mere aro ic Doom wnn a INVES Lots In The REAL ESTAT the very lowest prices, and invj in Armory Building, State Sj OREGOl " CITY IS AT Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Ban LEADING STYLES. Fan Iheiuoy, Wagoas aid farriaj 1 TMENT ADD! HO