Jjuiii.ii THE LEGISLATURE, The Ball Run Bill is Once More Vetoed. THE GOVERNOR SUSTAINED. The Houso Stands By The Veto By One Vote. ADJOURN FRIDAY NIGHT. The Session Will CIobo Frlduy Night lit Ten O'clock. ' THK WATER BILL. At 2:20 this afternoon the houso voted to pass the Bull Kun water bill over the governor's veto. Ex citement wus at the highest pitch, and the friends of the measure were sure of Us passage. The vote was 39 for und Ul against, thus the gov ernor Avas again, sustained ,iu his veto. One vote would, -have 'changed the result. , Hahn of. Clat siip cast the deciding vote, having voted to not pass it over the veto. Before he voted yes. Governor Penudyer this morning renewed his veto of the Bull Run water bill and its discussion began intuoHousoat2p. m. Ho stands on the same ground upon which he did at first And again - the did not pas3 over his veto. Its discussion occupies tho Houso for some time. The whole afternoon and much more will be occupied in reading tho assessment bill. Some discus sion arose on the proposal, but as it is the most important bill of the session, as Senator Veatch Baid, and tho people demand action on it, and If not considered now it in all prob ability cannot, it was agreed to t;o into it. This bill requires closest In spection. Bar ties largely interested in evading taxes will always try to get such bills made to suit them selves. Armstrong, of Marion, introduced H. J. 11. 11 this morning, directed to the presideutof the United States, asking him to be careful in his ap pointments, for federal position and praying him to try and flnd men in Oregon that will fill all government positions, without going outside of the state. The resolution was tabled. SENATE. MONDAY P. M. SESSION. The following bills were read a third time: Barin, bill proyidjng for the sup port of married women; passed. Fullerton, allowing county judges to grant preliminary injunctions; passed. Steel, resolution flxinir salaries of senate officers; passed. Fullerton, bill making writs con current withrightsofappealj passed. Bill, to establish agricultural so cieties in Eastern Oregon; passed. Eakin, bill relating to wharfen gersand warehousemen; passed. Fullerton, bill authorizing county courts to maintain county ferries; passed. Barin, bill relating to elections and ballot paper; passed. Chamberliu, bill for relief of Fred Yenkee; passed. Stanley, bill for relief of Jackson county; jwssed. Steel, bill fixing salaries of county treasures: Linn county, $ 1000; Mar ion, ?800, with amendments; passed. Bill, defining-dutles of recorders; passed. Chandler, to aid Malheur In con structing a bridge; passed. btanley, to aid Jackson county to building a wagon road; passed. Uuthorn, bill to allow bridge ncross "Willamette at Cervalliu: passed. Veatch, bill regulating the volun tary sending jDf newspapers; passed. Mackay, bill allowing certain companies to issue mortgages -. in toore than one county; passed. uray, bill providing that county tourts may build armories in cities oi 5000 inhabitautsj.pa&sed. wane, bill nroh blUnir. throwlnir f carcasses Into wells, springs aud "reams; passed. . , , Hilton, to protect pulilto hlirh- ays; pasted. TTESDAY A. M. SESSION. Messages from tho Houso an- unclng the passage of several House bills and also of; - - ..t-i4i 8.B.23. For the i relief Lor Union roonty. The sum reimbursed being. lAChMonJ i. ftfkJsvn. '- ' E " "Ired. 'wai LnJvzami irrtm n Avon inn mwuiwMB S. B. 70, S. B. 207; B. B. 130 aud S. J. II. 7. To amend Incorporation of Tho Dalles ; referred to enrolled bills. Tho Senate amended H. C. R. 16 as to final adjournment and fixed tho date at Friday night at 10 o'clock. S. B. 202 on report of committee, respecting agricultural societies was ordered for third reading to-morrow The following bills wore read a third time and passed. S. B. 141. To license stallions and give liens. Yeas 17, nays 0. Tho commit te to read, inspect and correct journal, was appointed. 'S. B. 04. Construction of bridges in Coos county. S. B. 90. Arbor day in public schools. S. B. 97. Construction of Siuslaw and Eastern railway. S. B. 01 by Irvine. Considered engrossed for third reading to-morrow. Giving liens to contractors on railways. S. B. 121. To establish a state board of immigration aud appropri ate $2500 per year for office, printing etc. Lost, nays 17. , The? bill of the House on assess ment and taxation was made special order for this afternoon at 2 p. m. HOUSE. MONDAY P. 3T. SESSION. Condon, bill for a state board of horticulture; passed. Barin, to regulate the size of ballot paper; first reading. Haskel, bill for $10,000 for a road from Huntington to Snake river; passed. Bill, to allow Astoria & South Coast railroad to bridge Young's bay and Skipanon creek; passed. Bill, to protect contractors, sub contractors and laborers on railroad work, passed. Stanley, for $10,000 for road from Jacksonville to Medford; first read ing. Paulsen, bill for agricultural insti tutes; passed. Pope, bill to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery; passed. Powell, bill for a new road, law, creating the office of county road supervisor; failed to pass. Joint resolution by Armstrong to adjourn sine die, 12 o'clock Saturday; passed. Price, bill for recorders in J ackson, Clatsop, Clackamas, Umatilla and Union counties; passed. Fullerton, to allow county courts to .maintain ferries when necessary; passed. S. J. R., to authorize Governor Penuoyer to attend Washington celebration at Now York on April 30th; concurred. Bean, requiring publication of notice of opening public roads; passed. Noryal, S. B. for the relief of Un ion county; passed. Short, bill to make abusive lan guage punishable the same us as sault; failed to pass. Sanford, billtoamendlawrelatlng to publication of financial condition of counties; passed. Northup, bill relating to disposi tion of property by will; passed. Thompson, bill to protect German singing birds; passed. Gilbert, bill to confer certain honors upon benevolent and char itable institutions; passed. Armstrong, bill for relief of $1000 of Mrs. N. J. McPherson; passed. Cook, bill for the propagation of fish, taxing the canneries therefor; passed. BilLfor$3000a year for Eastern Oregon agricultural societies, (two of them $1500 for each district), for annual fairs at, The Dalles and Baker1 City; .passed. Bill for $5000 to purchase tho half block east of the capltol building; passed. Northup, bill regarding record ing of town and cemetery lots; passed. Morelock, bill to amend the school law; failed to pass. ' TUESD Air !a! I. vSESSION. Jennings introduced H. R. 32, that a committee of three be appoint ed by the chair to approve the journal of the House; 'adopted, v Chair appointed as such com. Messrs Jennings, Miller of Jackson aud Geer. Moved and adopted that tho roll be called by beglnlng at the last pf the list aud allow each member to call for his "pet-' measure. .. Apperson moved to 'suspend the rules and consider H. B. 120. Bill was passed. Spca'ker Smith selected 8. B. 70, to enable Tho Dalles, Qityto sell aud dispose of certain lands. Pass ed. Multnomah delegation reported H. B. 109, back to tho house recom mondlnE its passage accompanied by a minority report amending the bill. Majority report adopted. Wilson called for S. B. 100, Intro duced by Dimlck to amend the charter of tho city of Salem, read first and second time by title only aud placed on final passage. Pass ed. Williamson called for S. B. 53, by Moore to provide times and places of holding Circuit Courts in second Judicial District. Passed. Weed called for S. B. 60, relating to Trespassing upon lands. Passed. Com on enrolled bills reported H. B. 103, correctly enrolled. Message from the Govenor relating to H. B. 31. It Was returned with out the Govcnor's signature. His reason for so doiug was that 31, was Identically tho same as II. B. 17, which exempted 1,500,000 worth of Portland water bonds from tax ation. Waldo called for II. B. 04, by Belknap, to amend section 2584, re lating to tho duties of tho State Board of Education. Lost. Thompson called up S. B. 199, to amend Section 2009, of Hill's code relating to terms of school. Passed. Strowbridge called for S. B. 120, by Barin to amend section 2507, of Hill's Code relating to the paper used for electiou tickets. Passed Stafford called for S. B. 177, by Veatch to regulate tho voluntary sending of newspapers. Passed. By unanimous consent Myers introduced H. B. 239 to provide for for a convention to form a new con stitution for the state. Read first and second time by title only and placed on calendar. Short called for H. B. 70, by Ap person, to amend section 495 of Hills code, relating to divorce. Lost. DIED. NcINTYRE. At Cook's hotel, Sa lem, Feb. 17, 1889, of brain fever, tho infant sou of ,G: A. Mclutyre aud wife. The parents of the deceased have but recently arrived in Salem, and have tho sympathy of many In their affliction. Woman's most faithful friend Is Oregon KIdDey Tea. It la specially adapted to complaints peculiar to delicate systems, and works like magic without leaving any unpleasant alter envcu.. uregon lviancy Tea Is a purely vegetable preparation add Is unequalled In Kidney and Urinary com plaints. Sold by D. "W. Mathews & Co. Ohio is forcing her railways to adopt two cent fare. WP. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER . and Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Olllco with Moorcs & Manning, 317 Commercial St. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS You are bei cby requested to come forward and pay your taxes at once, as tho same will become delinquent! within thirty days from this date. E. M. CnoiSAN, Sheriff and Collector of taxes. Saiem, Ou., Feb. 1, 1889. wtf. GRASS SEED. Can furnish either Mosquito or a mixture of Mlsquite and Lincoln gnus on terms that will allow you to seed down your farms at a cost of from GO to 00c per acre. Address. T. C. JORY, w2m d2w Box 01, Salem, Or. 1889. NOTICE OF From this date our business will be strictly cash. No book or mem- orandum accounts will be kept. No goods will be delivered until paid for. Wo shall keep a full lino of staple dry goods, mens', boys', aud youths' clothing, hats and caps, groceries, etc. Wo shall sell goods lower than any credit house in the state, and as low as any cash house. Our prices are marked In plain fig ures. One price to all will bo tho rule. FARMERS' STORE. 207 Commercial street, Salem, Ogn. New Bank Block. F0RSTNER, TIFFANY & CO Change in Business! NETT ADVERTISEMENTS. found! Hereitisi The key to Success! Success in Business ronuircs nrenaratton ! Therefore, thoroughly master Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship aud Business Correspon- uence, uooK-Keeping by ootn Single ana uoudio lintry, tuo nature ana correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law nud Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work. All these are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at tho SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. NOW OPEN! NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. No. 05 STATE STREET RELIABLE GOODS AND REASONABLE PRICES. Goods marked in plain figures. Remember tho placo and give us a call. BAILEY F BODWELL 95 State Street, ciouiJJCTnrcaaaEflsxi ;CE3Cp !v -xtVT- t : t! fc.lT... .!. "y THE COW BRAND. TO FaggStf? dn3TNl DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE I wight's Cow-Brand Soda - Saleratus ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. B sore that there Is a picture of a Cbw on your package and you will havo tho best Soda made. THB cow nKAND, B B O O O o T s S WM. BROWN & CO. -DEALERS IN- Leather and Findings! CASH PAID for Wools, Hides, Pells and Furs - 231 Commercial St., Salem, Or' fi uftl . j nwuii i i. - "i " ior wkm .Sxhq n ClSCIlA in i rTiim urntr nuitnrccr'inrio OPT !Ss5j Mgis- H O F ximwm x Pl P3 I d r' f. UAf "1 jtf "Li' wyyA TJ AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not not better? Havo you an ox JjL cewlve secretion of mucus matter in the nasal passages? Are you troubled by nawktng.'splttlng;, weak and inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of tho throat, ringing or roaring in the ears, more or less Impairment of the hearing, loss of smell, memory Im paired, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of the noser Havo you lost all sense of smell? Is your breath foul? If no, you nuvo the Catarrh. (Some luive all theso symptoms, others only a part. California Cat-R-Cure Restoresthe sense of taste and smell, romqves bad taste and unpleasant breath, result ing from Catarrh. Kasy and pleasant to use. Follow directions ind u cure Is guaran teed by D. W. MATTIIEWB A Co. RBCQMMBNDBD, CAPTAIN CHARLES 1 DJMON, of New York City, formerly special agent of tho Phoenix and Home Insuranco Company at Ban Francisco, Cal., says: "I huvo been troubled with Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In woodland, Cal., recom mended your California CAT-U-CUHE. I procurded a Jar, having but little faith In Its curative properties; but I must say, after using three Jars, I am cured of that disgusting disease. Inclosed nnd S3 for which send me California OAT-It-CUUE for pome friends, who are sufferers," BOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 state St.. Salem, or SNELL, HF.ITSHU k W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot, Sulem. MAKE VDWIGHT'S & LjJiiSJ S s H O O F S S . - .'. . rv 1JL . H M-J ' - 1 THCONLT- 0UfyrJTEEO cunt iuh ATARRH 0R0V1LLECAU i L, r ATAHHR4, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T J. JENNINOS I). D. P. DENTIST t) Odlco in the New Hank lllock. Com mercial street, Salem. Hlgn of tho big tooth. uw DU. J. it. KEENE, I). 1). 8.. DENTAL room over While Comer. Olllco hours 8a. ,ni. toSp. m. T)HY3ICIAN.-MUS. DU. M. E. McCOY, L .physician ami surgeon, has located and taken rooms (I nnd 7 nt Mrs. Sargcantu In tho opera house. Chronle diseases iv specialty. Consultation free. lU-'Jldw DR. MASON, DENTIST, SU0 eessor fo Dr. J. C. Byrd. Oflicc (nerlJusY: Eaii :. ItLACICSMITIIING. NOTICE. P..I. LAUSEN.THE RELIAIiLK Wagon maker, has mm cd to J.'i State street, hav ing lemoved his shop fiom ttio old stand, alO Commercial slicet, on account of tho erection of the new brick. Mr. ljiien will bo pleased to sco hlsold customers and as many new ones as will sharo their pa tronage with him, at his new location. All work guaranteed. Next to bcrlber A Pohlo's sliop. 1-27-tf. REMOVAL NOTICE. JOHN KNIOIIT .THE 11LAOKSMITH and wagon maker, has mopd Ills shop to No. 210 Liberty street, whcio lie will bo ready for business alter Monday, Jan. IWth. I wish to state to my friends and pations that I will bo better pioparcd fiom now on to execute all woik In my lino than any t lino before. Thanking all for tho liberal support I have received at your hands, I am yours respectfully, JOHN KNIOIIT, Liberty Street, Salem, Ogn. BLACKSMITMNG anil HORSESHOEING. Havo moved to 47 and 49 Stnto street, where they are now ready for work. All our old patrons and filcnus are Invited to call and sco us In our new location. We aro better prepared for work now than ever having seemed moro room. 10-1-tf. y BKACKSM1THING and WAGONMAKING. tohn Holm, the old reliaule J Ulacksmlth, has icmoved his shop to corner of Commercial and Chcnieketo Hts., wheio ho Is ready to serve tho public. Hav Ingassoclatcd with him Mr. It. llannon, an experienced wagon-maker recently from Portland, ho Is now prepared better than over to do all kinds of wagon and carriage making and repairing; nil kinds of blacK smlthlng and rcpalinig, and n general horseshoolng business, llo has nil IcIikIh ofshocs.steel.trottlng, handmade, etc., nnd flts them In a sclcntlflo mannor. Special attention given to tho construction of wag ons and carriages. Remember tho placo, opposite State liuurnneo building. MISCELLANEOUS. PORTRAITS. Having opened a studio nt room (!, First Natloiialbank building, Clyde Cooko is prepared to recclvo oidcrs for portraits and landscape work in oil and water colors. Graded classes will also bo formed for tho Instruction In ilvo branches. Special attention given to designing and engraving on wood. d-tf. Cull unci Soo T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE Stato Insurance llulldlng, Cor. Com mercial und Chemekote Btreets '0-ltf QNE OK THE LARGEST ESTAULIHH ments In tho Htute. Iiwcr rates than . .irtland. Largest stock lA'gal Ulunks In the State, a d biggest discount. Send for price list of Job printing, und catalogue ol legal blanks. E. M. WAITE, Steam Printer Sulem Oregon. TRIMMING and DRESSMAKING. MRS. C. A. RICE Wishes to Inform tho Ladles of Balom that she U prepurcd to do trimming und dressmaking in all Its d 1 tier en t brunches In the u LATEST STYLES'-' Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. Cull and see her beforo placing your orders. U5 Stato street, up stairs. lm. SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE. Arraugmcnts have been completed for nmmlng a iully und iwrfectly equipped IIUHlness College in Salem, In due tune. The entire upper floor of tho First National Hank building Is to be re-arranged fur tho school, with olIlecH. bank, etc., lor bublnes practice. Instruction will bo given, DAY und EVENING, In Spelling, Grammar, Penmanshlii, Cor rcsjxmdence, Single und Double Entry UooK-ICeenlng, Iliinklng.OllU'O Prac tice, lltikhuws Forms, Com , mcrclal Law, Shorthund, TyPwrltlnK, And other branches essential to a practical education The school will bo In charge of two experienced und competent touuhcrs; one for tho business department, another for tho shorthand deiHirtment. THOROUOH WORK, Will be InsUUtdnn from the first, through which the school expects to inakon repit lutlonenuul tathatof the best. Ukhokii' tivk Ciucui.au will be ready for distri bution nt un early dale. Kor further particulars, uddnws SALEM 1IUSINEHB COLLECIE, Sulem, Oregon, M4PHE PRNTNG