nBnjijw'ffmtfijrJa".fy4.jflaijBac I t V EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 1889. I'UJJMSHKD EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. nr the Capital Journal Publishing Company. lINCOJtPOKATKD Olllce, Corner 'Court and Liberty Streeti' TEKMH OK HUHSCHIITIONl. DAILY. Ono year, by mull-. j W Hlx inonth". by irmll-- 2 no Tlirco month by mr.ll 1 2j I'qr weclc delivered by carrier 15 WJIKKI.Y. Mnn vnril . .. . 81 TlO Hlx monthi -- , 75 nnn vmir. If it lid for In adumcc. . 1 00 Six months, " " " CO -Wl'fMtmnMcis liro celvo subscriptions. authorized to ro- ttr-ISntcrcd ns sccond-clasH mntter nt the nleiii.OrcKon, l'osUilllec. Juno 21. 1888. W. 11. IJYARS -VLAKB W. IIIVINB Editor Manager. CONSPIRACY. When will the people of the United Strifes get wieo enough to know that neurly every great son Hfitionnl sldo issue is but iv schcino of a lot of seeret conspirators to de tract their uttontlon from the main great points in which their vital in terests uro concerned? No sooner is one great sensation over than an other ono is purposely developed. Here now rises the Canadian an nexation fcehemc. At this time when trusts, monopolies, taxation, railway transportation and currency and kindred subjects ought to hold public uttontlon exclusively it is plain tlint a secret determined effort is making to got up a Canadian an nexation excitement, and millions of dollars are being used by rascals on both sides of tho boundary line tq urge tills wild and unnatural pro ject. Tho main object la to get the urand Trunk and Paclilc railway of Canada under conliol of our own great railway monopoly. MANII'KVr DKSTINY. In days of yore, in forty-four, when law makers now were babies, tho words above were often used by men who hold tho state's helm. Tho words described our nation's course and indicated plainly, tlint nil of lauds nnd sons and lakes in cer tain favored regions, adjoining lim its of cur own, grow ours by natur al progi ess. A like Idea now pervades tho noodles of us moderns. Wher'or wo go nnd plnntour tlag, on ocean, sea or island, tho lands aro ours, tho people too, tho fishes nnd tho -waters. Progressing thus we'll span tho globe. This is mani fest destiny, but it is liot common sense. Tim llillsboro Democrat abuses iSonntor Tongue, ono of tho very ablest, most independent members of tho Oregon legislature, for voting for tho Bull Hun wnter bill after op posing it. Tho Democrat ought to know.n that Senator Tongue might tlo so on pur pose, to be with tho majority so that he mlg)it movo its reconsld at Ion. Wis do not wish to say one word more about that Homestead Law. Tho senate finally paased It. If now tho house can bo ho reckless of the interest of tlio State ns to neglect it, it can only be because of their ignor ance or alliance witli cattle men and u few merchants who seem to think it for tho interest of tho Stato to hold her population at its present number. Tin: testimony of MnoDounld, manager of the Times, has settled tho Parnell case lmpublio oplulon. Ho acknowledged he took no pains to Hud out if the loiters ascribed to Parnell, which are ithu real gist of tho charges It made, were genuine lieforo lie published them. One Pigott hiiH confessed that he forged the letters. ICvKUYold nation has boon com pelled to protect her fishing supply by stringent laws that are sternly enforced. We have no patience with tlint Ignorance tlint deems Mich regulntioiiB horo unnecessary. Our trouble is that we noglect to en force the lnws wo have. Kitcoitiw ot tho Weather kept by an old lee dealer of Chicago show that from 1847 to this winter in elusive thgre wore but thlrteon mod orate wlntors. Five of those were very modumte 1802-3, 1876-0, 1877 s, 1870-80, 1881-2, and twenty of them were fenrfully cold. EX-PHKS'T IIAVKS. It is customcry for newspapers to speak lightly of ex-President Hayes, for somo reason. Even republican do so. But let anyone review the history of his administration from beginning to end, calmly, in tho light thrown back upon its events, of the present, and ho must admit that no mail ever did moro toward reviving good will and brotherly love between North and South. He set great shilling exumples of forbearance and kindness. Ilo-had a very hard task to perform. If anyone is so unjust as to blame him for taking the pres idency just let lilm pause and ask liimelf how he could possibly have done otherwise? Suppose ho had refused! What then? That's tho question. To-day, in this age of shoddy, of disgusting ostentation and imitation of aristocracy, lie lives as a plain, unpretending villager, although "sawsiety" would gladly adopt and wear him as an orna ment. He sets a noble American example. (jki:i:ic GIFTS. New Jersey collects nil its revenue off corporations. The New Jerseyan pays no State tax. As the state is owned and run by these corportions it may at first seems a little singular. But long ago the corporations took pos csslon thirty years ago it was said that the inline of that state should be changed to "Cambden and Amboy Railway." Years and years ago that corporation said, "just confide in me, come to my arms, and I will relievo you of all trouble, all taxes. You need not oven think! only con fide in me, rest and be happy." There are some people to whom a like con dition for some of our Western states seems desirable. But beware, "I fear tho Geeks and especlaly when they bring us gifts." The less we pay directly tho moro we aro robbed indirectly. A GLOKIOUS PATltlOT. Iteferlng to tho mighty claims made by that ridiculous gas bag, Private Dalzcll, tho editor of the Hayes Valley Advertiser, of San Francisco, himsely a devoted, pat riotic veteran of tho lato war, says: "All of which suggests to us to remark that if Pnvato Dalzcll dis charged ills musket, during the war as vigorously as ho shoots his mouth oil', at the present time, tho wonder is that the Confederacy held out as long as it did. But if, as 'Private Dal zcll' claims, 1,800,000 veterans and their sons voted for Hurrisou nud Morton nnd mainly to secure pen sions, as he asserts then tho rest of tho people must bo democratic by a large majority, nud tho time miglit come when wo should ilnd tho 'veterans and their sons' ou ono sldo and tho peoplo on tho other. And tliat would be unpleasant." tllUt I'EN PIUTUKKS. Short Sketches of Our Ami Prominent Law Men. Maker lto.v. TiiinioN i:. ki:ll. Mr. Fell, of Heppner, Morrow county is ono of those jovial, good natured men that wo nronlways glad to meet. He Is netlvo and en ergetic, and what he does ho does with a will, and Infuses good nnture into nil with whom ho conies in eon- tact. Ho Is an Illinois boy and made his debut ou this world's stage at Bloomlngton, Illinois, in 1858. When twenty-six years of age he came to Oregon and lias resided hero ever since. Mr. Fell Is n dealer in wood, ono of tho linn of Ayera & Fell, also manager of tho Morrow County Loan fe Trust company. He Is an excellent manager, a careful financier, and work or business un der his supervision Is sure to bo properly attended to. He Is serving his first term in tho legislature nud is making a good member. He is considered good-looking, aud quite n favorite with tho lady visitors. HON. CHAKLUS (lOODNOUCllt. Mr. Goodnough is a republican representative from Union county. Ho is a resident of Island City. Our subject wns born u Corvallls, Ver mont, November 18, 1833, whero he remained uitjl ho htul attained tho age of twenty-two, when ho cnino west and located hi Oregon In 16,"5, whero he has sluco made his home. By occupation Mr. Goodnough is u carpenter, farmer, merehnnt nnd lmiiker. He is quite apromluout mau In his county, and Is serving hU first term in the House of rcprv sontntivcHibr them. Wo entertain tho hope that wo may somo time be able to do Mr. Goodnough Justice In a more completo biography. Wo must for tho present remain satisfied in presenting this very incomplete sketch. How's Thtsl We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any,, case of, carrU,that can not bo cured by taking HpU' catarrh euro. 1 F. J. Cheney fc Co., props., Toledo, 0. Wervtho undersigned, have known ft J.., Cheney., for the last 15 years, and bejlpve, Jilinu per fectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Rinnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. II. Van Hocsen, casliier, Toledo national bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's catarrh euro is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price, 7oc. per bottle Sold by all druggists. Clarkson of Iowa does not appear to be a favorite son. A Terrlblo Misfortune. It Is a calamity of the direst kind to feci that one's physical energies nro falling In the prime of llfe-to feel moro nerveless, more dispirited, weaker Jovery day. Yet this Is tho unhappy lot of hundreds around us. A source of renewed strength which sclenco approves, In behalf of which multi tudes of t he debilitated have nnd are e cry dav testifying, nnd which. In countless In stances, hits built up constitutions biipped by weaknesses nnd infirmity nnd long un benelltted by other means, surely com mends itself to all who need n tonic. Hostetter's stomach bitters is such n medi cine pure, botanic, soothing to the nerves nromoltvo to the digestion and a fertilizer of tho blood. Dyspepsia and nervousness tho first a cause, the becond a conse oucneeof lack of stamina.-deimrt when a course of tho bitters is tried. All forms of malarial disease, rheumatism, kidney and Dinaacr irouoie, consiipaiion are nnnim latcd by tills standard family medicine. Counsel after action after harvest. - is like rain IMuko No Mistake. By dispelling the symptoms so often taken for consumption. Santa Abie has brought gladness to many a household. By its prompt use for breaking up the cold that too often developes into that fatal disease, thousauds can be saved from an un timely grave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle of this pleacant remedy in your house. Califo-pia Cat-r-curo is equally effective in eradicating all traces of nasal catarrh Both of these wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted by D. W. Mathews & Co. $1. a pack ago or 3 for $2.50. What is done at the legislature must be done quickly. Don't Experiment, You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs aro in danger. Consumption al ways seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose up on you witli somo cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, but be sure you git the genuine. Because lie can mnke moro profit lie may tell you ho litis something Just us good, or just the same. Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in nil Throat, Lung nnd Chest nffectious. trial bottles free at Dr. H. W. Oox'e Drug Storo. Large bottles $1. Coquille City is getting anxious for n telegraph line. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been re stored to health by simple means, after suffering several years with a sovero lutnr affection, and that dread disease consumption, is anx ious to maito Known to ins icilow suffeicrs tho means of cure. To those who dcslro it. lie will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of tne prescription useu, wmen tnoy will find a sure cure for consump tion, catarrh, asniatlm, bronchitis nnd iU throat nud lung mnladies. Ho hopes nil sufferers will try his remedy, ns it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothlnir. and may nrove a blessing, will please address, Rev. Edwa.d A. Wilson, Kings County, Now York. Moro strangers in town every day looking for places to locate. A Sound Legal Opinion. E. llaldbrldgo Monday County Atty"., Clay county, says: "Have used Electric Esq., Texas, hitters with most happy results. My broth er also was very low with Malaria fever and Jaundice, hut was cured by timely uso of this medicine. Am Batlslled Electrio .Bitters saved his life. ' Mr. D. I. "Wllcoxson of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, ,yimrt He positively believes ,he would havo died, had it not- Jbeen' This great remedy will ward off, as well lus cure nil malaria diseases, nnd for all kdney, liver and stom nnh riisonlnrs ntiimlu imrunialnSl Prlco SOo und ?1. at H. W. Cox's f Now Is tho timo to Invest In real estate. lightnow, don, wait. ! AtMlRt -Cir. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINJj, OINTMENT la oaly put up In largo """iu"v " uoa, aim 13 ai uusoiuto cure for old sores, bums, won mis. chnnned )irwio nn.i n akin eruption Will positively vuro an iuuub 01 pifM. Afik for tile ORIGINAL ABIETJNE OJNT, MKNT. Sola by D. V. Matthews A Co., 10C Stataratrcet, Baleih, at 25 vuts per box by v&U 80 oenta. Hi rR0VAL,,AK'NO ji 1 Abso.uteHy Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary 'finds, and cannot bo sold In competition with tho multitude of low test, slioi t weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only 111 cans. lJOYAL, Bakinq Powdeii Co., 10(1 Wall.N.Y. EDUCATIONAL. ST. PAUL'S L Boys and. Gixls. The school will open on the 2ttb of September. .Thorough Instruc tion in tho prlmnry and advanced English JBranches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In course.- TEHMS and further Information may be bad on application to REV. F. II. POST, Cor, Chemekcta and State Sis. 8-20-tf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Normal, Business, Law, -AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is the okle.t, largest and least expen sive Institution of learning In tho North west. School opens first Monday in September Send for cutaloguo to THOS. VAN SCOY, President. 17: Salem, Oregon. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Williunetto University. Most successful school of music on tho northwest coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST 'YEAR. courses in Piano, Organ Singing, Violin, Harmony, and Counter point. Dlolomns on completion ot course. Teachers: Z. M. l'arvln, Frauklo P. Jones, KvuCox. Assistant, Lulu M. Smith. First term begins Monday, Septcmoer 8d, 1883. Send for catalogue. For lurther particulars address Z. IvI. PARVIN, Musical Director, Salem, Or. 8-17-dtf.wlt DAVID T. WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem Stem Laundry. SALEM, OREGON. P. S. Orders by postal card prompt ly attended to. Clothes called for and delivered. ADVANTAGES OF STEAM: LAUNDUY. I. It docs Its work thoroughly, however united tho uarment. ' 2. It does Its work'iiromptly, us ltMs In- Iucpcnacni ui mo wiiuiier. 3. It does Its work harmlessly, not in. Jurlng tho clothes by unneccbsary wear ..'! ..... .- .mat... .In'. .dnlnt..Mln...i nl ..n. i.liu ii.li, uui uj iiiu n? ui uijuiiuiia i;iiujii- lcnls. 4. Its charges nre most reasonable, con. sldertng tho quality of Its work. A. E. STRANG, No. SOU Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DKAI.KB IN- ISTOVESandRANGES Planning, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. ' ' ' n- Ajjtcnt ftr the JtlCIlAUnSON A KOYNTOK COMPANY! Furuareft. K UblUbed In 16191 HATING HOUSES. THE HOME RESTAURANT, Having been furnished for the especial accommodation of the public, wo te the attention of the the HUNGRY and sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new and clean; good "Hom6" meals served reg ularly three times a diy. No Chinese in the kitchen. Give us a call and see for yourself. EJ. M. LAW, Proprietor. Cor. Court and High St., Salem, Or. PEARCE and MAY'S "NEW RESTAURANT." Thes.e gentlemen havochaigo of the res taurant formerly knovti as EMKItbON'S old stand, whero they nre prepared to servo meals nt all hours, Alcals 2Tcts. Ol'EN DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters served In all styles. Hoard fur nished to regular boarders, at 218 Commer cial street. KELLEY BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE CAPITOL COFFEE HOUSE Meals, 25 cents; board, $3.50 per week. Fresh milk, cream and oysters always on hand. 218 Commercial St. l(K)-dtr, LEGISLATORS ! nd others wishing to board at a quiet . and cozv mace, will find tho oblect ot elr search at MRS. N. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemekete and Liberty Sts., Salem, Where a few select boarders can secure board. COOK'S HOTEL Salcm,Oregon W. II. COOK Proprietor. Formerly Clerk of Chcmkete Everything New and first-class. Convenient Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Corner State and High streets C. II. Monroe, J. It. N. Bkll Late of the Monroe Housejl Monroe & Bell, Proprietors Chemekete Bote FREE BUS. SamplelRooms for Commercial Travelers. From 81 to JW per day. SALEM - - OREGON. 104-tf FINANCIAL. SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, President. DH. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOIIt, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exclinnge on Portland. San Francisco. New York, London nnd Hong Kong bouirht nnd sold. Stale, County and City warrants bought. farmers aro coraiaiiy invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property ni reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL ABTnOMir OF- SALEM 0REG0N. '-' - $75,000 Capital Paid up, Surplus, - 10,000 U. 8. ..WALLACE, - - President. V. W. MAUTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBEItT, h - Cashier. DIRECTORS) W.T.Qrajr, TWW. Martin, J. M. Martin, It. a Wallace, Dr. W.A-Cuslek. J..II. Albert, T.McF.Patton. ' LOANS 1VIADR To formers on wheat and other market- able produce, consigned or in store. e proance, consujnea orinsu cither In private crux arte pr public warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted al reasonable rates. Droits drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Hn Kraneteco, Portland, London, Paris. Berlin, First National Bank The Capital National Bank Hong Kong ana Calcutta, TRANSPORTATION. THE YA0UINA ROUTE. PEGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any othet loute. First class through passenger and freight line from Portlnnd nnd nil pointR In the Wil lamette vallev to and from San Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leavo Albany 1:00 PM Leave Corvallls ------- -imopm Arrive Ynquina C:30PM Leave Yaqulna - " - - - - . -6:45 AM Leave Corvallls --.-.-. 10:35 AM Arrhe Albany 11:10 AM O. AC. trains connect at Albany nnd Corvallls. Tho above Uiilns connect at YAQUINA with thn Oregon Development Co Lino jfStea'ashlps between Yaqulna nnd San Francisco. SAILING DATES. STEAMERS, FItOJl SAN FHANCISCO Wlllametto Valley, Thursday Dee o. Willamette Valley Monday " 17 Y illametto Vallert Sunday ' 30. STEAMERS. FROM YAQUINA. Wlllametto Valley Wednesday Dec. 12 wlllametto Valley Monday " 21 This company reserves tho right to bango sailing dates without notice. N. B. Passengers from Portland and all Wlllametto Valley points can make clo.-o connection with tho trains of the YAOIIINA T?nTTfRnt Alhnnv iwrVMrnllln andlf destined to San Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaqulna tho evening before date of sailing. Pawengfr and Freight Katos Always the Lowest. For Information npply to Messrs HULMAN & Co., Freight nnd Ticket Agents 200 nnd 202 Front St., Portland, Or or to C.C. HOGUE, Ao't Gen'l Frt. A Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific It. r Co., . , Corvallls, Or. O H.HASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; A Pass. Agt. Oiegon Development Co., SOI Montgomery St.; San Francisco, Col; TIME TABLE-RIVER DIVISION. Theclegantly,cquipped steamboats, Wta. M. Houg, Capt. Geo. Ilaabe; tho N. S. Bentley, Capt. J.CP. Coulter, the Three Sisters, OapK W, P. Short; are In service for passenger and freight traffic between Corvallls and Portland and intermediate points, making three round trips each week ns follews: NOUTH BOUND Leaves Corvallls Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m. Arrives at Salem Monday, Wcdnesdayand Friday at.1 p. m. Leaves Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. Arrives at Portland Tuesday ,'Thursday and Satui day st 8:30 p. m. bOUTH BOUND Leaves Portland Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Salem Monday, Wcdnesdayand Friday at 7:15 p. m. Leaves Salem Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at3:S0 p. m. For freight and passeriger rates apply to the captains and pursers of tho respective boats, or to W. M. Darling, agent, 200 and 202 Front street, Portland; Gilbert Bros., agents, Salem; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany C. A. Miller, agent, Corvallls? or to tho gen eral freight and passenger ngent, Corvallls. O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. F. W. BO WEN, Superintendent. Wm. HOAG, General Manager. Overland to California -i VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE- Time lietwccn Salem and San Francisco-Thirty-six Hours. OAI.iyoNIA EXntLSS TRAIN RUN SAIL1. UKTW'EEN PORTLAFB AND S. P. Knit ii. I 1N6HhT" 1:00 p. in. :llp. m. 7:15 11. m. Lv. Portland Lv. Salem Ar. San Fran. Ar. Lv. Lv. 10:45 a. m. 7:53 a. m. 7:00 p. m LOCAL I'ASSENGKH TRAIN ( DAJIiY EI- - uiu'r suhuay;. 8.-U0 a. m. 1MO n. m Lv. Portland Ar. J 3:15 p. m. Lv. Salem Lv. J 12-52 p. m. Ar. Kugene LV. 9.00 a. m. 12:10 p. m. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation or second class passengers attached to express trains. Theb. P. company's ferry makes con nection with nil tho regular traini on the Kast Sldo Division from foot of F street, Portland. lYest Side Division. Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCKIT BUKDAY). f.-SO a. m. I Lv. 12.-2S p. m. I Ar. ""Portland,-Ar. Corvallls Lv. 6:20 p. m. i:3u p. m. A. Alhnnv nnrl fTnrvnlltu winnwt wlt.tk trains of Oregon Pacino Railroad. ri,miiih tlfkotntn nil tolnts south und east via California BaVKKSa TRAIN ' (DAILY KXCE1T atmPAY.) 1:50 p: m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 9.-00 a. m. 8.-00 p. in. I Ar.McMlnnville Lv. 5:45 a. m. For full Information regarding rates, maps, etc, npply to the Company's agent, Salem, Oregon. E. P. KOGEItS, Asst. G. F. and Pass. Ag't p. KOEHLElt, Manager. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY, "Columbia River Route.' Trains for the east If u Portland at lt& ; a m and :piu aatiy. -i to uis io nnu jiuuj principal polnts'ln tht United States, Cat. ada and Europe. ELEGANT fULMANN PALAC CARS Jtotlgrant Bleeping Cars run throng -'ion i express tit ins to OMAHA COUNCIL BLLFF and 81. TAUI Frjccof Charge and Wit ou Change. Connections at Portland for San Frar v.- uconndlnilrtt Bound points. Kor'.tnrtbftrpftrtlcularfl Inquire of I. A. J K;HM nnont f ttit Mnnmnnv. Hit t Commerulal -street. Salem Uiegon. oi A. U Maxwell, Q, P. & T. Jutland Oregon. , " ' A, L MAXWELL. O. V. T A H. H0LC0MB Oti-eral il nager,