I ( TAT VOL. 1. SALEM,' OR., TUESDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1889. NO. 299. CAP! JOURNAL. jpfff3BjW3pBt5BiBWBP . L- 9eB?$W MISCELLANEOUS. OLIVEtiODQENo. 18, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Follows' Hall up stairs. Cornci Commercial nnd Ferry streets, every Sat urday t 7:30p.m. J. T. GREGG. JA8. W ALTON, Secretary. N. Q. INSURANCE Company, Fire and Ma- rlne. 03. ALBERT. Agent. Salem, Oregon HOWARD BROTHERS DO General Honse Moving, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly done at.reasonable rates. Orders left nt Capital Joukxal office will receive attention. 9-11-tf WEST BROS. Have moved their meat market from 300 Commercial street, to 94 Court street, where they Invite nil their customers and friends to call and seo them, They guar antee all their meats, etc.. as represented If you want a nlco roast, steak, pork or nny thngln first class meat market, call on West Bra's., 04 Court street. ONLY SELECT STOCK KILLED. Thesq gentlemen have been in the butch er business In Salem for a long time and they have built up a reputation to be proud of, as turning out only the choicest meats that the market aftords. To Representatives and Senators. Wm. Myers, the cigar manufacturer, offers you special bargains In cigars and tobacco lor tho next month, His especial brands are ' SALEM SPORT ' ' and " OPERA BELLE. " His goods are all flrst-class, as he has had twenty-one years experience In tho busi ness of manufacturing and selling cigars. Cigars by the box at special rates. W'LLIAM MYERS. 205 Commercial Street, - - Salem keax;estate. To-your money until you seo some of the bargains in Eeal Es tate offered by THOMAS & PAYNE 97 State St., - - - Salem. One-fourth block and fine resi dence on Center street, only $20,50; Ave and ten acre lots two miles from Salem, clean prairie. Good house ana lot in block 48 only $1000, and property in all parts of the city and country. Fine residence property In Los Angles to exchange for property here. JAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1st, 1888. Messrs w-lLLER BROS., Salem, Oregon, Uentleme-: We had the pleasure re cently ol making shipment to you of our new "White Cross" Extracts, and send you by mall to-day a very neat show card which wo would Hko you to place promi nently In your store, and which will call Ibe attention of your trade to the goods. It has been our Intention for some time past to place upon tho market tho finest line of flavoring oxtracts manufactured in Ihls country, and after months of study and experimenting with the prominent orands now before the nubllo we have at last succeded In placing before you a qual ity which beyond doubt bus no superior. no can not too strongly Impress upon you that you can unhesitatingly recom mend them to your customers as the finest that can possibly be manufactured. The Package and style generally Is such as to attract attention, and we predict that when Jour trade have tested the quality of the oods your sale for "White Cross " extracts will be large. By complying with our reouest you will onfer a favor uponft-ours truly, A. SCHILLING A CO. Tho BOYEKS' GUIDE is issuad Mrch and Sept., each year. It is an enoy- Jclopedla of useful lnlox 'matlon for all who pur. chase the luxuries or the TlAnmtnitf A rtf llffl. WB clothe you and furnish you with Ju the neoessiry end unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, danoe, sleep, , ftsh, hunt, work, go to church, tay at home, and in various aiiea, Vies and quantities. Just flsuro out ut ! required to do all these thinga """ruHTABLY. and you can make a fair nS5?t8 th lne of the BUYEBB' -"J-UJ3, which will be Mnt upon l'Pt of 10 cent w ay postage, ggNTGOMERY WARD A CO. 114 Uichiaan Avenue, Gbloaso.Ill. On! He Orwi Is a corporation duly organized and operated underthe;iaws'or the State of Oregon. It began business in March, 18S8, with a capital stock of $20,000. The First Sale Made By This During tho nine months which have since elapsed it has made 107 sales tp 104 different persons. Of the purchasers 85 have bought farming lands. It has also, during this time sold 61 residence lots in Salem. Of those purchasing but 25 were residents of Marion county prior to purchasing. The remainder were from the following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomah Co. 4 Clackamas Co. 1 Yamhill Co. 1 Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas 10 England 2 Colorado 2 Washington Territory 7 Iowa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 California 8 Nebraska 7 Ohio 3 Wisconsin 1 Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Pennsylvania 2 Unknown 7. This shows that sales are not confined to former residents of this local ity, but that people are swarming in Irora the East to make their homes among us. The business of this company is constantly increasing. More than half of its sales have been made within tho past three months, al though this is a season of tho year when sales are usually dull. The company has from 15 to 20 men constantly employed. It has representatives on Puget Sound. It has three men in Portland, twoot whom give it their entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, who last year introduced so many immi grants into this State, is now in tho East lecturing and distributing advertising literature exclusively for this company. He will start to this State with his first excursion on the This company is now spending more money to advertise Salem and the surrounding locality than The Salem Board of Trade and All Oilier Agencies Combined ! Within the past twelve days it has paid for and contracted for advertising to tho amount of Oyer Fifteen Hundred and Tweoty-ie Dollars, Tho second edition of tho company's pamphlet descriptive of Salem and the Willamette Valley is now in press. This is an edition of TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Of a beautifully Illustrated fifty page pamphlet. Wo cannot advertise so extensively in our home papers as wo wish, for tho reason that parties whom we most desire to reach are residents of the Eastern States, whero these papers do not circulate. Wo do not advortise every sale we make in tho local press, but we have advertised in moro than . ONE THOUSAND PAPERS In the East, as we depond upon Eastern buyers for the great bulk of our patronage. During tho next few months our advertisements will bo read by millions of readers of Eastern newspapers, who will thus bo placed in direct communication with us, and nearly all of those who como to this c&ast THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. For theso'reasons parties deslriug to sell will find it to 'their Interest t place their lands in the hands of this company. If you wish to sell property leavo it where BUYERS COME TO BUY If you wish to buy property come whero property is left for sale. Your nelghbdrs have land and don't want to buy. EASTERN PEOPLE DO. Our advertisements catch tho oyes of Eastern people everywhere. We have five teams nnd comfortable conveyances ready at all times day or nlget, to convey parties to the properties we have tor sale, DON'T BE MODEST. You are welcome to ride with us whether youjbuy or not. Company m Company Was in April Last, 4th of April next. will come ticketed for tho office of OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. X SCOTT, Receiver. On and niter Dee. 2 1888, nnd until further notlco trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: EAST SIDE, Coburg'MnTT Portl'dMall From Port land STATIONS. Tow'rd Port land Lv. Ar. Lv. 7.15 10.00 10.15 10.23 10.49 11.02 11.17 11:34 POHTI.ANDr.tWV Foot of Lincoln St Ar. 6.30 p n Lv 3.30. Ray's Landing, St. Paul's, French Prairie, Folso, Woodburn, Townsend, McKcc, Baron's, Mt. Angel, Down's, Sllverton. Johnston's Mill' Switzerland, EastSldoJunct. Maclcay, Shaw, Aumsvlllc. "West Staylon Gravel Pit, North Santlam, O V Crossing, Scio Junction, West Scio, Thomas' Fork, Crabtree, Splcer, Tallman, Lowson, Plalnvlow. Linn, Brownsville, Twin Buttes, Rowland, Prlceboro, Wilkins, Coburg. Ar 255. 2.45 " 2.23 " 2.03 " 1.55 " 1.34 " 1.28 " 1.22 " 1.13 " 12.57 " 12.20 " 12.00 " 11.55 " 11.48 " 11.25 " 11.12 " 10.60 " 10.S8 " 10.28 " 10.23 " 10.10 " 10.12 " 1003 " 0.52 " 0.38 " 0.13 " 0.01 " 8.48 " 8:28 " 8:10 " 7:55 " 7:21 " 7:00 " 6:42 " 0:21 " 6:00 Lv am 11.4') 11.46 11.57 12.07 12.20 12.43 12.47 12.57 1.20 1.35 1.63 2.16 2.25 2.23 2.ar 3.43 2.48 3.01 3.20 8.60 4.02 4.16 4:40 6:02 6:20 5:46 6.03 0:30 :51 7:15 Ar P m AR LV Commutlon Tickets at at stations two cent per having ogonts. mile on sale Connection at Rav's and Fulnuartz iianuing with Steamer "City or Salem OIIAS. N. SCOTT, Receiver. General Olllccs, N W Cor. First and Pine St Portland, Oregon. 1 if, TKKH Tho Best on Earth is Dllworth's JAVA FLAVORED COFFEE. It is ready roasted and only 25 cents per pound package. For sale by ROTH & GREENBAUM, (The Opera House Grocers.) CourtSt - Sulenv $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood marcs and young horses for sale. Forty or fllty colts oxpected in tho spring Two line horses, Clydo and Pcrcheon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred; have been with the band for tho past three years. Orlgmul stock from tho best quality ol marcs. For particulars address or seo W. II. I1YARS, wit. Salem, Or. A Bargain For Somebody ! ! ! p. To Exchangr for OKI LAI! H O M-E S FOR THE- III in 12oo ACRES OF- VARIED LAND -FOR Sale or Rent. Quantity and Quality to Suit Purchaser. Lands near R. R. Facilities. A GOOD CHANCE For Particulars call at This Office. HOMELESS TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events of the Whole for the Past Week. World Two Cabinet Items. Washington, Feb 10. Senator Plumb has sprung Into prominenco as a prospective cabinet officer. Secretary of theTreasuryMr. Plumb discretely keeps his own counsel, but some of his closest frieuds havo been talking, which accounts for thomatter having gotten out. Sen ator Iugalls, in reply to a question, said that ho did not know whether General Harrison had made such an oil'er to Senator Plumb, but ho doubted very much whether Mr. Plumb would accept it if it were made. Representative Thomas of Illinois will no doubt be tho next secretary of tho navy. Mr. Thomas is a member of tho House committee on naval affuirs, and is tho designer of what naval officers consider to be one ot the best plans yet submitted for an armored cruiser. Those who know Mr. Thomas best, think that ho will make a model secretary of tho navy, aud that no better man could havo been found to superin tend tho building of the new navy. Sewell and Samoa, Washington, FlOcb. .Secretary Bayard again put his foot in it. Ho forced Mr. Sewell, U. S. Consul General to Samoa, to resigu because that official gave tho foreign com mittees oi me nouse and senate a true statement of affairs in thoso islands a statement that was neccs rarily uncomplimentary to tho State department. Tho removal of Mr. Sewell at this time is regarded as particularly unfortunate, because it will appear to the natives of tho islands as though it was done through fear of GermimVt and as a rebuke to him for bravely insisting on American rights. So strong does tliis view of tho case 'strike Sen ator Frye that ho says if ho has any influence with tho next administra tion Sewell shall go back to Samoa as consul general. a Murder Tragedy. Mason, City, la., Feb. 18. Mea ger details of a dreadful tragedy at Glenvillo, Minnesota, reach here. Two young ladles wont to tho homo of an old couple to spend tho even ing. At 0 o'clock they started home, and had scarcely stepped out of tho door when they wcro shot down by two ruffians. The old gentleman started to go for help, and while ho was gone tho fiends entered tho liouso and killed the old lady. Tho body of ono of the murderers was found forty rods from tho house. Ho committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Tho girl who escaped instant deatli has since died, making four deaths In all. A HolocaiiHt, IIauti-ori), Conn., Feb. 10. The boiler of tho Park Hartford hotel blew up yesterday morning, wreck ing the entlro front of tho structure, Which was a five-story brick build ing. The entire lire department aud police reserves were summoned. The rulim took fire aud tho work of theflrcnion was greatly Impeded by the blinding volumes of smoke and steam. The loss of lifo is estimated at from forty to seventy, but may bo less. Mtunley Dead Again. Paris, Feb, 18. A correspondence of tho Petite Journal at Saino Sal vador Congo says : "A Courier has arrived from the West Coast, who states that a report is current that Henry M. ritanluy was killed in an engagement with natives near Wau gamba. Tho courier reports that several instruments which have been Identified as having belonged to Stanley have beon sold by na tives." The KnglUh Navy. London, Feb. 10. It is reported that at the coming session of par liament tho government will pro poso a defense loan of 10,000,000, tho proceeds to bo devoted to tho constructlJii of twenty men-of-war, fifty crulserM aud Increasing tho tor pedo bouts. men recruits iron iikavkn. New York Women of Wealth and Fash Ion Join tho Sulvotlonlstn. New Ycrk, Feb. 10. Tinkling tambouriuers, scarlet streamers and hosannans, tho tashiouablo and the huinblo united under the banner of tho Salvation army. The army head quarters wcro crowded to tho doors with tho daughters of Murray Hill and tho chosen of Mammon. Down into dusty, noisy Reed street came, theso ladles. Draymen paused in wonder, Gamins gazed open-mouthed and the girls who labor for a liv ing and thoso who neither toil nor spin looked enviously on. It was the regular afternoon meet ing. Society has set its stamp pf approval upon the army. Recruits are being drawn from tho ranks of tho "select," and, in consequence, tho gathering at headuqartcrs was a most remarkablo one. Itwasstrango to seo beautifully dressed wpmen with bunches of exquisite flowers at their waists and decked with Jewels, praying with bent heads in unison with the plainly clad aud tho rough handed. LOOKING iron I..ANI). Wonderful Rush of Sottlers into the Northwest. San Francisco, Feb. 10. John J. Valentine, of the Wells-Fargo Ex press company returned yesterday from a visit to Oregon ami Wash ington Territory. Ho has been up in that country each year for the past thrco years, but on this last trip he was moro impressed with the development of tho country than ever before. Prices are going up every day and their advance is something' wonder ful. The Northern Paclflo is doing a good deal for that country and the Canadian Pacific will also aid its development considerably, particu larly if it follows out its plan for building a railroad down the Sound to Seattle. Everywhere wo went up there wo wcro impressed with tho unusual growth oftho country tho wonderful improvements. Thirteen IMen Escape. Omaha, Feb. 10. A Bee special from Ashland says: A remarkaole wreck took place hero. Tho regular freight was standing on tho track when another freight camo up be hind crashing into tho caboose, smashing it into kindling wood, ruining thoenglneand piling sever al cars on top of each other. There were thirteen men in tho caboose at tho time, all of whom wcro asleep. They awoko to find themselves In all sorts of curious po sitions among tho debris. Ono mail's nose bled slightly as tho result of a collision with some substance. Ho was the most seriously Injured of tho thirteen. Panama and tho Canal. Panama, Feb. 18. A largo num ber of laborers havo been dischorged from tho canal works, a majority of whom have left tor tho West Indies, Costa Rica and China. A limited amount of work continues on all seo tlous oftho canal, aud a total suspen sion 18 not expected until the middle of March. She Did Her Part. Los Anqelks, Cal., Feb. 10. Mrs. Elizabeth has just died, aged uiuety tliree years. She was tho mother of twenty-ono children. Sho had 117 grandchildren, 70 great grand children and 40 groat-great-graud-chlldrcn. Her oldest son is seventy years old. Hound For Sumou. Wabhinoton, Feb. 10. A tele gram received from Rear Admiral Belknap, commander at Maro Island navy yard, California, says the United States ship Vandalla ar rlyed at Honolulu February 2d, and was to sail for Samoa on tho 7th. The Santa Maria Arrives. Yaquina, Or., Feb. lO.Tho fian Francisco Steamea Santa Maria, arrived at 12:20 p. m., with passongcrs as follows; P. Ellfson, H, A. Chambers, W. G. Ebbcrt, D. Cofleo, J.R. Stockton, A.G. Phillip H. Orr, E, K. Wilson nnd J. J. Brown. i vl m w 4 V a 1 J (.: f'M ,- VI i i kHm.1.