- II HP,"""UM""'"''""" m.- TjgB LfUTURE. pgMng the Bjg Battles 0,vcr and Asam. Agam TUB BULL RUN BILL PASSES. Has Stormy and tnous Sessions.' a Tempos The House UOLT.NOUAU WINS THE DAY. of Words and Much Confusion Everywhere. A Skower Mr. Barin responded that " so far nstho assertion nbout-our inability to increase tho number of fish goes It is not correct. Ou'tbo contrary, it is known to all who havto ever read upon the subject, that wc rail increase the natural product at the proportion of 4500 on "every six. As to the taxes ho would inform tbo Senate that these appropriations and costs were to eomo from a special tax on tho caniieries. That the cannery man were agreed to it. Senator Veatch opposed a fishing bill appropriating money to en courage the increase of fiBb. He said: "Another bill I don't like. For years wo have been making su6h laws and the orily result is that tls'U have regula"rlyi'becomo scarcer arid dearer. Nor1 tidI" believe we can increase the number of fish by our laws. Another consideration wlr.li me is the burdens wb are im- rinslns on our taxnaVe"rs.' Wd haVe, Mr. Chairman, in this state not; over two hundred thousand people, ue iluetinir from these the women and children and non-taxpaying' niefa we have not over thirty thousand fax payers on whom ' all these ap- nronriations rest. These few must pay it all and Wo Bhould bear it in mind." ' '" ' ' Little did some Of the members think they were laying a trap for themselves when they voted on the resolution that each members name should be called and that as their names were called they should be allowed to call for the immediate consideration of any bill they might choose, and another resolution which acted with the above was that no member should bo allowed to speak on any one measure 'but once and for not longer than five mluutes except the introduce!", who was allowed to t-peak twice. All went well until last evening at the night session, when C61. Harring ton's name was called and, to tho surprise of a few he called for the "celebrated Portland water bill," No. 31. To say a wave of excite ment and emotion suddenly swept over tho Houso docs not describe the scene. For ten mintltes'auVa's excitement. Members who had flowing speeches' against 'said 'bill, suddenly recognized tho fact that the five minutes limitation 'Tvas against them, and an attempt wes made to overrule the resolutidn but it was lost. A call of the Hbuso was asked for several times, and at last, after tho excitement had calmed somewhat, th'o'blll was put on its reconsideration and the clerk began to call ' for .the "Ayes and Nays." Excitement again rau hiotu, members were on their feet in "ail instant making ft dozen1 dlQbrent motions and as tho clerk called out name'after name members voted In a wild way. ' Jennlrigs to the' sur prise of all, voted "I" and was riot aware of the fact until tho clerk announced tho result of the vote, when he jumped to his feet and hid his vote recorded 'Nb" "Tho" result howover was 37 to 10, in favor of tho Mil. Four members were absent. SENATE. t V . - THURSDAY P. JL SESSION. Cogswell". Motion tif'crailne re ports to senate1 'bills' untlPtbey are disposed of; adopted. ' H. J. It. io. Authorizing secre tory of state to Improve Wilson avenue: ludiciarv. Hilton. Bill providing for per manently locating county seat of Gilliam county; passed.4 - Keports of committees made. Resolution by "Watte for appoint ment of a committee 'to (report ""leaceofmemberafftdbnted. 'Watte. Caamberlin and Raley appointed. EVBNINaBESSipN '' Coc-SWell. TtillVranrfnr onuntv if Hamilton out of northern part of Grant; passed. ' Special committee offered substi tute bill for 8. B. 104, to create and W Eastern Oregon' ' agricultural' belles; read twice. Special committee reported favor ably.on Wager's bill fixing tlmo of holding circuit court In Sixth ju dicial 'district; passed. i ' 'Irvine. Bill to amend Albany charter; passed". ' ' Stanley. Bill amending Jackson ville charter; passed. Dimick. Bill amending Salem charter; passed. Sinclair. Bill amending Marsh- field charter; passed. ' HOUSE. THURSDAY P. M.' SESSION. Harrington, Bill to commit juv enile offenders to religious institu tions; firt reading. t The assessment bill ordered en grossed, after an attempt to'advanco t& first reading nnd to ihdeilriitely posponc. " I Fullerton's SupremeCourt bill, for nl term of the court at Pendleton; passed. Belknap, Bill for $2000 for-n road in Benton county; passed. Hilton, for re-location of Gilliam county scat; referred, wi'tli amend ment offered, to committee on elec tions. ' Fullertou, to pay 10,000 (North Umpqua bridge fund) to 'Douglas county; passed. Condon, bill to depose the Mar ion county sheriff from his 'ofilob as exclusive executive officer the Su preme court; passed. Coinihitteo to visit insane asylum favor tho erection of a new wing, ro1 placmg heating apparatus, seperate treatment, etc; adopted. ' ' ' Gray, for $1500 for wagon road fr6ni' Clatiopco'urityto Washington county; passed. CftUthorn, for $37,600 for new buildings, grounds and support of the State Agricultural college; passed. Earhart, bill to transfer the mon ey remaining in several funds into the general fund; passed. Gilbert, bill to Increase the pay of criers and bailifft; passed. Ealey, to regulate annuity, safe deposit and trust companies; failed to pass. Clackamas delegation reported fav orably'Paquet's'bill to amend' Ore gon City charter;' to third reading. Committee on councies reported favorably Cogswell's bill to-make un navigable streams public high ways for the floating of logs. Hatch, bill for a board of regents for the Monmouth Normal school; lost. EVENING SESSION. The following bills were read a third time: v Bowditch, amending charter of Me"dford; passed. ' Northup, consolidating Portland, East Portland and Albina; passed. Geer, Relating to pay of school clerks; passed. Northup, Authorizing the con struction of a bridge between Port tand and East P6rtland; passed. r Earhart, authorizing" Portland water committee to introduce Bull Bun water and issue $1,600,000 worth of bonds; passed. Bowditch, Tp protect salmon on Columbla'river'; lost. ' b FKIDAY A. M. SESSION. SELECTION OP BILLS. Haskell selected' Hi B. 230 intro duced 'by himself, for tlie 'construc tion of a wagon road from the town of Huntington, to tho mouth of Canyon Creek, Baker county; re quiring an appropriation of ?10,000 Lost. Gambeo called for H. B. 51, Intro duced by 'Bluudell,' to establish a State. Weather Service. Passed. S. BJ' 203, was read first time by titlo only. ' Howard selected H. B. 10, intro duced by Condon td create' a Board of Horticulture. 'Motion made ito hnvn If rvmslflpivri fit. Wn.m. tn.mnr. mow; lost. Report of committee tailed for and' read.' Bill was lost. Hume selected H. B. 110, to amend Sections 393 aud 805 Beady'a Gode'relating to procedure In equity suits. Passed. , Committee on engrossed bills re ported H. H. 237, correctly engross ed. - Armstrong then called for the consideration of H. B. 237 as it had been leturned from tho engrossing committee. Bill was considered and placed upon its final passage, as the bill is qulte'Iengthy itfwill take over two hours to read It and no action will be reached sooner than three o'clock this evening. FRIDAY A. M. SESSION. The following blllS were read a third time on final 'passage r& S. B. 112. Dimick? kTo define dutieof fish commissioner ; pl&sed. S. TJ. 135. Sinclair. ' To j. protect salmon, etc.; passed unanimously. S. B. 164. Steele. To'fencourago Balraou fishing on Columbia river. Mr. Barin explained that the cost of tn.'se tuYea bills'' wtoiild bo defrayed out of assessments on the canneries who all favored them ; passed. S. B. 28. Dawson; To buy lands and buildings for a deaf mute asylum at Albany ; last. Hj B. 31. It having passed the House and tho Senate being notified thereof. i At this point Mr. Carson moved a suspension of tho rules. Several objected as they had tried just be fore to do so in behalf of favorite measures. Rules suspended and II. B.'Sl read first and second time by title' now. ' Again the motion was to suspend and road it now the third time and pass It. This is tho Portland Bull Run water bill that passed the House last night a now bill. At this point Tongue solemnly protest ed. Courtesy had gono far enough and he spoke with much repressed feeling. But the rules wero sus pended and tho bill was read uifyl passed, under previous question yeas 23, nays 5, absent 2. Senator Tongue apologized for his opposition. Holding up the Morn ing Orcgonlun ho exclaimed, "I see it was published hero that tho bill was to be pushed through tlie senate. Ididnotknow-'that." THIRD READING CONTINUED. S. B. 118, substitute for 49 and 58. To amend Sees. 2350, 01-3.4 and 3302 and repeal 3359-00 of Hill's Code concerning stock iuspectionj passed. S. B. 149. Eakln. To amend law soas'to ihclud6 Lane county, 'con' corning s"wiue at 'large. ' S. Bl 33.' Fullertou. To amend 4081,82, 97 of laws': -to rrinke 'road districts and v6ting precincts' com mensurate. ' Kenioral Notice. S. A. RlggS (Successor to J. A. McDonald) has removed' his Marblo and Granite Works to Commercial street oppositeStato Insurance Build ing, where he is prepared to db' first class work on short notice. ' He has tho largest stock over brought to tho state aud will sell at prices as low as tho lowest. For honest'Nvork give'hlm a call. 2wlw NEW TO-DAY. WP. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER! . and Typewriter Copyist. Will makel reports of trials, ,etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Omco wlthiUoores,&Maunlng,3J.7Commercal,5t REEDS OPERA HOUSE. Engagement Extraordinary. Tuo Wonderful Violin Virtuoso and Grand Concert Company. Under tho management of J. P. HOWE American tour Unexampled success Hailed by tho mess and nubile ns tho In- Kltlmato successor of OLE BULL tho prince of violinists. Thursday and Friday Evenings, February 14th and 15th. 3-Rcserved Book Store. seats ' '6n sale At Patton's OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. i f, ni (Limited Line.) CIIAS. N SCOTT, - Receiver. On and after Dee. 2 1888, and until further notice trains will run dally (except Hun day) as follews: EAST SIDE, CouurgAIull, Portl'd Alnll From Port land STATIONS. Tow'rd Port land Lv. Ar. Lv. 7.15 I0.W) 10.15 10.28 10.49 11.02 11.17 11:31 11.4') 11.46 11.57 12.07 12.20 12.4.1 12.47 1247 1.20 1.85 1.5.1 2.10 2.25 2.28 2.B5 8.41 2.48 8.01 3.20 840 4.02 4.1U 4;40 5.-02 &20 5:40 6.08 " 6:30 641 7:15 rOUILANDPiWY Ar. 6.30 p m. Foot of Lincoln St Lv Ar 8.3a nays Landing, Bt.. Paul's, French Pralrlo, Folse, Wopdburn, Town send, McKee, Baron's, Mt. Angel, Down's, Hllvcrton. Johnston's JIM' 'Switzerland. 2 55. 2.45 2.23 2.08 143 1.81 1.28 1.22 1.13 12.57 12.20 J2.00 1L6.5 , 11.40 11,25 11J12 1040 10.30 10.28 -10,12 '10.08 U52 U.38 'D.13 0,01 '8:48 8:28 , Sao 745 7:21 70 0j42 051 6.00 am East Bide Junct,,! iuiicicay, Shaw, Aumsvllle, West Htay ton Grovel lnt, North Hantlnm, O ViCrossW, Hclo Junction, West Hclo, ' Thomas' Fork, Crubtree, plcer, ' Tollman, Lovrson, Plalnvlew. I.lnn, Brownsville, Twin Buttes, Rowland, Prlceboro, Wllkms, iuure, Ar p m LV Lv Commutlon Tickets at two at stations liavj cents per Ing agents. mile on sale Connection at Ray's and FulqunrU Lapdlng with Rummer "Cltyof Balem " CHA. N. 8COTT, Receiver. General Ofncte, N W Cor. First and PlneSt Portland, Oregon. JlriJji i NKTT ADVERTISEMENTS. found! HereitisI This Success In Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly master vomnierciui Arithmetic, .business penmanship nnci uusincss correspon dence, Book-keeping by hoth Single und Doublo Entry, tho nature- and correct use of (,'omniercinl Papers, Commercial Law nnd Business practice. Lcnrn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, AJnnlfold, nnd Dictation work. All these are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at tho SALEM liUSI NESS COLLEUE Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. NOW OPEN! BOOT AND SHOE Xo. 95 STATE STREET NEW RELIABLE GOODS AND i Goods marked in plain figures. Remember tho plnco nnd glvo us a call. 'BAILEY F BDDWBLL, i , 05 State Street, -' ' - - - - Salem. r ACTJ.wiTmnrgaaaaFA-wyg B B O O lf O O o T X WWI. BROWN & CO. l' M. DEALERS IN- Leather and Findings! CASH PaID FOR' Wools, Hides, rclls ana Mr?, 231 Commercial St,, Salem, Or' CALIFORNIA the bsAsrai'.Cow, anor .-.'Ur-" A-1 V " r.BurJVFr . u iirHAr " nni n i . . . - i-UNvj-o Oow n V7UVWIUI Send for Circular,! ttrMlilka2-' MLiM. MEDco.orowui. cau: O O Tr, ' S ji . araiMsiiiMfflW SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 StateSt., Salem, Or SNELL, HF.ITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot, It VI 1 HI Can furnUU either Mesqulte or a mixture of Mlsqulto and Lincoln grass on terms that will allow you to seed down your farms utu cost of from 0 to OOo prr acre. Addrets. w w2md2w T.C.JOHY, ISos Ol,8tilem,0r. $00. HORSES. $50. One hundred head of brood mnros and young horses for sale. Forty or fllty colts expected in the spring Two flno homos, Clyde and Pereheon stock, weight sixteen nnd seventeen hundred; have been with the band for tho past three years. Original stock from tho beet quality ol mareB. For particulars address or tee V. II. IJYAH8. wlU Balem, Or. key to Success! .. ....mil j.. ii. n .ii ili i. ii rw STORE. REASONABLE Pitt KOl .i ft "" '$?" Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it "Your reinc- dies mo Kleins mtisfuction, nnd a cuh- lomorwiinisroucnuisRayti it ih mo only remedy tlintgUcs Instant lcllof. SKimr.M. a Covr.K, DniKKlsts, Klvcralilc, Ctil." Holm " tho plcnBiuo to Inform dvo you that your Propnrutlonsnre mectlns with largo sales. Wo hear Nothing but Praise &guSJ cnslon tow uso them. Nanscawkn a Co,. ffilf. Vlsalla. CM, That It will accomplish tho end dcsli ed In all utluctlonH of thoThront nnd I.tines l- .uSH 'ail yon not only will not no II Will without It yourxeir, Init will recommend It to otheis, us thouwinds Imvo done, who hnvo tiled ovcrythlns else In vnln. Money Is no object whcio KVaia !i!S Convince You trilling Rum of one dollar can purchase a remedy that will stnnd between you and one of tho most dreaded pf human ill. Circulars sent free, containing detailed descriptions. SANTA ABIE Is prepared only by tho AMETINE prepa J1JICA me; JAL. CO., Orovlllo, Cal. i ) Tho Best on Earth is Dllworth's It is ready roasted and only 25 cents per pound puckugo. For sale by. ROTH & GREENBAUM, fVli . M (Tho Opera Houmi Qrocers.) CourtSt Salem NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS' You are hereby requesUd to come forward and pay your tuxes at once, as the sumo will become dellnquentl within thirty dajs from this date. Ii. M. Cuoihan, Hhc rlrrand Collector of taxes. Haixm, On., Feb. 1, 18W. wtf. x ?. r iLrr.i" C Jr ?"' ilvr Ji i . COFFEE! .GflFPBE! JAVA FLAVORED MFE ricorcssioNAi. cards. Dll. J, M. KEKNE, D. 1). 8 , DKNTAIj rooms o cr White Corner. Olllco hours 8u.,m. tofip. m. PHYSICIAN.-MHS. DU. M. K. McCOY, I physician nnd surgeon, has located nnd taken rooms (I and 7 at Mrs. Sargcunts In tho opera ho.ive. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. 12-21dw DR. MASON, DENTIST, SUC ccssoi" to Dr. ,T. C. Bynl. OHicc outRsisIi's liank. m.ACKi.uiniiNO. NOTICE. r.J.I.AlEN.THE lir.l.IAIU.n Wagon innkcr, tins imiM'il to -T Stato street, hav ing rcimiMjd his chnp liinii tho old stand, ,'tllf Commciclal strict, on account ol tho election of' the no-u brick. Mr. Kartell will b p1cnsMl to s(o hlsoldcustnmersand as many new ones as will tharo their pa ttonago iih htm, at his new loiditlon. All orlc guaranteed. Netto Scrlbcr it l'ohle's shop. 1-127-tf. REM6YAL NOTICE. JOHN KNinUT, THE IlLACKSMlTir and wagon mitkei', liuaiiimcd his shop to No. 210 Liberty tit l eel, hcio ho will bo ready for business alter Monday, Jan. 2Mb. I wish to stato to my fi lends and patrons that I will bo better piepmed fiom now on to executo all work In my line than uny ttmobefoic. Thanking all for tho liberal support lhavo ieecledat jour hands, I umyouis lespectfully. JOHN KNIGHT, Liberty Street, Balem, Ogn. 1ILACKSMIT111NG and HORSESHOEING. Havo moved to 47 and 49 Htato street, where they uro now ready for work, All our old patrons and fi lends uro Invited to call and neo us In our now location. Wp nio better piepmed for work now than over having seemed moio room. 10-1-tf. BKACKSM1TI1ING and WAGOXMAKISG. TOlIN HOLM, THi: OLD UULtAllLE J lllacksmlth, has removed his shop to corner of Commercial and Chemcketo Hts., whcio ho Is ready to sero the public, llnv Ing associated with lilm Mr. 11. llannon.au experienced wagon-maker recently from l'ortlund, ho Is now prepared better than ever to do ull kinds of agon aud carrlugo making nnd Topahlng; all kinds of lilack smlthlng ulid repairing, and a general horseshoeing buslncAS. Ho has all kind ofshoes.steetrottlng, lmndmado, etc., and fits them In a selentlllo manner. Special attention given to thu construction of wag ons and carriages. Hcmembor tho place, opposite State Iimuanco building. nnsci:LT.ANi:ous. PORTRAITS. Having opened a studio at room 0, First National bank building, Clydo Cooko Is piepmed o rccclVQ oi tiers lor portraits and landscapo woik In oil and water colors. Graded classes will also bo formed for tho Instruction In llvo branches, Special attention given to designing nnd engraving on wood. d-tf. -Cull und See- T.J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT' IIIH NEW QUAUTiniH IN THE Htatq Insurance Building, Cor. Com mercial and Chemcketo streets '0-ltf ft NE OF THE LAItGKST ESTABLISH, menu In tho State. IOwer rates than ortland. Largest stock Legal Itlanks Ic tho Htato, a -d biggest discount. Bend foi prlcollstof Job printing, nnd catalogue ol Jegal blanks. E. M. AVAITE, Steam Printer, Salem, Oregon. TRIMMING and DRESSMAKING. PS. C. A. RICE Wishes to Inform tho Ladles of Halom that she Is prepared U do trimming and drcssmaklnglnall Its d I Her ein branches In tho ' ' LATEST STYLES ' ' Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. Call and seo hor beforo placing your orders. 05 State street, up stairs, lm. K Arrangmcnts havo been completed for opening a lully and perfectly equipped lluslness College in Halcm, in duo time. Tho entire upper floor of I ho First National Hank building Is to bo re-arranged for the school, with ofllces. bank, etc., lor buslneH practice. Instruction will ho given, DAY una EVENINO, In Spelling, Grammar, Penmanship. Cor respondence, Single and Doublo l-.ntry liooic-Keepliig, llanking.Olllce I'rac-, tlcc, lluslness Forms, Com mercial iMvr, Shorthund, 'Typowrltlnsc And other branches essential to u practical education The fcli(xl will be In charge of two exierlcneed and competent touchers nno for the business department, another for tho shorthand dopurtment. THOROUGH WORK. Will be Insisted on fiom the llrsl. through which thu school expects to makou iepu tatlonetiuiil to Unit of tho boot. DtMuuir tivk CXUCUJ.AJUJ will bo roady for distri bution ut nn early date. For further partloulurtt.addrexti SALEM UUBINEHH COLLEGE, Halom, Oregon, SC11ER4P0B i..Mfo&tfL -jLUKtJB&tMU -a ti jfc. 2