i mllll"1 i 0"- I ,EGIS1iATURE THE L , Homestead Exemption Vlio Senate. 0ff IN THE HOUSE. .. ...! Two Readings and P1 niOoThoTMrd. c0RiTtSEAT CHANGES. 1 ..., Change thoConnty Scat, IM'" ..., bounty. - - i SENATE. x TSDAY 1'. & SESSION. B0BD, ,, ...mhle Dalles tins: .. ..mndnabscd. IOtyUCer;mnutbori,ing.Btato I pjiou. -u-iftB county orth 7 mil to declare uunavl- fZ m3 public highways for 'S'SCh'orizo Astoria & W" ... ,iinvul to construct a SSYoung'sbayandSkip- 5X15 to establish a JTtor juvenile offenders; fnHnh to ro-consider B. I. vf k to exempt homesteads Ifrom execution, was adopteu; diu EVENING SKSSION. I iuwn. Creating Southern Ore- L torf of agriculture ; referreu toSoutbem Oregon delegation. oMffelL-liin to lncorpormu hniiille; passed, i Moore. Bill to amenu luumer I dartre; passed. Watt. Bill to amend Mcniinuviuc darter ; passed. teue. Bill to amena Jtiinsooro charter; passed. Chandler. BUI to amend liaiser City charter; passed. Sinclair. To amend Marshfleld tbartcr; engros3ed. THURSDAY A. It. SESSION. g. B. 92. Committee on commerce Sitports for it. To build a bridge I torn Portland to East Toitlaud. 1 Send third time under suspension Ernies Referred to committ?e to, Bjmend by ohanging stieets with lorder to report further. Bo done Bind bill passed. ules suspended and a new resolu tion read. S. B, 204 by Haichv To relocte county seat bf Polk. Co. Mtet pod second time by' litte; i!soa ih'd time and placed on flu parage. Yeas 25, noes 6; Wntltlns H. Tl. Wn nit., mi.. -.-.-vr . , uiwn iue Dalles to soil a certain tract of land; Cogswell S. B. To declare un navigable steams public highways for floating of logs; roads nnd high ways. , Gray S. B. To allow Astoria A South Coast railway to biidge Young's bay; third reading. Committee oil flahprlna rnrl,l Lftahn's bill prohibiting salmon fish ing wain weir nets, pound nets and lisii imps, witu amendments; laid on the table. EVKNINQ SESSION. Fullerton. Bill to amend Eos burg charter; third leading. Iialey. Bill to amend Weston pborteri third, reading. S. B. Tp amend Baker City charter; third reading. Jlesolution by Condor making Hours ot business of House until end of session 0:30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1:30 p. in. to 5 p. ni.; and 7:30 p. m. to 10 p. iu. ; uuumeui Moss. Bill to incorporate Lake- view: passed. Gilbert. Bill to incorporate Sell- wood; passed. Wager. Bill tp .exempt home stead from execution; jead, twice. . Cogswell. ( Bill; to, .incorporate Linkvllle; read twice. Moore. Bill to incorporate Rauier; read twice. Kirk. Bill to incorporate city of Athena; passed. i Hunter. BiU toHincqrporate En terprise; passed. S. B. To incorporate McMinn ville; read twice and referred to committee on corporations. S. B. To amend charter of Hills boro; read twice. Napton. Bill to incorporate Vale; passed. Layman. Bill to incorporate Woodburn; passed. i Price. To incorporate Ccutral Pelnl: passed. Laughlin, To. Incorporate Jew- berg; passed. Labrle. To Incorporate uaKiana; passed. Gilbert. To incorporate .raruana; passed. Bowditch. To .incorporate Ash laud; passed. Powell. To incorporate Ipdepend- euce; passed. WEEKLY JIARKLT RErOKT. selling rnicss. K?J?'r3imr cuTed. oer lb in tfe I "vci-s ( incf, - - ---.-- -j i'ork-8 (!) 10c. Sfb?-100c per dozen, d. tV'ttselnnir. wttii.i cea-rer Pound, tie. . selling. BOYINO rillCES. Vhit-7c net. f'qur-l'cr barrel.fi GO. Oats-rer bushel, a) He Ijarley-Por bushel, Sk-. Shorts-l'er ton, $15. Cliop-Perton,SI8. IIods Quoted nt 12o to ICo per lb. tggs-1516 per dozen w,1-rlD' rotatoes-ler bushel, 20c, Corn mc.il-3c per pound Oitmeal-SclfngiUlitoCc. Cheese-ate per pound, pi (.dnpples-Ierlb.,6a8c I)rcdplinnbs-lerlb.78c Bred peaches-Ver lb. 10c. Dried pruncs-1'er lb 10c Uuttcr30 per pound for good. Iird 15c per lb. Hams Per pound,U15c. Bacon sldes-l per lb. Shouldcrs-lOc per lb. nilckens.-SS3.50$l per doz. Hogs-On foot 5c, Beef-On foot 3c NEW ADVERTISEMEres. found! HEREITISI THEKBYTOSUCCESSI Success in BuMuessrpnulri.,1rmnr.,ii.... i -,..- rri.nSaS Therefore, thoroughly master Otitic nl.il I1....I . Vl i jJiiMiii-ss vorreyon "try, the nature and ami liuMncss liniot eo. Al tl e'are S lT W Pritlng. Ma.i.rold, ami Dictation work, ienced ! ta 'AlS lSs& Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. VKorixsiosAi, avnns. D J M. KKKXV1 p. !... KNT VI, i..x to 5 Km. ,w 1M,"r plIYArl.VN.MUS. nu. M. K. JttCOY. nd tnkfc) wm. a and 7 t Mm. srnt TVWllt I linn t..ll.. .... . m. liisoN, iTextist, sue cessoj" io Dr. ,!. C. H.vnl. umrrtoorHnslfs Hank. NOW OPEN! NEW BOOT AND SHOE -No. 95 STATE STREET- STORE. iti,CKunmsi. A Terrible Misfortune. Tt. Is n pnlnmttt. rf ilia lKno. f.iM j . .., that one's physical energies nro falling In .lift Ttxtmn rf llTn n !, - .uufwino u, luo-iu jtei more neneiess, more dispirited, weaker lc cry day. Yet this la the unhappy lotofhundredsaround us.- Aisuurce ui rcnewea sirengm WHICH science nppro cs, In behalf of which multi tudes of the debilitated have nnd are e cry uay uatuiyiue, unu wuicn, in countless ln btances, hasDulltup constitutions sapped by weaknesses and Infirmity and long un benefitted by other means, surely com mends Itself to all who need a tonic Hostetter's stomach bitters Is such n medi cine pure, botanic, soothing' to the ner ce promoltve to the dlgestlun and a fertilizer of the blood. Djspepsla and nervousness the first n cause, the second a conse- nlipnM nf Inplr nf Ktnuilnn -ilpnnrl. wlipn n course of the bitters Is tried. All forma of mauirmi uiscase, raeumaiism, Kianey anu bladder trouble, constipation are nnnlhl- 1UICU u kuia ouiuuaiu lauinjr uivutuuc. The choir school girls of New York are Krievinj; because they are being supplanted by boys. Make No Mlntal.e. By dispelling the symptoms so often taken for consumntion. Santa Abie has brought gladness to many a household. By its prompt use for breaking up the cold that too often developes into that fatal disease, thousands can be saved from an un- ffw.l.. mxika Vii mnlm nn lnlfihlVp by keeping a bottle of this pleasant remedy in your house. California Cat-r-cure is equally effective iu eradicating all traces of nasal catarrh IJotn ot tuese wonuenui vaiuuiuiu remedies are 6old aud warranted by D. W. Mathews & Co. $1. a pack age or 3 for $2.50. RELIABLE MS 11 WMM PRICK Goods marked in plain figures. Remember the placo and give us n call. BAILEY F BODWELL 95 State Street, Salem. B O SB3B NOTICE. 11 T T ..... .x n. i, ....... ....v.. ... l.u.li Ilf.li.., i IU. LU.l.lAlll.l. Kn maker, hi mn nl to 4A MhIo stlT, 1. Iny roiuoMxt lil shop from lha old Mirtl, .OR fNMiltiiir..lul hlr.M.1 .i, ui..,itit .if IIia etwlloii of the c brick. Mr. lrn . in ik. ..i.......t ... ...-. i.i ..i.i .............. .. .. .i ..... .. .iitipv. m pw IU...I11 vuM.iuivin nun trai) newoiiiw as will lmrc tholr in tnnim. Willi him, nt liU new lootMon. ll .....I ....... ....v.l ........ L ...It...- .ill ...nix KliniHIII..1. .H'M HI JIvTIvTr rt t'lihle'n Miop. l-lf. B o O o T OPT H 0 B s H REMOVAL NOTICE. JOHN KNIC.HT.Tin: lU-VrKlMITH and w neon milker, lias iimwd lil shop ta No. 21H l.llHrti utivol, whoro he will to nmdi for IiuIiihm nner Mondaj ,Jnn.Xlli, I w M to .Into to in frlrndK mid itront Hint I will be bolter Jirvwrl from lion' on tocecutenllork In m line than any t lino before. IhiiiiklnKiitl for the IIIktbI Mipimri i uii.c nTtmiuu juur uiiuu., , niu)ouni tvsiH-ctailly, w i Jllll. IV.MV1I1 1 Liberty Street, Hnlrm, Ogii. H o . O j i BLICKSJ11TII1XG and HOHSESIIOHSO. SQUBERtrOHLE ii i i B E llno nuneil io i7 una v muho mrei, ouroUlpntrwiinmlfrltmtHnrc InMlw w mil HIlll M-O Ul IU uur lll'w iwrnmiu nro Doner prvif" ',r "" "u" '"11 cr lm Ins secured inuro uhhu. 10-1-tf. Theflousehavincauoouaced for I usidering H. B. S7, it was taken Tbia bill hn rotprfiiin to the Columbia and bur -nilntfifrA. off" It imendj bectlnns 3904, 6, 8 and other (Hill's code. It reduei charges mebfifanda"owHany numbef of pnoi". It was waiTnly contested. ftl. Toniue. Grav nnd othe:-s tlMyparucipated in debate. Final !f under Ml. Gray's solemn piotesjs 'idatiequejt o? several Lenatora it posiponed till to-morrow at !p.m. UDljer Sllononain.l nf mlou ofnnrl- committees reported. Judiciaiy smmittee by Barin chairman ro Wed as follews: S.TJ. 191, 108, 90, .159,131,122, 98, 107, 94, recom piling their passage and certain ttendmenta nffprocl -nroro nnvintoH "Ithey were ordered to bo en- and for tblrd rparlinrr tn- sorrow. Also S. Tl. ian witVinnt. pmmendation also put for third pendments for third i reading I Borrow. n HOUSE. WEDNESDAY P. if. SESSION. ' Eakin. H t tj-.ij 4 ,i '"''llnifconiitu IW...U.. it.i.i . atklna' B. B. aUthorizlh'g The lo issue 550(000 tvaWr bdnds; Wd to Wasco delegation. ffellS. B. BJo-m on Linfe "i mira reading. 8. B, Making trespass E.nluT5"' . . I- - o. u. jior reller of J. r of Cooa'cduu'tjt; , third read- R Tl w.i.. .....x. rCWdan helr.tn. Ira.'..mntlifr! fading. ' JJl " 'in -Secottd district; "reading. Jf18 8. B. Boom on Yamhill le8.B, All THURSDAY A. M. SESSION. The celebrated taxation andassess ,meut bill was called up before the House this morning by Mr Arm-sti-ono; of Marion. Amendment after amendment was offered and passed upon. It seems that the present assessment and taxation law is not lusb yhat the people want and a change of any kind will be of benefit to the people of the state. ' Blundell moyed that no member be allowed to,, speak more tnau once on any one measure and not longer than five minutes at, a uuu;, amended by allowing the introducer to speak twice; adopted. Committee on Agriculture report- .i ,milil nn H. B. 64. nmmirh on JBublic Buildings i TT...T. R. 10.. Wilson, to authorize the Secretary of State to take charge of Wilson Avenue and i . tha nnmfi. (JOIUIHIHC 41- 1U1HIUVO K""l ..... U norted it back recommenui ug .. 1.1. u tiin ptrtzens adpption it agreeao v - -.- H E 29, allowing the second assistant clerk $3.00 per day above hia regular fee; aoopieu. H B 63. To prevent the produc tion and sale of unwholesome foods; PHedB.2a7,pbillrelatingtoassess- mente and taxation; read nrt and second time by title only and placed upon its final passage. bridge' across the Willamette" PoXd. comonBoadsaudHigh- WsyB 204. to.relocate the county with leave to report at any time. It ta fortunate for BeJwntaHM riBOT, Bays somedy, that H as not known previous te the eec that he,.wuw - It wben he Srown tote, would have lost him hte .ow to say nothing of SnIdtona defeated ioruuB--- d because Wb oPpu-- r - aristocrat,-;r ,M, NEW TO-DAY. WM. BROWN k CO. Leather and -DnALEBS IN- P. WILLIAMB, STENOOUAPHEU and Typewriter reports of trials, etc, w. lewrlter Copyist. Will make IMIDVIUE uu uptr -".-." . , writer accurately nnd neatly aone, uuico with Moores & Manning, 317 Commercial bt. ,1 IlUUOIi. Enoaoement Extraordinary. mvu mt i mm iiuuiJJ, TncWonilcrfnl'Violin Virtuoso ..and.. Grand Concert Company. Underthe management ot J. P. HOWE merican tour-UneiampIed Buccess- HmdrU.eTressandbllcnstU0h cltlmato hi'coeor of OLL, jiull. prlnce'of lolinlsts. Thursday and Friday Evenings, February 14th and 15th. beats on sale at rations CASH PAID for Wools, Hides, Pelts and For 331 Commercial St., Salem, Or' flBp i & VNf w MteiUMJi.Ji.jajf5 BKACKSM1TII1XG anil WACOSMAKIXO. 10IIN HOLM, Till: OLD HKI.IA1II.K ,1 lllnckBinllh, tins removed bin uliop tu rnrnernf Coinmrrelal and flu'inrkrlo HU., wluruheUrendy toeretho public 1I Inenmioclntnl Willi him Mr II. Ilniiiiow.nn expi'rlenwil Kon.iiiiki'r rwenlly Irani I'ortliuiil, ho In now prcimml belter tliiui eertodo iillklmKof mIikoii nnd nirrliiiso ..:..i. .....! ...... .t.i.wr. nil klmU nf liliirk. lw"l1i.5k1",j,!,.li .".irffinl llOrnrMHiflUK iMinni"". ".' .'" , - - . (ifhoeii,letlltrollliif. Iinndliiiide.ilc.unil MIK mem in n wHMiiuiu iiiiuiiivi. ...-.... iitienllonKUinU)llmri"lriulloiiofu. onllim uiiiiiii,. ............ -. .--- , opponito HUUo lliiuniHco building. CALIFORNIA! the Land of Discoveries. jjj-Ueserved Bookstore. Mertnn u r. ... . v.. .. j. kj. ii. Auinorizuig 04 bridge fund; third reading was once him to be bo a lrn to be bo ton "rted with nlghUhlrtor twoqcoraa fringe. A Healthy a eminent phyglclani?? Sounds of i aecreten from IV9 i" Sind dUpose. '" . tCT.K 1111 l". . . a . llv bile every oftms OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CUAS.N SCOTT, - - Rcceiver 5?rrunre. day) as follews: liJ-l.vJ w 7TT KTATION8. Tow'rdl'ort From Port- BTAiiuJ- land lnnd - l.T. AT,,. Lv. 7.15 I0.0 10.15 W.2S 10.19 ' 11.02 11.17 11;S4 IW'J 11.48 1157 12.07 12.20 12.43 12.47 12J57 1.20 15 SA 2.16 2.25 2.2S 2.35 8.4J 2.44 8.04 8.20 80 4.02 4,S 4-40 8KB 5.-20 5-4S (5-OS (K &SI 7:15 Koot of Lincoln StLT 3- niv'i Tjindlnir. Bt.Paul, Frencn itotoi Folse, Townsend, McKee, Barons, Mt. Angel, rvtvn'ft. Hllverton. Johnston's Mill K rBideJunctJ Macieay, Aumsviiw, WestHwyton Gravel Pit, , North Hantiam. O P Crossing, ficlo Junction, WestBclo, Thomas' For, Crabtree, Bplcer, Tollman, lwson, Plalnview. Linn, Brownsville, Twin Iluttes, Rowland, price boro, Wllklns, Coburg. , , -, II 11 II I VI II I I JU1 I M f "J MISCKI.U1NWHIS. QteM&$& !E'S,tfi o .r,.-i:uiA.irw!i3i'aft, . ami iui . - a- ARirfiwrfuLlmoiEtLi . i i i !i "Your hnt;p.vvrinnaveuseu i remc iIIm arc! cltlnic MitlsDicllon, and acui rcmid that gives lintanl riller. ii ii the pleasure to Inform HaVe outhatf)iir I'remrotlonHarr nieetlngM HI' 1 ' ' L ch.ZZ Nothing but KraiseimMngo rasion touetliem. That It will awmpllh thocnddwtlred in. "a leitonsofllio'nintinlI.''i'jW i .S ou not mil) ll nol health Is in I he PnnWinrfi Yflll rlm?M'-'T;tS SK i he n.t dreaded of human "circulars ent free, confining detailed dcscripnu""' PORTRAITS. Nrnafrt.uhtfJrw.k,i mm town rA r"r l'rlm." nni U?id"ipe nrU In "II and uter ? n. mdl iUw ll,l l" ! f'' AiMlie liulriiotlon n tl e bmnehwi. f0H"il.iiill"nllon given Io il.liiln;;nl engrailngon wood. "'" Cull and Sou T.J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, T II1H M1W QIT.VRTKIUS IN T1IK A Bli'o insimnej? HulMIM. "";$ niwclHliuidClieimkelostreeU 'O-IIX PRINTING. SANTA ABIE Is prepand only by iha A MEblCALCO.,Orovllle,Cul -innlv by the AIHCTinr, D. BOLD AND GUARANTEED BY W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, ,o STATE ST.. SALEM, OR SNEU, HFITSHU & WOODARD. Wholesale Deoot, Qwi. i. TIIK LAIlfllJiT KHTAIII.IHH. rn'n..N.u-;vvsriiir,k,,s!; ' Hlwim rrliilT,niiciii, DAVID T. WILLIAMS, i'rirrltr uf B w " h I lad tor ii nnffiJtlJ. I . . 1 J I ITflr III1U W- . MMTlllllllfa ffi notions, tnereoy .--gglSWw. Mathews 4W. 145 2.23 2.03 1.28 ISl 1.13 JiS7 li20 1100 115 11.48 11.25 11.12 10.50 10.16 ia iu.i 10.13 iaos Die 8 0.1 1 9.01 K.M &M 8.10 7iS5 IUI WO ftii &21 001 m i. i ii lMliniiB! w tanMUUb of jnsaulte and Uncolnjraserm. Zjri- toffromWtoWojrwrf. T.aJORV, Box 01 ,! 0r' JS.JE TboUtt on Earth ta Dllworth'- JAVA FLAVORED COFFEB. ,ll.lyr-.'11)'',"1" 1 le by H0TII & GREESBAUM, (Tb.ojH.HrTi-i at. win CourtSt- r pmAH SSa'rja vwa?i ., at By . "".1 QHiKy"t c7ia..w"CHy q s j. "porUand. Oregon. UntS PC ins SV 8nd FBlggr uai ., , w 4,. Kor. NOTlOHtl'O TAX-PAVBItS ii i ..,, II W& M SAlBM.UUKOOX, i. h Orileni by pmtnl cnnl P""l,lC iyj?t0ndl tot'loth called fcr AllVANTAurw u..,ilW. ,owver . H d( """ ' !"... -...- .r. MK-lt rwww. HUMMING lid DIKING. MRS, C. A. RICE .i!JL-.-- - jS'Sf i- -. "f- rf. WK 4 mrJuuaiia''l"Ff !CXlmT A" fini WliAl i OiAMtW 8 B T I Q iXHUKAJ'lM rjuv HIM. k Bt' 1 ! ii Ul : Mi' fl I I 'il .: 14 i '5fl i a. . 5 "" i vjjfi V-'rfl i.' i!! 1 M ill t E ? ii W. .YA .W ti i It a ' in 1 fl i 1 M I ML jJkfl Jfc. . rfSJM.-