CAPITAL JOURNAL a MM 'I h 1 hr. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1SSO. NO. 204. MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale or Rent. 31(500. A tiyorun grist mill andtfwelllne house, in good location and custom. onS- holf mltM rmm Ktnvtnn 11a to .L. - good bottom land, suitable for hops, 10 ncres In cultivation, the rest brush And ilmhan tfrsu4 anil nlnn itlixn ,.. Addmu T dw-lm. " iBMMMWMlMin TL A Tin ib unwu m mm 0 1 LONG FACES. HOWARD BftdTJiEfiS RaisWg and -DO . General IlouSe Moving, Repairing Work promptly done at reasonable rates. Orders -lea at Capital iouitNAi. olflca will receive attention. 9-U-tf "WEST BROS. "iVave moved their meat market from 300 H Commercial street, to W Court Btrcet, where they invite tail their customers and friends to call and see, them. They guar antee all their meats, etc.. as represented If you want a nice roast, steak, pork orany thngjln first class meat market, call on West Pro's., i Court street, ONLY SELECT STOCK KILLED. These gentlemen have been, In Iheliutph r business in Salem for a Jong time and they Have built up a reputation to be proud of, its turning out only tho choicest meats that the market aftnrds. To Representatives and Senators. Wm, Myers, the cigar manufacturer, oflers you special bargains In cigars and tobacco lor tho next month, His especial brands aro "SALEM SPORT" and " OPERA BELLE. " His goods are all first-class, as ho his hod twenty-one years experience in the busi ness of manufacturing and selling cigars. Cigars by the box at special rates. WTLLIA-IvI MYERS, 205 Commercial Street, - - Salem KEAlCESTATE. Is a corporation duly organized and operated under the laws oi the State 6f Oregon. It began business In March, 18S8, with a capital stock of $20,600. On To your money until you seo some of the bargains In Real Es tate ottered by THOMAS & PAYNE 7 Statffl St.. - - - Salem. One-fourth block and neresl dence on Center street, only $28,50, five and ten acre lotstwomi lea i from Salem, clean prairie. Gpoiihouse and lot in block 48 only $1000, and property in all parts of the city and country. Fine residence property in .Los Angles to exchange for property here. UAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1st, 1888. Messrs. Wk-LLEIl BROS., Knipm Oreeon. Oeutiemeu - W. W U pta oenuyot maun.u j-"-.-. tibw " white cross- eiii.-i"i - you by ma 1 to4ay a very neat show card wM we would llta u jsz ; lent)" In your store, and which wUh u thoattentlon of your trade U, the It has been our intention for some time past to place upon the market the fluent pasi 10 P'lj ,.. mllnuractured In tnu W un" ate rnonths of study and Smenting with the proven brands now before the ibllowel"""1t. TaTt succeded In placing before 'Jf' yotucanunhun.lym- mend them 10 your -"";-,.. Tne that can possibly oe """"'",' nch as to will bo large. -jn By complying with our request you win mfcrtevoruponiow.a A The First Sale Made By This Company Was in April Last During the nino months which have since elapsed it 1ms mado 107 sales to 104 different persons. Of the purchasers 85 have bought farming lands. Tf i,nt.nion Hnrinir this Hrnft sold 61 residence lots in Salem. Of thoxo purchasing but 25 were residents of Marion county prior to purchasing. The remainder were from tho following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3-Multnomah Co. 4-Clackamas Co. 1-Yiimhtll Co. 1-Mon-.., jAnn,.ofint.i 4-Kausas 10-Enclnnd 2-Colorado 2-Washlngton Territory 7-Iowa 5-Dakota 3-Indlana 2-Callfornlu 8-Nobniskn 7 Ohio3-Wiscousinl-Mlssouril-UllnoIs l-PcHnsyivnuias-uuMumii . m.i. .,. n.ot coioa nm nnt. confined to former residents of this local ity, but that people aro swarming In lrom the East to mako their homes amonirus. The business ot tins company is i-uiimuimj ......(,. - ... , ii.n ....! Miv.ut i.irtnllib 111. Uuin half oflts Bales have neon mauowuuui ui v.u ......v ...........,- . n ... i ...,., P 1in vnnr wllpn SAICS lire USU.IUV null, lliv tUOUEU IU1S IS u a u" "' "" "" ' . . ., company has from 15 to 20 men constantly employed. Ithasrcprescn n ves on Puaet Sound. Ithas three men In Portland, Utoot whom give It their entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, wlio last year Introduced so nutnv immi grants into this State, is now in the Eos .crturing am n advertising literature exclusively iui uiioia,...,-.,...,. - State with bis first excursion on the 4th of April next. This company is now spending more money to advertise Salem and the surrounding locality than Don't vou dlsllko to meet pooplo w ho go about w Ith faces tho length of a yardstick? And when your voice rings out hi n merry "Good- mornlnc" Isn't It shocking tolia-o a sympathetic gloom cast over your own bright seir by tUeso long-iaceti lxxiplo, whoso first thought is to tell you about the tiumerous alliAcnts which afflict them and "ako llfo burdensome? Hut I ought tosyiU iwthlze with such people, because I know hut linw linrd It Is to appear Sunny and cheerful when onb Is af flicted almost beyond emluranco. I becatuo so dlseournRctl that my "grimvlsago was long enougn to HRim lmimlness over halt atiorcn fences," and I was fast becoming prvmuturclvold. At last my mentis Virevalled upon mo to consult Drs. Darrln, and now after a row wcoks tivntinpiit. I nm niv glHlsh self ngtiln, and am into all the mischief a-going. VKUA MlLWUlTON. Pouti.ani), January 25, 18S0. HOW MIIS. CLINK OA1NKI) THIHTY 10UN1W. For thirty-llvo years I haye been ailing with a complication of diseases peculiar to my sex liver, Kinney, indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia. I commenced treatment one year ago, and J. nave neon resuiren, iu health and strength, and hiivs gain ed about thirty pounds In llcsh. Dr. Darrln cured me by the eleetrlo sys tem, with very llttlo medicine. 1 have lived on Sanvic's Island, Or. for the p,st rortyllve years, and now reside with my daughter, IN'rs. John Sax, at 253 Second struct, Portland, Or. lUfertomo. Mnrf. Maiiv Clink. OllK PEN HCTURKS. Short Skftchcs oT Onr Law Makers And Prominent Men. HCy. Q. V. 01M.HAM. Hon. G. Y. Glllham is a represent ative from the eastern part or tho state from that scctUm kliown as Grout county where hols en go Red In the. practice, of medicine, uur subject was born In Josephine- coun ty, Oregon, February 22, I860, and moved to LnGmndo In this state hi 1663. In early boyhood ho expressed tho desire to becomo a physician and accordingly when ho had attained the ago of nineteen he began tho study of ids chosen profession. IIo entered tho medical department of tl,o University of California and after in of hard and careful study ho j-nuluatod with a good showing. After hu completed nis nicuium course ho returned to IiaQraudo and practiced medicine until four years io when no tiecuicu a Metier nuiu was open mr him In Grant county. He located at Harney, Gmnt county, where ho now resides. Dr. Gilliam is a strong republican, and Is nerving his first term In tho lfouso of repre sentatives. The Salem Board of Trade and All Oilier Agencies Combined ! Within the past twelve days it lias paid for ami contracted for advertising vo mu u.v . Over Fifteen mmdred anil Twty-FiVc Dolbis, --SttSttS&ttZX" TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES .,.,ratoi any w ir'1- Wo "."."", ..". IhI i it n. UL'uuuiuj - ...ii. r.f tun rnu.Huii tii- i" e,.elyl''rMe;fU.oB BUW, l.r rrjriSSm.M.. W.lontaiUtl,.v.ry . - ;,,TbTSi i pw '' " "vo dvr""u ONE THOUSAND PAPERS who will thus be piacea , ; . Uckc(od for tUe TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKUN. This Is to certify that I have been n.iililiil with a dlsiDin-eablo dis charge from my oar of twenty-live years' duration, nnd only muim rv- lief under Dr. Damn's sKiuuu treat nient by electricity and medicine. My ear has ceased discharging. Will answer all Immlrles at Mlddleton, Or. QkouokM. Fua.nk. uniATin 111IKUMATI8M CUHI'.I). EntTou Oiikoe.nia.n: Please say In your valuable paper that Dr. Darrln cured mo of sulatlo rheuma tism, general debility. Jlver com i..ttit ..'ml nialiirlal troubles. Itefer to me on Huwoll street, Alblnn, Or. I 31. UOMMONH. uu For ,h0 wnithus be plac T for the ofllc of y all of those who como to thU casi fflE DREfebN LAND COMPANY. 1.- .Ju- firing to sell trill Hud It - "' these reasons i- t of this company. If you wwh to ssssSSSb idopedi. ot "'X,lttr. lr"..mi.otM. y ppUancs to tt,JhMtt t. flah. hunt. y-Hoo. 1m; tries nnd " JiJllth lWnI that i. required to & Ugii OUIDB. which wiU be Ufe, MONTGOMERY WABOju. 111.714, Uchica Avenue. v'""" plTce their lands "-- ,t where BUYERS COME TO BUY .wi left for le You' .. . '..... ,ma where property J or If you wish to buy -vd d don't want to ouy. EASTERN PEOPLE DO. -. -.irWe. We . .(Sbthefyworj Mtlam d.yor . tiaa and cbioh . 4 ,41. &AtWttamt- r J. W. .umwalt, Albany, Or., (for. nuirlv of Moro. Wasco Co., Or.) cured of an uggravated ease of rheu matism nnd spluul complaint. James J. McGown, 127 Thirteenth SU, Portland, heart disease, palpita tion nnd genoral nervous debility uiirwl. Vi.lnA Welxtler. Wtol), Umatilla county, Oregon Citturrh, cured. George HJlHinllWU, MBtnrk bt., Portland Stopjmge of the tonMluot, etirwl. Ml Luoy Morgan, .Monmouth, (iwK-Cr0fuMy(, truljliteil In oile minute. 15. AiiderHftil, Sarem, Oregou CatA'rrh nbveh years, eureil. C. Hideo, HeVn rtillw Wt of I'ul- terio'n, Of. -WV and Kidney trouble, drsiIllH un i1iis over the wfiolHBy'sfoi", teslorod to health. i,k. iiAniuN' H.ACK uvimismt, Drs. Ihtrrln'can be consulted (tec at &t Fifth street, oorm.r of iraln, Jt.rlland and Blem, Or., Chumeke to hotel, and lkker'- hotel, Hugene ri. nAArdTi. where thdV are peri inanantly lootl. Office liouw from 10 tii 4 dally; evening, 7 to 8; Hundsyrf, 10 lol'Jl All mow ehronle dffc. low oT mauhood, bkwl taint, eyphllU, glwt, Knor--i..-.v .trtatiir- nieniUtorilloeca. , ,u.v..v m- 1 - - KMHlnal weeltnes or lo or newre 01 tMxUr Iri man or woman, oftUrrh and dfnvH n mIWm- tlally and uearuliy inieu. furwt of privj dUewee iruaniwtwl and never ju&nii jn wi- HON. J. I HOK- Hon. J. Ij. ltoo is a ropreontntlvo fmm Union county. It often hap pens that the Imiulrlng student of biography when delving among mo r..ini of tho Uvea of distinguished mnn. is struck Willi IIIU lltimui-i m .,..., H1.M.1 who have commenced tneir llfo career on the farm. In such oc cupation tho aspiring mind Is brought face to face with the beauties of niituio, the germs of after greatness very often unfold thenr n,.lvi and strike deen root In tne ler- tllo soil of ambition. In the present loirlHlaturo more than one member can trace back the llrst proinpllug of his bovhood to the Happy days wneu i, wl-nt whlstllnir after the plow and mimicked the song of passing birds, In tho balmy sunsiiine. air. Itoo is 11 farmer representative and resides lit Huinniervllle, where lie owns n beautiful fann. He was horn In the state of Pennsylvania, January 10, 18.VI, in Huntington county. He came as far west as Iowa In IMfl, wit" His parents, wlmm bo resided until nine years ago, when he cnino to Oregon. Mr. Itoe Is a trainer or the iniini as wen as a tiller of the wH. l'r' ,(i7- 1878 ho taught school during tjie tvlnlnr iiioiitlis and farmed In the summer, with tho exception of '78 iirlii.ii lm attended the 31lMsolirl Htate Normal school at Kirksvllle. Our subject Is an eiiial sullraglst and protectionist, and a close student of political economy. He has left behind him ;nn untariiisiimi record and has made a iiuintier of warm friends. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events of the Whole World for Twenty-four Hoars. A MYSTIC I.K.VOUK. It Member Admit the Melhmln ot the White Cl. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 13,-Sov-eral weeks ago Professor D. Henzel, a French proresstir who, lives at the Clifton Hotel, leco'.ved ft prluied lio !... ,n, with n skull mid cross- bones, warning him to change his ways, and charging that ho had made himself obnoxious on several occasions ami was a habitual drunk ard. He laughed at the notice. One week ago he received a second warn ing, reading : "This is U10 second and last warning. Dawaro of tho Mystic League." Again the professor laughed, but not as heartily as before. Friday im Htnrted tin street. He Im emno aware that ho wo being fol lowed, andlkept ft watch, hilt soou his pursuers disappeared. When ho reached the next block, and was passing nn alley, ho wan suddenly (ittacked by three men, thrown to tho ground and In-aton with a neavy stick. Three teeth were knocked down his throat, his noso was brok en, his head severely bruised In sev eral places and his legs left In a stale of Innocuous desuetude. He will not fully iccover for some time. DIHI'ATCIIF.S. Treating basln-on madb 11 ennlof fuiiee in Peiisylvanla. What next V. Hf liyudulot Dakota Is appoint ed Sup't. of tho Indian sohool of Balum. Mt. Vesuvius Is In eruption and aiiearthuuuko was felt at Naples yoMorday. Tug WIImoii was arrestwl for mur der at Beuttle, on a telegram from Walla Walla. Tho Portland grand lory Ignored the hill against Johnson, accused of (Mnrtlrtgham's murder. Tne hill known m the Heott ex elusion MU -oW tile CAllAirnla leKfsTature.VilenKHiallWiigeongren-to enforce It. uklte'f Aralr Silft. T1j bet aalve In the world f (uttt,bruUv,ore, uloem.saltrhMiin fever eonai, tetter, chapped liamN. ptillblalui. conn, and all skin erup tlons, and positively rea pllt, i no pay required. Kb guaranteeil to give perfect aatlactiou, or iiioue) fefundod. Price 25 eenU Ier box. Kor aal - Dr. H. W. Cox. A Corner mi lleef. Sr.lidUiH.Keb. ia.-Qovernor Hum phrey of lCaiiwis has selected HI. Louis as theplaco and Maron rJiisuiu tliiieforholdlnganinter.stateconveii tlon to Investigate the alleged pork and beef combine. The convention will bo composed of a Joint eomhllt teo of senators and llvo representa tives from tho legislatures of Nebras ka, Missouri. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Arkansas, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Ailnuuu iVnil Wvoinlng. Hnviinil of the states huVo already been heard from favorably, and there is llttlo doubt but that all or tiieiii will lu nmriwuntcd. Tile liuVOnior of Pennsylvania has expressed a de Mlrn to have that state represented, although Pennsylvania was not In vited to take part in tliu movement. W lire tlnliil! to Heeil. Lommin, Keb. iil.-Cardllial Man ning says : "I recognize In America a decided tendency to, as I call It, go towed. 1 rear that In America freedom of divorce has done much to break up domestic lire, and it cer tainly requires hut slight observa tion to see that In tho oIhwvuiico of Hund.-vy you liuvo drifted far, far aU ay front tho usage of yoilr fore fathers. I fear America morally Ih going to seed, add lierBuuday news paiors must have had something to do with it." 'Xr"?i.'ZL KrV-tuen rvf-pwfwitmeat after vWt Tf Cuut 4 UUt Tlulj eall at the Orange Htore, 126 Butaatreet, if you want a Bood t er anyltlag Je In tho groeerv jlne. Don't ra! tplooKaUlie White (troM KxtraetV. the bt lu the mar- lloiiluHBer' Mw Mereli. Kt. I.OL-1H. l'el. 18. Tlmltepuhllc aiiiionucee that it lias gmsl ronsons Ui b,-lUv that If (leneral nouiauger obtains a divorce ho will marry tho divorccsl wife of Jimeph I). Lucas o this city. The lady Is very nanii- miiiio, and In now In Italy. Hho be longs to an old and prominent rat. Louis faml y. Who lirst met ihu- langer in New York In 1H8I. The lirntll Tln. OtiDKN, Utah, Feb. 13,-The most msirtartt election tl'iat has ever taken plonj In I7th 'Jut over. It was a IlK'it "V tl'o aenllles, or lib eral party, for a fwithold 111 the terri tory by the election of a mayor ami council. The result of tlio cfeotlou U a complete victory for tho liberal ijdudldttto- for mayor, who U eleoted by u majority of 410. lli Iillarr Mcliui. VituiiMlAi Nevada, Feb. 13. It U olalmwl here that the vote to estab. lUhastato lottery here similar to thuenoln Ioiillana, has curried. t- l-M I1. -J - iWbjr Ttjr Th, Aiuerleaii Klr, ro very muo, J mired lit Hindou, aome on accouut ofthelriunk faeutand other onao- eount of their Kreenbaoka. n .4 ll.UkuJN.I..D MbAAlUlA Mlli liif 0IUA1UUI IHV.IIKI. WMf L!l h ut ipeavrv. wiiwm i' ti k. ! DON'T BE MODEST , The doatota' Uy-U UmlUJ la Ba- ALivKLOMK XihJk227a2& . aw' kL t-r Ttt3dtn.W.l.taw Co. Tf U nOddKellowiriiJd; 7err 8. ,bthfyo?y0'Bt welcome to ride with uraay si twp. jah. ytaWO.6 J you" J.T.U mtcrfo. Secretary