THE LEGISLATURE. Tlicy are Preparing to Hold Night Sessions. THE GOVERNOR SUSTAINED. The Portland Water liill is Knocked Completely Out. THE END APIUIOACIIETII. Much IVork Yet to bo Done Still With Tirst Readings. limy SENATE. MONDAY V. M. SESSION. II. B. 40, to construct wagon road from Chetco to Port Orford ; read third time and passed. H. B. 13, by Crook ; read third time and passed. H. B. 93, by Fell, to build a wagon road from Heppner to Monument ; read third time and passed. H. B. 01, by Maxwell, toaidTilla mook county in the construction of a wagon road from Nehalem to Fuqua toll road ; read third time and passed. Committee on corporations report ed unfavorably on Dawson's bill to regulate foreign corporations doing business in the state ; postponed Unfavorably on Morelock's bill for a public soda springin Linn county; postponed. Favorably on bill to amend McMinnville , Roseburg, Baker City, Hauler, and Jackson ville charters. FIRST READING OP HILLS. Eakin. To provide for the con struction of a court house in Lane county, allowing county court of Lane county to issue $60,000 worth of bonds for the same ; read three times and passed. Wager. To provido for times of holding circuit court in the Sixth judicial district ; referred to a com mittee composed of senators from counties comprising Sixth judicial district. Committee on education. To amend law relating to school dis tricts, allowing the fund arising from a five mill tax and from the irreducible school fund to only be appropriated for teachers and appa ratus ; read threo times and passed. Gray. To amend Astoria charter; read twice. H. J. M. 8, by Waldo, asking con gress to set aside a pnblic park in the Cascade mountains ; referred to committee on public lands. EVENING SESSION. Committee on claims reported favorably on Fullerton's bill author izing state treasurer to pay to Doug las county money known as North Umpaiui Bridge Fund. Irvine reported favorably ou S. B, 5 to amend Albany charter; en grossed. Railroad committee reported favor ably on Dawson's bill to establish a railroad commission : read third time and passed. TUESDAY A. SI. SESSION. Communication from Judge Deady in relation to claims; referred to claims. S. B. 201, Introduced by Tongue to amend Chap. 76 laws. S.B.216, twenty-two bridges across Skipanon creek with amendments recommended passage ; adopted with amendments, and ordered engrossed for three roads. THIRD READING, S. B. 32, To provido for the ap propriation of regents of State Nor mal School, moved by Tongue that the bill bo referred to the com- mitteoon education with instruc tions to amend. Vona nnri nnvs called for the amendment: yeas 13 nays 16. On the passage of the bill; yeas 17 nays 11. H. Bills 18 and 40, were reported enrolled nml transmitted for the signature of the Senate. 8. B. 79. Fullerton. To appoint places and times for holding supreme court, and for reporting decision and publishing the earne; passed, yeas -2, navs 7. S. C. R. To appoint a senate and House Committee to visit the Salem Orphans. Home S. B. Ill, Unaniraousoonsent for committee on corporations to report Riven. Reported for passage with ft few amendments. Adopted on third reading. S.B. 35, Fullorton, To authorize the Gardiner Mill Co to keep a boom m Umpqua river for twenty-five years; carried HOUSE. MONDAY P. 31. SESSION. Napton. BUI to enforce the.Conv mon LaW nnd British Statutes In abseuee of other law; la ost. Canton. Tim n..j.. .. r!n i :uuiDg me mar- riage aws prohibiting marriage of 5 SE--U .vx, lutiiiairv.s ivnitn ivma... ISiiMhn - ""6au oiooa ; lost. Consideration of governor' a veto i roruami water bill- Trina. . ft-. ' yeas 37, "") , aosent 1. The sustained. veto was TUESDAY A. M. SESSION. uusj caueu to order by Speaker j"iu in iu a. m. Abseut ieven. Reading of journal dispensed with. Committee on Commerce rnnnrtn.! that they had ohiiImW.i w...... Bill 37, introduced by Northup, re lating to the pilotage on the Colum bia and Willamette rivers and re ported unfavorably upon its passage. On motion of Thompson the bill was considered engrossed and placed upon its final passage. Passed. OUR PEN PICTURES. Short Sketches of Our Law Makers And Prominent Men. HON. J. J. FISHEIt. Hon. J. J. Fisher is one of Mult nomah's "chosen nine" in the House of Representatives. Generally speaking the ranks of the medical profession are made up of a class of gentlemen possessing great stregtli of mind, highly cultured intellects and a loftiness of character which is necessary to command for them the respect of the general public. They are therefore entitled to the great confidences which are necess arily reposed in them, and which they guard with all the great trad itional honor of their noble calling. Amongst the physicians of Oregon who are highly respected is Dr. Fish er. He was born in Missouri, Jan uary 21, 1841, but shortly afterward his parents moved to Indiana, in which state he resided until he had reached the age of manhood. He is a graduate of Rush Medical College at Chicago, and began to administer relief to the sick and afflicted in Ill inois iul8G9. In 1871, ho decided that the state of Nebraska was a bet ter field for his profession, and ac cordingly removed to that state, whero he resided for several years. For two years ho was coroner of Merrick county but 18S0 found the Doctor in Oregon, where lie has re mained. Ho settled in Alblna, Multnomah county, where ho is en gaged in his profession. Wo will say In conclusiou that the doctor is a stalwart republican and has always been such. HON. ASA II. CROOK. Hon. Asa H. Crook is a joint rep resentative from the counties of of Curry and Coos. He resides near Ellensburg inMho county of Curry, whero he is busily engaged in farm ing, dairying and stock raising, at which he has been unusually sucess ful. Mr. Crook was born in White side county, Illinois, December 12, 1837, where he resided until ho had reached the age of twenty-one, when the western country with its won derful tales of adventure and of gold became w fascinating that he at once left for Oregon and landed i n 1858. Mr. Crook isageutleman wlio by his courteous demeanor and con siderate nature will make friends wherever ho may go. Ho has had the honor of being sheriff of his county one term aud is now serving his second term as Joint representa tive trom Coos aud Curry. He is anactlvoandwell known republi can. Wa He HleJ D"'1 George Washington was of superb physical development, absolutely free from all taint of hereditary dis ease, a very temped man, and lived during most of his life in con ditions favorable to longevity. ct he died at the comparatively early age of 67. When we read in his bi ography that the first action of each successive medical advlaoi -was to Mk ifthepatlent had been bled, and then to proceed to more bleeding to make a sure thing of It, our wonder at an early death may be eted. On the last day he , bLth times, and the physician Innocently lays of the last time that the ''blood gajsuiiuD would did not now jnj. suppose not. AcantlleverbridgeUtobebuit asthe Colorado at Needles. wSuieflmtofiUklndon he humbt ! Yankee pride a WtU jjj that the MJ SnJnhHrdte :h1oSdltUU thing ship. AUa. m In txlltlflllll? lilV r,J" OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. News ami Notes of General Interest The Westerner. to At Albany no one rai.-es enough celery to supply even the local mar ket. The Three Sisters lias Wn ini-.m off the upper river for a feu- xx-.s.l: .,.! 1 . . ' uu is now lying at Corvallis. Linn county has seven incorporat ed cities, viz: Albany, Brownsville, Halsey, Harrisburg, Lebanon, Scio nnd Sodaville. '?200 an hour is all It costs to run uie uregon legislature. The present session comes high, and will cost nearly $40,000 Newport thinks sho will s-oon have n. narrow gauge railroad in operation from the bav to connect with the O. P. Portland's smallpox expenses amounted to $10,185. Smallpox, aside from beluga dangerous visitor, is expensive as well. Thursday will not only be St. Val- eutine's day but it will also mark Oregon's thirtieth year as a state. Oregon is a full-bearded man all the year round, for grass is green hero always, and tho t-chool-boy defined grass as whiskers ou tho face of the earth. A grange has been organized at Independence. The membership is over forty. They named tho new order "Oak View." The grange movement Is spreading and gather ing force throughout tho coast. Their resolutions aro many of them full of good ideas and the effect is felt for the better. MEMORIAL. T HAS l'LEASKD A HIGHER POWEK to tnkc from our midst our brother, . J. l'cntlnnd. to a lilelier eiiliero. We know uot why these tilings' tlimilil bo Died Dec. 6th, A. 1). 18s-Wc only know tlnvv are. Wo mourn, but hono to meet In a futuie that Mill contain mora oftha Joy and less of tho sorrow that Mil to tho lot of mortnl man. Our brother was a man of whom It enu bo truly snld wns everybody's friend. Ho nuu oven a coumy coinniisiioner, ic-iiii. tornndoxcr cerof lhittexlllo Grunce No. 74 which he tilled honestly to tho bent of nis anility. He It Resolved, by lluttcvillo OrmiKO No. 71 that In tho death of our brother, P. J. Pentium!, this OrniiKO nnd communi ty slitters an Irrepressible, loss and e sympnti'Uciind mourn with the family In theirs and our loss Hesolvcd, that this Omngo shall be draped In mourning for thirty days and n copy of these resolutions bo sent to the family nnd ono Bent to tho Capital Joi'it nai. lor publication. JjOH.N'8. VAl'OIIN H'.X MATTIIIIUJ F. FELLKH.Sccy. Ni:V TO-DAY. T V. WILLIAMS, HTi:NO(lItAl'ili:it V . "I'd Typew rlter Copy lit. Will uuiko reports of tilnN, etc; copliiK on type writer accurately and neatly done. Otllre wthloorA.AInnulns,SI7CommorclulBt. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS You are hereby request d to come forward nnd pay your tuxes nt onco, as tho same. will beoomo dcltniueiitw!thln thirty dajs from this dale. I- M. Uiioi-mn, Hherlirnnd ColUctor of tuxes. Halkm, Ok., Feb. 1, 1K. wtf. $50. ROMS. $50. 0. no hundred head or brood mnres and vnnne horses for sale. lorty or filly colts expected in the spriu Two tliio horses, Clyde and rcn-hcon stock, weight sixteen nnd seventeen hundred; have been with the band for the past three years. Original stock from tho best quality ol mares. For articular ''r ltffiw wM. tsulem, ur. GRASS SI. Can furnish either Mesqulle or u mixture of Mlsqulte and IJneoln grass on twin that will allow vou to seed down your farms at a cost of from M to Wc lr w. T. C. JOKY, Address. llax W.HaUM.Or. xrtmdlw REEDS OPERA HOUSE. E.NOAOKMBXT EXTBAOBHINAUY. II, Tne Wonderful Violin Virtuoso snd Grand Concert Company nAJzistsrVur& 55Er,wsta. Tlmrsday and Friday Evenings, rrtrlyHll,i,i, m0 t IVttoa'' MSIU M ffl NEW AMVKUTISKMHNTS. NOW OPEN! BOOT AND SHOE NEW 5V STATK HllM0 11M) No u wmiNMw m i)iiMoni.ii)n? nun lU3ljlllUlj!i i GikhIs marked In plain tt;urv. KeuiemlHT the pliu-c and give- n n call. BAIL15V F, BODWELL, Stt Stulo Street. Salem. B p 0 T S r B r I S t -r O o fvv s i-f o is s WM. BROWN & CO. di:ai.i:ks in Leather anil Fi CASH l'All) VOU Hides, Tells anil Wools, 231 Commercial St., Salem, Or' CALIFORNIA! the "smM-z.w.ay I I . . wT" ' ' fcCoW'fiWlk ,ed or CircuIjr.lMrfaK'tJka"- MiEIINE MEDtco.flreymr.fAu: BOLD AND ClUAItANTKHD Y D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 Statis St.. Salem, Or SNELL, HFITSHU &. W00DARD, Wholesale DoDot, VDWICHT'Sl TOE COW IlQAND. TO SODA DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD U8E Dwights Gow-Brano Soda Saleratus ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. J) (on tMt tiM U s pletur of s CVw en jour ekf wl 700 1H hT Um l.l Bod io4.. TnK oo, ,iuD. Cll! COFFEE! Tit lUirt (Hi Karth lit Dllwortli'M JAVA FUVOREO COFFEE. 11 h iwMJjr r4wl him! wly X -tiU HOTII & CKKBNBAIJM, m Ut Hum UruMn.) CiurtUt .... Hulam STORE. STltHI-n'- m. MilUMIMl) Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it "m," (Ilex are ullti MtlUfiiclloii, nnd cus. tniiicrwIllillrtinclilllsMiys II IstliiMiuly remedy tlml kIxcm lustuiit relief. Hkiiui i.i. . t'ovr.ii, DniKxIsIs, HherslTe,('il." Hnlln " tlioploisiirtitoltirorni ctVU yon tluityoiir rii'PiinilliiiiH me ineetlnc IIK liiino wiles. Wo hour Nothing but Praise K uislun tiu(is(itliem, iroin any IliK (v Nanscawkn . to., Uriiuiilsls, VlwilTii, till." That It 111 iirediiipllsli the end (Itwlrcit I n nil n (hi't Ions of tlKiTlirixitiiiid I.uiihm U. . , ; 1 1 hmiI )iin not only will nut l Will ulllimil It xxitx'lr, Inn Mill roxiiiiiiiend It In dlliers, as tliunsHiiils )iiim done, wlin Iiiimi tried everytliliiK elke In nlti. Money Is mi olijwt here aV'n.'.aii" Convince You trlttlliKsiini ofiine dollar ohm Mireliiiso u remedy Unit Mill stand lietueen )oii undone of tho most drmilrd of human Ills. Circulars sent free, eontHlnlng detailed tleserlptloiiB. SANTA ABIE Is iirnixirril only liy tlm AlllKTINIt MKlllCAl, CO.. Onivllle, Oil. MAKE TIIIMMIXII MRS. C. A. RICE Wkb Ui iBforw tlm UdlsUttl tluit sb hi iwejmrtvd Mi (to IflMMtlkHf und aisswaiiiii( ui iu mi trtti lHfim Ih lb u amn- LATEST ST VIvTSS" hr itftn HmIshc ytwi IMS. rdf. fill I HfO jtf t, P stalls. jKiir ;kack PMr. vn.ii 1 ili nun umw MH4 MJk. rut. OH. ALMKKT. Att, telui, Uvoa nil IK! AM aa-SfeaJ ' -" -i ttamm IMMII'ifeSlOSAI. CVltDS. Dlt. J. M. KKKNK. 1). 1. H.. DKNTAI. rwins o er lille Corner. OIWco lMinrs Sii.,m. to 5 p. 111, l) M. K. SltCOY, I plnslolon itiid MirKtvii. tins UhUh nnd mkeu nnmis mid 7 t Mrx. SurxeHnls In the oMfn hons I'lironlo dltcwses a specialty, CoiKiiltntlon fr, l-ilUlv UK. MASON, DKXTIST, SU0 oossor U) Dr. .1. C. Dynl. Olllco oum Bush's Bank. Ut.Al'K-.MlTlllMJ N0T1C1 I'.J.I.AUSKN.TltK UKI.IA11I.K Wmron iilnkpr, lini timxtnl to IX Smip ntreet, ISHv Injrrelimvwl liNnliop lt)in the old ituul, Uln titiiinereliil nlnvt, on HeiMiint ot tli erix'tlon of tho new brink. Mr. Iieii will l vIphmmI Iiimv liN old euxtoiners unit um timny new onw hs will sharo their l-ti-oniiKu Willi hlni, at hl new lountlnn. All work k"iiiiiUh-(I. Next to Serllier A IHilile' ho. l-K-tf. REMOVAL NOTICE. JOHN KNK1UT.TUK 11I.ACKSMITU mill wiiKon milker, Ini'tmov (Ml lil hoi In No. am Liberty Mrvet. where ho will bo retidy firbiislne'Hiiuer Moiidiiy,.Iiiii.!ISlli. I wNIi to stiilo to in) lUeiuN mid piitrom tluit I will bo belter preiwred from now on to (vtri'ittn ull work In inv line limn miy tlniubemre. Tliiuiklneiill for the llbenil mipixirt 1 liue revolved tit jour hiiml, 1 miijoiini roMHH'tVully, .lOHN KNItlUT, I.llK-rty Slnx-t, Hiilem, 0n. BLCKSMlTIIIXr. and IlOHSKSlIQEINn. SGRIBBR&POIILE llnve moxed to V nml 4t Stnto utrwl. where they iirti now rtxuly for work. All our old imtriiiiH nml frlemlK (ire Invited to enll hiiiI kw IK In our new locution. Wo nro belter irvpureil for work now llmli eer huxliiKMH'iired nmro rtHim, 10-Mf. BKACKSM1TIIIXG anil WAGOXMAKIXfi. IDIIN IIOI.M, TIIK UM) ItCI.IAlll.r. -I 1 II ii nb ulil II li liuu 1 Xltlit itil Ilia kllilll l(k ff KIUV nninit I lion iv((iii til" nxi... u iMrneroft'oimiiereliil mid rheineketo Hln., where ho lx rnuly toKervothn public, lluv. I...- I. .....I ...I.I. 1.1... ,H 1 II .H .... iiii;iipi.inii,ii,ii i, i in i, nil ..ii. i,. Miiinii,,iiii exiierleneed wuKon.itiiiker leeetilly mini IV..II.....I I... Iu ....... -..I Lull... III.... I ill llilllii, nil ! nil,, i'iihiii-ii i.i-iii-i limn mertiiilo nil klndHiif wiikoii iind eorrlanu iiiiikliiKiind reuilrliiK; nil klmlx of bliiek. miillhliiK mid reinlrnii. und u uenenil horreMlioelnit hind noun, lie Iiiim nil klmU iifnli(K',lei'l,(rollliitf, hiiniliiiiide,et(,mid IllHtliem hi it Heleiillllo liiiinner, Hihh'IiiI iillenllon Klxen tiithiicoiintrtlctlnii of wiir. oiiHiind eiiriliiKoi. Itenieinber tliu phire, (ipiHialtuHluto Iii'uimneo bnlldlli. .XIlSOI'.I.I.ANKOtN. POKTHAITS. Mux lim opened i ntndloKt riMiin 11, Kli-Mt Niitlnnm bunk bulldlnir. niyilo CiHiko U prelxireil In riven e nriltTK fur mririiilH nml liindiHvipii work In nil mid xvnter eolom. (liiided i'Ihhmw will uhui bo formed for the Inntriiiilon In llxulirmiehtM, Hnoehil iitlentlon L'lxen In iliwlKiilnir nnd ciiKniliiKin wikiiI. iblf. Cull tl SSuo T.J. CRONISB, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IIIH NI4W (tUAUTKIIH IN TIIIC Hlule Iiimiriineo lliilldllitf, Cor. Com inerolul mid t'liemckelu utrevtii '0-ltf NTING. QNIUlr'TIlK IiAIKIIJiT IWTAIII.IHII. nienlN In the Hlute. lAivtvr nttm than . iirtliind. Irk-t lM'k IkhI lllmikH In IheHlnle, n (I hlKKenl dlMiiilllt. Hend fill prliHi IUt itf Jnli prlnlliiK, nml uitnlncue ol UuhI blnnkii. It. M. WAITK, Hlwini l'rlnler, Hnlem, Oreuon. DAVID T. WILLIAMS, -I'roprlidor of Sab Steam Lanodry. S.U.KM, (tHK(ll)X. I. H. Onlurn liy umu orl iiromtit ly uttoiidml to. Clothi'H cmllcxl for nml ilollvurml, ADVANTAfIKH Or HTKAJI IAUNIMtY. 1. It dixw lUwnrk llHirmighly, hutirnvor miIImI tlm Kurinent. 2. It dim IU work promptly, at It l In deiMindMit of Ihti wwlhw. L It (Iimm IU work liurmlixwly. not In Jurlnic Um shithw by tui-?ry wnir nml tfar, nor by tho out of InJurHHM h4o lla. i. lUelwrKM r iiMwt rwnmM, m IdcrlDK Iho ituallty of Iu work. SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE. ArrMiiiiiiiU lutve Ixw MHfipMwl for diwulnx it lull mid p-irf-oly wiulitped Huallinx I'ollry) in HmWih, III (lit time. Th wiilrx uir Hwif of llw I'lrUjtHtluiuil IWnk but Id line l u u rMtrrurnrMt tor tli wImk, Willi ottlm. Iwllk.lrU'., ft btwltMM imtciim. ntruriu.iw will l ntvvH, HAY und iCVItNINO, , In HiwIHik. (ifHimiMr, fMtwuMhlii, Uvr r)miliw,lii:l-iud IXMtMM.KHlry llw, Hu4it4M Form-, Cuttt I04f(iftl IaW, Hliorltiuml. TyMwrltlnib. . A tut uihr bfui Iw Mwalhtl Ui h yf3fk wliMtthw Ti-Im4 will Im In ftifl iu itrUormi kh4 t4il"Htttl lumllyt om Inr lb butiluwn 4v--Miual, mmakkm $ut lh a)tHlHMMl diHMrtHHml. nioi' uun vlJl-;lv WUilM liuioU. um ftunt Mm mi, IH wktak 111 i-JumJ hmiU UUiMt nl Iu l)Mt U lU bwrt. Ol TivicRilrvkAiMwiu ut Mtuty tor Al.y4 HlISIM (OI.r.KOH. PR