V ' ' -flS?"" tt!(sr CAPITAL JOURNAL. i 4 & '1 JBBBBBBBfcTifffjiiyMBBff VOL. 1. HISCELLANEOOS. For Sale or Rent. $1600. A two-run Krit mlq and dwellln bouse. In godd location and cuX "fie hair mile from Stayton. Also t i?'?nj EUUU UU.IAJlll 1UI1I1. IIIITIIM. n 1 a f crra iu'ctiiution. the t braftM tlmhei: good soil, jprlce l$li:o. Dttuiuiu,oMtjwa( urejjon, SAIrfEM' R-. FRIDAY FEBRUARY S, lio U Company 1SS9. NO. 200. A 1 - - ""V , rtibo ia noma rir ..ii..t- u. ouiuiuie ior Addres. J. dtf-lm. HOWARD BROTHERS1 Do fieneral House MoTiag, Raising' anJ irinj. ,york promptly done at reasonable rates. Ordere :left at Cai-raz. Jotmif At office will receive attention. Ml-tf TTftve moved their meat market from 300 II' Commercial street, to 91 Court street, where they invite all their customers and incuua vu uuii una Bee mem, rney guar antee all their meats, etc.. as represented If you want a nice roast, steak, pork or any thing in first class meat market, call on ONLY SELECT STOCK KILLED. These gentlemen havo been in the butch er business in Salem for a long time and they have built up a reputation to be, proud of, as turning out only the choicest meats that the market affords. Is a corporation duly organized and operated under the laws or the of Oregon. It began business in March, 1888, with a capita? I stock of $20,000. State LONG FACES. To Representatives and Senators. "Wm. Myers, the cigar manufacturer, offers you special bargains in cigars and tobacco tor till) next month, His especial brands are "SALEM SPORT" and OPERA BELLE. " Ills' goods, are all first-class, as be has had twenty-one years eperience In the busl nesa of manufacturing and selling cigars. Cigars by the box at special rates. WILLIAM MYERS. 205 Commercial Street, - - Salem (t IRKAICESTATE. Hold Jl 8 B To your money until you see some of the bargains In Real Es tate offered by THOMAS & PAYNE 07 State St., - - - Salem. One-fourth block and flDe resi dence on Center street, only $26,50; five and ten acre lots two miles from Salem, clean prairie. Good bouse and lot in block 48 only $1000, and property in all parts of the'clty ' and country. Fine residence property in Los Angles to exchange for property here. The First Salo Jfade By This Company fa in April" Lasi. During the nluo months which have slnco elapsed it has nmilo 107 sales to 104 different persons. Of tho purchasers 85 havo bought farming lands. It has, also, during this time sold 01 residence lots in Salem. Of those purchasing but 25 were residents of Marion county prior to purchasing. The remainder wero from the following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomah Co. 4 Clackamas Co. 1 Yamhill Co. 1 Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas 10 England 2 Colorado 2 Washington Territory 7 Iowa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 California 8 Nebraska 7 Ohio 3 Wisconsin 1 Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Pennsylvania 2 Unknown 7. This shows that sales are not confined to former residents of this local ity, but that people are swarming In trom the East to make their homes among us. The business ot tms company is constantly increasing, wore than half of Its sales havo been made within tho past three months, al though this Is a season of the year when sales are usually dull. The company has from 15 to 20 men constantly employed. It has representatives on Puget Sound. Ithas three menin Portland, twoot whom givo it their entire time. Rev. F. J. Strayer, who last year introduced so many Immi grants into this State, is now In tho East lecturing and distributing advertising literature exclusively for this company. He will start to this State with his first excursion on the 4th of April next. This company is now spending more money to advertise Salem and tho surrounding locality than The Salem Board of Trade and All Oilier Agencies Don't yon dlsllko to meet pooplo who go about with faces the length of a yardstick ? And-when your voice rings out in a merry "Good morning" Isn't It shocking to havo a sympathetic gloom cast qveryour own. bright self by theso long-faced peoplo, whoso first thought Is to toll you about tho numerous ailment )h.lch nflllct them and make life burdensome? Hut I ought tp sym pathize with such people, because J know iut, how lurd It U to appear sunny and cheerful when one Is af flicted almost beyond endurance. I becaino so discouraged that my "grim visage, was long enough tu soaro happiness over half a down fences," and I was fast bccoinlnfl prematurely old. At last my friends prevailed upou mo to consult Drs. IXirrln, and now after a few weeks' treatment, I am my girlish self again, and am Into all the mUchief a-golng. Vkka Mii,i.kiiton. Portland, January 25, 18S9. OIIR l'EX lMCTimKS. Short Sketches of Our And Prominent daw Men. Makers BAN FRANCISCO, Not. 1st, 1888. Mos-s WkUiERBROS., Salem, Oregon. Oentleme-t-We had the pleasure re cently of making shipment to you of our new A Vhite Cross" Extracts, and send vnn hv mull trwlnv ft very neat show card which wo would llko you to place promi nently in your store, and which wm cau the attention of your trade to the goods, it iin'hPn our intention for some time past to place upon tho market the finest line of flavoring extracts munuuiau. ... thi ronntrv. and after months of study tmd experimenting with the prominent brands now beforerthe publlewebaeat last succeded In placing before you a qual ltv which bevond doubt has do superior. We can not too strongly Impress upon you that yon can unhesitatingly recom mend them to your customers as the finest that can possibly be manufactured. The pacing And style generally Is such ai to attract attention, and we predict that when your trade have tested the quality of the goods your sale for ' White Cross " extracts will ba large, .,. By complying with our request you wiu confer a favor upon yours truly, A, BcmiiLlNO A CO. HOW MllS. CLINK C1AINKD THIRTY POUNDS. For thirty-live years I hayo been ailing with a complication of diseases peculiar to my sex, liver, kiduey, indigestion, rheumatism, neuralgia. I commenced treatment ono yeur ago, and I havo been restored to health and strength, and have gain ed about thirty pounds In llesh. Dr. Darriu cured mo by tho electric sys tem, with very little medicine. I havo lived on Sauvlo's Island, Or. for the past forty-flvo years, and now reside with my daughter, Nrs. John Sax, at 253 Second street, Portlnnd, Or. Refer to mo. Mrs. Mary Clink. Within the past twelvo days it has paid Jfor and contracted for advertising to tho amouut of Over Fita Hundred and Twenty- Five Dollars, The second edition of the compauy's pamphlet descriptive of Salem and the Willamette Valley Is now In press. This Is an edition of TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Otabe.UIIMlylllustf.lea any W liiipbkt We '"''"" whom we most nesiro 10 rweu ... -:"-,, .. . ,, i nnners do not circulate. Wedo not advertise- e 113 in the local press, but we havo advertised In more man salo wo make ONE- -THOUSAND PAPERS ThoBUYKUS'OUIDBU ffllaotusemlWor. chaso the luxn or tba necessities of .Me. we can clothe you and '" ". appliance, to rtdb.danWJS . flsh. hunt.' mrt ? or stay at homa. nd V Srfiu .tylo. and quantities. Just what 1. requlredtodpall tegS COMFORTABLT.d you ea rtsJw. estimate of the value of the D-n OUIDB. whiob will b. ' "n u receipt of la cenMi .W VvT MONTGOMERY YUhu y- .'. 'L ,.. .... U .. .lonend upon Eastern buyers for the gSt bulk of odr XnWr '7 -nurlL the next few months our advertisements :K:irrjKu.;m'',''""'' neutv ""v THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. . nartles desiring to sell will find it to their Intomt t pUoe fielr lands W bavc lC wbere BUYERS COME TO BUY- - .. . Hr come where property f- Wr -H. Vour If you WW! 10 UUjr !' vant W uuy. 'JtUlW" - " - TO WHOM IT MAY CONt'llltN. This is to certify that I havo been troubled with a dlsngrecablo dis charge from my ear of twenty-llvo j ears' duration, and only Jound re lief under Dr. Darrinta skillful treat ment by electricity and medicine. My car has ceased discharging. Will answer all inquiries at Middlcton, Or. Gkou(u: M. FitANic. HON. WII.I.1AM AHMSTUONU is oneot tho Marlon county repro sentatlvca. Ho came to Oregon in 1STQ. He was born in Ireland, county Lyons, February 25, 1829, and landed In America, at Now York, on May 27 1845. Sixteen years later, 1K01, we find him settled down At SU Joe. county, Michigan, where, he ofjlolnted tw postmaster Under tho administration of Presi dents Johnson nnd Grant- In 1870 ho nrrlvod hi Oregon and Is now a highly rtcctcl cltlen of Balem. Mr. Armstrong Is a suoemaker by trade. Ho Is a prominent member of the Masonic ami A. O. U W. orders. He hss fullowetl republlwn Ism front the, tlmo that .Fremont was nomlnatetl for presldoutf which was in 185(1. Mr Armstrong Is an active worker aiid I looking nfter his part of tho legislation In an able manner. hON. CIIAfl. A CQOSWKl,!, is the democratic aeuator from tho seventh, district composed of Crook, KUmmtli, and LaUu countle.s. Mr. Cogswell is au attorney at law, and resides at J.akcvlow. lie was born in llutland, Vt., Jan. Itrd.ln tho year 1811. llecamoto Oregon In lS50nnd settleil whoro ho now sldes. In 1852 ho came as far west as Illinois and In 18(11! hu onlisted In tho Union army, and Httrwd until Jan. 1811). Ho was under tho command of Clou. Thurmau. Ho is now a prominent member of the O. A. 11. Post, and was lleuteuant-colnncl, on tho stall' of Governor Thayer. Mr. Cogs well has had tho honor of being county Judgo of Lake county, and Is now one of tho four stockholders and directors of tho Lakevlow bank. Mr. Cogswell Is ono of tho "sacred nine" In tho senate. TELEGRAPHIC TIDINGS. Important Events or the Whole World for Twenty-four Hours. Kuozr.N sTirtf. Tha Ft of Two tUUnrs Vho Attempted to Kacapci h Crurl Ctaln. OCCIDKNT.Ui J0TTINUS. News and NotfH of (leneral Interest Tho Westerner. to net EASTERN PEOPLE DO; 111.14 -MfijMn Arenue. ChlcacO,Hl- In Odd llow lIruP?AlIJ,J?aS Commercial and Ferry iU?u eTWT w urtlarat7ip.nu ,,itiiV DON'T BE MODEST, wekbinet6riuwltn- fp or HCIATIO r.UKWJIATISM OUJtKD. ISditoh Oukoenian: Please say In your vahmblq j)aper that Dr, Durrln cured mo of sciatic rheuma tism, general tleblllty, liver com plaint and malarial troubles. liefer to mo on ItussoU street, Alblim, Or, L. M. COMMU.NH. J, W, Zumn-alt, Albany, Or., (for merly of Mom, Wasco Co., Or.) cured of an aggravated casQ of rheu matism and spinal complaint. James J. McUown, 127 Thirteenth St., Portlaud, heart disease, palpita tion uud general norvous debility cured. Volna Webster, Weston, Umatilla county, Oregon Catarrh cured. George H. Hamilton, 3li Stark fit., Portland Stoppage of the toar-duut, ouatL Wiw Luoy Morgan, Mnninnutli, Orggou Gmwfoytf, strulghtened In one. minute. E. Anderson, Balpju, Oregon Catarrli seven yenrs, cured. O. Hlese, seven miles wont of Ful lertoq, Or. - Lvr ,nud klilu,oy troubly, dlzzluuMs nd ulus oyer, the whohtrivstmn, rmtorud mliealth. DIJ). HAU1IINS' VLApK OF HOWNIpt,!,, I)rs. Darrin oan be consulted . froa at 3M Fifth, street, comer of Main, Portland and Haletu, Or., ChQeKf hotel, and JJaker's hotel, KuKvng City, Oregon, whre thoy are per manently lowted. Oniea houm from 10 to 4 dallyi pvenluipi, 7 to Wj Kundays, 10 to 12, All curable elirutilo dlscttses, loss of iiiuiiIkmmI, bU taints, syphllta, gleet, go'""" rlMwjo, trltore, tiMumUnthuMu, Mtiilual weakntM or kwt of dtwl wf ezual powir In utati or woman, eutarrh and uWaeiu are oftntlden tlally and MieeHnfully tnted. Currcfl)rlvllle (P"""11 tBilnvr publUuL jM'theiier. Ctnuuuvfntftec Most n rpealve now treatment after a visit t the 4rtwlxi01e The doetorsNaUyU limited in 8- Tho big steamer Oregon. Is de tained at the Coliimblufa mouth un der Hiimll-po iiaruutluo, Thu Herald hits assurance that the narrow gaugu will lw extended to Albany before many mouths. Albany's HiimllMix quarnntiuu was raised yesterday, the patients having all recovered. The Albany Democrat, with Its usual good sense, predicts that Kaluut will raise tho fc!0,0()0 for tho woolen mill. The general opinion is that a lino new (vnior will bo placed on the Yauulua and Han Francisco route before inuiiy weeks. Astoria unfurls thu soorlwt llug as her signal of danger uud distress. Koarlet fever prevails to a limited ex tent lthln 1 he jlly. Kugeue Is also to havo an Iro fac tory. Arrangements havo Ihsjii Hr- feetud and tliospruy will 1st congitil (si into solldllletl coolness as early as May 1. HeKrts are In the olloct that a live iugrnli)jrrti)ithUeuti Jjwper will Ih started In Fortlaud wm. It Is eiipvcltxl tow;lm I'lmuilx-llke from the Hshe of the Tt'ifWit, Wuslny Houghtuan dlnl at Oregon Cftyafuw days aim. Ho was thu largest man In Clackamas county. Hbi wojjflit was If pounds and his hlKlitoV.crsl-.fwt, Hnton county far trying toliavo the ofllcv p( oounty tveordur ereuteU for them. Theraare but six record, entln Oregon, lit the other oouu (lea the qlerks transact the liusineM ofthatofUce. , Jt seem that the poor ImiiilRrnnts to our coast nrtf no longer to havo thu privilege pf sleeping on their way out u 11 leal they help to srnll tlij-iiillnlte fortune of the great Pull inti oar uionojwly. No mora free lee per. Nkw Yoiik. Feb. 8. Tho Fall river steamer Old Colony brdught In a sailor named LcaudorKntdoon, badly fioren, and tho cor pso of an other man whom Kaldoon know on ly as "lllll". Kaldoon says ho Rail ed from Now York mi tho 4th, on the schooner, J. F. Heames, Captalu McDonald, for South Africa. Ho fore willing, and after tlio' voyage was begun, the crew were treated tnost atnxlously by tho tuiptalu and ihatc, and resolved to makb a raft from soiifo planking ithd logs bn deck nnd desert at night. Flndlufe they coliUl not mHko tho hift litrgo eitmighto hold all the sailors they drew lots to seo which two" would escape. Kaldoon and' 'lllll" won the prize, and launched tlielr raft at 11 o'clock last night, Thoy ex peotdd to make shore, but tho whtd shifted and carried tli6m'outlu tho middle of the Bound. A heavy sleet storm prevailed and they were wnbheri overboard. Tho Old Colony picked them up. Hestonttlvcs wero used and tho hnir-fruzuii men worn rolled in hot blankets and rubbed. "Hill" was boyoud human aid. Ho gasped a few tunes and died. Tho men wero encased In Ico when res cued, and no Idea of saving tho lives of either of them was entertained. TItritn blrllun nml (tut. Uuooui.YN, Feb. 8. Tho strikers or thoso fortunate enough to secure re-employment, took out the ears which they had abandoned fourteen days ago. lllchardson was pleased when hi saw all tho lines opumtlngt and promised, on their reinstate ment they would have nothing to' do with the Knights of Iiiibon Am thu now hands have been retained' only about two-llfths of tho old hands got back. Til? AnnMiilmritt. 1 Wahiunhton, Feb. 8, Thu com lnltteo on woman's stillmgo reported backi favorably the Joint report pre ssing n constitutl6ual amendment to pnihlblUdenlal of right to voto by tho United States, or by ono state, on account ofsex. It was placed on ' (he calendar. Tho minority report will bo made soon. tWell Aaktxt to JImIk". Wawiiwuon, Feb. 8. The pros fdcut asked fur tho resignation of Harold Sewell, consul-general to Samoa, on thugrouud that his vluws lire not in accordance with thosu of thu stale department ami administration. A ;l Nulclilf. IticiiMONi), Va., Fob. 8. Cajlt. Jailiw C. Willtrr, secretary to Gov. Ja, was founil dead In his olllco at tho state capital yesterday, with a Inillgt In his brain and a revolver by his side. NoohUho Is known for thu act. A riunear IXmtll. IMitTliAM, Fen. 8. Philip Hltz, of Walla W-illa, formerly n resident Of IWnton county, Oregon, died tit his homo hi Walla Walla yesterday. A iivalttir una or uUtt' f04. NowirtByllvyli-Wyttrf Mift, U deerMMft, b mWd IkWt J5r, h W uawbuSilvyptioft prl IIA dulr U VMTT JaiBfttt(l ink ruUr UtM. Or. Hratrp' IAiWHIAb Tl !? tj Urtiaifrrunamtia4 it (a patftwrtt tu prirtr rtiMtletu, Ihjnbj rjyiUjlB Xh4 SKA bjr U. W. Matbtw Co. Short ami tMiit CourtlilH, Daisy Dandelion, lsux, Ct., Is porplexisl over thu imestlon of short and long codrtshljm, and waists our advice. Well. Dalsv. It Is Jiard to Hiakd'a rUW to lit every (SweHul In guiiurai w win say mat long eourt shljm are not alvlsublu. Many wtiiiiuii. nale. IniL'xurd. wan and -wasted from long continued uterine ailments, are forced to banish all thoughts of marriage. Hook 'unfor tunate sufferer should know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a plUvu euro for tho most compli cated and obstinate cases of lyucor rchea, exeesrtve llowlng, istlnful luerrttruatloil, unnatural supnrMs- luus, prolapsus, or railing 01 1110 woinh, wwik Imck, "feipnle Wk nttii, antuverslou, retroversion, "bearing down suiMatlons," qhronl atonwn, iiiimmauon anuuicora' m i.. ..! IUM stoinaeh and bowels, take Dr. PlercVa 1'elleU. You are . t , s-'l 4 , 19 " j V J.T.aRBUa. JAB.nws' S.O. tSesttArjr.