CAPITAL JOURNAL. WT Y VOL. 1. KEAX ESTATE. Real Estate Bargains. Jl.OOO-, $5,490. lS?tBCr' 6mcs from O 4 C do pot. Good house, bam nnrt tlvatlon. PenCed' nnd'ncul J2,000 SO ncrcs, 4 miles from Rw uood rond to town. Improve! ments fair. Fine fruit laS5 . acres 2V miles from Knlfm ni? ?.Un"dLDe3-,. Splendid land, nil fenced. Slake a desirable 2,50Q 00 ncres 4 miles from Salem. Im- provements good. Fine youne ...m "J? hard, and garden land. W.180 190 acres. 7 miles from Salem. Hill land, nnely watered. Sell in iois oi w-acrc tracU at 823 per acre 675 acres, 8 miles from Salem. Excellent Brass nnd fruit land. "Joining Willamette rlrer. Will sell In tracts. 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House, barn nnd orchard. Largesprlnc at the door. Good soil, and Plenty of timber. 120acrcs, 5 miles of Salem; good roaa wen impreved: stream SALEM, OR., TUESDAY JANUARY 20, 1889. NO. 2S1. ft Oregon Land Company J10,800 Sl,a75 32,400 seo,oo $300 .. K.,nnlH 41. . . .1 t 400 acres (4 miles west side O A C It It) good house, barn nnd orchard, 120 In cultivation, bal ance oak grub pasture land. 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad- no Improvements. 81,200 40 ncrcs, 5 miles Salem; all In cultivation; no buildings; near Rchnol house. Excellent fruit land. 9 1,000 370 acres, 6 miles from O & C It It; all fenced; well watered. House, barn, nnd small orchard; 150 ncrcs In cultivation. $2,750 Slots, with gooanousennd barn, East Salem. Desirable location. Wo have besides this a largo list or city and farm property. Buyers would do well to call and cxamlno our holdings before making their purchases. WILLIS & CHAJIBERLIN, Opera House, Court St., 9-26tf Salem, Or. M I ') I am prepared to sell you good farms nt Is a corporation duly organized and operated uiuferlthejluws oitheState i uiesuu. u Degau ousluess In March, 1SS8, wilha capital stock of $20,000. The First Sale Made By lis Company Was in April Last. t aw mum m mm Whero you will uavo nil the advantages of SCHOOLS, CHURCHEss.DAILY MAIL, nnd HAILKOAD facilities without being overburdened with high taxes simply lor tuo privilege of living near a town of n few thousand inhabitants. A residence of 33 years on n farm in this vicinity gives me n thorough knowledge of this country. During the nine mouths which have sinco elaped it lias made 107 salt's to 104 different perbons. Of the purchasers 8-3 have nought fanning lands. It has also, during this time sold 01 i evidence lots in Salem. Of thoso tiiirMinsiim hut ".") worn rosiilonts of Marion county nrior to mirchaslmr. Tho remainder were from tho following localities, viz: Jackson Co. 1 Polk Co. 3 Multnomaii uo. l uiacKamas uo. i luniiuu v,o. i .Mon tana 4 Minnesota 4 Kansas lu Kiiginnu uoiorauo :: vwisningiou Territory 7 Iowa 5 Dakota 3 Indiana 2 C dlfornia 8 Nebraska 7 m,in aVlanmisln 1 Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Pennsylvania 2 Unknown 7, I V among us. The business of this company is constantly increasing More un v - ',.' though this is a season of the year when sales are (Mia ; " company hnsfrom 15 to20n.enco..Stantlvcn.p.ojcoiw.M-r' on Puget Sound. Itluis three men in lor an -;, '"Z --, ml entire time. Rev V J. btraye, '"--'"",;,,,, tUstlll(Utmg grants into "'"ZMny. lie will start to this advertising iia'r.uuiucAw""j -- . - Stato with his first excursion on tne im m M " This company is now spending more money to adveitise Salem and the surrounding locality than NEW TESTIMONIALS. This is to say for live or six weeks I was troubled with a very severe headiicho, If headache it could bo called, for It was unllko any head ache I ever had or ever heard of. It weakened mo to such a degree that I would frequertly stagger, ami nearly fall as I walked along. It be camosq Intensely severe that I began to fear it would soon end In some thing serious. I was advised to consult Drs. Dar rln at tho Chemoketo hotel. I did so; the lint application of his hands and electricity gave consldernblo relief, so has each subsequent application, nud now I think my head is nearly well. Tho doctor has also very much benefitted my arms which were bad ly affected with rheumatism, ho has also greatly benefitted my goneral health. I tun cheerfully recommend Drs. Darrln toall those similarly aullcted. 11. Vam 1'ki.t. Salem. Jan. 20, 18S0. OUR PEN PICTURES. Short Sketches of Our kw Makers And Prominent Men. A ItKMAHKAllLi: CUKK OK ASTHMA. To tho public:! have been suffer ing with the asthma for over lour years and the last two of them, I have been unable to do any Work, could not walk two rods without bo lus choked, mid most of tho time prevented ino from lying down at night to sleep. In this condition! came to l)rs. Darriu for relief. Now, after four weeks of their Electro Mag netic treatment, I reel HKo a new man. no to bed and sleep without any trouble, havo commenced work again and consider myself about WS lilWllwiiv ... Salem, Jan. 20, 18S9. HON. J. T. AITKUSON. Hon. J. T Atmerson. republican, from Clackamas county, is a gontle mnii loner nnd favorably known in tho legislative councils of this state, Ho whs born In Honklusvlllc. Ky.. December SSI, 1634, making him 5T years old. Mr. Appertain has been a ' YVebrbot" for forty-two years, making him one ofour old pioneers. He served In the Oregon Volunteer Cavalry from 1S02 to ISM. In tho year 1870 the people of Clackamas couuty elected him to represent them In tho House of Representa tives, after which ho served two terms as sheriff. In 1878 and 18S0 ho served as a senator for his county nnd in Juno 1888 ho was again chos en as a representative. Mr. Apper son is a farmer, living near Oregon City, and has for many years been a member of tho board of managers of tho state agricultural society, and has also served as president of tho alio vo society. Ho has been con nected with the state legislature for nineteen yearn, a very creditable showing, and lie Is to-day consider ed nno of tho foremost representa tives ofour state. or liUHi- Two or Move Families The Salem Board oi Trade and All Oilier Agencies Combined ! iwirinn. to locnto near each other will find lttotUeir advantage to call on me. Correspondence solicited and descriptive list of farms for sale sent on PPW Real Estate Agent, Aumsville, Marlon county, Oregon. Hole Oo! To your money until 01 ItlO oaiguiiio ... ---- tnte oilercd by THOMAS & PAYNE 97 Stato St., - Salcm One-fourth block nnd ni ". dence on Center street, only W Ave and ten acre lo tetwomlte from Salem, clean PJn & , m nnd lot in block 43 only !, property in till parts of tho clt mm country. . -, nq Fine residence property in Los Angles to exchange for propertj here. (tor Ifci loW and Twenty-Five Dollare, ry.'!5 "" tho Willamette Valliy is now m i TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES r.,,mstruted fifty l.agc pamphlet. Wo S ee.y in our J( ZZ "& W whom we most do, re to JJ " SW wry w. JXSES" aavertl-l In more than in in" " - ONE THOUSAND PAPERS , wnsUTii buyers for tho &mt bulk of our In the East, ytt2ZlHT our advrUnU patronage. Durin Jo n wi mmmT, 1 ,..tni.n road by millions oi reHuoin H), ""...... ... "inui in . rect conimu.- , Vh0,:? Z,e to this will come t.cKet. - - nonny aii" orru-K nouns and i'i-aci )rs. Damn can bo consulted free at tho (Jhomokete Hotel, Salem, Ore gon, for a limited tlmo only. IthVI. l-lTVTKTltVNbACTIU.VS. Daily transfers furnished tho n. ....- i. JdiiitNAi. by tho Union Titlo Abstnict Co. ollice, Btntoln- urancebuildlng : Addle M. Scrllier to G. StoU. Lots 1-12-7-8 in H. 1 Myors add. o00 A. It. Flint to J .W. Borllxir. H. 1. Myor'sadd tiuu W. WhltlocktoA. Mcclain LandlnSllverton -" J. ) I. Scttlemlor to 11. M. Duinlok Land in Woodbum 6 C. V. tor. i. jiiiii'ij Lot Ulllock 00 N.Salem I). T. Jonos to F. M. Miller. l'JO aoros $roo fflOO ki'i'KKiit. t'umrr. MONEY TO LOAN 1 We have several sums .of W to Loan on good Real Lstaiu. Security for a series Of years To wit, . .t.-. eiooo 1 ONK 1'UItSE OF 5100' Apply booh to Willis & ChamSSi1, U-l; d w lm. 0M THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. n will find It t" tlMilr Uuwi i tor . Vowr Por tliotc wm i-- , ..,,. " .. . i....i3 in mil ijui"-' - -- ploee tnr u .-- mve ,t WIMV BUYERS COME TO BUY .rtvcou wbwroV U iW If you wish to -,g& Uw a M-i EASTERN PEOPLE DO. j iwni Plrf 'mTmLJ'f 0Br dvr,MH TVi Mwtort y,,aT L g-te, Jan. 20, IS- On motion of W. Ulr Hill, J- Carroll MeUuirwy ww Hdiuittwl m- on eertllloHto Irom the wipwiiio omirt of lMnnnylvanlH t pmutlw In ..II .I.- .vuirU lif III lit UU. u,i . . ....w Marvli. MilWr, app- v. v ..- S. Miller, t mI. rwip.; PI1 "'"" Vmw county; Hrginxi ami .u.....- tctl. John KlotrinMii app. w. J w lUyw t Ml. rej; nil "'' '' eoootiuty. Jtulg...nt r-venm. .. . tilt) (M lIWlt(l(Ml JW Ml""' OHnlon by Thayer, C. J. yue riu nrix&HoruM ww Imlf mlU from tJlw(). I. 1C. lt.-0 Mor in enlllVM- Uon, wllh Wr hut MHd iwru, ,ry and (Hhr .Mil IwIUIIiikh. Wiih Mrw III WlWMt, " -l' "-" ,Wihi, iir f 'i sur: cmilb, 1 "' ",,, fcn" uU"h' Hfl J. WW4MMM H Bn.. I uon. JAJiiw u. nta'NDni.i.. Hon. James H. Illundell, a repub lican ivpresentatlvo from Douglas county, i was born in Itrldgcport, t't., May 7, 18IU. At tho ago of ten he started for San FmucNuo, aceo i. pauled by his parents. Curious to say Mr. Illundell never crossed tho plains, as did nine tenths of the lm- ,...-t- . i.unuii tint Horn II vo months. 1 lis folks Immediately ..rii.rnriivliiL'xi'ttlcd in tho mines near Column, In Kl Dorado cotiniy, Cal. Hero Mr. Illundell attended tho primitive schools of tho "10's." During tho great silver excitement known as tho "Washoo stampede" ho went to Nevada, In the groat nihil, but soon returned a "poorer but much wiser" man. In 1805, at the cIomo of tho war ho came to Coos county, Or., and followed dif ferent occupations up to tho year 1871, when ho settled In Douglas county and has since beer engaged in school teaching. Ho is now a nMliloiit of the town of Kiddle, was elected to tho legislature in I8WI and nnd was ro-o ected In lBhs ! in-iil iix ii (t'liHUH eiiuiuerator. Mr. Illundell has witnessed the .rr..iit niMli to California and Is r'"- - , pleased to wo Oregon oncopo suen a Htampedo, as tho jx-oplo are now coining Into Oregon to enjoy tho de lightful climate wo post, aim earn a livelihood at labor and are not drawn hero by chance. Mr. Klnndoll oocunleM a front wmt with in the Imr and Is always at hm Mst of duty. TELEGftAPHIO TIDINGS. Mnrc Citblnrt Tnlk. "WASiiiNaTON. Jan. 28. Allison has refused tho Treasury and Now of Indiana will havo tho place. Tis said on high authority that Thurston of Nebraska has liecn clvcn the Interior and that Wana- innker has tho Navy. The opinion prevails that an ex tra session of congress will bo India nonasble. Tho ccnsiu, the wnslon business, tho territories, tho tarlll, etc., must bo attended to and this session cannot do tho work. A lllff Klr. Dui.trrit, Minn., Jan. 8. Fire was discovered In tho grand opera house shortly before 2 o'clock this morning. It was soon beyond con trol, although tho wholodopnrtment was early on tho spot. At !1: 30 tho building was a total loss. A row of frame buildings next to tho opera house were In great danger, but all were saved except the postolllce, which was consumed. Tho total loss Is $ 20,000. ltUmiirt'k l rullliiK. Kr.ui.iN, Jan. !M. Wlulo speak ing on East Africa's lilll in tho relch stng Saturday UlMinarck's voice was unusually weak, being almost Inaudible, except to those near him, and gave tho linpresslsn that as ho was slightly Indisposed his throat troubled him. His references to tho co-operation of Fngland with Oei many In Fast Afi lea caused a good Imprest-Ion. I'n l- Urn Alut'iiilnii'iil, Wahiiimiion, Jan. 20. Tho house cominlttco on Judiciary hold a snee lal nicetlnix yestenlay to near . milliliters, of the iiilmeni to mo mi- A New nltrirlM. John Holm, the blHckmnlth and hoixwhour, has reiuovod M shop in tin oorner of ClieiliHKolo huh CoiiimurelHl MtreotH.wliHro lm Is now prejmrwl to do all elan or worn in ids lino. 11b wUIiom to tto to the poop'. of HhIhiii and vicinity that ho Iihm mmiImI(1 with him Mr. K. llmnnoii, a wagoniiiHker of ex triiioe. iiimI tlmt hrMfir they will I preimrwl to (In all work In the Hue of wagon and oarriago uwk Iiik, blMekttmlthlug, hiirli(Mjng, oto. They willelt y(ir jmtroiiHgd Mini bV hont work Mini noimsi urt Imijw t hold It, If mm gl1' atrial. Tliwy Uk pride In refer ring l(ipMi work In proof of hIjHUH and old treiw tor mn favow and Mk r wiiiUiHWiH! i iu Mum. HmvwIrIiW k HKslnltjr Mini tlmy are pretrial t furuhiii mwl plate, trotting iih. '"" Htaiw alio, w My kind tl4rtMl. unit ot mi liiueml htltutloiiorthoUnlteiiMaie,giiiiii Ing tho elective franehiso to women. "" a mi; i'k 1 1 Sioux Fai.ix, l)ak.,.lan.27.-TIio inereiiiy fell here yesterday from M) degrees above to ton degiisw below zero in ten hours. St. Paul reporta a very cold wave crowing, tho nior eury being as high as ton degrees above zero and a rapid full Is sure to occur before morning. .So llxlli'r'lliU 'Hum. WAHiiiMi'MiN.Jnii. 28. ThoSen- ate Tarlll lull was not oonciiircd In oy the house and was referred to I in. .....p .i..i-j mill iuihiiih The 1 ('flllllllllll" '. ....jr.."' In 188(1 1 reoii,, prevails that uur govormont IIIUHt IlllOpt HOIIIOKIIIU (II poiio i"n- IHJOtlngthu Polynesian Islos, Hainoa, etc. Hoiiiuii Kmiin Slnro. lliiiu.iN, Jan. 27.-Tho North Our man (laettewiya that there Is no conlllot Isitweeii (leriuany nd Amerloa on this subject, iih It Is only between certain olllulals In Baniou, Ainenewiis unu uunni A ( liuiiKnof Oiipllnl. luwocrr, Arl.. Jan. 88. Tho governor slgiusl the lull to remove thooapltul toI'lKonix. few (Wy niy. TllOMA- A l'AVUIC. For Sale or Kent. ..fAjm,ri-.tfiaSS hair mile from, ; jblTfor b"!. good botUiin land. J1, T,nib I arrert n cuiii"' 1TI1 U. Aaa ?--tlnr; K.rt ". Pn aw'lm' iMaford, Mywn, (jregon. IM fl " - , M pwpertto it.uenTyi"" DON'T BE MODEST tf. You are wo.etoridHUu- whufy,prBH Htrklff AflI ll. "- h4 Nlve lu lit woftd t i.!..Jute,,ukni,iUrbHiit fier minb, tMr, eWl immK, .liilMalm. mrm, awl ll h rup- tlum, Hd KMtltlvXy oun Iu w no n riulrl. It fa gtl u ftv$l MttefMetlM, or iMfty wftlHdwi. Trice 86 ewiU t mx, Ksr ! - Or. XL W. Cex. UmU wll, jKrjrtKwiSsr-wiwi 'iSuVfi). W. Methiw . 0itwl)M ' IwflkwImMt ttnr, awl a H artick. of U(14 oytMu Mt Mori , m mu$ u Kouu'i Hi in o h Ycttterday HfteriuMiii Coroner Ily IhiiiI ooiiduelwl an lniit over the iKMly of old Mr. (lolmlet, whit Ww found ilond In D' ""'' iwtww'1 home near Hllvi-r Creok FmIIm and Hllvertou. HlierllK'roisMii wmk In formed of dm death by upoowi mesngr and Bt once telegraphed the coroner, who replied that lie would attend to the Inipiwt. I He deeeMd wmm m native of Hwltr- laud, alHMit nfty-ight yeaw or age, and father of Hurveyor Uolwhd, who formerly redded In thU eltjr. It U MipixiMod lm wmm stricken with apo plxy or heart (IIm on hW way home and expired. AiUrNt imlHUic. V. T. Klgdon, wImi recntly de- elded t nwke his horn in Urn eaju- Ul eity, will Mt (Hw IhiIIiI a neat rwdleiK-tt on hie Iota lit tit Capital Iterl: Mildlttoii. Lumltr U alrdy twdered Mini work will b under iMHilwiiy within a few day. . dm am l'rrUiU. JullM F. FOX WM lHUIIlUt(tll t Urn MevUuii thW iiukhIihc. He k frwii UhwHIIm owiHt,y and iiMiiM lm k (6)lwd by a Iwnd of iuh und wMimuwln HrvtrytNK to (to him l;ury. lImwwTfMiwifc ' I .'. t' "t