Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 28, 1889, Image 2

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MONDAY, JAN. 28, 1889.
apital Journal Publishing Company.
onice.ICorncrllConrt andJMIjcrly Streets,
Ono ycnr, by mul... ....5 W)
Hlx months. Iiy mull 2 50
Tlireo months by inr.ll . . 1 2."
I'er wick delivered by carrier IE
Ono year SI no
Hlx moiitliH 75
Ono yenr, lr paid for In advance,. I 00
Six months, " " " CO
tjH'oHtmnMors aro authorized to re
ceive subscriptions.
7 itTrlMcrcd as second-class mnttcr at tlio
8nlciii,OrcKon,l'ostolIlco.Juuo2l, 18S8.
A writer in the Country Gentle
man has hit on the true rcuson of
the opposition to practical farm
labor in most agricultural colleges
and departments of universities.
Ho finds it in a letter of some profes
sor of agriculture lately published,
denouncing the practical farm work
done at sucii institutions and calling
for suppression of the work and
confinement to theory! It lets out
the secret by saying that nearly
every student will know far more
about the manual operations of
funning than any of tlio professors ! !
Yes indeed ! Then turn out such ig
norant professors and put in those
who do know about farming
practically, wherever it is necessary.
Tlio idea of running an agricultural
college without ono professor being
practically acquainted with farming
is on a par witli nuiny other college
humbugs. For ages the learned
colleges have been goingon wasting
precious years of youth hi learning
Greek and Latin grammar, when
one year of combined reading and
grammar would eil'eet more than
llvo of tlio old way. So too will the
agricultural schools fail into imbecil
ity if not watched.
(speaking of the above scrvlco the
Pioneer of Astoria says among many
other interesting mutters on tlio
same :
"Should tlio bar pilots bo remov
ed, the ship muster will still pay the
$1,830, that lie does now, and will
not have the splendid servicoaf lord
ed him that lie now enjoys.
To put tho mutter in a fow words,
a reduction of pilotage means depriv
ing a few men of employment aud
giving the well earned stipend
which should bo paid them, to a
The agent of tho bar pilots makes
affidavit that tho manager of tlio O.
11. A N. Co., made a proposition to
him stating that "If tho bar pilots
would guarantee tho company 40
pur cent of their gross earnings they
would we that tlio laws in regard to
pilotage would not bo changed." If
this bo true, when did tho 0. 11. &
N. Co. purchase tho Oregon legisla
ture? Tho vote upon tho pilot bill
will determine perhaps, how many
of tho members the company own."
Tin: sky oleared on Friday beforo
sunrise and gave us a day of remark
able brilliancy. Mt. Hood towered
in its sublime majesty. Visitors
from abroad viewing it from tho
"WUlametto bridge exclaimed : "That
heats l'lko's Peak by far." Tho
reason Is that while the Peak is
favorably viewed from tho ground
eight or ten thousand feet above tlio
sou level, Hood Is seen best from
plaeurt only a few feet abovo tho
same level, l'lko's Peak is only
Minio four to six thousand feet abovo
the point of view, while Hood is
about twelve thousand above.
A witinvu named Frye, being
fined for drunkoness and vilo Ian-
guugo Iwforo ladles in the streets of
Chleo aud the allalr published as of
course by tlio Chronicle, committed
a murderous utoaiilt on tho proprie
tor, A. J. Brown and threatens to
kill him on sight. Such a brute
ought to bo (routed Ilko a mad-dog
running loose.
TiiKitu are two things ossuntlnlin
advertlrtlng: "First got a good
thing;; nml second, "Lot tho people
.know It.
The sudden death of Congressman
Burns of tho St. Joseph, Missouri,
District while in committee on ap
propriations, of which he was acting
chalrman,ls one of those occurrences
which must strike with amazement
tho thousands of people with whom
he was a familiar acquaintance.
And yet such things are happening
every Week, and we still go on grasp
ing and eager to lay up money and
seize honor and power whicli sift
through onr frail hands liko things
made of dry sand. Here was a man
who had more than a soul could reas
onably usk for, whose wealth was
counted by millions and to whom
everything in this world was given
for the asking and who could say,
"now soul take thine ease," and yet
liko Vauderbilt with his hands full
of riches In one awful moment lie
plunged into eterniiy. Wo meet
our friend this evening aud ere per
haps another sun has set ho is be
neath the sod. This should not
inilucnce us to labor in our voca
tions with less energy, but it should
lead us to aid our fellownicn with
liberality and to despise that grasp
ing avarice which would appropri
ate all to ourselves.
It lias always seemed wonderful
to us that tho Chinese persist in
remaining on this coast where they
are so often ill treated and so little
welcome when by going to the states
of tlio North West they would find
a hospitable greeting as farm labor
ers and in various departments in
cities and towns. The few dozens
that are in St. Joseph aud Kansas
City are doing well.
A committee of safety has devel
oped at San Francisco to suppress
the Call and Bulletin eflbrcto revive
Kearney aud his sand lot excite
ments. They aro determined that
city shall never again be dominated
and terrorized by another howling
mob of wild beasts in human shape.
Vade retro sathanas Dennis.
House lilMi NO. 104.
When Govenor Penuoyer stated
in his recent message that it was
lime that the State University dis
pensed with State aid and content
ed iiselt with Its iucouio from iCe
$1SO,000 endowment fund, and from
tuliionj and that its free scholar
ship should bo abolished, a hearty
anion broke from tho lips of tho peo
plo quite widely throughout tho
state. Hut now conies a courageous
legislator from tho classic groves of
tho University and modestly asks
for what? that tho Governor's ad
vlco and tho audlblo wish of the tax
payors bo respected? on tho contrary
that tho tax bo increased from ouc
tonth of umill to ono-.-oventh, and
that the Literary Department of tho
school bo made entirely free.
We mistake tho temper of tho tax
payers If they do not promptly form
ulate a bill that will express their
convictions and ask their legislatois
to promptly pass it instead of this
II. B. 104. A fow facts will ni'iko
tills duty clear.
Tlio pat rous of higher education
constitute what proportion of tho
State? lis impossible to exactly de
termine this, but as only ono person
out of every fifteen hundred is a col
lego graduate, tho inference is inev
itable that such taxpuylng patrons
of higher education are certainly in
the minority.
Again statistics show that moro
than nine-tenths of the pations of
higher education have no personal
interest in tlio Stato i nlvcrslty, levs
than one-tenth pre'erting that insti
tution. Indeed it Is vory much
within bounds to say that not one
taxpayer in twenty-fivo has any
personal Interest In tho Stato Uni
versity or receives any benefit from
It. Yet tho twoiily-fouraro paying
ttielr taxes for the benefit ot thoooe,
and tills besides paying voluntarily,
In many Instances, to susta'n othor
institutions which supply a typo of
education better suited to their
needs. Is it not time that so very
largo a majoilty should bo relieved
from a tax for the benefit of so small
a minority?
Hut what is the university doing
to justify so much outlay? The lust
catalogue gives the following num
ber of students In tho Literary
(wrongly given as Collegiate)
Department: Tu tlio four collego
o1umcs 28; in tlio proarutory course
00; in tho English Preparatory 21;
tvtal 161. Let it bo noted that of
the 23 in the ollogo proper 14, or
exactly ouo-hulf, roMdo in Eugene;
anil of tho 133 in the Preparatory
Courses, 6S or nearly ont-luilf reside
in Kuxonc.
Free tuition, therefore, moans
chiotly a (ivo high school at Eugene
at tho state's expense with but
trilling benefit to tho rest of tho
state. Indeed the first year of the
English Preparatory docs little if
anything moro than common school
work and to that extent it Is propos
ed to run a free common sohool In
the University and tax tlio Btate
accordingly. What wisdom! But
these preparatory courses aro prop
erly work for a mere high school
or Academy, and assueb'liave prop
erly no place, except by 'sufferance,
in the University Halls. They
ought and "need" not be sustained
by teacners on higli salaries.
Indeed such work is frequently
self-sustaining. Yet leaving out
tills preparatory work, we have only
tho College proper left with its 2S
The income of tho Jniverslly
from allsources other than tutition,
was last yea-' ?10,70tJ4, and it was
all expended. Deducting 1209.1-1
paid to the Law School and there
remains $15,132.04 or about kool per
student, and just one-half of these
residents of Eugene. The aggregate
income is not largo for :. University
doing any considerable work, but il
iscertoinly large for a ''ollege list of
only 28 students.
Now as a matter of fact the in
come of the University is more than
twice that of any liko institution in
the state independent of the income
from the state.
It is as follews:
From Land Fund - 7,700.00
" Villard " - - 3,000.00
" Tuition " - - 3.GS3.00
Total $143S3.00
If fee scholarships were abolished
the income from tuition would prob
ably I-e something more than $5, 000,
which would make tho total $ii5,700
or mo.'c. It also has a surplus fund
resulting from taxation of some
Tho University is well manned
with instructors yet there aro educa-
tois in the state who could organize
its leaching force with equal ability
at an expense easily within this re
duced income. Other Universities
in tho state aro doing a much larger
woikon less thanhulf tho amount.
But says one, "i night we not to
so support tho University as a state
institution that we can ako pride
in il?" Ought wo not first of all to
seek to take prido hi doing equal
and ext'ct justice to all rather than
in unjustly taxing tho whole com
mon wealth to sustain not so much
r -'act as an ideal
"But other states do it?" of coutse
tliero is no folly that can bo propos
ed Out some states can be quoted as
having perpetuated it first. That
proves nothing. Tho great stato of
New York h;s no Stale University,
but a board of resents to supervise
and encourage all seminaries and
universities ln tho state. Oregon
will do justly and wisely by fosterius
ing and encouraging every worthy
lustitution'or learning in the com
mon weatli, not oy the gift of money
but by guarding everyone against
unjust disctiminalious in legislation
and according- no pil.ilege or right
to one that is not accorded to all.
If it were once understood that tho
State Uulvesirty must depend here
after, not on tho Stato Treasury but
on benevolent patrons liko Henry
Villard, wealthy and beuovolcnt
citizens who aro convinced of its
usefulness, would doubtless gener
ously increase its endowment as
needed. Would not thl3 bo better
than an unjust tax grudgingly paid?
It may bo added that, tho above
statistics aro from tlio University
eataloguo aud the report of the presi
dent of tho Board of Regents.
Whoever will read theso docu
ments carefully will find abundant
material to confirm tho views herein
sot foiili. Ciutic.
Absolutely Pure.
Iurlly, strength ftndwholesomeneiw. More
aihininliul IllUtl Ihik nn.llitn 1.1..... ....
mitluuMuiiumu itiv milium ItlU. 1111U
muw1 Ins HUt lu eomiwiltltm with tho
luullltiule of low tM. short wekht alum or
.t..wl.i iumk.Iam O ,l.t V.- . .
linio iiria, (Tifiii VUl 1
in (Mi).
Dewnro ot Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy tho
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing It through the mucus surfaces.
Such articles should never be used
except on prescriptions from reputa
ble physicians, as tho damage they
will do are ten fold to tho good you
can possibly derlvo from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and mucus surfaces of tho
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine, it
is taken internally, aud is made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &
Co. Sold by druggists, price 75
cents per bottle.
Michigan produced 5,105,000 bar
rels of salt last year.
Worth Knowing.
Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant,
Lake City, Flu., was taken with a
severe cold, attended with a distress
ing cough and running into con
sumption iu its first stages. He
tried many so called popular cough
remedies and steadily grew worse.
Was reduced in tlesh, had difficulty
in breathing and was unable to
sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption and
found immediate relief, aud after
using about half a dozen bottles
found himself well and has had no
return of the disease. No other
remedy can show such a grand re
cord of cures as Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Guar
anteed to do just what is claimed for
it. Trial bottle free at Dr. H. W.
Cox's di ug store.
In New York city 100,000 persons
work on Sundays.
The undersigned having ben re
stored to health by simple means,
after suffering several years with a
severe lung afl'eetion, and that
dread disease consumption, is anx
ious to make known to his fellow
suffeiers the means of cure. To
those who desire it, he will cheer
fully send (free of charge) a copy of
the prescription used, which they
will find a sure cure for consump
tion, catarrh, asmatha, bronchitis'
and all throat and lung maladies.
He hopes all sufferers will try his
remedy, as it 1b Invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, which will
cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing, will please address, Rev.
Edward A. Wilson, Kings County,
New York.
There aro 3,000,000 more women in
England than men.
Idleness Is a Dangerous Fault
In tho kldnoys. When Inactive they
bpeedily fall Into dlsiepalr. Tho.e obsti
nate and fatal maladies, IlrlghtV-i disease
and diabetes, ensue with terrible certainty
upon tho inaction of tho organs eHected
Caiarih of the bladder, enuresis, eravel
nllrl klmnnrn.v mnnUnln lio nnni nlmnHpil
fromnpuriiiilpurulybls of tr-e bladder, of
wnicu weakness ana siussrsisuncss areme
causes. Hostellei's Stomach Hitters Is a
flue tonic and piomoier of activity for the
renal organs, nnd one which can be relied
upon to alloid them the lequslte stimulus
without excif ng them an effect to bo
feard from the unmedlcat.'d alcoholic ex
claim of commerce. A further beneflcent
eflectof the Iiil.e-s, by renewing activity
of the Kidneys, is to eunblo them to drain
fiom the blood In iis passage through them.
Impunities pioducllvo of rheumatism and
dropsy. Nervousness, fover and ague con
stipation nnd dyspepsia are conquered by
tho Bitters.
The population of Texas by a cen
sus just taken is 2,025,000.
Renews tier Youth.
Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson,
fllniT .Mli.f TV..in tnlla tlin Vllx...
Ing remarkable story, tho truth of
wnicu is voucnoa lor by tlio resi
dents of the tewn: "I am 75 years
old, have been troubled with kidney
complaint and lameness for many
years; could not dress myself with
out help. Now I am free trom all
pain aud soreness, and am able to
do all my own housework. I owe
my thanks to the Electric Bifters
for having renewed my youth, nnd
removed completely all disease and
'tun." Try a uottie, 50c, and $1 at
r, Jti. w. uox'8 drug stere.
A Paris, Frauce, firm uses old tin
cans for making toys.
Don't plvo up, my poor, sick friend;
While thero's ifo there's hope, 'tis said;
Sicker persons often mend;
Time to glvo up when you're dead.
Purer, richer blood you need;
strength and lone your system give;
This ndvtso bo wise nnd heed
Tuko tho M.G. 1). nnd live.
Those letters stand for " Golden
Medical Discovery " (Dr. Pierce's),
tho ijreat building-up, purifying,
and disease-expelling remedy of the
Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit,
and disgust everybody with your
offeuslvo breath, but use Dr. Sago's
uatarrn iienieuy aim enu it.
A glass factory, to cost $230,000, is
to bo built at Home, Ga.
An Atnolntr Cnr.
OINTMENT Is only put up in lui
two-ouneo I in boxes, and Is uu
absolute euro for old sores, burns,
wounds, chapped hands, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the
MENT. Solu byD. W. Matthews
& Co., 106 Stato street, Salem, at 25
couta per box by mail 80 cents.
BOAKDKHS NVanthd, Fo ur
ulcoly furnished rooms with board
can bo had threo blocks north of
Capitol, -104 Summer street. d-lw
. nnd Typewriter Copyist. Willmnke
report of trlols, etc.; copying on type
writer accurately nnd neatly done. Office
with Moores & Manning, 317 Commercial St,
OLIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets
in Odd Kellows' Hall up stairs. Cornet
Commercial nnd Feny sirecis, every Sat-
Secretary. N. G.
These gentlemen have chaigo of the res
taurant formerly kno-rn as EMEItbON'S
old stand, whero they nro prepared to servo
menlsntnll hours. McnWaTctx.
Oysteis served in all htyles. Hoard fur
nished to regular boarders, nt 218 Commer
cial street.
maker, has moved to 45 State street, hav
ing removed his shop from tho old stand,
aitf Commercial Btieet, on account ot tho
erection of the new brick. Mr. Larsen
will b? pleased to seo his old customers and
as mnny new ones ns will share their pa
tronage with him, at his new location
All work guaranteed. Next to Scrlber &
Pohlo's shop. 1-27-tf.
and wngon maker, has moved his shop to
No. 210 Liberty stiect, whero he will bo
ready for business after Monday, Jan. 28th.
I wish to s.ato to my friends und patrons
that 1 will be better prepared from now on
to execute nil work In my line than any
time before. Thanking nil for the liberal
support I have received at your hands, I
am yours respectfully KN
Liberty Street, Salem, Ogn.
ran en
where they ure now ready for work. All
our old patrons and ft lends nro Invited to
call and see us In our new location. We
aro better prepared for work now than
ever uaving secureu more room. iu-i-u.
AVlshes to Inform the Ladles of Salem that
she Is pieparcd to ao trimming ana
dressmaking In nil Its dlller-
cnt blanches in the
Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran
teed. Call nnd see her beforo plnclng your
orders. Vo state street, up stairs. lm.
.. iN FHANCISCO, Nov. 1st, 1883.
Means WliLLEIt I3HOS.,
Salem, Oregon.
Gentlome Wo had the plcnsuro re
cently ot making shipment to you of our
now " White Cross" Extracts, nnd bend
you by matt to-day a very neat show card
which we would like you to place promi
nently In your store, and which will call
tho attention of your trade to tho goods.
It has been our Intention for some time
past to place upon tho market the finest
line of flavoring extracts manufactured In
this country, and after months of study
nnd experimenting with tho prominent
brands now before the public wo have at
last succeded in placing before you a qual
ity which beyond doubt hus no superior.
'Wo can not too strongly impress upon
you that you can unhesitatingly recom
mend them to your customers us the" finest
that can possibly bo manufactured. The
packago and stylo generally is such as to
attract attention, und wo predict that when
your trade have tested tlio quality of the
goods your sale for "White Cross " extracts
will bo large.
By complying with our request you will
confer a favor upon yours truly,
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of
uu oruur, uuu license 01 sale amy maae,
rendered nnd entered of record by the
Countv court ot Marion coimtv. Oretron.
on tho 7th day of January, 18SU, authoriz
ing ana empowering mo as aamtnistrator
ofihoestato of John Hughes, deceased, to
Bun 1110 ruai property 01 wiiu ueceucni. Here
inafter described. I WillonSATUnDAV.TlIE
Uth day op FkiuiuauV. 18S9. nt one o'clock
in tlio afternoon of said day ut tlio dojr of
m-3 i.uuiiiy cuuri iiuuso in oiueiu in saia
Marlon county, sell at publlo auction for
cash in hand on the day of tho sale to tho
highest bidder all the right, title, interest
nnd estate ot said John Hughes, deceased,
nt tho time of his death in aid to tho fol
lowing described real property viz: Begin
ning nt a stnke -11.74 chains,
N. bo deir. .01 mln. W. from tho S. K.
corner of the Donation Land Claim of
jonniiaueranaJNancy 11. linker his wife,
No. -12 and in tho South boundary lino of
said claim; and running thence North 20
ui-g. iiumiu uisio.11 cnainston stako m
tho center of tho County road leading from
Salem to Howell Prairie: thence N.SOdeg.
SO mln. W. "alonsr tho renter nf wild rnnil
10.21 chains to a stake: thence S 20 deg. SO
mm. v.i.oucuainsionsiiiKoin mossoutn
boundary line of the Donation Land
Claim aferesaid: thence S. 65 dcg. .01 mln.
E. .0.70 chains along wild South boundary
lino to tho nlneoor beulnnlnir. nmtnlnlni
3.03 acres of the land more or less nnd situ-
ntPii in section ailnT.7 S. It. 8 W. of tho
Willamette Meridian !n Marlon County,
Oregon, nnd being part of tho Donation
Laud Claim aforesaid.
Administrator of tho estate of John
Hughes, deceased.
To Representatives anil Senators.
Wm. Myers, the olgnr manufacturer, offers
you spealnl bargains In cigars und
luuncui lui uiu uuil lliuuiu,
lib. especial brands nro
' ' S ALBIvI SPORT ' '
His goods are all first-class, as lie ban bad
twntyme yearn axperitmee In the busl
nawi of manutneturtug and selling dgans.
Cigars by the box at speetal rates.
205 Commercial Street, - - Salem.
rnvtrirr Vtoan fSmt,... .
rcpmmoaatlon of the m?1
the attention of the thonfen
entire exclusion ofairh?nUZAT
& wu .uiunuou rnr k.
in Itn
ME meals that arTseldia
.times a day. GiveusTiS
thrift ttm
for yourself.
tc. 'Nr
:. LAW. T3 . .
Cor. Court
and High St., M
I v
Meals, 25 cents: board. 81.50 m, . .
Kreshmllk. cienm and oystfrsnT
219 Commercial St.
1 nd others wishing to board ata oulrt
4.rn?edaSiyarCe,W111 flniUhe b
Cor. Chemeketo and Liberty fits., Salem,
Where a fow select boarders can secu
board. v-u
Salem, Oregon
W, II. COOK Prop.
Formerly iClerk of Chcmkete
Everything New and firet-class.
Convenient Sample Rooms for
Commercial Travelers.
Corner State and High streets'
C. II. MONUOE, J. r. n. Bku
Lato of the Monroe House.;
Monroe & Bell,
m Mi
SamplelRooms for Commercial Travelers.
From 81 to $3 per day.
From this date our business will
be strictly cash. No book or mem
orandum accounts will be kept. No
goods will bo delivered until paid
for. Wo shall keep a full line of
staple dry goods, mens', boys'i aU(
youths' clothing, hats and caps,
groceries, etc. We shall sell goods
lower than any credit house in the
state, and as low as any cash house.
Our prices aro marked lu plain fig
ures. Ono price to all will be the
297 Commercial street, Salem, Ogn.
New Bank Block.
Change in Business!
The great collection of the most tbJilljM
personal adventures on both sides dunng
the great olvll wur. Intensely lntere"oi
Bocounts of exploits of scouts and gpi.
forlorn hopes, heroic bravery, tmP"
ments nnd hair-breadth escapes, ro"nJJ
Incidents, hand-to-hand struggles, humor
ous and track) events, perlluus J0"""!:
bold dashes, brilliant suo-esfces end nw
nanlmous actions on each ride the i
00 chapters. Profusely Illustrated to tw
lite. No other book ut all like it. Agent
wnnted. Outsells everything. -hort
TtmefbrpaymenUaflowed agents snot
of funds and freight prepaid.
FLANBT BOOK CO., Uox 8818.
IMlyw. bT.Loii. w